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Need a buddy for weight loss

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I read this somewhere once...that you burn 80 calories per hour, bare minimum, just living and breathing. Your body burns that much fuel to keep the heart beating and to heat itself, etc.


So I did the math....in a 24 hour period, at that rate, we would burn 1920.


My current calorie range is 1200-1300....I only checked one day and am not counting calories.


So that means that even without any work or exercise, I'm burning close to 700 calories in stored fat every day. That would equal a pound every five days (700 x 5= 3500 calories). Six pounds a month. Add in any housework, yardwork, exercise, or other activities and the weight loss is even higher. :D


Can you tell that I'm getting geeked? :D

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Here are my stats for this week:


SW: 162

CW: 153!!!

GW: 145


Yeah!!! 8 more pounds to go. I could not believe it when I weighed this morning. I had to weigh twice to make sure I was seeing correctly.

I have cut down the sodas a lot.

I have done very well on my snacks too.

I can not wait to see next weeks results. I was a little down last week because I had not lost any weight, but I did lose inches. I can start to tell in my abs that I am losing too.

:D :D :D


Congrats on your weight loss. You did not let us know how much you lost. Do you have any secrets to share on how you cut back on your snacks. That is my problem, I love sweets.

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Hello Everyone sorry that I am late, but I have been working crazy hours.

My stats this week are:

SW: 260

CW: 250

GW: 234

I now need to lose 16lbs in the next 2 months to reach my goal. It is good to see that others are meeting their goals, even with the water weight gain and all, we must admit that we are all getting closer to our individual goals. Congrats to everyone!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Hey all...not a good week for me.


I am up 3. :( :mad: :(


I am hoping it is water weight from drinking too many diet cokes. The sodium is a killer. Time will tell.



Hi Cindy....I just wanted to tell you that I weighed a pound less on Tuesday, which made me Happy, happy, happy...then I ate some salty dinner last night, drank a V8 and two big iced-teas, etc. and when I got on the scale today, I had gone up FOUR pounds!!! Which made me feel Crappy, crappy, crappy (sorry, it rhymes).:D I am going by my low weight and not the temporary water weight, but just wanted to let you know.

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Opps. I lost 3 lbs this week. To help me cut back on my snacks I have been eating fruits instead of junk food or I chew a piece of sugarless gum foar a few minutes. Evidently I had hit a small plateau of not losing. I can not believe I have lost almost 10 pounds already!


Junior1 - yes I am east of Atlanta and Madison is a gorgeous small town. If you are into old houses, antique shops or just the small town feel you will love it.


SalsaDancer - I have been to Juliette and have also eaten at The WHistle Stop... the food is great!! Juliette is more south-west of Atlanta off I-75, and Madison is east off I-20.


Congrats to all on their loss this week. I feel so much better now and have so much more energy than I used to...

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Hello Everyone sorry that I am late, but I have been working crazy hours.

My stats this week are:

SW: 260

CW: 250

GW: 234

I now need to lose 16lbs in the next 2 months to reach my goal. It is good to see that others are meeting their goals, even with the water weight gain and all, we must admit that we are all getting closer to our individual goals. Congrats to everyone!!!!!!!!!!:D


Congratulations:) I think you can reach your goal. 2lbs a week. We will be cheering for you.


Opps. I lost 3 lbs this week. To help me cut back on my snacks I have been eating fruits instead of junk food or I chew a piece of sugarless gum for a few minutes. Evidently I had hit a small plateau of not losing. I can not believe I have lost almost 10 pounds already!



3lbs is great. I will have to work on my junk food.

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Happy Friday Everyone


Sometimes I find WW durable and other times I find it impossible. :mad: I have two cook outs to go to tomorrow. One is our annual church picnic and the other is our neighbors annual cook out. One is from 10am to 5 pm and the other is from 5pm until ....... Ribs, chicken, fried fish, crabs, hot dogs, hamburgers, and tons of side dishes and desserts. :eek: My neighbor is having all that too along with roasting a whole pig. What is a girl to do?:eek: I was hopping for a down pour of rain so I can have an excuse not to go, but that is selfish. I hate to tell people, "oh I am on a diet" or "I am watching my weight", because all I hear is "you don't need to loose weight", "you are a nice size" or "men like a little meat on their bones". "enjoy yourself today and diet tomorrow". Some people get offended if you don't eat or sample what they made. All you hear is eat, eat and enjoy yourself.


