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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Gladys...It's fantastic that you didn't gain weight on the cruise. Updates...for me, nothing to report regarding weight loss. I'm still trying to get my act together.


I bought a tanning package today (100 minutes for now) and it felt so good to be under the lamp! I only did 6 minutes. If I don't feel any bit bothered, I can go back after 24 hours so I hope to go again tomorrow. If not, then Wed. But the cool thing is that the smells there--tanning oils in various "flavors" just made me feel like I'm on vacation already! My daughter never tanned before so she came out with a big old smile on her face and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. We climbed into my van just feeling absolutely giddy over the thought of the trip.


Gladys, will you be posting more on the other thread? I love to hear about those trips!


I bought a couple of new tops for the trip and that added to the excitement. My daughter is doing a workout on the DDR Mat (dance dance revolution) and I got on too, since it holds two players. That wasn't so bad, then she set it for the gopher game where you stomp on the mat as the gophers appear on the tv screen. It is hilarious. I look like a total dufus!! I found I can't jump much but should get better as we go.

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Okay, Erin, I know you are lurking! :)


I feel a bit like an alcoholic might feel, when there is a bottle of liquor sitting on the counter in plain sight and they are doing all they can to not touch it. It's the same with food, isn't it? Isn't that why so many of us are struggling with our weight? Lack of exercise and abundance of food that is often junky.


How did you know? :p Actually I've been trying to spend less time on cruise critic all together. With no cruise planned, it's really just a big waste of time as I can easily spend a couple hours on here a day. School is back up and running this week, so it's back to the grind. And since this is my last semester, it is going to be C-R-A-Z-Y trying to keep up. I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. But I am trying to at least keep up reading the posts.


It's really funny that you mentioned the alcoholic thing. I went to an AA meeting this week (a requirement for my last mental health class) and, quite frankly, I was really really impressed. I have never walked into a place and felt more welcomed and accepted. I am a really shy person, so for me to be talking to people all night really says something. I began to think about how we could apply their "technique" if you will call it that, to other aspects of life. Don't really know where I'm trying to go with this, but it was a real eye-opening experience, and I see why something like that actually works. I've heard of over-eaters anonymous, and wonder if that works the same way. Anyway, I see why weight watchers would work for people because of the support. (and, as a matter of fact, why these boards work!) :)


I feel as if I am starting to get back on track. We've stopped eating out (going on a budget reinforces this). That is my one thing I'm going to stick to right now. I figure if at least I can start eating home-cooked foods, even if they are not the best choices, I will be doing better than if I'm eating fried this or that at a restaurant. All my clothes are so tight and I'm just tired of it.


So anyway, that's where I'm at. I probably wont be posting as much because I'm tired of planning and talking about losing weight. I want to actually lose it. I feel pretty redundent for most of my posts. Great intentions, but not enough discipline to actually see results. :rolleyes:

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Dar, I missed that one post yesterday. The one about the bread. That is the recipe I just found! It had been posted in the NYT awhile back. So I have the recipe but can you believe with all the pots/pans I own I do not own a good dutch oven!? I have my stainless steel one but the recipe says cast iron, enamel, ceramic. It also says pyrex but I don't think I'd trust putting a that into a 450f oven. I had one crack at 425.


I use to watch Gilmore Girls. Sam Phillips did alot of music for that show. She started out as a Christian singer along time ago. I can't think of what name she used then.

Well today's a busy day. I need to get dressed so I can leave for MOPS.



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Hello Everyone,

Well. looks like we all made it through the holidays. Now if I can just make it through my Birthday. (Jan.12) It seems like there is always something.


Here is my weigh-in.

Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 217

CW: (current weight) 216

GW: (goal weight) 199


It has really slowed down. I am getting so close. I was able to wear a pair of 34w jeans this week. I was in a 44w. I am down to a large shirt when last summer I was XXL.

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Oh dear! we are falling! I hope you are all well.

Erin, I know what you mean about the boards and not having a cruise planned. For us there won't be one for a long time. $ need to be spent on real life stuff not vacations. I still check in on the lose before you cruise part but the rest only if I am really bored.


