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Need a buddy for weight loss

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I love all of the posts...and the recipes! I'm really curious about Erin's recipe for chicken with diet pepsi. Some of the weirdest things can end up to be pretty good, I know. Erin...the DNR comment was really funny!


I'm keeping a stack of index cards near my computer so that I can jot down some recipes. Keep in mind that the recipes are on page 45+ of this thread, for future reference. Connie....your chicken strips recipe looks great. I love hot sauce and chicken. My hot wings are fattening for sure, so your recipe will be fun to try...and guilt-free.


Yesterday I was weak after prepping the chicken, potatoes and veggies. I had fallen asleep on the couch with my family chatting away in the room. They kept snickering because I would snore occasionally! I woke up just before serving time and I think after a deep nap like that, I am pretty vulnerable. I stumbled into the kitchen and there was the tray of cut-up wheat baguette that my daughter-in-law prepped...and a dish of real butter. I ate about 4 pieces...small, but still FOUR! I was glad that when I got on the scale I still held the 174!! I had done the plan all day long, so that must have helped. Is that the secret of skinny people? They eat light all day, then eat what they like on those occasions? And we see them and think, "How do they stay so skinny eating like that?" Mystery solved.


So this is a milestone for me...My hubby and I thought it would be great to video-tape our newly learned dance moves...three patterns to the rumba from a lesson Tuesday night. We thought it would be more likely that we would recall it if we taped ourselves practicing. I was feeling grouchy as I sat up the camera, set the music, reviewed the notes to the steps, played with the two remotes, etc. The last time I saw myself on film dancing, I felt sick from seeing how fat I was. I played the tape this morning and you know what? It was not that bad. I was so surprised but I do not look pregnant like I did before. Okay, maybe about 3 months pregnant, but that's it. I can see a figure...a waist...curves! I felt so relieved this morning. I can only imagine what the next 10-20 lbs. are going to do for my self-image. I think being self-conscious really detracts from our ability to focus on other people. When we are self-conscious, we are really being self-centered, indirectly. Does that make sense to anyone? When you feel so fat and ugly, you walk into a room and instead of caring about someone else who is down, or lonely, etc., you are just thinking about whether you are the fattest person ever and what do people think of me, etc. It's not intentional self-centeredness, but its still self-focus. I want to be beyond that and not have to worry about myself and how awful I look and feel.


OKay...something else I noticed while doing my makeup...I only have one extra chin when I put my chin all the way down! I think I had a couple of extras when I started. It's the little things that thrill me. And my face is starting to get more of an oval shape rather than a square! Cool!

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Connie- You can do it! :)


Ruth- 25 POINTS!?!? NO WAY!! I thought for sure it was supposed to be under twenty! This makes my life so much easier! Fantastic! Thanks!


Amy- I feel you on your long day. My class is only 2 hours tonight so you have me beat. Good luck!


Dar, I completely understand what you are saying about being self-conscious makes you self-centered. A guy I know who lives to study the bible was talking to a group of us awhile back, and was talking about pride, but it's not how we think of pride. I am not "prideful" in the way that I think of the term. However, pride is more of a self-centered way of living. It's thinking about me more than thinking about others. This has really stuck with me. I realize that many times I am so self-concious and so intimidated by others that I shut down. I just get so wrapped up in my mind about what others think of me that I become antisocial. I have heard that some have thought I was stuck up because of it. *sigh* this drives my DH crazy. He seems to have this cool factor that I don't have that makes me invisible next to him, which only increases my insecurity. When we go out, it's always, "Charlie, you look great!" Isn't that backwards!?!? I don't want to be invisible anymore!!


Anyhow, you struck a nerve. What draws people to someone is that someone's ability to listen to and care about other people's lives. When it comes right down to it, we don't care what they look like. I guess the shallow side of me has a hard time getting past it though! I never have considered that once I lose weight and become confident that this will be way less of an issue. Thanks! :cool:

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Hello Everyone


Today I am somewhat back on track. Did 2.25 miles on the treadmill and ate very light.


Thanks to all the exercisers, I cannot keep up with you, but I am inspired to exercise.


