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Help with Alexandria/Egypt tours needed.


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I seem to have the impression from my wanderings around these boards, that you also used DeCastro. If so, what were your impressions? Thanks.:)


Sparky, Sparky, Sparky - you have me laughing! You want me to wade into the fray where I get attacked by a few Egyptian tour operators posing as CC members while the vast majority of us were completely satisfied with our superb DeCastro tours?


I refuse to rise to the bait.



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Wonderful Ruby!


Now you have me laughing out loud.


I'm obviously caught in the quagmire. As soon as I have hauled myself out I shall proceed to my Amazon basket and throw in a copy of How to be the World's Best Detective by C. Kemout. ;)


(I think though, I have made my decision.) :)

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Ruby, Great reply! You have said it so more delicately than I ever could! TOOOO funny!


Do you remember me? I had posted asking if anyone had done an overnight to Luxor from Alexandria/Port Said and we had quite the discussion on it. You asked me to let you know how it went, well, we decided shortly after our discussion that we could not be satisfied with just the two days in Egypt provided by a cruise, so we decided to do another two week-er there (our 3rd) but this time instead of using a package (not that we disliked a package, we used Gate 1 and OAT in the past and loved both and would use both again) we put together the two weeks ourselves. We booked our own hotels as well as a Sonesta cruise, but used DeCastro for all internal flights and guiding. Everything went very well & we'd use DeCastro again in a heartbeat.


Now next year we have gone back to the original plan with a cruise with a two day stop in Egypt, and we will use DeCastro again, but we've pretty much decided to do two separate day trips, one to El Alamein (westerly of Alexandria) and one to Zagazig (easterly of Alexandria), where Bastet was worshipped and there are ruins there. This plan will let us see something different from what we've seen several times now, though it is definitely in the cards that we'll go back to Egypt at length again. DH would live at the Egyptian Museum if he could, and I would live in Luxor if I could!


I did appreciate all your help at the time, and it's nice to see you back in this forum, telling it like it is!

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Ruby, Great reply! You have said it so more delicately than I ever could! TOOOO funny!


You asked me to let you know how it went, well, we decided shortly after our discussion that we could not be satisfied with just the two days in Egypt provided by a cruise, so we decided to do another two week-er there (our 3rd) but this time instead of using a package (not that we disliked a package, we used Gate 1 and OAT in the past and loved both and would use both again) we put together the two weeks ourselves. We booked our own hotels as well as a Sonesta cruise, but used DeCastro for all internal flights and guiding. Everything went very well & we'd use DeCastro again in a heartbeat.


I did appreciate all your help at the time, and it's nice to see you back in this forum, telling it like it is!


I know you will understand that, when I see your name, I think of your rescue of the 3-legged dog! But yes, we had a grand discussion about all things Egypt, independent travel, and DeCastro. Good on you and DH for going back to enjoy such a great country with a magnificent ancient history and culture. Thanks for passing along your thoughts and recent experiences.


I also loved Luxor and, when I hit the Lotto, I'm going to move into the Al Moudira Hotel outside the city and let them take care of me whilst I slowly and thoroughly pursue every single artifact, temple, and statue in that lovely area. No rushing from utter fascination to a grinding road trip back to the port.


I want to do a Nile Cruise, I want to ride on a felucca - the whole magilla. For research, I read a slender book about an American woman who rowed a canoe "upriver" from Abu Simbel past Luxor - zowie! The Egyptians did not want to sell a canoe to a single woman traveling alone - just reading about the bargaining was fascinating.


Good news - Delta Airlines is in the process of announcing a nonstop out of ATL to Cairo. I hope to take advantage of that schedule one of these days.


The Luxor area reminds me of Venezia. You can return countless times and never see it all and never get bored. I'm so happy you and DH are going back to a land which is embedded in your hearts.