My mom told me what she weighed and I was shock, she looks good and I tell her she does not need to loose weight. My mom wears a size 12 as I do. She said her side of the family wear their weight well. With that said, I still do not know what to do. :confused: I want to run and hide until I loose all this weight(25lbs).


Please help me get thru this:(.

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Mommy, don't forget, you are not on a diet. You are now on a healthier way of eating. Go on to the two cookouts and have fun. Suggestion, remember to make good choices. I'm sure it doesn't take as much to make you feel full any longer and, I'm sure others are so busy eating they really aren't paying any attention to what you have or don't have on your plate. Crab is low points, and you can always use some of your weekly points if you want a special dessert at dinner.


Have fun and good luck!



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Please help me get thru this:(.

Is the chicken breaded or fried? Hopefully you like crabs. They are very healthy for you! Usually at a picnic you will be able to find some healthy foods mixed in with the unhealthy foods. Try eating before you get there.
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I am so glad today is over with. I can not imagine how many points I ate today. I really did not see any healthy foods, except for a very nice fruit salad. All the salads had mayo in it. I did see some green beans, however southern people cook their greens with oils and fat. The fish was all fried. All other meats where high in calories and fate. I did not eat that much, I just over indulged in the cakes and pies. I feel like I enjoyed myself, I feel satisfied. I do not feel guilty, I feel satisfied. I am looking forward to going back on WW tomorrow. I have mentally prepared myself for no weight loss this week. I am happy:) and today will become yesterday and tomorrow will become today and today will be a new beginning and yesterday will be over and I will look forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow I go back to eating healthy and wise.;) Tomorrow I will embrace and welcome my WWs plan.

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With my work schedule all off routine this week I was really worried. I even went out for ice cream (FF frozen yogurt, with caramel sauce and pecans) and the results for the week are in and I am so excited with the results. Down 3 lbs. this week, yea! Oh yeah baby, I see the 180's on the horizon:D


SW 236

CW 192

GW 145


Here's a great website if you haven't already heard about Hungry Girl. It gives great tips with point values for those on WW. Doesn't cost a thing to sign up for the newsletter.



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mycruz- Wow 3 lbs that is so wonderful. Congratulations :D:D:D.


Ok for me, I gained 1lb. :o I don't feel that bad. Went to two cook outs on Saturday and ate a lot of junk food. For sum reason on Sunday, it was hard to get back on track. I am back on track today and looking forward to my next weigh in. I may be fooling myself, but I don't believe I actually gained 1lb, I think it is water. I ate some salty foods and drank a lot of water. The water went in; however a lot of water did not come out. I will weigh myself tomorrow and give the results.



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Blow the bugle....


June 3rd/SW/188

Following weeks: 185, 185, 181

June 30th: 179.5!!

Mood: :)

GW: 135

44 1/2 lbs. to go


I had to count the half pound because I am officially under 180, even though by a smidgeon! Haven't been there in about a year!!



Mini Goal: 175 by July 11th.....unlikely but you never know. I expect to be down MAYBE 2 more pounds by then.

2nd goal: 166....This is what I weighed in March 2007 for our first cruise.

3rd goal: 159....I haven't been there in years! I think I'll cry when I get into the 150's.


Is this a dream? I can't believe I've made it a whole month already!


Mommy....Sounds like you did well for all of the massive amount of temptation that you endured! I really believe that those short little calorie bursts will keep your metabolism revved up and less likely to plateau. Your attitude is excellent. I re-watched that Today clip with the lady Veolia Gibson (lost over 250)...she had dessert but would have half piece of apple pie, some yogurt on top :( (no yogurt on pie for me) and pretty berries on the side...smart. Another inspiring story on that site...a blonde lady said that our thinking is all wrong. If we "blow it" for a meal or two, we have this tendency to feel like failures and give up and continue blowing it for long term. She said, "There are 21 meals per week....if you miss it for a couple of them, you still have many more to make it right," basically. My past failures were based on not recognizing that truth. It's the big picture that we are after. I like the French author's philosophy about a bite or two of anything she wants...she also lingers over her food so people think she is eating more than she is. If she orders wine at a dinner, she puts it to her lips and fakes her way through the evening. I'm not a fake about anything, personally, but I got her point. Sometimes by taking your own sweet time through a plate, you are politely managing the pressure of other people who want you to "eat, eat, eat." For the church potlucks, the 4th of July, the birthday parties, I'm going to do a forkful of this or that and call it good....the 4th will be my first opportunity to run that gauntlet! We're invited to a backyard party with friends and the food.:eek: I'm going to use it as an opportunity to prepare some light but delicious stuff. Keep your eyes peeled for a fantastic recipe that I will put on the site. It's a large yellow rice salad that is a meal in a bowl. It's really pretty, very healthy, and absolutely delicious. I'm bringing it to the potluck this coming Friday.


