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The patch vs. Dramamine - drowsiness?


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This question isn't exactly cruise-related, because I generally don't get seasick on cruises (those stabilizers seem to work fine for me). But I know lots of other folks on here do, and many of you I'm sure have tried different types of seasick remedies.


My husband and I just purchased a 27-ft sailboat, and I DO get seasick out there on such a small craft. I've tried dramamine a couple times, but both times it literally knocked me out for 24 straight hours! I was sleepy, woozy, dizzy, and just completely out-of-it. I took some yesterday at 4:30 pm (just for a 2-hr evening sail), but even this morning it was killing me! I went to bed at 10pm, got up at 9am, couldn't keep my eyes open and went to sleep again until noon! I didn't start feeling normal until just a little while ago.


So I went to see my doc today who gave me a script for the patch. She says that it has the possibility of causing drowsiness too, although not as bad as dramamine.


So I'd just like to hear from any of you who've tried both - did you find the patch caused it LESS than dramamine?

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This question isn't exactly cruise-related, because I generally don't get seasick on cruises (those stabilizers seem to work fine for me). But I know lots of other folks on here do, and many of you I'm sure have tried different types of seasick remedies.


My husband and I just purchased a 27-ft sailboat, and I DO get seasick out there on such a small craft. I've tried dramamine a couple times, but both times it literally knocked me out for 24 straight hours! I was sleepy, woozy, dizzy, and just completely out-of-it. I took some yesterday at 4:30 pm (just for a 2-hr evening sail), but even this morning it was killing me! I went to bed at 10pm, got up at 9am, couldn't keep my eyes open and went to sleep again until noon! I didn't start feeling normal until just a little while ago.


So I went to see my doc today who gave me a script for the patch. She says that it has the possibility of causing drowsiness too, although not as bad as dramamine.


So I'd just like to hear from any of you who've tried both - did you find the patch caused it LESS than dramamine?

The patch usually works but with some side effects. 1. blurred vision 2. dry mouth. I would recommend for a female to cut the patch in 1/2 with a scissors and try 1/2 patch the first time. Also put the patch on several hours before going sailing or the nite before. You might try the less drowsy formula for dramamine...it seems to work fine for me ( a lifteime small boat sailor who has been seasick too many times) Dr65

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Funny thing is, the dramamine I used IS the "less drowsy" type. I can't even imagine what would happen to me if I tried the "regular" type - I'd probably end up comatose!


I've heard of the dry mouth...I can deal with that way more than I can deal with the sleepiness. I'll try half a patch first (on a SHORT sail - if it doesn't work, I don't want to spend hours hurling!) and see what happens.

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I realize people react to medications differently but I would recommend starting with 1/2 a patch if you decide to try them. My DH & I have both used the patch ... the second time we had cut them in half and because of the side effects we experienced we won't use them again. We both felt "hung over" most of the time and the effects lasted a couple of days after we had removed them. We now just take Ginger capsules when we cruise...and have Bonine as a back up if the seas get rough.


Good luck on finding something that works for you and congrats on your new sailboat purchase. Sounds like fun....as long as you're not sick. ;)

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Funny thing is, the dramamine I used IS the "less drowsy" type. I can't even imagine what would happen to me if I tried the "regular" type - I'd probably end up comatose!


I've heard of the dry mouth...I can deal with that way more than I can deal with the sleepiness. I'll try half a patch first (on a SHORT sail - if it doesn't work, I don't want to spend hours hurling!) and see what happens.

I have NO idea which sort of Dramamine Azamara was handing out, but my DH who has never before had any sort of "Mal D Mare", did feel abit queasy on our last cruise, I got the pills from the Ft. Desk, they gave 2 pkg. thinking I might need some too (Didn't) I read instructions (trust DH didn't of course!) told him to "Take ONE" (Not realizing that I'd have to clarify that to mean 1 pill, NOT PKG.) He slept most of the day believe me. He rarely takes aspirin even, so effects on him we fast & severe. Lucky it was an "At Sea day" so sleeping most of it was a possibility. (Blame it on Tropical storm Louise last Dec.):D

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I have heard that cutting the patch in half is not recommended. I'm not a doctor so I don't know why, but that's what I've heard. My wife chooses the patch when we cruise. She gets car sick at a stop light, so she is quite prone to motion sickness, but she loves cruising. She prefers the patch over Dramamine for the very reasons you have indicated. It's the dry mouth that she can do without. She drinks lots of water on our cruises, and it usually takes a day or two after we're back to totally get it out of her system.


I've only felt queasy on one occasion, and ginger ale took care of that.

