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Carnival Inspiration; 3 thru 7 April... a review


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Hi, folks! For those of you who know me you won't find the length of this review remarkable. For those that don't know me, you may want to change the channel as I can be a bit long winded.

What follows is my 'review' of my sailing on the Inspiration, 3 through 7 April. I'm doing this in a few parts as even I get tired of reading my stuff!! ;)

I hope y'all enjoy.


The cruise terminal at Tampa is well done. Nothing over the top or out of the ordinary but well done. It does have color, bright Miami-like colors. It works. It’s also warm. Despite the fact that this is VERY early April it was sticky warm…being that it’s Florida that’s not a shock. I was a bit surprised that we all had to queue up outside.

After waiting for three wedding parties full of folks in various states of formal attire to make their way into the terminal it was my turn. The air conditioning was a welcome relief as I nearly sprinted trough security. Very friendly TSA folks, the remainder of TSA agents I’ve run into need to visit here for lessons on how to treat travelers. Great job.

I bypassed the growing line of passengers and went direct to VIP check in. As it was10:20 there was no one there to compete for the attention of Tina, the woman conducting VIP check in. In less than three minutes I had my magic gold Sail and Sign card in hand and was directed to a seating area. Slowly, others joined me gradually becoming a chatty group of anxious sailors.

I had decided to wear my ‘Climb This!’ t-shirt, that many of you have seen, for embark. Smiles, smiles, comments and smiles. Nearly everyone with a Carnival name tag stopped me, chatted, smiled or gave me a thumbs up. Rivalry is a good thing. Rivalries build pride. These Carnival folks are proud people, as they should be.

At 11:10 Tina turned Pied Piper and led the entire VIP entourage forward toward the ship. Digital pictures taken as we all marched up the gangway. Turning the last corner I was greeted by the neon glow from the Atrium that Joe Farcus designed just for me. Boarding on the Empress Deck, one below the main level of the Atrium, I was instantly at home. There’s something about a Carnival ship that makes you feel comfortable, feel relaxed. These ships aren’t pretentious or demanding. They’re homey, if your home happens to be a bit Vegas like. They’re deceptively simple, as Mr. Farcus intended. That simplicity belies the central theme of each and every ship, in the case the Creative Spirits of the Arts.

Being a veteran of the Inspiration I headed to my cabin, the same cabin I had enjoyed on a previous sailing, and deposited my carry on and laptop before traveling to the Lido Deck. I secured a DoD, a Fun Ship Special, from one of the many staff who bore that amazing smile that says ‘Welcome!’ I looked, just looked. Experiencing the pool area empty is a tad odd but it wasn’t odd for long as bodies soon came streaming through the double sliding doors. The party begins. The new faux palms and the bright yellow umbrellas became havens from the Tampa sun for many.

A formerly strangely quiet midships pool quickly turns into a quiet riot of color, laughter and bikinis. Drinks of nearly every color and hue parade past owned by grinning, laughing, gawking, adults turned children. It’s a grand sight.

I learned that out of the 2300 folks on board that more than two thirds were sailing with Carnival for the first time and more than two thirds of them were sailing for the first time period. This is excellent news for Carnival as their market continues to grow. It’s also very good news for the remainder of the cruise industry as it indicates that more and more folks are willing to avail themselves these wonderful vacations.

I suspect that all the passengers were on board early as the Cruise Director announced the impending life boat drill just prior to 3 PM. Amazing as we were still an hour from our scheduled sailing. Normally, these are fairly dreadful affairs, folks forced to stand about on an open deck; the sun beating down on them, sweat dripping from noses and any other available protrusion but this was different… better… much better, in fact. At that appointed time the drill was sounded and folks headed to their Muster Stations. Mine was Muster Station B. The information is posted on the inside of each cabin door. My life jacket stated muster station A but I figure life jackets and get moved about, doors not so much. Being one of the first to arrive allowed me to grab a comfy bar stool at Blues. Yep, inside, in front of the Casino bar was my Muster Station. Perfect for me and the several hundred others who gathered there.