Gladys, I think of you daily.


Dar, how's the DDR going? Did you get an elliptical?

The only time I tan is if we are doing a winter (Feb or March) cruise. I like to get a base so I don't burn as soon as sun hits my skin. And it does feel good since it's so cold outside. I pretend I'm in the sun for those few minutes! Do you do a bed or a booth (stand up) I don't like the bed. I feel to closed in. But I do like that you can turn off the face part.


Amy, welcome home! I hope you had a great cruise!


Connie, I wonder where you are? I hope you are enjoying that new gym membership you got.


Scott, Keep up the good work! Your an inspiration to us all! I just noticed you're in Cinncinati. My sister use to live in Loveland. I love the fountain in fountain square. It is so beautiful!


Hope you all have a good day!

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Oh dear! we are falling! I hope you are all well.

Erin, I know what you mean about the boards and not having a cruise planned. For us there won't be one for a long time. $ need to be spent on real life stuff not vacations. I still check in on the lose before you cruise part but the rest only if I am really bored.


Gladys, I think of you daily.


Dar, how's the DDR going? Did you get an elliptical?

The only time I tan is if we are doing a winter (Feb or March) cruise. I like to get a base so I don't burn as soon as sun hits my skin. And it does feel good since it's so cold outside. I pretend I'm in the sun for those few minutes! Do you do a bed or a booth (stand up) I don't like the bed. I feel to closed in. But I do like that you can turn off the face part.


Amy, welcome home! I hope you had a great cruise!


Connie, I wonder where you are? I hope you are enjoying that new gym membership you got.


Scott, Keep up the good work! Your an inspiration to us all! I just noticed you're in Cinncinati. My sister use to live in Loveland. I love the fountain in fountain square. It is so beautiful!


Hope you all have a good day!


Hi Kelly....I've been down with a bug today. I started getting a stomach ache on Tuesday night, felt the same pains on Wednesday but not really sick, then today was down by noon. Aspirin helped to get rid of the headache, muscle aches, fever/chills. The good part is that I don't feel like eating much!


No elliptical. If we get one, my husband will have to do that shopping. I did the DDR and it was a riot, then a dance lesson the next night. I paid for that. My food was numb and in a lot of pain. This is so frustrating! I want to get more active, to lose weight, but the weight makes my joints take a beating. It's a vicious circle in that regard. I have been hobbling around since Tuesday night.


Tanning....I went last night before I was feeling like I do today. I do the bed and love the heat! My daughter felt claustrophobic in her tanning bed and I did, too, at first, but now am used to it. I started at 6 minutes on day one, then did 7 last night. I got quite pink with 7, so will not increase it and will wait a couple of days before going back. It sure feels good though and it will be nice to have some color and not have to wear foundation if I choose.


I've been doing so much better with my eating habits and have dropped a couple of pounds already. I haven't seen the 160's in a long time and am really looking forward to that. It's not so far out of reach since I'm not starting at 188 this time. I'm actually looking forward to Monday's weigh-in. I feel like I've started out fresh! I love Subway subs and had a chicken breast 6 inch sub a couple of nights ago and it was SO good. Maybe I'll get skinny like Jared!


My son told me that there is a cologne out and it smells like Burger King whoppers. Is he pulling my leg? I can just see me wearing that and being followed by a pack of dogs!:D

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Oh...I have been laughing my head off this morning. I found out that Burger King did indeed release a men's fragrance called "Flame". This is TOO funny. I love Whoppers. I think they are much better than Big Macs. Follow the link and click on the "spray" button to change the images.......also click on "about Flame" at the bottom of the page for a description. That really made me laugh! "Behold the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat." http://www.firemeetsdesire.com/


081217-burger-king-flame-hmed-3p.hmedium.jpg This pic was on the msnbc page. Hilarious!

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Stop, drop & roll!

DH and I are both traumatized for life! The king just ruined our appetites! Makes me love McDonalds even more!


Dar, that's great on the weight! Motivation to keep going!