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My wife usually uses a patch. But she gets a dry mouth and blurry vision occasionally. So on our last cruise she took some Scopoline (Scopace) tablets with us. They only last 8 hours. It worked well for her.

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Careful with the patch! When I tried it the whole side of my face went numb, my family thought I was having a stroke! It came on slowly getting progressively worse. I took off the patch and the numbness went away gradually.

What I use is Bonine<sp> an over the counter non drowsy (not less drowsy, but non drowsy) pill. One pill works for 12 hours.

I am very prone to motion sickness, but with the Bonine I have never been sea sick.

I have tried ginger too, but it seems I have to take it quite often every 4 hours or so to help.

Good luck and happy sailing.:)

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Careful with the patch! When I tried it the whole side of my face went numb, my family thought I was having a stroke! It came on slowly getting progressively worse. I took off the patch and the numbness went away gradually.

What I use is Bonine<sp> an over the counter non drowsy (not less drowsy, but non drowsy) pill. One pill works for 12 hours.

I am very prone to motion sickness, but with the Bonine I have never been sea sick.

I have tried ginger too, but it seems I have to take it quite often every 4 hours or so to help.

Good luck and happy sailing.:)


My wife uses Bonine too. It does make her sleep more, but I'm talking a nap in the afternoon, not knocked out all day.



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Hi Lee Anne-


I have a terrible time w/motion sickness to the point that I cannot turn around and look in the back seat if the car is moving. I'd be sick in less than 5 min. on a small boat bobbing around. I've tried Bonine and Dramamine (isn't meclazine the ingredient in both of these?) as well as the wrist bands (which I think are hokus pokus) and the only thing that works for me is the patch. For any of these things, tho, you have to remember to take them before you go--you can't wait until you feel sick. With the patch, I have had dry mouth, and occasionally slight lightheadedness. I've come to the conclusion that you have to use what works for you. On one cruise the seas were so smooth that I quit the patch thinking that I'd rather not be using medication if I don't need it. During the night the seas got rough, and I was up less than 30 min. in the am and had to spend the day in bed. Since then, I wear the patch 24/7 throughout the cruise even tho the seas are calm. Every time I get a refill from my Dr., I always ask again about the risks of using it, and she indicates that as long as it works and I have no really significant side effects, it's O.K. My DH doesn't have motion sickness at all, and it's difficult for someone who doesn't suffer to understand just how miserable you are w/it.

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I had a very bad reaction to the patch. I felt dizzy and then collapsed in the cabin. I saw the ship's doctor and he said he would like to go around and rip the patches of the passengers he sees wearing them. It took me 2 days to get back to normal because it enters the blood stream.

On my next cruise, I switched to Bonine...excellent. It didn't make me drowsy but that's me.

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I'm a fellow Celebrity cruiser and sailboat owner. We started with a 26 footer and now own a 45 footer. I find that Bonine works very well. It dissolves on your tongue and you take it at the first signs of queaziness. It is non-drowsy.


Also, I find that staying at the wheel (or tiller) and looking at the horizon works. A few years ago, we hit some heavy seas enroute from Rhode Island to Virginia. After my watch, I stayed in the cockpit instead of going down below. When I tried below it was ugly.


Good luck!



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From another "get sick on small boats" person I have used both.


Dramamine or Bonine or call it what you like......knocks me out too.


I used the patch on my first big ship cruise (didnt know what to expect) and except for a cotton-dry mouth after 4 days I was fine. No reaction. No drowsiness - nothing.


You need to put it on 4 hrs. before you go out however..... so not an option for a "last minute" let's go sail. Good for like 4 days tho so you could put it on Friday and be good thru the weekend.

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Does anyone know what medication was in the shots that were given onboard the ships years ago? They worked after you were already sick. I had one about 25 yrs. ago, but I haven't heard anyone talk of these on later cruises. At that time they announced on the ship to go to the infirmary for the shot if you felt ill.

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Like you, I am knocked out cold by Dramamine, Less Drowsy Dramamine, Bonine, Gravol, Less Drowsy Gravol, etc., etc.


I've had great success with the patch - on ships and on boats. When I first put it on (like maybe the first 12 hours) I'll have a bit of dry mouth, but I am fortunate to have none of the other side effects (blurred vision in particular). It's non-drowsy for me --- and I can have many cocktails without feeling any additional effects.


The transderm website very clearly states that you are not to cut the patch in half, so I wouldn't try that. But if you have a slight build, your doctor can prescribe you scopolomine in a pill form instead.

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So I'd just like to hear from any of you who've tried both - did you find the patch caused it LESS than dramamine?




Please don't think I am nuts when I tell you this! I will try to make a LONG story short!!


