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Review-Pearl Feb 3-8..The long wordy version

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Hey I am a baby boomer, and I can laugh at the fact that we are now considered "old" even though 50 is the new 40. ;) If it okay for posters complain about babies, smokers, teenagers, kids in the hot tubs, it has to okay to complain about boomers. Don't take it personally. jmo

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In the BAGS program you set your bags out the night before, like normal. They give you special tags for your bag and also give you your boarding passes the night before. When you get off of the boat you go through the normal customs procedure and then proceed downstairs where everyone's bags are. You grab your bags (we got off around 9:15 and there was hardly any traffic when trying to grab bags) and head out the door. I wasn't sure where to take them, but they had employees standing right by the door that directed you to the place where they then take your bags which go to the airport. You walk with your bags maybe 30 seconds before you hand them off...not bad at all. It costs $15 a person, and it's added to your onboard account.

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The chocolate buffet was advertised.....very poorly. It was in the freestyle daily, and on the very last page where they put restaurant times. I don't even know how I saw it. I thought they normally put it under one of the activities for the day, but they didn't. I did hear some servers telling people about it. We walked through the Garden Cafe when it was going on and it looked very disappointing. I saw one ice sculpture and that was it. I didn't see any chocolate designs, but again we were just walking through. It looked very down played, and I wasn't disappointed that we didn't get to stay. There weren't very many people there at all....but I wasn't surprised as it was poorly advertised.

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Sorry, I can't help stop laughing at this when I read this the second time.



Ok, I found this funny also. I can just see finally finding somewhere quiet to relax, you're totally content, you doze off and all of a sudden this gentleman starts beeping his camera. Something tells me this guy is lucky the OP didn't send it sailing overboard. I don't think the OP was saying that all older people (and I'm pretty much getting to be one of them) are annoying it just so happens that the ones that he did find annoying were well, age challenged. :rolleyes: (signed by an age challenged person)

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Migglewump Fizzlebottom,


Thanks for taking the time for an excellent post.


I want to give you my support and am ready to be flamed, but I agree with your comments on the rude and arrogant people in this world.


I am in my mid 40's and am only predjudice against arrogance and people who think they need to be the center of attention at all times.


Common sense and courtesy have seemed to go by the wayside. I have been embarrassed as an American to watch the rudeness of some individuals as they treat the crew of the ship as if they are supposed to be their personal servants.


I once watched a guy rip into a server because he said that his ice water was too cold. Needless to say I had a few choice words for this moron.


I do have comfort in the belief that in this universe that 'what goes around comes around'.


Thanks again




countdown.pl?name=Donnie, Jen and Maria&date=3-7-2008&image=Beach-8&text=Paradise awaits&ship=Norwegian Pearl

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Does the BAGS program include Fort Lauderdale airport as well? This seems like a good idea for those who have a late afternoon flight...They can spend the day in town or at the beach without lugging around the luggage.


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good suggestion Coka.


Migglewump Fizzlebottom,

I want to thank you for your review. I need to know what to expect on an NCL ship since I have 3 cruises booked with them and have as yet never stepped foot on board.


Maybe I've been lucky but I have never, repeat NEVER, encountered any rude people of any age, on any cruise, including children or employees. Perhaps it is because I did my research by reading these boards and chose cruiselines I thought I'd fit better with. Or maybe it is because I know I like peace and quiet and therefore stay away from the pool deck with the musicians playing, do not stay up late so do not encounter the people who have had too much to drink and forget what their mamas taught them about proper behavior!


So, it has given me pause to reconsider if I've made the right choice. My husband does not like to dress for formal nights, so I talked him into trying NCL Freestyle. Maybe some paying passengers take the freestyle concept a little too literally: doing what they want, when they want, and where they want and with whom they want.


I hope what you experienced is the exception and not the norm or I'm in trouble until 3 sailings down the line are completed.


With seating in the dining venues at a premium I wonder how a group of people can decide that it is their freestyle right to occupy a table playing dominos IF it is mealtime. Otherwise I see nothing wrong with it if it's between meal times.


If I were to be looking for a lounge chair and saw everyone sleeping or reading quietly on the promenade deck and that's what I, too, wanted to do, I'd sure prefer to be there instead of among people playing boom boxes.


