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Always Angry?

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I really don't have anything to add to this little rant, but a quirky little observation.


Does anyone but me find it humorous that a thread about why are people angry has a bunch of people labeling members of the forum as all sorts of things, from keyboard cowboys, chronic complainers, almost trolls, cowards, snobby, cruiseline apologists, and a few other similar things in the first 50 or so posts. I can't wait til it gets to a few 100.


O, I lied, I do have one thing to actually add....

I think a lot of people think because someone doesn't agree with them that they are wrong or wrong headed, and therefore they must be angry.






jc....now that makes me angry!:rolleyes::D

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Leejnd4, I agree with you. A person cruising or any traveler for that matter deserves a clean cabin/room with a working toliet. Clean linen and towels. That has to be a must. A traveler deserves a tasty meal with excellent service. I agree that the crew should be helpful and pleasing to the traveler. What I am trying to say is that there are people who are never happy. If they want a Four Seasons and 5 star dining then go to the Four Seasons or try a more upscale cruiseline. If you know RCI doesn't cater to that 5 star rating don't cruise on RCI. I am saying that there are people who will find fault with the smallest of problems. My point and what I am trying to say is that some posters bash RCI and yet still return. Why? If you don't like something speak up and tell a person in charge. If you don't like a service then at the end of the cruise the tip should be less than what you were going to give. I do agree everyone deserves a wonderful, safe and memorable vacation.


Oh, I know exactly the type of people you're talking about. I think we've all experienced at least one of them (or, worse, had one as a mother-in-law :eek: ). One time years ago, my Mom and I were in Venice for the first time, and just loving it. There was this guy who we started calling "Mr. Ugly American" behind his back - he was staying at our hotel, and we kept encountering him, and I guess because we were all Americans he decided we were buds. But all he ever talked about was how horrible everything was, and how everyone was trying to rip us off, and everything is a scam...One time we did a little tour to a glass factory on Murano, and the whole time he kept whispering behind his hand to us everything that was wrong - the boat driver wasn't actually taking us to Murano, the glass factory didn't really make this glass, it was imported from Asia, it's all over-priced junk, it's all a rip-off. Later that night we ran into him out and about, and he stopped us to chat and launched into this long shpiel about the horrible dinner he had, and how bad the service in the restaurant was. The hotel was terrible, they were charging us twice as much as people from European countries, the staff were untrained and rude (not to ME they weren't - but they probably were to him!), yadda yadda. We got to the point where if we'd see him, we'd slip around the corner and run the other way! And then, bizarrely, as we were checking out in the lobby, he saw us and ran up to us to give us big hugs and tell us what a wonderful time he had with us! LOL!


I'm sure there's a whole psychology behind that type of person. I guess I'm just grateful that *I'M* not like that!

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No body ever said that human nature was pretty..... :D


As for being the victim, I guess I just don't take internet boards that seriously. Everyone could just jump all over what I just posted - and I would just shake my head and laugh. I don't know most of the people here and just don't give them the power to hurt me. Only my friends and people I care about can really hurt me.


I agree.... why take posts on a cruise message board so seriously?? Why does anyone who feels attacked and violated in such dramatic fashion even bother coming back?? Life's way too short to empower a bunch of strangers in such a way. I just ignore the whiners and name callers (except when they are a good entertainment value ;))

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I know the feeling.....I posted a few times and I am always atacked by the know it alls.....I need to learn not to fire back....IT'S HARD NOT to



I agree with you, it's hard not to.


But in reality, nothing you write will help, it only infuriates people even more. You don't need to use the ignore button, just ignore them yourself. As long as you respond, you give mean people more ammunition and opportunity to belittle and annoy you even further.


I'm of the belief that the majority of people know the difference between a logical post and one where the person is only attempting to inflame someone's feelings. I've been the target a few times myself and unfortunately got caught up in the ping pong game a few times. I walked away feeling a bit wounded until I asked myself if I really cared what that bozo thought of me - and the answer is no, I don't care.


It's hard to convey your true thoughts and feelings and people cannot easily read your tone all the time. There are people who seemingly don't even read the entire post and make wrong assumptions, there are people who just don't "get it" and there are people who turn your statements around to what they presume you are saying, all the while misinterpreting you.


I have found that simply not responding is the best method of flattening their tires. I don't need to play that game and I'm certainly not going to take CC comments on a personal level.


I also feel that we don't need to agree on everything here, that would be boring. You can disagree, give another opinion, be funny and all else without being personal and without immature name calling.

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Just an example of how people can so easily get their feelings hurt, there was a thread a couple of years ago where the person asked if people liked Croc shoes. A valid question and people responded how they liked them or hated them, it was really pretty entertaining.


I followed another thread (not intending to) and came across a discussion some of the Croc wearers stated they were so hurt they actually stayed up nights agonizing over it and some even formed an email support group to help each other with their feelings.