I also wanted to add this....depending on who you are surrounded by, has an effect on how fat you can feel...Am I right? I used to joke and say to friends, "If you want to feel thin, find a fatter friend and stand next to them during a pose for a picture." There are a lot of hefty women in Michigan...not all, by any means, but still plenty of obesity....family, friends, etc. If you live in California there is a distinct difference...a size 12 here is decent, a size 12 there is massive. More women there are into healthy eating, fitness, etc., than here. I base that on correspondence with a friend from Palm Springs who was a tri-athlete, a fitness instructor, etc. Another friend from here is a flight attendent and noticed the difference during her training. She felt HUGE while in CA for training. So it's all about how you feel with that extra 25 lbs. I bet, even if you wear a 12 well, as with your family trait, you will feel totally AWESOME when you are down that 25 and wearing an 8, or whatever your final size comes to be....and you'll feel wonderful in shorts, capris, skirts, sundresses, swimwear, on that next cruise.


To Ya'all....There is a reason I write so much of this thinking, on this forum.....I believed from the start that MOST of this battle is in the mind/thought processes, first, then also in our willingness to stay focussed and discipline ourselves. Discipline will involve training ourselves to make some permanent changes. I find that the more I think things through, find a good reason to believe that the change should be permenant, convince myself of something that is true, the more likely I am to stick with it. I've noticed that most of those women who lost the huge amounts of weight (Today show), had a personal motto or philosophy of some kind. I like that. It was their thing to recall when the going got tough. I don't have one yet, but I'm looking for a motto to create or adopt. I'm a Christian lady, and sometimes Christian ladies have a hard time allowing themselves to be focussed on themselves. (Hence the big-church-lady behinds. :D Sorry, no offense to anyone...just my wacky sense of humor.) I had to give myself permission to actually get a bit obsessed about dietary changes for this past month. Diet is not supposed to be my #1 priority.:) Truthfully, it isn't, but I've learned that it is okay to focus on a task in order to do it right and do it well. What I realized was that I have been obsessing about myself for years, by letting my weight get out of control, by overeating, by being SELF-conscious everywhere I went. When you are fat, you can be so focussed on how you feel or how you look or your own reflection in the mirror, that you aren't really thinking about others. Hmmmmm.


MyCruz.....WOW! You are doing great! Did you start at the beginning of May like Cindy did? You've lost a LOT.


I love Mondays...even if I don't lose anything. I am always looking forward to everyone else's results. Just so you know, I plateaued once for TWELVE WEEKS. :eek: I pray that doesn't happen this time.

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The new avatar is from my recent photo shoot of my mother-in-law. She's 90 and under Hospice care. It was exhausting but fun to shoot her pictures. Oh what a pink feather boa does for a girl.


You know that group called the Red Hat Society?


I always want to start my own...only we'd all wear elegant "little black dresses"....with pink feather boas. We could call it "Little Women in Little Black Dresses Society." :D

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I have lost 1 lb this week!


SW: 162

CW: 152

GW: 145


This is going to be a couple of tough months. Last year at this time my Mom had a massive heart attack. (June 28th 2007). She passed on August 20th. I understand the Hospice Care situation. Mom was under Hospice following the heart attack.


I have a cook out coming up this weekend. I am going to do my best to not overeat.


I have also started using a smaller plate for my meals, this seems to help alot.


I tried on one of my formals that I haven't been able to wear in two years.....it fits!!!!!!!!! I will have to have a pic taken with it on. It is also a halter, which is something I haven't dared wear in a long time. It felt so good.


Hope everyone has a great day. Sorry to ramble on so much.

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Congrats ladies on your losses this week.


Moonpie, I'm sure this is going to be a difficult time for you, however, you should also be excited about being so close to your goal.


Salsa, I started WW the end of February, so it's been about an average of 1 - 1.5 lb. loss per week.


Of course I was wanting to lose 2 lb./week but I'm pretty happy with my progress.


Have a great week everyone.


Sabrina, sure do miss your posts.

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Well I'm finally back. I have been reading the posts. So I'm up to date on everyone. I got a little off track, but I'm back on my weight lose plan.


