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Carnival Spirit Northbound 8-27-08 review


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Oh Barb, thank you so very much for all of this! In that video clip.. that's how I envisioned Alaska to be... COLD... was it?


Good luck on the first day back... I used to work in healthcare.. are you a nurse? lol


Am enjoying every bit of this.. haven't even noticed any "errors"..




The day time temps were mostly high 50s. I am sure that I would have been cold if I hadn't been dressed to suit the temperature. I always (well except that day on the balcony :D ) had shoes and socks......no sandals this trip. I always had long pants on. According to what we were doing, I would have one, two, or three layers. Most times only 1 or 2. The time we spent viewing the glaciers was not that bad. The wind and rain made it seem cold. If you wear something to block both, it is fine. Also, that video was taken just before sunset so it looks colder than it was.


Seriously, I detest cold. If I get cold, I am miserable. And, if mama get's miserable.......let's just say everyone else is miserable. :p I got cool a few times, but NEVER too cold.

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Thanks, Barb, it's been GREAT and I feel like I know you! Can I please ask a few food questions? I've heard the room service breakfast has very few items available. Do you remember what they offered? Coffee, juice, baskets of pastry, or more than that? Also, were there things like granola and yogurt on the breakfast buffet? And are you allowed to bring food back to your cabin?


THANKS! It's been great!:)


We never ordered room service anything. But, I did look at the breakfast menu and it was pretty limited. Pretty much continental......


The buffet breakfast has anything and everything a person could expect to eat for breakfast. I say yogurt, but didn't notice granola.....I can't imagine it not being there. I saw every hot and cold cereal you could ask for.


Yes, you can take your own food to your cabin. The only except would be from the main dining room. I would cover my food with something though. You could ask for a cover, but I usually just throw a couple of napkins over it.

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Thank you for your review..We did the SB cruise last year..It was awesome..The weather was bad and we couldnt get up to the Harvard Glacier so I really enjoyed your videos!..In a few days we are going to cruise Glacier Bay with Carnival..Aft cabins are definatly the way to go for Alaska..!



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I have been reading posts on here for several months in anticipation of our cruise next June, but never, no one, no way, has come close to what you have written. Absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt the most fantastic review!! I have read every word, and was late for work this morning, and finished up when I got home. Thank you thank you thank you!!

Jayne from Alabama

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For all extents and purposes our cruise was over when we left Harvard Glacier. The whole mood had changed from WOO HOO, I'm on a cruise to .......ok, the business at hand........what do we need to do to make it home.


Anyway, I didn't post my last towel animal in my conclusion of the cruise because it just somehow did not deserve to be included in the excitement of the glaciers..........



OMG! What is it?





HMMMMMMM do they somehow go together




I think this is a dinsaur


And this is a seal.........


That's what I think they are........What did YOU think they were???????

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We found a handout in our room before we went to dinner. We had booked a debarkation tour. Our plane did not leave Anchorage until 5:15 and we had a whole day to fill if we didn't want to sit at the airport. Anyway, we were supposed to get on a tour boat and go close to the face of Blackstone Glacier, but it was canceled due to bad weather.


Debarkation takes place at Whittier. This is a small town originally built as a military supply port. It is 60 miles from Anchorage and has a 2.5 mile tunnel that has an alternating one-way traffic schedule. I believe the traffic goes in for 30 minute, then out for 30 minutes. It totally closes for several hours overnight. Anyway, transportation OUT is a little trickier than in most port cities that have any number of transportation modes. I had done enough research here to know that we were pretty much at the mercy of the ships transfers. But, we preferred an excursion to fill part of our downtime.


It was difficult enjoying that last dinner. Not only was the cruise over, but we weren't sure how we were going to get to the airport. We excused ourselves before desert and went to the pursers desk. The line was huge. I'm afraid to say.....I used my VIP status :o There wasn't anyone in the concierge line so I walked right up. I KNOW I earned this by cruising with carnival 10+ times. But, I have to admit...I wasn't totally comfortable with it. We changed to another glacier viewing tour.


