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Lookng for feedback about ELEMIS internal detox???


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  • 3 weeks later...

I too, sat in on the Detox program, had the analysis done just last week, on Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas. Everything sounded fine and up to par until the sales pitch of $1,700. I chose not to buy it. I'm the type of person that needs to do research before I buy something. It was $50 for two of us for the consultation. Rene Von - not sure of his last name , was a personal trainer from the Netherlands. I'm sure he's a fine personal trainer. But, there was no guarantee in that the product would work for my friend or me. He said he would give us his personal e-mail, so we could e-mail him whenever we wanted. We, however, chose not to buy the Elemis Detox program, because of not knowing much about it. I told him I wanted to do some research. With a product like this, you should always consult with your Doctor, anything you put into your body.


First Time Sally Cruiser

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  • 2 weeks later...

We did the Detox seminar on the Carnival Dream last week, early in the cruise. Researched some of the stuff they told us, and found out many experts believe that a full-body (not just colon) detox combined with good nutrition & exercise, is beneficial - but only for those seriously wanting to reduce to a healthy weight and eat foods that help the body function better/longer. It is also possible to reduce/eliminate meds for some medical conditions if the body is healthy.


We're trying the Elemis and the lifestyle of non-processed foods. If you actually attend the seminar, with an open mind, you'll appreciate how much sense it makes. And even if you don't want to spend the money on the detox, you might find useful info for whatever your weight-loss/health goals are.


We've got a 3-month supply, and will discuss this with our doctor before going any further with it.

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  • 1 month later...

My husband and I attended a detox seminar aboard the Carnival Dream during the second week of December and decided to begin the Elemis detox program. We bought a 3 month supply for each of us, although we were told that we should do 6 months, based on our BCA's. We wanted to try it first before we bought the whole lot.


So now that we've been on it for a couple of weeks I can attest that it does have a positive effect. I've lost 7 pounds of the 35 I need to lose and my husband has lost 5 pounds of his. We cheated a bit on our eating through the holidays and neither one of us has started exercising yet. I have never been one to sweat but I am sweating now, along with more volume and frequency at the toilet. Aside from the Elemis, the other things I'm doing differently is that I've doubled the amount of water that I drink, added more fresh fruits and vegetables, quit my one diet Pepsi a day habit, and doing the skin brushing and Iontherme treatment for cellulite.


For the first time in 3 years, my lymph nodes are no longer painful to the touch and I believe this has something to do with the cleanse. Also, I bruise quite easily and after zip lining in Belize, I came away with some incredibly large, dark bruises from the harness equipment. However, they went away completely in two days, versus the typical few weeks I'm accustomed to. My skin is starting to look refreshed and the cellulite appears to be lessening.


I am reading that there is a lot of skepticism for this product and I admit I have been worried that I've wasted hard earned money too, but so far, I can see that it is helping me more than the same amount of money would when applied at my doctor's office. Perhaps the program is overpriced, but hey, I've spent so much more money on prescriptions and doctor's visits without positive results.

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I am glad to hear from some people who have actually used the detox system and seen results. I was just on the Dream last week and went to all of the seminars with Ben.


I actually work with a nutritionist and herbalist at home as well. I also spend a lot of my time researching supplements as I prefer to look for natural remedies. I had recently read a book that includes interviews with top alternative doctors that discusses items discussed in the seminar especially the acid/alkaline concepts.


I bought the 3 month package and am on day 1 today. Now, I have to go to the grocery and buy healthy food.

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Hi Everyone,


I went to the seminar aboard the Emerald Princess and I have a very open mind and prefer a holistic approach to everything possible. The seminar made sense and although the product is expensive, like all cruisers by day 8 of a 10 day cruise I was feeling a bit over fed and bloated, so I caved and bought the products.


When I got home December 6th I weighed 184 pounds which was about a 6 or 7 poubnd gain on my ten day cruise.


I started the program about a week later. We don't do a lot of Christmas eating, so I ate moderately and lost about four pounds in December.


I felt pretty good on the Cal-Metab and Deep Drainage month and decided to make that New Years resolution to go to the gym every day in January. Even if it is a 30 minute moderate treadmill and some strength training on machines. And I have also increased my water intake.


