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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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My other embarrassing moment was on a shore excursion to Marrakesh in Morrocco a few years back. We were returning to our ship which was docked in Casablanca when the coach pulled into a roadway 'service station'. Time to stretch the legs and take a call of nature I thought. Looking for the washrooms / gents we asked one local who pointed a small group of us from the coach to go round the rear of the cafeteria. We found a couple of buildings with doors and on examination we found the gents. The urinal was the most weird one I had ever saw in my life - it was a large communal trough against the wall that was quite wide with taps along the wall - as we all lined up to take our calls of nature - one guy from the coach joked perhaps they water their camels here too ..... next thing there was a bit of commotion as an older Morrocan guy in traditional clothing started bawling / shouting etc. thinking no more of it we all finished washed our hands and started handing the old guy some money - thinking that what he was the attendant and that he wanted paying for using the gents. However he shouted more and more and actually refused the money. Next thing our guide appearred and managed to calm the old Morrocan guy down a bit. He asked us all to move along quickly and just return to the bus asap before things got out of hand. We returned to the bus and the guide went on to explain the err of our ways - we had not used the toilets but in fact it was part of the service station mosque and the room was in fact where all the men washed their feet before entering the mosque. The old Morrocan was in fact the Mullah or Holy Man of the Mosque........ and not the toliet attendant as we had thought...... you live and learn. ;)


I have read a lot of 'funnies' on CC, but this was the first time that I LOL!!!:D



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Wow!! This one is really weird. You guys are probably lucky that it was just the Mullah and not a bunch of radicals.:eek:


I think things might have gotten out of hand if we had hung around.... that's why the guide got us out of there double quick.... :eek:

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I have read a lot of 'funnies' on CC, but this was the first time that I LOL!!!:D




funny now when I look back .... I can still see the Mad Mullah's face yet - he was the first Arab I have ever met who did not want my money :p he was not a happy chappy....... I suppose what we did was could have been considered blasphemous :eek:

Edited by camNaud
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funny now when I look back .... I can still see the Mad Mullah's face yet - he was the first Arab I have ever met who did not want my money :p he was not a happy chappy....... I suppose what we did was could have been considered blasphemous :eek:


I told this years ago, my first introduction to a 'tourist advised' toilet in


I entered,the only light was all of 15 watts. Walls dark brown, a sink, and a small door, [which opened outwards], but there was a regular toilet inside. I was finished in a couple of minutes, but, when I went to leave the door would not open! I gave a harder push, no result, so I gave it a mighty heave.

It flew open, but at the same time a small Mexican went flying across the room, and he did not look happy. My eyes were now used to the poor light, and what I had failed to see was a tiny six inch trough, right by my door, which it turned out served as a 'urinal', no wonder the poor guy was upset.:D



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  • 2 weeks later...

We were traveling on a 7 day cruise that left port on a Saturday out of Miami. Several days later, my entire family was getting into an elevator and I noticed there was a rug on the flooring of the elevator that said TUESDAY. I looked up at my husband and said: "Oh, this must be the Tuesday elevator!" - thinking that each elevator had a name.

My entire family burst out laughing! Little did I know that the cruise line changed the rugs in each elevator EVERY day - to keep everyone aware of the passing of time, and to let each person know what day of the week it was. I had never noticed.

10 years later, and my husband & kids still joke me about my lack of awareness!

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  • 1 month later...

My girlfriend did the same thing on our last cruise. She had just assumed that the key card would have our room number on it. After walking around the halls for a while, she finally had to go to the guest service desk to get our room number. I'm sure that this happens often, but she was so embarrassed.

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On my 1st cruise last year my best friend and I eagerly set our alarms to wake us up in enough time to get ready for CoCo Cay. We got up, got dressed, packed our bags and headed down the hallway to the elevator and we couldn't figure out where we had to go for the tender. Luckily a guy stopped us and informed us that we missed CoCoCay. OOPS! We had to look a tad stupid, but hey we didnt hear the announcement in our room and weren't up as early as everyone. We nonchalantly walked back to our room and got ready for a day at sea!



My other story I will leave a little vague....


