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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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I went to the gym to use the treadmill got on it set it at a steady speed or so I thought didn't realise that 5.5 was miles and not kmph as it is over in the uk on our gym treadmill. felt like a right loon trying to keep up and hands flaring all over to press stop. i didn't go back to the gym for that cruise.



That was really dumb not going back just because you made a mistake. Do you think that anyone but you really cared?


You must be extremely insecure.



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That was really dumb not going back just because you made a mistake. Do you think that anyone but you really cared?


You must be extremely insecure.




That's pretty rude! Do you feel good about making that statement. The OP is sharing her experience... you are right that no one probably cared, maybe it would have been nicer of you to suggest that no one probably cared without making a judgment. :(


The purpose of this thread was to state your most embarrassing moment on a cruise. So DON do you have an embarrassing moment on a cruise? :D

Edited by fredman
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  • 2 months later...
On my first cruise, RCCL, on the last day of the cruise, which was a sea day, I went to the Windjammer for an afternoon snack. I got a plate of nachos and brought them to the pool deck, as many were doing. As soon as I stepped outside a huge gust of wind carried all my nachos, (beef, cheese, tomatoes, chips) onto this older gentleman who was sitting and relaxing in a chair. I was so embrassed and felt bad, but I had to run inside before anything else was taken in the wind!:o



meant to thank you for the nachos...they were tasty.....:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I just read the five pages of stories that have been added since last I checked. These are some stories you all have :-) Embarassing and funny, the things we think are traumatizing but laugh at as time wears on. It's good :-) They all made me laugh. I'm sure I'll have another story to add when I return from my cruise in a couple months. Keep the stories coming though! They're good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We sleep with the curtain open on our OV cabin. My wife, still got the hang over from the previous night parade naked about the cabin. I pointed out to her that we are no long at sea, the pier is about 10 feet below us and there are a lots of people walking around.


I later received comments from fellow cruisers how attracted my wife looks in the morning. Being a good sport, we high-five, made friend with them and had a wonderful companion for the rest of the cruise.


We laughed it off and every now and then and thinking back, we're treasured that embarrassing moment.

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  • 1 month later...
Glad to see walking on board, in heels is challenging for a lot of women, not just me.


Formal Night, Carnival Glory - DH and I are walking to our table and I, (in slow motion !?!), listed to the right, tripped on my own feet, fell, and landed in the lap of a very surprised gentleman in a tuxedo seated at a table of 8. :eek:


Luckily there was no damage other than to my pride. The man said "Well hello, are you my appetizer?" Everyone in the vicinity, including my husband and I cracked up.


I turned beet red and still laughing, said "No, but thanks for the soft landing". Then I stood (DH actually pulled me up by the arm), apologized, and continued on to our table with DH holding my arm the whole time.


Every time I saw the man afterwards, he would ask if I needed a place to sit. :rolleyes:

This made me spit Coke on my screen. I can so see this.


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These stories have been great and I have been laughing to myself for the past hour reading them.

Back in 2005 on my first cruise 9Nt Caribbean on Grandeur we stopped at CoCo Cay and as I exited the tender I yelled up to one of the CD Staff guys that had a bullhorn giving instructions and asked "where's the beach"? He then replied "Sir you are on an island the beach is all around you" I felt very stupid and my bestfriend still gets a chuckle at of it.

Edited by Cruizeguru
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Okay, this has probably been done by many, but it's my most embarassing story:

On our first cruise in 2008, I left DH in the room and went to Lido for a snack. I wondered about the ship for a bit and then headed back to the room. I found our door and slid the S&S card into the slot, but it wouldn't open. I slid it again and again, but nothing. Suddenly, the door slams open and a very sleepy, exasperated man stands there blinking at me, obviously frustrated by my constant attempts to open THE WRONG DOOR!!! :eek:

Yeah, I couldn't apologize enough. Then I had to go down to guest services and ask what my cabin # was. I still get red thinking about it! :o

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Okay, this has probably been done by many, but it's my most embarassing story:


On our first cruise in 2008, I left DH in the room and went to Lido for a snack. I wondered about the ship for a bit and then headed back to the room. I found our door and slid the S&S card into the slot, but it wouldn't open. I slid it again and again, but nothing. Suddenly, the door slams open and a very sleepy, exasperated man stands there blinking at me, obviously frustrated by my constant attempts to open THE WRONG DOOR!!! :eek:


Yeah, I couldn't apologize enough. Then I had to go down to guest services and ask what my cabin # was. I still get red thinking about it! :o

And you were not tipsy?:rolleyes::D

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My brother and I were on a European cruise with our wives. We were ashore in Corfu at a local tourist site when we got separated from our wives for a moment.


