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My Experience On NCL Spirit


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Hi all my Dear ne Friends on CC, I am ready to write and share my experience but before I do I just want everyone to know that I am being as honest as I can and in the end a review is just one persons opinion and observation. You know lets not even call it a review lets just say it's an email to my friends telling them about my vacation. Right!


I will try and do it in a format that is simple and easy. Please remember I never did this before but really wanted to share after all the help you guys gave me before we left. I actually bought a notepad with me to make notes for this message board.but may be confused as to which order some things may have happened so I will just throw in what I think is important and I hope you enjoy it. But be warned I am a very long winded writer...lol


Ok here goes.....

Theresa, Amanda & Monique's '08 NCL Spirit Cruise....


Embark Check In and 1st Day: I have only been on one other cruise so my experience is lacking on what is supposed to go on. What I can say is I have traveled every other way possible and getting on the NCL Spirit was a complete pleasure. I live 10 minutes from the City so I left my house after 1:00 PM and was checked in and in my room unpacking my toiletries before 2:00 PM. What a feeling to see my girls eyes the first time they saw the Atrium. The excitement was palpable. We immediately started looking for young adults for the girls to hang with and it was not long before a group of boys (not my first choice of friends) spotted my DD's (hey check me out with the lingo....DD's huh....lol)

Ok first things first. When we walked into the cabin my DD Amanda was shocked and surprised by the party package decorations (Graduation) bottle of what was supposed to be Champaign but was a bottle of cheap wine, a celebratory cake for 2 (there was three of us) a $25 spa gift certificate all bought and paid for by her adoptive sister Moe. It looked amazing and NCL did a fabulous job.

We had a cabin with a picture window (YES I GOT MY WINDOW)(for those of you who don't know we had a very difficult time after booking our cabin over a stinking window)

Anyway our food Stewart (not sure what to call the room service guy) Ferdinand was the absolute best. We explained that we ordered a bottle of Champaign but got a cheap wine ($80) and he changed it to a great Champaign which was less money. He also bought us the platter of shrimp I ordered which was my contribution to the first day cabin party. Ferdinand was so cool and seemed genuinely happy for my daughter so I tipped him right away which ended up being the best thing I could have done (details later) We then started checking out the ship and decided to talk to someone about the Bacardi excursion we no longer wanted (thanks to the honesty of my friends on this board which BTW I referred to you guys quite a few times) I don't know if you guys remember how disappointed I was in missing out on all the excursions we wanted. I actually said out loud to DD's that my dream was to do the Zip Line in San Juan (that was canceled due to the fact the Spirit was docking late) the Dolphin Adventure in Tortola (which was sold out) and the ATV's in Samana (which we had booked) I had called NCL & our TA, checked the PC everyday and nothing had changed. I even went as far as calling the Dolphin place and the Canopy Zip line Tour so we could go it alone but no one ever got back to me and I found out if you go it alone and something happens and your late getting back....they leave without you. Which did happen in every port. 3 girls got left in PR, A couple in BVI and someone got left in....of all places Samana DR. So we decided to get off the boat in PR and BVI, stay close to the ship and just walk around.....BORING!!! But I was to nervous to do anything else.

So on the first day we went to the excursion desk to cancel the Bacardi tour and GUESS WHAT???? The Zip Lines were back on the menu with only 6 spots left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeee.....The Dolphins excursion had only the "Swim with the Dolphins" (which is the only one my daughter wanted) Yeahhhhh.

My girls were so excited. The guy we dealt with at the excursion desk was amazing, sweet and above all cute!!! lol My husband would love that!! So we got the EXACT adventures we wanted and we were all set for the trip of a life time....and then......


