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Holiday to Ibero Cruceros?

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It is being reported on a spanish forum that the Holiday will go to Ibero Cruceros in June 2009 as "Grand Holiday". This is the press release, if you cant understand it, it basically mentions that their growth was slower than expected and towards the bottom it says that they are expecting the Grand Holiday in June next year.


La compañía de cruceros cree que se está produciendo un retraso en las ventas pero destaca el potencial del mercado español



Iberocruceros, la nueva compañía de cruceros nacida de la creación de una 'joint venture' entre Orizonia y Costa Cruceros, está registrando un crecimiento menor de lo esperado, debido principalmente a la crisis inmobiliaria y a los altos precios del petróleo que están produciendo un "efecto dominó" y retrasando las ventas de los cruceros.


La directora de Producto de Iberocruceros, Bárbara Barceló, explicó a Europa Press que la compañía se había marcado un crecimiento del 40%, teniendo en cuenta el incremento previsto de la capacidad. "Tenemos unas mayores ventas pero no llegan al 40%, que era nuestro objetivo como mínimo", recalcó Barceló.


En este sentido, Barceló recordó que este año hubo elecciones en España y hasta ese momento el Gobierno frenó el anuncio de la existencia de la crisis. Además, el mal tiempo --que siempre retrasa las ventas-- y el efecto dominó de los problemas en el sector inmobiliario y el alto precio del petróleo han afectado a las ventas.


"Nosotros no vamos mal, pero pensamos que es un año difícil, y de hecho en otros sectores turísticos también se está notando", consideró Barceló, quien señaló que "se nota que la gente no tiene liquidez".


No obstante, la compañía tiene previsto transportar entre marzo y noviembre unos 110.000 pasajeros y el año que viene, tras la incorporación de un nuevo barco a principios de junio, incrementar los pasajeros en 25.000 más, "según rutas y programación".


Pese a que el precio del petróleo afecta "mucho" a las compañías de cruceros, la directora de Producto de Iberocruceros aseguró que no están previstas nuevos incrementos del recargo por combustible, que "siempre es lo más ajustado posible".


La compañía de cruceros --75% en manos de Orizonia y un 25% perteneciente a Costa Cruceros-- aplica desde el pasado mes de febrero un recargo por el combustible. Así, en el caso de cruceros sin billetes de avión en rutas por el Mediterráneo se aplica un recargo de 40 euros, frente a los 55 euros de rutas europeas con vuelos chárter incluidos, mientras que en cruceros por el Caribe el recargo asciende a 90 euros.


Por otra parte, Barceló recordó que Iberocruceros cuenta con una política comercial, denominada 'Ahorro Express', en la que la compañía se compromete a publicar el precio más bajo y el más alto en el catalogo, aunque automáticamente se aplica el precio más bajo, lo que supone que nadie que compre anticipadamente su crucero encontrará después precios más barato. "No queremos romperla porque allí está nuestra imagen de fidelidad, pero nos ata un poco las manos en una situación como la actual", recalcó la directora de Producto de la compañía.




La directora de producto de Iberocruceros destacó el potencial del mercado español, teniendo en cuenta que "no es un mercado maduro y aun tiene un buen recorrido de crecimiento". De esta forma, las novedades que se lanzan en España "aunque sean más caras tienen aceptación".


Así, Barceló aseguró que "sigue habiendo crecimiento" en el mercado español y que incluso se están captado clientes de otros destinos. La directora de Producto de Iberocruceros recordó que "hay ofertas de crucero muy baratas", que pueden ser una "alternativa" para un turista de 'sol y playa' de corta distancia.


Barceló recalcó que el producto que comercializa Iberocruceros es un "100% para españoles", tanto en lo referente a comida, menús y animación, como con respecto a idioma de abordo y horarios. "Eso gusta mucho", recalcó.


La directora de Producto de Iberocruceros consideró que, tras la creación de la 'joint venture' "lo más importante es conseguir que la calidad de los cruceros siga en línea con lo que fue Iberojet". "La marca Iberocruceros no se conocía pero el cliente y los agentes de viajes nos identifican con Iberojet Cruceros, por lo que es importante mantener la satisfacción y los niveles de calidad", explicó Barceló.


Iberojet Cruceros, del grupo Orizonia, operaba desde 2003 con barcos propios, el 'Gran Mistral', ' Gran Voyager' y 'Gran Latino'. El pasado septiembre, firmó una alianza con Carnival Corporation a través de su filial europea --Costa Cruceros-- con la que creaba una 'joint venture' denominada Iberocruceros. La nueva compañía cuenta ahora con los barcos 'Gran Mistral', ' Gran Voyager' y el 'Gran Celebration' y prevé recibir el 'Gran Holydays' en junio del año que viene.