I cannot believe all the wonderful recipes. I will be printing all of them to try.


Salsa - I am not a big cook because my family does not eat left overs and I hate to keep cooking and than through all the leftovers away. The money I through away thru left overs could have purchased me a personal trainer for a year or pay for a cruise in the grand suite. I do want to go on your weight loss plan, so could you please help me. What kind of soups can I buy from the store. Any suggestions would be great, it would be even greater if you could give me a grocery list. I love all types of soups, healthy and hearty.


I was telling a friend of mine who needs to loose weight that she needs to join this board because of the support we receive. I am trying to get her to see support is the crucial part of weight loss.


It would be nice if we could all go on a cruise together when we have reached our weight loss goals. Or maybe we can send Oprah a copy of this board and she can have us all on her show to finally meet each other in person. Ok, with out shame we should post full lengthen pictures of ourselves so Oprah can have some before and after shots. Am I dreaming or what?



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Salsa - I am not a big cook because my family does not eat left overs and I hate to keep cooking and than through all the leftovers away. The money I through away thru left overs could have purchased me a personal trainer for a year or pay for a cruise in the grand suite. I do want to go on your weight loss plan, so could you please help me. What kind of soups can I buy from the store. Any suggestions would be great, it would be even greater if you could give me a grocery list. I love all types of soups, healthy and hearty.



Hi Gladys...I have the same problem with leftovers now. My husband will eat them but I'm not always thrilled with leftovers. I have so many great recipes but only cook a couple of times per week. I went from cooking for 8 to cooking for 2 or 3 and I hate wasting food.


I saved the shopping list from my first week, so I'll get that up soon. If I can get to the store tomorrow, I'm going to check soup can labels and see if there is a good substitute for the homemade. The homemade is really easy, so I could post a recipe. I think I would do some things differently. I made a HUGE batch the first time...way more than I need. Half is frozen and the other half I made into the extra 3 variations. I would be fine with two variations and a much smaller batch. Anyway, I'll work on that and get the info up for you after I get to the store.

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Hi Gladys...I have the same problem with leftovers now. My husband will eat them but I'm not always thrilled with leftovers. I have so many great recipes but only cook a couple of times per week. I went from cooking for 8 to cooking for 2 or 3 and I hate wasting food.


I saved the shopping list from my first week, so I'll get that up soon. If I can get to the store tomorrow, I'm going to check soup can labels and see if there is a good substitute for the homemade. The homemade is really easy, so I could post a recipe. I think I would do some things differently. I made a HUGE batch the first time...way more than I need. Half is frozen and the other half I made into the extra 3 variations. I would be fine with two variations and a much smaller batch. Anyway, I'll work on that and get the info up for you after I get to the store.


Just got back from the grocery store and this is what I found:

Campbell's Chunky Chili w/beans 200 cal -3g fat -7fiber -16 protein

Campbell's Chicken and dumplings 180cal- 7g fat-4 fiber-9 protein

Campbell's Chicken w/egg noodles - 120cal -4g fat-1 fiber-6 protein

Bush's Great Northern Beans - 80cal-0g fat-6fiber-6 proein

I purchased all of them. I hope you find some out there for me to buy. However if not I can use your recipes and break it down and freeze some. Maybe that is best. I could make several kinds and freeze them in individual servings. do they freeze well. I am so excited.


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I hope you find some out there for me to buy. However if not I can use your recipes and break it down and freeze some. Maybe that is best. I could make several kinds and freeze them in individual servings. do they freeze well. I am so excited.



Wow! Good job on the shopping. Your work and report back really helps me out too because if I need a change, I know what I can run out and buy.


Here's a breakdown based on serving size (1 1/2 cups) and flavor, of the soups that I made. They'll give you something to compare to. I did a lot of tallying using a calorie and protein counter book.


Plain Chicken, Spinach, & Veggie...88 calories, 16.55 grams protein

Italian Bean 178 cal., 19.2 grams protein

Asian...140 cal., 16.4 grams protein

Mexican Bean & Salsa....214 cal., 20 grams


Comparing to the store-bought, these have a LOT of protein. Maybe that's why they are so filling? I am comfortable with just a little side of protein like an ounce of cheese or 1/2 cup of low-fat yogurt to go with it but know I'm getting plenty of protein without needing to cook and eat cooked meat or fish.


