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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi all!

I have been hanging around reading the thread but just haven't been posting.


Amy, wow, you are doing great! Congrats on the bikini! I hope you have a great time on your cruise!


Scott, you always impress me. You deserve a big pat on the back for not gaining any weight during the holidays for the first time!


Gladys, welcome back! 4 pounds is not bad at all. I look forward to hearing about your trip.


Kelly, I second Dar's comment that it's so nice to have you on the boards encouraging us along.


Dar, I'm right there with you trying to find motivation.


I was all psyched up after returning from my cruise. I had my last final, was eating right, then I came down with a nasty cough/cold that I still have not shaken. This always seems to happen when I have a break-- I get sick. I've taken antibiotics, but still, 3 weeks later I still am coughing.


I have let that be my excuse for not exercising (I havn't exercised once since coming back from the cruise) and since I am on break from school, I have subconciously decided to take a "break" from life, trying to pamper myself and doing the stuff that I like to do that I usually don't have time for, mostly scrapbooking. I LOVE scrapbooking and have spent countless hours the last couple of weeks catching up.


I have also taken a "vacation from cooking" as my husband is calling it. My attitude is, for the first time in a year I have had time to enjoy life, enjoy my family, my husband, my dogs, my hobbies. Let's go out to dinner every day! :o So while it has been great for our relationship after putting quality time on hold for so long, it has been terrible for my waistline. Combined with the holidays and all the food around all the time, I know I haven't lost and I might have even gained. I even had 2 pregnant comments this week, a sure sign that this is getting out of hand.


I am really disappointed in myself for this. All this time I was looking forward to my winter break to get on track and really start implementing healthy habits. Other than the first week, it hasn't happened.


So I'm sitting here asking myself, how bad do I really want this? Am I willing to sacrifice? Am I willing to push myself? Am I prepared to say no to my cravings? Am I prepared to say no to my husband's cravings?


I want to say yes but actions speak louder than words. hmmm. :rolleyes:

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Gladys, welcome back! That 4lbs is probably water, so you will lose it fast. DH & I both came home so puffy. He could not even wear his watch. He did gain a few pounds but you can feel the water retention.


Erin, how much longer of a break do you have? Why not take a 30 min walk. each day. That's not much time to take out of your fun. A time out from exercise can be nice but really we need to make it a way of life. We can't just do it when we want to lose weight. Like I said, as soon as I stop the weight will come back. I know I am going to exercise forever.


Amy, great news on the bikini! I wore one on my last cruise. Yes at 48 who thought I'd ever wear one again! DH liked it!

Have you had a balcony before? If you haven't you will be hooked! I love having one and don't think I could go back to not having one.


Dar, did you start walking? I'm going to keep asking!


Scott, isn't it good to know you can vacation and make it through the holidays without gaining! Congrats on your accomplishments! I think when you make goal you'll be able to maintain it. You seem to be making that lifestyle change and not just dieting.


Maintaining is part of why I like coming here. (The other part is I like all of you and would miss checking in and seeing how everyone is.) Coming here still holds me accountable. Today again I so wanted to sleep in. But I can't encourage any of you to exercise if I don't do it myself. And like I've said, I know what happens when I stop. I like eating to much! So the pounds come back! And I don't want to do that again.


(I like it Dar! so I'm going to use it too!)


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Hey guys...I have less than 30 seconds to tack up a post here. The last three days have been crazy. I can't describe it but you'll have to trust me. I have 45 minutes to get my grandchild home (20 minutes away), stop at Wal-Mart superstore for some food items to prep an hors douvre for tonight and have to leave the house at 6:30. It is now ten to 5!! That's how its been every day this week. I had grandkids here all three days when I originally was planning on one overnighter and maybe two days. Instead I have had kids since Sunday and I'm whipped.


So Kelly, all badgering is appreciated! I mean it. But I didn't get on that stinkin' treadmill and I need it badly. Does shopping count? If I walk really fast????? And we might end up sledding tonight with friends for NYE. Ugh. Tomorrow is a new day!!!