I had exactly what you described 2 weeks ago. The aching, chills, for me several trips to the BR. I started on Sat and by Mon I was done. I almost wondered if it wasn't a touch of Noro. I had been up North and people had been sick plus I ate a restaurant. Yes everyone should was their hands but does everyone? We don't really know.


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Stop, drop & roll!

DH and I are both traumatized for life! The king just ruined our appetites! Makes me love McDonalds even more!


Dar, that's great on the weight! Motivation to keep going!

I had exactly what you described 2 weeks ago. The aching, chills, for me several trips to the BR. I started on Sat and by Mon I was done. I almost wondered if it wasn't a touch of Noro. I had been up North and people had been sick plus I ate a restaurant. Yes everyone should was their hands but does everyone? We don't really know.



Ha, ha. Sorry to have traumatized you and your hubby. What will they think of next? I recall seeing DONUT-scented cologne for cops one time!


I think I had Noro once. I was the sickest I have EVER been in my life. I could barely drink a drop of fluid and yet had the other problems that you get with Noro. It lasted about a week. There was a local college that had a HUGE outbreak not that long ago...over 400. Yuck.


My daughter asked to try the treadmill. At first the speed thing happened....faster, slower, etc.....she also said that the track was slipping; so I had her get on it to test it while I adjusted the tension. After I got the track re-centered and tight enough to not slip, she said that the speed remained steady at where she had it--3.1 mph--during her whole walk. My husband had tinkered with the belt from the motor but didn't know what to do, so really only tinkered. Maybe he did something that helped? I was just thinking it was cool that it worked yesterday so I might try it out again.

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Hi Everyone.


Happy Birthday, Scott! Isn't it cool to have so many years of weight lifted off? You probably look years younger. Although if you are only in your 20's, you might not want that. :D


Amy....I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!


I'm not weighing in today and have officially decided to move my weigh-in day to Wednesdays. I had Chinese, then Chinese leftovers on the weekend and that always affects me for a couple of days.


Busy day for me but I'm on a roll with some home organization, trip plans, home improvement plans, etc. It feels good to get things in order! There are some awesome youtube "how-to" videos on home decorating, etc. so they've been fun to watch. I especially love the ones on small space decorating.


I'm going to treadmill later and hope that it is working fine for me! If that doesn't work, then I'm going to do the ddr mat. I have a pretty flat right foot which is likely the root of the problems that I have on that side; so I am going to wear a heavy-duty arch support, some good shoes, and a knee brace. Now won't that just look classy!

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Welcome home Amy! Glad that you had a good trip!


Dar, if you have a store near you that specializes in running you might want to check them out for shoes. They will do an analysis of your foot and how you land on you foot and then show you which shoes would be best. I've heard of people who have really been helped by it. Even if they aren't runners but walkers.


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Amy - Welcome home. Please do a review and share all your happy moments.


Scott - Happy Belated Birthday. My birthday was 1/9.


Dar, Kelly and Erin - thanks for your prayers. The situation has not changed yet and I made the mistake of taking it out of God's hands. Now I must put it back in His hands and leave it.


Here is my weight report:

SW: 178

LW: 165.4

CW: 163.0

HW: ???.?


I have not exercised since November and my thighs look kinda saggy which is depressing. I have notice a lack of appetite. Thank God I am not eating my way thru this problem. I am not sure how often I will be coming on to this board, I don't want to keep sounding depressed.



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Hi Everyone.


Happy Birthday, Scott! Isn't it cool to have so many years of weight lifted off? You probably look years younger. Although if you are only in your 20's, you might not want that. :D


Amy....I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!


I'm not weighing in today and have officially decided to move my weigh-in day to Wednesdays. I had Chinese, then Chinese leftovers on the weekend and that always affects me for a couple of days.


Busy day for me but I'm on a roll with some home organization, trip plans, home improvement plans, etc. It feels good to get things in order! There are some awesome youtube "how-to" videos on home decorating, etc. so they've been fun to watch. I especially love the ones on small space decorating.


I'm going to treadmill later and hope that it is working fine for me! If that doesn't work, then I'm going to do the ddr mat. I have a pretty flat right foot which is likely the root of the problems that I have on that side; so I am going to wear a heavy-duty arch support, some good shoes, and a knee brace. Now won't that just look classy!

