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***LIVE from the Mariner 7/13***

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Denice .....Enjoying your reports! I love the way you take part in everything. I love to do that, too.

Just wanted to say that we had Abe on the Brilliance this past Christmas/New Year's. He fills in for everybody when they go on vacation. What a doll baby!!!! He is sooooo personable. He came to our M&M and stayed and talked and talked to everybody.

I may have missed this, but who is the Concierge and how is the lounge? We were on Christmas before last and will be on again this Christmas. Will the current Concierge be on board then?

Enjoy your last couple of days. Hope you get to the beach in Coz!

I am also a transplanted Tar Heel!


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Good Morning!

I hope this doesn't appear as a double post...I just wrote to you and it got lost someplace in my computer....I can't find it...and you know how computer-challenged I am....so I have to start all over again!:eek:


You must have had a blast last night! BG and I and ALL of your new friends here in NC can't wait to see your new "butt trick" when you come home to NC!

It's sunny and warm here, AGAIN ! We're just missing the sea breezes!

:) :)

In fact, I'm sending a bunch of sunny vibes to you on the Mariner and to Cozumel. Did they get there yet ??? Maybe you should sing~~ "Rain, Rain, Go Away"~~~

:) :)

Denice, I hope you have another GREAT day on your cruise!!!!!!!

Gotta go....I'll check back later...

Miss you xoxoxoxo!

BTW what's this "two-timing" nonsense about, Markalana??

(Markalana, this is special for you xoxo--I don't recall getting any from you!)


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We love sushi, too......I'll check it out when we are on the Mariner next week and let you know what they have onboard.



We would really appreciate it. It isnt so good to be a sushi-snob, beleive me! It makes going out for it tough. We go to one or two places that prepare it pesonally to our liking and make rolls that we want, not on the menu. (we only eat it prepared with white nori or soy paper)


(I can be found on the dec 21 Explorer roll call, I cant wait to hear what you find out! Also my email is in my signature, Im really looking foward to what you find out!)



Denice!!! Take care of those eyes! A cozumel Beach sounds so relaxing for today,........ugh Im off to my office! (I want to ask Harv how real estate is in NC...when you return of course..I will email)

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Then we went to the Platinum/Diamond reception. Now here is where this gets good. I met Drew Devine, CD, at the reception line and we chatted away. While talking to him (he leaves the ship Sunday till Feb), Abe, the CD replacing him comes over and introduced himself to me. The 3 of us chatted for maybe 10 minutes. Drew is a DOLL, but so was Abe. Anyway, we went in and listened to the speeches, then Drew came and sat down with me and hubby and another couple we were with, and talked with us for maybe 30 minutes. What a nice guy!! I think I may have a new crush!! He just honestly seems like the nicest guy. Abe is a cutie pie!!



We've experienced Abe twice as a CD and he is a doll. I'm so enjoying your cruise!

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Hello from FREE internet on Paradise Beach is Cozumel!! Do you believe it!! I m sitting at a bar typing this to you. We just met one of the managers of this place..real nice guy!! It is cloudy, but there is enough sun to FRY you good. I didn´t read any of the posts since my last one, because there are people waiting to use this, so I have limited time. Sorry, I will read them and reply later today. We shopped first..it was very cloudy and rainy at he time. I bought some adorable sterling earrings. Then we took the taxi here..cost $13. The driver was the sweetest young man! There is parsailing and kayaking and a rock wall in he water and trampolines in the water too. Love this internet here!! What a world!! Seems many people saw my ¨performance¨¨ last night in the Battle of the Sexes. I have been stopped quite few times!! Ok, we are getting ready to leave...I am fried and need some lunch. Talk to you all soon. Need to repeat this......I LOVE TO CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm back on the ship...what a beautiful day on Paradise Beach!!


Magroo~~bring the Splenda

Kathy~~ I will have to grill Drew about that..he is not married now for sure. Love an excuse to chat with him!

Max~~ doll baby describes Abe perfectly!!

Allan is the concierge. That is all I will say, to be kind.;) (I do so miss Ricky from the Explorer)


Donna ~~xoxo..glad you are still "on board" with me.

Diva~~ you still have my phone number?? Call me..but wait till the end of the week...I will be overwhelmed till then. I want to discuss Explorer/Mariner with you anyway.


Tonight is the Quest and I hope to be the "runner".

Dinner in Chops(yummmm and my favorite waiter, Schubert)


Dancing my a$$ off on deck for the party

Need coffee

need a nap

need another few days on this ship

need to be home though

still need a few more days on this ship


Lucky dogs, all of you that will be cruising on her.

I should be nore excited about this cruise, huh???:D :D :D

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I set sail on the 27th on Mariner and you've made me even more excited about our first cruise. Thanks so much for your posts. Thanks for the answer to my hangars question.