The plan was to have everyone pay rapt attention to the crew members with the dayglo green hats on as this would be our one lesson in survival should the worst happen. The VAST majority of passengers take this event quite seriously… note I said vast majority. There’s always a few who start their vacation earlier than others, some WAY earlier. We were graced by the presence of just such an individual. Every comment made over the PA system was followed by gales of totally inappropriate laughter from our highly intoxicated clown. His companions made several efforts to quiet him and he actually even fell out of the chair that he was occupying once. Finally, as this person was preventing anyone else from hearing the valuable information being passed along, a crewmember from security approached Mister Blotto and offered him an opportunity to debark if he wasn’t going to calm down. That got his attention and he didn’t say a word from that point on.

The drill was totally painless. Here’s what’s on your life jacket… here’s how you put your life jacket on… put your life jacket on… take your life jacket off… thank you. This is a HUGE improvement over the old system. Overall not an unpleasant experience.

At almost exactly 4 PM the familiar vibration and rumble of the thrusters told me it was gonna get good now. With that amazing ghostly quiet we inched away from the dock and began the waltz that would point us to sea. Twisting as if on a giant, hidden pivot we filled the channel at Tampa and eventually pressed west. Heading to sea at three knots may not sound thrilling but it was for me. This vessel was off to do what she does best… run in deep blue open water.

As the Inspiration is just recently a recipient of the Evolutions of Fun modifications I made my way aft to see them for myself. Yep… this ship has it and has it well done. Seeing the waterpark requires a double take. The size of the slide makes one wonder if you’re really on a ship or have been transported to California. I suspect that one could build wedgie inducing speed as you rip down this amazing Tube O’ Fun. I’d like to meet the demonic individual that managed to pack all those twists and excitement into such a compact area. Smiles break out as dads and kids race each other on the parallel water slides. The deck is soaked with water tossed about from the silly fun that young ones of all ages are thrilling themselves with. I’d take a water park over a rock wall any day and it appears that a great many folks agree with me.

Carnival… The Fun Ships… That certainly is in evidence here.

Moving forward and down to the Lido Deck it was necessary to secure some variety of food before the string of drinks overtook me. Those amazing cheeseburgers and shoestring fries were calling. Just right with the perfect amount of juicy goodness that burger took almost fifteen minutes to finish. The requirement for a fair size stack of napkins provided evidence of amazing moistness of the thing. Glorious… if a burger can be glorious this one was.

Down off the Lido deck and to the cabin to check on my bags resulted in a bit of disappointment as just my laptop and carryon were there… just as before. I took a few minutes to explore the space as it has changed markedly since my last visit. Being a Category 12 it was large, invitingly large and open. Gone was the wall that had separated the sleeping area from the sitting area. It was now one large, bright space. I had left the door open as I had only intended to be there for a minute or two. One of my fellow travelers poked his head in and remarked ‘You could hold a dance in here!!’ That’s really a pretty accurate statement!

The bathroom is sparkling with a new, brilliant white Jacuzzi tub, equally brilliant pedestal sink and tan ceramic tile floor. Storage was more than abundant below the sink countertop with three levels available for all those things that normally inhabit bathroom shelves.

The walk in closet that is located directly across from the bathroom has all new cabinetry rife with space for anything that three or four people might want to bring along with them. Plenty of hanging space for suits, dresses and such and cavernous drawers for the remainder.

As I had little to no unpacking to do at this stage I elected to take more time to explore. I discovered that the ship is in excellent condition especially considering that she had just been host to six weeks of spring breakers. Sadly, they did some breaking on board, as well. A cracked mirror on the Promenade level of the Atrium several broken deck level lights in elevators shouted out the lack of respect that some people have for others. Beyond that she looks very new and wonderfully clean. The few spots I saw on the carpet weren’t there the next time I passed by.

After a cocktail or two more I meandered back to may cabin. There, in the hallway, I met Ishot, my cabin steward. What a delightful guy! He was constantly smiling, asking if there was anything he could do for me. Top notch! He was stunned by the fact that my bags had yet to arrive. He headed off in search of them trying to save me from heading to formal dining with shorts and a ‘Climb This’ t-shirt on.

As he and I both were involved in trying to locate my bags I pressed my search at the Purser’s Desk. Yes, I knew my bags wouldn’t be there but I thought perhaps they might have some clue about who might know their whereabouts. I was told ‘8:10 PM. Your bags will be in your cabin by 8:10 PM guaranteed.’ That 8:10 deadline was 1 hour and 55 minutes after scheduled dining time in the Mardi Gras restaurant. As my intention was to take all of my evening meals there I was slightly miffed… but only slightly.