Oh...it seems my only great virtue is honesty because discipline has temporarily flown out the window, although many chores were done. Gotta go...I went over by a couple of minutes. Have a Happy New Year everyone!



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Happy New Years everyone....


Yesterday was our anniversary so I "splurged" from my no carb week and had sushi, but nothing too bad.


Tonight we are having friends over and one of them works at an Italian restaurant so he will be bringing food. We will see how it goes but I won't be able to avoid it all.


I have been at the gym everyday since Christmas though. And I will be off tomorrow since they are closed, but back Friday and Saturday before the cruise.


Hope everyone has a great and safe night!

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Gladys, welcome back! That 4lbs is probably water, so you will lose it fast. DH & I both came home so puffy. He could not even wear his watch. He did gain a few pounds but you can feel the water retention.


Erin, how much longer of a break do you have? Why not take a 30 min walk. each day. That's not much time to take out of your fun. A time out from exercise can be nice but really we need to make it a way of life. We can't just do it when we want to lose weight. Like I said, as soon as I stop the weight will come back. I know I am going to exercise forever.


Amy, great news on the bikini! I wore one on my last cruise. Yes at 48 who thought I'd ever wear one again! DH liked it!

Have you had a balcony before? If you haven't you will be hooked! I love having one and don't think I could go back to not having one.


Dar, did you start walking? I'm going to keep asking!


Scott, isn't it good to know you can vacation and make it through the holidays without gaining! Congrats on your accomplishments! I think when you make goal you'll be able to maintain it. You seem to be making that lifestyle change and not just dieting.


Maintaining is part of why I like coming here. (The other part is I like all of you and would miss checking in and seeing how everyone is.) Coming here still holds me accountable. Today again I so wanted to sleep in. But I can't encourage any of you to exercise if I don't do it myself. And like I've said, I know what happens when I stop. I like eating to much! So the pounds come back! And I don't want to do that again.


(I like it Dar! so I'm going to use it too!)



I agree with you. I know I will not ever be able to quit exercising. The weight can come on so fast. Between this board and fitness pal I am able to keep it going. When I hit my goal I will post photos.

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I finally got caught up with reading posts. I made a decision that I WOULD NOT get on my computer until I first went on my treadmill. I made it...2 Miles. So this is is Day One. The treadmill is acting up...slipping sort of. It slows down, then speeds up, so the motor is possibly going. Good timing.:rolleyes: The CD I burned did help the time to fly by. Aside from the treadmill trouble, I am now having issues with a computer virus or trojan or something. I get these pop-ups and weird things and my computer is being overtaken. I read that is is called "click-jacking" and when you try to click the X to close the pop-up, it will start to download crud. So frustrating! This happened last year right after the holidays which has lead me to believe that family members are using my computer while they are here visiting, going to sites that I wouldn't go to, then making my computer vulnerable. It cost me $2,000 in a new computer last year after the holidays because of this same scenario and because my computer was not fixable, though I had it serviced. I bought the best anti-virus program and still have a trojan and other stuff to deal with. Frustrating!


My daughter and I also want to use our ddr mat...(dance dance revolution), at least once today. If the treadmill goes, then we'll switch over to the dance mat for an hour until we get a new motor.


This week has been rough for me and I was close to crying yesterday as I talked to my husband about my recent weight gains. You guys know that my lowest was 173 (in between Monday weigh-ins) and that was short-lived, but I really had felt different, better, noticable slimmer, etc. I let November and December slip by without doing a good job of watching what I ate. I honestly didn't feel like I was overeating so much, but more than I had been. My weight went up to 178. This week, I decided to focus and watch it, which I did, but I went up more. I took the kids to a buffet and I at small portions, made healthy choices like salad with a LITTLE ranch dressing, extra spinach leaves, etc. Had a couple bites of dessert rather than a piece of anything, etc. I went UP even more. I almost fell over when I stepped on the scale on NY Day and weighed 181!! I felt sick, you guys. I told my husband this and he said, "NO WAY. I see how you look and I see the clothes you are wearing. You did not gain 8 lbs. back." I told him that I did, and that the scale proved it and that my jeans were feeling uncomfortable, etc.