We tried our hand one last night at the casino. And gave back a little more of their money. Note to self...........when you win.....DON'T go back :mad: The casino closed extremely early .........11pm. They said we were close to docking in Whittier and they had to close by law.


EVERYONE has to put their luggage out by midnight. EVERYONE! There is no self debarkation. We were given zone tags to place on our luggage. Luggage express was available for $20 each. This is where they take your luggage that last night and you do not see it again until you reach your home port. In hindsight it would have been worth that. For folks that were catching a plane before 8pm.....we had to claim our luggage at the airport. Anyone with a plane after 8pm had to collect their luggage at a convention center in Anchorage.


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Oh Barb, how funny!! You sure you don't want to cruise with us 10/27? It sounds/looks like you not only would fit well with our group... but you would get a hoot out of US! :-) But, sorry... you can't have 6262. :D




I would dearly LOVE to go........But, since I have two cruises booked next year and I'm expecting another grandson.......I need to pass.


I really, really want our 2010 cruise to be to Hawaii. Do you think you can do a review for me??? Please??:D

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I forgot to give US direct information. It is available to anyone flying in to Vancouver the same day of sailing. You are basically escorted straight to a bus when you get off the airplane. The bus is sealed and you are taken straight to the ship. You completely bypass customs and it is like you were never in Canada. It supposedly cuts a couple of hours off of the time required to get out of the airport.


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We got up around 5am I found it interesting that the wake-up call went of THREE times. I don't know if that was a fluke or if they did it on purpose to make sure everyone got off???? We didn't have much to do since we had packed and put our luggage out the night before. We weren't suppose to meet up for our tour until 7:30, so I took the opportunity to take a few more pictures of the ship.


One view of the Artists lounge.


Another view- You actually have to walk through this lounge to get around the Altantic deck. There was usually live Clasical music here.



It is still dark outside.........This is Lido aft and partially covered by the awning


Glass elevators all the way to the top


Atrium ceiling


Standing at the top of the atrium looking DOWWWWWWWNN at the lobby

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We didn't eat at the supper club, but I had read that it was a do not miss view. Let me just say.....walking on glass stairs FREAKED ME OUT! I found myself having to hold the rail with both hands......walking on glass and seeing the floor way below messed with my equilibriium in the worst way. I'm not sure I would have had an appetite to eat there and can't even imagine going up there with dress shoes.....



This picture is taken THROUGH the glass stairs. Yes! I said THROUGH the stairs. This is what you walk on in order to get to the supper club. It makes me queezy just to look at it......(where's my green smiley?)











All supper club pics

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Looking out it looked rainy and windy. We really began to question booking the tour that would take us out on a small boat. A long wait at the airport looked better all the time. We went to the Pharoah's Palace just before 7:30 am and waited. They said they were waiting to hear if the tour was canceled. When it was not canceled we were directed to the bus. Walking through the wind and rain, I started to question our sanity as well as the tour directer that wasn't canceling. Given how I had felt on the smaller boat a couple days earlier......I wasn't too keen on getting on one in weather that was 10X worse. I was told I would be able to wait at the lodge


It wasn't long before we were told that it was just too dangerous. The boat wasn't going out. We were taken to a couple of stops here and there, more to kill time than anything. At first I was a little grumpy....but, you know.....it was better than sitting at the airport. They couldn't control the weather and they kept us out of danger. Seriously, up to this point our cruise was great.......why get all in a tizzy and put a damper on an otherwise spectacular experience. That's what I don't get about some people. They let one or two unpleasant things ruin a whole trip. I think it is a personal choice.......we chose to go with the flow.


Sunrise in Whittier



The tour that wasn't.......LOL


This little guy kinda summed it all up. His silhouette captured my attention and brought a smile to my face.



I stepped out the back door and snapped this through the rain. Sighhhh, I think I finally understand why someone would choose to live in Alaska. It is something I could never fathom before.


