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Dying to Hear How Bad the Majesty Trip Back Was


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I've been following this threat with interest and I was not there but would like to make a few general comments - Yes I'm sure it was very frightening and uncomfortable but like others I would have tried to make the best of a bad situation (that has to be done many times in life not only on sea on vacation). I too would have felt bad about the inconvience it would have caused many people but it is a fact of life that things happen. Not all goes as we want it to.


Just my take on it as an outsider looking in.


I liked your comment. Was the fifth word a Fruedian slip? ;) If I could control the weather, no one would have rain on their vacations or wedding days, but I can't. I suppose NCL can't either.


I understand people being upset, and, of course I won't be upset since my 10/31 cruise was smooth sailing and not a drop of rain, and I can understand people being upset, but a cruiseline can only accept so much responsibility. We missed a port and spent an extra day at sea on our cruise because the private island was flattened by the hurricanes, but it did not ruin my trip at all and I'm not looking for someone to blame.


I had the opportunity to speak to the crew of the Dawn right after they sailed the same week with much turbulance. They had also been in contact with the crew from the majesty. It was clear that many of the passengers took their anger and disappointment out on the crew. THey mistreated some and treated them disrespectfully. The people I spoke to were too professional to go into great detail, but I imagine crew members who are just as sick and scared having to go about their daily routines no matter what. I'd much rather have the job of being a cruiser in a storm than a crew member in a storm.


I hope that those who were disappointed will get the courage to try cruising again. It really can be alot of fun.

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I so agree with you as I've seen many times passengers treating crew as if everything that goes wrong is the crew's fault and that's not so. Yes I've had my problems with crew but you do what you can do and go on - don't let things out of everyone's control ruin your vacation and I still say people are way too quick to shout reimbursement -- (I was on Royal Caribbean cruise for Mardi Gras and due to the wreck we were unable to dock in New Orleans - was I upset yes - did I let it ruin my time or take it out on the crew No. There were many who were so mad about it and there was nothing the cruise lines could do. Again some were looking for reimbursement - it's just one of those things that happen. We had a wonderful cruise because we didn't let it take that away from us. You just shift gears and go on.

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Hi,,,If you look at my original sentence, I had placed several excalmation points at the end, to sort of lighten things up, I thought. You have commented on two of my postings. First, I had asked someone if they were on the ship only to gain their perspective and you said it didn't matter whether someone was on the ship. It was relevant to me, because I wanted to know how they felt about the cruise, that's all. Second, calling my "connection to NCL" sentence unfair....I didn't mean that seriously. I thought the numerous exclamations would make it clear it wasn't meant that way. I have read so many other postings that weren't commented on, so I am curious why mine have been? This is my first time, ever, in any forum like this. Perhaps I am not up on the protocol, I honestly don't know. icon5.gif I have not felt very welcomed,,,,perhaps because people don't like what I am saying? But, bottom line is, I was stating how I felt. Other passengers needn't defend NCL. They are a large corporation who can take care of themselves. I am just surprised at how people rush to their defense. icon7.gif That's all.

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I liked your last sentence, that you hope people will try cruising again. That made me feel good, for whatever reason. Actually, this Majesty cruise was my 5th. My experiences have always been wonderful..I may try cruising again, but certainly not in the Atlantic!!!!..as far as people mistreating the crew,I hope people didn't take it out on them. We knew they were working as hard and fast as they could. It makes me feel bad that people would do that, as they were simply there to do a job. The crew we spoke with were frightened by the conditions also, and some did not feel well because of motion sickness but they were there faithfully and dutifully fulfilling their obligations. I saw one woman yelling at a bartender because she wanted a free soda, but other than that, I thought people seemed fairly well-behaved. However, it sounds like some people were not so nice. I thought the crew was awesome, given what they were faced with. When we pulled into Boston, two of the crew told us they were still walking around in water in their quarters and that their shoes were soaked.......:(