I returned to my cabin to wait watching as my scheduled dining came and went, as did 8:10 PM. I tracked down Ishot and let him know that I was headed aft to get something to eat and he promised to track down my bags before the evening was over.

Diner in the Brasserie was quiet good with a wide variety of meat and seafood dishes to select from. I ended up with an eclectic mix of roast beef, cod, haricot verte, phenomenal sautéed potato slices and bit of salmon mousse that was just slightly and perfectly smoky. No desert for me as I wanted to spend time in the Monte Carlo casino.

The Casino was PACKED!! To my amazement the Poker Pro table didn’t have a single seat available and everyone appeared to be having a great time, win or lose. I did OK on the poker slots, pocketed my winnings and made my way forward as the Welcome Aboard show was growing neigh.

Another pass by my cabin still no bags. I had resigned myself to visiting the Galleria Shop when they opened the next morning to pick a wardrobe from Carnival t-shirts, Carnival shorts, Carnival hats and Carnival postcards. If nothing else I’d be brand loyal.

Making my way to the Paris lounge it was obvious that a few members of our cruise had progressed beyond enjoying themselves to either being blissfully passed out or obnoxious. Either the groom or the best man of one of the aforementioned weddings was passed out in the hallway of the Upper Deck. Later in the cruise I heard that it was the groom and the bride had kicked him out of their honeymoon suite… Ah, love… ain’t it grand??

The Welcome Aboard show was a hoot. I had to watch it from the far back of the Paris Lounge as the scent from my current clothing was beginning to smell like a yak. I left a bit early as to drawing glances from other guests as they wondered which pocket I was keeping said Yak.

It was late, nearing midnight when I returned to my cabin. Ishot was dashing down the hallway toward me wildly waving his arms in the air. I was starting to listen for the general alarm thinking we were in imminent danger of smashing into and iceberg or some such calamity was about to befall us. Instead of disaster I was greeted with wonderful news. He had found my bags! Somehow, my bags had elected to take a rest on Deck 3, one of the crew decks. Perhaps they were exhausted from the long trek from San Antonio but I more suspect they were merely misplaced.

After thanking my new best friend profusely I opened my cabin door and began unpacking, a task which everyone else on the ship had completed eight hours ago. By 1 AM most of the important items were stowed and I took a moment to procure a cocktail and relax on my balcony. First, let me tell you that Category 12 cabins are wonderful. Second, the location of these cabins on the ship provides for deliciously black skies at night. Tonight was a new moon, nothing but stars glistening dramatically in the firmament much to shock the ebony sky. This, my friends, was high drama at its best. The sky melted into the sea where I figured the horizon might be and became one with it. As my gaze drew toward the ship the glorious blue white of the foaming wave crests greeted me. It was as if one of the artists inspired by this ship had painted a canvas black, top to bottom, used the smallest brush available to create tiny, brilliant dots of white over the upper third and slashed wildly at the lower third with the same snowy paint. Stunning. Despite the beauty before me I was worn out and it was time to call it a day.

Day Two, first Sea Day

Despite my late evening I got up quite early to shower and dress. I was on a mission. I dug my camera tripod out of my case and sallied forth. Breakfast was obtained in the Brasserie and I went aft to the open deck area spreading smiles and ‘good morning’s as often as possible. It was my intention to enjoy my breakfast, attach my camera to the tripod and take some panoramic shots of both the Serenity Area and the amazing Water Works.

Few folks were out and about yet as the bars weren’t yet open and I had the entire aft end of the ship to myself. Taking these shots is a bit time consuming but I got them done. As it turned out, I wasn’t terribly impressed with the first go so I redid them the next morning when we were docked in Cozumel.

It was time to get to know the ship in more detail and depth.