Let me know how you like the ones that you bought. I'm really excited that you are going to test this out.


Here's the Basic Chicken and Soup Recipe...makes 36 cups! (I know...a lot. You can freeze 4 cup batches for easy use in making the other soups, or cut the recipe down in half.


Basic Chicken & Spinach Soup

1,920 calories per batch

576 grams protein

88 calories per cup

16.55 grams protein per cup


Easy part:

large stock pot

4 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast

fill pot 2/3 up with water (24 cups of water)


Heat to boiling and simmer for about 1/2 hour. Remove the chicken; strain broth with a fine sieve and return broth to the pot (clean all of the white bits out of the pot first), measuring the broth as you add it back to the pot; adding enough water to equal 24 cups. I strain the broth just to get rid of the white bits that coagulate because I think its ugly. :)


Rinse off the cooked chicken to get rid of the congealed stuff, then dice it up and add to the broth.


After broth is ready, add the following:

16 oz. bag of frozen, chopped spinach

3 T. chicken bouillon granules

2 t. cayenne pepper

2 T. salt

cracked black pepper--lots

1 lb. sliced white mushrooms (or another kind)



TIME SAVER: While the chicken is cooking, begin chopping these veggies. Cheat with a food processor if you have one.


Dice up:

6 stalks of celery

4 medium onions

3 bell peppers--one red, one yellow, one orange



5 carrots, shredded

1/2 cup chopped garlic, from a jar


Saute the veggies with 2 T. olive oil, medium high heat, until the chicken and broth are ready, stirring occasionally. Saute for about 15 minutes, then add to the soup pot. Heat everything together and simmer for at least 1/2 hour. I saute the veggies to help pre-cook them, that way you don't have to boil the heck out of them and lose a lot of steam and water in the process. That helped me to measure the calories per serving.


Eat the basic soup as is, for one kind. I call that the lighter soup because it is beanless. Same with the Asian variation. I like to eat the lighter ones at night for supper.


Italian Soup

We love this one.

Makes 5, 1.5 cup servings (7.5 cups)

178 calories

19.2 grams protein


Use 4 cups of the basic soup, then add:

15.5 oz. can cannelini beans

14 oz. can diced tomatoes

1 T. basil pesto

2 T. white or regular balsamic vinegar




Asian Soup

Makes 5, 1.5 cup servings (7 cups)

140 calories per 1.5 cup

16.4 grams protein per serving


Use 4.5 cups basic soup, then add:

14 oz. can bean sprouts with liquid

5 oz. can diced water chestnuts, (drain first)

a few shakes of garlic powder

2 T. soy sauce

3 t. sesame oil

2 T. rice vinegar

2 t. ginger


(Not bad but just not my favorite.)



Love this!

5, 1.5 cup servings (7 cups)

214 calories per 1.5 cup serving

20 grams protein per serving


Use 4 cups basic soup

Add 1 1/4 cups salsa from a jar

2 t. chopped cilantro

2 T. lime juice

24 oz. jar Northern beans (I used Randall brand)



It took me a long time to do the first batch of all 4 soup variations mostly because I had to do so much measuring, taste-testing, adding more of this and that, writing it all down as I went, then tracking every single thing that went into the soups so that I could count the calories and protein grams later. I like a lot of flavor in my foods and I think they turned out really well. I was so exhausted but I know that the second time will be a breeze. I shared the first half batch all week long with my daughter and hubby and still have plenty in the refrigerator and we haven't even touched the half that is frozen.


I think this should be called the "Girlfriend's Soup Diet" because you could find a friend, split a batch with her, then the next batch, she can make and split it with you. Now wouldn't that be lovely?


So since I can call these recipes entirely my own creation, maybe we can all lose a lot of weight and we'll end up in an article in Woman's World magazine or on Oprah like you said and be famous soup-eating skinny women! ;) Hey, a girl can dream, right? And then there's that free cruise......