I have no options out of exercise at this point because if I don't, I'll just go back to dropping weight at a snail's pace and that won't be enough to make a significant difference in how I look and feel by the cruise date. The big issue for me, besides health, appearance, emotional well-being, etc., is the issue of planning and packing clothes. I want to be able to know if I need clothes or not, before we go and I like to plan ahead. It's tough when you have no clue what size you will be by a certain date. It could mean a lot of last-minute shopping, last minute trips to a little tailor nearby, etc. That is stressful to me.


My goal is to lose 2 lbs. per week and I think that might be possible with steady exercise. I got up this a.m. and weighed 179. I have twelve weeks to the day, before we leave, so that could mean 24 lbs. off by then or 155. Not too bad. I felt great in the 140s so I would be thrilled to get anywhere near them. Maybe I could find some other strategies to get myself down to 179, like adding in a third mile per day instead of 2????? I recall an older woman, in her fifties, who lived on Lean Cuisines and walked 3 miles daily and steadily lost 3 pounds per week. I don't know if my metabolism would cooperate with that and its a lofty goal but I want to aim high.


I'm writing this and feeling STARVING right now (haven't had lunch). I thought that I"d keep my menus really simple for now. I had oatmeal for breakfast with cinnamon added and about a teaspoon of sugar and about 1/3 cup of 2% milk. And coffee.


Amy....Enjoy that trip!


Gladys....Waiting for your report with excitement!


Off to lunch! Cottage cheese toast and a Clementine!


Erin...I hope you feel better soon. I used to have trouble with bronchitis and it really stays after you get it. Rest and relax. You'll feel ready soon and I need you as a workout buddy! I'm actively searching for my motivation...."Seek and ye shall find!" God knows that I'm not satisfied with things as they are.




The Twelve Weeks of Workouts


On the first day of workouts my treadmill said to me, "Get off and sit and sip a cup of tea.":D

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Taking a break from cleaning/rearranging my bdr. I had a Christmas tree in here and I took it down today. Hopefully I will get everything else down yet today. Then tomorrow can be a play day! Catch up on some reading and maybe play with watercolors.


Dar, that is great that you set yourself a goal to treadmill (I hope it's not going to start giving you problems) before computer time. And stuck to it.

I also liked the twelve weeks of exercise song. Now you'll have to keep adding to it! No pressure!

I think a goal of 2lbs a week is good. Any more than that is hard to do. With exercise I think you'll make it. The clothes thing will be hard but how worth it! And by then new spring & summer things will be out so when you buy stuff you can think of it as a pay off for all your hard work.


Hope you can get your computer straightened out without costing to much. My oldest DD is looking for a new one. The laptop we bought her for high school graduation is fried.


So how is 2009 going for everyone else? I feel good because I exercised everyday this week. Now I get the weekend off! YEAH!!


I want to start eating more vegetables. I started today. I had quinoa with some stir fried green beans, yellow beans, baby carrots. I actually used frozen ones (I let them thaw & cut the carrots up). And I only used 1/2tbl of sesame oil to cook them. Then a splash of teriyaki and a tiny bit of chili paste. 272 cal., 36 carbs, 10g fat, 7g protein, 5g fiber. (thanks to myfitnesspal for figuring that out for me!) I really like that sight!


It was really good and easy. For anyone looking for a quick lunch for work this could be made up ahead & heated in the microwave.

Quinoa is a grain that is really good for you. It has protein, fiber. It is similar to couscous in texture.


Gladys, I hope you'll tell us how your Christmas cruise went. I would like to do that sometime.


