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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Marlene, thanks for the directions re: McAdenville. Next year, when I can't remember a thing you said, I'll e-mail you. Just saved your e-mail address in my contacts list here at work.


Our fuel charge won't change since we're leaving so soon. However, I'm pretty sure that the fuel charge got up to $10/person/day and, because we made our reservation in March, ours was only $7/person/day, so we don't have to pay as much as some folks do.


Egg whites are 5 grams of protein each, so it depends on how many egg whites you use as to how many grams of protein you're getting. A whole egg has 7 grams of protein, but you get some fat in that. I always have one yolk in my whites no matter how many I have. Adds some flavor to an otherwise tasteless meal (in my personal opinion). And, I do not eat anything else when I have a protein shot for breakfast.


Just goes to show you - different strokes for different folks. (And I think Shannon must know all about the different strokes by now! - Funny story!) A guy here at work asked me one time WHY are the containers made SO thick? They even say on them that they are "virtually unbreakable". I thought it was a good question -- I have no idea why...unless they are intended for some other use than to hold liquid protein! :p


Today is my 25th anniversary with Duke Energy. Can't believe I've spent 25 years of my life that I'll never get back here, but I have. I asked DH to please wish me a happy anniversary today, just in case no one else did, so what did he do? He sent me (here at work, of course) a bouquet of beautiful flowers with a huge helium balloon that says CONGRATULATIONS! on it!!! So much for the "keep it on the down low" theory.


Weight was down another 2/10 this morning. That mysterious four pounds is taking its lovely time disappearing, not so mysteriously. I'm REALLY worried about this weekend's party, next weekend's TWO parties, a 7-night cruise, Christmas, & New Years before my next weigh-in. As I've already said, I will be THRILLED if I weigh the same as last month!


Have a great weekend!


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25 years at one place - congratulations Bonnie! That was so sweet of your husband to do that for you. Must be for all those clothes you have been ironing and mending for him.


My husband emailed me from work today and asked if we were going to go back to walk at McAdenville tonight (Friday) but he had forgotten that we were going down to Mount Holly Days (Christmas celebration - in downtown Mt. Holly). Our church is downtown and had a lot going on on the church grounds so we thought we should do that. We went and boy was it cold outside! Wish it would snow if it was going to be that cold.


Bonnie - I saw that another stretch of 485 opened today which is great! Anything to relieve the traffic off I-77. Right? Is it going to help you get to work? Which location do you work at? My son in law works (I think still through temp service) at Duke Power's warehouse/distribution center off Freedom Drive. From what I understand he works with the technicians to get parts they need, etc.


Oh, yeah - my confession for the day - I ate a Christmas cookie tonight - just one, but I felt so guilty. It totally sucks when you want to eat something so bad (sometimes because you are just plain hungry) but all you can think about is how much you'll weigh tomorrow.


Hope everyone has a great WEEKEND (not Weakend)!



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Hey Robin - that was pretty sneaky!!!


Marlene - had to LOL at your "confession" - "ate a Christmas cookie today" Gosh are we hopeless - I feel so guilty over the slightest thing too - tooooo funny.


Made some headway on the Christmas stuff - tree is up and house is decorated. Its all a scaled back version of what we usually do but nonetheless I put up the big tree, manger on mantle and lots of wreaths, bowls of greens & ornaments on tables - done - and it looks great! Hooray - and no tedious re-wrapping of fragile stuff later. Maybe tonight I'll finish Xmas cards and then give some thought to remaining gifts.


Hope all is going well with everyone else. Glad we don't weigh in until Wed. as we ate out yesterday and today. Ouch!:eek:



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Yes, I do feel guilty over the smallest things - eating out scares me to death. Robin has talked me in to going out to eat Thursday night with a group of her cruisers. At least that will be day 1 of the new week! The planning of my whole life seems to center around this diet. YIKES!



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Don't feel bad Marlene, I haven't Zumba'd all week.. I guess the stress and stuff is finally getting to me-I just haven't felt like it :( Tomorrow it's back on track though.. We have about 4 weeks until we cruise so I'm hoping by getting back on track and doing 2 a days, I'll be "swimsuit ready" lol

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The good news is that I fell into a new "decade" this morning -- 159.2!!!


The BAD news is that I have been sick as a dog most of the weekend, so I'm sure the four pounds I lost yesterday will come back on in a hurry. That is NOT the way to lose weight. I'm up to about 65% today, which is better than the 0-10% I was yesterday.


