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Vancouver answers from a Vancouverite


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We have been watching the effects of the hurricanes on the news, it has been quite a season. It is always interesting hear from someone who is living it firsthand. Hope all goes well for you.


I am not so sure how well our flight is going to be. Have just heard on the "Weather Channel" as well as our local media that one of the strongest predictions is for Ike to come ashore in S. Texas, then make a sharp turn and head north towards Dallas, arriving Sunday afternoon. We are due to fly out of our hometown into DFW at 7 am Monday. Good grief......sure makes a southern girl "glisten" (was told years ago that southern girls don't sweat....):D . gg

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I am not so sure how well our flight is going to be. Have just heard on the "Weather Channel" as well as our local media that one of the strongest predictions is for Ike to come ashore in S. Texas, then make a sharp turn and head north towards Dallas, arriving Sunday afternoon. We are due to fly out of our hometown into DFW at 7 am Monday. Good grief......sure makes a southern girl "glisten" (was told years ago that southern girls don't sweat....):D . gg


I wouldn't worry to much, as my old pappy used to say, "hold on to your confederate money, the South will rise again". Don't mean to make lite of your situation, I am sure that things will go well....we don't want to disappoint the mayor, now do we?

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gg3, I was in your neck of the woods last week, one of the evacuees from Metairie, LA. We were very grateful to have reserved a hotel room up there in Longview. Fortunately, we left at 5 a.m Sat. 8/30 so missed the bumper to bumper traffic. It took 20 hours to make it to Big D before Katrina so was certain not to repeat THAT mistake.


I made up my mind that if Ike was headed this way I would fly out of N. O. airport this week. Nothing was going to make me miss our cruise and visit to Seattle and Vancouver. I was fortunate not to have any damage to my home last week but lost lots of big Oak limbs from Gustav, looked messy but certainly nothing like we've had in the past. I keep hoping Ike veers way to the south to less populated parts of Mexico.


Do what you must to get out of Dallas if Ike heads your way. Sending positive thoughts to all our friends in Texas.

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At one time the hotel had some bikes for their guests to use - I also read on one of these threads that someone wasn't all that happy with Bayshore Rentals - PD is correct - Spokes has been around for a long time + there are about three other bike shops all next door to each other so you won't have any problem finding some.


Remember you must ride the Stanley Park seawall in a counter clock-wise direction and be sure to dismount where is says to as the Park Bike rangers have been known to issue tickets for non-compliance.





We may have been the ones who thought Bayshore was just so-so. Their prices were good and they were friendly...but they just handed us bikes and I had to ask for a park map and adjust the bikes. I thought they should have done this. The bikes were in good repair with no safety issues, though they weren't the fanciest or newest models. There are 4 or 5 bike rental places on the block south of Spokes, stroll around and go back to the one that seems best to you.


Hopefully, rangers also issue tickets to pedestrians on the bike path. There were parallel bike and foot paths, but many pedestrians didn't seem to get a clue from the many signs or the bikes whizzing past them!


We had a great time and there are many pull-offs and photo ops. It took us about an hour including stops to do the loop....since our rental was 2 hours we continued along the shore towards Granville Island and English Bay before heading back to the bike shop.

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I'm sending thoughts and prayers for all in Texas waiting to find out where Ike will land. Weather is not an exact science so it could jog east or west before landing. I sincerely hope ALL of Texas makes out all right and everyone is safe.


I also send positive wishes that you can get your plane and be in YVR as planned.

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We are holding our breath as well and hoping that all goes well. If there is any good news it is that our weather here is picture perfect and is expected to remain that way right into the middle of next week. Tonight we watched the Ryndam, Carnival Spirt and Seven Seas Mariner sail by in front of us. In a few moments I am going to get off this computer for a while, watch the moon over the Strait of Georgia and finish my wine.

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Oak....thanks for your kind words. All positive thoughts and prayers appreciated for all in the path of Ike. Just heard out latest and Ike could become a Category 4....but hopefully not. For us.....in E. Texas......100 miles E. of Dallas......winds of 50+, lots of rain on Saturday and Sunday. We wish we had a crystal ball to know if our flight will leave for DFW at 7am Monday. But you know, these hurricanes just meander around and the storm track is not perfected yet.

Putt......we can hardly wait to wave from the deck of Ryndam, as you toast us with a glass of wine next Wednesday. Thank you for all your positive input......always. It is so appreciated. gg

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You are most welcome. The moon is just lovely tonight reflecting of the Strait. It is too bad that you are going to miss the full moon which occurs on 9/15, but yes I will be waving to you with a glass of something in my other hand.