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Just so you are aware - the use of multiple exclamation point usually indicates that the writer is trying to place extreme emphasis on the statement being made. If you wish to indicate that you are making a lighthearted statement, I would suggest next time that you make use of the emoticons or smilies - such as :D or ;) or even :p . Even a simple LOL (which means Laughing out Loud) would do. You've stated that you are new to this, so I'll accept that you were trying to make the statement lighthearted with the added exclamation points. There are a few other helpful tips for general forum posting with might be of use to you in the future. For instance - typing in ALL CAPS is considered "shouting". Little combinations of keys on your keyboard can make little smilies also - such as

semicolon and right parenthesis make a winking face, or a colon and right parenthesis make a smiling face. These can be used anytime a forum does not supply smilies like this forum does. If you want to use a smilie on this forum, simply go over to the right and click on the one you want to use. It will automatically appear in the place where your curser is blinking. I hope this helps you, and I apologize if you felt I was being to harsh on you. I simply felt that there were far too many people who were blaming NCL for things which were totally out of the control of the company and the crew. Also, I hope you will cruise again - somewhere - anywhere. It's a wonderful way to relax! Hope you have a wonderful week. :D

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I like some of the most recent comments. I have been in emergency services for 27 years. What triggers fear can be vary from one person to the next. One person may take a heart attack in stride, the next may get very excited over a sprained ankle. I mentioned earlier being in a storm on a fishing boat. It did not bother me. However, water coming down by the shops on deck 5 on the Majesty would have increased my stress levels. It is all relative. Most people do not expect to see sea water on the floor when your are 5 stories above the water.

Cruisers naturally do not expect storm conditions such as encountered on their vacation. I had family with us on our August cruise that would have freaked out had this occured on our trip. An hour of free drinks or on board credit is not going to make up for the true fear that a number of people probaly experienced that day.

I have no issue with people saying it was a bad experience. I agree with some poster, let's not crtitize the feelings expressed by those who were there. I think that people with specific issues ( phone charges etc) related to their experience should contact NCL with their concerns.

I will repeat what I said earlier, This storm was not in NCL's game plan as well as the paying customers.

It is important to share experiences without being judgemental about a poster. I have enough cruises under my belt to not bother the crew in such a situation ( as a fire officer, I would know they had jobs to do). Many people would not understand this, or should they be expected to. Again, fear is a tough issue.

Let us respect the comments and feelings of others. Sometimes some one nees to just vent, that is O.K. also.

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You have commented on two of my postings.
Yes, I had things to comment on.
First, I had asked someone if they were on the ship only to gain their perspective and you said it didn't matter whether someone was on the ship. It was relevant to me, because I wanted to know how they felt about the cruise, that's all.
I said that someone could have an opinion even if they hadn't been on your cruise. It must be the lack of tone that made your post seem like you were only interested in peope that had been on your cruise. It's often hard to know for sure what someone's tone is without voice influction.
Second, calling my "connection to NCL" sentence unfair....I didn't mean that seriously.
You would be surprised at how many people register to this board just to say everything terrible about their cruise and if someone dares to question it, they get accused of working for NCL. Since you're a new member you don't know how often that happens.
I have read so many other postings that weren't commented on, so I am curious why mine have been?
I, like others, comment on the posts that I have something to say about. It's not just me deciding to only reply to you. I reply when I have something to contribute.
I have not felt very welcomed,,,,perhaps because people don't like what I am saying? But, bottom line is, I was stating how I felt. Other passengers needn't defend NCL. They are a large corporation who can take care of themselves. I am just surprised at how people rush to their defense.
You have every right to your opinion just like everyone else here. This is the NCL baord so a lot of the people here like NCL and are loyal to them. I don't think people are necessarily defending NCL but giving their opinion. I'm sorry if you don't feel welcome here. If you read other posts on the board you'll see many active discussions with varying opinions. This discussion isn't that different.
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Hi,,,If you look at my original sentence, I had placed several excalmation points at the end, to sort of lighten things up, I thought. You have commented on two of my postings. First, I had asked someone if they were on the ship only to gain their perspective and you said it didn't matter whether someone was on the ship. It was relevant to me, because I wanted to know how they felt about the cruise, that's all. Second, calling my "connection to NCL" sentence unfair....I didn't mean that seriously. I thought the numerous exclamations would make it clear it wasn't meant that way. I have read so many other postings that weren't commented on, so I am curious why mine have been? This is my first time, ever, in any forum like this. Perhaps I am not up on the protocol, I honestly don't know. icon5.gif I have not felt very welcomed,,,,perhaps because people don't like what I am saying? But, bottom line is, I was stating how I felt. Other passengers needn't defend NCL. They are a large corporation who can take care of themselves. I am just surprised at how people rush to their defense. icon7.gif That's all.