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Kelly, your stir-fry sounds good. I have all of those flavorings on hand, too. I am the condiment queen. My kids think it is crazy when they open the fridge and see all of those condiments. I have more condiments than food in there! I've never tried quinoa but it would be interesting and I'm always game for something new. I also need a recipe that uses bulghar. I have a small bag in my kitchen freezer and I've never used bulghar before but had an awesome chilled "salad" before and also tabouleh, which I think is great.


For Christmas, I was given an Indian cooking book, plus Japanese. That could be fun. I have a spice called "garam masala"...anyone ever heard of that? I am going to have to google it to figure out what to do with it.


Today was a comedy of errors. I decided that I would FINALLY organize my little office here and get it dusted and into workable order. So I filled a bucket with warm water and Pine-Sol, grabbed a rag and was enthusiastic to go to work. I thought I'd turn on my iTunes and let it play only turning on the computer unleashed the BEAST (the trojan,viruses, etc.) and it was crazy from that point on. My granddaughter came in, backed into my water bucket, fell completely into it, butt first, sent water flying, up, over and airborne, to boot. I was soaked, she was soaked and startled, water was on my desktop, all over my papers, in the desk drawer, etc.!! The carpet was soaked, the phone was ringing, the computer was eating itself alive. Arrrrggggghhhhhh! Needless to say that no cleaning was done. I spent from close to 2 p.m. until almost 9 p.m. working with phone support with Dell, then McAfee. I finally paid $80 to McAfee to have remote assistance, which is pretty cool if you've never done this. You get to sit back and watch someone else move your cursor all over the desktop, opening this, deleting that, moving this file, copying that file. It was, at least, entertaining. Bummer that I had to spend that much money for something like that. It was likely that a visitor opened a file while using my computer and acccidentally dowloaded a virus. Computers. Whoopee.


Kelly....I've already got my day two rhyme ready for ya. :D Stay tuned! Tomorrow has GOT TO go better than today. I had to cancel our group study for tonight due to the computer issues. :(

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Dar, your day sounds crazy! Mine was relaxing compared to yours even though I got alot done.


I've heard of garam marsala. I have a friend whose DD went to Nepal for a year for a missions trip. She has talked about it. I wasn't sure exactly what it was so I googled it and found a recipe for a tandori chicken that sounded good.


DH wasn't home for dinner tonight. So I made chicken fajitas with lots of onion, yellow pepper, red pepper, green pepper and not much chicken. Instead of putting it in a wrap I put it over a bowl of lettuce. I just love that! and DH doesn't really like fajitas so now I can have leftovers for lunches.


Glad you got your computer taken care of. Isn't tech support great! I had to call once when Bob was in Iraq. I was scared because they had me do things. Go to places I would never dream of going. The inner workings of computers is not someplace I like to dwell.



I have left over quinoa so I might do a stuffed yellow pepper for dinner tomorrow.

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Morning all.... so in 24 hours I should be on the Norwegian Spirit dining in the Windows room!!!


I just got back from my last intense gym session, but will try and work out a bit on the cruise as well. It has not been my best week ever food wise, but I think I did ok. So the scale at home is a bit off and ti si so hard in the gym with clothes but I can estimate based on the both where i am:


SW: 165.6

LW: 153?

CW: 152?

GW: 145


So not at my goal but I am inches down everywhere on my body and feel confident to go and take pictures, which I did not do last year on my cruise. Thanks for all the support. I will give a full report when I come back, and then set a goal for our next cruise!!!

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On the second day of exercise my treadmill said to me, "Just shoot and put me out of misery.":mad:


Now if it had been working, my verse would have been, "On the second day of exercise my treadmill said to me, 'Got off I hold one and not three." Ha, ha.:D Well, I thought it was funny.:rolleyes:


