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LouLou's review N809N


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Now the chairs and tables at the Gazebo Bar near the window were another story. My brother-in-law witnessed an older couple who left jumpers, etc on the chair, went off and had lunch then came back and reclaimed the chairs! CHOGS (but only for the inside chairs it would appear!!!!).


Seems chogs have generated a racist row on P&O Oceana :eek:




The ship and pooldeck pictures are very similar to Sun Princess, but it seems they have better pool props


Cool review Linda, patiently waiting for the rest!

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Again (surprisingly) another sunny day when we woke up this morning. (We can’t believe how lucky we were with the weather!)

We dropped anchor around 7:15am and the tender service began around 8:00am.

We had booked onto the Black Pearl tour, but unfortunately were waitlisted for it. When my husband enquired as to the likelihood of us getting onto it (or another tour) he was told that only 65 people can go on the tour (and there were 80 or so on the waitlist! So no tour for us!). HINT for future visitors to Savu Savu … book this tour early if you want to go on it! I didn’t hear from anyone who did go on it how it was – so can’t comment!

So – we took our time over breakfast and caught the tenders over once they called “Open Tender”.

Now, we didn’t know what to expect with Savu Savu. I had read some things on here (thanks to those that posted!) and had taken in a few pages of the tourist guides, etc. But it was still a bit of a mystery.

Sailing in was beautiful … what a safe harbour for sailing ships and beautiful too.

We tendered over and got off at the little jetty … we were greeted by a band and local ladies putting flowers in everyone’s hair. There were a few little shops on the jetty … gift shops, internet access, bar, etc.

Outside the shops we smiled for the usual photograph!

A few market stalls were lined up as you started to walk up the street. A good array of local crafts – but not much ‘island’ wear (it was Island Night on the ship tonight!).

The street is lined with some amazing stores. They seem to sell everything from toys, clothes, food through to electrical goods.

There was a fruit & vege market (complete with a “No Spitting” sign) which we walked through to check everything out!

Right up at the end of the street there was another ‘modern’ looking set of shops. A lady and man were outside selling some crafts, Jewellery, knock-off Louis Vitton bags (which my daughter and niece purchased). The many (who was very polite and friendly) invited us to go through the arcade as there was more out the back. We were so glad we did – there was this lovely little café down the end – the “Bulla Re” which had an open deck that looked out over the water. Just divine!

We stopped there and had some cool drinks (it was very hot and muggy!) which were very welcome and enjoyed the scenery and ambience!

They had some more Jewellery and other items for sale inside the café as well.

So – if you go to Savu Savu … try and get to the Bula Re … well worth it (and the drinks were cold!). My husband and brother-in-law went back later that afternoon for a cold beer and coffee!?!!?!

We crossed the road to check out the shops on the other side. It felt like a ‘carnival’ day … there were a lot of locals around the street and with all the ship passengers walking around as well it had a ‘party’ feel to it.

We went into one store that was owned by Indians. The lady behind the counter gave my daughter a soft drink (she took pity on her … because she was winging because I wouldn’t buy her something or other) … another Pineapple Fanta … so she was happy!.

We purchased some DVDs from her (they were about $2 - $2.50 each … certainly not the quality of the Vila ones!!!).

Down the street further was an airconditioned (phew) store (again run by Indians). They sold clothing, shoes, bags, etc. A few souvenirs at the front (snow globes are a interesting touch in the tropics I always feel!).

My brother-in-law was ‘fitted’ for a Sulu (the formal men’s skirt thing) … much to the locals amusement!!!! He paid under $15 (Fijian) for it … any my nephew made use of it for Island Night!

After walking around a bit more, it was time to head back to the ship for some lunch (and airconditioning!!!).

This was a great port we felt. Very different to any of the others … but certainly one I would happily go back to (and do a shore tour if we were quick enough with our booking!!!!).

The ‘boys’ went back over to shore after lunch (again my daughter decided Shark Shack was calling!) … I had given them express instructions to purchase a bowl I had seen earlier – but alas (according to them) it was gone!!!??? I’ll never know I guess – but another excuse to visit again.

That night was Island Night. We were surprised they had put it on after Savu Savu given the lack of leis, skirts, etc that would normally be purchased for the occasion.