Before our first cruise I was very worried about seasickness as I am prone to motion sickness in a car. My hubby and I were in Hawaii a few months prior to our cruise and we happened to meet some people who were on a cruise around the islands... so I asked how rough it was etc etc.


The woman I spoke to said 'You may think this sounds crazy, but let me tell you what an old sea dog told me'. He had told her to put a piece of adhesive tape over her belly button so that it was completely covered. She said it was working as they had had a couple of rough days and she'd been fine.


So, one evening DH and I were going out on an evening sunset cruise and I decided to give it a try (not a tiny boat, but not that large either). As we were gathering for the cruise, the representative from the company said that if we were expecting a smooth as glass sea, we might be in for a surprise as it was the changing of the tides etc. and if anyone wanted to refund theoir tickets or exchange for another day now was the time! So I had my trusty adhesive tape on (a strip about 3-4"long and 2" wide) and while others around us were starting to feel queasy after dinner, I was absolutely fine!


A few days later, we were going on a semi sub to see the tropical fish and I asked at the booth where we got our tickets if it would be rough. So the girl said it could be, but the worst problem that people with motion sickness have is that the boat is constantly rocking and you cannot see the horizon when you are underwater, so it can affect you. I went right to a washroom and applied my adhesive tape. Again, people were looking green, and I was fine!


So, on our first cruise we carried adhesive tape and ginger capsules and I was fine. I think as long as I carry it on the cruises it will ward off that awful feeling!! We are planning a couple of cruises that could have some rough seas, so I'll be sure to take my roll of tape along and continue to test out this theory!



For car motion sickness I have used Bonamine - but it does make me a bit drowsy.


Good luck! It's an awful feeling and I would do anything to avoid it!



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Have you tried ginger yet? I'd try to find a 'natural' remedy with so much boating if I could.


Ditto for the ginger pills (actually capsules). No side effects and they work. You can pay more at a health food store or buy them at Walmart or Target for less.

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Thanks so much for all the comments, stories, and advice! This is exactly what I was looking for - a cross-section of cruisers who've tried various remedies, and how it affected them. I guess I won't know how the patch affects me until I try it - I'm HOPING I'm one of the lucky people who get nothing more than dry mouth. I might also pick up some bonine and see how that affects me - apparently it causes drowsiness in some, but not others. Again, I won't know until I try it.


I'm reluctant to try anything homeopathic, like ginger (or the tape idea - I love it!), because if it doesn't work I'll have to deal with that HORRIBLE feeling. I truly cannot stand losing my cookies - and I know for a fact that if I get seasick out there, I'll lose 'em - and fast. Ick. But if we're going to go out for a really SHORT sail I might give a couple of these ideas a try - at least if they don't work, I won't be in agony for too long!


Today we spent the whole day cleaning the boat - tomorrow we're probably going to take it out for an afternoon sail. I'll be sure to put the patch on 4 hours in advance. I was told by my doc NOT to cut them - I suspect it's because when you do, the medicine can more easily transfer outside of the patch - to fingers, hair, whatever - and if it gets in your eyes, that's a problem. So I'll go for a whole one and see what happens.


Thanks again for all the wonderful responses! As much as I love cruising, to be on a smaller sailboat on the ocean is just a whole nother level of being "one" with the sea...I'm so excited to get out there!

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AUNT DOT.....That's the 1st time I've heard that. I always bring along some scotch tape on our cruises but I never imagined I might need it for my belly button!!! :p :) :eek: :D Thanks for posting that - I'll give it a try.


Works for me - but medical adhesive tape not just plain ol' scotch tape! Guess it's the medical part that makes it work!! I thought it was crazy until I tried it and saw others suffering while I didn't.



Now I am wondering if I can use it on the Amalfi coast drive?? Those switchbacks are what has made me suffer from motionsickness in the past.




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That patch knocked me and my wife out. The dry mouth was very bad. I will never use that again.


Last year I was caught in rolling seas before taking preventitive Bonine - got s-sick - went to ships Dr for shot ($75) that worked in 20 mins. However, I commented to ship's Dr that he must be doing lots of patch prescriptions for those sea-sick. This ship-board Dr says he never prescribes patch as too many side effects. :eek:

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LeeAnne -- I hope you'll come back after your sailing and let us know how it went. I'd be curious to get YOUR feedback as well.


I promise to do so. Looks like we're not taking it out today - while we're in this cleaning frenzy, and all the cleaning supplies are down at the slip, we have a few more things we want to do to the boat. It's looking pretty sharp! But we'll probably take it out tomorrow. We have the whole week off (the company we work for shuts down for the week of the 4th) so we expect to get a lot of sailing in for the rest of the week. :) I'll be sure to let you know how it goes for me.

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