Seriously. This is really frustrating. I know that my treadmill is seriously broken. I get on it and the speed goes all over the place and that has felt dangerous; so I got off and googled the symptoms, then spent a good long time trying to adjust the belt tension, etc. It is overtight but when I loosen the belt, it slips badly when I try to walk on it. The instructions from the mfr. say that you should be able to lift the belt up 3 inches over the track part and mine would only go up about an inch or inch and a half, so I kept loosening it until it moved more freely, then the thing just really got erratic when I tried walking on it. I then re-tightened it and ran the motor with no one one it and watched the speed go up, then down, then up, then down, although it was set at 3.5. That makes me think that the motor or a sensor is gone. I have had it for quite a few years but haven't used it much for the troubles that we've had with it. It has had a replacement motor, to boot. I really mean it when I think that the thing needs to be put out of its misery. So now I have to figure out what to do next. I can dancercize on the mat, or do a video workout of some sort for now. My husband works out on an elliptical thing, daily, and drives the 25 minute drive in to his work gym to use it on Saturdays and Sundays. He proposed getting an elliptical for at home and said that he wouldn't bother with the work gym on weekends. I think that would be nice. I have no idea what an elliptical is; so will have to check that out. He said that it would be easier on the knees than walking. I liked the treadmill, if "like" is the right word. It's simple. You get on, you watch the speed, the calories, the time, the distance on the little screen. You can take your pulse with it, too. Don't know what to do right now but I'm tired from trying to fix this thing since about noonish, off-and-on.


Maybe for me, I should just work on some dance routines with the knowledge that I have of ballroom basics. I love music and think music is a huge motivator for me. It will be time-consuming to devise my own routine rather than pop in a video and have someone else tell me what to do; but I think it will be the most fun and useful to me in the long haul. I've been toying with the idea of getting my girls in on this and coming up with some programs that we or they could share at a dance studio setting...maybe classes one day? Stay tuned.....

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Hi Dar, great next lines! To bad you had to do two. Alot of people like the elliptical better. They say it's not so boring. My treadmill has been great except for the heart rate thing. It jumps all over, I can be running and it says my heart rate is 54 then sometimes walking and I'm up over 100. I have it in a spare bdr. I want it in the basement but it is so heavy. Bob will need to have someone help him to move it. I want to gain control over that room again. It seems to be a junk space and I don't like that. I would like bdr/home office.


I have a friend who likes Leslie Sansones walk away the pounds. She says it's a good workout. I would like to learn more dance or at least practice the basics that we know. Could you recommend some songs for the waltz (slow), cha cha, rumba, fox trot. (You don't have to do all just a few would be great) I have a lot of Michael Buble, a Bobby Darin that I like alot. But I'm always willing to buy more music. I'd definately take lessons from you if you were closer! Do you have a community center that might want to offer it? When we took it they were through the local tech college. I think it was $65/person for 8 weeks. One of my friends thought that was to much but we looked at it as something we could do together. Like dates! We had a good time just didn't keep it up. There is nowhere around here to dance, the closet place is an hour away. There are bars but you know what I mean, it's not the same dancing.

Well I'm off to check a painting. I have not painted in months and thought since I was alone I'd play. It's watercolors. It's just for fun. Another one of those things that to get better at you need to practice. I don't have the disipline for practice, at least not yet. I would like this to be the year I work on it.

Hope you have a good rest of your saturday!


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Gladys, can't wait to read the rest! Sounds like you had a great time. I like that you brought a small tree & lights. How fun!

I love the dress you wore on formal night! You really are beautiful in it!

I have to say when I started reading and your flight was cancelled my heart about stopped. I am glad that you got to Philly and got the flight out from there. Airlines are so bad these days.


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Gladys...I've really enjoyed reading your review. You look young, beautiful and definitely PHAT! :D There is a special smile that people get when they are cruising. I loved the one photo of you and your hubby on the balcony, cuddling. I also loved the black and white dress with the red belt. OOOOOH. I have a similar one but now I know that mine needs a red belt to go with my red shoes. :)


Kelly....I had a long reply to your request for ballroom tunes and it disappeared on me this a.m. I guess I took too long and had to log in again and couldn't find the reply, so I'll try it again in the morning.


I hope to start tanning tomorrow. Oh, that will make it feel like the cruise is close!