Marlene, the new part of I-485 is the part that goes right behind our development. It's really strange to go over the new bridge, look down, and see car lights now. It does not help me get to work as I work downtown on Church Street, but I do hope it alleviates some of the traffic on I-77. I drove from Hwy 16 to Harris Blvd on it Friday (the day it opened) just to be able to say I'd done it!


Guess I better go; it's past time for some more Tylenol.

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Good morning gal pals!

How are we all doing? Weekend was ok, just major stressful-I hate that Robert is out of town working. On top of that, he pulled his back on Thursday so he's down until they release him. I hope workman's comp is quick!


Zumba is back on track. Next week I'm going to kick it up a notch and start the sculpt and tone which is 45 minutes long and includes the toning sticks. There's also new moves on there so it should be interesting lol


Christmas shopping will commence this weekend. Our 2 oldest kids are both getting a Nintendo DS plus a few games, our middle son is getting more games for the Wii that the grandparents are buying, middle daughter is getting a play kitchen with some stuff to go along with that and the baby is getting some really fun baby toys. I predict I'll spend more time playing with them than they will LOL At least I'll get plenty of exercise running around stores!


Have a great week everybody!!!

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Nana #2 congratulations on getting in that next decade. Hope you will be feeling well soon.


I switched weight loss clinics today. The new one is cheaper and closer to home however I left there not knowing whether to be discouraged or encouraged but the one feeling I know I have is total confusion.


After looking over my diet for the past two months and weight loss the new doctor felt like something was wrong. I was really proud of my accomplishments but what she said made totally since. The diet I have been on was enough alone to have lost the amount that I lost but with the injections and diet supplements I should have lost more. Its kinda like the injections were not helping. Her first thoughts are to check out my thryroid and also check for diabeties. I explained that I just had blood work a couple months ago and everything looked normal. She wants me to make a few modifications and come back in two weeks if at that time I have not dropped another 10lbs she wants to run some test.


Now, one thing the new doctor said actually made alot of since. In a pregnant woman the body produces this hormone to break down the fats to nourish the baby. In a dieters case the only way to loose with the hormone shot is to get rid of the fat thats broken down which requires an increase in fiber. Apparently, I have not been taking in enough fiber. So along with my protein I am now suppose to eat a fiber bar or something that contains alot of fiber that first meal. I was worried about the carbs but she said not to worry about the carbs in the high fiber foods. The other thing the carb value in high fiber foods is not the same as with regular carbs. I'm also suppose to try to give up diet sodas. This is going to be the hard one. I'm also suppose to give up my tea sweetened with Splenda. She said that even though this type of liquid is low in calories the artificial sweeteners trick the brain into thinking it is sugar and basically its equivalent to eating a piece of cake only with cake a hunger is satisfied whereas with diet drinks there is never that since of satisfaction or fullness. I'm no longer suppose to count calories but instead have a specific list of food items and a shopping list in which to pick items from. She did say that if I liked the diet I have been on then that was fine as long as I increased fiber and took away the soft drinks. This new doctor said my goal for the cruise date should be less than 200lbs.


I finally started getting back into the exercise routine. I have been so slack in this department and probably another reason I didn't loose as much as they felt I should.


Oh, and where I was taking two shots with the other clinic, the new doctor has increased it to 3 shots a week for the month of December basically to help counter all the extra calories I will be taking in. She said in January I can cut back to 1 or 2 shots a week. The other difference is they suggest a B12 shot each week. I'm already giving myself B12 injections for anemia but will just increase from 1 shot every two weeks to 1 shot a week.


Guess I will know in two weeks if this modified diet is for me, if not I will just go back to what I was doing.

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All of that sounds so confusing! Are the shots you have been taking all long hormone shots? Sounds like the doc said because of hormone shots you need the extra fiber to get rid of what the hormone shots are doing in your system. Is that what you understood? So what kind of fiber bars are you going to start eating? As I'm not taking hormone shots, I guess I need to keep up with what I'm doing now. Curious - what did she say about our "protein shots"? I don't understand the diet drink/splenda tea thing. I can understand that it may not make you feel satisfied, but calorie wise you still aren't taking in the calories so is she saying that you will gain weight just like it had sugar in it? I do limit diet drinks - I probably drink 3 or 4 a week but I do like to add the flavoring to my water and drink Arizona diet tea. Nana #2 - does any of this sound like what your doctor is telling you?