All the best,


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Trece--I was so happy to read your post. We used DeCastro this March for a one day stop in Egypt and we are hungry for more. I basically am in the very early planning stages--and really don't want to do a package tour. I essentially know where I want to stay and have taken a look at the boat possiblilites for the Nile Cruise portion. I even have tracked down two stables where the horses look decent (one even mentions the dressage word!) for a short adventure.

I haven't contacted Mustafa about what we have in mind yet--but I was thinking that transportation and finding good guides along the way would be a bit out of my comfort zone. Since this won't be until next year I have time to go forward with this plan of attack.

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Another confirmed Egypt lover here. We should pool our resources and go on a Nile adventure! I'd love to rent one of the dahabiyyah. This is the traditional large sailing boat used on the Nile (larger than a felucca but smaller than most cruisers; they carry anywhere from 4 to 16 people, I understand). Some have been restored and are in service and others are a "reproduction". Here is one that has been recommended:





or, slightly less adventurous, something like this paddle steamer (think Agatha Christie):




At any rate, I can't wait to go back.

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Ruby, Mountainmare, and Cruisemom,


Cruisemom, don't let the dahabiyyah leave without me, because you name the date and we will be there to share the cost! I would love to do this and I'm serious. I would especially like it to be "repeat" Egypt visitors sharing it so while we could repeat some of the traditional sites, we could also hit some of the out of the way places and sites. We did some of the Tombs of the Nobles this time, for example, and they were exquisite.


Mountainmare, there is a website for AWOL, which Animal Welfare of Luxor, www.eoluk.co.uk. I've been reading them for ages not only for the animal content but for the Egypt content (they have some great photos of the aforementioned Tombs of the Nobles). I'll bet they could be a big help to you in locating well-treated horses. We had hoped to call them during our stay but just ran out of time, but next time we definitely will. On a previous visit we visited Brooke Hospital for Animals & found that a very moving experience. I know Moustafa will do a fine job for you with your trip. His internal air prices were a lot less than what was quoted on the Egyptair website and our guides were excellent. When you get further in your planning, if you have any questions, please just ask. :D


Ruby, yes, you remember me, except it was a three-legged cat, not a dog, and actually we have two three-legged cats, as well as a host of other dumped & abused animals (the animal issue is one facet of Egypt that we DON'T like, but inroads are definitely being made). I think Delta has started the nonstop out of JFK, or is about to, which is wonderful, and I think another airline may have as well. Thank you for your kind words, and you're right, you cannot ever get tired of Luxor. Have you read ONE THOUSAND MILES UP THE NILE? It was on our OAT recommended reading list but it's out of print. I recently found it in its entirety on www.touregypt.net and started printing it out (because it's too long to read on a computer screen IMO) but haven't finished yet and don't want to start reading until I have it all. Just curious if anyone has read it.


So - are we up for the dahabiyyah? We saw one in Aswan last year and it looked so great!! :D

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Your lovely boat ride up the Nile sounds pretty nice -- stopping here and there for a temple or two, and all the great non-stop views of daily life on the Nile. An attentive staff to peel your grapes for you, cook your meals and fan you if it gets too hot... :)

However, I have two scary words for you -- "onboard bathrooms!" :eek: LOL! I don't think it's marble tiles and built in hair dryers and porcelain "bowls" on board those boats... :D

I love lots of the aspects of "roughing it" in Egypt... but I'm afraid I'll have to wave at you as I go by from something with private facilities and towel animals. :rolleyes:

Did you note the tongue firmly in cheek??

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I think you need to do some research, Seafun! You are thinking FELUCCA, I believe. According our OAT guide last year, the dahabiyyahs are pretty darned nice and far from roughing it, though I'm sure they run the gamut and need to be selected carefully. Check out cruisemom's link and get back to us! :D Maybe we'll let you come with us if you eat some crow first!

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Ooops, my mistake, I guess I was thinking of the smaller boats :o (busy peeling grapes and getting ready to cook a lovely dinner for the ladies in hopes of begging forgiveness...)