I became more regular with elimination which is a good thing since I tend to have some constipation which is improved a great deal.


Month one, energy was good and my workouts at the gym increased.


I am now four days into the second month taking the Silhouette Caps. Today is the first day I had to skip the gym and yesterday was a rough day as well. I have been feeling very weak and depleted and exhausted, shaky and rapid heartbeat with almost any degree of activity.


Perhaps a daily trip to the gym for 15 days is too much and I just need a day of rest which I am doing today.


I looked up the ingredients on the Silhouette caps to see if there was anything stimulating that would increase heart rate etc but it all seems pretty benign.


We will see what tomorrow brings. My weight is now 173.8 which is 10 and a half pounds since I got off the cruise. I would love to lose 40 more pounds and I am glad to be 20 percent down into my 50 pound goal.


If I continue to feel wiped out I will check in with my Doc and get some blood work, and if blood work is well I will continue as I am now. But I am not one to ask a traditional Doctors opinion about holistic remedies because most are anti holistic and only stick to what they learned in school and tend to be closed minded. I also have little faith in traditional medicine with the exception of infection and injury.


One thing to report is that I tend to have trouble sleeping but since taking the Silhouette caps I sleep better. One ingredient is Gota Kola which when researched seems to have a calming effect.


In any event, I hope those on the program check in and report their success.


If I drop 40 pounds by summer and have more energy and overwell being, I'll be a good spokes person. If not, then I chalk it to experience.


As for the money, I spent $315 which is pricey, but how many go on a cruise and spend $300 in the casino, the bar or buying souvineers that they will never use. What we spend and on what is all about personal priorities.


Either way, I will be on the Star Princess April 23rd sailing and will let the spa know how I did on the products. But I will need to watch what I eat on that cruise and spend some time in the gym.


By the way if the product works for you, it can be purchased on eBay for much less, which is where I plan to get refills if it works for me.


Jeanne :)

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  • 1 month later...

I to went to the lecture on detox and fell for the body composition test, a special offer for two people $50. What a waste of money it was just a sales pitch to sell Elemis at $100 a week. I then realised what I had fallen for and refused to buy anything until I had researched it on the internet. So glad I did.You detox on the cruise eating all the fruit and salad and drinking all the water. I did eat lots of healthy food and cakes and over ate at times, like you do, but I had lost 7lb when I got home.

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  • 4 weeks later...



my wife and I went on a Royal Carabean cruise in January 2010. Quite enjoyable to say the least.


We went to the gym and got hooked in one of the liver detox conferences. Nice presentation and we both felt a bit overweight at the time. So, we decided to go ahead to purchase the program. My wife needed 6 months worth and for me, 1 year. For both of us, the cost amounted near $1800.00


We finished all the program, being April 2011. Verdict?


In the first few days, we went to the restroom more regularly and felt a change but after 1 week, did not see much change. We finished the program and to be honest, did not feel much change. I doubt that this program at such a high cost is actually worth the money.


I would seriously advise not to embark on this because of the high cost, especially that you have to buy the entire stock up front on the boat.


I did change my silhouette quite a bit but, this was because I consulted a fitness professional that instructed me on what to eat and how to exercise. I've lost over 35 lbs in fat and gained 15 pounds in muscle. However, elemis had nothing to do with that.


Save your money and invest in a personnal trainer that actually knows what he/she is doing.


I hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i was on the celebrity millenium last week and also bought a 6 months supply. Now i got back and realised that its half the price in London from John Lewis!!


So i am sending mine back, will prob get a 3 month supply from john lewis and see if it works, if it doesnt i wont bother with the next three months.


Im hoping it does work because its alot of money


got the ionethermy done too and apparently i lost 3 and half inches, but its so silly because they measure different parts of you to make up the 3 and half inches, so half an inch at the bottom of my waist and an inch at the top of my waist and some in the middle. I wasnt too impressed.

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OK OK, I recently got suckered into the Elemis 6 month detox program on an NCL ship. The detox philosophy makes perfect sense, the question is whether or not this product works. I am one month in to the 6 month program.