Two women came up to us and asked if we minded taking a picture with them. We were kind of confused and said you want a picture of the two of you with the two of us. :confused: They said yes. So... they were kind of cute... so we said why not. So someone took a picture of the four of us.


We asked why they wanted it. They said when they get back from their vacation they wanted to explain to all their friends and work associates about meeting these neat guys. So I guess we were going to be some kind of "romance story" when they got home.


Anyway, the embarrassing part was explaining to our wives why we were getting our picture taken with a couple of strange women when they walked up. :o

Edited by chasetf
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I have a couple of embarrassing cruise moments.


To celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, we took a week cruise on the Grandeur of the Seas. I surprised DW with the Grand Romance package that included canapes every day before dinner. One night I just gotten out of the shower and there is knock on the door. I had retreated around the corner by the bed as DW answers the door; it's room service with the nightly treat. But instead of taking the tray from the steward, she tells HER to put on the table which is next to the bed. So there I am in the birthday suit turning every shade of red and making a frantic dive under the covers. The steward looks away while apologizing and makes a hasty exit. DW is crying she is laughing so hard.


On the same cruise, in Grand Cayman, we went to Stingray City. On the tour boat was a group of middle aged women from another ship on a girls only cruise. One of the women had the same swim suit as my wife. Later while floating on the surface watching the stingrays, I saw a familiar pattern on a tush not far away, so I gave the tush a playful pinch. That tush did not belong to my wife but the other woman. Again, I was turning shades of red and apologized several times. She was a good sport about it and on the trip back, we staged several pictures to reenact the infamous pinch. They probably had a good laugh at dinner retelling that story.


Not embarrassing (it happened to someone else) but really funny. We were on the Conquest and early in morning we were returning to the cabin after getting a some ice cream. We were going from the Grand Buffet area to the pool area that has the big screen TV and immediately in front of us were 3 sisters who were feeling no pain. As the automatic doors opened, one of the sister did a face plant on the floor. She stuck the landing, she didn't bounce at all. Since her sisters were laughing so hard, we helped her up, made sure the she was alright and all 4 of us gave her a perfect 10 for the landing. While laughing hysterically at the expense of their sister, one of other sisters wet her pants. So now it was our turn for a hardy laugh at the expense of someone else. Later in the cruise, we find out that their cabin is a couple down from ours when we see one of them sitting on the floor outside their cabin. We asked if everything was OK and she said her other 2 sisters had put her in timeout. Then she asked “You whats really bad...I just gave a kid $10.00 to get me a free hotdog!”

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On my first cruise, RCCL, on the last day of the cruise, which was a sea day, I went to the Windjammer for an afternoon snack. I got a plate of nachos and brought them to the pool deck, as many were doing. As soon as I stepped outside a huge gust of wind carried all my nachos, (beef, cheese, tomatoes, chips) onto this older gentleman who was sitting and relaxing in a chair. I was so embrassed and felt bad, but I had to run inside before anything else was taken in the wind!:o


That's hillarious!!!!!:o

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These stories are so hilarious!!!


I have 2 funny things that happened back to back on a Carnival cruise we took around 1999. I was 16, my sister was 15, and we had our younger cousin, who was about 8 at the time, she was in a little chunky, clumsy stage. This was around the time when the movie "Micky Blue Eyes" with Hugh Grant had just come out, and our favorite part was when they were coaching Hugh Grant how to talk like an Italian mobster. They were trying to get him to say "Get outta heeere", but he said it like "Ged oooooudda Heeeeyyaaa". And we would say this phrase to each other in the man mobster-like voice, whenever we were in each other's way.


So we needed to go to the bathroom and we were far from the cabin. There was one by the atrium area with all the elevators. So my mom said she would wait for us there. The three of us go off to the bathroom, but the main bathroom door was really hard to push open. I was at the front of the line pushing open the door, then my 8 year old cousin behind me, then my sister. Well I was taking too long to get in the door of the bathroom, and I hear my sister jokingly telling my little cousin "GED OOOOOUUUDDAA HEERRRE" in the 'man voice' cuz she was blocking her way. But at the same time, a lady was trying to get out of the bathroom and she thought someone was yelling at her to "get outta here", and she said very apologetically, "I'm sorry! I'm trying to get out..." and scrambled out as fast as she could. We were in the bathroom laughing so hard at that.