First Evening: We could not decide where to eat what to do where to go. I have to tell you that the Cruise Director of fun Darin once announced that getting lost on the ship was part of the fun and I must agree. I met more people and found excellent places while lost. Anyway we decided to eat at the first place we passed...The Garden Room. Now I must tell you that Monique and Amanda are huge eaters. They hop in the car or walk daily and end up in these off the beat in path restaurants here in the City with stories of bread as if it was the first time they have ever eaten. So eating is one of their favorite things to do. On the other hand I am not a big eater. I do not decided if a wedding, vacation or night is good based on the food. For me it's the people, music and atmosphere that is the deciding factor. I eat to live period. In any case none of us were blown away by the menu or taste of the food. Even desert which is the only thing I look forward to, (I'm gonna say it...I have to....IT SUCKED!!! Now all these two girls have heard from my past cruisers in the family friends, and especially my Father who is a big time cruiser (just got off a trip around the world...over 100 days on the boat) was that the food was amazing, and whatever they do... eat eat and eat while on the ship. They were disappointed to say the least but figured it was just one meal, one restaurant one night.

After diner we went to the show which was loosely based on hit Broadway Plays. I want to say I was captivated but I was not. The stage set up was a bit strange and much smaller then the Dawn. I think individually they were great but all together they lacked timing or something. I didn't stay for the entire show I had the casino calling ...no screaming for me to stop by. So off I go...


First Night Casino: I must start off by saying that I loved where the casino was situated. I was able to gamble and still keep an eye on my girls because the ONE place for them to party was behind the casino.

I say ONE because if you are in your early 20's there was not much of a nightlife after dinner and the shows, unless the crew threw a party. The Maharani night club was pretty much it. I won't complain cause like I said I could do my thing and see exactly where and what they were doing and LOVED IT!!!

The night club was a bit dead on the first night except for a group of young adults that all came together on the trip so it was gonna take some time for the girls to feel comfortable and find their niche. I myself sat at a machine where I spent literally 99% of my time on the Ship if I was not in my cabin.....and I had a BALL!!!!

At one point Amanda found the roulette table and decided to play for about 2 hours. I know this because I had a birds I view of the table and I was on my machine for about three hours according to my card. When she eventually left the table (a $60 winner) she came to sit with me. At that moment I got the eye of a waiter who had finally come around and I asked for a drink and turned to my daughter and asked what she would like. Now I was going to give my room card for her drink but before I could say a word he ....not so nicely......"She don't get one" I went to say something but my daughter jumped in and said "I was just sitting at the roulette table for the last 2 hours and no one came near me....he replied with a very bad attitude "IMPOSSIBLE...I have been here all night" I started to get embarrassed for my daughter and said "Sir she is not lying" He just went on...! "No one gets a free drink if your not playing (mind you we never asked for a free drink) he went on to say "Don't worry you will eventually get your FREE drink" as if I paid all this money for the trip, spent $300 on a machine and I was being cheap looking for a freebie.....I was officially pissed off. He then said "Well 100's of people come in and out of here" WHAT???? Which is it? Was it impossible for you to have missed the only girl at the roulette table or so many people come in and out it's not your fault you missed her? I asked Amanda to not say another word and when he eventually returned he literally shoved the drink at me and said "HERE"!! I was seriously letting this stupid situation and what I thought was a misunderstanding go until he did that. I very calmly turned to my daughter and gave her my drink right in front of him and said "don't worry baby you got your FREE drink"....But when he walked away I told her not to drink it for fear he spit in it....lololol I know I know it sounds crazy but he had such an attitude and I am from NY...lolol so I thought the worst..

This is now really bothering me. I told these girls over and over how you are treated on a cruise ship. I told them they would never want to travel any other way after taking this trip. You are treated like royalty and I promised they would love it. So I could not let this go. I must tell you with all honesty I am not a complainer and I hate confrontation. I am not saying I don't confront, I'm just saying I hate it and try to avoid it but I felt this waiter disrespected us and in the back of my head I thought I will show the girls how wonderful the cruise line will be if you do have a problem....