Always be aware of your surroundings before doing anything you might not want others to see. Lets just say some late night escapades on the pool deck without realizing there is a bar overlooking the pool are never a good combination...

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On my 1st cruise last year my best friend and I eagerly set our alarms to wake us up in enough time to get ready for CoCo Cay. We got up, got dressed, packed our bags and headed down the hallway to the elevator and we couldn't figure out where we had to go for the tender. Luckily a guy stopped us and informed us that we missed CoCoCay. OOPS! We had to look a tad stupid, but hey we didnt hear the announcement in our room and weren't up as early as everyone. We nonchalantly walked back to our room and got ready for a day at sea!



Do you mean that they decided not to stop at CoCo Cay? Why did they not stop?

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Do you mean that they decided not to stop at CoCo Cay? Why did they not stop?


The waters were too rough to tender so they just decided to do a day at sea and we went back to CoCo Cay on Thursday. Would have been nice if we heard that announcement :(

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On our last cruise, we'd invited a couple who's kids were the same age as ours. We have fun with this family, but still, we were in the get further acquainted stage in our friendship. On our first formal night, we were all dressed up and both families were jam packed into a very full elevator with 3 other couples. As we started moving up floor levels, a lady in the front of the elevator started to announce what was on each floor, like they do in the larger department stores. "Watches, necklaces,...Sunscreen......T-shirts.......etc." My brain is thinking toward shopping and if I needed these items....so when she got to....."Bras, underwear......" My mouth blurts out....."Not tonight!" It was one of those moments when I'm thinking....What did I just say??????? As everyone turned to me, including all of our children and my friends husband, I had to quickly explain that I was thinking I didn't need to PURCHASE those items tonight....not that I wasn't WEARING those items that evening. But before I could totally get out my full explanation, an older gentleman quickly shuffled his wife off the elevator by her elbow at the first floor he could. (Sigh....) Open mouth....insert foot!!! :rolleyes:


Now the big joke in our family is to blurt out "NOT TONIGHT" at inappropriate times.......

Edited by NWHairGal
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We do enjoy elevator fun. We have cruised with family a couple of times, my wife and sister-in-law will start to dance in the elevator and try to get other to join in. Though they always do it for the security camera. I like to get in the front of the elevator and then stare at everyone. Makes some people uncomfortable. Another fun elevator thing is to look at everyone in the elevator and announce something to the effect of "I bet you are all wondering why I called you here today." Always good for a chuckle.

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well.....just before boarding the ship from Aruba....we decided to have a mojito billed as the "worlds best mojito or it's free" before getting on the ship......


well.....5 mojitos later....and yes, they were the worlds best mojitos....we headed back to the ship, must have been the sun but my husband had to throw me over his shoulder and carry me on the ship, while I waved good-bye to everyone, waving, giggling, laughing, blowing kisses......for the rest of the trip everyone who saw that would wave and say hello with a sly smile...I was embarrassed!

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I fell on the dock at the last port of my first cruise. That doesn’t sound too embarrassing but it didn’t end there. The ship doctor said the fall had fractured the radial cusp in both of my elbows so he put both of my arms in these peach colored foam sling things. I couldn’t use my arms for the rest of the cruise, was unable to lift my arms above my shoulders (so I was stuck in the top I had on), was in pain or loopy from the pain pills, and looked ridiculous. I couldn’t even feed myself. It very embarrassing and the worst way to end my first cruise.

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I fell on the dock at the last port of my first cruise. That doesn’t sound too embarrassing but it didn’t end there. The ship doctor said the fall had fractured the radial cusp in both of my elbows so he put both of my arms in these peach colored foam sling things. I couldn’t use my arms for the rest of the cruise, was unable to lift my arms above my shoulders (so I was stuck in the top I had on), was in pain or loopy from the pain pills, and looked ridiculous. I couldn’t even feed myself. It very embarrassing and the worst way to end my first cruise.


I feel so bad for you. Usually I laugh at the posts in here--But not yours. I hope you are doing better and that this did not sour you on cruising.

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My worst moment was buying a brand new digital camera last year prior to going on the Celebrity Century for a short weekend cruise...I was so looking forward to trying out my new camera on board...