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For any readers...I wondered if any of you have heard of a book entitled Madman? It was written by a friend of mine. I go to this little church (we meet in a school gym, which equals low overhead) where I met Tracy, the author, about 6 or 7 years ago. She's written a couple of other books like The Brother's Keeper, and I forgot the other title. She won a Christie Award for the book in 2007, and I have a feeling that one day, it could be made into a movie. Anyway, I just found a youtube interview with her and was surprised. Tracy is pretty humble because she never mentioned it. Aside from that she is a great cook, so we like to swap recipes back and forth. Here's a clip of the interview...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJHlgBZVWVQ


Aside from that, it's been strange here in West Michigan. Our governor came up with a tax break for filmmakers, so we've had several movie-makers here and Hollywood celebrities around. So weird! I live in a small town that is on the outskirts of Grand Rapids; so this is very strange. Val Kilmer was at a local pub a couple of weeks ago with Armand Asante...the film title had the word "Steam" in it, but I forgot the whole title. Samuel L. Jackson (I think it was him) is going to be in a movie about terrorism and a local school was rented for the setting. There have been ads for movie extras and if the ads are legit, they pay quite a bit per hour. They say that they hire all types, but I was thinking that it would be really cool to try out for that and see what happens, just for a wild lark. But I'd have to be thin to dare to try it. See, I managed to get the topic of weight loss into this off-topic thread. Yes, I can get a bit star-struck! My friend's son got a bit part in a movie with the girl who played Summer Wheatley in Napoleon Dynamite...Hillary Duff's sister. I keep wondering, what next? I guess at age 50, I think it would be funny to do some crazy thing like that. Am I weird?

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You girls are so cute with your soup and Oprah. :p I don't care much about Oprah, but a cruise would be a great idea! What a way to reward ourselves! ooooh, I can hardly wait for ALL of us to get to our goal weights! :D


I think I'd be doing the same thing if hollywood came to town! Who woudn't? Sorry, I can't watch the youtube video. No internet at home, and my company blocks it.


I was doing really good yesterday until I found out I could have 25 points. Then I kind of went overboard, and am up a pound this morning!


Fiber 1 bar (2 pts)

Kashi bar (3 pts)

tea with honey (1 pt)

carrots (0)

1 TB PB (2 pts)

Mcdonald's SW Chix Salad-crispy (12 points)

SF jello (0)

1 bowl quaker oatmeal squares with milk (5 points)

then again when I came home from class (5 points)

= 30 points!


I would have been fine if I hadn't had that 2nd bowl of cereal before bed. And regretting it when I got on the scale this morning. I just can't believe that a bowl of healthy cereal is so many points! I am working out again today though so that should help.


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning everyone! Boy you gals are chatty:p

Dar-I would want to be a movie extra, I think that would be fun. And I'm sure they need all shapes and sizes.


I have a soup recipe from the ww site, I love potatoes and this is low in points, 2 per cup and it is filling.


Potato Soup

4 can ff chicken broth

1 medim onion dices

1 pkg country gavy mix

1 bag oreida O'brien potatoes


Whisk broth, onion and gravy mix in lg pot, bring to boil. add potatoes and stir. Put on low and simmer 1 hour, stir occassionaly.



My chicken tenders that I made last night were good, quick and easy. They past the family test and are healthy!!


Well, in a few minutes I am going to get on my treadmill, today I have to run for 20 minutes straight, If you don't hear from me later today you should be worried:eek:



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I DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only did I do the 20 minutes, I did 24 minutes because I wanted to run 2 miles. I only run at 5.0 but I figure I can work on the speed after I complete the program. I am so excited, I haven't run 2 miles straight for a long time.


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This is a chatty sight lately, I like it!


Salsa, I think the soup idea is great. Especially for anyone who works and can bring a lunch (if they have access to a microwave.) Make it up the and put it into individual containers and you have lunch for a week. Grab & Go. Yes it will take some prep on one day but then you have an easy healthy lunch.

The movie thing is cool. They did one here a few years ago but it was something really dumb. Sometimes it's fun to watch a movie that is made in a place you know because you see things that are different. In Anatomy of a Murder (filmed in Marquette Co in 1959) There is a scene where a guy is walking in the Ishpeming library, he then opens a door and he is in the court house in Marquette. It's the magic of Hollywood!