Dolphins, one of the problems with message boards is we miss all the non-verbal signs that lend meaning to communication. I tend to be a very sarcastic, weird-sense-of-humor-type of person. My tone of voice, my gestures, and my facial expressions are important and I've been misunderstood quite a few times in print.


I really think this is an emotionally charged topic and we keep getting deeper into trouble because typing on a message board gives only words. Also, if this were a conversation, people would express an opinion, someone else would comment, and we could immediately say that we were either misunderstood or that we now see it differently and thanks for the insight. We don't have the real-time give and take that is necessary for a conversation on an emotionally charged topic.


Here, something can be said lightly and, without intentions, it can blow up into a big mess that was never intended. PLEASE, I don't want people feeling hurt and leaving the boards or feeling afraid of flames. I've seen intentionally nasty posts on these boards and no one has done that on this thread, but it is getting there.


Let's all take a deep breath and admit that the big problem is that we are missing all the non-verbal parts of communication and the real-time opportunities to clarify and make ourselves understood to avoid misunderstanding!

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Sandy, you're absolutely right on about everything you said. The written word CAN be dangerous and can appear in a way that it was not intended. And, I appreciate the tips on how to better express myself...as I had mentioned, I have never done a chat room, posting room, etc.....it's all new...

Also, in terms of the fear my husband and I experienced on the Majesty. We were on deck 4, under where the window broke, so when the alarms sounded, we ran out of our cabin and saw a great deal of water running down the walls and people all around us were screaming and crying..we heard someone yell that "the ship is taking on water"......we experienced the greatest amount of terror we have ever felt in our lives. And, as another poster said, sometimes we need to vent and get it out. I am trying to gather up the courage to cruise again, as we always enjoyed it so much prior to this experience. Thanks everyone........

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We were on deck 4, under where the window broke, so when the alarms sounded, we ran out of our cabin and saw a great deal of water running down the walls and people all around us were screaming and crying..we heard someone yell that "the ship is taking on water"......we experienced the greatest amount of terror we have ever felt in our lives. And, as another poster said, sometimes we need to vent and get it out. I am trying to gather up the courage to cruise again, as we always enjoyed it so much prior to this experience. Thanks everyone........

I have to say, it gives me chills to read this piece of your last post. Opening the door of your cabin and being confronted with chaos, and seeing water coming down the walls - well :eek: that would certainly cause me to feel terror!


I'm glad that you're feeling more welcomed now, and really glad that you're sharing the root of your feelings, as expressed above. I'm also happy that you're "venting" the entire event now, because it gives all of us a much clearer picture of how you're feeling deep inside, and why! Sometimes a forum such as this is like a form of "mini therapy" in as much as it allows you to start with the shell, or the most surface emotions, and slowly peels away the layers until finally allowing you to expess the core of the matter. It looks like we've gotten to the true heart of the matter, and having that revealed it's no wonder you're feeling fear about ever cruising again! I have no doubt you feared for your life at that moment, and for quite a while afterward. I'm sure that even once you learned what had happened, you must have been shaken to the core. I know I would've been. Hopefully, being able to bring all this out now will allow you to dispose of the worst of the emotions, and clear your way to thinking about another cruise. Maybe reading some of ShoreGuy's posts where he relives some of his past cruises, and knowing that he gets right back on board to sail again, will pave the way for lessening the fear.


