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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Welcome to our board Opera - you will find we are a great group of supporters. Then again you probably already know that since you selected our group to join! We do weekly weigh ins on Monday and usually "chat" every day to give each other encouragement. My first cruise ever is actually February 21, 2009. FYI - Angel Kisses (Robin) just joined last week. So we welcome you with open arms.



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Everyone is welcome here! If you've read thru the posts it's a pretty cool group. We kind of all "clicked" and instead of it being just a weigh in type thing, we chat everyday, which really helps me! Talk about whats working, whats not and even when we have a set back. I look forward to getting on here and reading everyones latest! So join and be active, it really does help.:D


We are all doing different types of diets but it seems to be working!


Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin

Operaclg~next cruise 2/22/09


Have a great night!

Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene ~ First Cruise Ever 2/21/09 Carnival Glory

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin

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Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene ~ First Cruise Ever 2/21/09 Carnival Glory

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie - next cruise 1/4/09 Freedom of the Seas:D

Angelkisses~ Robin


Hi to all and welcome Opera! We're glad to have you join us - the more the merrier! Sounds like that weighted hula hoop is lots of fun and doing its magic too. Actually PunkiC wouldn't that be awesome if it did 2 inches per month off your waist! Scarlett O'Hara would be jealous! And sexy white pants that wanna zip smooth - not that's impressive!


BTW after hearing you guys talk about GW Boutique I had to make a trip to the one near us. Great tip - I snagged two really nice sweaters (L.L. Bean and Liz Claiborne - tags still on) and a gorgeous deep red silk kind of Oriental looking blouse (very very classy looking) for the grand total of $15. Made my day! Oh and a cute crinkle look summer top that is going with me on our cruise! So thanks for the tip.

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Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie ~ next cruise 12/14/08 RCI Mariner of the Seas

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene ~ First Cruise Ever 2/21/09 Carnival Glory

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie - next cruise 1/4/09 Freedom of the Seas

Angelkisses~ Robin

I concentrated so hard on getting the URL in there that I forgot to add our cruise information!!! Sorry 'bout that. And, Sass, thanks for reminding me; I honestly thought I'd already added my information!!!

After talking to ten people, my husband was able to magically get the airfare situation with RCI fixed yesterday. I don't know why I even try; I work myself into a tizzy trying to fix something and ten minutes after he starts working on the situation, it's fixed! Anyway, I'm happy with the outcome....now.

Wii and I played for a full hour last night. My calves were so sore this morning. PunkiC, I can't remember....could you go clockwise, but had trouble with counter clockwise with the hula hoop? I "earned" the "Super Hula Hoop" game last night on the Wii and BOY HOWDY did I ever have trouble going counter clockwise!!! I had a full 100 more spins going clockwise than I did counter-clockwise! Hubby finally got his Mii set up, but three exercises later, he was handing it over to me!!! Hopefully he'll get better at exercising soon.

Welcome, Opera! We welcome one and all! I have found that this group has more to chat about than our Meet & Mingle group...and our cruise is only 52 days away! I would've thought there would be more chatter by now, but there's not, and honestly, I don't have anything to add to that group's (mostly book) discussion. As you'll soon learn, I seem to have a LOT to say in this group!!! :p

Y'all have a great day and an even greater weekend. Note: I spelled it right this time, in hopes that the "weak" part doesn't happen this time.


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Our next, next cruise is on the Mariner in April! We will doing the Mex Riv. out LA. My kids have never been on RCL but I think this is the one to have them try. You will have to give me areview and share some pics when you get back.

We are going as cheaply as possible and have booked 2 inside promenade cabins. The ones that have windows that over look the promenade. I'm excited about those. If you can get a pic that would be assume!


I had wanted to be down 30 ( that would put me at 140) for the New Years cruise, but as much as I have slowed down I'm not sure I'll make it. So I'm thinking atleast 147 by then and 135 by the April cruise. Do-able I think and a continued incentive.


Hope everyone is having a great day!!

