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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Dont fret Brenda!!


When we went on our mini vacation to Cape Cod I came home 5 pounds heavier.... Just got back on track on Monday and it only took about 2 weeks and my weight was back to normal... You bounce back as you have learned, you like the way you feel so much better that you just go right back to your normal " at home" habits....


For us, we are now in our heavy competition season. I am not at the gym as much as I should but all the hours of dance practice keeps me in shape.... I am sporting a few new gowns for this season.. I have gone for the soft pastel look, and like how the pictures are showing our new look... Want to see, this was last week-end....





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Beautiful pics smooth - and you look great! Man I know you must spend a fortune on dresses - but they are so pretty! :) Loved the white one - the color mix is lovely. One of these days I'll have to go to see one of these competitions - I love watching the dancers!

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The dresses are beautiful Smooth!!


We were on a mini vacation too. We went to Wildwood for the beach and boardwalk. We were only gone for 5 nights. It wasn't the amount of food that I ate, but the bad food that I ate. I had fries and sausage and peppers and cheesesteaks and ice cream. Uggghhhh. Somehow I think it will be easier to eat better on a cruise. At least I hope so!!! I am figuring I can be really good for breakfast and lunch. I can choose fruit, oatmeal and salads. Dinner is where the real test will come in. But, after this fall I know what will happen if I don't make smart choices, so I am thinking I will have an OK time. I have a few months now to get back in shape. I don't know why, but anytime I gain a pound it lands in my stomach.....that is where my lovely (NOT) 4 pounds landed.

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Brenda, after not eating that food for so long, did it "taste the same" to you? In other words, did you enjoy it? For me, and me only, I find if I eat that stuff after a long absence I'm dissapointed so I don't eat it again, as I hate how it made me felt. It's probably just bloat from all the chemicals and sodium in the food. Your taste buds really do change, but I think it takes longer for some people than others.


Yesterday was my birthday..I've done pretty well with my eating my native foods, but yesterday spent the entire day and night at a childhood friend's home who lives here in FLA now..she has a beautiiful home, we spent the whole afternoon in the pool drinking beer and wine, hor derves, then we watched old movies, THEN we sat by the pool all night eating steak, shrimp, grilled veggies, drinking german wine, french champagne, godiva chocolate AND homemade cocount cake and ice cream. It was lovely but i only grazed as I find I can't eat those foods anymore even though I like them. I have no regrets and my clothes are actually loose this a.m as it seemed it went right thru my tummy and I was on the loo all morning!!!


The dresses are beautiful Smooth!!


We were on a mini vacation too. We went to Wildwood for the beach and boardwalk. We were only gone for 5 nights. It wasn't the amount of food that I ate, but the bad food that I ate. I had fries and sausage and peppers and cheesesteaks and ice cream. Uggghhhh. Somehow I think it will be easier to eat better on a cruise. At least I hope so!!! I am figuring I can be really good for breakfast and lunch. I can choose fruit, oatmeal and salads. Dinner is where the real test will come in. But, after this fall I know what will happen if I don't make smart choices, so I am thinking I will have an OK time. I have a few months now to get back in shape. I don't know why, but anytime I gain a pound it lands in my stomach.....that is where my lovely (NOT) 4 pounds landed.

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Happy Belated Birthday Menina!!! Sounds like you had a great day!!!!....and a yummy one too!!


For me, I still love those bad foods and I did enjoy them. However, I can tell you that as much as I enjoyed them I craved veggies and salads. We went to a restaurant instead of the boardwalk 2 out of the 5 nights. I was able to get salad .....of course one night it was fattening caesar salad....but the other was the best, it was arugula with sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts and fresh garlic......in a very light vinaigrette. Of course the food I had after the salads was not so healthy.....like raviolis (hey, it was the Ravioli House!!)....and then I had a big giant steak with garlic mashed potatoes and escarole sauteed in garlic and oil. In any case, it was all fun. I am also guessing that going into Cape May for my favorite breakfasts at the Mad Batter didn't help.....I mean Mimosas and all.....:eek:


Yeah, I'm eating a spinach salad now. LOL

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Check out the Recipes thread..I posted a few salads on that thread! There is also a recipe I make for a "fake alfredo" which you might like as I know you like Italian..but it's actually made with arugula and nuts.