The Inspiration is a soft ship. I don’t mean physically soft but visually soft. It’s difficult to find a straight line or a hard angle anywhere other than the Atrium which is awash with neon and sunlight. As I wandered, the curves of the wooden sconces, the graceful arc of an archway or the way a bar meanders through an area reinforced my opinion about her appearance. Everything rolls and dances, nothing looks static. I began to feel the talent of Joe Farcus draw me on, forcing me to peer into every space I happened across. Like the other ships that Farcus has designed, the continuity of the vessel only slowly dawns on you. One might wonder what Violins, Shakespeare, Rhapsody in Blue and Chopin have in common but they work together. When one recalls that the theme of this ship is Creative Spirits of the Arts it all starts to make sense… the curvaceous lines; the dramatic colors of the lighting; the sight and sounds of violins; the heavy, wooden, classic feel of the library all melt into the harmonious picture that becomes the Inspiration. As she’s a smaller vessel than the Conquest class ships there’s a bit less to explore but she’s no less dramatic. The Brasserie is probably the most whimsical space on the ship. Purple tubes erupt from the deck and dart across the ceiling without regard for the patrons who often bump into objects as they pay a bit more attention to the décor than they do the direction they’re headed. At the aft end of the Brasserie, on both port and starboard sides, you’ll find my favorite haunt, the area where I had previously enjoyed cocktails and breakfast. Open areas situated above the Serenity area and below the water park beg a quiet moment and a cool drink. Watching the world slowly recede into the distance became my favorite pastime.

If y'all have any question of me I'll be glad to answer 'em. Also, I have ALL the Capers, including Circle C, Club 02, and Camp Carnival. I also have the liquor order forms, the spa services lists and pretty much anything else printed that wasn't taped down or under glass!!

I'll be putting these somewhere after I get 'em scanned. I'll post a link.

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I love sea days. I love the attitude, the activity, and the camaraderie. I don’t know how many folks I met today… bunches! I was sporting my ‘Cruisin’ With The Crazies’ t-shirt and answered dozens of questions about the group cruises. I also became a bit of a guide as folks asked ‘Where can I find the library’ or ‘Which one is the piano bar’ and ‘What’s a Purser’s Desk’?? I had a great time pointing folks in the right direction or answering questions about the ship. You have to love first time cruisers. They’re easy to spot as they’re always looking about, never quite sure where they’re headed but they’re going to get there fast. After a couple days that effect wears off and they could care less where they are, where they are going or when they’re going to get there. They have become cruisers. It’s a wonderful transformation to watch.

Sea days are a time for silliness, as well. Belly flop contests, hairy man contests, scavenger hunts all bring out the kid in folks. Some cruise lines may call such events foolish or a waste of time… I call it fantastic fun. Whenever a person can leave their cares behind and revert to days when they had no responsibilities, no bills and didn’t think twice about tomorrow I say it’s a good thing. Carnival excels at these things. Entertainment staff are everywhere, smiles, laughter, hoots and howls fill the air. Ask any one of the passengers you run into if they’re having a good time and you’re in for a litany of what they love about the ship, how fantastic their cabin steward is, how great the food is and superlatives about virtually anything else that you can imagine. This is perfect, my friends. This is like fun on a stick.

Sitting on my balcony, my late lunch parked on the table next to me, I had time to look. Just look. That’s all. Nothing else. I’ve gotten rather good at looking and beyond looking, seeing. Sitting there I saw the wonder that surrounded me. The beauty of that astounding Caribbean Blue sky; the beauty of the water, the color of which defies description; the sight of sea birds gracefully carving the sky hundreds of miles from land; and the feel of a salty, spanking breeze on my face all calm and comfort me.

Now, having said all that, none of the above does anything for my coordination. Tonight is formal night and the Cruisin’ With the Crazies mascots and I were to meet with the Cruise Director, Risa Barnes, the Captain and quite a few other notables. I had decided it was time to head back into my cabin, hop in the shower and get ready for the evenings festivities. Anyone familiar with balcony cabins knows that there’s a pretty significant section of bulkhead that one needs to negotiate as you enter the cabin from said balcony. I know this. I know this very well. I have no idea how many times I’ve negotiated that minor obstacle. Today, however, it was beyond my capabilities. The toe end of my flip flop caught on the lower door opening and as I was trying to pop it free the balcony door closed behind me trapping my flip flop in the door and leaving my foot firmly stuck in place. Being the deft, athletic individual that I am I rapidly twisted, falling sideways, bounced off the large, comfortable chair positioned near the door as my head swept past the cocktail table. With a fairly mighty thud I hit the deck… literally.