Huh :confused: I just can't grasp the fact that someone is hurt because someone else doesn't like what they like. Are we really all that sensitive to what a complete stranger may think? Do you really feel you need to defend yourself over a remark someone made on an anonymous message board?

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I could really care less whether some one likes or dislikes my choices...we live in this so called democracy but there are some rather opinionated know it alls on this board that manage to crawl out of the woodwork and ignorantly espouse on all sorts of topics. If they are contradicted ,all the better, a free license to verbally attack others on a personal level .

And yes as in all walks of life there are posters that are very sensitive to this personal confrontation. If they stay on these boards long enough they will begin to see that this is a sick trend with these particular posters.

I am embarassed to admit but at times I find the behavior of these aggressive rednecks rather fascinating. Like the moth to the flame??

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Just an example of how people can so easily get their feelings hurt, there was a thread a couple of years ago where the person asked if people liked Croc shoes. A valid question and people responded how they liked them or hated them, it was really pretty entertaining.


I followed another thread (not intending to) and came across a discussion some of the Croc wearers stated they were so hurt they actually stayed up nights agonizing over it and some even formed an email support group to help each other with their feelings.


Huh :confused: I just can't grasp the fact that someone is hurt because someone else doesn't like what they like. Are we really all that sensitive to what a complete stranger may think? Do you really feel you need to defend yourself over a remark someone made on an anonymous message board?

Yes, some people are exactly like that. We seem to have more here than in the general population.:eek:



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Just an example of how people can so easily get their feelings hurt, there was a thread a couple of years ago where the person asked if people liked Croc shoes. A valid question and people responded how they liked them or hated them, it was really pretty entertaining.


I followed another thread (not intending to) and came across a discussion some of the Croc wearers stated they were so hurt they actually stayed up nights agonizing over it and some even formed an email support group to help each other with their feelings.


Huh :confused: I just can't grasp the fact that someone is hurt because someone else doesn't like what they like. Are we really all that sensitive to what a complete stranger may think? Do you really feel you need to defend yourself over a remark someone made on an anonymous message board?


LMAO!! Wow. For real?


I always thought of croc wearers(word?) as not caring what others thought. Wouldn't you have to be to wear those horrible things? hehe;)

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Yes, some people are exactly like that. We seem to have more here than in the general population.:eek:




I disagree. I think that CC is a microcosm of our society - a subset, if you will. The only real difference (IMO) is that cruisers tend to be a more affluent group than society at large - hey, we can afford to cruise! But I think that we have no more or less of any one personality type than you might find in a standard office building. Our personalities just manifest themselves differently on a message board.


I still think that an indepth analysis of Message Board Behavior would be a fascinating thesis! :D


(Oh, and PLEASE don't hate me for disagreeing with you, or call me any names or say awful things about me...or I might just have to go call my Cruise Critic Victims Support Group to keep me from slitting my wrists in despair!) :p

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I disagree. I think that CC is a microcosm of our society - a subset, if you will. The only real difference (IMO) is that cruisers tend to be a more affluent group than society at large - hey, we can afford to cruise! But I think that we have no more or less of any one personality type than you might find in a standard office building. Our personalities just manifest themselves differently on a message board.


I still think that an indepth analysis of Message Board Behavior would be a fascinating thesis! :D


(Oh, and PLEASE don't hate me for disagreeing with you, or call me any names or say awful things about me...or I might just have to go call my Cruise Critic Victims Support Group to keep me from slitting my wrists in despair!) :p


And I do NOT think CC is a fair representation of society at large.


You make the assumption that an even number of all "types" frequent the boards. And that is just not so. You have a number of posters who happen to work at jobs that allow them to be on line during work hours (yes, I know that is a shocker...:D ). And then you have shut-ins and people who find it hard to get out that spend a large amount of time on the computer. And then you have the segment of the population that doesn't have a life - and so their on-line world is their life.


But there is also a large segment of the population that has a life or work in jobs that do not allow continuous internet use.


So you end up with a weighted population here that has a greater percentage of "misfits' (how is that for a nicer way to describe these members) in the general posting population.


I have to vote with jc here...... :o ;) :D

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I disagree. I think that CC is a microcosm of our society - a subset, if you will. The only real difference (IMO) is that cruisers tend to be a more affluent group than society at large - hey, we can afford to cruise! But I think that we have no more or less of any one personality type than you might find in a standard office building. Our personalities just manifest themselves differently on a message board.


I still think that an indepth analysis of Message Board Behavior would be a fascinating thesis! :D


(Oh, and PLEASE don't hate me for disagreeing with you, or call me any names or say awful things about me...or I might just have to go call my Cruise Critic Victims Support Group to keep me from slitting my wrists in despair!) :p


Why would I do that? You are one of my most eloquent allies on smuggling threads. :D



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And I do NOT think CC is a fair representation of society at large.