Inside and some ocean view cabins are considerably smaller than balcony and suite staterooms, so the people who choose them know that they need to be on deck to avoid clostrophobia and get a breath of fresh air. So with freestyle....I guess they have just as much right to be anywhere on the ship as I do. If I had been awakened by an annoyance such as the one you experienced, I think I'd just move and be angry, but I hate that, too. But freestyle again, I HAVE the same right to be there. If I'd booked a balcony I could chill out there, hopefully, but I have not booked a balcony with NCL, so your description(s) may be what I, too, will encounter.


Do we need a traffic cop at a 4 way stop to help decide who goes first or depend on the right of way rule? On a cruise ship should we sit down with a boom box or even an ipod with earphones (which do not keep all the sound at the listener's ear), or think "this is the perfect quiet place to place my cell phone calls."? I don't think so!


Common courtesy seems to be the missing element in dealing with sharing a ship with a couple thousand others. I don't have a solution, but thanks for telling us your experiences.

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Its too bad that this review has been reduced to a discussion of geriactrics instead of a 5 day cruise to the Western Carribean.

No offense, but what did you expect. I think that age bracket accounts for a large number of CCers. I enjoyed your review though.:)

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Migglewump Fizzlebottom ~ I would like to say BRAVO to your post regarding the baby boomer generation! I am in my early 30's, I travelled w/ my husband who is also in his early 30's, my child and my childs friend who are both teenagers. I have never be pushed, shoved, or cut off so much in my entire life, except maybe at Wal-Mart but thats self explainatory. Now, I am very strict with my child on making sure she gives respect to her elders. There was always a " pardon me " or " may I " coming from both teens mouths and myself and hubby, even though we were not doing the shoving. But let me tell you, about half way into this vacation of a lifetime for these kids I had it! I came up with reasoning for these rude people - less time! They have less time compared to these kids on this cruise so I guess that gives them the right to push and shove and act like they have to be first for everything! So I told my kids to act like its a very aggressive basketball game and put their guards up and their elbows out! Its a geritol convention and its a free for all! What a lesson I would have hoped I never had to teach my kids! And the only time the kids were in the adult pool / hot tubs that I saw was when a 65ish year old woman "made poop in pool" as the cleaning crew put it! So now I say, can we ban the 40 plus from the kids pool like we ban the kids from the adult pool? Oh and I am guessing the man that was making all the noise w/ his camera couldn't hear it! Oh I could go on for days, thankfully that was the only bad part of our vacation, it was constant so it was hard to shake! We travelled w/ my parents who I totally adore and love travelling with so at least we could pick on them about it to get some frusteration out! Those of you who disagree, I hope you are the very few out there who waited their turn, said please, thank you, excuse me and tried to make your cruise happy for not only yourselves but everyone around you too including myself and my kids. They have a right to be there too, even though some of you think their a pain!

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Migglewump Fizzlebottom ~ I would like to say BRAVO to your post regarding the baby boomer generation! I am in my early 30's, I travelled w/ my husband who is also in his early 30's, my child and my childs friend who are both teenagers. I have never be pushed, shoved, or cut off so much in my entire life, except maybe at Wal-Mart but thats self explainatory. Now, I am very strict with my child on making sure she gives respect to her elders. There was always a " pardon me " or " may I " coming from both teens mouths and myself and hubby, even though we were not doing the shoving. But let me tell you, about half way into this vacation of a lifetime for these kids I had it! I came up with reasoning for these rude people - less time! They have less time compared to these kids on this cruise so I guess that gives them the right to push and shove and act like they have to be first for everything! So I told my kids to act like its a very aggressive basketball game and put their guards up and their elbows out! Its a geritol convention and its a free for all! What a lesson I would have hoped I never had to teach my kids! And the only time the kids were in the adult pool / hot tubs that I saw was when a 65ish year old woman "made poop in pool" as the cleaning crew put it! So now I say, can we ban the 40 plus from the kids pool like we ban the kids from the adult pool? Oh and I am guessing the man that was making all the noise w/ his camera couldn't hear it! Oh I could go on for days, thankfully that was the only bad part of our vacation, it was constant so it was hard to shake! We travelled w/ my parents who I totally adore and love travelling with so at least we could pick on them about it to get some frusteration out! Those of you who disagree, I hope you are the very few out there who waited their turn, said please, thank you, excuse me and tried to make your cruise happy for not only yourselves but everyone around you too including myself and my kids. They have a right to be there too, even though some of you think their a pain!


It is the thirty somethings that cause all of the problems on cruises, IMHO. I think they have bad attitudes because their butt tatoos are starting to sag.