Happy Cruising & Losing~


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For me it is much easier to go counter-clockwise with the hoop. This morning I did a full ten minutes counter-clockwise, follwed by a 45 minutes workout, and then only three minutes clockwise. I will do more clockwise this afternoon when I need a break from my computer.


I am so excited putting the finishing touches on our Halloween costumes for the dinner dance tomorrow night. The vintage tails coat for Hubby's Halloween costume (Prince Phillip) arrived from e-bay yesterday. Our son opened the package and tried it on. It fit him perfectly. Unfortunately, my husband is a bit bigger than our son. :( It will work for Hubby but it is a little tight in the shoulders. He was a 42L for thirty five years. Then when he started pumping iron, his shoulders got more developed so now he needs a 43L or 44L. Silly me, I forgot. Last night I added the gold buttons, epaulets, gold stripes on the sleeves, gold braid, ribbons and medals. It really looks amazing. Our son wants to remove all of the decorations, change the buttons back to black and wear it with a white formal vest and tie, and his tux pants for a Black and White Ball he is attending on New Years.


Did I tell you that I am going to wear my Queen Elizabeth costume on the plane? I don't know if I can get Hubby to wear his costume on the plane, but I'll be our son will.


My weight is still at 159, but I am feeling much firmer and slimmer, especially around the middle. Tonight we are also supposed to go dancing if Joe isn't too tired. He has been pushing pretty hard all week long. Tomorrow night, for sure, we will dance the night away.


Maybe when I retire, I will make costumes for people, or maybe volunteer at a theater group. It is soooooooo much fun.

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ok - Looks like my sister is out of pocket for last couple days. So I've added her cruise information to the list.


Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie ~ next cruise 12/14/08 RCI Mariner of the Seas

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene ~ First Cruise Ever 2/21/09 Carnival Glory

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie - next cruise 1/4/09 Freedom of the Seas

Angelkisses~ Robin - next cruise 1/17/09 Carnival Liberty

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Punki - we'll be waiting to see pictures - gotta be a great visual! Sounds like such fun. Used to do some local little theater some years ago and it was a ton of fun. Always a good group and lots going on. Enjoy your party and all the great compliments you are bound to get too.


I'm voting with whoever said we should all take a trip - next year sometime would work. Give us time to plan and such - start sewing Punki!


:D :D :D

Mango Tango!


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I am excited to announce that I am now down to 158. YEAH!!! I still have to go some to catch up (or down) with Donna, but any time the scale is heading south, I am a happy camper. Joe was way too exhausted to go out dancing last night so I walked over to the local Italian restaurant where all of my single (divorced and widowed) girlfriends always meet for dinner on Friday night. I had a glass of wine and gossiped with them for an hour or two, which was fun, but didn't burn anywhere near the calories that dancing would have. :)


Hubby has to go back to the office for a bit today, so I made him do an early morning final fitting on his costume. I still need to sew three stripes on one sleeve and semi-permanently attach his ribbons and medals. I must say that he looks pretty spiffy, but the tails coat really is a tad small. It fits our sone perfectly.


I think I will try to get my son to wear it on the plane on Halloween. I can be the Queen and son's girlfriend and Joe can wear black suits and sunglasses and be our body guards.


I had better dash off to the gym for an hour so I can come home, finish the costume, wash my hair and get beautiful. I still haven't figured out exactly how to style my hair for the tiara. We are hoping to be ready by 4:00 p.m. for pictures and a short visit to our neighbor's, and still get to the party by 5:00 for cocktails. Dinner (chicken for me) is at 6:30 and the dancing, and games, go from 7:30 to 11:00.


An hour at the gym and 3.5 hours of dancing tonight may just burn me down to 157. :D :D :D

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Punki - good luck wearing those costumes on the plane and getting through security! LOL Congratulations on the "158". I have no doubt that you are building muscle with all of your exercise. You are probably so much smaller than the scales are showing.


