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American - $15 Charge for FIRST Bag


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You could wear all your clothes by layering them over each other and pack your undies and shoes and other stuff on your carryon. :D It might be hard to walk around the airport with all those layers of clothes on, but hey you don't have to go to baggage pick up either, lol.




Then airline security will make you take it all off as they will be suspicous and their metal detectors won't work through it all. LOL

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Husband is wondering if he wears his tuxedo on the way to a cruise would we get upgraded to 1st class? He says he can cover his black athletic shoes with black socks on formal night to avoid taking the size 13 dress shoes.


Seriously, I don't mind the $30 as much as the chaos that is going to happen with carry-ons. We used to just carry a briefcase with immediate needs, travel documents, and valuables on the flight until the airlines started misdirecting/losing luggage with regularity. So we started taking a carry-on with a days worth of clothes, things we wouldn't want to be without on a cruise like a bathing suit, sandals, shorts, basic allowable toiletries, etc. instead of the briefcase. More than once we have had to put the carry-on under the seat in front of us because the overheads were full. Now we will probably be taking two carry-ons so we only have to check one bag which will contain those things TSA won't let you carry on and enough clothes for a two-week cruise. If we had trouble before finding space in the overheads, I shudder to think what it will be like when everyone has two of them.


The cruise lines will love this--more money washing/dry cleaning clothes (lol)


Tucker in Texas

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The economy is in a mess and as much as I don't like to pay extra fees for something I seriosely don't see how the airlines have much choice. They have to stay in business. We should be shouting our frustrations to the government, not the airlines.


We are also paying the cruise lines for fuel too, so is this any different? We got over that.


What it boils down to is that each person now has to pay about $75-$150 more for each cruise we take, but it is still least expensive way to have a fantastic vacation!!


I am willing to give something up to suck up these fees by both the cruise lines and the airlines so I can continue to cruise.


Thanks for listening to my views on this....

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there was an article about two weeks ago in the local business section that United I believe flys non stop to China from Chicago......if there plane is 100% full, it said the cost per passenger in just fuel alone was $500.......before any salaries, or other costs.


United's first quarter cost to fly 1 seat 1 mile was $.1267. A flight from Chicago (ORD) to Beijing (PEK) is 6579 miles, meaning your seat cost United $833.56 to fly. If you were on a 777-200 with 348 seats, it cost the airline $290,078.88 to operate the flight.



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Delta has said they will not follow AA's lead.


Call me a cynic - but if all of the other airlines decide to follow AA - Delta will not be far behind.


Actually AA has decided not to charge for tickets - they'll make it up with surcharges and make far more money. Want a pilot on the flight add $500

lost luggage will cost you a penalty for being stupid enough to check your bags. This would not end if oil went to $1.00/ bbl why - its like an income tax. You'll get used to it

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I think their Plan B is to start checking carry-ons plane side free when they run out of overhead space. They did that to us once when we were the last to get on the plane and had a carry-on because we needed to keep it the last night on the cruise to pack our last minute stuff in the morning. Note: Make sure you have a tote bag if this happens so you can transfer important stuff to take with you on the plane. I was lucky I did have one with me as my jewelry was in the carry-on along with cameras and our travel information.


Tucker in Texas

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With all the airline news, I really can't wait until current management of all the major US-based airlines force all the airlines into bankruptcy and then get bought out by foreign companies that know how to run an airline, make money and give great service. I have had fewer total problems all on my combined flights on foreign carriers than I get on just a single flight on any of the big US carriers. It's just frankly sad.

Ever dealt with flying WITHIN Europe and the horribly limited baggage limits? For example, I recalll on KLM last year, the allowance between Amsterdam and Barcelona was a single checked bag, < 20 kg, and a single carry-on < 8 kg, and much smaller bag than what you're allowed to carry on in the U.S. (and yes, they are very strict about it). It is a supreme PITA to be on an extended trip to Europe since the trans-Atlantic rules don't apply on the intra-European flights unless you're directly connecting.

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I just researched airline tickets from Baltimore to Miami for the past two weeks. And you know what? American Airlines beat all other flights. Many by as much, or more than $100 per ticket. So, I really don't have a problem paying the $30 additional, because it is still cheaper than everyone else. And an added bonus...I just purchased my tickets on Tuesday, so I won't have to pay the fees anyway.