I do have another quick question for you. DH and I are coffee drinkers. Do they have Splenda on the ship? Just wanted to know if I should throw some packets in a ziploc baggie. TIA

If I have half as much fun as you are they'll have to drag me off the ship kicking and screaming too! LOL


When you get into your room, you better check under your bed..you might find me there.......

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Oh no! Please tell me that Allan won't be there the week of Christmas! Tell me more. We are used to being spoiled in the CL! Good luck with the Quest....that's so much more fun on the smaller ships. Where do you live in NC?

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I'm back on the ship...what a beautiful day on Paradise Beach!!


Magroo~~bring the Splenda

Kathy~~ I will have to grill Drew about that..he is not married now for sure. Love an excuse to chat with him!

Max~~ doll baby describes Abe perfectly!!

Allan is the concierge. That is all I will say, to be kind.;) (I do so miss Ricky from the Explorer)


Donna ~~xoxo..glad you are still "on board" with me.

Diva~~ you still have my phone number?? Call me..but wait till the end of the week...I will be overwhelmed till then. I want to discuss Explorer/Mariner with you anyway.


Tonight is the Quest and I hope to be the "runner".

Dinner in Chops(yummmm and my favorite waiter, Schubert)


Dancing my a$$ off on deck for the party

Need coffee

need a nap

need another few days on this ship

need to be home though

still need a few more days on this ship


Lucky dogs, all of you that will be cruising on her.

I should be nore excited about this cruise, huh???:D :D :D


I have to ask, because I also need to pack some Splenda....are you saying they don't have Splenda at all anymore???? I know last year on the Freedom and the Enchantment they did, but I am hoping that they did not get rid of it altogether. If you have a chance to ask....I would greatly appreciate it, but it is not urgent so I understand if you cannot.


Thanks for the live reports. How cool to be posting from Cozumel.

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We were on the Mariner a week ago and they do have Splenda - at Windjammer for sure (you may have to ask but it was usually on the table), usually not on the table in the DR though. I requested it with a room service breakfast - no problem - and it was stocked at Cafe Promenade by the coffee machines.

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I love your reports! We set sail on Aug. 10 and I'm ready for it to be tomorrow!


I know you posted early in the week that you would post dining room menus. Any luck getting those? My Dh and I have never done a specialty restaurant, but we're considering it for this trip...just want to know what night is when so we can decide whether or not we'll take the plunge!


I hope your last couple days feel like they last forever! Enjoy Quest tonight!

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Hey everyone!! What a night! It's 12:30am and I got in about 15 minutes ago.


Dinner in the dining room..it was ok. The menu didn't thrill me.


Then we went to the Platinum/Diamond reception. Now here is where this gets good. I met Drew Devine, CD, at the reception line and we chatted away. While talking to him (he leaves the ship Sunday till Feb), Abe, the CD replacing him comes over and introduced himself to me. The 3 of us chatted for maybe 10 minutes. Drew is a DOLL, but so was Abe. Anyway, we went in and listened to the speeches, then Drew came and sat down with me and hubby and another couple we were with, and talked with us for maybe 30 minutes. What a nice guy!! I think I may have a new crush!! He just honestly seems like the nicest guy. Abe is a cutie pie!!


Then we went and saw the 80s show..it was ok.


Then was the Battle of the Sexes. Well.......for those who know it, the room was divided in half...male and female as a cheering section, then they pick 5 women and 5 men, like a Family Feud set up and put them on stage and they battle it out one on one with brains and trivia and physical challenges. Anyway, I was one of the women on stage...it was HYSTERICAL. The women won!!!! We had to do some physical battles and the last one was....taking a connect 4 chip..sticking it in you butt crack through the clothing, squeezing it in, and walk with it on the dance floor, over to a bucket and squat and drop it!! I DID IT PERFECTLY!!! lol!!!!


Then I went to the casino and won a little and played till about midnight. I am exhausted again...but what a great way to feel on this ship.


We are getting up about 7am, and plan to be off the ship at 10 to take the taxicab ride to Paradise beach and then go shopping. I don't think I will get to post till late afternoon, but we'll see...



Oh, VA Hockey

Francis Coppola Diamond Series Chadonnay Bottle $39

Isn't Drew a great guy?


If they have it, please don't miss Liar's Club in the Lotus Lounge tomorrow night at 11:15. You won't be disappointed.


Is Katie, Justin, Ting Ting, and Sandra still all onboard?

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I have to ask, because I also need to pack some Splenda....are you saying they don't have Splenda at all anymore???? I know last year on the Freedom and the Enchantment they did, but I am hoping that they did not get rid of it altogether. If you have a chance to ask....I would greatly appreciate it, but it is not urgent so I understand if you cannot.


Thanks for the live reports. How cool to be posting from Cozumel.