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Your terms are willingly agreed to -- I'll be glad to sign on as combination note taker, travel writer, excursion photographer (making sure the ladies are only photographed from the most flattering angles :) ), grape peeler, fan waver and humble pie eater.


I don't even dare let myself think of how much fun we would have! :eek:

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Seafun--that sounds great but will you also groom the horse for me?


Trece thanks for the info. I was already looking at stables where the horses were treated well. My first horse was a Straight Egyptian Arab--so I got to know a little bit about the Arab horse world--when I see a website where they are presenting the horses that way I have an idea that these are not the poor creatures that hang out around the pyramids.


Can you all tell that not only has the seed been planted but has now established roots--CURSE YOU SEAFUN (well my checkbook may be cursing you). It really is all your fault, I never considered this until I read your report, I was going to be happy with a return on a regular cruise with an overnight.

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Your terms are willingly agreed to -- I'll be glad to sign on as combination note taker, travel writer, excursion photographer (making sure the ladies are only photographed from the most flattering angles :) ), grape peeler, fan waver and humble pie eater.


I don't even dare let myself think of how much fun we would have! :eek:


Gosh, Seafun, "photographed from the most flattering angles" - you're hired! I admit I gulped when I thought about hanging off the bow of a felucca enjoying more than just the view but now we're getting somewhere.


I always wanted staff for grape peeling and fan waving. The only thing that stopped me was that I thought rich people were required to have a Rolls Royce. Which was fine until I started thinking about the chauffeur's livery and it stopped me in my tracks. Oh dear, oh dear, is forest green with a grey accent stripe better than black on burgundy? Bother!


May I be serious for a mo'? Isn't it interesting how this thread has turned from a quagmire, as Sparky so well put it, into just plain fun and informative? Take away one negative element and it's all sunshine and blue skies. Now, about that dahabiyyah . . . .



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:D Seafun, As long as the ladies retain editorial discretion over publication of any & all photos, you've got yourself a job! How are you at making margaritas? I'm not into grapes, peeled, unpeeled, or foot stomped.


The thing is, you guys, that I am pretty serious about this. I have long wanted to do an adventure like this (another is a Turkish gulet), but it really needs a certain type of person. I have a few traveling friends and out of them even fewer who have been to Egypt, which as much as I adore the country involves some culture shock, and this type of trip needs people who really want to be immersed in Egyptian life & history and aren't just there to check off another country on the to-do list. If I thought there were some folks who were serious about at least looking into it, say for February 2010 (just throwing out a date), it truly is something I'd like to do.


Is anyone really serious about checking it out or are we all just having fun? Which is OK too, but thought I'd throw the question out there while a nice group of Egypt lovers were all on one thread at the same time!

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Is anyone really serious about checking it out or are we all just having fun? Which is OK too, but thought I'd throw the question out there while a nice group of Egypt lovers were all on one thread at the same time!


While I would so enjoy going back to Egypt, I have a list of travel destinations that will keep me occupied for the foreseeable future. I am sooooo tired of heading East, including Middle and Far, that I am scheduled for New Zealand in 2010 as a land tour, on my own, driving on the wrong side of the road. It will be a delightful return to one of my favourite places.


Trece, I hope you can find an amenable group for your next Egyptian visit because I can see how much the country calls to you. I've enjoyed teasing Seafun but, to answer your question, I don't see me returning to Mother Egypt anytime soon. So get out there and dig up (get it? dig up?) a group that realizes there is more to Egypt than staring at statuary in Luxor or riding a camel at Giza. Your enthusiam will make anyone happy to have joined you.



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:D Seafun, As long as the ladies retain editorial discretion over publication of any & all photos, you've got yourself a job! How are you at making margaritas? I'm not into grapes, peeled, unpeeled, or foot stomped.


