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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Woo Hoo!! I am excited to have a 2.2 lb loss last week putting me at 148.0!!. I can't remeber the last time I was here, I would guess almost 2 years ago.:eek:


I'm going to try on one of my dresses for New Years Eve. Two others are to big now!!


How's everyone else doing?? Where's Punki C and Sass hiding??


SW: 171 (9/1/08)

LW: 150.2 (as of 12/03/08)

CW: 148.0 (as of 12/10/08)


Total Loss of: 23 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mini GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.) I CAN MAKE IT!!

Final GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09


Congratulations! I knew you felt this was going to be a good week for you. So whatever you have done differently this week, keep on doing it!!! Yes, you meet your goal before cruise - I'm confident in that. Good luck on trying on the dresses. Isn't it so much more fun trying on clothes now?



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Woo Hoo!! I am excited to have a 2.2 lb loss last week putting me at 148.0!!. I can't remeber the last time I was here, I would guess almost 2 years ago.:eek:


I'm going to try on one of my dresses for New Years Eve. Two others are to big now!!


How's everyone else doing?? Where's Punki C and Sass hiding??


SW: 171 (9/1/08)

LW: 150.2 (as of 12/03/08)

CW: 148.0 (as of 12/10/08)


Total Loss of: 23 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mini GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.) I CAN MAKE IT!!

Final GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09


WOOHOO!!!! 3 lbs in 19 days? EASY!!! Keep up the great work!! :)

As I told Marlene, I haven't weighed in yet but I will when I drop Aly off with Grandma & Pawpaw since they have the scales then I'll report back this afternoon.


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Weigh-in this morning wasn't in the new decade I reported Monday, but it was six pounds less than the mysterious four-pound gain I reported last week. I weighed 160.2 this morning, which means I haven't gained all the weight I lost being so sick this past weekend....yet. I am still not up to 100%, but much closer than I have been for the past four days. Didn't start feeling better until lunchtime yesterday when I decided I HAD to eat something, and I ate 1/2 of a baked potato with CHEESE and BACON on it!!! By that point, I really didn't care what I ate; I just wanted to feel better. (And I ate the other half for lunch today!)


By the time I went to bed last night, I was feeling much better and when my head hit the pillow, the excitement of our trip all of a sudden hit me like a ton of bricks and I couldn't sleep worth a darn. I ended up downstairs on the couch, listening to all the dog's noises for hours and am operating on about four hours of sleep today...and lots of Tylenol.


I think I need more Tylenol now after getting caught up on all the posts and Robin's new, confusing doctor. I don't even know what to say. Just try it and if you like it, stick to it. I find it hard to believe that a doctor would tell you you haven't lost enough weight. I, personally ("Dr. Bonnie") feel like you you have lost an INCREDIBLE amount of weight for no longer than you've been working at it. Don't YOU? Doesn't EVERYONE? I do understand the need to go somewhere cheaper, believe me I do. I just hope that she doesn't want to run tests because that'll be more money in her pocket. My weight loss clinic doesn't accept insurance and I have never tried to file a claim with them. I have BCBSNC insurance. Do you think they might reimburse me some of that $$$? Boy, that would be nice!


My suitcase is packed. If my scales weigh like the airport's do, it weighs 49.8 pounds (without toiletries or makeup)!!! We've decided to take a third suitcase because there's just too much stuff for two suitcases, and it's cheaper to take a third suitcase on USAirways than it is to take one that weighs more than 50 pounds. I know in reason that we have way too much packed, as we always do, but my theory is that it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!


Congrats to EVERYONE on their weight loss this week. I will not be reporting in next week. I'll be too busy gaining weight to do so! :D And, the following week is Christmas Eve, so I may have some really good excuse for not reporting my weight (gain) that day, too!


In case I don't get back in here before then, I hope you all have a wonderful week next week. I would say that I'll be thinking of you, but I'd be lying if I did! :o


Take care, and keep up the good work!


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Bonnie - do you leave this weekend for the cruise? Here's the rule - even if you don't want to weigh in, you must check in with us when you return. We all know getting back on track after vacation is a very very hard thing to do. We will be here waiting for you! I think I would definitely take another suitcase - wouldn't chance the scales will be the same as US Air and that's dang close to 50 lbs!