I too use Splenda but have found these convenient splenda tablets. They come in a very small container that will fit in your pocket 100 or 200 tablets per container. They can be bought at walmart. They are found on cards with a blister pack over the container. They are called splenda minis and it takes 2 tablets to equal one packet. Go to the splenda website to see the package http://www.splenda.com/page.jhtml?id=splenda/products/flavor_minis.inc

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Good morning!!


For those who know me on this thread..I am up mon -fri at 6am. On weekends I sleep maybe till 7/7:30, but that is usually going to bed at midnight. Are you sitting down?? I JUSTWOKEUP!!


Slept till 9:50am!! For me, that is a record..(of course I din't go to sleep till 3m...lol). here is why........

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Ok, first off....


Good morning dgbg..I have just been soooo busy having the time of my life. Details to follow.


Max's mom~~~We moved to Charlotte from Mass a year ago.


Maybe they are hiding the Splenda...but it it NO WHERE to be seen.


Mydnite~~ yes, formal nights are Mon and Thursday


Jen ~~ I really hope we get to cruise sometime together!!


Went to Chops for dinner last night...it just never dissapoints. It was a wonderful meal with wonderful Schubert as our waiter. We were there till about 8:30, taking our time and enjoying it all


Then I headed to the casino where I made a little money (I have been up and down and up and down).


Then I went dancing up on deck at 10...lots of line dances. But couldn't stay long because....


At 10:30 I went to the ice rink in Studio B to get front row seats for the Quest.


At 11:15, the Quest began, and guess what....I was the female captain for our section!!! WHAT A RIOT!! For those who know the quest, you know what goes on and some of the things I had to do. For those who don't, I will tell you just one thing I had to do...my male captain and partner (a cutie 22 year old kid who was with me in Battle of the Sexes and Finish the Lyrics (he won that one)) had to take a tube of lipstick form someone in our seating section and cover my face with it!! (I had just done the same to him!!!) Then we both had to go into the middle of the rink/floor and wipe our faces on this shirtless guy!! (I cheated..I pretened to in the group..it was just too gross to do!!:eek: :eek: ) Now I have to buy the DVD!! I just had a ball!!


And the sweetie pie Drew actually walked up to me on the floor just after I was picked and the Quest started and hugged me!! I was swooning!! Then he came over to me and hubby after it and talked to us. He is just the SWEETEST GUY!!


After coming to the room to "clean up", I headed to the casino at 12:30 AM where I joined my son and hubby at the Black Jack table. The 3 of us played for about an hour and had a very nice run.


So Donna, that is why you haven't heard from me...lol


Bust day today. I need to get it started, I will post in a few hours



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:) Whew! There you are! I was getting a bit concerned!:o


Denice, it's been fun cruising with you....

If someone on the the Mariner staff finds your hiding place, and forces you off the ship tomorrow, don't be sad.... just remember what we always say, "Living 'here' is like being on a vacation"! ---not a bad life! And just think:rolleyes: of all of the good Mariner memories that you can share with us...and all of the pix you must have taken...

I've got an idea......Maybe Harvey can get the HOA to hire a CD like Drew???

Don't think about the upcoming ride back to NC !!) YUK!!:eek:

Stay positive and think about FREEDOM next July!

miss you!!! xoxo Let's do lunch one day next week so that you can personally tell me all about your super, wonderful cruise!


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Hey all!!


Donna~~~ yes, we will do lunch this week. I have pictures of all my humilating and unforgettable memories on this ship!!


Ok, the Splenda debate...there were 2 tables out of hundreds that had splenda, and I watched a crew filling a bunch of the containers of sweeteners and splenda wasn't part of the deal. So they ARE here, but you might have to ask or search.



I just want to take a few minutes here, though this will not be my last post, to thank everyone for sailing along with me. I have been thrilled to take the time to share, and hope I answered MOST of the questions you had. As you know, I stay busy every minute, so researching or answering them is not always feasible.


This has been the BEST cruise for me yet. I had the time of my life!! But even if you aren't as active or involved as I am, doesn't mean your cruise won't be EVERYTHING you ever wanted. The ship offers something for everyone, and whether you take advantage or not, does not determine who has a better cruise.


I will be posting a few more times today...maybe after HIP HOP lessons at 2.


I have a longggggggggggggggg ride home Sunday, and much to do Monday, so my review with pictures might not occur till Tuesday, put please look for the thread..it will be there. Although if you have followed along from the start, you KNOW how my review will turn out!!!:D :D The pictures may be the added feature...and I intend on posting one with lipstick all over my face!!! My hubby snapped a few good ones of me out there.


There is just nothing like the experience of cruising and I can't wait for hubby and I to board the Freedom next July. You KNOW I will be LIVE again, and getting myself into more mischief!!

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