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Buying Medicine in Mexico, Can I???


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Its been reported in the news recently of large shipments of counterfeit drugs made in China.. I think this is where their concern stems from....


I had also heard that this has happened with drugs from India also. I think that this is a worldwide concern though. Just as likely to occur in the US as in Mexico.

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The difference is they are subject to the onerous US drug patent laws that artificially raise the price.


Onerous drug patent laws? the law which says for 28 years the company that discovers something can't be copied? Yep that is onerous. If there wasn't such a law(which has been around in one form or another for 200 years) do you think drug companies would spend billions on research? I don't like what they charge but the patent laws which cover everything from computers to drugs encourage not discourage research....even Canada recognizes this in its pricing.

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Onerous drug patent laws? the law which says for 28 years the company that discovers something can't be copied? Yep that is onerous. If there wasn't such a law(which has been around in one form or another for 200 years) do you think drug companies would spend billions on research? I don't like what they charge but the patent laws which cover everything from computers to drugs encourage not discourage research....even Canada recognizes this in its pricing.


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"In a 1998 case, the Supreme Court of Canada granted the generic manufacturers' appeal of the patent protection given a drug, calling the regulations a "draconian regime" that are "manifestly unjust" to generic drug manufacturers."

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I had also heard that this has happened with drugs from India also. I think that this is a worldwide concern though. Just as likely to occur in the US as in Mexico.


I even recall hearing something about some big drug store chains that were selling them!

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Where in the Eastern Caribbean can I buy??


There are no places on the eastern side that I am aware of. The Mexican ports, I believe, are the only ones where you can purchase the meds. Being in the medical field, I find the pharmacies in Mexico a novelty so I always manage to wander into one while there. Yes, I have even purchased some things to bring home.


Any med that is classified as "controlled" (includes all codeine and hydrocodone based pain meds) in the states also requires a written script in Mexico. Just about everything else can be bought without a script. Keep in mind that the name of the drug in the US can be very different in Mexico. It is important to research ahead of time and figure out exactly what you will be looking for and know what it is called in Mexico. Most of the drugs sold in Mexico are generics and will somewhat loosely follow their generic equivalent's name in the states, however, I have seen some that do not follow this rule and it took some guessing to figure out what it was exactly. Most of your clerks in the pharmacias speak english and can direct you to what you want.


While I also mirror the concern over self-medicating, I can also sympathize with those who have no health insurance. I include the above info so that those who are planning on purchasing meds anyway, can do so with some knowledge as to what to look for. One other tidbit, the further away from the ship that you get in a port, the cheaper the product. This holds true for souveniers as well as the pharmacia.

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They aren't "black market", and for the most part are manufactured in the same plant as those sold in the USA.


The difference is they are subject to the onerous US drug patent laws that artificially raise the price.


The black market statement was in reference to pet pharmacies. There was a lawsuit against a very popular online pet pharmacy (not sure if I'm allowed to say names here) because it was selling heartworm preventatives that it did not purchase from the manufacturer. So, when a dog contracted heartworm disease, the mfr. would not take any responsibility. If the product had been purchased through a vet that had made an actual purchase from the manufacturer, the mfr. would pay for any heartworm treatment needed due to product failure. Additionally, a friend of a coworker purchased a flea/tick product from her local feed store. It didn't work at all. When she contacted the mfr., the lot number was bogus. She sent the remaining product in the box & it was found to be mostly water. Again, just be cautious about what you purchase.


I bought ear meds 20 years ago in Canada that were a lifesaver - didn't even realize they were prescription drops until I came home & tried to buy some at my local drug store. So, no, not every product is bogus or black market. Just be wise.


I will also echo what others have mentioned about liver testing. Do not neglect this aspect of your healthcare if you are taking drugs that can affect organs. Yes, it is an expense, but look at it this way. You know how often to be tested - just budget $ every month & set it aside, just like you would if you were planning a major purchase or a cruise. It will save you stress in the long run.

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Just off the Inspiration, and in Cozumel, I picked up some amoxicillian, retin-a, and ambien...Stuck the bag in my purse, and walked right back on the ship...In regards to the ambien, I did have to ask the counter person if they had anything for sleep, and they had it behind the counter.

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What about Lipitor? Is this available anywhere in Cozumel or Belize??? We pay a lot for my husband to get this every month but that would be awesome to save some money if it is one of the things available otc there. Has anyone seen it?


Holly :D


I am wondering about this too.

My mom has a few prescriptions that she really cannot afford due to the "donut hole" in her medicare/insurance gap.


What pharmacy in Cozumel do the Americans living in Cozumel use?

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Taking medications without an Rx from a physician or a nurse practioner is dangerous and yes a NP can prescribe medications.

I will not get into the debate of costs or health insurance but rather tell the story of what I witnessed..


I was on a flight from Florida to DC that originated in the Caribbean, during our flight the flight attendants made an announcement over the paging system that there was a medical emergency on board and could were there any nurses or doctors on board, being an RN I responded. A gentleman, maybe 30-35 was ill. I went to his seat and he was in a full grand mal seizure, he seized for about 5 minutes and than proceeded to vomit and began to chock..