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johnritt ~ Thankfully we are all entitled to our own opinions! I'm only guessing but I think you are possibly a baby boomer? Oh, and no tattoos sagging here! They all look pretty darn good to me! So, what types of problems have you encountered w/ the thirtysomethings on your past cruises? Because I would love to make corrections so we all have happy cruises, but only if the baby boomers would do the same! Were all equal right, from 2 to 92!

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johnritt ~ Thankfully we are all entitled to our own opinions! I'm only guessing but I think you are possibly a baby boomer? Oh, and no tattoos sagging here! They all look pretty darn good to me! So, what types of problems have you encountered w/ the thirtysomethings on your past cruises? Because I would love to make corrections so we all have happy cruises, but only if the baby boomers would do the same! Were all equal right, from 2 to 92!


DCAM, I was kidding. As a younger boomer i think (49), I Haven't started to fill up the ole depends or kiddie pools yet. But in 20-30 years, just the ability to fill up either one will make me happy.


Truth be told, I have rarely had problems with any passengers. I certainly have not had enough to catigorize any one group as tougher to deal with any other. There are a few pains in every decade of life on a cruise (fewer in the late 40, early 50 period, of course), and we all have to deal with them.


And as one who is on the Pearl on 4/4, I am looking forward to seeing all of the tatoos. After all, you can't look at the ocean all of the time. It is bad for your eyes.

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I did have one problem. When I came back to my beach chair from playing on the water trampoline, I thought one of the ships had lost its laundry and all the wrinkled sheets had washed ashore. I was wrong. It was just a senior citiziens group that surrounded us. I noticed that there was a one of these fossils had set up camp right behind my chair and was in danger of getting her legs smashed if I leaned back in my chair. I tried to explain this to her and she just looked at me like a deer in the headlights (she spoke English as I heard her discuss her friends lyme disease with another relic). I couldn't figure out why she was so close to my chair, when there was plenty of room and no one else seemed to have this problem. She actually moved her chair out of the line they were in in order to be closer to us. Well the mystery was solved.... .


I know why this woman was trying to get so close to you....she wanted to get a closer glimpse of you in your string speedo! You should know that you were going to cause a stir on the beach ;)

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As has been addressed, no single age group can be classified as having uniform social skills. However, I do think to describe bodily functions and how they are best served, or in OP's case, not served, in an inside cabin was a little TMI. That kind of grossed me out, although I'm sure it is probably helpful information. Could have done without that little detail, but that's just me.

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I can't decide who is more ridiculous the people who choose to judge certain age groups by a few bad examples (whether children, teens, 30-somethings, boomers, or geriatrics) OR the members of those age groups who take offense to the moronic comments. But I was happy to hear that the Pearl is still the beautiful ship she was a year ago.

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Originally Posted by Migglewump Fizzlebottom viewpost.gif


Its too bad that this review has been reduced to a discussion of geriactrics instead of a 5 day cruise to the Western Carribean.


No offense, but what did you expect. I think that age bracket accounts for a large number of CCers. I enjoyed your review though.:)


Where did he say this - I missed it. I didn't know boomers were geriatrics. I guess I have less time left than I thought. ;)

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He said geriatrics in his post stating that it was a shame that it was reduced to a discussion of geriatrics. I think that was the first time anyone had brought up the term geriatric. Everyone was using baby boomer previous to the OP (I think). I think age 65 on is considered geriatric. I think the oldest baby boomer is three years away? 1946 right?

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He said geriatrics in his post stating that it was a shame that it was reduced to a discussion of geriatrics. I think that was the first time anyone had brought up the term geriatric. Everyone was using baby boomer previous to the OP (I think). I think age 65 on is considered geriatric. I think the oldest baby boomer is three years away? 1946 right?


Do you mean to tell me that the OP is prone to exaggeration?! I'm shocked. :rolleyes: Your definition makes sense. And I can say that comfortably because I am still 20 years away - I am sure my definition will age along with me. ;)

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Very funny review!! The only problem is that technically I am a baby boomer and I have been on two cruises where I swear to God I was the youngest person on the ship, with the exception of a few little kids. I was born in 1963- I believe baby boomers are between 62 and 42 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomer.... So you are talking about a large range here!


BTW, are you sure you aren't talking about people in their 70's?


Funny review, good work- sorry, everyone, I was raised on :rolleyes: and not :) .

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