Well Ladies and Gents...that was my first mistake. I was really hoping for a professional at the front desk, one that would just listen at best. I approached the desk and found no one, it was late, it had to be around 1:00 AM A man cleaning the carpets said ring the bell and I did so. A man in his early 30's with a slight accent came out and I immediately started to apologies for disturbing him and for what I was about to say. I told him I was uncomfortable but I had a problem with a very rude waiter in the casino. At first he tried to tell me there was nothing he could do. I asked why not? Blah Blah Blah. In the end he was condescending & patronizing and I was getting frustrated. He said "well you do not have a name" Yes I did John Espinoza (sp)I went into full details 3 times. His attitude was "well how old is she" what did that have to do with it? He didn't ask me my age. Amanda is 22 years old, young looking but certainly older the 18 and besides I was her mother standing right next to her and it was both of us who had the problem. After 3 times of explaining what had happened to this man that spoke better English then I did he turned to me and asked again "I don't see the problem tell me again" Grrrrrrrrrrrr I said forget it and walked away. My daughter stayed and told him again. After all that he said he would make a note of it.

The next morning I was woken up by the phone ringing (which happened at least 4 days out of the 8) It was the Casino supervisor. He was very nice and said he was sorry for my troubles. I really appreciated that and told him so. He then went into explaining casino drink policy and from the sound of it he too heard we were just looking for a free drink. I was exhausted and frustrated and just said thanks good-bye. It really was not that difficult to understand, the man was straight out rude.


Day 2 Out At Sea: We slept in and that was wonderful. The girls got up a bit earlier then me and headed out. It was nice and I was determined to shake last nights anxiety away. I did. We went on the beer tasting tour on the ship and met a few nice people and laughed a lot. We later found out it was formal Night. Yikkkks. My hair was a mess and that morning we found out we did not have (Are ya ready) Tooth paste....lolol Moe went to buy some and was told there was none on the ship and the store person said they were the only shop that sold toiletries......LOLOL (I'm sure that was not true) I went to some young man by the front desk and told him of my plight. He was amazing he had about 3 other crew members helping us out and soon enough a HUGE tube of paste knocked at our door. His name was Tony and he hung out with us everyday for at least one drink and he would never let us pay. We all got dressed up and the girls looked fab! They really wanted Sushi (yukkk) but I didn't want to disappoint them after the first nights meal so we went. I ended up having spare ribs that I am craving as I write this. They were so delicious I had to call the waitress over and tell her. She ended up being the cutest, coolest girl on the boat. Every time I saw her she asked if we were having a good time and was full of suggestions. We met many crew members that slipped away for a drink with us. I headed to the casino and then danced with the girls to the wee hours of the AM. I was not crazy about the music but danced till my toes yelled at me. It was a wonderful day at sea.

San Juan PR: Beautiful! I must say this day was the highlight of my trip. As I said above we got the Zip Line excursion and I was joyous & scared. Not as scared as Amanda but I told her if she was making me swim with a wild animal, she was swinging from some trees.......We met some great people and I had the time of my life. The first Line was pretty wild, and Amanda was last to go out of the three of us. I stood on the opposite platform in front so I could take a picture of her first line and I must tell you, when it was done, that poor child had no lips. I mean they were so white she looked lipless....lololol after that we cruised through the forest like super hero's. By the time we finished it was to late to go back to the ship and try to get back off so we went to dinner on a small street in the cutest place called the Yellow Parakeet. The girls wanted an authentic PR meal and talked me into eating things I didn't recognize. Well I was happy I did. It was delicious. What a great day. I ended the night in the casino as usual but the best part was I got to talk to my 7 year old and my husband for the first time since we left. I was not home for the last day of school or report card so my 7 year old said...Mom guess what.......I"M GOIN TO SECOND GRADE!!!! I laughed out loud. It was a great way to end a perfect day.

Tortola: Dolphin Day!!! I was anxiety ridden Amanda was so excited and Moe looked like she was going to cry. She is terrified of any animal .Unfortunately Amanda was feeling the effects from the motion of the boat that was constant even in calm waters so she spent the first half of the Am in the bathroom. I believe once in the water she felt better and I am positive once she laid eyes on that wild fish like animal she was in her glory. But I must repeat the rocking, vibrating, swaying of the Ship. I got sick 3 times. Not just "Oh my belly hurts" it was a GET OUT OF MY WAY never made it to the stall kindda sick. I didn't ever feel the boat on the Dawn move like that till I was home in bed and thought I was still on the darn thing....I don't know what that was about but I could have easily ruined he trip.