We sail on the 17th, but arrive in Vancouver at 1pm the 15. I am thinking we might get great night pics of the harbour and city lights and the full moon.....from the observation building that is near Fairmont Waterfront.....right ??? Safe walk at night ??? gg

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Yes the walk over to the Harbour Centre observation deck is quite safe. I am not an astronomer but the moon rises in the east to south east and is more south. So you won't get views of the moon over the harbour but you will over the city.....I think.

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Flight arrived Friday at 1PM sharp. Huge lines at Customs but everyone is happy; we're going on a cruise! (What a beautiful airport) After a stop at Tim Hortons and a long line at the taxi stand (great driver, it was like a tour) we arrived at the Hyatt Regency (Helpful and friendly staff) at about 3:15. ($40 with tip)


We jumped on the bus at Georgia and Burrard for Stanley Park. The driver saw my $5 bill and said no bills(!). Oh no, I only had a little change. He just said to put it in and catch them on the trip back! ( I've only been here 3 hrs and I love this town already). He announced Denman and we went to Spokes on the corner to rent a bike. Stanley Park is beautiful, as is the city and ocean views. What a great place to ride a bike although tandem is a different beast. Fun picture possibilities from the 'back seat', though.


Walked to Gastown for dinner at the Water Street Cafe. Great place and a steamclock view!


Next morning we walked down to the water taxi to Granville Island, bought a waterproof hat, (needed it in Ketchikan) then off to the ship. It is very walkable but a little hilly, about a mile from the Hyatt, I'd say.


Then off to the ship and into the beautiful sunset and later a full moon on 8-16, a very memorable visit to your fair city.


Thanks to all the locals and others who share on this site.

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This is a wonderful thread, but if I was looking for information about Vancouver, I might find it overwhelming :confused: with almost 900 posts. Any thought about posting in separate threads so those who are looking for something a bit specific don't have to read through almost 50 pages of posts?


If this sounds "bossy", I'll admit to being a type A personality. :) But mostly, I'd like things to be as simple as possible for people planning a trip to our great province!

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This is a wonderful thread, but if I was looking for information about Vancouver, I might find it overwhelming :confused: with almost 900 posts. Any thought about posting in separate threads so those who are looking for something a bit specific don't have to read through almost 50 pages of posts?


If this sounds "bossy", I'll admit to being a type A personality. :) But mostly, I'd like things to be as simple as possible for people planning a trip to our great province!

Totally understand being overwhelmed by so many topics....but just like on the Alaska board, you might start a thread re: hotels, and it can take on its own twists and turns when someone post about a hotel, then adds something about an orca watch.....then that turns into transportation, etc. So, while I understand your :eek: , I think it just won't happen. I have a very organized personality too,,,,,,so I do get what you are saying. gg

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Hurricane watch: this may well be my last post until we ret. since the chances that we will lose electricity sometime tonight as Ike nears, are very great. My brother and family are riding out the storm S. of Houston....in Sugarland:eek: .....but they are "hunkered" down and prepared. They are expecting winds of 80-100 mph....!! Here in E. Texas we are expecting the eye to pass right over us bringing lots of rain and winds of 35-50 with gusts up to 75 mph. Everyone has been told to fill up your gas tanks, fill up your pantry with food that can be eaten without electricity or gas and tie down all loose lawn furniture and trash cans. We are as ready as we can get. In the midst of this, trying to finish up packing. :D I am still smiling and praying for our fellow Texans to the south of us. Thanks one and all for all your great and sound advice. Y'all are the best............gg

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This is a wonderful thread, but if I was looking for information about Vancouver,...


That's intersting. I saw this thread and thought 'cool, all about Vancouver in one thread!' and I think I found everything I needed or wanted to know. The other threads all disappear in a day, more or less. This one is always around.


I didn't read it from day one, I just scrolled back a few pages for the more recent info and also did a search or two.


Thanks again to the locals who take the time to answer similar questions over and over!



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Totally understand being overwhelmed by so many topics....but just like on the Alaska board, you might start a thread re: hotels, and it can take on its own twists and turns when someone post about a hotel, then adds something about an orca watch.....then that turns into transportation, etc. So, while I understand your :eek: , I think it just won't happen. I have a very organized personality too,,,,,,so I do get what you are saying. gg


Very good explaination!!! Plus, who's got the time to coordinate all that!:eek:

Maybe a "type A" would like to do it!:D :D

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I think robinsegg makes a very good point and I would be willing to try almost anything. I guess there could be treads realting to YVR, US Direct, Transportation, Hotels, Restaurants, Attractions and the list goes on. However at the end of the day I have a strong feeling that the topics will all get merged and we will be right back where we started. These boards are just an imperfect source of information....its often all there, you just have to wade thru it all.