Good luck on your weight loss the next two weeks. With all that you are going through I know you want to see dramatic results and you certainly deserve it. I guess I'll just keep tracking along at a couple pounds a week.


Nana #2: I remember the day I-485 opened from I-77 to I-85 (near where I live). I drove it at lunch - I was so excited! It saved me 20 - 30 minutes each way to and from work. I felt like I suddenly had another hour added to my day and much less stress. Now I work from home so I rarely get in the 8 am/5 pm traffic. YEAH! BUT I am looking foward to getting to this new section being opened. I hope for everyone's sake that it relieves some of the traffic on I-77 .


I haven't been exercising the way I should be. I did get Zumba back out and did about 15 minutes of it today. I should really be increasing my time and I will once I get all my steps down. Actually I may risk it and try the next step this week to see if I can do one of the exercise programs on the DVD. If I don't know one of the dances, I can just do the ones I do know. Who says I have to do exactly what the instructor tells me to do - I'll do one dance and they'll be doing something else on the DVD. LOL


Jennifer - good luck on the Christmas shopping. You will have so much fun on Christmas morning with all your children. I can remember how much fun it was when my kinds were young.


Jennifer and I have put out an invitation to another lady "Troggie" to come over to this board and join us. So if you see her, be sure you give her a warm welcome - which I know you will.


Bonnie - hope you get to feeling better so soon. With Christmas and your cruise, you have no time to be sick!



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Bonnie - hope that you feel better quickly. Absolutely no fun being sick and especially when you have holidays and a cruise shortly and lots to do. Gotta get past this so you can enjoy all the fun things!:)


Robin - have to agree with Marlene - its all rather complicated to me. And yes with all of that you deserve great results - hope this doctor is able to help you get the results you certainly do deserve. I am thoroughly blown way with all the shots, pills & expense that you must be putting to this. Applause from me to you - I admire your persistence/dedication. ;)


My wagon is dragging tonight. Had PT after work tonight and before I know it the evening is gone. Actually I'm thinking I may play hookey tomorrow -Have not taken a sick day yet this year and have eye doctor appointment and PT tomorrow. I'm getting so all I do is spend more and more time on self maintenance of one form or another!!!!:(



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I wish I would have listened a little better at what all she was saying about the artificial sweetners in diet sodas. I tried doing a google search and found alot of artlicles about it being associated with weight gain / obesity but no where have I found what she was really describing took place in your body.


I did ask about the protein shots and she had mixed feelings. She said it is important to get that extra protein and if this was what worked for me it was perfectly fine but she did want me to try to get more of my proteins thru food. Her reasoning for this is they want me to get into a lifestyle of eating the correct way to maintain my weight once I loose it because realistically once I reach that weight goal I would discontinue the protein.


I'm going to try it her way for a couple weeks and see what happens. If it doesn't work for me then I will go back to the old diet plan. As far as money ... yes, it does get expensive especially when you add in the cost for the protein drinks to go with it. However, with this new weight loss clinic I will only pay out $110 a month for doctors visit, 8 injections and weight loss prescription. This clinic will also help me file my insurance and said that in the past BCBS has paid very well. I have to pay out of pocket first but if insurance will reimburse me that will make me a happy camper. The previous place I went to charged $185 for the same treatment. I have justified my expenses by having my nail tips taken off so no more fill-ins and pedicures for a while. My nails look horrible right now but I think its a pretty good sacrifice.



Mango, how is the PT working out .... are you starting to tell a difference yet?

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Okay, now I remember a little of what she was saying and found an article about it although not sure how much scientific proof is behind it. The doctor said that I was defeating the purpose of the protein drinks working by drinking diet sodas. The protein increases metabolism but by drinking diet sodas it increases my risk of metabolic syndrome or something like that.



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You guys have me so totally confused on shots, and protein shots :confused:

I guess I just need a simple plan. LOL!


I am doing well. Right now I am in a NEW DECADE! We will see if it sticks until Wed. and I will report the actual loss!

Just dieting, exercising and I upped the walking weights from 4 lbs to 6 lbs this week. So maybe that will help.


I am really excited that I have made it thru Halloween and Thanksgiving with no gains and am continuing to lose! Maybe this time it will really stick!

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You guys have me so totally confused on shots, and protein shots :confused:

I guess I just need a simple plan. LOL!