Well, the main thing is you enjoyed yourself. My friends yesterday have a villa in Italy..so they taught me HOW to correctly EAT chocolate and champagne..some trick they learned there..you put the chocolate FIRST in your mouth and somehow the champagne brings out MORE of the chocolate flavor..I'm not a big chocolate person but she was right!




For me, I still love those bad foods and I did enjoy them. However, I can tell you that as much as I enjoyed them I craved veggies and salads. We went to a restaurant instead of the boardwalk 2 out of the 5 nights. I was able to get salad .....of course one night it was fattening caesar salad....but the other was the best, it was arugula with sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts and fresh garlic......in a very light vinaigrette. Of course the food I had after the salads was not so healthy.....like raviolis (hey, it was the Ravioli House!!)....and then I had a big giant steak with garlic mashed potatoes and escarole sauteed in garlic and oil. In any case, it was all fun. I am also guessing that going into Cape May for my favorite breakfasts at the Mad Batter didn't help.....I mean Mimosas and all.....:eek:


Yeah, I'm eating a spinach salad now. LOL

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I have a few months now to get back in shape. I don't know why, but anytime I gain a pound it lands in my stomach.....that is where my lovely (NOT) 4 pounds landed.


Remember that every person stores fat in their own "special" place. :p It's genetics really. That is why you see so many different shapes!! And also remember -the first place you gain is the last place to lose. That's why it's so tough!!! ;)


And Happy Belated Birthday Menina!!! Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate!!

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Maybe for me the first place to gain last place to lose may not completely apply. I remember when I first started my diet and exercise program....in the first month I lost 3 1/2 inches off my stomach. I am hoping I can lose it again there quickly. I feel like its bloat, but I don't know. I know one reason I have trouble with the tummy area is because I had 3 c-sections.

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Maybe for me the first place to gain last place to lose may not completely apply. I remember when I first started my diet and exercise program....in the first month I lost 3 1/2 inches off my stomach. I am hoping I can lose it again there quickly. I feel like its bloat, but I don't know. I know one reason I have trouble with the tummy area is because I had 3 c-sections.


Well, don't take that quite so literally. :) You do lose "all over".... generally. But for those "problem areas" that we fuss about...that is what I was referring to, in relation to the overall weight loss. When I was at my heaviest, sure, I lost inches all over (don't ask me how much - I don't think I ever measured with any regularity!) but the last areas of fat I still have (and believe me I still have plenty!!) are around my waist, hips, and thighs. If I am successful in losing that, I know, that will be the very first place it will go back on. That's where most of my lovely fat cells are. Lucky me. :p

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Myself, I have never lost the desire for "junky" kind of food, even after years of avoiding them. I just dont allow myself to indulge in them too often because it will result in weight gain. But sure, if I could eat these foods and remain at my current weight, I would!! They way I handle it is I indulge when I am away on vacation, I am already out of my normal environment, and then when I return home I immediately resume my good eating habits.


Now Happy, you are beginning to sound like my husband! I usually work with a competition gown collection of about (give or take) 6 plus one latin and has a value of about 25K. Usually my husband donates his annual bonus to the cause!

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He is doing well..... Not too much to report since the last time. So far he has lost 15 pounds and that has stayed steady for a few weeks now. Just yesterday as we were driving in the car he mentioned to me that he was fustrated that he has been right on track and had lost not weight in a week....


Here is where I come in!....Being as heavy as he is I had expected he would not reach this point so soon but I just encouraged him from my own experiences that this happens and you just have to keep on going on and there will come a time that the weight loss will begin again.... I tell you I felt great that I could help him in this regard, that I know the fustrations and yet know the determination to do it regardless of what the scale says.... So all is well!!


Me, I have let up a bit too much. Interesting I houver between 118-120 yet not being at the gym my body has changed and I dont have the ab strentgh I use to have just a month ago..... I have made tons of excuses why not to go the gym and it is harder tp oush myslef when my weight remains steady. We have a money maker comp in 2 weeks and tonight I have made myself a promise that I will get to the gym each day until then..... I hope it is ok that each day I will post here so I can be held accountable.... I can encourage him, but now I need some avenue to be held accountable myself.

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Good luck Smooth! You can do it!! Yeah listen to me.....I've only been out of the gym for a week and I am dreading it today like its a torture chamber. Mine I guess is depression. It almost feels like starting over. I have to go in there and basically kill myself just to get back where I was. I know at this weight it does not come off easily. It will most likely take forever to get back to where I was and that is frustrating. So I guess I don't want to go because I don't want to be disappointed. Oh, I'm going.....I just wish I didn't have to. I want to go back to bed after I drop my son off at summer camp. I simply have no energy since we got home from vacation. For the past 2 days, other than laundry, I have pretty much done nothing but lie on a couch or lounge chair and read. I lost all energy. Hopefully in a day or 2 I will feel like me again.

