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First-timer's question on shore touring with babies.

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I am new to cruising. I'd like to take a cruise in Europe (possible leaving from Rome). I assume that every other day or day at least we will arrive at a new port. I assume that the cruise companies have several excursion package options for each port for you to choose from. Can someone tell me how much I should expect to pay for a day excursion per person and per child (infant just under 1 year plus another child above 2 years old)?


I guess excursions mainly includes bus tour to different tourist sites and some may include food right? I should think private excursions are much too expensive but if you have rough rates, that be good. Else would it be at difficult to do it on my own (busses, taxi - taking into consideration cost and time : only 1 day on shore at each city)? Thanks.


Also do you think it'd be difficult travelling with babies for 1 day port stops? I've never been to Europe and thought cruising would be a good way to see Europe with kids (at least accomodation is all on board the ship so we don't have to repack for city and change hotels).


Are most ports near enough to the main attractions to work it out on your own? I don't want to be late to get back to the ship (with rush hour etc). Eg Rome port to center of attractions? Thanks.

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Altho I have not travelled to Europe with babies (my two are grown) I will try to answer your questions


As far as being in a new place every day AND excursions offered by the cruiselines.......best advice is to do some research on the various websites for each cruiseline. Most are set up in a user-friendly way so you can see all the options they give you. Since you know you would like to begin in Rome - it is easy to request all cruises beginning there. Then you need to decide on how long and go from there. Once you know which cruise you would like to take..... check out the excursions offered in each port. They will give you the length, the cost, a short synopsis of what you will do/see, whether a meal is included or not etc.....


From there you can keep researching private tours or do it yourself touring. Private tours are a reasonable alternative if you split the cost with other cruisers on your ship..... do it yourself is much cheaper but requires ALOT more planning etc. (especially with babies !!!!!) Some ports are very easy to DIY.


Depending on which cruise and what ports you will be visiting - some are definately NOT located close to the "sights". Livorno is about 1-1/2 hr drive by bus to Florence. Civitevecchia is also 1-1/2 hr drive from Rome. Others are right there...... and even others are right there but there are other places close you can also visit in one day. Such as Naples = Pompeii and the Amalfi coast.


Perhaps you could come back with more specific questions once you have narrowed down your choices..... there are lots of people on here with a wealth of knowledge for just about anything you could possibly want to know :D and they are all willing to share eagerly ;)


Alot of us here find that researching and planning our cruises to be half the fun....... hope you do too !

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I am going to go out on a limb here,and say the doing a Med cruise that is port intensive ,as most of them are, would not be condusive for you as a first time with 2 infants.I think you would find it stressful,expensvie,and you would not enjoy the sighteeing as much as you could.I would wait until your kids are older as they are not going to remember anything per se.If you can't get someone to stay with them while you cruise then maybe look to see if the Big Red Ship re Disney is doing any Med cruises as I think they mayb. I don't want to anger anyone re this post,but I have seen people try to do this and then they are stressed to the limit and it makes a vaction not a vaction.This is just my humble opinion on this matter.

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you must be kidding...I know that isnt very helpful...but the best help I can give you is to say , please do not travel with a baby and a toddler...


the med is not the type of trip that you could enjoy if you brought them with you....


nor would they...


nor would others...


in fact I cant understand why anyone would go on ANY cruise with a baby....I just dont get it...what is the point of the trip?


sorry, just cant keep quiet here....

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Have you tried asking on the FAMILY CRUISING board? It is listed in the Special Interest section.


And simply reading many of the posts and replies might give you answers to lots of questions you didnt even think of yet!


As far as ship shorex are concerned, prices are generally high and can be very high. Under 12s sometimes have a discount on adult prices but it may not be a large amount. Because of this many families do not do ship shorex, they will self tour, use public transport, do a car rental etc..and not only families, many couples do not do the tours due to cost.