We swam with Cappi, they kissed Cappi...(I could not force myself) and we danced with Cappi. We also met two girls the same age as my DD's and I became the surrogate mom to them & they became our best friends on the ship. We ate dinner together every night, The girls partied with them every night. After we met them about another 10 people started to hang out. I was called mom every where I went and things really started to pick up. I believe the White Hot party was that night. I could be wrong and I might get the parties mixed up but in any case it was fun and we all stayed up to watch the sun come up. It was

gorgeous. Oh I also forgot to tell you that when we got back to the room we had a delicious surprise waiting. Ferdinad had delivered a platter of chocolate cover strawberries (complimentary) when we got back to our room. He said we treated him so nicely he wanted to do something special. How sweet was that? Like I said, we had met about 4 to 5 really nice crew members, but if I'm being honest....that was about it. the rest I could take or leave.

Samana: Unfortunately we missed our last excursion in Samana DR....Yup $300 bucks down the drain, but I really could not have gotten up out of bed...even if the ship was on fire. (God forbid, knock on wood)

I think we were out to sea by the time I woke up. I'm to old trying to keep up with these youngins but I had the best time trying. Sometime during this day our safe was not working. Moe had exactly $200 in there and Amanda had $300 in her wallet that was in the safe. I had no cash because I had a credit line at the casino. It was another party night I believe and we called for a repair they told us someone would be up to the cabin soon and one of us must be there. Moe waited, After at least an hour I began to wonder where she was. When I got back to the cabin she was still sitting on the bed all dressed up waiting. I called the front desk and they said someone came and no one answered. Moe said NO WAY I have been waiting to get out of the cabin. I didn't argue with the lady, she informed me that it would have to wait till the next day. I said fine because I felt bad Moe was stuck in the cabin. We went to see the Show it was some radio singing thing and I must tell you I enjoyed the hell out of it. The singing was better then it had been and I knew every song they song.

Later we went to see Second City Television's improv act and again I was not bored. Now here's where it gets a bit weird again.

6th Day Out At Sea: (I think): We were once again woken up but this time by a knock on the door. It was two gentleman to fix the safe. We were all still sleeping so we turned over and all fell back to sleep. One guys head and upper body was stuck in the closet where the safe was, the other was holding the door wide open. I can't tell you how long it took but it was enough time for me to hear tons of people and kids talking loudly in the hallway while I was trying to sleep. I finally got so annoyed with the sounds that I turned over and said "What the heck" I didn't have the words out soon enough before the guy on the floor said "Oh I'm done"...I swear I thought that was so weird but said nothing. Even when they left I thought to myself that guy looked startled. Later on that night both girls pulled me aside and asked if I had taken any money out of the safe for gambling WHAT? I would never touch anyone's money. They assured me they just figured I took a couple of bucks no big deal. When I told them NO...I immediately remembered my strange feeling in the AM. Look I'm not accusing anyone but what I am saying is those girls new EXACTLY how much money they had on them from jump. I ask Amanda because I new she gambled and she reminded me she won. I felt icky but what could I say. One of them should have stayed awake in the morning while two strangers were in our room. Again I am not accusing but a women's instincts are nothing to sneeze at and I did feel something that morning.

That night Amanda was sick and she stayed in the cabin. Moe was starving so we both went to the Italian restaurant for dinner. While we were sitting waiting I started to feel off. A few minutes later I told Moe that my chair was vibrating a lot and she said her's to. I ended up having to run back to my cabin and leave poor Moe eating dinner by herself. When I got back to the room Amanda was feeling better and she rushed to get back to Moe. I have to laugh about it now....That's when we discovered the reception desk had something for motion sickness. We both felt better so we all went to see the adults only comedian show (there were kids in the crowd) There were no seats as usual so we all sat on the floor in a safe corner so I thought but the minute the guy came out he started picking on all the girls I was with. I thought he stunk so I literally crawled away and went to the casino. The girls told me later that he got very trashy and the picking on the girls got so much worse after I left. Hey to me that's what comedians do, I just don't have to stay and listen. So off to my favorite machine. They partied all night again. We met two married man who were on the trip with their wives and they really knew how to have a good time. the were very respectful and had us all in awe of some crazy teenage stories when they were kids in Vagina. Boy there are so many interesting people on a cruise. another young fellow who was supposed to be with his girlfriend but she dumped him before the trip and a motorcycling grandma who cracked me up. So there was a large group of us playing card when the sun came up on the deck. This will sound nuts but that was my favorite night on the ship.