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If the Holiday has to be in Spain by June, and the Sensation is going in for dry dock in February.....i wonder if the Sensation will go to Mobile when she's finished with the refurbish......things that make us go HMMMMMMM....over and over again!!

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I'm waiting with baited breath about when and which ship will be coming to Mobile. I will be thrilled if the Sensation comes there for several reasons. Fantasy class sized ships are my favorite and it's close to home. I won't have to deal with flying! ! :)

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The next question...will Mobile be without a ship for several months from Holiday leaving and a new ship arriving. I know Jax has been without a ship since mid-April and wont get Fascination until Sept.


Carnival's contract with Mobile runs out in October of this year.

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The next question...will Mobile be without a ship for several months from Holiday leaving and a new ship arriving. I know Jax has been without a ship since mid-April and wont get Fascination until Sept.


Carnival's contract with Mobile runs out in October of this year.


This makes me incredibly nervous! We have an extended family cruise planned for November on the Holiday. Does anyone know how far in advance they would typically be making this sort of announcement???

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This makes me incredibly nervous! We have an extended family cruise planned for November on the Holiday. Does anyone know how far in advance they would typically be making this sort of announcement???


I think you will be fine in November. I wouldn't look for any movement til after the first of the year. They're talking about June of 2009. It won't take that long to get the ship refitted for the new line.

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I look forward to seeing what is coming to Mobile and maybe New Orleans, as I can drive to both of these ports. Waiting before I book my 2010 cruise. New Orleans or Mobile does not have anything on the schedule after December 2009. :D

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Im surprised the Mobile Register doesnt have an article about this.


I would expect an announcement from Carnival with the next few days/weeks.


We've been waiting for this announcement for more than 2 years now.


Don't hold your breath.

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We've been waiting for this announcement for more than 2 years now.


Don't hold your breath.


Yep. I have been around during all the rumors, but this is the first time someone outside of Mobile and on the ship Holiday has confirmed that Holiday is being transferred to IC, with definite dates as when she will start sailing in Spain.


Wouldnt have made much since to announce anything until those dates were secure with the shipyard.


I would expect now Carnival will issues an announcement in line with what they did for Celebration. If it doesnt happen by Early Aug, I would be shocked.

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Put me on the list of folks that can easily drive to the New Orleans and Mobile ports, and that can't wait to see what happens with the Carnival ships. :)


We just got off of Inspiration (Tampa port) last week, and don't expect to cruise again until 2010. I can't wait to find out what ships will be where and what ports they will be visiting.

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I'm really interested in what they are going to do in New Orleans and Mobile as those are the only two that we can drive to in one day comfortably.


I would love to see a Conquest class ship in New Orleans.

New Orleans is coming back and I love to sail from there.



And what I gather from what has been said is that any currently booked Holiday cruises, like the one I have in January, should be good to go. I really don't mind being moved to another ship, I just really don't want to be canceled and left high and dry.

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My son translated the article, which follows:




The company of cruises thinks that a delay in the sales is taking place but it emphasizes the potential of the Spanish market MADRID, 13 Jul. (EUROPE PRESS) - Iberocruceros, the new company of cruises been born from the one creation ' joint venture' between Orizonia and Costa Cruises, it is registering a smaller growth of the awaited thing, had mainly to the real estate crisis and to the high prices of petroleum that are producing " effect dominó" and delaying the sales of the cruises.

The Product director of Iberocruceros, Barceló Barbarian, explained Europe Press that the company had marked a growth of 40%, considering the anticipated increase of the capacity. " We have majors sales but they do not arrive at 40%, that it was our objective like mínimo" , it stressed Barceló. In this sense, Barceló it remembered that this year were elections in Spain and until that moment the Government restrained the announcement of the existence of the crisis. In addition, bad weather --that it always delays the sales-- and the effect dominated of the problems in the real estate sector and the high price of petroleum has affected the sales.

" We do not go bad, but we thought that it is a difficult year, and in fact in other tourist sectors also he is notando" , Barceló considered, that indicated that " note that people do not have liquidez". However, the company has predicted to transport between March and November next year about 110,000 passengers and, after the incorporation of a new boat at the beginning of June, to increase the passengers in 25.000 more, " according to routes and programación". Although the price of petroleum affects " mucho" to the companies of cruises, the Product director of Iberocruceros assured that new increases of the surcharge by fuel are not predicted, that " posible" is always fit;.