The other thing to remember is that once booked, there is a cut off point for cancelling a shorex. Beyond that time it is very unlikely you would get a refund unless there was a wait list and your place(s) on the tour bought by others. In those circumstances you might be able to negotiate one, but you would need to expect that you would take the loss. And if either one of the parents was ill and could not go on the shorex, would the other manage both kids on their own? Or if one or both kids were ill and could not go how many of you would need to miss the shorex? Potentially all lost money.


And a tour will not wait for you. You and your kids must keep to the timings all along the way from meeting on the ship to returning back. Can you be certain that you could do this? I remember having small kids your ages, we didnt have a strict timetable, it was "fluid" through necessity:)


The Family Cruising board would be a good start point for information.

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I would also suggest that you check medical facilities in different countries before you travel with such young children. There is no clue as to your nationality, but in the Med, hospital/medical facilities vary widely.


If one of your kids were to become ill and you all had to be put off the ship and the kid was too ill to travel to your home country, you would need to be sure you didnt end up somewhere with fewer facilities than you would want for your child.


When ours were small like yours, we only went on hotel/beach type hollidays. And we only chose to travel to countries which had the best medical care, just in case........tip: avoid islands......


You also need to think about infections such as the usual childhood illnesses....the rash type ones! If you were quarantined how much fun would it be stuck in a cabin for days on end?

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Did part of a Europe cruise last year and are going again next week. Mine are older 8,11,15, but I think much of the decision would come down to you knowing your child. If they are good travelers, then it is a great trip.

We did private tours, because we had children. It allows for much more flexibility if we need to make changes(they are hungry now, so lets eat before the Forum not after).

We found all our tours ran 500 euros a tour for a vehicle that holds 5. For many of the ports it was cheeper than a shore excursion because some of those that we looked at through the cruise line(all day tours of Rome etc.) were $350 a person. With there being five of us, it paid.

Any other question, feel free to ask.

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Sherineloh, first I want to welcome you to cruising and Cruise Critic. You will find lots of information here to help you sort out the itinerary you would enjoy, length of cruise, cabin selection, etc.

Do you live in Europe or will this cruise necessitate a long (expensive) flight?

While many of the Meditterean cruises are port intensive there are options that might suit your needs, e.g. short cruise of the Greek Isles.

We were on a 12 night cruise from Rome last August and it was challenging enough for two able-bodied adults to keep up with the pace of excrusions. I would have serious reservations if I were you about taking such an ambitious cruise with two babies. It was hard enough for us to find a restroom sometimes; don't know how you would manage changing diapers, etc. while on some of these excursions.

Our photos and review of the Med. cruise are in the links below if they would be of any help to you.

Caribbean cruises are much more relaxed and facilities are more accessible.

Hope you find the cruise which will be relaxing and enjoyable.


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I just have to say this again. Only you know your children and how they will travel. We went on a cruise when my youngest was 6 months through the Panama Canal. It was a two week cruise and we made the most of every port. He was great and we had a wonderful time. It is not Europe, but we were able to take him on an cable car of the rain forest in Costa Rica, a beach in Mexico and a walking tour of Panama(we did bring a stroller) for example.

He ate in the dining room with us every night and was the hit of the wait staff, as we were on a Raddisson Cruise, and they do not attract many families.

My others were 3 and 7 at the time and still list it as one of their favorites.

I would have done this a million times with them at that age if we had the money to do so. But I do know many very young and even older children that do not handle things like this well at all. Heck, I know a lot of adults that would not do well.

Know your child and make an informed decision from there. But as always with children, be prepared for changes and the unplanned to be thrown in. Like one of you having to leave dinner with a crying child as not to disturb others, or having to spend time on a ship with a sick child as others have posted.

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First let me say that I would never suggest that anyone do a European cruise with 2 babies (or even 1 baby). In fact, there was a time that many cruise lines would not even allow cruisers with babies under 2 years of age. These days, there are few restrictions other than you cannot take a diaper dependent child into any ships' pool. On our many cruises we have noticed that the happiest families with toddlers were the ones who were traveling with extended families (often grandparents) which allowed them to have some breathers. In the spirit of being baby friendly, I would suggest the OP read the following helpful article:



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This is a port intensive cruise. It would be way too much work for you. I have seen way to many frustrated parents and children on cruises. Neither one of them were enjoying themselves.