You make the assumption that an even number of all "types" frequent the boards. And that is just not so. You have a number of posters who happen to work at jobs that allow them to be on line during work hours (yes, I know that is a shocker...:D ). And then you have shut-ins and people who find it hard to get out that spend a large amount of time on the computer. And then you have the segment of the population that doesn't have a life - and so their on-line world is their life.


But there is also a large segment of the population that has a life or work in jobs that do not allow continuous internet use.


So you end up with a weighted population here that has a greater percentage of "misfits' (how is that for a nicer way to describe these members) in the general posting population.


I have to vote with jc here...... :o ;) :D

O O another eloquent poster there. Which group do I fit in? Misfits?:eek:



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I don't think this represents a cross cut of society either but what makes this board rather fascinating is that there are individuals from all walks of life and many different cultures. Since cruising has changed and is further opened to more economic classes so have the views and opinions changed. Heck can imagine jeans and cruises in the same sentence 10 years ago!

Anger is often based on fear. Could these "angry" individuals be afraid that they do not measure up to what others have or know? Are they actually victims in their own world off screen?

And no I am not Dr Phil.

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I don't think this represents a cross cut of society either but what makes this board rather fascinating is that there are individuals from all walks of life and many different cultures. Since cruising has changed and is further opened to more economic classes so have the views and opinions changed. Heck can imagine jeans and cruises in the same sentence 10 years ago!

Anger is often based on fear. Could these "angry" individuals be afraid that they do not measure up to what others have or know? Are they actually victims in their own world off screen?

And no I am not Dr Phil.


We are definately a varied group of individuals here! :)

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And I do NOT think CC is a fair representation of society at large.


You make the assumption that an even number of all "types" frequent the boards. And that is just not so. You have a number of posters who happen to work at jobs that allow them to be on line during work hours (yes, I know that is a shocker...:D ). And then you have shut-ins and people who find it hard to get out that spend a large amount of time on the computer. And then you have the segment of the population that doesn't have a life - and so their on-line world is their life.


But there is also a large segment of the population that has a life or work in jobs that do not allow continuous internet use.


So you end up with a weighted population here that has a greater percentage of "misfits' (how is that for a nicer way to describe these members) in the general posting population.


I have to vote with jc here...... :o ;) :D


and the truth will stand when the world is on fire:cool:

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I think that folks that would really like to be total jerks in real life but don't have the marbles to, feel OK to do so in the anonymity of cyberspace.


We 'own' a local sports message board in our town, and some of the biggest jerks on the board won't even speak when you see them in person at a game, etc - not because they're jerks, but because they're shy/introverted/whatever... We know who they are, because we moderate who comes onto the board (it's a closed board - members have to be approved), but they don't know that we're the 'owners'. Nice as pie in person, and then they'll come on the board and shred the person they were just having a beverage with at the rink, or the ballpark, or wherever.


It's the beauty of cyberspace, I guess... But, you never know when the person you picked on about their Crocs is going to show up at a Meet and Mingle on your cruise... Personally, I think live and let live - and I choose not to allow online jerks to bug me too much. But, don't be picking on my Crocs! ;) (not really, they hurt my feet... Anyone have a problem with flip flops? :p)


- Jill

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English please...... You are too deep. Or I am too shallow. I lost you here. :o



you speak the truth everyone knows, but no one wants to say..,emperor has no clothes kinda thing...

was one of my grandma's fave biblical quotes

long story short... i agreed with you!:cool:

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you speak the truth everyone knows, but no one wants to say..,emperor has no clothes kinda thing...

was one of my grandma's fave biblical quotes

long story short... i agreed with you!:cool:


Ahhh, thank you....for the explanation. Aren't grandma's wonderful! Oh, and thank you for agreeing with me too. :D

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Everyone realizes this is a message board right? It is a forum to discuss good or bad concerning cruises. A big part of the success of Cruise Critic is the controversial topics discussed. I have been on here a long time and have helped many onboard and online, yet I also have not been one to turn my head when someone has come down on me regarding my review or observations regarding cruising. If you post something that is not true, I think it is fair game, minus any name calling. Below, I do have a couple observations that continue to baffle me.


Over the years CC message board has developed groupies. You post a topic and BAM it is suddenly 5 on 1. Whether they agree with each other or not. Good example one of the resident know it alls spent all day telling me about Hurricane routes, He is Canadian and I live in the tropics LOL. I even produced links to dispute his arrogance, next thing you know it was about 10 on 1 and a free for all. Crazy stuff, but unfortunately, I am sure it is a good example of the success of the CC site.


We have the 5000+ posters clubs. Do you actually realize how much time you have to spend on here to accumilate that many posts? Most of these people are members under 3 years. WOW, talk about being married to your computer.


The old he is complaining so therefore he has a miserable life/angry. Again it is a message board and it is designed to post the good and the bad. I have posted negative observations in the past and have been accused of this, but I really have never had a bad cruise, well ok once, NCL Majesty lol.

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