The gift shop on board seemed to do a roaring trade in grass skirts (and to their credit they were selling the plain ones for $6 instead of the $18 marked …. $18 for a grass skirt … you’ve got to be kidding!!!!!).

We had brought with us a good supply of Hawaiian shirts, leis, zinc, etc to deck ourselves out in – so we weren’t too worried. But I did think that after Vila would have been a better option, as the markets there always seem to be well stocked with appropriate items!!

We had decided to do the Pizzaria tonight …. We weren’t disappointed. $7 for a pizza – and the pizzas were YUM! There was also a free bowl of pasts for every pizza you ordered too … we ordered four (between the eight of us) – but could have gotten away with 3 with the pasta!

We stayed up for a bit longer tonight (lost our daughter to Shark Shack who had their own Island Night celebrations) … My husband made sure he got in the P&O Video too (given we had already pre-ordered it … he wanted to make sure we were in it somewhere!!!!) by dancing like an idiot in front of the camera.

We were surprised that they didn’t dress the pool area up much for Island Night. On the Star last year, they had put palm fronds up everywhere … and it looked great – they did nothing like that this time – but it was still a good night!

Dragged the kids back to the cabin sometime after 11pm to sleep!!!

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Another relaxing sea day … yeah right!!!!! I find I really have to make time to relax when cruising – there’s always something today.

My sister was one number of BINGO today (ok – not the Jackpot call … but it was still worth $800+!!!). But alas – no bingo for her!!!

We’ve given in to my daughter’s pleading and arranged for her to have ‘privilege’ in Shark Shack – which means she can sign herself in and out.

We hadn’t given it to her to start with – as she was having trouble turning the right way in the corridors – so who knows where she would end up. We let her sign herself in after dinner tonight … but told her she had to wait until we came to leave …. (seems like a fair compromise – at least I don’t have to leave the dining room to take her up there in between courses!!!).

She’s made some great little friends in Shark Shack – they swapped addresses and contact details later in the cruise – so perhaps she’ll stay in touch.

My son went to Shark Shack for the first time during this cruise today … they were having a fancy dress parade and had to make their own costumes … so this seemed to intrigue him a little.

We went to the fancy dress parade later that afternoon … given they had cardboard, pip cleaners, and basic things like that – they did a good job of their costumes. My son was Darth Vader (ok … he only had green cardboard – so you had to look past a few technicalities) … my daughter was one of about 250 fairy princesses!:rolleyes:

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I love Vila! It really is one of my favourite places!

(We’re also now only an hour ahead of Brisbane time … so our body clocks are starting to re-adjust!!!)

We arrived around 7am this morning – we were all tied up and ready to start unloading passengers by about 7:30am.

We met for breakfast around 7am and got off the boat around 8am. Had a quick look through the markets (and had our photo taken by the ship’s photographer of course).

At 8:20am we met our tour. This was the same tour as we did last year (although it’s been renamed) however we chose is as the others had not been to Vila before and we felt it was a good ‘overview’ of Vila and Vanuatu.

It was on an air-conditioned mini bus and traveled through Vila, through one of the resorts then to a market set up next to the resort where a local string band was playing. There was fresh fruit to have as part of the tour at the market (my daughter again ate her body weight in the beautiful sweet bananas and coconut juice!). We purchased a couple of things that were different to what was at the wharf markets, then proceeded to the Chief’s meeting hut at the top of Vila. There one of the Chief’s from another island talked to us about life in Vanuatu and it’s villages and islands … it was again – a good overview of life on the islands.

A local boy then did an ‘exhibition’ by splitting open a coconut with his bare fist. My nephew was sure it was ‘rigged’ – however this was the same local boy who ate a live sea snake last time we visited … and I know that wasn’t rigged. And even if it was --- it was worth throwing a few coins into the bowl for him!

We then stopped at a lookout before being dropped into town to shop …. And shop we did.

First stop was Fung Kwei’s – we checked everything out and decided to come back here before returning to the ship to do our purchasing.