Then when we were done, we were going back to my mom to tell her the joke. Well my mom was standing leaning up on the railing inside that looks down into the atrium waiting for us. My cousin was ahead walking to her and she was almost at the railing, when she goes sliding down on some mysterious water, and hits the glass part of the railing at the bottom. My mom then screams at the top of her lungs "JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!" soooo loud, while leaning over the railing looking down. She thought my cousin had gone flying down into the atrium cuz she didn't know there was the glass part at the bottom, she thought it was just an open hole. My cousin was rolling on the floor laughing so hard she couldn't even get up. And we were all laughing so hard from the 2 incidents we couldn't even talk.

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On an Alaskan NB cruise, prior to leaving Skagway (next stop viewing Glacier Bay) at the Skagway Outlet Store (SOS) I held the door open for a woman that had an obscene number of packages. I remarked that she had taken advantage of the last shopping prior to Anchorage.

She arrogantly informed me she was going the the "Glacier Bay Outlet Store" tomorrow. I attempted to explain what Glacier Bay was, however to no avail. For her sake I hope she found it.

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On my first ever cruise there was a particularly wild day at sea - wind was howling, sea was choppy. We decided to do a circut or two of the promenade deck despite the weather - however the wind was way to strong and at one point we decided to retreat. I was about to push open a door when my DW shouted 'No - that says no entry' ..... too late I'd pushed hard against the door and went through.... next thing I knew there was chaos as a huge gust of wind blew in behind ...... to my horror the door was actually a service door which led directly behind one of the atrium bars..... napkins, menus, and other things went flying everywhere and people screamed as the wind howled through the bar ........ :o sheepishly I apolgised and made a sharp exit......

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My other embarrassing moment was on a shore excursion to Marrakesh in Morrocco a few years back. We were returning to our ship which was docked in Casablanca when the coach pulled into a roadway 'service station'. Time to stretch the legs and take a call of nature I thought. Looking for the washrooms / gents we asked one local who pointed a small group of us from the coach to go round the rear of the cafeteria. We found a couple of buildings with doors and on examination we found the gents. The urinal was the most weird one I had ever saw in my life - it was a large communal trough against the wall that was quite wide with taps along the wall - as we all lined up to take our calls of nature - one guy from the coach joked perhaps they water their camels here too ..... next thing there was a bit of commotion as an older Morrocan guy in traditional clothing started bawling / shouting etc. thinking no more of it we all finished washed our hands and started handing the old guy some money - thinking that what he was the attendant and that he wanted paying for using the gents. However he shouted more and more and actually refused the money. Next thing our guide appearred and managed to calm the old Morrocan guy down a bit. He asked us all to move along quickly and just return to the bus asap before things got out of hand. We returned to the bus and the guide went on to explain the err of our ways - we had not used the toilets but in fact it was part of the service station mosque and the room was in fact where all the men washed their feet before entering the mosque. The old Morrocan was in fact the Mullah or Holy Man of the Mosque........ and not the toliet attendant as we had thought...... you live and learn. ;)

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My other embarrassing moment was on a shore excursion to Marrakesh in Morrocco a few years back. We were returning to our ship which was docked in Casablanca when the coach pulled into a roadway 'service station'. Time to stretch the legs and take a call of nature I thought. Looking for the washrooms / gents we asked one local who pointed a small group of us from the coach to go round the rear of the cafeteria. We found a couple of buildings with doors and on examination we found the gents. The urinal was the most weird one I had ever saw in my life - it was a large communal trough against the wall that was quite wide with taps along the wall - as we all lined up to take our calls of nature - one guy from the coach joked perhaps they water their camels here too ..... next thing there was a bit of commotion as an older Morrocan guy in traditional clothing started bawling / shouting etc. thinking no more of it we all finished washed our hands and started handing the old guy some money - thinking that what he was the attendant and that he wanted paying for using the gents. However he shouted more and more and actually refused the money. Next thing our guide appearred and managed to calm the old Morrocan guy down a bit. He asked us all to move along quickly and just return to the bus asap before things got out of hand. We returned to the bus and the guide went on to explain the err of our ways - we had not used the toilets but in fact it was part of the service station mosque and the room was in fact where all the men washed their feet before entering the mosque. The old Morrocan was in fact the Mullah or Holy Man of the Mosque........ and not the toliet attendant as we had thought...... you live and learn. ;)


Wow!! This one is really weird. You guys are probably lucky that it was just the Mullah and not a bunch of radicals.:eek:

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