Another off topic thing that I think is funny is I go to church with a writer to. Her name is Kathryn Springer, she wrote the Front Porch Princess and others.


Well I better get something done here.


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Connie - :D:D We all knew you could do it.


Salasa - Help me to understand this weight loss process, are you saying we should eat foods high in fiber and protein or we should eat soups high in fiber and protein. I am game for it, I just think I would do a lot better if I understood the process. Now for breakfast this morning I had


fiber one cereal-59cal/0.8 fat/14.4fiber/2.4protein

skim milk-45cal/0fat/0fiber/4protein

sm banana- 90cal/0.3fat/2.6fiber/1.1 protein


Did I do ok for breakfast? Do I eat soup for lunch and dinner?

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Gladys, I think that is a good breakfast. One I eat a few days a week. I use soy milk or yogurt instead of skim. I am slightly lactose intolerant but can eat yogurt. And sometimes I use blueberries if I have any and save the banana for my snack.

Fiber is something we don't usually get enough of. And protein helps to keep you full longer. Try eating a salad for lunch with lettuce, vegetables and see how long you stay satisfied. Another day add some protein, either a boiled egg, cheese, chicken, beans... For me I can really tell the difference.


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Erin--I'm not an Oprah fan either. How about Bonnie Hunt? I love her. She was so funny today. I'm going to start taping her show so that I can show my hubby at night. So much gunk on TV. Maybe Rachel Ray? I'm only kidding about Oprah. But I'm dead serious about the other two. ;)


Connie--Your exercise accomplishments are incredible. I admire what I am reading, greatly. For me, I just can't go there right now. Not enough motivation. I tried, then stopped. Maybe soon, I'll be able to focus on that because I know that its such a good thing to do. In the meantime, I just keep reading about you others and your workouts and get inspired....just like when I first began reading the forum posts and got into the eating changes.


Gladys--I know that the soups I made are high in fiber and protein, yet low in fat; so that is what I was referring to. I leave out the noodles and rice so that I can have bread with my breakfast and the pumpkin dessert, which WW would put into the category of a carb serving. I don't have a fiber count, though, but when you make a batch, you can tell by how full the pot is with veggies, then the bean versions add even more fiber and protein. The point is to not starve ourselves by eating just brothy soup or just veggie soup without protein. I can't tell you what is going on scientifically but this works for me. I was thinking about that this morning and trying to figure out why I can eat 1200 calories on this plan and 1200 calories on another day, with fewer veggies and more carbs and the weight loss is different. This is my theory....


You've probably heard of "negative calorie" foods like celery, onions, lettuce, etc. I read before that your bodies BURNS more calories by chewing, processing & digesting them than the veggies have in and of themselves. So let's guess that a stalk of celery has 15 calories...it could take 20 or more just to process that stalk of celery so you lost 5 calories worth of fat just by EATING the stalk of celery. But if you ate a 15 calorie M&M, your body turns it into instant fuel because it is all sugar, pretty-much. No calories are burned up in just processing the M&M. So you've added 15 fat calories. I'm not a rocket scientist with this, but it makes sense enough to me. Maybe with the soup as my fuel, I am burning more calories just by eating it. If my bowl of soup has 100 calories (just to make an easy number to work with), maybe it takes 25 calories just to digest it so I really only have 75 calories to burn as fuel. If I ate half of a hamburger at 100 calories, I might have to use up 15 calories to digest the burger, plus, since it is a much smaller serving of food without all of that great fiber, I end up snacking later on to get filled up.


This is why I am really dying to have someone else try this out for a few days. I want to know if this would work for someone else's metabolism. Keep in mind that I do no exercise right now, and most days, I'm pretty sedentary. My house stays fairly clean, I only do laundry for 2 now, etc. I don't expect 15 lbs. in a month at this stage of my life, but I'd be happy with 4 or 5, honestly, after these "droughts" that I"ve been having.