And we don't want you to think about us during your cruise. If you did that, we know you would be worrying too much about gaining your weight back and not enjoying the cruise. We all get to eat, drink and be merry on our cruises. Right , Gals?


And last - bet you will hit new decade by Friday! Congratulations on all of your weight loss!!!


Jennifer - 4 lbs is great! You do so good that I had no doubt you had lost some weight.

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Another slow week for me. I'm up 1/2 lb more today than I was yesterday. I have decided to stick to my own advise. I'm not going to change the diet plan I have been on. Well maybe a little, but one step at a time. This month I am going to concentrate on working out more and increasing my fiber but not change anything else like my protein first thing in the morning for example. I feel this has helped me as much as anything. I'm also going to keep drinking 1 diet drink a day which is less than what I was drinking so its a cut back. I'll also keep counting my calories. I'm afraid if I try to change too many things right here at Christmas I will back slide. If I can continue to loose 2-3 lbs a week then I will be happy.


Bonnie, definatly check with your insurance plan. If you have a wellness program then they will normally pay for X amount of visits for nutiritional counseling. My doctor writes it up as a nutritional visit and uses the diagnosis codes for obesity and insomnia. She also includes my BMI score. I'm thinking my insurance may pay for only 4 visits a year but I'm not positive. I have one of the federal bcbs insurances. Anything is better than nothing.



SW 241.5 (October 13)

Last Week 217.4

CW 213.0 (Week 8) .... 28.5 lbs total.

GW by 1/17 - 210

GW by 10/31 -170

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Another slow week for me. I'm up 1/2 lb more today than I was yesterday. I have decided to stick to my own advise. I'm not going to change the diet plan I have been on. Well maybe a little, but one step at a time. This month I am going to concentrate on working out more and increasing my fiber but not change anything else like my protein first thing in the morning for example. I feel this has helped me as much as anything. I'm also going to keep drinking 1 diet drink a day which is less than what I was drinking so its a cut back. I'll also keep counting my calories. I'm afraid if I try to change too many things right here at Christmas I will back slide. If I can continue to loose 2-3 lbs a week then I will be happy.


Bonnie, definatly check with your insurance plan. If you have a wellness program then they will normally pay for X amount of visits for nutiritional counseling. My doctor writes it up as a nutritional visit and uses the diagnosis codes for obesity and insomnia. She also includes my BMI score. I'm thinking my insurance may pay for only 4 visits a year but I'm not positive. I have one of the federal bcbs insurances. Anything is better than nothing.



SW 241.5 (October 13)

Last Week 217.4

CW 213.0 (Week 8) .... 28.5 lbs total.

GW by 1/17 - 210

GW by 10/31 -170


Am I missing something here - looks like you lost 4.4 lbs this week? That's not a SLOW Week!

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Holy Crumb - 4.4 lbs in one week - that's incredible! For me that would only be my fantasy weight loss! You guys get fantastic results with the shots etc.


Well ladies the scale says 166.2. I really thought I had gained (too much eating out) but I squeaked in with that.


Here's a few Silly Holiday Eating Tips that I got in an email (Obviously this was not written by a Twig):D but thought it would make you smile too


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots - go next door, where they're serving rum balls.


2. Drink as much eggnog as you can - and quickly. It's rare. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. Drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog - alcoholic or something. Have one for me. Have two. Its later than you think.


3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it one. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.


4. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hellloooo!


5. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted its loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all costs. I mean, have some standards!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


6. If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips. Start over - Hurry!


This is getting pretty long. Take care. By the way, someone asked how P.T. is going - really well & thanks for asking. My knee feels much better and is obviously getting stronger by how much more I can do already. Wish I had done this a long time ago. Of course the cortisone is probably what made it possible.


Congrats on some really good losses T.I.T.s!

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So glad the P.T. is working in conjunction with the cortisone. You will be ready for that cruise! I assume they gave you a cortisone injection. How many and how often can you have them? I have had a lot of problems with my hands - 3 hand operations. Before I had the 3rd one, my doctor would give me a cortisone shot every 6 months. He told me when it got to the point that it didn't last 6 months, it was time for surgery. I held off as long as I could.......