The kids did jump however, when the rat scurried across the floor toward them! :eek:

Although it was a Sunday, most of the stores were open – with the exception of some of the smaller ones. The fresh fruit & vege market was closed unfortunately – it would have been worth a walk through I’m sure.

We did the usual purchasing in Vila … DVDs, bags, clothing, etc … and cold drinks! We spent a few hours in town before catching a minibus back to the ship.

Another late lunch then we headed back off to go over the wharf markets again. The girls had their hair braided (took over 30 minutes to braid my daughters …. It’s very very thick!). We bought a few more bits and pieces – a few different souvenirs than were there last year – which is good!

It was great sitting at dinner that night, with Vila still in view from our dining room window.

Given sail-away was later tonight, we were able to enjoy it from the deck … the Captain definitely blew the whistle a number of times tonight …. We were on the front, observation deck – so it certainly cleared a few cobwebs!!!!

As I said earlier … I love Vila … the people are so friendly, the place is beautiful and the shopping is good! It’s a great experience!

Last port tomorrow …. Sigh!!!

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You were just near us Ella2 ... my sister recognised you when we met on the observation deck on the last day ... we were on 184.:D:D

What a co-incidence! We were travelling with my mother-in-law and her brother who were quite noticeable on board as they both walked very slowly using two walking sticks. We were support crew. We had four other friends from Brisbane at our table also.


I see that it is our waiters in the photo you have posted. Although they were friendly, we thought they were a bit slow. We usually didn't get our sweets until 7.15pm when many other tables had already finished and left. Ah well, we didn't have to rush off anywhere.:)

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What a co-incidence! We were travelling with my mother-in-law and her brother who were quite noticeable on board as they both walked very slowly using two walking sticks. We were support crew. We had four other friends from Brisbane at our table also.


I see that it is our waiters in the photo you have posted. Although they were friendly, we thought they were a bit slow. We usually didn't get our sweets until 7.15pm when many other tables had already finished and left. Ah well, we didn't have to rush off anywhere.:)


We found the service 'variable' too Ela_2! I know it was Jimmy (the waiter's) first contract on a ship (he's worked quite a bit in Dubai I think) --- and he suffered a bit the first couple of nights ... not that anyone would have noticed I don't think.


We warmed to them both as time went on ... I had trouble not comparing it to our first cruise - where the waiters were just amazing! I wasn't sure if it was the 'first cruise rose coloured glasses' that were affecting my view, or if the service just wasn't quite what we had experienced before!!!


They were both lovely though ... and they did work hard (although like you we didn't get out of there until quite late some nights!)


Pity we didn't know it was you sitting so near us earlier in the cruise! Oh well --- can't help that!


(We did have a floor shows most nights from the passengers on another table near us though!!!!!!!!).:eek:

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We found the service 'variable' too Ela_2! I know it was Jimmy (the waiter's) first contract on a ship (he's worked quite a bit in Dubai I think) --- and he suffered a bit the first couple of nights ... not that anyone would have noticed I don't think.


We warmed to them both as time went on ... I had trouble not comparing it to our first cruise - where the waiters were just amazing! I wasn't sure if it was the 'first cruise rose coloured glasses' that were affecting my view, or if the service just wasn't quite what we had experienced before!!!


They were both lovely though ... and they did work hard (although like you we didn't get out of there until quite late some nights!)


Pity we didn't know it was you sitting so near us earlier in the cruise! Oh well --- can't help that!


(We did have a floor shows most nights from the passengers on another table near us though!!!!!!!!).:eek:[/qu




Hi LouLou, thank you so much for a great review. have really enjoyed reading it.


regarding the waiters being slow....I will have to put my few cents in .


they have to wait for their orders to be ready.


if anyone arrives late at the table, that puts him behind as well.


kind regards, Lorraine:) :)

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Loving your review Linda, especially finding out about Savu Savu, between you and Minxy, its been great!!


When we cruised in November they had Island night after Lifou, I wonder why they do that, there wasnt much to buy there, and so island night wasnt the best as lots were not dressed up as they would if it was after Vila:confused: perhaps P&O are trying to sell out their stock in the onboard shops:rolleyes: .