With the help of a flight attended I was able to clear his airway, give him 02 and get a set of vital signs..a seat near the window in coach does not leave a lot of room to work.

Luckily the man stabilized and was able to communicate, I asked him about his health, if he was on any medications, and from his pocket he withdrew a bottle of medicine with a label in Spanish and handed it to me. I asked him if he had taken this and he replied yes, I asked him if he knew what it was and he said something for pain but did not know the name.

Morale of the story taking medications on your own can be dangerous and potentially life threatening

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Taking medications without an Rx from a physician or a nurse practioner is dangerous and yes a NP can prescribe medications.

I will not get into the debate of costs or health insurance but rather tell the story of what I witnessed..


I was on a flight from Florida to DC that originated in the Caribbean, during our flight the flight attendants made an announcement over the paging system that there was a medical emergency on board and could were there any nurses or doctors on board, being an RN I responded. A gentleman, maybe 30-35 was ill. I went to his seat and he was in a full grand mal seizure, he seized for about 5 minutes and than proceeded to vomit and began to chock..

With the help of a flight attended I was able to clear his airway, give him 02 and get a set of vital signs..a seat near the window in coach does not leave a lot of room to work.

Luckily the man stabilized and was able to communicate, I asked him about his health, if he was on any medications, and from his pocket he withdrew a bottle of medicine with a label in Spanish and handed it to me. I asked him if he had taken this and he replied yes, I asked him if he knew what it was and he said something for pain but did not know the name.

Morale of the story taking medications on your own can be dangerous and potentially life threatening

I complety agree with you....but this person did not know what he was taking.....in the past when i have made purchases from Mexico i have always known what i get i also know that i have taken them in the past from RX through my Dr. I would never take the kind of risk that that person did on your flight....in fact in the past i have even brought my Perscripton bottle with me

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I asked him if he had taken this and he replied yes, I asked him if he knew what it was and he said something for pain but did not know the name.

Morale of the story taking medications on your own can be dangerous and potentially life threatening


Morale of the story is there is no cure for stupidity :(


No one is advocated to take something you dont even know what it is. This reminds me of booze smuggling threads and folks moralizing.


No one is saying to be stupid. Lets make that clear. You can hurt yourself if you try with U.S. meds too.

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Do you think you can get Chantix (the latest stop smoking med) we would all like for my brother to quit and I will even buy the stuff!!!

they hade it in Cabo...plastered all over the front glass....it must be a big thing there...

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2500 + people getting off a cruise ship and homeland security is going to stop and search you for no reason.. Yeah right... it just does not occur, And yes I cruise often, A LOT as in 8-10 cruises a year.


I despise some of the Chicken Little admonishments by some posters here. Its this simple, unless you are trying to smuggle in some vast amount of some heavy duty opium based pain killer or amphetamine, NO ONE CARES!


Regarding it being illegal.. so what is NOT illegal now-a-days??!!??



In the interest of accurate information, though, it is worth clarifying to people that it is, in fact, illegal to "smuggle" medications purchased abroad into the country. Believe it or not, some people actually follow the law simply because it is the law, regardless of whether or not they stand to be punished for it...


Once everybody is AWARE of what the situation is, everybody can then decide for themselves whether or not they are comfortable breaking the law...

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Ok gotta say it.. only because its an antibiotic.. Why would you buy this?


With that said, and at the risk of sounding hypocritical- I do buy the tylenol with codeine and the cough syrup with codeine when i visit Bermuda or BVI

Its over the counter there.. works great because i have chronic migraines..

The cough syrup beats the otc stuff here..I just buy it and put it in the toiletry case...




Just an FYI but here in KY some of our pharmacies sell the cough syrup with codeine w/out a prescrition. It's kept behind the counter and you have to fill out a form to purchase it. So next time you need some, you may want to check into this.

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I will probably buy my amoxicillan anyway. I've purchased it in Tijuana before and placed in in plain sight at security and they have never said anything. It is a medicine that has previously been prescribed to me but one that I can no longer get without seeing a doctor and incurring a hefty bill. I use it as originally prescribed for my bronchoitis. I would never take a medicine that I am unfamiliar with and has never been precribed for me. I don't know if you still need a prescription in the US to buy Retin A but that seems to be a medication that many people buy in Mexico. For some people it is either black or white. But based on my own observations, it seems that there are just some medications, prescriptions or not, that they either don't really care about or just ignor.

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Tyleno PM is Tylenol and Benadryl. The Tylenol is processed through the liver and can be damaging. This is why you should never take Tylenol if you have a hangover because the alclohol is also processed through your liver. This is also why Tylenol has commercials saying if you don't take it like it is suggested by your doctor or on the bottle they would rather you not take it. Just take the Benadryl if you need a sleep aid. Available over the counter. Have her check with her doctor though because no one on a board knows your Mothers medical history. Soma is a muscle relaxer.


Yup you are correct, I buy store brand OTC Benedryl (usually called complete allergy, in the pink box)to use as an occasional sleep aid, much much cheaper than Tylenol PM, and no acetaminophen to mess with your liver.