I would suggest leaving the children at home (if you have someone to watch them) and just you and your spouse take the cruise. You deserve a vacation, don't you.



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I'd like to say that I agree with Martodd. I know that some children shouldn't travel, if for no other reason than it is as hard on the parent as it is on the other passengers, but some do travel very well. My 28 year old daughter was horrible as a child and we didn't like to travel with her, and wouldn't until she was a teenager other than camping and the odd beach/shopping type trip! My 22 year old son we could take anywhere... he went to Disney and other places many times before he was 10! My 5 year old also loves to travel and has already been on 5 cruises, as well as many land-based trips.


You will know what your children can handle. I do want to suggest though that if you are going to be struggling with them that you might want to consider something easier. The other thing, even if they travel well, if you can afford it... is to take along a sitter. It can actually be cheaper than taking them on the excursions! And they will enjoy it more too. You will have a lot more fun seeing the sights too (and they would not remember any of it anyways). A lot of the ships have play areas that you can take the babies into as long as you stay with them, so they would have room to play, then they can go back to the room to nap when tired and it is just that much more peaceful for you. When you consider that you are paying several hundred dollars for tours for the kids, the stress involved, the effort to keep up, the lack of sleep for them, and even the panic in the mornings to make sure that everyone is ready and diaper bags are packed, etc... it is worth a thought.

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Thank you so much everyone for your advise. Wow I am really having second thoughts. I actually have been on 2 cruises before (1 when I was much younger and another with my then 8 month old). On the second trip I went with my parents and in-laws although they were not that great a help as my baby was very clingy then.


Now since I have a special free business class tickets upgrade and have always wanted to visit Europe, I was thinking of taking this trip but it is valid until when my 2nd one is about just under a year. My second one is not born yet but I am preplaning for bookings etc. It is one of those things - before you were married you had no money to travel but now you have a little more and want to travel, you now have young kids and may have to wait 10 years before they are little easier to travel with. So that's when I thought of cruising. I have also had some experience traveling with my 1st to Hong Kong at 9 months and she was great. She slept a lot and we had little or no expectations in terms of sight seeing so whatever we got to see was great. So am hoping this will be the same only that I wanted a 1 place accomodation to avoid repacking.


My other option is just to do say 2 cities (ROME and Venice or Florence) and stay in a hotel or apartment for little longer and do it at leisure but I really like the idea of cruising (I mean the food is great!). I suspect travelling in europe things like food per meal can be an issue and having a real vacation for me is great food and not being on a budget for food. Well I think I really have to reconsider. I havent seen any more leisurely itineries - eg 2 days per port. That would be so much better. Any recommendation anyone?

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Since I have started this thread on traveliing with babies in Europe, can anyone advice what ports/cities are easiest to travel on your own with children? Also what ports are near to the city?


With that maybe I can do a mix of both my options - Do a traditional couple of days on ground on my own in 1 or 2 larger/more difficult cities in hotel or apartments AND then take a cheaper cruise for say 5-7 days and have a no expectation cruise. Even if we go down half a day on each port or only go down 3 out of the 6 ports and the rest of the days stay on board, it would be quite fun to eat it all up on board (food I mean - hah!). I am not one that want to cover all the stops and expect to come back plus I don't really care to do much of the museum thing. Just want to do the really need to do sites and then take in the lifestyle, air, etc. We could just come out and at port take leisurely walks and do cafes. I am not open to leaving them on board with anyone else or would like to bring anyone else along as I really want it to be just my family.

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Hi, I've only done one Western Med cruise but if you are looking for ports which would be easily accessible with infants, I could recommend Barcelona and Villefranche. In Barcelona you could take a taxi to La Ramblas and enjoy that intersting area with your little ones in a stroller. In Villefranche you tender to the village, but then you could spend a few hours enjoying this picturesque southern French town. Another idea is, if there is a particular port you want to visit eg Rome, maybe your partner could stay on board for the day with the little ones while you do a tour, and maybe you could swap for another port.