Keep us posted, Gladys, and also let us know if you feel pretty full, versus starving and vulnerable. Sometimes when I wait too long to eat, I can't resist something, or if I don't feel "content" and full enough, I might also cave in a bit. But when I eat all of the stuff on this plan, I feel nicely full or even too full sometimes. I can walk right past an open box of my favorite snack and not feel tempted. Last night, LATE, I caved and ate a BUNCH of Cheese-its (the white cheddar ones!). I had skipped a couple of things last night for dinner, then let myself get vulernable and was up in the wee hours (insomnia) munching on those devilishly good crackers. Today, I ate just by the plan, included the tea, and feel so full that I could walk right past the open box and not think twice about having them. What a difference.

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Salsa - That makes a whole lot of sense. I heard about eating foods that burn calories. I am going to give it a try. For lunch I am having:


whole grain bread - 200cal/3.0 fat / 16 fiber / 12 protein

bean soup - 120 ca/ / 0 fat / 12 fiber / 12 protein


I want this to work for me.


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Gladys--I forgot to answer your question about the soup...Yes, for lunch and dinner--at least for the first few days. Try the heavier bean soup for lunch, then the brothier one for dinner, or vice-versa. I find that if I eat the heavier one for lunch, I do better and don't eat too much or want too much for dinner. Don't be afraid to add some dairy stuff if you want, to go with your lunch or dinner soup. I only say dairy for the following reasons:


  • all of the media attention that says that dairy helps with weight loss
  • low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt seem to have a high protein total, per serving, yet low calories.
  • At age 50, I need the extra calcium while my body is still happy to store it.
  • After menopause, we will go through changes and are more vulnerable to osteoporosis.

For my own use, I made a chart of all of the protein-ish foods that I will eat in a day...


1 egg large 6g. prot. 5 g. fat 0.7mg iron 75 cal.

cheese 1 oz. 7g. 8 g. 0.2 mg. 110 cal.

LF yogurt 1/2 cup 5g. 1.5 g. ------ 100

SF cocoa 1 packet 2 g. ------ 6% daily 25

2% milk 8 oz. 8g. 5 g. 0.1 mg. 120

1% 8 oz. 8g. 2 g. 0.1 mg. 100

1/2 % 8 oz. 8g. ---- 0.1 mg. ?skim 8 oz. 8g. ---- 0.1 mg. 90

LF cottage ch. 1/2 c. 14g. 1g. ------ 80

Lite Wheat bread 2 slices 5 g. 0.5g 8% 80


I have already calculated the calorie count on my daily orange, the info on a can of V-8 is handy, I have a tally on the Jello with apple, the pineapple or grapes, and the pumpkin dessert, so I didn't chart them, although I could.


Then I did a check on protein requirements:

Men over 25 yrs. old....63 grams

Females over 25 yrs....50 grams

Females 19-24 yrs......46 grams


Athletes and bodybuilders, pregnant or breastfeeding moms get more. For athletes and bodybuilders, my book listed 120 grams of protein for a 170 pound male. Wow. No wonder Odoyal eats all of that protein.

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I have 4 sons...one age 29 is a hoot. I just cracked him up because I told him that I might sneak out during the day and end up in some movie as an extra, then his dad and I will be sitting there watching a movie and eating popcorn and his dad's jaw will drop and all he will be able to say is "What the!!!!" :D


He'll think I was at home scrubbing toilets and there I'll be with some big actor, waiting tables while buildings are being blown up. Hmmmm....who will it be...Gerard Butler, Keanu, John Corbett (My Big Fat Something-or-Other)...or that guy from Pride & Prejudice...Yeah, him.;) With my luck, they'd put me in some movie with Pee Wee Herman.:(


Just the idea of it has me all revved up to lose weight. I mean, I can't let Gerard see me like this! ;)

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You girls are so cute with your soup and Oprah. :p I don't care much about Oprah, but a cruise would be a great idea! What a way to reward ourselves! ooooh, I can hardly wait for ALL of us to get to our goal weights! :D


I think I'd be doing the same thing if hollywood came to town! Who woudn't? Sorry, I can't watch the youtube video. No internet at home, and my company blocks it.


I was doing really good yesterday until I found out I could have 25 points. Then I kind of went overboard, and am up a pound this morning!


