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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi - just checking in with a little progress report (minus facts, you'll have to wait until next monday for the 'weigh-in' details! Hi Tracey btw - haven't had a chance to egg you on in your quest yet -but keep at it! it'll be worth it in the end!


I'm only on day 4, but so far have managed to keep to my principles - No alcohol, no bread/wheat, a lot less salt, and things are going ok. I am, however, going to indulge in one of my favourite activities tomorrow (going to a rock concert with an old friend, and taking my daughter and her current beau along too), so the 'no alcohol' will almost certainly take a battering. We'll also have to eat out a couple of times, so the willpower in the restaurants will have to be on top form!


So far I haven't increased my exercise rate very much, mainly because I've been recommended a great personal trainer with her own home-based gym, but she's on holiday until monday next. Hope she can find the time to fit me in! I've extended the dogs' usual walk though, so hopefully they're getting healthier at the same time!



Salsa Dancer - thank your son for the tips about the fruit and fiber. I'd already changed my 'breakfast ritual' from a bacon and egg muffin to a bowl of fresh fruit salad and high fiber cereal with skimmed milk, so it's good to know I'm at least doing the 'right' things - even if I still have the cravings!


Raystoy - if you want another cottage cheese recipe that's really tasty (though savory, not sweet) try thinly slicing a few brown cap mushrooms (they may be called 'chestnut' mushrooms in the US, I'm not sure), then fry (yes FRY) them in as little olive oil as you can until well cooked. Finely chop them, together with some coriander (cilantro) leaves, and mix them into a bowlful of cottage cheese. Next take a medium sized tomato, and slice the top off, much the same way as you would a boiled egg. Using a teaspoon, remove the seeds and pulp from the tomato, then stuff the tomato with the cottage cheese mixture. Drizzle over a little balsamic vinegar, then place in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees celcius for 5 minutes. Enjoy!


See you all again on Monday - if not before :)



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All of the new recipes sound great! Today is my official two full weeks! :) Last night was very difficult for me. I went to a bunco "dice" game last night with my friends. M & M's at every table, brownies, thumb print cookies, chips and dip...I could go on but won't! I made it through all of that. I ate some gummy bears instead of all of that. I can't stand going to functions and watch everyone eat everything I want to eat! To top it off, my one friend just got lypo done and looks wonderful over night. Although I was jealous of how great she looked, I think that lypo is dangerous and a quick fix to remove fat that could possibly return.

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I'm only on day 4, but so far have managed to keep to my principles - No alcohol, no bread/wheat, a lot less salt, and things are going ok.

After I get past the first few days of a diet, I realize that I can stay on the diet. I begin to get motivated! It's o.k. to have alcohol every once in a while. If you do have it, don't eat as many carbs as usual and cut back on your calories. For example: If you have two beers, deduct around 240 calories. (This is what I do; and it seems to work).
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Jenwoist, congrasts on getting through Bunco on just gummie bears :) . Maybe next time you can bring in a snack for your table of fresh fruits and veggies and it could catch on to the others!! who knows?


Alcohol while dieting! Absolutely! I have my glass of wine every night, that's one of the beauties of Weight Watchers. I really don't think of it as a diet, more like a way of life since I am really learning to eat according to my lifestyle and lose too!


Hope everyone is well today, later, Mary

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I like the sound of that...you get protein, calcium, fiber, natural sugars, and a veggie! That sounds perfect. It does seem strange to eat a carrot with yogurt, but then I think of the jell-o salad recipes that always had veggies in that, way-back-when. I'm going to try that. I think I have everything that I need. The best recipes are the kind that taste good, are colorful, are healthy, and allow you to raid the pantry. :)


I really think highly of Weight Watchers because when I was 12, I watched my mom go from 130 to 104 in about 12 weeks on WW plan, without exercise. She thought she was fat at 130!! 130 is 5 lbs. BELOW my goal weight. She was 32 years old when she was on that plan, and kept the weight off most of her life with small exceptions.


Here's an old WW recipe (my mom's) from the 70's...for anyone who likes cornbread....This serves one and is very fillling. I like it for breakfast.


Cornmeal-Pineapple Muffins


1 beaten egg

1/3 cup (1 oz.) corn meal

1/3 cup dry milk (I skip this)

1/4 t. soda

pinch salt

1/2 cup crushed pineapple (in its own juice)

4 t. sugar substitute

1 t. vanilla

Cooking spray


Combine the ingredients and pour into a small round baking dish/casserole. Bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes.

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Hey Tim....Another thing that Andy mentioned was about dining out; so maybe this will help. My hubby's friend has done the same thing, with great results. When they eat out and are determined to shed the spare tire, they order the food and ask the waiter to bring a "to-go" box right upfront, then box up half of their meal and bring it home to share with someone else (which explains the chubby wives who already ate their own meal at home, then scarfed his leftovers. :).....but seriously. The guys that we know who are doing this on their business lunches are losing weight just the same while dining out. They order what they like, then eat half.