And lesson No1 Linda, never send your husband shopping, he will ALWAYS come home and say "they didnt have any" :p bet that bowl is still there next time you vist Savu Savu:)




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[quote name=Hi LouLou, thank you so much for a great review. have really enjoyed reading it.


regarding the waiters being slow....I will have to put my few cents in .


they have to wait for their orders to be ready.


if anyone arrives late at the table, that puts him behind as well.


kind regards, Lorraine:) :)[/quote]


Thanks Lorraine!


An I agree with your comments re the service - it's certainly not only the waiters who affect how quickly things arrive at your table.


My comment was more that I wondered if I was comparing it unrealistically to our first cruise .... we were so gobsmacked by how good everything was - that we probably wouldn't have noticed if anything was slightly late ... we certainly didn't notice if we were out after other tables --- perhaps we noticed this time as there was less to distract us!


I didn't have anything bad to say about our service ... and they were both lovely men! (And considering the more senior of the two had never worked on a ship before - he did very well! Having to deal with so much and the sway of the ship on top of everything!!!).:D


One thing I noticed that differed from last time (and from some of the other tables' service too) was that our waiters seemed to share the duties ... the senior Waiter often went to the kitchen to carry out the food (which seemed to be definately the domain of the junior one last time) ... they worked well together!


Mariano the junior Waiter was doing magic tricks for us by the end of the cruise .... he certainly kept us entertained!

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Loving your review Linda, especially finding out about Savu Savu, between you and Minxy, its been great!!


When we cruised in November they had Island night after Lifou, I wonder why they do that, there wasnt much to buy there, and so island night wasnt the best as lots were not dressed up as they would if it was after Vila perhaps P&O are trying to sell out their stock in the onboard shops .


And lesson No1 Linda, never send your husband shopping, he will ALWAYS come home and say "they didnt have any" bet that bowl is still there next time you vist Savu Savu





Thanks Chez!


I'm quite sure that if I ever get back to Savu Savu the bowl (or a similar one) will be there!!! :D:D Oh well - lesson learned!:rolleyes:

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We found the service 'variable' too Ela_2! I know it was Jimmy (the waiter's) first contract on a ship (he's worked quite a bit in Dubai I think) --- and he suffered a bit the first couple of nights ... not that anyone would have noticed I don't think.


We warmed to them both as time went on ... I had trouble not comparing it to our first cruise - where the waiters were just amazing! I wasn't sure if it was the 'first cruise rose coloured glasses' that were affecting my view, or if the service just wasn't quite what we had experienced before!!!


They were both lovely though ... and they did work hard (although like you we didn't get out of there until quite late some nights!)


Pity we didn't know it was you sitting so near us earlier in the cruise! Oh well --- can't help that!


(We did have a floor shows most nights from the passengers on another table near us though!!!!!!!!).:eek:[/qu




Hi LouLou, thank you so much for a great review. have really enjoyed reading it.


regarding the waiters being slow....I will have to put my few cents in .


they have to wait for their orders to be ready.


if anyone arrives late at the table, that puts him behind as well.


kind regards, Lorraine:) :)

Neither us (nor our neighbours) were late to arrive at the table. I do understand that the waiters have to wait for their orders to be ready, but apparently the experienced waiters have strategies to avoid waiting too long. We have noticed they get their orders in early, with many waiters even giving their tables a copy of the next night's menu so they could pre-order, or at least make their choices ahead of time. Our waiters were very slow to even take the orders, so they were behind the '8 ball' before they started. Then it only got worse from there.:)


The waiters were certainly cheerful. We were happy when we were allocated another table for our short cruise that (2 nights Brisbane to Sydney) that followed.

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Love your review Linda :D Makes me want to go back and do it all again!


I KNOW what you mean Minxy - we'ld go back tomorrow if we could!!!! (At least you've got your next one booked and counting down ... we're having to wait until next year's itineraries come out ..... sigh!!!):(


How did the first day of the new job go????????

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Our run with the great weather has come to an end …. But given it’s our first sea day heading home – we’re not too worried!


We can’t believe that we had fine days at each of our six ports (with only the occasional afternoon shower!). We’ve been so lucky!!!


The seas are starting to pick up again too!


We had a slow start to the day – breakfasted later than normal, but still up on Lido Deck.