Just got back from Walmart with my husband, stocking up on groceries and my food for the week. I actually found 26g liquid protein shakes there - individually packed - fruit punch flavor. They were $1.97 each. The brand is "Body Fortress". Even though not a full 30g I decided to buy 12 of them. My husband was off somewhere else so I put 12 in the buggy. When I got to the check out, worried about what he was going to say when I started pulling out all of protein and diet stuff out, I noticed his eyes got really big looking at the protein bullets. I explained what they were and was going to explain the purpose and he just said, "No - they looked like a bunch of dildos up there. I didn't know what you bought!" I have to admit he was right. They do look like that.


Earlier in the day, we had stopped to pick up candy on the way to our granddaughter's soccer game. He just pulled up front of store and I jumped out. When I got back to the truck he said, "Are you sick?" ?????? Then he said, "I noticed when you were walking into the store and back that you've lost weight. Heck - you can't take a compliment can you?" LOL I explained I thought he meant "I must be sick because I looked bad". He was definitely on a roll today.



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Hey Marlene - Didn't know they had "adult" Walmarts in N.C. - that was funny. I could just see my hubby making the same kind of crack. LOL


Noticed my jeans are feeling looser these days - so something goood is happening. Waiting till Monday to weigh and hoping to sneak up on the scale for good results.


Great weekend to all!

Happy Losing n Cruisin'




BTW, tests i took came out fine - HUGE sigh of relief.

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Yes, Mango, the look on his face was priceless too! Yes, I pulled out some of my jeans today as I'm going camping with a group next week. I'm able to get in a couple pair that I've not been able to wear before and the one's I've been wearing are loser. Not sure what the scale will show on Monday but I feel pretty good that I now have a few more clothes to wear that I hadn't been able to get into for a while now. My husband has now made the big announcement that he wants to make frogmore stew for everyone one night while we are camping. There will be 18 - 25 people. Actually the number could get even higher!! In case you don't know what that is - corn on the cob (half ears), 2" links of sausage (kielbosa), shrimp and small potatoes boiled in a big pot with Old Bay seasoning. Then you cover the table with brown paper. You drain the food and dump it out on the table. Serve with cocktail sauce and eat until you are sick. It will take 8 lb of shrimp, 4 lb of potatoes, etc. Guess I better get my checkbook out and also plan on a slip up on the diet as well! Might as well take a bottle of wine with me as the weekend dieting will be ruined anyway - right? I'll have to be extra good through lunch on Friday anyway. (We're going on Thursday but a lot of people won't be there until Friday afternoon. Then we come back on Sunday and have a dinner at the church. UGH.......so hard to stay on a diet and it's not even the "holiday" season yet.



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Interesting name - frogmore stew - have seen that before - on All Recipes I think. Is that what they call a "low country boil" (maybe???) You'll have a great time camping - just stick like glue to diet before and after and you will not have much damage control to deal with after your splurge. Any trails you can walk at the campground etc. might help too. Its gotten really chilly here so enjoy yourself outdoors - we just stocked up on firewood for winter.


A couple years ago we went camping (trailer) this time of year at the Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana. The weekend went from cold to colder - the spot across from us had people tenting it. Everyone was bringing them firewood and blankets and inviting them inside. By morning it was cold & windy and some snow in the air. Also there was a large club group there that was there had a Halloween costume party and invited the whole campground to their party too. they walked the campground with flashlights after dark and gave out candy to everyone. Tons of decorations on their campers. Even set up a huge party tent complete with hay bale seats, pumpkins, skeletons, etc. Quite the group. Anyway, have fun!

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We went today and booked the location for my 30th class reunion...:rolleyes: It can't possibly have been that long. LOL! Anyway the icebreaker is July 31st and reunion on Aug. 1st. So I really have to get slim and trim now...


All those boys will be so envious...


As for a "group cruise" I could pull it togethe but I'm on the west coast and already have April booked and we always do New Years. Maybe late Aug. next year or in the fall after the kids go back to school, a wekend thing...


Wheres everyone from?


Happy cruising & losing!


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Went to Sams club today to pick up some things and bought this chicken sausage (asiago & spinach flavor). anyway, it is 15 grams of protein per link, 110 calories, 1 carb and 4.5 grams fat. Unless I am really missing something thats pretty darn good stats. Tastes really good too! Thought I would mention it - Please tell me if there's something bad I'm missing cause I really like them (hubby does too and he NEVER likes anything he considers diet). Nice change from chicken I usually grill etc. but don't want to find out Monday that I totally flunked Labels 101. :rolleyes: Help!


