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Why this itinerary change?


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Plus, I've ignored other options for quite sometime as I was happy with this itinerary. Now, it looks to be somewhat less appealing.


Again, they have the right to make these changes in the same way that the Government has the right to double our income taxes. But just because they have the right doesn't mean that they should do it. If they do, then they should offer a prompt explanation, provide some reasonable level of compensation, and offer *anyone* a return of their deposit if they choose to cancel within a reasonable amount of time.


Obviously, an intinerary change in this case differs from a change due to a hurricane, or something of that nature. When I called Celebrity, their attitude was "We can do whatever we want to. We're not going to do a thing for you. If you don't like, tough luck". I acknowledge their "right", but I didn't appreciate the attitude and continue to believe that they could do something more. An honest explanation would be a good place to start.

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My question is the final price has port taxes added in. If they are dropping a port, shouldn't we see the price go down? I, of course, always check to catch a decrease in price after I have booked, but so far, there hasn't been a change in the final price.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received this from Celebrity.

Thank you for your e-mail.

Our website shows the correct information regarding the itinerary of the Celebrity Solstice for the November 9, 2009 sailing. Rhodes, Greece was recently removed because the ship would have been calling on a Monday. Unfortunately on Mondays in Rhodes, there are no museums or tour operators that are open. Therefore Celebrity made the decision to cut the port of call and extend the stay in Kusadasi until 11:59 PM and leave the rest of the day at sea.

Ms. Wallace, we apologize for any inconveniences or disappointments.

Thank you for choosing Celebrity Cruises.

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I think that is a reasonable response. If they can't organize any ship excursions that day, and you can't even shop, there's not much point in docking there. On a river cruise in 2004, we docked at a port at 8 PM, when everything was closed, and although every port has its own beauty, it was a tad boring.

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Originally Posted by Karynanne

"How has this impacted you this far in advance? I'm not saying that you don't have a right to be dissapointed...but this does happen. I've been on cruises where a listed port has been cancelled in advance, and did not receive any compensation, and you go with the decision."


I think it's quite obvious how anyone has been impacted and I'm surprised that you asked the question. But the short answer is that I wanted to visit Rhodes and would greatly prefer that to a sea day.


I don't know if I'll ever visit the Greek Isles again and missing an island in exchange for nothing is unacceptable, in my opinion. If your opinion differs, that's fine for you.


I don't deny that they have the *right* to do this, but if they do it, I think that they should either offer another port instead or some reasonable level of compensation. Obviously, the key here is "reasonable" as I think that most of us are reasonable people.


Stockjock, I'm with you. Cruise itineraries are extremely important to us (unless we are taking a short cruise or theme cruise or just want to try out a new line) and if they are not to some other people, then those people always have the option to stay on the ship that day and enjoy the ship with far fewer folks onboard. Those who want to get the cruise they booked are entitled to compensation, in my opinion, at the very least all of the port taxes.

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Originally Posted by Karynanne

"How has this impacted you this far in advance? I'm not saying that you don't have a right to be dissapointed...but this does happen. I've been on cruises where a listed port has been cancelled in advance, and did not receive any compensation, and you go with the decision."




Stockjock, I'm with you. Cruise itineraries are extremely important to us (unless we are taking a short cruise or theme cruise or just want to try out a new line) and if they are not to some other people, then those people always have the option to stay on the ship that day and enjoy the ship with far fewer folks onboard. Those who want to get the cruise they booked are entitled to compensation, in my opinion, at the very least all of the port taxes.


I've called them a few times and they've essentially told me to pound sand each time. I told them that at the minimum, I'd at least like a refund of any port fees or taxes directly or indirectly related to the planned stop in Rhodes. They said they won't do a thing and they have the right to change the itinerary. While I don't argue that they do have that right, I think they should do *something*.


I'm not asking for a free cruise, but I do think that some reasonable level of compensation is in order for any anyone who booked prior to the itinerary change. Anyone who disagrees with this is free to do so, but that's my view.