Quickly assessing my condition the only damage I noticed was an abrasion on my elbow. I had survived! Triumphant, I got to my feet opened the balcony door and attempted to retrieve my trapped flip flop. As my hand clasped the now sadly misshapen piece of foot ware I heard, or felt… not sure which, a rather disconcerting ‘POP.’ That, my friends, was my lower back. It had apparently felt quite neglected and decided that now was the perfect time to garner some attention. Boy, howdy! Unable to stand I crawled back toward my bed thinking bed would be my refuge… No dice. I couldn’t straighten up. As my mind feverishly raced I remembered I had brought a few Vicodin with me as I often bugger up some portion of my body. I retrieved those and a few Aleeve from my suitcase which I had thoughtfully parked at eye level… under the bed. Gulping those down with the tiny bit of tea left in a glass from the previous evening I began to further asses my situation.

Recall, please, that my cabin has a Jacuzzi tub. What could be better for a throbbing back than a hot soak in a Jacuzzi? Probably nothing. So, imitating a sheep or a wayward dog I ambled into the bathroom, cranked up the water and waited for the tub to fill. Ultimately, I scaled the tub wall and splashed into the very warm, very soothing water. Stretching with my very best stretch I managed to reach around to activate the jets. Believe me, it was wonderful and completely justified that added cost of this beautiful cabin. I did note, however that even though my feet felt WONDERFUL my back wasn’t gaining any benefit. So, there I sat pointed the wrong way in the Jacuzzi with no way to turn about.

Feeling like a cross between a cripple and a twit I figured that eventually someone would come to my rescue. I figured that until I remembered the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign that I had hung on the hallway side of the door. I was doomed. No formal night, my jacket, tie, shirt and slacks would remain in the closet where I had so carefully placed them. The ‘Cruisin’ with the Crazies’ mascots would remain, stoically, on the bar where I had left them and I was destined to become a prune.

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One should NEVER laugh at or chuckle over someone else's pain and discomfort.. but Mach... this is priceless!!! :eek: :p


I am so sorry... but thank you for your words and entertainment!!!


Ya' know, even at the time I found it funny. I figured that a few years down the road they'd figure out someway to open the door and there I'd been... in this odd soggy, mummy-like state...


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I am TOTALLY enjoying this! We sailed on the lovely Inspiration in 2006 and 2007 - right before the dry dock - and since hearing of the changes, we are anxious to sail her again!


As you go step by step through your day, I can totally visualize and some wonderful memories come rushing back! The Inspiration will ALWAYS have a special place in our hearts - she was our first ship on our first vacation in 25 years, and the following year the first ship of what has now become the Letner Family Cruise as we took our kids and their spouses last year and we are doing it again this year on the Victory!


I cannot wait for your next installment.


By the way - where do you get the Climb This shirt?


Thanks so much, Mach!

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I am TOTALLY enjoying this! We sailed on the lovely Inspiration in 2006 and 2007 - right before the dry dock - and since hearing of the changes, we are anxious to sail her again!


As you go step by step through your day, I can totally visualize and some wonderful memories come rushing back! The Inspiration will ALWAYS have a special place in our hearts - she was our first ship on our first vacation in 25 years, and the following year the first ship of what has now become the Letner Family Cruise as we took our kids and their spouses last year and we are doing it again this year on the Victory!


I cannot wait for your next installment.


By the way - where do you get the Climb This shirt?


Thanks so much, Mach!



Hi, Cheryl!


Thanks so very much for the kind words. The Inspiration was my first Carnival ship and holds a very special place in my heart, as well. She's a lovely ship and deserves nothing but praise.


How fantastic for you and your family to be able to cruise together. That's wonderfully admirable.


This is the t-shirt:




Click on the image for a larger version.


The graphic was designed by Lance Gunberg for the upcoming Blogger's Cruise on the Fantasy sailing from New Orleans. He graciously gave me permission to use it and I added the 'Lookin' for a rock wall?' wording. The crew LOVED it!

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enjoying your review and can't wait to learn how you got out of your predicament. :D Sorry you got hurt--but it sure makes a funny story.


Love your shirt.


The inspiration was a favorite of ours too.

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enjoying your review and can't wait to learn how you got out of your predicament. :D Sorry you got hurt--but it sure makes a funny story.