The thing is, you guys, that I am pretty serious about this. I have long wanted to do an adventure like this (another is a Turkish gulet), but it really needs a certain type of person. I have a few traveling friends and out of them even fewer who have been to Egypt, which as much as I adore the country involves some culture shock, and this type of trip needs people who really want to be immersed in Egyptian life & history and aren't just there to check off another country on the to-do list. If I thought there were some folks who were serious about at least looking into it, say for February 2010 (just throwing out a date), it truly is something I'd like to do.


Is anyone really serious about checking it out or are we all just having fun? Which is OK too, but thought I'd throw the question out there while a nice group of Egypt lovers were all on one thread at the same time!



I tried to post earlier this morning about this but kept getting timed out. I am also quite serious about it (.....and I want to do a gulet too, believe it or not.....)


I am willing to do some research. I think another couple from my Egypt trip last February would also be interested. Lest we be accused of totally hijacking this thread, email me (cmkahn at bellsouth dot net -- replacing the words with appropriate symbols, of course) if you would like to be included in my planning, at least for now. Feb 2010 sounds like a reasonable date. (I'm doing Japan in 2009 with my son -- his choice!)

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While I would so enjoy going back to Egypt, I have a list of travel destinations that will keep me occupied for the foreseeable future. I am sooooo tired of heading East, including Middle and Far, that I am scheduled for New Zealand in 2010 as a land tour, on my own, driving on the wrong side of the road. It will be a delightful return to one of my favourite places.





By the way, Ruby, I always enjoy reading about your travels. Your comments on cruising with Saga to Greenland over on the Baltics thread have made me want to book that cruise right now. (Greenland and Iceland are also high on my list!)

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By the way, Ruby, I always enjoy reading about your travels. Your comments on cruising with Saga to Greenland over on the Baltics thread have made me want to book that cruise right now. (Greenland and Iceland are also high on my list!)


Thank you for the kind comments, cruisemom. I enjoy relating the more intriguing aspects of my travel and hope that some of my tales will inspire folks to reach beyond the standard tours offered in foreign lands.


Now that you're commenting on my rambles about Greenland and Iceland, I want to pass along a thread and post that had me keeled over laughing. The CCritic poster says they leave on "Thursday" for Greenland and is asking for suggestions on "restaurants and places to shop" in Qaqortoq.


I took a deep breath when I saw this post and decided not to mention that Qaqortoq has a population of 3,000, and is busily involved with fishing and survival in that remote area. There ain't no boutiques, Asian fusion, or Starbucks in that far-north town.


I am so happy that some of you are wanting to expand your explorations of Egypt. I hope that "we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when" and tell me how it all worked out.



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First trip to Egypt was a 24 hour overnight last Nov. 100 of us cruise critic people jumped ship in Port Said, had a great tour with Nile Blue, and reluctantly reboarded in Alexandria.

Second trip was in Feb which included a cruise up the Nile . http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=724536

Third trip, 10 days including cruise on the NIle, is now in the works for October if I get enough people to go with me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We used Memphis Tours in April for a 2-day Safaga/Luxor private tour. They were great...and I have no hesitation recommending them. However, we did have trouble receiving e-mail back from them. It seemed to be a function of the server as well as spam filters. Between us, we have three e-mail addresses, so when we used all three, we would eventually hear through one of them. And, we'd just keep sending an e-mail again and again until we heard back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just found this thread and am booked on a cruise stopping in Alexandria for 15 hours. I am very interested in any thoughts regarding a private tour to the pyramids as well as a short trip down the Nile. The ship (Legend OT Seas) has this type of tour but I really don't want to participate with several hundred others.


" . . . asking for suggestions on "restaurants and places to shop" in Qaqortoq.


I took a deep breath when I saw this post and decided not to mention that Qaqortoq has a population of 3,000, . . . "


When was the population explosion is Qaqortoq? When we were there several years ago, the largest group of people were located in the "burial house" awaiting the Spring thaw. :) As for the shopping, did you forget about the trading post which is capable of holding almost 32 people at a time? :D

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