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Um, yea.........I want to get on that water. NOT!


We were taken to a lodge to order lunch on our own. Arrangements were made ahead of time for them to have it ready before 11am. It wasn't fancy.........soup and sandwiches I believe. Then it was off to the airport.....


It had stopped raining by the time we got there. Anchorage is actually in a rather flat area, but you could still see the mountains in the distance.








LOL, even this doesn't say "THE CRUISE IS OVER", I don't know what does............


We were directed where to go pick up our luggage. There was a guard standing in the area that was roped off. We had to show our photo ID in order to pick up our luggage. It was still too early to check in. So we had to wait.around an hour.


Once we got checked in we tried to go into the gate area. It wasn't open yet . I think this was a first for me. They had a sign posted as to when they would open the doors. Let's just say......some people are so rude and uneducated. They are standing in a line trying to put up a protest and trying to get everyone in a tizzy. Going on about a fire hazzard.........No one told them to go stand in the line. They DID have a sign posted saying when they would open. Go sit your bu## down. You are going to have to wait in the gate area too!


I'm not sure the reason they do it that way.........I know there weren't flights in and out except in the mornings and evenings and I suppose they choose to close that area off when there isn't any air traffic. If anyone knows, care to share?


We did not have to clear customs since we did that when we boarded the ship in Vancouver. WOO HOO! There is a God! :D We left right on time and made all our connections without a hitch. Our first plane was at 5:15pm and we did not get home until 8:30 am the next day. We lost three hours of that in time change and had two layovers. Yes it was a lonnnnnnnnng uncomforable ride home. But, we knew it would be going in

We debated the Southbound cruise in order to put this leg at the front end...........but, ultimately made the decision to go Northbound because we had heard this way the scenery just got better and better. It just goes to show how big the US really is.........

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Ok, I'm going to give an overview of MY OPINION. This is my opinion only and should be taken as such.


If you are going on an Alaskan cruise thinking it is going to be like a Caribbean cruise, think again. It is in no way shape or form the same. If you go for the ship and the scenery, you will be a happy camper. If you go for the party/funship atmosphere.......you will be sorely dissapointed.


If you go for wildlife.........remember it is WILDLIFE. You have to be patient. Wildlife doesn't come out on command. Don't stay on the ship or in town while in port........or you will come home complaining you didn't see anything. Choose excursions that increase your chances of seeing what interests you. I wanted to see wildlife and lighthouses......so I tried to make it a point to plan accordingly. Also, I know a lot of people want to see salmon running and such........don't book in the early summer....

More salmon=more bears........again, book later in the season.


Most of the ports are considered to be rainforests. Rainforest= rain+trees. If you don't like rain........don't go! If you want to see the most beautiful, untouched scenery you will ever see, do not miss an Alaskan cruise!


If you love to hike and experience the great outdoors, GO! GO! GO! Every stop had a plethora of guided as well as unguided hikes. Even in Skagaway, the train made a couple of stops to let hikers off in the mountains.


Alaskans are very down to earth people. They are very patriotic and religious and they displayed proudly. You don't see a lot of fluff......what you see is what you get.


Last but not least.........do your research! I found a wealth of information on the Canada and Alaska boards here. This is not a cruise that you can plan as you go. There is so much we would not have even known to see had it not been for the research I did on Cruise Critic. I can easily see going on this cruise and hating it because we stayed inside the port cities instead of getting out into the surrounding area.


Thanks for letting me relive my cruise. I hope it was't picture or detail overload. I know how much I love every detail.......but have been told I sometimes give TOO much. Again, forgive my typos....I know I saw several, but can't change em now!

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Ok, I'm going to give an overview of MY OPINION. This is my opinion only and should be taken as such.


If you are going on an Alaskan cruise thinking it is going to be like a Caribbean cruise, think again. It is in no way shape or form the same. If you go for the ship and the scenery, you will be a happy camper. If you go for the party/funship atmosphere.......you will be sorely dissapointed.