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Ships change itineraries all the time for many reasons and no, they do not owe anyone an obc. I am amazed to see how many people say they book a particular cruise because of one port. That being said, it has been my experience and I don't know why, Celebrity is the best at changing itineraries. They seem to make a habit of it...


Still it isn't anything to get worked up about. Only exception to this would be a cancellation or change with no explanation just prior to sailing.


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Ships change itineraries all the time for many reasons and no, they do not owe anyone an obc. I am amazed to see how many people say they book a particular cruise because of one port. That being said, it has been my experience and I don't know why, Celebrity is the best at changing itineraries. They seem to make a habit of it...


Still it isn't anything to get worked up about. Only exception to this would be a cancellation or change with no explanation just prior to sailing.



Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but again, I disagree.


Here are a few more observations...


I note that the Equinox is scheduled to visit Rhodes on Monday, October 26, 2009. What makes the Equinox so special that they'll be able to stop on a Monday while the Solstice cannot pay a Monday visit?


Also, the Solstice visits Rhodes on Monday, August 24, 2009, so maybe the Equinox isn't so special after all.


I also see that the Azamara Journey (owned by Celebrity) visits Rhodes on Monday October 19, 2009 as well as Monday, November 16, 2009.


I could go on and on with examples (there are apparently plenty of others), but by now my point should be clear. Celebrity's explanation that nearly everything is closed in Rhodes on Mondays would appear to be nonsense. I'd be willing to bet that we could find plenty of other cruise lines visiting Rhodes on a Monday. I'd guess that tourism is simply too important to a small island to pretty much shut down on any given day and the aforementioned facts seem to bear that out.


Beyond that, it's not as if Rhodes just spring up from the sea last month. RCL/Celebrity/Azamara et al have been doing this for a long time. If this was in fact an error, it's inexcusable and they'd be plainly grossly incompetent under the circumstances outlined. Of course, I don't believe it's an error at all and unless I'm missing something, it's entirely possible that they outright lied in their e-mail explanation.


I'll reiterate that I believe that some form of compensation or a reasonable new port-of-call in lieu of is in order. I also think that they owe their customers an accurate explanation as to why the itinerary was altered.

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Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but again, I disagree.


Here are a few more observations...


I note that the Equinox is scheduled to visit Rhodes on Monday, October 26, 2009. What makes the Equinox so special that they'll be able to stop on a Monday while the Solstice cannot pay a Monday visit?


Also, the Solstice visits Rhodes on Monday, August 24, 2009, so maybe the Equinox isn't so special after all.


I also see that the Azamara Journey (owned by Celebrity) visits Rhodes on Monday October 19, 2009 as well as Monday, November 16, 2009.


I could go on and on with examples (there are apparently plenty of others), but by now my point should be clear. Celebrity's explanation that nearly everything is closed in Rhodes on Mondays would appear to be nonsense. I'd be willing to bet that we could find plenty of other cruise lines visiting Rhodes on a Monday. I'd guess that tourism is simply too important to a small island to pretty much shut down on any given day and the aforementioned facts seem to bear that out.


Beyond that, it's not as if Rhodes just spring up from the sea last month. RCL/Celebrity/Azamara et al have been doing this for a long time. If this was in fact an error, it's inexcusable and they'd be plainly grossly incompetent under the circumstances outlined. Of course, I don't believe it's an error at all and unless I'm missing something, it's entirely possible that they outright lied in their e-mail explanation.


I'll reiterate that I believe that some form of compensation or a reasonable new port-of-call in lieu of is in order. I also think that they owe their customers an accurate explanation as to why the itinerary was altered.

why is it everyone always wants something, compensation, refunds, maybe law suites if things dont' go exactly their way? We are talking about months (actually over a year away) I still beleive most people cruise for many reasons, not to see one port.