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You might want to consider a cruise line that docks at ports versus tenders. The tenders can be difficult to get on an off in weather or seas that are less than calm whereas docking is much easier if you have young children and strollers with you.

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Just want to do the really need to do sites and then take in the lifestyle, air, etc. We could just come out and at port take leisurely walks and do cafes.


On our Med cruise (Italy, France, Spain, Greece) there weren't any ports where you could just walk off the ship and enjoy the port. A couple were easily accessible, but meant a tender or shuttle bus ride first ... but I think you would be limited as to how far you could get with pushing strollers on uneven surfaces and hilly streets. The ports that require a half hour, hour or longer transportation time into the city would be a real challenge with two young children. The 'must-see' sites are all very crowded probably not very enjoyable for babies.


The plan to go with no expectations might work, but it seems like a lot of money to spend getting there and for the cruise, if most of what you'll see is the ship and the sea. I think you are wise to ask about the cost of excursions as I think more than a few people are shocked at the high cost of them in Europe.


Good luck with your decision.:)

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I think it is wonderful that you are interested in a cruise with your family. When my children were young I took a trip every summer with them but kept their age/interest in mind. I do have to agree that a Med cruise is not one with very young children. The Med cruise is very intensive and stressful from what everyone posts on these boards. I am schedule for a Med cruise 9/08. A vacation is to be enjoyed and you would probably enjoy your vacation more on a different itinerary. I am not trying to hurt anyone feelings but your young children would not recall this trip and I believe in the long run you would be grateful for a trip that the entire family would enjoy. Best of luck - there are many cruises that are "children friendly" as they say.


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Some years ago I spent time in Florence (unconnected with a cruise) and there was an American family with two young boys staying in our hotel. We met them at breakfast and discovered that they had originally had a grand plan to tour all over Europe for several weeks and see EVERYTHING. Well, their kids were older than yours (maybe 4 and 6 yrs?) and still it was an utter disaster for them. The kids were miserable; they of course could not appreciate the grandeur of the Duomo or the Uffizi Gallery, and in addition they were freaked because the food was weird, the duvets on the beds weren't like American sheets and blankets, they had no English-language TV like at home... they weren't really spoiled brats, but they just were out of their element and longed for their regular routine like at home! In the meantime, of course, their poor parents wanted to see the historical sites, the museums, the churches, all the artwork, and THEY were bummed because they had to accept that their kids weren't up to it.


In the end, they had to completely rework their vacation about halfway through. They stopped in Florence, cancelled all their subsequent reservations in other countries, found some breakfast cereal that the boys would like, and slowed WAY down. They did a day-trip here or there, to Assisi and other nearby places, but all their marvelous plans were essentially shot.


I guess what I'm saying is, if you travel with kids, you have to really, REALLY keep it simple and don't expect to do too much. That raises the question of whether it's worth it to go--do you want to pay all that $ to sit on the ship with grumpy, tired kids instead of touring Marseille (or wherever)? If you've got cabin fever at home, maybe it still IS worth it to you--but best to decide that in advance, before you get there and all your exciting plans come crashing down around you! :(

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If a cruise in Europe is your dream, then do it.


I agree that traveling with children that young won't be the same experience as if just you and your husband go, or if you go when the kids are older, but you should go if you want to. You will have years to travel as they grow older, but now is when you are able to go, so you should. You should not put your traveling on hold if it is important to you.


You seem to have a reason to go at the time you are discussing (the plane vouchers), so you should go. Not everyone has someone to watch the children while they travel. A cruise, in my opinion, would be better for the young ones, and you, than a land vacation. You won't have to pack and unpack. You won't have to search for a restaurant. You can take naps easily.


There are many cruises with extra sea days. Those are great for relaxing and recharging. Our 12 night med. cruise has 4 sea days. Try looking for one of those. Maybe also, plan to spend only half days on tours so the little ones, and you won't be overtired. There are lots of morning or afternoon only tours through the ship that you can book.