We got on board and started out on our required tour of the ship, which we do on every cruise as soon as we get on the ship to figure out the lay of the "land"....Usually a good time to take some quick shots of the ship as well....

I hit the power btn, and.....nothing.....

I try it again........nothing....

I opened up the battery cage......nothing.....


Sure enuf, idiot here had decided the morning we left to recharge the battery....so no pictures from that trip!!

When we got home, there was the camera battery....all nicely charged, still in the charger....:mad:

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We do enjoy elevator fun. We have cruised with family a couple of times, my wife and sister-in-law will start to dance in the elevator and try to get other to join in. Though they always do it for the security camera. I like to get in the front of the elevator and then stare at everyone. Makes some people uncomfortable. Another fun elevator thing is to look at everyone in the elevator and announce something to the effect of "I bet you are all wondering why I called you here today." Always good for a chuckle.


We've done similar things....:


RCCL always has the day of the week in the elevator throughout the trip...

On the Monday of our trip, someone else started into our elevator, and my partner asked, "Shouldn't you be next door in the Tuesday elevator?", to which the people said, "OH! You're right!", and turned around and left....


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Your story is absolutely hysterical! You win hands down for the most embarrassing thing that happened to someone. I have been screaming with laughter picturing you as you went through your story.......LOL real loud. Thanks for the great laugh!



Me too!

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when I was 27 I did a family cruise - 4 gen. at one time.


I was coming in from the pool deck, it was very bright outside, and very dark inside. I of course did not have my glasses.. :rolleyes: it was dark, and my eyes took a moment to adjust, which happend just as I fell down a FLIGHT OF STAIRS.. landing in a heap at the bottem... :p

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On our last cruise, my husband arranged all the shore excursions. In Costa Rica, he told me we were going to the beach, so I wore flip-flops. It turned out that, before the beach, we were going rainforest trekking. It had recently rained (go figure, RAINforest) and was really muddy. I trekked right into a patch of muddy, slimy leaves and my feet hydroplaned like crazy, dumping me flat-out onto the ground. (I'm really graceful like that.) Not only was I covered in mud and completely embarrassed, I got to have my torn-in-three-places shoulder rotator cuff operated on a few months later.


I'm doing the shore excursions for our next cruise.


Oops sorry I giggled :(

Edited by Gairy Fodmother
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My most embarrassing moment came a few years ago on the Norwegian Gem. My family was sailing on a New Years cruise, and on New Years Eve there was a huge deck party for the countdown to midnight, despite it being rather windy on the exposed deck. So my sister, her boyfriend, and I got all gussied up, since it was, after all, a holiday, and went to enjoy the free holiday champagne. I was wearing a '60s-inspired top that was fitted at the shoulders and went straight down from there in a triangular cut without any other shaping - it ended up being kind of the shape of a (pleated) bell.


We found some space to stand by the rail on the sun deck overlooking the pool, had some champagne, danced a little. I had just moved away from the rail to go get another glass of champagne when...WHOOSH. A huge gust of wind came and blew my shirt straight up over my head, almost inside-out. Luckily for me, the only person who happened to be looking my way at the time (I think!) was my sister, and since we were both three sheets to the wind, we just gaped at each other for a second and then burst out laughing.


Needless to say, I spent the rest of that evening with my beautiful shirt very unattractively shoved into the top of my pants to avoid any repeat shows!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were on our honeymoon cruise on NCL and I wanted so badly to capture the sunrise or sunset on my camera. Well I missed all the sunrises as we slept in too late and it always seemed we were right in the middle of something else and I'd miss capturing the sunset.


So one night during formal night we were at dinner and a tablemate who knew my missing sunset dilema says, oh look the sun is getting ready to set, quick come with me I know how to get to the front of the ship where you can take an awesome picture of the sunset.


We ran all the way to the front of the ship and as she opened the door for me I held my camera up with both hands ready to snap the pictures before it was too late and....all of a sudden Whoosh.....my whole dress was now blown up around my chest!!! I snapped two quick pictures then used both hands to put my dress back in place and hold it there. We both were laughing so hard while looking around to make sure no one else saw and we felt relieved to see no one else was out there with us. Then All of a sudden we heard some laughter and whisltles and looked up and saw the captains crew above us on the bridge!!! Were my cheeks red!