I am doing well. Right now I am in a NEW DECADE! We will see if it sticks until Wed. and I will report the actual loss!

Just dieting, exercising and I upped the walking weights from 4 lbs to 6 lbs this week. So maybe that will help.


I am really excited that I have made it thru Halloween and Thanksgiving with no gains and am continuing to lose! Maybe this time it will really stick!


Please don't let my confusion change what you are doing. You seem to be doing all the right things and its working for you! I really don't think there is no right or wrong way its just a matter of finding what works best for each individual. Everyone here seems to have had a lot of success and yet everyone is doing something a little differently.

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So we should only drink plain water or unsweetened tea with no artificial sweeteners? I'm not really sure what metabolism syndrome is. I wonder if you drink your diet drink/tea at the end of the day if that would be better as you have had increased metabolism all day. OK - guess I'm trying to rationalize it. Just can't imagine only drinking water - plain water.


I drink the energy drinks mid day and they are suppose to increase metabolism as well - has caffeine and other stuff that's in diet pills, but then it has some type of artificial sweetener.


The board has been kind of quieter the last week or so - guess people are so busy getting ready for Christmas and cruises. Just don't forget about us on here.


Tomorrow is "D DAY" again.....



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Yes, I'm kind of excited that I am losing and it's the holidays. My normal cycle is to start dieting sometime between January - June to get ready for a September vacation. Then I come back and by Christmas I've gained all my weight back. (I can gain some weight - really quickly.) I'm probably at the lowest weight I have been at Christmas in a long time. With everyone's support, I hope I can make it through Christmas with minimal problems/weight gain.



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Please don't let my confusion change what you are doing. You seem to be doing all the right things and its working for you! I really don't think there is no right or wrong way its just a matter of finding what works best for each individual. Everyone here seems to have had a lot of success and yet everyone is doing something a little differently.


Robin - you make a good point. We are all doing the diet/exercise problem differently but we are all losing weight. We are proof that you can approach it differently but still lose weight. We are all different ages and different sizies. We all know our bodies and know how much weight we can anticipate losing each week. Some will lose faster than others. Those losing slower shouldn't get discouraged as long as the scales are going in the right direction. Hopefully we can all see weekly progress. I talked to a guy in our church who lost over a 100 lbs at one time but due to medications he had gained a good bit back. He's now dieting and said he's lost 2 or 3 lbs in the past 3 or 4 weeks. To me I would be so discouraged, but to him that may be normal.


Everyone keep up the good work! We are going to need to do another calculation of how much weight everyone has lost all totaled.



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Hi All! Hope all of you had a great week. From the posts during the week it looks like we could have some good results being posted today. I look forward to hearing from all of you!


I had a good week and very excited to see my scales drop significantly this week, at least significantly for me. I know some of you have greatly weight losses than I do. :rolleyes:


Here are my numbers - will be checking back throughout the day to see how each of you did.




SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 166.8 (12/3/08)

CW: 163.6 (12/10/08) **3.2 LBS THIS WEEK for a total of 34 LBS**


GW (REVISED): 45 LBS BY CRUISE ON 2/21/08 - 152.6 LBS



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Woo Hoo!! I am excited to have a 2.2 lb loss last week putting me at 148.0!!. I can't remeber the last time I was here, I would guess almost 2 years ago.:eek:


I'm going to try on one of my dresses for New Years Eve. Two others are to big now!!


How's everyone else doing?? Where's Punki C and Sass hiding??


SW: 171 (9/1/08)

LW: 150.2 (as of 12/03/08)

CW: 148.0 (as of 12/10/08)


Total Loss of: 23 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mini GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.) I CAN MAKE IT!!

Final GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09

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Hi All! Hope all of you had a great week. From the posts during the week it looks like we could have some good results being posted today. I look forward to hearing from all of you!


I had a good week and very excited to see my scales drop significantly this week, at least significantly for me. I know some of you have greatly weight losses than I do. :rolleyes:


Here are my numbers - will be checking back throughout the day to see how each of you did.




SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 166.8 (12/3/08)

CW: 163.6 (12/10/08) **3.2 LBS THIS WEEK for a total of 34 LBS**


GW (REVISED): 45 LBS BY CRUISE ON 2/21/08 - 152.6 LBS




YAY MARLENE!!!!!! I haven't weighed in yet.. Will be going to the Inlaw's here in awhile to drop off Alyssa to play for the day so I'll weigh in while I'm there and check in later :)


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