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Cartagena, Colombia


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We had a great day in Cartagena in January. We arranged a private tour through Lee Miles and we can highly recommend him. There is more to see than you can in a one day cruise visit, so think about what you like and dislike and Lee can help you customize a tour. He owns a jewelry store in Cartagena, but if like us you don't want to visit it, no problem, you don't have to visit it or any other stores. Here is a link to our journal of that day:


You'll have a great time, Debbie

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I would be very careful in Columbia. My son and I stopped there 4 years ago, the poverty is saddening.

You see police with submachine guns, the drug trade is dangerous. I would highly recommend using the ships tours. Good luck but be careful.

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We had a great day in Cartagena in January. We arranged a private tour through Lee Miles and we can highly recommend him. There is more to see than you can in a one day cruise visit, so think about what you like and dislike and Lee can help you customize a tour. He owns a jewelry store in Cartagena, but if like us you don't want to visit it, no problem, you don't have to visit it or any other stores. Here is a link to our journal of that day:


You'll have a great time, Debbie


Thanks for posting...great photos.....we have a tour booked with Lee this April.

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We were in Cartagena December 2007. Our experience was nothing like what Eddie1 posted. Had a terrific time wandering the streets of the Walled City on a four-hour walking tour that included the Castillo (took a cab there). Cartagena was one of the highlights of the cruise for us.


Photos are at: http://eenusa.smugmug.com/gallery/4079278_CPMaa#237626127


Short review is at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=650142 (post 6) on the Colombia Board. You'll find the recent experience of others there as well.


One word about Christian Martinez - not sure I can unconditionally recommend him anymore even though he did well by us. He has been a no-show for two other people. Search for his name on the Colombia Board, read the other reviews, and make your own decision.

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Just to thank Debbie and family for the link to their journal. It has kept me engrossed for several hours with much useful info & tips ready to make use of for next year on our B2B Buenos Aires/Fort Lauderdale. Thanks again and the pictures were fantastic.


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  • 1 year later...

Well, you're right AOL did shut down their Journals feature. Here is a new link.


(Check out http://www.DestinationCartagena.com and http://www.misteremerald.com/ if you wish for more info. Lee's email address is leland@misteremerald.com )


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