I am currently taking the CAL-Metab Plus pills (2) and the Deep Drainage pills (2) once a day for the first month. The second month will be the Silhouette pills (1) once a day and the third month will be the vitality pills (1) once a day.

Once those three months are complete, I will do the process over again.

That will total the 6 month program.

Since there is no miracle drug to help us lose weight, I thought this would make most sense. I am in pretty good shape and I do work out at least 2-3 times a week and am looking to lose about 10-15 lbs. I have not changed my eating habits one bit to this point. That is always the tough part.

If this doesnt work, I will feel totally ripped off from yet another scam...

Especially from a cruise.

I will say that my bathroom visits have been more productive!!! no other way to say it. But that is the point of the deep drainage pills.

I was also told that my cholesterol will most likely go down. (like I said, call me a sucker). My plan is to test my cholesterol at the end of this program and see what happens.

Also, I just say that my sales rep did give me her two email addresses to keep in contact.

If anyone else has tried this program similiar to the one I am doing, I would love to hear from you.


Did you fiish the 6 month program? How did it turn out for you? i was recently on an NCL Cruise and after the Body Composition Analysis was advised to use a 3 month program. I'm somewht skeptical so would be very interested to know what your results were.


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Well i was on the celebrity millenium last week and also bought a 6 months supply. Now i got back and realised that its half the price in London from John Lewis!!


So i am sending mine back, will prob get a 3 month supply from john lewis and see if it works, if it doesnt i wont bother with the next three months.


Im hoping it does work because its alot of money


got the ionethermy done too and apparently i lost 3 and half inches, but its so silly because they measure different parts of you to make up the 3 and half inches, so half an inch at the bottom of my waist and an inch at the top of my waist and some in the middle. I wasnt too impressed.



How are you sending it back?

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I was on a cruise and went to a spa seminar about detoxing. They advertised Elemis products. It sounded very interesting adn appealing to me. I wanted to find reviews 1st before Ibuy and really can't find many reviews online. Mosly colonix and other detox products. I have about 15 pounds I need to lose and I'd liketo repair my GI tract. Can anyone speak to these or other detox products???


In '07 I was rushed to the hospital for a ruptured colon. During my ordeal I spoke with a few doctors about these detox/cleaning programs. In a nutshell they are garbage. Your colon does NOT hold waste the way they tell you. It may get slow at times and for that you eat more fiber, veggies etc. One mentioned below to use the stuff they give you for a cleanout before a colonoscopy. Yes that will completely clean you out. I just recently had a colonoscopy done (Oct '10) and they gave me HD photos of the inside of my colon. It looked like a baby’s bottom. Clean as a whistle and pink, and that is just with the Over the counter stuff. One warning, each time you use this stuff there is more of a chance that your rectal muscles will rely more and more on them. Some of them work by contracting the rectal muscles for them to work. If you still feel a need to clean yourself out try using "Miralax" It is Glycol base that works by pulling in water into the stool thus making it softer and you will go easier. I was given that before my 2nd operation to clean me out prior. They had me mix with water an entire bottle at once. You will only need to use maybe 2-3 capfuls and see how that goes. I have been using this stuff 1 capful daily for over 2 years now due to the effects of my surgeries.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My husband and I were on The Crown Princess in April. We went to the Detox seminar. Bought the Elemis Detox program for 6 months. We have done 1 month already. Have experienced no weight loss. Feel pretty taken right now. We are so gullible. I just googled Elemis and it can be bought on Ebay. :confused:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Just returned from a cruise on the Grand Princess, which was excellent in every way. I too went to the seminar and consultation on the Elemis detox, though it was billed as a seminar on 'Increase your metabolism'. The emphasis was more on 'toxic water' around the lymph glands causing excess weight. It all seemed to make sense at the time but when I tried to report back to my family, it didn't make sense at all, so probably just a good sales pitch.


Anyway, here's the really ridiculous bit: for my detox I was recommended 6-9 months of a twice weekly bath in some kind of seaweed bath salts and as a result I would lose the my 5.9ltrs of toxic water accumulating around ny stomach! At a cost of £880 for 9 months. I expressed doubt that sitting in a bath would have any effect on my weight, and the reply was, 'It won't work unless you believe it will.' Very telling.