Do you guys get kinda sad when your cruise is about to end? I guess planning another one soon soothes that feeling. I am normally a glass half full type but lately, just thinking about our upcoming trip makes me want it to last longer. Isn't that funny? I am seriously already starting to save for the next one.


Seeya tomorrow.



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Dar, I feel bad you went through all that typing and then lost it. I hate when that happens. (ok hate is a strong word, but I really dislike it)

Did you decide on getting an elliptical? It is so cold here today, -4f. I am glad that I have my treadmill. I really enjoy getting some exercise in. I feel so good and energized when I'm done. Not that I want to get out of bed in the morning but after it's over!


I hope everyone is doing good and getting back to schedule after all the holidays.


Erin, how's it going with you? You haven't checked in. Are you doing ok?


Well I off for a busy day of laundry, cleaning and I think I'll make some bread later to go with the beef tips we are having for dinner.


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Okay, Erin, I know you are lurking! :) So I feel like crud again on weigh-in day. Bad news...I weighed 180 this a.m. I did NOT pig out this week or weekend, but I did eat some things that were nowhere near my weight-loss plan....about 8 chocoalte covered pretzels, for example, and a couple glasses of wine at dinner with friends. The worst thing I did was have a little bowl of potato chips, which are NOT on my plan...twice (Friday and last night). I am at the end girls. If I don't make it this week, I'm done. I don't mean to sound negative so really, by saying this, I am giving myself a good, big, swift kick in the pants. I'm being hard on myself. If I can't handle certain things in the house, they are hitting the TRASHCAN. (I wrote in big letters because this is making me mad.) I am telling my family that the junk is killing me. I feel a bit like an alcoholic might feel, when there is a bottle of liquor sitting on the counter in plain sight and they are doing all they can to not touch it. It's the same with food, isn't it? Isn't that why so many of us are struggling with our weight? Lack of exercise and abundance of food that is often junky.


Going up makes you feel yucky!


SW: 188

LW: 178 or 179?

CW: 180

GW: 125-135


Bright Side:

Today my daughter and I are making time to go tanning. I want to focus on myself for a while and that is part of the deal. I am so looking forward to those rays and getting a bit brown. She was so excited when I told her this, so we'll head out later in the afternoon after she gets out of work. She called to get our vacation dates so that she could put in for time off from her job, which is really excting. It makes us both feel like the cruise date is in plain sight. Watch me girls....the weight is going down!!! (I feel like Rocky.)

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...... I would like to learn more dance or at least practice the basics that we know. Could you recommend some songs for the waltz (slow), cha cha, rumba, fox trot. (You don't have to do all just a few would be great) I have a lot of Michael Buble, a Bobby Darin that I like alot. But I'm always willing to buy more music. I'd definately take lessons from you if you were closer! Do you have a community center that might want to offer it? When we took it they were through the local tech college. I think it was $65/person for 8 weeks. One of my friends thought that was to much but we looked at it as something we could do together. Like dates! We had a good time just didn't keep it up. There is nowhere around here to dance, the closet place is an hour away. There are bars but you know what I mean, it's not the same dancing.......



Hi Kelly,


Ballroom has really caught on here so more and more places pop up and open their doors. Some close after a time, depending on management. Right now, the one place that we favor is really great. If I wanted to, I could host dances or teach classes there and the terms are simple. Half the proceeds go back to the studio. I know that its an open door if I wanted to do a class.


Arthur Murray was VERY expensive so that's primarily why I wanted to stop. We found a private instructor who teaches us for $20 for an hour lesson, which is cheap. Group lessons at various locations are pretty cheap too...$5-$10 per lesson. Instructors charge $100 and if you get enough participants, it can be worth it to hire someone and break the cost down. For our studio, the groups are in progress, so the cost is set. If we pay for a private lesson here and there (pricey), the group lessons are free. There are so many various packages. Its a lot of money but we think of it like you said, a date, and we give up something somewhere else to do it.