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Yup you are correct, I buy store brand OTC Benedryl (usually called complete allergy, in the pink box)to use as an occasional sleep aid, much much cheaper than Tylenol PM, and no acetaminophen to mess with your liver.


This is good to know since I already have it in the med cabinet, thanks Mac. What about the product from Tylenol called Simply Sleep, anyone know if that has the same ingredients as Benedryl?


I bought birth control pills for years in Belize when I had a 300.00 deductible on my insurance and the pill was 32.00 a month. They worked just fine. :) Laura has 3 drugstores at the pier in Belize and the signs are posted telling you what's available. Get there early because it gets crowded later when it's time to head back to the ships.


I've bought Retin-A, in different strengths, in both Mexico and Belize, as well as Amoxicillin for the bronchitis I always get after flying (3 pills/day for 10 days). Tetracycline is also a good buy (to curb adult acne). Belize is cheaper than Mexico and Roatan is even cheaper. We met a couple on the Legend, the husband had a bad cough. His wife was a nurse and said he's developing bronchitis. They found the 3 day antibiotic in Roatan for less than Belize. Cleared him right up before they headed home. :)

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This is good to know since I already have it in the med cabinet, thanks Mac. What about the product from Tylenol called Simply Sleep, anyone know if that has the same ingredients as Benedryl?


I bought birth control pills for years in Belize when I had a 300.00 deductible on my insurance and the pill was 32.00 a month. They worked just fine. :) Laura has 3 drugstores at the pier in Belize and the signs are posted telling you what's available. Get there early because it gets crowded later when it's time to head back to the ships.


I've bought Retin-A, in different strengths, in both Mexico and Belize, as well as Amoxicillin for the bronchitis I always get after flying (3 pills/day for 10 days). Tetracycline is also a good buy (to curb adult acne). Belize is cheaper than Mexico and Roatan is even cheaper. We met a couple on the Legend, the husband had a bad cough. His wife was a nurse and said he's developing bronchitis. They found the 3 day antibiotic in Roatan for less than Belize. Cleared him right up before they headed home. :)


Yes Tylenol simply sleep is just Benadryl. Simply Sleep, Tylenol P.M., and Benadryl (both name brand and store brand) are all Diphenhydramine HCl (25 mg) so they are all interchangeable as the same drug. I buy the store brand benadryl at Target for far less than any others.


Hope this helps



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Yes Tylenol simply sleep is just Benadryl. Simply Sleep, Tylenol P.M., and Benadryl (both name brand and store brand) are all Diphenhydramine HCl (25 mg) so they are all interchangeable as the same drug. I buy the store brand benadryl at Target for far less than any others.

Hope this helps


It certainly does help, I'll just stick with the generic Benedryl from now on. Thanks for the info. :)

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Just an FYI but here in KY some of our pharmacies sell the cough syrup with codeine w/out a prescrition. It's kept behind the counter and you have to fill out a form to purchase it. So next time you need some, you may want to check into this.

Those are very low dose codeine.. and most are pseudoephedrine and unfortunately not every state sells it...


The British brands are very good and the same quality as those prescribed here..

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This is from the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office website dated 6/2/08


The ship’s security officers saw narcotics in a cabin when they responded to break up a domestic fight between the suspects on May 31, 2008. The ship had left Belize enroute to Tampa. Numerous bottles of diazepam were spotted in the cabin belonging to the pair. Deputies discovered 7,000 tablets of diazepam worth about $35,000 on the street. The suspects told investigators they purchased the narcotics at a pharmacy in Belize. A small amount of marijuana and cocaine residue also was found in the cabin. In addition, analysis is pending on a small number of other prescription pills seized.


What? This is proof of what? That is you try to smuggle huge amount of diazepam, (valium) SEVEN THOUSAND pills worth, and have Coke and Pot with you, leave it in plain sight and get into a fight where security needs to be called, you run the risk of getting busted.... well NO KIDDING! Duh!

No one on this thread including me has said otherwise. So, what is your point?

People need to pick and choose which laws not to break, since it is IMPOSSIBLE to live day to day and not break some law, rule, statute or regulation of some sort. We are up to our eyeballs in “laws” and there are countless bureaucrats, elected “officials” and political types making new ones everyday.

Personally, I do choose to break the “law” and bring back when I travel out of the country a reasonable amount of “drugs” that require prescriptions in the USA. It is a risk I am willing to take. Now do I try to bring back SEVEN THOUSAND diazepam? No, nor do I try (or suggest any try) to bring back any drugs like such.

Using that story as an example as to why not to bring back prescription drugs is inane.


Tell me, do you own a Fog Horn?

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Tell me, do you own a Fog Horn?




I saw that about leaving things in plain sight, and having security have to break up the fight. Here I was assuming that those trying to discuss this were adults and not stupid. stupid = fog horn. I saw your other post hahahahahahhahahaha :D Im on your wavelength. Anyone buying 7,000 pain pills and leaving them out in plain sight deserves what they got.

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