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Well, look at it this way, if you don't go to the gym you'll go back to having that big cow image in your head and that feels worse than gaining 4lbs! If the gym is too dreadful maybe ease back into it...take a long bike ride at home, go to the gym tomorrow or something..baby steps..


Good luck Smooth! You can do it!! Yeah listen to me.....I've only been out of the gym for a week and I am dreading it today like its a torture chamber. Mine I guess is depression. It almost feels like starting over. I have to go in there and basically kill myself just to get back where I was. I know at this weight it does not come off easily. It will most likely take forever to get back to where I was and that is frustrating. So I guess I don't want to go because I don't want to be disappointed. Oh, I'm going.....I just wish I didn't have to. I want to go back to bed after I drop my son off at summer camp. I simply have no energy since we got home from vacation. For the past 2 days, other than laundry, I have pretty much done nothing but lie on a couch or lounge chair and read. I lost all energy. Hopefully in a day or 2 I will feel like me again.
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Well I went to the gym. I worked out for an hour and I am soooooo happy with myself that I did!!! I'm glad I didn't give in and not go!! Best part, I weighed myself on the official scale at the gym and it says only a 3 pound gain!!! So I feel better about that too. I'm back to eating healthy now so hopefully in a couple weeks I will be back to myself.

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Smooth and Brenda..something is always better than nothing!


Think of it this way, you could have been eating for those 45 minutes!


My plan was to get up early and go...Sure, LOL just not in the cards for me.

The company I am consulting at now has a gym so I did 45 minutes of cardio at luchtime. No exactly what I had planned, but it is a start.

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Well, do what you can..maybe it's time to try something new? I am thinking of joining a Birkam yoga class..they say they heat the room up like a sauna..maybe I can sweat the pounds off!


yeah, i said i was going to do 1 1/2 hours.....that didn't happen...but i was happy with my hour for today.
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Think of it this way, you could have been eating for those 45 minutes!


Ouch. Isn't THAT the truth! :D


I ran Sunday, 3.5 miles, and then spend 1.5 hours at the gym. I love days like that...easier to do now that I am unattached and footloose!! ;)

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My new thing is I am going to buy a new bike..I got inspired by watching a very overweight woman ride her bike to the gym...somedays I see her walking to the gym..remember as a kid mom always said "if you want to go somewhere ride your bike!!"


Ouch. Isn't THAT the truth! :D


I ran Sunday, 3.5 miles, and then spend 1.5 hours at the gym. I love days like that...easier to do now that I am unattached and footloose!! ;)

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My foot is all healed up, and I'm back to working out too. The first one back was toughest, but now I'm back in the swing of things for the most part. It is harder during the summer - all the BBQs, street festivals, baseball games, deck parties, etc. I always bring a fruit or veggie tray so there's something healthy;). Since summer is so short-lived, I want to take advantage of it, so I've been skipping a workout here and there to meet up with my friends. Of course, I'm walking almost everywhere, so I think the two balance each other out for the most part.


So, I finally bit the bullet and used the photos I had from my cruise in April and signed up for eHarmony! I went out with one guy that was seemed nice enough, but I didn't feel we were really compatible - the only thing we had in common was we're both asthmatic lol! I'm going out with another guy on Friday. We spoke on the phone for the first time on Saturday, and my plans to go to the beach were interrupted as I spend 3 hours on the phone with this guy. We've spoken for at least an hour and a half every day, and we have a lot in common, but also have our own interests. In his words, I'm cautiously optimistic about Friday night:)


The baby is getting his 3 month pictures today (a few days early). He's still in the 95th percentile for weight and length. He's sooooo cute. He's rolling over, and, get this, sitting up. It's short lived, but he is pulling himself up. I love listening to him "talk." He's a happy baby, and we love doting on him!

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Ouch. Isn't THAT the truth! :D


I ran Sunday, 3.5 miles, and then spend 1.5 hours at the gym. I love days like that...easier to do now that I am unattached and footloose!! ;)


Not to mention, the best "revenge" is to run into the ex looking even more smoking hot than you did when you were together! You doing ok? Paris trip is right around the corner! Are you super excited?

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