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Half a day lost being forced off ship.


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It is only because the cruise started and ended in Puerto Rico, there are rules that I can't explain. When a U.S. port of call is on the itinerary all that the passengers have to do is go through a line on board ship with their ship card and passport (like Puerto Rico, St.Thomas, Key West, Port Canaveral etc..) and having it checked by a customs official. If this cruise had originated in Barbados, that's all that would have needed to happen.



This is a yes and a no. If you leave Miami or any US port and your stops are KW, SJ and St. Thomas in any order you do not. If you leave a US port and go to St. Maarten first then go to another US port (say St. Thomas) you have to do this. If you go to KW then SJ and then St. Maarten then go to St. Thomas you have to do the AM line up thing on the ship.

It is a case of leaving a US port and arriving in a forgien port and then arriving again in a US port.;)

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U.S. is not as innocent as you think. The real bind with customs is knowing that the Southern border is wide open and thousands of unknowns come in every week.Thats where we need those strict guards.

Loyalty is a virtue ...Blind loyalty is the Holocaust.


I don't understand how me saying that Osama Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11 & therefore increased security measures leads to you imply that I am a blind governmental loyalist?

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How does Half Moon Cay count? US or not?



It's in the Bahamas. If you visit there before going to a US port, then you will have to go through immigration when you arrive at the US port.

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What? Am I the only one totally perplexed by this post? If people get on and off in Barbados instead of the actual home port, San Juan, wouldn't they have to pay for 2 whole cruises? They are basically taking half of one cruise and half of another to have the equivalent of one cruise, but then having to deal with the disembark/embark hassle in the middle of it.


Do a lot of people join the cruise in Barbados?


Carnival sets aside a number of cabins every week for guests wishing to cruise for 7 nights from/to Barbados without having to pay for back to back cruises.


Everybody, please give the OP a break. I think it was a legitimate question and if they weren't informed of the need to disembark in San Juan by the travel agent, it's only logical that they would be looking for clarification.


If say for example, we were required to do this procedure in Cozumel and our TA's or PVP's didn't inform us, we would be raising bloody hell on this board.


I personally knew that you could purchase a roundtrip cruise from Barbados, but I was completely unaware that they would treat the stop in San Juan as a debarkation/embarkation so had I been in the OP's shoes, I would've been dissapointed and looking for clarification.


As a side note, even though 9-11 was an event that shook the entire world 7 years ago, and for those of us who live in the US we're constantly reminded about it today, not every other country's news and lives revolve around what happened in US soil. How many of us are currently devastated over the 12,000 lives lost in China, or the 10,000 lives lost in Myanmmar just a few days ago? If we're sitting at home not really focused on everything else that's going in the world, then we can't blame the OP for not thinking about what Osama did to the US 7 years ago...

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no big in san juan just hit senior frogs and chill out for a few. well to do it right chill out for more than a few.

That would have been my advice to the OP too. But, remember he never wanted to leave the ship, not even at the ports of call. I've learned with any foreign travel you have to be ready for anything and just chill. OP sounds like my DH, he would have behaved the same way. One question to the OP, did y'all muster drill when y'all boarded in Barb. or did y'all wait until San Juan? Just curious if y'all maybe had to do it twice. Sort of dangerous if they didn't have y'all do this as soon as y'all boarded.

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Carnival sets aside a number of cabins every week for guests wishing to cruise for 7 nights from/to Barbados without having to pay for back to back cruises.


Everybody, please give the OP a break. I think it was a legitimate question and if they weren't informed of the need to disembark in San Juan by the travel agent, it's only logical that they would be looking for clarification.


If say for example, we were required to do this procedure in Cozumel and our TA's or PVP's didn't inform us, we would be raising bloody hell on this board.


I personally knew that you could purchase a roundtrip cruise from Barbados, but I was completely unaware that they would treat the stop in San Juan as a debarkation/embarkation so had I been in the OP's shoes, I would've been dissapointed and looking for clarification.


As a side note, even though 9-11 was an event that shook the entire world 7 years ago, and for those of us who live in the US we're constantly reminded about it today, not every other country's news and lives revolve around what happened in US soil. How many of us are currently devastated over the 12,000 lives lost in China, or the 10,000 lives lost in Myanmmar just a few days ago? If we're sitting at home not really focused on everything else that's going in the world, then we can't blame the OP for not thinking about what Osama did to the US 7 years ago...

The OP said they did not understand why the security was so strict in the US. Some folks (including myself) explained why.;) The people in China and Myanammar were a victim of nature....not terrorism.;)

I also helped on why it was done according to policy of the immigration and customs dept. and it by the way has been done that way for years.

Up until recently you could travel from the US to Mexico or Canada with little ID. Also the Caribbean without a lot of hassel. Now we are tightening up. Ever been to Europe and tried to cross a boarder from one place to another ?

Like I said earlier...it is what it is. If the OP was not informed by thier TA about this then they TA should be informed by the OP that this should have been done.....;)

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.....Of course terrorism is a concern for all of us, but why just the USA so strict?.....