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Marlene: never asked the doctor how many and how often. I've had two series of three shots each of SynVisc and OrthoVisc injections. That's artificial cartilage (actually chicken cartilage). (Just call me Chicken Knees) Those you can re-do every six months. He did say the results vary greatly patient to patient but luckily this cortisone injection has given me lots of relief. Hoping it lasts for a long time.


I have arthritis in my knee - is that what the hand problem is for you? And did the surgeries end your problems with it? Had arthroscopic for torn meniscus last summer and truthfully this is the best my knee has been in a couple of years. Even though it makes me get home later after work I truthfully do like the PT and can see that I am improving from it.


Started getting out the cruise stuff yesterday and hub took a huge bunch of stuff to the cleaners today. Apparently the lady there was really nice cause she gave him a 25% discount since it was such a huge stack! Want to check the suitcases tonight and maybe stuff a bounce sheet in each to make it smell all fresh. We got them right after last years trip - our old luggage took a real beating last trip. I better check we have luggage tags on these cases too. Always the details to work out.

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You were smart about the dry cleaners - or have the husband trained right as he took the clothes for you. 25% discount - that's great! I love the idea of taking everything to the cleaners. I may have to encourage my husband to do that too. I also like the idea of putting something in your suitcases now to make them smell better! You are going to be so busy between packing and Christmas celebrations. But oh, so much fun!!!:D


My hand issues were not arthritis although that runs in the family and I'm always afraid it will catch up with me one day. I actually started out with double carpal tunnel that came on quick. By the time they ran tests to see how much blockage I had (they do surgery at 25 - 30% loss) - mine was 63 and 67% loss. Surgeon said here's the results of your test - so what do you want to do. I probably looked at him like he was crazy. I didn't think I had much choice! So he operated on one hand and then two weeks later operated on the other hand. (2 days before my 2nd one, my husband re-injured his back. Same surgeon operated on his back 4 weeks later. So we were paying for 3 surgeries with the same doctor in 6 weeks!!! Two years later I started having pain in my thumb and wrist area. Eventually had to cut that hand on the side of my wrist to do some type of "release". That was worse that the carpal tunnel. The past few years my problem has been my esophagus & choking. I've had that "stretched" twice in less than two years. So yes, as we get older, our bodies just "fall apart". If it's not one thing, it's another one. :(



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Yikes - I never heard of any such thing as stretch the esophagus! That's pretty scary to be sure. I know that carpal tunnel can be very painful and lengthy to boot. Sounds like you guys had your share already. Trouble is we don't get a choice when these things happen. But, all in all I do feel incredibly lucky that we are all basically hale and hearty. Totally agree that there's sure an increase in maintenance as I get older. Want to keep after it all so I can keep doing what I want to do. And I have kind of gotten an "okay, so what is it hurts today" attitude about it all.


By the way did your doctor at least give you a ride in that new car you and your husband bought him?? What timing - 3 surgeries in 6 weeks!

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Am I missing something here - looks like you lost 4.4 lbs this week? That's not a SLOW Week!


Yeah, another one of my copy and paste deals only I forgot to go back and change last weeks weight so in reality thats two weeks ago instead of last week. Wish I would drop 4+ lbs in a week.

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LOL - either way, I was very impressed in how much thinner you look in the face when I saw you last night. But 4 lbs in 2 weeks isn't bad. Look forward to hearing how much you lose with this new doctor!


I think this is going to be my bad week - you know we all have them periodically. It's just a fact of dieting.


Ok - ladies - I hope you are just busy preparing for cruises and Christmas. I'm concerned that we aren't posting as much right now (I'm also guilty). We were no longer near the top of the diet boards tonight. I sure hope after the holidays we all get back together and chat up this diet thing!



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Good morning ladies! I know with preparing for the holidays, we're all busy and haven't been posting as much-I've been pretty guilty on that part so I thought I would stop in this morning and wish you guys a great weekend!