Oh, now we're talking. I love music. I'm picky about lyrics so there isn't likely to be anything seriously objectionable (to me, at least) even if the song is in Portuguese or Spanish (I check the translations)..so my music is usually G or PG. :) You like "standards" like Michael Buble and Bobby Darrin...I love those too. I have a lot of those types of CDs. Check out Bobby Caldwell and Steve Tyrell sometime. Also Renee Olstead and Diana Krall. I think you'll like them.


Songs: I have so many tunes, discs, etc., that I can write long lists of great tunes for various dances. It takes a while to learn to listen to the beat, particularly the percussions, and break it down to know which song goes with which dance. So many songs might be pretty but have no notable beat so they aren't great for dance. I see it at the dance studio if people don't know how to spin the music....the dance floor clears out mighty fast. It takes time to learn to listen and we have learned to hear the beat better and better. I can break down most tunes, now. Here's a list of some tune ideas for the 4 dances that you mentioned.


Waltz: (1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3)

(Vienese Waltz is faster like the ballroom princesses in the Disney movies do.) I'm going to leave a Vienese Waltz or two for comparison. There are slow waltzes, medium-paced, and Vienesse which are fast.

Once Upon a December by Sarah Morgan (fast but beautiful)

Dark Waltz by Hayley Westenra

Lotus by Secret Garden (We danced to this one and both felt like we were floating! No lyrics but beautiful Asian sort of sound.)

A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz (contemporary; nice and slow; great for practice)

Man After Your Own Heart by Gary Chapman (inspirational)

You and Me by Lifehouse (medium-paced)

Stars by Espen Lind, Askil Holm, Kurt Nilsen, & Alejandro Fuentes (off the beaten path but nice waltz)


Sometimes you have to let the song play a bit before the audible beat is picked up well. If that's the case, you just stand on the floor in dance position and sway with the music until the leader picks up the beat, then he starts.


Rumba (slow/quick-quick or 1-2, 3, 4)

Note: An Arthur Murray teacher told me that you can Rumba to almost any song. Rumba is romantic and BEST with a slow romantic Latin tune but it can be so versatile and danced to so much other music.

Caravan by Rachel Portman (from Chocolat movie; great practice song)

A Love that Will Last by Renee Olstead

Fallen by Lauren Wood (I guess this is from the Pretty Woman soundtrack. I have had this song stuck in my head when I heard it recently.)

Me Duele Amarte by Reik (sung in Spanish)

No Se Por Que te Quiero by Ana Belan (very sultry and Latin; duet with Antonio Banderas)

Quando, Quando, Quando by Michael Buble

Save the Last Dance for Me by Michael Buble

Red Light by Johnny Lang

She Will Be Loved by Marooon 5

Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy (slow)

One Night by the Corrs (from the Mad about Mambo movie)


Cha-Cha (just slowed down swing music; rock-step, cha-cha-cha)

Everything by Michael Buble

Sway by Michael Buble

Beep-Beep by David Sanborn

Crush by Jennifer Paige

The Game of Love by Santana

Smooth by Santana (one of my all-time favorites for cha-cha)

Invierno/Winter by Reik (Latin)

Low Rider by War (not typical Latin cha-cha music but it works;)

Mustang Sally by Andrew Strong (same with this tune)

Pa Bailar (Siempre Quiero Mas) by Bajofondo & Julieta Venegas

Upside Down by Jack Johnson (My son turned me on to Jack. He sings on the Curious George soundtrack. This is a really slow cha-cha but great for practice.)

Watermelon Man by Mongo Santamaria and Poncho Sanchez (this has that really classic cha-cha sound and is nice and slow for practice)




Foxtrot (slow, slow, quick-quick; works best with "standards" but works with other fun contemporary music, too.)

Moondance by Michael Buble

Fever by Miss Peggy Lee

Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby by Renee Olstead

On a Slow Boat to China by Renee Olstead

Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson (fun little tune)

Bubbly by Colbie Caillat

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

The Galway Girl by Steve Earle (from the P.S. I Love You Soundtrack. Not typical foxtrot but works. It's more of a "country 2-step tune", really, which is the country version of foxtrot!)