Let me answer this so you can understand it....World Trade Center (twice), Pentagon, Pennsylvania....last time I looked these locations were not in Barbados. They are in the United States. That, my friend, is why the US is so strict.


No politics here either, but IMHO they need to be more strict. You ever flown into or out of Israel? Now there is security!

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What? Am I the only one totally perplexed by this post? If people get on and off in Barbados instead of the actual home port, San Juan, wouldn't they have to pay for 2 whole cruises? They are basically taking half of one cruise and half of another to have the equivalent of one cruise, but then having to deal with the disembark/embark hassle in the middle of it.


Do a lot of people join the cruise in Barbados?


I understand the beginning/ending cruise in Barbados. When we were on the Destiny a few years ago, we had passengers beginning their cruises in San Juan (very large majority), Barbados (not too many) or Aruba (just a few). Although I didn't look into it, I don't know if the passengers from Barbados or Aruba were forced off at San Juan. I thought it was just another port and they could get off if they wanted to, just like those of us who embarked in San Juan could have stayed on the ship at those ports if we wanted to.


To the OP: So sorry you had a bad experience like that. You're from Barbados, home of Crane Beach (heaven on earth for me) and the North Point (is Maritza still there at the Animal Flower Cave?), and you should have been treated better. (OK so I'm partial to Bajans. They were some of the nicest people I've ever met)

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Carnival sets aside a number of cabins every week for guests wishing to cruise for 7 nights from/to Barbados without having to pay for back to back cruises.


Thank you for the clarification. I, too, was wondering about this.

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In my list of things I could have been doing, I did include "whatever". I am not a casino player anyway! Three hours in and out of the whirlpool and sunbathing is what I call a holiday, every morning, and only six mornings to do it - knocked down to five! <---this looks an awful lot like a complaint to me


I am actually not complaining, merely sharing an experience. I had a very good time.


I have already acknowledged that pre-booking was at fault, not Carnival.


However, I do think, and I am not alone in this, other Barbados boarders said so, that Carnival could have made more effort to make us feel welcomed separately, explaining we were joining in half way through their cruise. All PA announcements were for San Juan boarders, no mention of Barbados. Welcome aboard, stuff like that.


After all, we were helping to keep their ship full, which was really what they were into. We likened it to the happy campers of Butlins experience. "Hi De Hi" of UK TV fame, everyone treated the same. "Hurry along everyone" they said over the PA when they were trying to get us all off.

I actually had a good laugh at Carnival's expense - all part of the fun, as we say!




You have to understand how your posts look to me. The title of this thread looks like a vent, not your run-of-the-mill informative post. Traveling into the US has certainly become more difficult since 9/11 but it's a small price to pay of we can prevent it from happening again.


While I understand what you were frustrated about, I have little sympathy for your plight regardless of what you expected or what you were (or weren't) told. If I'm ever "forced" off a ship for 3 and a half hours (a half a day as you call it) I can only hope that I'm forced onto a tropical island within walking distance to a bar. Where I come from we don't call that an inconvenience, we call it friggin' awesome!:D

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We all put up with inconveniences for the greater good. I, for example, am searched every time I fly. I am pulled out of the screening line, my carryon is gone through and I am wanded. The last time I flew, my son was also searched....that was a first for me. My big crime? I had a roommate who married a man that did some bad things in the UK. I have never met this man. She married him long after we were roommates. But A leads to B and B leads to C so here I am on some list. But the funny thing is that I don't really mind. I am glad that our country is trying hard to keep us safe.....they are looking at the wrong person, and hopefully a bad guy isn't getting through while the TSA spend their time searching me, but it's okay. I get to the airport hours ahead of time, I joke around with the agents and I just don't let it bother me. If I am travelling with friends, I let them know ahead of time. Like someone else said, it is what it is. My only disappointment is they always have women pat me down, instead of some hunkie guy:D .

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I embarked on Carnival Destiny in Barbados, mid way through their Puerto Rico (from and to) Caribbean cruise. I did not want to visit any of the ports of call, I wanted a cruise ship experience only, therefore made no plans to disembark anywhere. However, we were told that we all had to get off at San Juan to fulfil USA Security regulations. Off and on the ship took me the whole morning, out of a seven day cruise. They also took my passport in Barbados, only returning it after San Juan. Is this acceptable?

Is this acceptable? - Why would you think it isn't. Immigration does not care of your intent to stay or not stay on the ship. You have arrived (at PR) and there are procedures to follow and fulfill. Even on the ship, you are now in the US Territory. ;)

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To the OP, please try to understand why so many people might take offense when you question US security. 9/11 was one of, if not the darkest day in US history. Thousands of defenseless citizens were massacred when our country was invaded as such. We didn't see it coming and we as a nation were left in such disbelief and grief that all we could do was mourn and wonder how something so horrific could possibly happen.


The increased security we must all now deal with is a direct result of that terrible day. I, for one, don't mind at all going through all the added security measures. I'm not naive enough to think it's a fool proof plan, but I figure if I've got nothing to hide, then I shouldn't have a problem.


I'm so glad you enjoyed your cruise, and hope maybe in some small way I've helped you to understand what most Americans went through on that terrible day and that has now prompted more extreme security measures.