I had morning tea later in the day with my sister and niece and decided that I would head back down to the cabin and pack a suitcase (so that I wasn’t going to have to do it all tomorrow!).


However … when I hit the cabin … the rough seas hit me! I ended up laying down (and being sick once) for quite a while (actually managed to watch the entire Bee Movie while I was lying down).


I had stupidly stopped taking the sea-sickness medication a few nights ago … really should have kept it up – I remembered that on the way back last time there were a few people caught unawares when the sea whipped up again! Oh well … I’ll definitely remember for next time.


Managed to keep at Stemitil down a little later … and some Ginger Tablets – which worked a treat … and I was back on two legs in time for Bingo!


(There was a lady sitting in the row behind us at Bingo that was having a discrete vomit into her white bag during Bingo … some people won’t miss it for anything I guess!).


Formal night again tonight – and thankfully I was fully recovered by then! And was able to enjoy the Bomb Alaska parade and the Parade of the Chefs! It’s a shipboard tradition I do enjoy! The kids got right into the Chicken Dance (as did our Junior Waiter!!!!).


Last day tomorrow … always a sad feeling going to bed on this second last night – you just know the last sea day is never as good as the others … to many ‘lasts’ to get through – and all that packing!!!

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It had to come I guess … but it did seem like a long time ago that we left Brisbane on 23 February.


Finished off the packing (It never fits in the same when you’re packing up does it?). I had managed to get one of the suitcases packed last night – and put it back under the bed, so only another four to do!!!!!


We had our last lunch out the back of Lido … the buffet was incredibly busy today - the busiest I’d seen it all cruise … so I settled for a hamburger from the grill. Some of the others lined up for the Chinese spread that was on … looked great!


Went to the last Bingo … the jackpot ended up being almost $10,500 … now that would be a good deposit on the next cruise!!!!!!!! However it was won while I was still two numbers away … oh well – always next time!!!


Finished the packing before dinner and put our suitcases out … we were White 1 (second group to leave from Terraces Lounge – had to meet there by 8am).


Had our final dinner – which was nice … looking out at the sea for the last time this cruise! Our daughter went up for the final ‘party’ in Shark Shack – and we finished the night with coffee in the Outback bar then some time in the Terraces Lounge before getting our daughter and returning to our cabin.


I asked my husband to check under the bed in case we had forgotten anything … YES … I had forgotten to put out the suitcase I had pushed under there earlier!!!! EEEK!!!! All the suitcases were gone from the corridor – Husband went off to see if he could find out if it was too late – only to return to say he couldn’t find anyone and was going to the Casino instead! (so much for support eh!?!)


I resigned myself to the fact that I would be lugging an extra case off with us tomorrow (as well as the hand luggage and overnight bags we had!) … that’ll teach me!


I retired for the night with the kids, Husband returned sometime after mid-night … to tell me that everyone he asked said the bag was our responsibility and we would have to take it with us … oh well! We’ll manage somehow.


Slipped off to sleep easily with the rocking!

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DAY 13 – HOME!


Woke up in the early hours of the morning to no rocking … very little noise and realized we must be in the calmer waters nearing Brisbane!


My husband got up around 5:15am, showered and went up on deck. He came almost straight back into the cabin to tell me that our Assistant Steward, Firman, was going to take care of our extra suitcase for us (yes, it did cross my mind that I would still be waiting around the terminal sometime this afternoon to claim the bag …. But it seemed a better option than lugging it around the ship with everything else we had and two children! … so off it went in the bowels of the ship somewhere!!!!) ---


We then headed up on to the deck. … it was FREEZING compared to what we had been used to. Welcome home!!!


We were inside the mouth of the Brisbane River … we stayed outside for a while, before heading down to get some breakfast.


We found a table at the buffet (inside … too cold to sit in our usual spot outside)!


After breakfast we went back up to the observation deck, were the Minx’s and BFC’s were watching the proceedings. Soon after Ela_2 joined us (which was good, because it was the first time I had met her all cruise … even though she was sitting at the table right next to us in the dining room!).


After the ship had done it’s beautiful u-turn and reverse parallel park, we returned to the cabin and emptied our stuff for the last time (much to the delight of our Cabin Steward, Pranoto – who was eager to get in and get things cleared for the next lot of passengers!).