Love your shirt.


The inspiration was a favorite of ours too.



Thanks, 'tart! In spite of all the foibles it was a wonderful cruise. The people were fantastic, the ship lovely and the weather flawless...

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It was about forty five minutes later after the Vicodin and Aleeve had taken effect that I was able to crawl, or slither, out of the Jacuzzi. I used the grab bars to help right myself and despite numerous winces and grimaces I was upright… Well, nearly so. I was standing with my upper torso parallel to the deck. I looked like a bad imitation of a Pilates class.


I’ve put up with this problem off and on since I was seventeen and I knew that now the only thing that would help was time on the floor, flat on my back. There I parked myself and there I stayed until morning.


About eleven hours later I was able to stand and get about. Thank God. I was afraid that I’d spend the rest of my cruise stuck to the deck.


Day Three… Cozumel!!!



We arrived exactly on time in Cozumel. A trip up to the Lido Deck for breakfast used up an hours or so and I was ready to go ashore. According to my watch it was a bit after nine. Making my way down to Three Deck via the forward elevator I soon found myself on the Punta Langosta pier gazing and the island. You’d be amazed at how long that pier is when you’re stuck doing your best Quasimodo impression. I had a job to do. I had a mission. I needed to acquire a rare and oft sought after spirit… Aha Toro Tequila which, when translated, means ‘Run, it’s a Bull!!!’ I think.


Getting to town in Cozumel would seem to be simple. It always looks simple but never is. Tested like a rat in a maze I went up stairs, down stairs, turned left, turned right and retraced my path at least two or three times. Ultimately this rat found the cheese and I was gimping about in Cozumel! One item… that’s all I needed… one item.


I was struck by the fact that none of the stores were open to take my money. With the exception of places selling t-shirts of parrots with odd looking cigarettes perched in their beaks nothing was open. I peered intently through the glass of the nearest liquor store only to note two things… 1, not open; B, no Aha Toro.


My Vicodin addled brain had neglected the concept of time change. Nine o’clock on my watch… SEVEN O’CLOCK in Cozumel. Like Forrest said… stupid is as stupid does.


I had time to burn… LOTS of time to burn. About thirty minutes later I found a couple of the larger shops open. They both had Aha Toro but not for sale. It’s apparently display only for another hour. I can waste an hour anywhere. I crossed the road that fronts the port, dodging cabs like a cat with a broken back. Safely across I sat on the short, white wall the guards the town from invasion, I guess.


Eventually, I garnered my treasure and returned to the ship as it was still very, very early in this part of the world. No one in security seemed interested in my package. It slid silently through xray and the guy there just motioned me on. Invisible tequila!!! Amazing!


Thanking a gentleman named ‘Otis’ many times for the elevator ride up to my deck I got to the cabin, proud as punch of my accomplishment. I was impressed by the strength of that Aha Toro as I could actually smell it through the wrapper and bag!!! That’s some Tequila! In reality, such wasn’t the case. The stopper in the hand-formed bottle was so loose it not only wouldn’t keep tequila in but it probably wouldn’t be able to keep a mouse out. The inside of the plastic bag was already near melting from the tequila soaking it had received and instantly I understood that I needed to return… return to Cozumel and return quickly.


The dock at Cozumel has these three wheel bicycles that more than anything else resemble a rickshaw. This was my new mode of transport. Feeling like a tourist in Hong Kong we glided slowly along the pier, zipping by 85 year old ladies with walkers… everyone else breezed by us. No matter as in less then twenty five minutes I had secured a second bottle of Aha Toro, this time with a stopper that fit properly. I rickshawed my way back to the Inspiration in time to view the arrival of her sister ship, the Imagination. She docked directly across from us. This was quite the sight as the Imagination is the only other ship in the fleet that has the Evolutions of Fun upgrades complete. Side by side these two gleaming white beauties looked like a traveling version of Schillterbahn. Folks exchanged greetings across the way and it seemed much like a family reunion.


Somewhat later in the day (morning in Cozumel) I elected to return to town, once again, to shop a bit and finally to visit Margaritaville. I stopped at Carlos and Charlie’s and Senior Frog’s, easy to do as they pretty much share the same building. I had a wonderful time chatting with many other time confused travelers all of whom were expecting lunch and were being offered breakfast… breakfast and tequila. Ya’ just gotta love Mexico.