Your stuffed tomato recipes sounds incredible! I love cooking with fresh herbs, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mushrooms, etc. That sounds like a fantastic meal in itself. Thanks for sharing.


That recipe reminded me of another good one (it's all coming back now...yeah!)......Thick slice a tomato, place on a cooking sheet that has been brushed with a little olive oil (very good for you), or sprayed with baking spray. If you like basil, cut a couple of basil leaves into fine strips (chiffonade), spread over the tomato slices, then sprinkle the tomato slices with shredded Parmesan cheese (an ounce). Top with some sea salt or Kosher salt and some freshly grated pepper and broil until the cheese is a little bit crispy. This is a nice side item, or double it and have it for a meal.


Vidalia Onions


For anyone who loves these onions.....Peel a Vidalia, then place it on a cutting board and cut down from the top surface...don't cut all the way to the bottom...continue doing this until the onion is cut about 8 times in a star-pattern (from the top view)......sprinkle with some beef bouillon granules and Parmesan Cheese, then wrap it up in foil. Bake at 350 for ?...maybe 45 minutes to an hour. It will get very juicy and tender inside the foil.


Asparagus....Leave spears whole (tough ends snapped off), toss with some olive oil, freshly chopped rosemary and thyme, coarse salt, cracked pepper. Roast at 400 until the spears are as crispy as you like them. They will look very over-cooked when they get crisp, but they are delicious. You'll know they are done when you can pick a spear up without it flopping over. Great for anyone who craves potato chips! ;)

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All of the new recipes sound great! Today is my official two full weeks! :) Last night was very difficult for me. I went to a bunco "dice" game last night with my friends. M & M's at every table, brownies, thumb print cookies, chips and dip...I could go on but won't! I made it through all of that. I ate some gummy bears instead of all of that. I can't stand going to functions and watch everyone eat everything I want to eat! To top it off, my one friend just got lypo done and looks wonderful over night. Although I was jealous of how great she looked, I think that lypo is dangerous and a quick fix to remove fat that could possibly return.


Sometimes licorice works in a bind, too! That was a real testing ground and you made it with flying colors...woo-hoo!!! Sorta like making it across a big hurdle in a race. I agree with you on the lypo...I can understand (not condoning it, though) some people who feel like it is the only option for some fat that won't budge, so I'm not being hard in saying this, but for the most part, EARNING the fat loss by changing your life, is going to feel so much better than BUYING it and continuing on as you have. We went through a huge medical crisis with our son, due to a birth defect with a cosmetic surgical remedy. The recovery was horrendously painful; then 10 weeks later, he almost died due to an infection of the pericardium (sack around the heart)...it had been filling with more than a liter of fluid and put so much pressure on his heart that at age 17, he was going into a form of cardiac arrest while on a date. That experience taught me that all surgery is serious business.


For anyone who is thinking lypo, after you've lost the weight, I would check out something called "mesotherapy"....I heard about it on our local news...saw before and afters (impressive). They were using it for people who have those genetic pockets of fat (large thighs no matter how low in weight they were; love handles that would not die, etc.). The mesotherapy treatments were safe compared to lypo. They were injections of enzymes...I believe from soy and the results were impressive. As for me, I don't trust anything as far as injections, lypo-suction. I'm a natural born worry-wart.

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Hi - just checking in with a little progress report (minus facts, you'll have to wait until next monday for the 'weigh-in' details!


You know you're losing already, don't you??? You know, Tim, you are going to just blow past us females when it comes to weight loss. It ALWAYS happens. Do you agree with me, girls?


Guys are the Hares, and women are the Tortoises.:D Be prepared for some complaining and jealous admiration!!:D Now keep in mind that a female did win the prize on the show Biggest Loser. ;)


But seriously, we'll all be anxious to see your results...I would not be at all shocked to see it 7 lbs or more. I've known men to lose as much as 11 lbs. in a week. THAT KILLS ME!!! :eek: So unfare. I'll be thrilled to see a 2 lb. loss for myself at next weigh-in. Okay, I'm heading out to the backyard to snack on some twigs, nuts, berries. :p Although, cows eat grass all the time and they don't look so skinny!