It was quite the story told when we got back to the table, and they all had a good laugh! That was a long time ago but I've never forgotten it and I never went out on deck in a black knee length flowy dress again either!! My DH chuckled about it later but he was a tad jealous then about other men seeing what was under his wifes dress! LOL I told him they see my legs when I'm in shorts or a bathing suit, they didn't really see more then that! And that's my story to him and I'm sticking to it!!LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really debated whether to post this or not, but I have had so much fun reading these over the last year, that I figured what the heck--I have to laugh at myself! SO, on an Eastern Caribbean cruise a few weeks ago, this is what happened to me...

When I am cruising, I usually just put a swimsuit on and then my shorts or whatever over it. That way I am ready for the pool at some point in the day. I did that this time, too. But the first several days of our cruise were not very good weather, cloudy, rainy, etc. So, on the day we were in St. Maarten, I just decided to get dressed in normal attire, since I wanted to go on shore to take some pics of our ship from there. We had breakfast and were walking around when my husband went over to one of the bars to get a soda and brings me back a Harp's lager. (That really has nothing to do with it, but I wish I could claim that was the reason for what I did!!) Then we see that it is partially sunny so we go to the pool deck and we decide to stay there for awhile since the weather seemed to be breaking. My 16 yr old son went in the whirlpool and I went over to a lounge chair, put my towel down and proceeded to take off my shorts and t shirt. About the time I realized that something didn't feel right was the time I saw the look on my husband's face. I was standing there in my undies!! My son was nearly going underwater he was laughing so hard! I grabbed my towel and sat down, tried to grab my clothes. I looked at my husband and said "Help me!" He shook his head and walked over to the whirlpool and got in! I was laughing so hard I was crying while trying to get dressed! I don't think my family will ever let me live that one down!!

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Like another poster, I had just come out of the buffet with a plate of nachos and once I hit outside, a big gust of wind carried then away and a massive glob of cheese and nachos landed squarely on the face of this older woman. Meanwhile, the wind is continuing to blow and the nachos are continuing to fly and she was batting them away like Wonder Woman bats away bullets. It only lasted about 2-3 seconds but it was like slow motion. She had all of these nacho chips stuck to her with globs of cheese. Thankfully, she was laughing about it.


Another time, I was riding the elevator with this gentleman - just him and me - and you could see him shift from left foot to right. I then heard the beginnings of a fart and, not to be gross, but you could hear the fact that he was trying to contain it by the difference in 'pitch'. Again, not to be gross but it must have lasted 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I'm facing the door, praying the elevator goes faster and trying not to blow my ear drums out by not laughing. Finally, we got to his floor and he dashes out. I followed and took the stairs the remaining two flights.

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I really debated whether to post this or not, but I have had so much fun reading these over the last year, that I figured what the heck--I have to laugh at myself! SO, on an Eastern Caribbean cruise a few weeks ago, this is what happened to me...

When I am cruising, I usually just put a swimsuit on and then my shorts or whatever over it. That way I am ready for the pool at some point in the day. I did that this time, too. But the first several days of our cruise were not very good weather, cloudy, rainy, etc. So, on the day we were in St. Maarten, I just decided to get dressed in normal attire, since I wanted to go on shore to take some pics of our ship from there. We had breakfast and were walking around when my husband went over to one of the bars to get a soda and brings me back a Harp's lager. (That really has nothing to do with it, but I wish I could claim that was the reason for what I did!!) Then we see that it is partially sunny so we go to the pool deck and we decide to stay there for awhile since the weather seemed to be breaking. My 16 yr old son went in the whirlpool and I went over to a lounge chair, put my towel down and proceeded to take off my shorts and t shirt. About the time I realized that something didn't feel right was the time I saw the look on my husband's face. I was standing there in my undies!! My son was nearly going underwater he was laughing so hard! I grabbed my towel and sat down, tried to grab my clothes. I looked at my husband and said "Help me!" He shook his head and walked over to the whirlpool and got in! I was laughing so hard I was crying while trying to get dressed! I don't think my family will ever let me live that one down!!



This is the stuff nightmares are made of! I would have been falling down laughing, too. Thanks for sharing.

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