Also, try visiting the family board. You should get some very good, and positive, advice on traveling with the little ones.


Enjoy your planning. Have a wonderful trip.

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I think it is wonderful that you are interested in a cruise with your family. When my children were young I took a trip every summer with them but kept their age/interest in mind. I do have to agree that a Med cruise is not one with very young children. The Med cruise is very intensive and stressful from what everyone posts on these boards. I am schedule for a Med cruise 9/08. A vacation is to be enjoyed and you would probably enjoy your vacation more on a different itinerary. I am not trying to hurt anyone feelings but your young children would not recall this trip and I believe in the long run you would be grateful for a trip that the entire family would enjoy. Best of luck - there are many cruises that are "children friendly" as they say.


To cruise the Med all should benefit, parents, children and other passengers. I do not see how children or other passengers benefit from your scenario. :(
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you must be kidding...I know that isnt very helpful...but the best help I can give you is to say , please do not travel with a baby and a toddler...


the med is not the type of trip that you could enjoy if you brought them with you....


nor would they...


nor would others...


in fact I cant understand why anyone would go on ANY cruise with a baby....I just dont get it...what is the point of the trip?


sorry, just cant keep quiet here....


Amen, sister, amen!! That's what I ALWAYS think when someone asks about cruising (or touring) with little kids. Why???? In my day, a vacation (other than camping with the family) was a time to be AWAY from work and children. A chance to truly relax and do adult things (no-I meant like museums and stuff!:rolleyes: )

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If a cruise in Europe is your dream, then do it.





I have to agree with this and disagree with most of the consensus here.


In my day a vacation was time for a family to get away. Experience new things. We always (yep - ALWAYS) took our two children with us. It never even occurred to us to leave them at home. Did we have to slow down a bit - yep. Did we have to sometimes change our plans - yep. But to not include them just wasn't an option.


True - two small ones on a trip like this will be a different experience than just dw and dh alone. That is not to say it can't be a wonderful and fulfilling experience.


My advice (other than to tell you just not to go :rolleyes: ) would be to suggest half day tours. There are usually a number of them offered in each port and this would allow you to be back on the ship for nap time. Example: Livorno. Instead of taking the full day into Florence as it is quite some distance from the port......take the 1/2 trip to Pisa (@ 30 miles from port). See the tower, the Baptismal and Duomo. The area is stroller friendly and you will still get a feel of Tuscany.


As far as everyone stating that a Med cruise is very stressful.... I must have missed something. Once on the ship I found this to be a very relaxed way to experience Europe. Why was everyone so stressed ? I mean..... you go to sleep and wake up in a new place - get off the ship and look around..... come back and repeat. ?????? With good planning (and OP states she has plenty of time for that) this should not be a stressful way to go.


BTW: Our next cruise to Europe - - we are taking our two kids (grown but going !)

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A word of advice- when your children grow up, they will not appreciate being left out of wonderful vacations. I, myself am a child and would not enjoy being told that there was a two page argument about not taking me on holidays. I would much rather go- I have very fond memories of my extensive crusing experiences (1 cruise) ;)


On the other hand, babies probably wont remember anything about the cruise, except that they had fun!


So, in conclusion, I would just like to say, take your children and have fun!!!


Good luck,

Minicruzer (11 year old daughter of aussiecruzer)

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We are planning a trip to Europe in 2009 we have been planning and saving for two years. We chose the date so that our current terrible two year old would be eligible for the kids club on princess.

Just a couple of things to note...

- Princess tours don't allow kids, at least our son wouldn't be able to go. I think the age limit is 8. We will be using private guides for a better price and they will handle car seats. Car seat rules are different in Europe

- strollers don't always work on cobble stone, try a jogging stroller with two seats but they are huge.

- bring you own beading so it feels more like home.

- bring snacks from home so you can have a back up plan

- remember meals are much longer and we are going to have trouble with this since he won't sit well

- You will need toys!

Check out "Take Your Kids to Europe" from the Library and use Rick Steves ideas to save time in lines.


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