Final Night Toga Toga: The last night. Wow. Well the day started like most......It didn't. I think I woke up at 6:PM We got dressed and headed to the casino. I played awhile and then we all got toga's. To be honest I went straight to the gay crew member who had the best toga on and told him I only wanted him.....lol He was great. My toga stayed on all night and looked like a real dress. I lost the girls for a while but when I found them they were sitting with the two girls we met and three crew members. One guy was from security, Tony from front desk and another man I didn't really talk to. One Aussie, Indian, and Serb. They were talking about NYC when I arrived and the conversation quickly switched to America. I will not get into the whole conversation but lets just say the Security guy was not a big fan. Now I know it is easier for most Americans when around people from other countries to listen to subtle put down especially during such trying times, but this American can not and will not allow anyone under any circumstances to get away with, or to use some of our mistakes to point at us and say negative things all the while hiding behind the "Government is bad not the people. This Government is out for their own interest" ...Well guess what.... show me a country on the map that is not out to protect their own interest. It was the same old tedious conversation I do not mind having with another American but one I certainly mind having with a non American who CLEARLY dislikes us. In the end I stumped him many times and he had no choice but to bow out as gracefully as he could. I eventually let him off the hook and left.....where else....the casino.

The girls stayed in the night club all night. I went in during the end of the night and I saw them begging the DJ to play some song. He didn't. They later told me they were the only ones on the dance floor and he stilled would not play any of the songs they wanted. I asked myself for a Motown song and he said "I don't like Motown" Kudos to him considering he didn't pay for a vacation but still got to listen and play what he liked. It's not like we were paying costumers or anything....sarcasm......! Oh BTW I finally ate in the Italian Restaurant and I loved it. It was my favorite. The service was amazing, the Chicken Parm was exactly the way I like it. No complaints about this specialty restaurant...

In the end we went back to the cabin. We had a bottle of Champaign on ice the entire cruise and promised to wait till the last night. We did just that. We laid in our beds, reminisced about the good and the bad. All and all I am happy we got to spend this last part of there leisurely life together before they start their new jobs on July 9th. there life is about to change for ever and I will hold this trip in my heart forever.


Disembark: A little disorganized and very crowded but it only took 45 minutes. That was without having to go to the desk for our bill. Once off the ship A luggage man helped us find my hubby and I jumped in his arms and he said "Missed you and the dog needs a bath" I knew I was home.......


Here's a quick review on the main things I feel make a great ship.

1) is Poor 2) Could Have Been Better 3) Fair 4) good 5) Excellent


Ship condition-4

Staff attitude-2


Cabin Cleanliness-5

Cabin Stewart's-5

All Around Entertainment-4

Prices for Excursions,-4

Prices for Drinks-1


I just want to remind you that the window situation was a bit ridiculous and I put it in the category of Booking. I did use a TA so for now I will give NCL a pass and not grade it.. But I won't forget how confused they'd seemed about the floor plans and that had nothing to do with the TA


I feel the Spirit is great for Families. I don't think it's the best for singles or young adults. They really work hard for teens and kids. The Dawn is my pick for Girls my DD's ages and that's what this trip was all about. We have been home a few days and they look like they are in morning...lol They are already thinking of Carnival for next summer so i feel i did accomplish what I wanted. They LOVE being on a Cruise.


Would I sail the Spirit again- No

Would I go NCL again- Since I loved the Dawn and LOVE the Convenience of Leaving from NYC I just might. But I think there is a whole word of different cruises out there and I want to take a bite out of all of them.