Please, keep posting, and keep reading all the threads. There's a legion of cruise experiences to be shared - both good and bad. They're all informational enrichment, and each important in their own way. Stick around! You'll find you like it here!

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Also, in terms of the fear my husband and I experienced on the Majesty. We were on deck 4, under where the window broke, so when the alarms sounded, we ran out of our cabin and saw a great deal of water running down the walls and people all around us were screaming and crying..we heard someone yell that "the ship is taking on water"......we experienced the greatest amount of terror we have ever felt in our lives. And, as another poster said, sometimes we need to vent and get it out. I am trying to gather up the courage to cruise again, as we always enjoyed it so much prior to this experience. Thanks everyone........


If I openned my cabin door and saw water running down the walls I would be terrified as well. Many of us have had some wild cruises but I am not sure any have openned a cabin door to sea water runing down the walls :eek:


What this thread points out dramaticly is how different each passengers experience can be on the same cruise. In this case those sitting in the casino had a very different view of the same event. I am sure some passengers sleep through the whole thing and did not know anything was wrong.


And we wonder how someone can off a ship and post it was the best cruise of thier life and another see it as a cruise from hell!

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Sandy, you're absolutely right on about everything you said. The written word CAN be dangerous and can appear in a way that it was not intended. And, I appreciate the tips on how to better express myself...as I had mentioned, I have never done a chat room, posting room, etc.....it's all new...
Thanks for posting again. We want everyone to feel welcome on the board. And thanks for posting the additional information aboutyour experience. I would have been terrified too! Thankfully what you experienced isn't the norm for cruises. Think about it this way...what are the odds of that happening to you again? Statistically, the rest of your cruises should be heaven. :)
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Yes, it's true that the experience on the Majesty depended on where you were when the window broke. Because we were right below it, everyone on our deck was terrified. I watched the young couple next door to us fumbling with their life jackets, crying and shaking and honestly thought it was the end. We were even more terrified at the thought of going to the lifeboats as we felt the seas were too great to launch them. So, while we watched the water run down the walls at a very rapid rate, someone then screamed from near the elevators "there's a fire".....the corridor on level 4 was crammed with screaming, hysterical people. My husband and I went back to our cabin, still putting on our life jackets and looked at each other with such fear, I can't describe it....My husband said something like "well, it looks like this is the end" and I burst into tears, knowing our 9 year old was waiting for us at home. So, it terrified us to our very core. We stayed awake that whole night, my husband sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, me, in the chair, with our cabin door open, both in our life jackets...many passengers on our floor did the same. We couldn't close the door or take off the life jackets as we were too shaken. My teeth chattered and I shook uncontrollably all night and throughout the next day. :( I have never experienced that degree of fear, and certainly not for hours on end...The next day, we talked to a crew member who called her family in the Philippines and asked them to pray for her to survive the night. Being up a couple of decks would have made the experience very different. I appreciate what you all have said in the last few postings and

I am glad, also, that I have been clearer about our experience. Maybe people understand my original posting better now. And, I do feel welcome now. Many thanks. I believe also, that this forum could be cathartic for me. Thanks, thanks thanks!

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I believe also, that this forum could be cathartic for me. Thanks, thanks thanks!
If anything this board is great for getting things off your chest. :D I'm glad we can all be here to listen and ease some of your fears about cruising again.
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WOW! That post gave me chills. Even though I thought I'd gotten the whole story about that journey, I didn't get the half of it. :eek:


I'm glad you are back and I'm glad we all worked it out. I'm especially glad you took the risk to tell us how hurt your feelings were, rather than just disappearing like I'm sure so many people do.


Hope all your future cruises are smooth sailing.

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