The company of cruises --75% into the hands of Orizonia and a 25% pertaining to Coast Cruises-- it the past applies from month of February a surcharge by the fuel. Thus, in the case of cruises without tickets of airplane in routes by the Mediterranean a surcharge of 40 Euros is applied, against the 55 Euros of European routes with flights charter including, whereas in cruises by the Caribbean the surcharge ascends to 90 Euros.

On the other hand, Barceló remembered that Iberocruceros counts on a commercial policy, denominated ' Express' saving; , in that the company is committed to publish highest the lowest price and in the catalogue, although automatically the lowest price is applied, which supposes that nobody that it buys early its cruise will find prices later more cheap. " We do not want to break it because there it is our image of fidelity, but it ties a little to us the hands in a situation like actual" , it stressed the Product director of the company. SPAIN, A MARKET WITH GOOD ROUTE

The product director of Iberocruceros emphasized the potential of the Spanish market, considering that " it is not a mature market and she even has a good route of crecimiento". Of this form, the new features that send in Spain " although they are more expensive have aceptación". Thus, Barceló assured that " it continues being crecimiento" in the Spanish market and that has even attracted clients of other destinies. The Product director of Iberocruceros remembered that " baratas" are supplies of cruise very; , that can be one " alternativa" for a tourist of ' sun and playa' of short distance.

Barceló stressed that the product that commercializes Iberocruceros is " 100% for españoles" , as much with respect to food, menus and animation, like with respect to language of attack and schedules. " That likes mucho" , it stressed. The Product director of Iberocruceros considered that, after the creation of ' joint venture' " most important she is to obtain than the quality of the cruises follows in line and so it was Iberojet". " The Iberocruceros mark was not known but the client and the agents of trips identify with Iberojet Cruises to us, reason why it is important to maintain the satisfaction and the levels of calidad" , Barceló explained.

Iberojet Cruises, of the Orizonia group, operated from 2003 with own boats, ' Great Mistral' , ' Great Voyager' and ' Great Latino'. The past September, signed an alliance with Carnival Corporation through its European branch --Coast Cruises-- with that ' created one; joint venture' denominated Iberocruceros. The new company now counts on the boats ' Great Mistral' , ' Great Voyager' and ' Great Celebration' and it anticipates to receive ' Great Holydays' in June of next year.

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I just got the inside scoop from my guy at Carnival, and I'm told that the Fantasy is going into dry dock in September to get all the upgrades, cabins redone, the works...and then the Fantasy is going to Mobile! early 2009, when the Holiday moves to spain....

And the Triumph is going to New Orleans...

Hope this happens! I would love to go on the new improved Fantasy outa Mobile...it's the closest port to me...


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I just got the inside scoop from my guy at Carnival, and I'm told that the Fantasy is going into dry dock in September to get all the upgrades, cabins redone, the works...and then the Fantasy is going to Mobile! early 2009, when the Holiday moves to spain....

And the Triumph is going to New Orleans...

Hope this happens! I would love to go on the new improved Fantasy outa Mobile...it's the closest port to me...




From your lips to the "cruising god's" ears!!! I would LOVE IT!!!

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That would be awesome we will be porting out of one of those next year. It's a 12-14 hour drive to Galveston, NO or Mobile so I would love to have some more options and bigger ships. Closest is galveston but since RC pulled out in the summer time their prices have gotten way out of hand. I prefer to drive the extra couple of hours to one of the other ports where it's more reasonably priced.

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That would be awesome we will be porting out of one of those next year. It's a 12-14 hour drive to Galveston, NO or Mobile so I would love to have some more options and bigger ships. Closest is galveston but since RC pulled out in the summer time their prices have gotten way out of hand. I prefer to drive the extra couple of hours to one of the other ports where it's more reasonably priced.

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I just got the inside scoop from my guy at Carnival, and I'm told that the Fantasy is going into dry dock in September to get all the upgrades, cabins redone, the works...and then the Fantasy is going to Mobile! early 2009, when the Holiday moves to spain....



And the Triumph is going to New Orleans...


Hope this happens! I would love to go on the new improved Fantasy outa Mobile...it's the closest port to me...




Any idea when in "early 2009" the Fantasy will transfer to Mobile? We are booked on the Jan. 1 cruise and already have hotel reservations for New Years Eve in New Orleans. We'll need to change our hotel reservations. HELP!! Thanks.

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