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Hurricane watch: this may well be my last post until we ret. since the chances that we will lose electricity sometime tonight as Ike nears, are very great. My brother and family are riding out the storm S. of Houston....in Sugarland:eek: .....but they are "hunkered" down and prepared. They are expecting winds of 80-100 mph....!! Here in E. Texas we are expecting the eye to pass right over us bringing lots of rain and winds of 35-50 with gusts up to 75 mph. Everyone has been told to fill up your gas tanks, fill up your pantry with food that can be eaten without electricity or gas and tie down all loose lawn furniture and trash cans. We are as ready as we can get. In the midst of this, trying to finish up packing. :D I am still smiling and praying for our fellow Texans to the south of us. Thanks one and all for all your great and sound advice. Y'all are the best............gg


The CNN reports are sure painting a bleak picture down there. Keep your head down. If you have a chance to send us a quick post as you leave we will know to leave the porch light on and have the red carpet ready for you.:D

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The CNN reports are sure painting a bleak picture down there. Keep your head down. If you have a chance to send us a quick post as you leave we will know to leave the porch light on and have the red carpet ready for you.:D


We have survived Ike pretty well in East Texas, unlike our brothers and sisters to the south from Galveston to Houston. Am still waiting to hear from my brother, south of Houston.....but no power, for him to get thru to anyone, I am sure. Here in the Piney Woods section of E. Texas, we have had some power failures, some huge old pines and oaks down, and our yards look like a "tree war zone". Hundreds of little oak and pine limbs scattered all over the grass and the street....pine cones, sweet gum balls. Our kids lost a giant old oak, that also took out the kids jungle gym, but missed their home by mere feet. We feel very lucky and very thankful to have kept our power, esp. since the eye of Ike went right over us. Still very windy and rainy.....but by 8 pm, most of it should be out of here. So, we are fixin' to clean up our yard tomorrow, finish packing and get out of Dodge early Monday am......Vancouver and Alaska........here we come.:) gg

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Hey Putterdude......


Can I get away with wearing shorts during the day this weekend?




Right now the temperature away from the water is in the mid 70's and the daytime temps thru at least Wed are at about that level. Most of us are in shorts because of the humidity but comming out of 90's to low 100's you would have to be the judge.

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I was in shorts today and have been all week - the weather looks good through Thursday with a gradual change to more seasonal weather after that. I know of some locals who wear shorts here all year long even in the snow but then many people consider us locals to be a little short in the marbles game.


Have a good evening everyone





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We have survived Ike pretty well in East Texas, unlike our brothers and sisters to the south from Galveston to Houston. Am still waiting to hear from my brother, south of Houston.....but no power, for him to get thru to anyone, I am sure. Here in the Piney Woods section of E. Texas, we have had some power failures, some huge old pines and oaks down, and our yards look like a "tree war zone". Hundreds of little oak and pine limbs scattered all over the grass and the street....pine cones, sweet gum balls. Our kids lost a giant old oak, that also took out the kids jungle gym, but missed their home by mere feet. We feel very lucky and very thankful to have kept our power, esp. since the eye of Ike went right over us. Still very windy and rainy.....but by 8 pm, most of it should be out of here. So, we are fixin' to clean up our yard tomorrow, finish packing and get out of Dodge early Monday am......Vancouver and Alaska........here we come.:) gg


Well I am very glad you have fared so well, I went to bed last night wondering how you were making out and when you hadn't posted was starting to be concerned . We have also watched today how things were and some of it looks pretty bad. Well you get your rake out and get packed and we will see you on Monday. You will note that our weather looks like it is going to hold until Wed with perhaps some light rain on Thurs but that is a long way off in weather forcasts here on the coast and anything could happen between now and then....except hurricanes that is.;)

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I'm coming up to Vancouver this weekend to make my quarterly contribution to the Canadian economy ;)

I might want to cozy up to the bar and watch the sunset, so I guess I may need to know what time sunset actually is. Right now, here in the mountains of Utah, it finally gets dark around 8pm. Yes, I know it's forecast for clouds and rain (figures, after all the nice weather there lately). But, a sundowner is still a nice activity.

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