No matter how they do it, the cost to fly is going up. Luggage fees, fuel surcharges, higher ticket prices or whatever they want to call it, all airlines are going to find a way to make up for the higher fuel costs. We don't have to like it, but if you want to fly, you'll have to pay for it. The only way to avoid it....don't fly.

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I really do not think an extra $15.00 or $30.00 will stop the majority from taking a cruise but it is the cumulative impact of all the increases we are seeing and some hidden costs, in travel and in our daily lives that will determine future travel plans.


I was just watching a show where the speaker said it is not unreasonable to anticipate the cost of gas will double in the next year. I sure hope this is wrong and hope for a quick recovery, for all of us.




I’m wondering the same thing. I’ve gone on 17 day cruises before with two tuxes and did not repeat any clothing – except for shorts during the day - I only brought six pair - for the 17 days…got it all into two checked bags and a carry on. What’s the big deal?


The fact of life now is that it costs more to travel. In your car, in a plane, in a ship. It costs more to transport goods. The cost of everything is going up because the price of fuel affects it. Milk costs more because of what it costs to deliver it to the store. You cannot have the same kind of vacation you had two years ago for the same price, no matter if you bring formal clothes or not. I still maintain that if the price of checking your bags is enough to blow your vacation budget, you‘re not budgeting effectively.


Perhaps this new ruling will stop people from rolling on coolers of beer and dragging on cases of alcohol. How about all those power strips and duct tape?


Besides, if the cost of additional bags is that prohibitive, you can bring some quarters and do laundry on board.

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Something tells me the other airlines are going to jump on this and implement it as well, rather than acknowledging that it is a BAD idea. Unfortunately, I really don't think it's going away.


I'm lucky right now, because my next flight is international so no charge. We'll see about the one after that...

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I don't like what AA is doing either. However, many industries are raising prices to cover the cost of production, shipping or service. This is just another example of the rough ride we're in for until this energy cost issue is resolved (if at all possible.)


That being said, I'll be hustling to book my air travel before June 15.



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I understand the need for the extra baggage charges, but it poses a "difficult" mathematical challenge.....

For those who have seen the movie "Titanic"...

Remember Rose Calvert....and her air trip to the research vessel anchored over Titanic....Remember what she brought with her ("She doesn't exactly travel light, does she").

Now considering the amount of luggage.... Can someone calculate how much she would have had to pay to bring all of that stuff with her these days??And would she have thrown the "Heart of the Ocean" back in the water after all, or would she have had to hock it to pay all the extra fees?

Oh, and that poor goldfish....She could bring the fish, but the water in the fishbowl..well, that's got to go........


We are feeling really fortunate, since we fortuitously purchased our air tickets for next February on MAY 9, 3 days before the $25 per second checked bag fee came up :)

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I really do not think an extra $15.00 or $30.00 will stop the majority from taking a cruise but it is the cumulative impact of all the increases we are seeing and some hidden costs, in travel and in our daily lives that will determine future travel plans.

Everything will become more expensive in these times of diminishing cheap energy. Fasten the life belts for our circumstances are definitely changing.


I was just watching a show where the speaker said it is not unreasonable to anticipate the cost of gas will double in the next year. I sure hope this is wrong and hope for a quick recovery' date=' for all of us.[/quote']

I think that recovery could only be partial and temporary until global energy supply issues are resolved.

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I think they are going about this the wrong way...If they simply raised costs to cover higher costs of doing business that would be one thing. I am not even sure as many people would notice if you were shopping for airfare and it was slightly more expensive...but the bag charge seems like nickle and diming and I think that is what gets people going

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All of the talk about how the airlines need to make money...please check out http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/011608dnbusaabonus.297e532.html


specifically, the portion

The top five


Based on the 135 percent bonus, Mr. Arpey would be in line to receive 189,000 shares in April, worth $2.5 million at Tuesday's close. Mr. Horton and Mr. Garton would get 104,760 shares, valued at just under $1.4 million, and Mr. Reding and Mr. Kennedy would get 76,950 shares, valued at just over $1 million.



How many of you out there received this type of bonus? I guess if I received 2.5 million, $30 per trip per person would not be that much!!!