Fiber 1 bar (2 pts)

Kashi bar (3 pts)

tea with honey (1 pt)

carrots (0)

1 TB PB (2 pts)

Mcdonald's SW Chix Salad-crispy (12 points)

SF jello (0)

1 bowl quaker oatmeal squares with milk (5 points)

then again when I came home from class (5 points)

= 30 points!


I would have been fine if I hadn't had that 2nd bowl of cereal before bed. And regretting it when I got on the scale this morning. I just can't believe that a bowl of healthy cereal is so many points! I am working out again today though so that should help.


Have a good day everyone!


Erin...I was wondering how much your points would have dropped if you had chosen the grilled chicken on your McD's salad instead of the crispy. Maybe it is significant? Or does one of their other flavors in salad have lower points. I think the Asian is really good. I don't know the points system, myself. If it was a big difference, you could end up keeping your bowl of oatmeal squares. I love cereal!


I can chat a lot with a keyboard! But in person, you might find me to be the quietest person in the room on some days, then a flurry of stuff to say on others. In big families, we all elbow each other to get a turn to say something. ;0

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Speaking of funny....I have to tell you guys a funny story. Last night I climbed into bed and it was so chilly. Brrrrr. The temps have really dropped. I was wearing flannel boxers and a comfy knit long sleeve top. My hubby came in, in the dark, and as he climbed under the covers he said, "I think booties are not sexy at all." My mind raced! I was thinking, "I know I've gained weight but I've never heard him talk like THAT before. Hey, what's wrong with my behind, anyway?" So I said, "What?" as in, will you repeat that, so he said it again. "There's nothing sexy about booties." By then I was really getting cranked up. He could tell and said, "You know, those fuzzy things that you have on your feet!" I had climbed into bed with my fuzzy pink super-soft socks on! We laughed hysterically about that one. I'm still not over it.

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Lots of posts today, trying to catch up!!!


Yesterday was a long one for me, but I did alright.


Bfast: Fiber1

Lunch: Salad with Avocado & Crabmeat, 2 Babybel lite cheeses

Snack: 3 Hardboiled eggs

Dinner: Subway 6" sandwich on whole wheat, turkey, LFcheese, l,t, lite mayo

Dessert: SF pudding

Late Snack: Fresh fruit salad

+ 2 glasses white zinfandel


What are everyone's opinions on alcohol? For South Beach I am allowed wine, and vodka. What does WW say?


Today was good so far:

Bfast: Fiber1

Lunch: 2 Hardboiled eggs and a tuna wrap


I also went to the gym tonight (a fourth time this week, which is better than I have been doing in the past).


No snacks and i am starving. My husband probably won't be home till 9pm so dinner will be late!!! I really find the more I eat in small amounts through the day the better... when I am as hungry as I am now, I could eat anything, and ALOT of it!!!

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American Heart Association Recommendation

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. This means an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. (A drink is one 12 oz. beer, 4 oz. of wine, 1.5 oz. of 80-proof spirits, or 1 oz. of 100-proof spirits.)


On the WW points system it says one small glass is 2pts.


I like wine with my dinner or a glass after on a warm evening. I mostly stick with the one glass but sometimes splurge and have 2.


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Chicken Parmagiana

Source: local newspaper

Very delicious and moist chicken!

Serves 4-6


1/2 cup Italian seasoned fine, dry breadcrumbs

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

3 split, boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1.5 lbs.)

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce

1 tsp. Itlaian Blend seasoning

1/4 t. garlic powder

2 T. olive oil

1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) mozzarella cheese, shredded (I'd use the reduced fat now)


Combine bread crumbs and Parmesan. Dip chicken in eggs, then in bread crumbs. Set aside. Combine tomato sauce and seasonings; set aside.


Heat oil in large skillet or electric fry pan. Brown chicken about 2 mintues per side, until crispy. Place chicken in a glass dish (13x9).


Place in a preheated 350 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes. Add cheese to the top and bake 5-10 minutes more.




I am going to make this for dinner tomorrow and my question is what do I do with the tomato sauce and seasonings that I set aside.

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