Mango Tango!


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Interesting, Mango. I have never seen Chicken Sausage, much less Spinach Flavor Sausage. Is this pre cooked?


Yes, there are lots of hiking trails around the campground so I plan to do a lot of hiking & walking over the weekend. Very interesting that the group walked around and gave out candy. I think we'll have a lot of kids walking around "trick or treating". Yes, we will have the campsite all decorated. That's one reason we are going on Thursday so we can get it decorated and not have to be rushed to get our site set up since Friday is Halloween.


I wonder what Punki is doing right now? I'm sure she is having a blast in her costume. If I could lose down to 159 by next year (and maintain my weight!!!!) - I wonder if she would let me wear her costume on my Halloween cruise. LOL

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Yep, its pre cooked. And the asiago spinach flavor is really tasty. The 15 grams of protein sounds pretty darn good - think the rest is good as in diet wise? Guess they taste so good that somewhere in the back of my mind I figure they must be bad somehow:rolleyes:


Hope that Punki posts pictures -really want to see their costumes. Are you doing any costumes at the campground?

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Hopefully no one will disappoint you and give you bad news about the "label". I'm not very good knowing everything to look for on the labels either.


Only the kids will dress up at the campground although my husband has a scary old man mask/hood that I'm sure he'll put on to give out candy. LOL We'll get costumes for the Halloween cruise next year.



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I was going to post and tell Punki to please hurry with those pictures we are so anxious to see but I have to admit I want to see a picture of Marlene's WalMart shakes.


I so had a bad diet day yesterday. I stayed hungry all day even with my diet pill. I pretty much stayed on the diet as I should with one exception .... i didn't drink enough water. The bad thing is it didn't click until late that night when I was sneaking a super thin slice of the chocolate cake I made for the family that the reason I was hungry was because I had not been drinking my water ...... oh dear, I feel like a cheatin' diet ho! TODAY, I am going to do better. Had my chicken breast for breakfast and 16 oz of water. Now, if I can just find somewhere to hide that freakin' cake. Oh, I also ate red meat last night ... good thing I don't weigh in until Tuesday.

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We had a wonderful time at the dinner/dance and...............WE WON the best costumes contest. :D :D My husband looked so dashing. I was thrilled to be with him.


I have lots of pictures and will post them this afternoon. We are leaving now to drive up to Everett to have a Sib Brunch, with Joe's brothers and sister.


You know, I may not know how to post pictures any more. My old photo site which was photosite.com went out of business so now I need to learn a new way to do it.

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Robin - the question is - did you EAT the thin piece of chocolate cake you cut? I assume since you feel like a cheating diet ho that you did. Funny how when you start on a diet, the smallest thing can make you feel so guilty. And the important question: When got that piece of cake, did you think about all of us on the board, knowing you would need to confess? I ought to save these liquid protein bullets and make some type of costume out of them for next year. Can you see me wearing a costume that looks like a bunch of dildos connected together? LOL


Punki- Congratulations on your costume award! Can't wait to see the pictures. It sounds like you had so much fun. Sorry not much help on how to post your pictures. I haven't figured that one out yet.


LiteWait - Stick with this board after your New Year's cruise and we'll make sure you are nice and slim for the reunion. I passed my 30 year class reunion about 6 years ago. Robin & I have a cruise next Halloween so we plan to use that to keep us focused in 2009. Robin and I are in North Carolina. It would be hard to put together a cheap weekend cruise when we live across the country from each other. Why don' t you come our way and cruise out of Jacksonville, FL for Halloween, 2009?


Haven't heard from Sass this weekend - hope she didn't go out and wreck that motorcycle.......



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Thanks, Punki. I can see the imbedded picture and was able to view pictures on the link. Yes, your husband looks quite handsome! And you, my beautiful lady, look like Royalty! You put a lot of time, thought and effort into these costumes and it shows. Thanks so much for sharing these with us.



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