My & year old obviously did not come on this trip. I only have a 5 day in FL planned for him this summer so I was thinking I just might book a Canada 5 day cruise on Carnival. it's not supper expensive and when it's time to go back to school he will feel he did something fun this sumer. I also get to check out Carnival for next year's longer trip. Any advice for Canada please let me know.


Thanks for taking the time to read the whole thing.

and thanks for all your help prior to our trip. it came in handy!









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We met two married man who were on the trip with their wives and they really knew how to have a good time. the were very respectful and had us all in awe of some crazy teenage stories when they were kids in Vagina.


It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

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Thank you for that fair and balanced review. That is how reviews should be.... report the good and the bad and give facts and examples to back up both positives and especially negatives.

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Yeah the waiter and the guy at the front desk were more then jerks. Unfortunately I am very sensitive and I could have easily allowed that to ruin my trip! But I was not gonna let that happen for my girls sake.

I have to say I was a little nervous about writing the "review" i have read replies and some were angry when a negative thing has been sad. I just wanted to be honest. everyone has been so kind to me so I felt the board deserved honesty. Thank you all for your positive comments. You can always count on my to tell the truth.

i am looking for a Canada trip for my 7 year old and me. I will let you all know how my hunt goes.


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Yeah the waiter and the guy at the front desk were more then jerks. Unfortunately I am very sensitive and I could have easily allowed that to ruin my trip! But I was not gonna let that happen for my girls sake.

I have to say I was a little nervous about writing the "review" i have read replies and some were angry when a negative thing has been sad. I just wanted to be honest. everyone has been so kind to me so I felt the board deserved honesty. Thank you all for your positive comments. You can always count on my to tell the truth.

i am looking for a Canada trip for my 7 year old and me. I will let you all know how my hunt goes.


Roc, there is a big difference between honesty and blasting something. You were honest, let everyone know your concerns and yet were able to have a good time.


You gave the good and the bad, were objective and still say you probably wouldn't cruise the Spirit again. I can see how anyone, even us loyalists could find fault with how you saw your cruise. Good luck with you search for a Canadian trip.



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Just to explain where the drink waiter was coming from in the casino, did your daughter have a player's club card? If she didn't, she wasn't privy to the free drinks. Your player's club card is only for YOUR drinks. I'm not a big casino person, so I wasn't sure how well that was explained when you got your card.


If she did have a card, it should've been fine, but I believe it IS the expectation you need to be playing to use it. Otherwise someone would come in, play $10 and sit around drinking for free all night.


Also, it DOES sound like he was rude, however I think sometimes limited English skills translate into sounding rude when they aren't meant to be. That's often been my experience. You know how hard it is to choose the right words to make sure you don't offend someone. Imagine if you weren't using your native language.


Just trying to offer an alternative perspective on what happened in that instance.

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the OP didn't/doesn't know about the "new" drink policy in the casino. she was so busy worrying about her cabins, i don't think she read about how the casino has changed to serving free drinks for those that are playing using their slot cards.

yes, if her daughter had put the card in the machine, as they were talking...maybe 1/2 of what happened wouldn't have happened.

but the OP thought she was going to be charged for the drink and the servers thought she wanted a free drink....sounds like it was mix messages on both parts.

the poor servers has all these new rules about who gets the free drinks..

and the OP wasn't aware of the "free" drink rules.

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Just to explain where the drink waiter was coming from in the casino, did your daughter have a player's club card? If she didn't, she wasn't privy to the free drinks. Your player's club card is only for YOUR drinks. I'm not a big casino person, so I wasn't sure how well that was explained when you got your card.


If she did have a card, it should've been fine, but I believe it IS the expectation you need to be playing to use it. Otherwise someone would come in, play $10 and sit around drinking for free all night.


Also, it DOES sound like he was rude, however I think sometimes limited English skills translate into sounding rude when they aren't meant to be. That's often been my experience. You know how hard it is to choose the right words to make sure you don't offend someone. Imagine if you weren't using your native language.