I believe the reason I was not recommended the internal tablets, whatever they are, is because I am on permanent medication (thyroxine for a thyroid disorder). I don't know whether the same restriction would apply to those on other drugs. I suspect it's a blanket safety precaution. But if the bath was going to have any effect, surely the same caveat would apply?


Needless to say, I didn't buy but decided to do some research on return home. Has anybody tried this bath treatment?


I have read all the posts on this thread and note that some people have had a positive effect but is this not due to the change in diet and exercise rather than the detox?

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Well anything you buy on a cruise is going to be EXPENSIVE period! I am one that does follow alternative health. We try to eat organic foods as much as possible and do we do Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. I will not go to a mainstream standard doctor at all. That being said, I have done cleanses before. Not all cleanses help you lose weight and not all of them are that expensive either.


One time on a cruise I had a facial and was sold around $150 worth of stuff for an acne problem I had. Well months later, hubby and I started to change to eating organic, changing our hair and skin products to organic, & and increasing our supplement intake way above the RDA stated by the FDA. Well by doing those things got red of my acne problem. Although by doing those things probably cost way more then $150, but it was natural solution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Most of what the presentation hits on makes sense, but if you eat healthy and exercise you will get the same results as what the detox system claims. I did the 6 month system while also changing eating and exercise habits and my husband did diet and exercise without the system. The results were fairly similar, but I did have an increase in BMs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got sucked into the Elemis six month detox program, I have done now three month of the program and have not lost one single ounce, this is a real scam, the program is not even FDA approved. I am sending my remaining bottles back for a refund. Very disappointing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got sucked into the Elemis six month detox program, I have done now three month of the program and have not lost one single ounce, this is a real scam, the program is not even FDA approved. I am sending my remaining bottles back for a refund. Very disappointing.


I did the 3 month programme of tablets and didn't lose anything and felt a bit "off" to start with. The gym instructor who "sold" me on the idea after I'd attended the seminar on Iincrease your Metabolism, was adamant that I needed to have 9 months supply, because my results were so bad. I resisted and told him I could buy the other 6 months supply in the UK, if they worked for me but I was not spending all that on spec.


I was also supposed to follow the 80/20 alkaline/acid diet and go to the gym 4-5 times per week for 90 minutes. Now I dare say if I'd followed that advice, I would have lost the 20 pounds that I'm still trying to and it would have had nothing to do with those tablets!


Wish I'd seen this thread before I'd sailed, could have saved myself a lot of money!

Edited by AmoMondo
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  • 4 weeks later...
I got sucked into the Elemis six month detox program, I have done now three month of the program and have not lost one single ounce, this is a real scam, the program is not even FDA approved. I am sending my remaining bottles back for a refund. Very disappointing.


How do you return the product? I'm on day 1 and after reading all these I'm afraid to continue...

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  • 2 months later...

I saw this thread when I did a search on Elemis - interesting.


If you "buy" into the Elemis Detox program, you have to keep in mind that this is part of the process to better your health. You have to eat better, and excersise, that is part of the equation - and the core of the seminar you attended.


I am in excellent health at age 46, I excercise 3-4 times per week and eat sensibly. I attended a seminar on the NCL Star a week a ago, and it was a revelation to me and my next step to even better health.


Since I have a great excerise routine, I am already 20% there; this week I start eating 5 smaller meals that are not processed. I also start the Detox. The Detox, will help change your chemistry, and the better food/excersise will maintain. A PH level high in Alkaline is your friend


Folks, cut the crap from your diet, excersise - and a (high quality) detox program can be a spring board to a new you - if you do it right...the results are up to you.



Edited by Shawnski
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Your body is "self-cleaning' on the inside. Don't take all that junk--they only thing you're losing is your money!



DITTO, Eat plenty of fiber, and veggies and cut back on fats. Fats actually constipate you. I had a ruptured colon on '07 with a temporary colostomy. I have done much research on the subject.

Edited by believer33323
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