But you can continue to voice your opinion all you want, this is a public forum and a free country. Thank God




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wow, I am not knocking Celebrity, but pointing out what has been my experience over the years as a travel agent and personally. We have cruised Celebrity 3 times, each time I itinerary was changed. This didn't upset us, but is what happened.




I was under the impression, from everything I've read on these boards, that Celebrity usually refunded port charges, where a cancellation of one port was not replaced by another port.

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We also wrote to Celebrity to complain about dropping Rhodes. We received a telephone call explaining that everything in the port was closed on Mondays. Not being totally satisfied with that response my wife checked other Celebrity cruises and found as others have cruises scheduled for a Monday. So we have again written Celebrity asking for a further explanation or a fare (fair) reduction.

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why is it everyone always wants something, compensation, refunds, maybe law suites if things dont' go exactly their way? We are talking about months (actually over a year away) I still beleive most people cruise for many reasons, not to see one port.

But you can continue to voice your opinion all you want, this is a public forum and a free country. Thank God





I think that the answer in this case is pretty obvious, but since you are not grasping this, I'll explain it in greater detail.


***It's because we are not receiving what we paid for. ***


Now if the itinerary was simply changed with a new port added, then I'm fine.


If the itinerary was altered due to war, weather, The Plague, etc I'm also okay with that.


However, I'm not okay with doing it for the sake of doing it with no reasonable explanation.


The possibility that Celebrity may have lied, i.e. we can't go there on Mondays when they and other cruise lines continue to sail to Rhodes on Mondays, further compounds the matter.


I'm disappointed by this change. It makes no sense to me nor does the explanation. A sea day is pretty unmemorable, in my view. I would remember a stop in Rhodes for the rest of my life. It's not an even trade. I'll possibly never get the opportunity to visit Rhodes again.


I feel that Celebrity should either:


1. Restore Rhodes as a port of call or...

2. Offer to put us on a different cruise with a comparable ship at the same price that stops at Rhodes (assuming the timing works) or...

3. Find another port to stop at instead or...

4. Offer onboard credit as compensation due to the cancellation.


As previously noted, I think this change needs to be explained. So far, their explanations aren't cutting it as they seemingly don't ring true.


Now if you are just fine with the dropping of ports that you have booked at the whim of the cruise line followed up with possible lies as to the reason for the change, then more power to you. However, I don't find this to be acceptable and feel that some form of accommodation is appropriate.


I'm not talking about giving customers the moon and the stars, but merely something that is fair and reasonable.

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We also wrote to Celebrity to complain about dropping Rhodes. We received a telephone call explaining that everything in the port was closed on Mondays. Not being totally satisfied with that response my wife checked other Celebrity cruises and found as others have cruises scheduled for a Monday. So we have again written Celebrity asking for a further explanation or a fare (fair) reduction.


Even if everything is closed at a port of call, I know that I could find a way to enjoy that place. Just walking around would be nice, taking pictures. In fact, it might be more enjoyable since the place would not be full of tourists.

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I think that the answer in this case is pretty obvious, but since you are not grasping this, I'll explain it in greater detail.


***It's because we are not receiving what we paid for.***


Now if the itinerary was simply changed with a new port added, then I'm fine.


If the itinerary was altered due to war, weather, The Plague, etc I'm also okay with that.


However, I"m not okay with doing it for the sake of doing it with no reasonable explanation.


The possibility that Celebrity may have lied, i.e. we can't go there on Mondays when they and other cruise lines continue to sail to Rhodes, further compounds the matter.


I'm disappointed by this change. It makes no sense to me nor does the explanation. A sea day is pretty unmemorable, in my view. I would remember a stop in Rhodes for the rest of my life. It's not an even trade. I'll possibly never get the opportunity to visit Rhodes again.


I feel that Celebrity should either:


1. Restore Rhodes as a port of call or...

2. Offer to put us on a different cruise with a comparable ship at the same price that stops at Rhodes (assuming the timing works) or...