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As far as I'm concerned, this is just a way to stick it to everyone. Instead of just raising ticket prices, they charge for luggage. That way they can charge everyone who has already purchased a ticket as well. - SF


Unfortunately, they have not only raised the fee for airlines tickets but they have also started these stupid, ridiculous fee's.

We all know we are in hard times yet our government refuses to believe or acknowledge it. How the heck can this continue??? And yet they say we aren't in a recession!! My a** we aren't in a recession. The gas prices, the food prices and all these other costs are going up. It's BS and something has to give. How can they expect the U.S. to continue? I guess, don't travel. I could say more but I'm sure I would violate the rules on this forum. All I know is I can't wait for Nov. 2008...... God help us all.:mad:

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The price of gas is what is causing the cost of everything to go sky high. If one airline does it, they all will follow suit. Look at the cruise ships, when one ship started a fuel charge, they all did it. Quite frankly, I understand why they have to. I can only imagine the fuel a ship or plane goes through. Yike's, don't you get ill when you fill your car up at the gas station. Think what those truck driver's are thinking when they fuel up. Then the grocery's have to go up to pay what it cost to get them there.

It is going to effect the way everyone lives, big time.


We are quite lucky if we have the money to fly and cruise. There are family's out there that are trying to figure out where they are going to get the money for gas to get to work. If they can't get to work, no grocery's. Then the dreaded gas bill come's to heat their home.


The price of gas is going to change the way people live, big time.

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So, does this mean that my very pet peeve will get worse? People trying to bring pianocases onboard as carry on items?


Are you kidding? I can't even imagine how bad carry on issues will be now...... I thought it would be bad with the 2nd bag charge issue. Now, everyone will try to do only carry on...... What a nightmare.

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Good grief, that is the most IDIOTIC baggage policy imaginable. You've already got people hauling on bags that stretch the definition of "carry-on". Get ready for real bin wars as soon as this goes into effect.


American has been my carrier of choice for year and I have gold Aadvantage status. But I'm beginning to wonder what mental institution recently housed their management.


Seriously. This, imo, a seriously bad decision and will definitely affect my choice of airlines to something other than AA. Which is a shame because prior to this, I would go a pretty good way out of my way to use them (and the majority of my travel is from Baltimore to Chicago and back, so I have several major airlines to choose from). I've stuck by them even when they downsized the bulk of their Baltimore-Chicago fleet to the Embraers. (I actually like them)


I'm NOT paying $15 for the first checked bag and I'm NOT dealing with more bin warriors.

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This is akin to a car rental company charging you extra for the air in the tires...


.......air is not $130.00 a barrel........:rolleyes:


.....oil is $130.00...........and it takes oil to move the luggage......not air.

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Let me just vent by saying I will not fly American Airlines unless it is my last possible option. If people are just willing to give in to them then the corporations will never worry about charging extras in the future. What a fall from the greatest to just another place in the world. Who is worring about the consumer?


I completely agree with you. Everyone just keeps giving in. I get the attitude of not letting these prices or issues interfere with our lives or having a life but this is ridiculous. They charge astronomical gas prices' date=' no one cares. They charge huge fee's for food, no one cares. Our dollar bites the dust, no one cares. The prices keep going up and up but no one is doing anything about it. They, the businesses just do it and we as consumer's are expected to take it royally... We sure know our government is doing anything about it. They aren't standing up for our citizens. [/color']

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After reading through all of the postings, I find it amazing that so few understand that with the increasing cost of fuel the airlines are losing millions every month and must take drastic action or go out of business.


With the forecasts of further increases, "you ain't seen nothin' yet"!!!!!


You can continue to gripe but air travel costs will continue to increase, and probably rapidly. AA has chosen to charge for baggage, others may choose to raise ticket prices.


To remain in business, a company of any kind must take in more money than it spends--period. That is just a fact.


If an additional 30 bucks stops you from traveling, that is your choice.


Have you filled up your car with gasoline lately??? It costs more doesn't it. Have you noticed that food prices have increased??? Have you stopped eating??


Perhaps looking at the root causes of the problem rather than the effects might help.


The root of our problem would be our current govt. But that's a discussion for another time/place.......

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