If you go for wildlife.........remember it is WILDLIFE. You have to be patient. Wildlife doesn't come out on command. Don't stay on the ship or in town while in port........or you will come home complaining you didn't see anything. Choose excursions that increase your chances of seeing what interests you. I wanted to see wildlife and lighthouses......so I tried to make it a point to plan accordingly. Also, I know a lot of people want to see salmon running and such........don't book in the early summer....

More salmon=more bears........again, book later in the season.


Most of the ports are considered to be rainforests. Rainforest= rain+trees. If you don't like rain........don't go! If you want to see the most beautiful, untouched scenery you will ever see, do not miss an Alaskan cruise!


If you love to hike and experience the great outdoors, GO! GO! GO! Every stop had a plethora of guided as well as unguided hikes. Even in Skagaway, the train made a couple of stops to let hikers off in the mountains.


Alaskans are very down to earth people. They are very patriotic and religious and they displayed proudly. You don't see a lot of fluff......what you see is what you get.


Last but not least.........do your research! I found a wealth of information on the Canada and Alaska boards here. This is not a cruise that you can plan as you go. There is so much we would not have even known to see had it not been for the research I did on Cruise Critic. I can easily see going on this cruise and hating it because we stayed inside the port cities instead of getting out into the surrounding area.


Thanks for letting me relive my cruise. I hope it was't picture or detail overload. I know how much I love every detail.......but have been told I sometimes give TOO much. Again, forgive my typos....I know I saw several, but can't change em now!


Just have to tell you one more time that I loved your review!!!

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Fantastic. I said this a few pages ago (:eek: ) that we had to cancel our Spirit B2B SB, RT cruise for next Aug/Sept, and this let me "be" on Spirit (my FAVORITE SHIP) and "go" to AK. Thank you. My MIL was over the other night and she did an AK cruise 12 years ago when she turned 70 and I brought her to the computer and made her sit and go thru your WHOLE thread and she ohh'ed and ahh'ed and told me: "don't worry, you'll get there someday. I didn't do it until I was 70!" Holy Moly!!! Never thought I would look forward to turning the clock forward and being 70 yo and going on an AK cruise! :o Thanks for sharing your special memories and I am sure you will hold them in a secret place in your heart forever. BTW, congrats on the grandson to be. We are going to be grandparents for the lst and 2nd time "around" 4/12/08 and 5/7/08! :D :D Happy cruising!!! Can't wait for you next trip's review/pictures lol.

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Fantastic. I said this a few pages ago (:eek: ) that we had to cancel our Spirit B2B SB, RT cruise for next Aug/Sept, and this let me "be" on Spirit (my FAVORITE SHIP) and "go" to AK. Thank you. My MIL was over the other night and she did an AK cruise 12 years ago when she turned 70 and I brought her to the computer and made her sit and go thru your WHOLE thread and she ohh'ed and ahh'ed and told me: "don't worry, you'll get there someday. I didn't do it until I was 70!" Holy Moly!!! Never thought I would look forward to turning the clock forward and being 70 yo and going on an AK cruise! :o Thanks for sharing your special memories and I am sure you will hold them in a secret place in your heart forever. BTW, congrats on the grandson to be. We are going to be grandparents for the lst and 2nd time "around" 4/12/08 and 5/7/08! :D :D Happy cruising!!! Can't wait for you next trip's review/pictures lol.


I happy to share. Besides, where else can you expect anyone else to get so excited about seeing pictures of the wake behind the boat, your first DOD, Cruise food.......... My CC family never thinks I'm nuts for taking a thousand pictures.


This will be DGS (dear grandson) number 5. No grand daughers. None in the near or far future unless she is adopted. But, that's ok. God thinks I needed a lesson in patience. Besides, I've found that little boys are just as sweet as little girls.


I hope you get that Alaskan cruise sooner than later. It sounds like you want it bad enough to get the most out of it.

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