3. Find another port to stop at instead or...

4. Offer on board credit as compensation due to the cancellation.


As previously noted, I think this change needs to be explaned. So far, their explanations aren't cutting it as they seemingly don't ring true.


Now if you are just fine with the dropping of ports that you have booked at the whim of the cruise line followed up with possible lies as to the reason for the change, then more power to you. However, I don't find this to be acceptable and feel that some form of accomodation is appropriate.


I'm not talking about giving customers the moon and the stars, but merely something that is fair and reasonable.


Your argument makes sense to me. Good luck to you.

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what is troubling to me is that folks in the UK can't get their deposit back, even this far out, with an itinerary change.


Of the 4 ports in Greece that we experienced (Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes and Athens) the one we want to return to is Rhodes. And, we plan to return, in October '09. In fact, one of the lures of the particular '09 cruise we have chosen is that it includes Rhodes.


Rhodes seems to be a large enough island to absorb the needs of a cruise ship full of passengers doing independent touring. (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, as I'm certain you will. :rolleyes: ) So, I think the argument that people wouldn't be able to tour there just because the cruise line won't be offering tours doesn't really hold water. We took a taxi to a point of interest, and back, a few hours later; and then spent a half day in the Old Town section of the island, about a 15 minute walk from where the ship (Galaxy) was docked. There were a line of taxis at the dock, all jockeying for our business.


Of course, we went in late May. Perhaps things shut down seasonally, as one of the Old Town shopkeeper's descriptions of the islands in the winter was rather bleak, windy and cold.


Still, I think it would be good sportsmanship on Celebrity's part to let the UK customers out of the contract without having to lose their deposit, especially this far out. For people who are itinerary driven, a day at sea is a sorry substitute for a port that one wants to experience.


We liked Rhodes so much that we are considering trying to trade our Maui timeshare for a week there in the future, :D so for us, it would be a big loss to have Rhodes eliminated in our own cruise.


Good luck to all. Perhaps Celebrity will opt to include another interesting Greek island in its place. One can hope.

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This thread has evoked three different reponses from me.


1) Someone asked about bringing European wines on board. We did this in almost every port, inside a backpack (not carried in our hands!) and never had a problem.


2) We were on Century in the Med last October. One of the main reasons I booked the cruise was because we were supposed to have 2 stops in Morocco. A few days before we left home, we received a phone call that the Morocco stops had been cancelled because of "security concerns". We were disappointed, but what can you do at that late date? However, I notice that they are on some of this year's itineraries.


3) We docked in Valencia on a national holiday! Just about nothing was open--we wandered around, went into a few churches, but basically the place was shut down (it was a Thursday as I recall). It would have been very simple to switch the Valencia stop with a sea day, had they only been willing. So their issue that they aren't stopping in Rhodes because the tour operators are closed is bogus. I'm sure shops and restaurants will be open and it would be great just to wander about! And I also believe any small island would JUMP at the chance to have a boatload of tourists and would have a whole fleet of tour buses lined up at the docks! More digging needs to be done.



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This thread has evoked three different reponses from me.


1) Someone asked about bringing European wines on board. We did this in almost every port, inside a backpack (not carried in our hands!) and never had a problem.


2) We were on Century in the Med last October. One of the main reasons I booked the cruise was because we were supposed to have 2 stops in Morocco. A few days before we left home, we received a phone call that the Morocco stops had been cancelled because of "security concerns". We were disappointed, but what can you do at that late date? However, I notice that they are on some of this year's itineraries.


3) We docked in Valencia on a national holiday! Just about nothing was open--we wandered around, went into a few churches, but basically the place was shut down (it was a Thursday as I recall). It would have been very simple to switch the Valencia stop with a sea day, had they only been willing. So their issue that they aren't stopping in Rhodes because the tour operators are closed is bogus. I'm sure shops and restaurants will be open and it would be great just to wander about! And I also believe any small island would JUMP at the chance to have a boatload of tourists and would have a whole fleet of tour buses lined up at the docks! More digging needs to be done.