Just trying to offer an alternative perspective on what happened in that instance.

you did point out some interesting facts: yes, you do have to have a players club card and be playing and yes, sometimes the language problems will cause someone to seem rude. I have a friend I used to work with several years ago, being from another country I used to shutter when I would hear her on the phone speaking to customers. Her ability to express herself in English made her appear rude. Now, after living in America and becoming a citizen she has a much better control of our language.


That being said, I do think from OPs comments he was very rude. All he would have had to say is, I am sorry, free drinks are for playing guests only. even though she had been playing for hours prior to sitting with mom, she wasn't playing at the time, still no excuse for the remark he made.



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Just to explain where the drink waiter was coming from in the casino, did your daughter have a player's club card? If she didn't, she wasn't privy to the free drinks. Your player's club card is only for YOUR drinks. I'm not a big casino person, so I wasn't sure how well that was explained when you got your card.


Well as you must have read I am a HUGE casino person who understood the rules and drink Policy just fine. My daughter did have a card. He was just not interested and FYI the casino card is not only for drinks. The more you play you add up points that can be redeemed in the Ships shops, or have money taken off your bill, I have even gotten better offers for cruising because of the amount of time I spent gambling on my first cruise. I thought I was very clear in my long review about exactly what had happened.


If she did have a card, it should've been fine, but I believe it IS the expectation you need to be playing to use it. Otherwise someone would come in, play $10 and sit around drinking for free all night.


ABSOLUTELY. I never said at any time that we wanted a FREE drink.. Again I will repeat WE WERE NOT LOOKING FOR A FREE DRINK!!!! Had the waiter not been rude during the first second of approaching us or should I say me having to call him over because he ws not doing a good job to begin with... he would have realized I was going to pay for my daughters drink.


Also, it DOES sound like he was rude, however I think sometimes limited English skills translate into sounding rude when they aren't meant to be. That's often been my experience. You know how hard it is to choose the right words to make sure you don't offend someone. Imagine if you weren't using your native language.



First of all the customer is always Right. My girls are bartenders, and own their own child's entertainment company and I'm in real estate so we deal with the public all day long. Living in NYC where it's the melting pot capital of the world I know when someone is struggling with the language. The waiter did not have an accent and I never claimed her did.

It was the man at the front desk who I said had a slight accent and spoke better English then I did. There was no miscommunication at all.


Just trying to offer an alternative perspective on what happened in that instance.


There is no alternative perspective. Rude is Rude. Shoving a drink at a customer where some of the liquid spills out and saying "HERE" is not a misunderstanding. I am a very accommodating person but I will not make excuses for poor behavior and either should you.

I was there I saw the exchange he had with the both of us and felt the sting from his words.

I really should be laughing at what you wrote since it is EXACTLY what I was upset about in the first place.

One last time...

I was not looking for a FREE drink

The waiter was rude and inappropriate.

The man at the front desk was a patronizing condescending jerk.

One should never feel like that when you paid a lot of money for a vacation and I am very happy my kids got to see that certain behavior should NEVER be accepted.



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Don't ever be afraid to give an honest opinion. The people that get "blasted" are more often then not just people who want to have a bad time. (Bitter Beer Face People) I am like you I refuse to let things get me down on my vacation. There are always positive and negitive things about any trip. I just look for and enjoy the positive ones.


Thanks for the great review and I hope you cruise the Spirit again. We will.


Happy cruising.

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not blasting the OP...

but they have a new policy and the slot card is for free drinks..yes, you get points for playing, etc. but they just started a new thing, in the last few weeks....when playing with your card in the machine, you get free drinks. no one is saying you were trying to get away with anything, just that free drinks are a option. not sure, with everyone getting the free drinks, that they even know what to do if someone says they want to pay for a drink?

when everyone, on the ship, is trying to get free drinks and you wanted to pay...you had them VERY confused.:D you may have been the 1st person, in the last 3 weeks, that actually wanted to pay for a drink.

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We liked Spirit. Cozy and somewhat ship... although I couldn't imagine ship of this size could accomodate 800 kids. :D


We like more or less food in DR, but lunch buffets were weak.. Very unimaginitive.. although I was never hungry.