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Thanks Tim for that recipe, It sounds wonderful! I adore mushrooms and cilantro so this will be a yummy one to try. I myself don't drink at concerts anyway, I don't want to miss anything by having to stand in a bathroom line. I did have a male friend stand guard at a mens bathroom stall once at a Bruce Springstein concert. Worked out fine, guys don't care. I took my mom to her first rock concert(Bon Jovi) she was 70. She loved every minute, screamed like a school girl.

thanks for all the words of encouragement,I truly believe this is what I've been missing. Tracy

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I do agree! My husband can eat fritos and lose 5 lbs. And everyone notices.But I dropped 10lbs working my butt off and no one says a word. Our oldest daughter and her boyfriend had the bypass surgery,I thought to get healthy,(both were morbidly obese) Now that they've lost over 100lbs a piece they do nothing but drink. I know I'm suppose to be supportive and say,"Good job" but its hard for me to tell someone that when they aren't even thinking about food. They don't get hungry like we do. Their kids have to remind them to make dinner.And believe me, there is NO exercise involved here. So with the shift from food to booze,and lack of physical activity, what is the health benefit?

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Thanks for the kind :rolleyes: words!


I will be weighing myself tomorrow before leaving on my two day trip, just so I can see if it (the trip) really does do much damage to the progress I feel I'm making, but I won't post until monday. (That way I can walk the dogs silly on sunday and lose a couple of extra lbs before reporting in - lol)


Found a nice recipe for chinese duck curry yesterday, with udon noodles, so going to have a go at that for the family tonight.


Snacking cravings are still going to be a problem though - I've had to resort to having bowls of tomatoes/grapes/strawberries etc placed strategically between the various no-go areas in the kitchen (cookie cupboard/cheese drawer in the fridge/bread bin etc)


What anti-snacking methods do the rest of you use (my willpower is 110% used up on the no alcohol atm)



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Thanks for the kind :rolleyes: words!


I will be weighing myself tomorrow before leaving on my two day trip, just so I can see if it (the trip) really does do much damage to the progress I feel I'm making, but I won't post until monday. (That way I can walk the dogs silly on sunday and lose a couple of extra lbs before reporting in - lol)


Found a nice recipe for chinese duck curry yesterday, with udon noodles, so going to have a go at that for the family tonight.


Snacking cravings are still going to be a problem though - I've had to resort to having bowls of tomatoes/grapes/strawberries etc placed strategically between the various no-go areas in the kitchen (cookie cupboard/cheese drawer in the fridge/bread bin etc)


What anti-snacking methods do the rest of you use (my willpower is 110% used up on the no alcohol atm)



Avoid the kitchen at all costs!!!!!:D (and no, I am not kidding)

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Tim, go ahead and snack if you need to just be wise as to what you snack with. I hate feeling deprived especially if I'm hungy so here are some snack ideas for you: Skinny Cows (ice cream), Sugar Free Pudding Snacks, fresh fruit and veggies, 94% fat free mini popcorn and after one snack if you're still hungry a large glass of water. Also, if you like soups, Progresso has some great choices, I stick to the 0 points soups if hungry between meals. Good luck! Mary

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"Snacking cravings are still going to be a problem though - I've had to resort to having bowls of tomatoes/grapes/strawberries etc placed strategically between the various no-go areas in the kitchen (cookie cupboard/cheese drawer in the fridge/bread bin etc)"


I knocked myself in the head and asked why I kept a bowl of some evil snack right on the kitchen counter and my hand would thoughtlessly dip into the bowl every time...like M&Ms, etc. If I put out some veggies or grapes, at least I'm killing those cravings with something decent. For now, I'm having a big glass of iced sun tea and tackling a task in another room besides my kitchen. I agree with Cindy...there's too much "good" stuff in my kitchen. Can you believe that my daughter left a piece of extra crispy Kentucky Fried Chicken right on my counter in plain view???? And YES, I kept picking at the crispy stuff every time I walked by it. :( I'm going to send her to the kitchen right now and ask her to put it out of sight.

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I had a funny motivational thought a minute ago, regarding Before & After shots.....wouldn't it be funny to take a photo from a magazine, of some celebrity or any person who has a body type similar to our own...I'm sorta built like Sandra Bullock or Kate Hudson, when I am at a normal weight....then, glue our own head to the photo and VOILA!---A Pre-Goal After Photo. Maybe it would be motivating? :D I think this is funny but I might just give it a try, scan in the photo and give it a shot for a good giggle.

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I had a funny motivational thought a minute ago, regarding Before & After shots.....wouldn't it be funny to take a photo from a magazine, of some celebrity or any person who has a body type similar to our own...I'm sorta built like Sandra Bullock or Kate Hudson, when I am at a normal weight....then, glue our own head to the photo and VOILA!---A Pre-Goal After Photo. Maybe it would be motivating? :D I think this is funny but I might just give it a try, scan in the photo and give it a shot for a good giggle.