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. Side by side these two gleaming white beauties looked like a traveling version of Schillterbahn.


I am loving this review!! And being a former Texas girl, I especially LOVE the Shlitterbahn reference!!! We are headed out on the Inpiration in October and CANNOT wait!

I am sorry for your back troubles, but have to admit I've had a good giggle at your descriptions!

Thanks for the review, I'll be hanging out waiting for more....

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I am loving this review!! And being a former Texas girl, I especially LOVE the Shlitterbahn reference!!! We are headed out on the Inpiration in October and CANNOT wait!

I am sorry for your back troubles, but have to admit I've had a good giggle at your descriptions!

Thanks for the review, I'll be hanging out waiting for more....



Thanks a bunch for your kindness. It was a lovely cruise, really was. She's a great vessel and you'll have a fantastic time. Don't forget to let us know how you enjoyed her when you get back. You'll flat love the Port of Tampa!!!


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Aha... :rolleyes: You made it out of the tub!!! Then you became a pancake on the floor!! Poor Mach! ;)

Your Aha Toro day must have felt like Ground Hog day! Get back to the ship and leave again... and again...

I found the AhaToro practically next to Diamonds International... But it seems you didn't stop and shop at DI... Must be a girl-thing! :p

Glad to know that your cruise continues... can't wait for more!!! more!!! MORE!!!

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Mach, how possible do you think it would be for fellow fans of the Big C to get one of those shirts?



Wow... that's a tough one...

One of my fellow Crazies asked Lance for permission to make a shirt and he allowed her to but asked her to let me know that he wasn't going to grant permission any more.

Drop me an email and let me see if I can figure out something...

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Mach, how possible do you think it would be for fellow fans of the Big C to get one of those shirts?


I was thinking the same thing myself!!! Would love to purchase a few for upcoming first cruise.


Host Mach: I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. It has been a real treat to read.:) Sorry to hear about your back issue, but what a great attitude you had about it.

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Aha... :rolleyes: You made it out of the tub!!! Then you became a pancake on the floor!! Poor Mach! ;)


Your Aha Toro day must have felt like Ground Hog day! Get back to the ship and leave again... and again...


I found the AhaToro practically next to Diamonds International... But it seems you didn't stop and shop at DI... Must be a girl-thing! :p


Glad to know that your cruise continues... can't wait for more!!! more!!! MORE!!!



Ya' know, I looked around there and only found one very tiny liquor store, or more properly a tequila store as that's all they sold but no Aha...


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I was thinking the same thing myself!!! Would love to purchase a few for upcoming first cruise.


Host Mach: I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. It has been a real treat to read.:) Sorry to hear about your back issue, but what a great attitude you had about it.



First, please... Mach... don't worry about the Host thingy... and B my back is almost like a part of me... ;) Some days it's grouchy and some days it's happy as a clam...


Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read...


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Your writing should be likened to poetic prose. I am terribly sorry for all of your misadventures, but is sure does make for easy enjoyable reading.


I will be on the Inspiration in 2 short months. I can't wait to have all the fun you seemed to have...well, maybe not so much:D !!


Not only am I eagerly awaiting the next installment, but I can't wait to see the title. Those have been as fun as the text.

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Your writing should be likened to poetic prose. I am terribly sorry for all of your misadventures, but is sure does make for easy enjoyable reading.


I will be on the Inspiration in 2 short months. I can't wait to have all the fun you seemed to have...well, maybe not so much:D !!


Not only am I eagerly awaiting the next installment, but I can't wait to see the title. Those have been as fun as the text.



Thanks so much, Cori. If you have half the fun and twice the problems I did you'll have a fantastic cruise!!!

I promise I'll get the next installment up as soon as I can!!

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Somewhat later in the day (morning in Cozumel) I elected to return to town, once again, to shop a bit and finally to visit Margaritaville.




Margaritaville in Cozumel was my favorite one so far of the foreign ones I have visited. It brought the term Dive Bar to a whole new level :)


It was a bit of a walk from the pier... so kudos to you with a bad back.. (i have a bad knee, and had to stop from time to time on the way.. luckily there were places to sit).

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