SW 131.5

CW 129.2

GW 120.0


I haven't lost much, but I'm working on it. Plus we may be going back on our cruise.. But a different date. We will see if we get a few jobs in the next month. If that happens we will be booking Carnival Splendor again.


Anyways I got a better ideal on how I'm going to lose my weight. I going to really try it this week and see how it goes. Then let everyone know what I did.

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Well I'm finally back. I have been reading the posts. So I'm up to date on everyone. I got a little off track, but I'm back on my weight lose plan.


SW 131.5

CW 129.2

GW 120.0


I haven't lost much, but I'm working on it. Plus we may be going back on our cruise.. But a different date. We will see if we get a few jobs in the next month. If that happens we will be booking Carnival Splendor again.


Anyways I got a better ideal on how I'm going to lose my weight. I going to really try it this week and see how it goes. Then let everyone know what I did.


Hi Kudos....I wondered if I could ask what type of bathroom scale you have. I would like to buy one, maybe this summer, to replace mine (which is old)....is yours digital? I'm guessing it is due to the ".2" on your current weight. From most everyone I know, the closer you are to a goal weight, the slower you lose....eensy-weensy weekly drops....that just means that you are almost there! Remember how we "talked" about using jeans or other means to measure? So far, my tape measure shows 1.5" off my waist....and today, I put on a pair of short that is one size smaller! They are skin tight,:o but they are zipped up and not as uncomfortable as I would have thought they might be. :)

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Well gang, I have booked another cruise for Sept. This one I will be solo on and it will be a birthday present to myself.

This cruise is going to Cozumel, Belize and Roatan. I have not been to any of these ports before and I am really excited.


Talk to you all later



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Hi Kudos....I wondered if I could ask what type of bathroom scale you have. I would like to buy one, maybe this summer, to replace mine (which is old)....is yours digital? I'm guessing it is due to the ".2" on your current weight. From most everyone I know, the closer you are to a goal weight, the slower you lose....eensy-weensy weekly drops....that just means that you are almost there! Remember how we "talked" about using jeans or other means to measure? So far, my tape measure shows 1.5" off my waist....and today, I put on a pair of short that is one size smaller! They are skin tight,:o but they are zipped up and not as uncomfortable as I would have thought they might be. :)


Its a Weight Watchers scale.. We got it at Wal-Mart for about $20-30. I don't remember the price, but I think it was around that.. Thats great about your jeans!! Glad to hear that.


Moonpie Tampa is a nice port to go out of... When the ship leaves watch from the right side of the ship. Its a prettier view.. Tampa sky line, Harbor Island, Davis Island and Peter O' Knight airport is on that side. The left side is mostly the port side with all the Tanker ships.. When we lived in Tampa the port was only about 30-45 minutes away.. Sometimes we would be down at Davis Island and see the cruise ships go out...

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Well gang, I have booked another cruise for Sept. This one I will be solo on and it will be a birthday present to myself.

This cruise is going to Cozumel, Belize and Roatan. I have not been to any of these ports before and I am really excited.


Talk to you all later





How cool! I did a western cruise last year....we were at Cozumel and Belize.....We did an excursion to a Baboon Sanctuary. Not a ship sponsored excursion, but I loved it. Cozumel had some fun shopping and this "town square" area with a lot of people-watching to do. I heard that they also have a good dolphin encounter, but there was a hurricane there last year, wasn't there? So who knows how that will factor in.

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Just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing.:)


Moonpie- What a nice birthday gift. I do not know if I could cruise solo. However if I had friends on board or CC members I could hang out with than I guess I could. Have you ever cruised solo before?


Salsa - Tight is alright:) Congratulations.

Kudos- I am glad you are back on your plan. Please don't forget to share your weight loss secrets with us.


I am back on track after my 1lb water weight gain. I got on the scale Tuesday and my weight was 172. Therefore I really did not gain a pound, it was fluid. Just got on the scale a few minutes ago and it read 172lb. I am back on my plan and can not weight to see the results on Monday.


I will be very careful on the 4th.


Everyone have a great holiday.

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Hey~Life has been sooo busy, I hadn't even checked e-mails in WAY too long (I had 282 new messages) I finally got through all those and caught up on the posts so I thought I would let y'all know what's down with my weigh-ins





I had some mini goals for myself and have gotten behind on my# per week so I don't think I'm going to make it, but I'm going to continue on and lose as much as I can for my cruise and then lose the rest before my cruise next year.;)

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