By this time it was getting close to 8am so we headed for the Terraces Lounge, where we waited … and waited … and waited …. Then next lot of passengers leaving after us had started to arrive … and wait … and wait.


About 8:30 we were finally allowed to leave – so began the trek down to deck 5 and ‘bonged’ off for the last time.


Through the x-ray machines … couple of bags tagged for quarantine – and we were off to claim our luggage.


It was all waiting for us … YES … including the late bag! Thank you Firman (should have given you a bigger tip!!!!).


Grabbed them, loaded up a trolley and went through Quarantine/Customs. All our trinkets checked out without a problem and we were through!


We waited for my sister and her family … the were delayed somewhat when the cute beagle decided to sit down after he smelled the woven basked she had bought in Savu Savu … she had decided that if she couldn’t bring it home, she would just consider what she had paid for it to be a donation to a lovely little town!


The Dog Handler asked her if she had carried anything else in it … “No” she answered, “but there was ash in it when I bought it”. Yep, that’ll do it …. Wonder what type of cigarettes the weaver was smoking!!!???!!!


They came through soon after and we were outside waiting for our shuttle bus back to Andrew’s Parking.


Picked up our cars just before 10am … and we were off back up to hill to home!

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I know I’ve probably forgotten heaps …. Oh yeah … like us stupidly not putting the cans of coke we brought with us in our carry on and putting them in an overnight back instead … only to find one can completely missing and another leaking when they came to our room!


Luckily it was an overnight bag where I had put the ‘bits and pieces’ … most of it wrapped in plastic or in zip loc bags – so the only damage was to my husband’s novel and my cross-word book!!!


We thoroughly enjoyed this cruise … the weather was fantastic … the ports were great! The number of ports and length of the cruise excellent!


The timing of it worked well … two ports then a sea day in between was great!


My husband claims he doesn’t particularly want to do the South Pacific again … (this was just before he would say “When we come back to Suva …… or whatever port we had just visited”!!!!!


Thank to all of the CC-ers who gave us such good advice and guidance … it really was invaluable to be so prepared this time around!


I used just about everything I took from the packing list (no I didn’t quite take everything), including the duct tape (to fix my sister’s door key that had split near the top where it attaches to your lanyard). About the only things I didn’t use was the disinfectant wipes (as I had plenty of the hand gel with me) and the highlighter pens … put I easily could have!


A great experience …. Now when’s the next …..

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Thankyou:D LouLou28

For making the time to do a review, it was wonderful to read , you always find out something new reading others cruise.Suva suva was very interesting.



Thanks Deb ... Savu Savu was a real surprise for us too --- especially given we didn't really know what to expect!


As I said ... we loved it - it was lovely! Would happily go back again (then again ... I've also said I'll go back to Suva!!!!!):eek:

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...we were so gobsmacked by how good everything was...


I hope I get gobsmacked on this cruise, too! :D Uh, I guess.:o


Uh, what is gobsmacked?:confused:


Great review. Thanks Linda.

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I hope I get gobsmacked on this cruise, too! :D Uh, I guess.:o


Uh, what is gobsmacked?:confused:


Great review. Thanks Linda.


Thanks .... the gobsmacked comment refers to our very first cruise - just over 12 months ago. It was my first cruising experience (my husband had sailed on the Oriana in the mid-80s ... I think alcohol and age has dulled his memories a little --- that and the fact that he shared the cabin with an 80 year old Russian stranger!!!!!).


We were amazed/gobsmacked at how good the service and attention by the staff was last time (this time too ... but perhaps we are a little more jaded, or were expecting it more ... it didn't amaze us quite as much).


In particular, how our children were treated was fantastic. I'm not sure how P&O pick or train their staff ... but our children have been treated so beautifully both times --- it certainly makes holidaying with the family enjoyable!:D

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Yes. Our first cruise was in 2002 and we just couldn't get over the amazing service as well. So now we keep coming back for more.


Not only the service, but we always seem to have fascinating tablemates at dinner time. Can't wait for the next one -- Pacific Sun in about 10 weeks.

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