You first!!!! LOL


Tim...I hope you didn't think I was slamming you. I personally can't snack. That is what got me in this mess. I am an emotional eater and I am learning that I only need to eat when I am truly HUNGRY. Most of the time, snacking was because I was bored, happy, sad, angry, etc..but never hungry. So for me, snacking can't be an option anymore or at least until I can learn to control it. My snacking is the same as a drug/alcohol for an addict/alcoholic.

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You know you're losing already, don't you??? You know, Tim, you are going to just blow past us females when it comes to weight loss. It ALWAYS happens. Do you agree with me, girls?

I totally agree with you! My husband always loses way more than me. How aggevating! lol
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Salsa dancer- I think that is a great idea! Once I made a collage of celebrities with bodies I would die for! Then I hung it on my mirror that way I had kinda a daily motivation! I am more a Jessica Simpson (I wish!). I wish I had photo shop!

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Thats funny! I love the idea.Not sure who's body I would use but I like the Jessica Simpson idea although at my age is would probably be a little closer to Marge Simpson. Here's a thought for all of us, "Take Back Your Kitchen!" You're the boss, make the rules! I've already begun this endeavor.

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Thats funny! I love the idea.Not sure who's body I would use but I like the Jessica Simpson idea although at my age is would probably be a little closer to Marge Simpson. Here's a thought for all of us, "Take Back Your Kitchen!" You're the boss, make the rules! I've already begun this endeavor.



Marge Simpson! You made me laugh right out loud.....:D ...You funny!

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I know that some people think of McDonald's or any fast food joint as "the beast" but, when I'm driving around all day running errands, shopping,etc., I don't do sit-down lunches. With gas prices as they are, I am economizing wherever I can. I found something that was great and filled me up....I believe my lunch came to about $2.30-$2.50.


I had a hectic day yesterday...took daughter to a college orientation early a.m. so I missed breakfast. Sat in the car for 2 hours listening to a CD and killed my van battery!! Got to ride in a "po-leese" car for the first time, though.:D I had snacked a little on a sugar-free almond/dried fruit mix that I keep handy in the van; so that helped a little. Finally, after help, was able to drive off; so we were starving by 1 or 2 p.m. and stopped at McDonald's. I asked if I could get a GRILLED chicken snack wrap....Sure could! Had that with a Diet Coke and had ordered a Sweet Tea to sip for the rest of the afternoon. Honestly, I was so tempted to order two of the snack wraps, but didn't. I was FULL after having one.


I just looked up the info on the Snack Wrap...


Honey Mustard Snack Wrap with grilled chicken has only 260 calories, 9 g. fat, o trans fat, 18 grams protein.

Chipotle BBQ Grilled Chicken SW--same as Honey Mustard

Ranch Grilled Chicken SW--27p cal, 10 g. fat, 0 transfat, 18 g. protein


This also surprised me because it sounds so fattening by the name; so I never would even try it, but a Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken has 260 calories, 9 g. fat, 33 g. protein.


Premium Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken has 220 calories, 6 g. fat, 30 grams protein.


The trouble comes with the dressings. I'm going to bring my own or use the low-fat dressings. The Low Fat Sesame Ginger has 90 calories and 2.5 grams fat. The Low Fat Balsamic Vinagrette has 40 calories and 3 grams fat. The trouble-maker is the Caesar dressing...190 calories and 18 grams of fat.

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Salsa dancer- I think that is a great idea! Once I made a collage of celebrities with bodies I would die for! Then I hung it on my mirror that way I had kinda a daily motivation! I am more a Jessica Simpson (I wish!). I wish I had photo shop!



Lucky! We'll just call you "Jess" from now on. ;)

Kate and Sandra are skinny pear-shaped girls so I relate.


Another tactic to keep your head in the game....try putting your bathroom scale in the kitchen. It is VERY intimidating!!! I was watching my MIL this week one day (she is under Hospice care) and had brought food to prep for lunch and dinner. I looked to the right of her butler cart and there was a fat old bathroom scale! Wow....That will stop you dead in your tracks, in a good way!

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Speaking of McDonalds... I also love the yogurt parfait with granola. It is always so refreshing; ice cold! Low fat and calories! mmmmm. My parents just got back from Florida and noticed that I lost some weight. I was happy! :D

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We don't do fast food. The ones we will use is Subway or Blimpy. Of course never say never.. We have had to do use them as a last resort a few times. Plus we will be going to Epcort some time in the next month or so.. And you know food there can't be healthy. I bought tickets back in Feb 07 and still haven't gone. :p Things came up the kept us from going... But now we are going.. Just need to pick a day and go...


What I'm trying to do now is lose inches. I figure if a get toned up the weight will take care of its self. If I lose about 2-3 inches. I'll be were I want to be. I'm exercising and watching the amount of food I eat. Plus I'm eating slow. So I will see how I fit in to some tight close on Monday. ;)

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