Thank you for your comments, Cathy. I think that your remark that digging needs to be done is a good one.


I'd encourage anyone impacted by this change to call and/or write to Celebrity. If you don't like the answers you receive, and you probably won't at this stage, then continue to call and/or write until you get a reasonable response.


Of course, those who believe that we passengers are entitled to absolutely nothing and should accept whatever changes and possible lies that are thrown our way, should simply follow their own advice and not worry about it.

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I'll say this, and then say no more:


This is the policy of every mass-market cruise line I know. Know before you go, buyer beware, etc. It really should not be taken as a personal insult, nor should passengers be compensated (IMHO) if the duration of their cruise is not reduced by the change in itinerary.

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I'll say this, and then say no more:


This is the policy of every mass-market cruise line I know. Know before you go, buyer beware, etc. It really should not be taken as a personal insult, nor should passengers be compensated (IMHO) if the duration of their cruise is not reduced by the change in itinerary.


If someone is charged port taxes to visit a port that the cruise line cancels for their own reasons and makes no substitutions, then at the very least, those port taxes should be returned to the cruiser and not stay in the pocket of the cruise line.

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If someone is charged port taxes to visit a port that the cruise line cancels for their own reasons and makes no substitutions, then at the very least, those port taxes should be returned to the cruiser and not stay in the pocket of the cruise line.

They always are....and the odd time it does not automatically happens, it's real quick & easy to get that reversed.



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My question is the final price has port taxes added in. If they are dropping a port, shouldn't we see the price go down? I, of course, always check to catch a decrease in price after I have booked, but so far, there hasn't been a change in the final price.

Port taxes charges for a cancelled port are genrally AUTOMATICALLY reversed. If not,( rarely), easy and quick to get it fixed.



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Today we received another telephone call from Celebrity regarding the cancellation of Rhodes in response to the second letter we sent. Celebrity suggested that since the sailing was so far off we change our date. When informed there were two other couples in our party who due to their jobs were locked into that date, they had no suggestions. When we suggested that an obc would be appropriate they said no. They claim this was done so far ahead a refund of any kind was not required. They also stated that the savings to them was insignificant.


Celebrity stuck to their story that the port and museums were closed on Mondays. They refused to comment when advised other Celebrity ships and Royal Carribean lines were making Monday stops at Rhodes.


Basically we were told if you do not like it cancel. They do not are how many previous cruises you have been on, or how many people you have introduced to their lines. If this was a port canceled in mid cruise because of weather we would not say a word and have not previously.


I suggest that those who are upset over this action by Celebrity write the and make yourselfs known.

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Today we received another telephone call from Celebrity regarding the cancellation of Rhodes in response to the second letter we sent. Celebrity suggested that since the sailing was so far off we change our date. When informed there were two other couples in our party who due to their jobs were locked into that date, they had no suggestions. When we suggested that an obc would be appropriate they said no. They claim this was done so far ahead a refund of any kind was not required. They also stated that the savings to them was insignificant.


Celebrity stuck to their story that the port and museums were closed on Mondays. They refused to comment when advised other Celebrity ships and Royal Carribean lines were making Monday stops at Rhodes.


Basically we were told if you do not like it cancel. They do not are how many previous cruises you have been on, or how many people you have introduced to their lines. If this was a port canceled in mid cruise because of weather we would not say a word and have not previously.


I suggest that those who are upset over this action by Celebrity write the and make yourselfs known.


Did you write a letter or send an e-mail? Where did you send whatever it was to?

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We mailed both letters to Celebrity Cruises, 1080 Caribbean Way, Miami, Florida 33132. We included our reservation number and Captain's Club numbers for all the good they did. Hope that helps you.


Thanks. I'll probably send a letter as well. I'm sure that the more response they receive, the more likely they will be to adjust things in some form or other.

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