Thank You, today I am 48

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Amy - Welcome home. Please do a review and share all your happy moments.


Scott - Happy Belated Birthday. My birthday was 1/9.


Dar, Kelly and Erin - thanks for your prayers. The situation has not changed yet and I made the mistake of taking it out of God's hands. Now I must put it back in His hands and leave it.


Here is my weight report:

SW: 178

LW: 165.4

CW: 163.0

HW: ???.?


I have not exercised since November and my thighs look kinda saggy which is depressing. I have notice a lack of appetite. Thank God I am not eating my way thru this problem. I am not sure how often I will be coming on to this board, I don't want to keep sounding depressed.



Happy Belated Birthday:)
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Gladys, Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you got to have a nice day despite what is going on.

Isn't it the hardest thing to let God work and not get in His way? I think we are all guilty of that. Or of giving Him our burdens and then taking them back rather than letting Him carry them.

DH and I are going through a very hard time with his job. We are trying to keep our focus on what God is teaching us during this time. But we so want to know the end. And of course we want the outcome to be good.

Then I always think of the people we know who are dealing with cancer or their loved ones have cancer. It keeps my thoughts in perspective. Our problems are nothing compared to what others are going through.

I have been continuing to pray for you and will continue.


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Hi everyone, remember me??

Sorry I haven't been on for so long. We went on our cruise and had a great time. My parents came and my mom started getting sick the last few days. WE got back on 12/13 on 12/14 she was admitted to the hospital with pnemonia, on 12/16 they called us at midnight saying she was moved to CCU and had 2 areas of bleeding in the brain and were doing emergency brain surgery. On 12/18 the bleeding started again and they had to do another surgery and explore deeper, they found somthing that was probably growing since birth (she is 63) after that she was on a ventilator and sedated for about 4 days. She was in the CCU unit until 12/31, she was then moved to a rehab center and she is still there. We didn't think she was going to make it but is slowly improving. She still needs 24/7 care and might have to go to a nursing home. They said it could take 6 months up to 2 years to fully recover and we are praying there is no permanent damage.

So, needless to say I have been very busy, after coming home from the cruise and that happening (also my aunt and uncle flew down and stayed 6 nights) and then trying to get ready for Christmas it was crazy. I try to spend a few hours every day at the rehab and it is a 45 minute drive each way.


As far as my weight I weighed myself today

SW 182

CW 175.8

GW 145


I don't know what I was last time I weighed, I really have to get back on track.

I hope everyone is good, I haven't read over what I missed yet, I really haven't had the time or energy to get on the computer much but I will try to be better.



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Hi Everyone!

Scott and Gladys, happy belated birthdays! :D


Gladys, I really enjoyed reading your review on the RCI board. You look fabulous! Also, I will continue to pray for your situation.


Amy, welcome back from your trip! That's great that you find time to work out while on the ship!


Connie, glad to have you back on the boards. It sounds like you've really had quite a few ups and downs the last month or so. I'm glad to here that your mom is recovering. Are you still running?


Dar, that is so great that you are exercising. You go girl. :p


Did anyone else get that amazing deal emailed to them from cruise critic? $749 (inside) pp transatlantic on NCL INCLUDINDG AIR and OBC?? I wish I could go, but it's right smack dab in the middle of my preceptorship. I think it leaves April 17th. I just can't get over that $749 includes air to Europe!


I've been eating better overall, but still find myself making bad snack choices. I reach for the pringles instead of an apple, and before I know it, I've eaten half the can! :o I'm considering maybe taking a day (or 2? 3?) and eating nothing but fruits and veggies. I thought it might "detox" my body of all the crap I've been eating, and start retraining me to really enjoy healthy food again instead of just scarfing down whats in front of me. Has anyone ever done something like this? Thoughts? Other ideas? Thanks!

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Still catching up on everyone's posts and sad to hear about the various troubles hurting many of you... always remember that when you hit bottom all you can do it go up!


My brain is not properly working yet post-cruise to write a review but I will start with sharing some pics... let me know if the link does not work!





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