Kelly, I left enough of a sampling for you to listen to at iTunes. My taste may not be yours, but you will likely find some that we both like. Let me know what you think of the tunes that I picked. I own all except Dark Waltz and Everything, which I'll be buying soon.



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Question; I know this isn't weight loss related but I have a big task for this week--cruise insurance. Can I ask for ball-park figures for a 7-day cruise? I paid $135 pp last time and want to get an idea if that is normal before getting out and shopping around online.



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Dar, thank you so much for taking the time to do that for me! It's a great list and I like alot of the songs on it.

I do have 2 Diana Krall cds. One is Christmas music. I like her alot. And I like her husband too. That's actually how I found her. I heard that Elvis Costello got married to a singer so I had to check out her music. Someone else I like the sound of is Sam Phillips. I don't have any of her cds but I do like her sound.

I'm hoping this will inspire me to practice the steps we learned.


I was waiting for my kitchen floor to dry so I was looking for a new bread recipe. Of course the one that I found I don't have a pan for and it needs to rise/rest for at least 12 hrs. That will have to be for another day! Today we'll have to settle for a loaf of french. Which I better go and start.

Thanks again!


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Dar, thank you so much for taking the time to do that for me! It's a great list and I like alot of the songs on it.

I do have 2 Diana Krall cds. One is Christmas music. I like her alot. And I like her husband too. That's actually how I found her. I heard that Elvis Costello got married to a singer so I had to check out her music. Someone else I like the sound of is Sam Phillips. I don't have any of her cds but I do like her sound.

I'm hoping this will inspire me to practice the steps we learned.


I was waiting for my kitchen floor to dry so I was looking for a new bread recipe. Of course the one that I found I don't have a pan for and it needs to rise/rest for at least 12 hrs. That will have to be for another day! Today we'll have to settle for a loaf of french. Which I better go and start.

Thanks again!



Kelly...My very good friend started making this crusty bread loaf that is out of this world. We've all been going nuts over it. She made it on Saturday night with a pot of fresh spinach soup. My daughter goes on and on about how much she loves that bread so we made plans to have a baking day over here so she could teach my daughter how to make it. She said its really easy, no knead, baked in a Dutch Oven or one of those heavy pots with the lid...what is that called? Are you interested in the recipe? I want it for my collection too. The bread is so hearty, great crusty outside and soft inside. Mmmmm.


Have you ever made One Hour Dinner Bread? I have made it for years, regularly. I use it for our holiday dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, loaves, etc. Fast and easy. I can leave the recipe later or tomorrow if you'd like it. You mix, rest for 5 minutes, knead for 5 minutes, shape, pop into a warm oven until it rises, crank up the heat and bake.




I'm going to check out Sam Phillips...never heard of that performer. Have you ever listened to Jonny Lang? Oh boy, does he grow on a person! Check out On My Feet Again. I love the line, "Getting on my knees puts me back on my feet again." Great line. My favorites from Johhy are Breakin' Me, Red Light, Give Me Up Again, That Great Day, Only a Man, Touch. He's bluesy, jazzy, sultry, with great lyrics. Love me that Jonny. :D Touch is a great romantic rumba--at least for at home with your hubby!;) I've never heard a singer so young carry so much passion in his voice.




P.S. Having a good day with food issues. I've been too busy to stop for munching.

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Hello Everyone


Life has been so busy since we have been back. This cruise was very nice and I truly enjoyed myself. Seem like I don't have a lot of time each day, so much to do in so little time. So other things have happen since I have been back but I can not post it.:( I need much prayer for my family. If anyone wants to contact me my email address is ggbvacations@comcast.net


I have not been able to catch up on the posts, so can someone give me a brief update.


I will try to complete my review in the next couple of days.


Here is my weigh in:

SW: 178.0

LW: 165.4 (before I left for the cruise)

CW: 165.4

HW: ???.?


It seems that the weight (4lbs), I gained on the cruise was water weight gain.





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