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It is only because the cruise started and ended in Puerto Rico, there are rules that I can't explain. When a U.S. port of call is on the itinerary all that the passengers have to do is go through a line on board ship with their ship card and passport (like Puerto Rico, St.Thomas, Key West, Port Canaveral etc..) and having it checked by a customs official. If this cruise had originated in Barbados, that's all that would have needed to happen.



HI newbie 21,

This is just called standard operating procedure. You did not know in advance.

Every person on the ship has to present there papers, even the staff.

I hope this does not effect your cruise experience.

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The OP said they did not understand why the security was so strict in the US. Some folks (including myself) explained why.;) The people in China and Myanammar were a victim of nature....not terrorism.;)

I also helped on why it was done according to policy of the immigration and customs dept. and it by the way has been done that way for years.

Up until recently you could travel from the US to Mexico or Canada with little ID. Also the Caribbean without a lot of hassel. Now we are tightening up. Ever been to Europe and tried to cross a boarder from one place to another ?

Like I said earlier...it is what it is. If the OP was not informed by thier TA about this then they TA should be informed by the OP that this should have been done.....;)


I agree with the points that you make in your post about why immigration has gotten tighter. Also, I agree with your points about the difference between a terrorist attack and these natural disasters that I mentioned.


The point that I was trying to make is because the OP got flamed pretty quickly by some people. I believed that the OP had a legitimate question.


For Americans living in the US, the answer might have been pretty clear, however for non-Americans who don't live in the US, the answer is not as obvious and that's why the OP posted their question.


If we travel to a foreign country, we would have questions about how they run their government especially if we're not fully educated in that country's history and significant events. I guess maybe we should expect to get flamed as well if we show our ignorance about international policies and events...

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What I fail to understand is how anyone, in this day and age of technology, doesn't know every tiny detail about any vacation they're planning!


Information is out there! So the group planner/TA didn't inform people. What stopped you from coming to a site like this and finding out beforehand?


I was thinking of booking Victory out of San Juan in December. Simply looking at the dates of the sailings, it was obvious that the Barbados "cruise" was really originating in San Juan.


OP, you were on a 7-day cruise. I don't think those few hours away from the pool should've ruined it for you!


I absolutely loved San Juan and cannot wait to return there. We took the free trolley up to El Morro and toured the fort, then walked back down through town, had lunch at La Bombanero, and just strolled around the old city. Loved it. It was an inexpensive port day.


If someone doesn't bother to do their research ahead of time, then why bother to complain afterwards?

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Carnival sets aside a number of cabins every week for guests wishing to cruise for 7 nights from/to Barbados without having to pay for back to back cruises.


Thanks for the clarification! I've been around on these boards for years and had never heard of that.

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What I fail to understand is how anyone, in this day and age of technology, doesn't know every tiny detail about any vacation they're planning!



I was thinking of booking Victory out of San Juan in December. Simply looking at the dates of the sailings, it was obvious that the Barbados "cruise" was really originating in San Juan.


city. Loved it. It was an inexpensive port day.


If someone doesn't bother to do their research ahead of time, then why bother to complain afterwards?


Well..if you would have done more research you would have also found this, every week there are cruises that originate in Barbados..yes modern technology is something else.:rolleyes:






If anyone is interested here is a great review from someone that did the Barbados to Barbados cruise a few years ago..its very detailed.


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I agree with the points that you make in your post about why immigration has gotten tighter. Also, I agree with your points about the difference between a terrorist attack and these natural disasters that I mentioned.


The point that I was trying to make is because the OP got flamed pretty quickly by some people. I believed that the OP had a legitimate question.


For Americans living in the US, the answer might have been pretty clear, however for non-Americans who don't live in the US, the answer is not as obvious and that's why the OP posted their question.


If we travel to a foreign country, we would have questions about how they run their government especially if we're not fully educated in that country's history and significant events. I guess maybe we should expect to get flamed as well if we show our ignorance about international policies and events...



If she just questioned it, that would be one thing. But her "half day" turned into only 3.5 hours, she called the US "paranoid", and then she complained that Carnival didn't make any special arrangements for 100 people to skip immigration. That's more than merely asking a question and that's why she got the response she got.


The kicker for me was when she called the US "paranoid". I just think that's a little disrespectful considering what this country went through that made us "paranoid".

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Years ago when Destiny called on Aruba, you could also do an Aruba to Aruba trip. There have been a couple of cruise critic members who did it.


They also did one ways from Bermuda to San Juan, It was a 3 or 4 day cruise.

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Well..if you would have done more research you would have also found this, every week there are cruises that originate in Barbados..yes modern technology is something else.:rolleyes:



Yes, thanks. I'm aware of the itinerary.


If you look at the Southern Caribbean cruises beginning 12/28/08 out of San Juan, all the cruises out of Barbados are right smack in the middle of those San Juan sailings.


These cruises originate in San Juan. When they arrive back in San Juan, the ship would be expected to be cleared to begin the next cruise, originating out of San Juan.


All it takes is looking at the cruising calendar to see that this is the case.


Shall I add a few rolling eye smilies?

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