One more negative thing. We felt understaffing in room attendants department. Our room was made late every day and evening.


But... we decided that ship's design, coziness, lounge entertainment and availability of dinner tables for 2 were more important for our needs.

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One more negative thing. We felt understaffing in room attendants department. Our room was made late every day and evening.



Ain't it funny that 2 people could be on the same ship and have such different experiences. Our cabin attendants were knocking down our doors to clean twice a day. They made sure the Champaign we had was on ice constantly. I guess thats why a message boards like this is so great. People looking for information about cruise lines & ships will without a doubt get the information they need. because everyones priorities are so different in what they look for. Someone will reach out and give advice by writing a review or the folks answering the post.


Speaking of cabin attendance I kicked my girls out of the room one night so I could take my time get dressed alone for once. I saw them open the door and a few minutes later giggled and left. Well the brats saw the cabin guys coming so they put that card "service" one the door. about 20 minutes later the guy comes in and I am bare assed naked!!!! He seemed more shocked then I was. Oh I wanted to strangle them but I was laughing to hard to stay mad.


I was almost as embarrassed when my girlfriends were reading my review and saw I wrote vigina instead of Virginia. They will not let me live it down.


and Ohhh to the person who wrote "nice place but wouldn't want to live there!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL OMG so funny


BTW what does "OP" stand for?

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the OP didn't/doesn't know about the "new" drink policy in the casino. she was so busy worrying about her cabins, i don't think she read about how the casino has changed to serving free drinks for those that are playing using their slot cards.


That kinda sound like a blast?

That cabin remark is almost offensive.

I didn't take the comments as if someone was accusing me of trying to get away with something, I took it as if people were making or spinning excuses for poor behavior.

Saying things like "Oh if she used her card, if he spoke better English, there's new policy, "the OP was to busy worrying about her cabin to read the rules" That is insulting and assuming

I knew/know exactly how the casino works. I reread all the post's again

and all the excuses are just a distraction from the real issue.

Which again was not about a "free drink" .

it was not about knowing the casino drink policy

nor did I feel the posts were just letting me know the free drink was an option. I was very well aware of that.

It was all about poor manners, treating a customer badly, and rudeness.

If I sound like I am getting touchy I apologies but this was exactly what happened on the ship. And I am at a loss for why anyone is talking to me about "drink policy" or coming up with reasons why a crew member treated me a customer badly.

I am not saying by any means no one should comment on what I write but can it be basedin facts and not conjur up ways to justify what happened.

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So, overall, was it really a good cruise?:confused:


Most of the things which you have mentioned would not have upset my cruise too much. But, again, as you have stated, different people see things completely differently and react to each situation differently.


Hopefully, those who are reading a "first" post, can understand that this is one person's take on situations, and then do more research on the boards, and make an objective decision regarding what is important to them personally.


In no way does it appear that the OP is not sincere in her feelings of these occurrences. But, in all fairness to newbies, not all cruisers would have reacted exactly the same as another when any of these situations would have occurred.


OP experienced these situations, and reacted the way she reacts.

Other folks may have shrugged off each situation, and laughed with a friend over how silly that guy/gal was, or whatever.


We all see, and react to life as we do - no amount of excuses or explanations will ever satisfy the masses.


Happy Cruising To You!:) :) :)

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Ain't it funny that 2 people could be on the same ship and have such different experiences. Our cabin attendants were knocking down our doors to clean twice a day. They made sure the Champaign we had was on ice constantly. I guess thats why a message boards like this is so great. People looking for information about cruise lines & ships will without a doubt get the information they need. because everyones priorities are so different in what they look for. Someone will reach out and give advice by writing a review or the folks answering the post.


It's nice that you had different experience.. But I don't blame our attendant, he and his assistant did a very good job. Problem is they had too many cabins to clean.


I think we were one of the last cabins on their way.. and they had many. We were trying to put sign "Please make up my room", but after 2 days we understood that it wouldn't make any difference. :(


Other than that we had very good and prompt service from all crew members we met.

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