Hubby & I got some great exercise yesterday while shopping. We originally just went to the mall to drop off my wedding rings for resizing (had them almost 3 years and just NOW getting them cut down lol) but ended up going to Debs to look for a dress for the cruise, Radio Shack, and the Cowboys Pro Shop until finally making our first stop at Target. I didn't have time to Zumba yesterday morning so I felt better knowing I did all of that walking. Today however, it's back to work plus I'll have all 5 kids today-the boys are hanging out with us while Rob's parents go finish their shopping so I'm sure that will make for some running around not to mention the trip to the grocery store. Where does it say in the Mom/Wife Handbook that it never ends?! LOL

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Jennifer, have fun with all the kids today. My hubby and I are bring all 3 grandkids over here (9, 6 and 3). We are going to try to take them to a movie (if the little one behaves), go pick out gingerbread kits they can make at our house on Christmas Eve (annual thing we've started), go to MacDonald's for happy meals (for them) and playing on the indoor playground and then walk through McAdenville with them. Then back to our house and hopefully they will be pooped and ready for bed.


You are right it never ends when you have kids. It actually gets worse as they get older and have more activities to be shuttled too. We had our 2 young and now can get the grandkids on our terms......sometimes.......Rec'd call last night from oldest daughter asking our schedule for next August. Yeap - they need a babysitter for the two oldest grandchildren while they go to Mexico with friends. We also spend a lot of time going to ballgames of the grandkids. That takes up most Saturdays during the year and some week days.


Hope everyone has a great weekend, not a weakend. It has taken me 3 days to get back down to the weight I was at on Wednesday. <<<<<<UGH>>>>>> Don't you hate that - you do one thing wrong and your weight jumps way up and you have to lose that weight all over again?



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Jennifer, have fun with all the kids today. My hubby and I are bring all 3 grandkids over here (9, 6 and 3). We are going to try to take them to a movie (if the little one behaves), go pick out gingerbread kits they can make at our house on Christmas Eve (annual thing we've started), go to MacDonald's for happy meals (for them) and playing on the indoor playground and then walk through McAdenville with them. Then back to our house and hopefully they will be pooped and ready for bed.


You are right it never ends when you have kids. It actually gets worse as they get older and have more activities to be shuttled too. We had our 2 young and now can get the grandkids on our terms......sometimes.......Rec'd call last night from oldest daughter asking our schedule for next August. Yeap - they need a babysitter for the two oldest grandchildren while they go to Mexico with friends. We also spend a lot of time going to ballgames of the grandkids. That takes up most Saturdays during the year and some week days.


Hope everyone has a great weekend, not a weakend. It has taken me 3 days to get back down to the weight I was at on Wednesday. <<<<<<UGH>>>>>> Don't you hate that - you do one thing wrong and your weight jumps way up and you have to lose that weight all over again?




Hey Marlene!

Our bunch is so close together that it gets crazy! But we have a lot of fun with them. The boys' mother has decided to actually KEEP them with her starting Christmas so we're bummed that we won't see them everyday like we've become accustomed to. But on the other hand, it's HER job to raise them, not Rob's parents. We'd have them with us but our house is entirely too small. They miss her and they need to be with her.


Ahhh grandkids. I'd say I can't wait but I'd be lying LOL Although, they say that grandkids are your reward for not killing your kids when they were teenagers lol


I know how you feel about you do one thing wrong.. Yesterday, we went to the Cotton Patch to have lunch. I had originally ordered the catfish basket but couldn't eat it because the fish tasted like dirt-must have been mud-cat. So then I ordered the Talapia.. IT tasted like dirt as well. So all in all, I ended up eating 3 of the smallest hush puppies I've ever seen and maybe a total of 5 french fries.


For dinner, we were at Rob's parents visiting since they kept the girls for us yesterday and his mom made some of those little Tostios Pizzas-I had 2 little bitty pieces and haven't had anything since. I'm thinking an egg sandwich sounds good this morning.

I'm not sure why but I haven't been very hungry lately. I try to make sure I eat something throughout the day so that I don't get so hungry and over-eat.

I've been wanting junk food which is unusual but since I don't keep any in the house, I'm forced to eat healthy choices. That was a great idea I got from Tobie Percival, one of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. However, hubby resents me some for eliminating all junk food LOL

I weighed myself last night for giggles and still at 134.. Grr. LOL See? That's why I don't keep a scale in my house. Everytime I turn around I'll be on it! I hope I'm not hitting a plateau!! Another 9 lbs would put me right where I want to be.

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It's Sat am and pretty quiet here. I dropped Cameron off for a basketball game and Kaitlyn is at work til noon. I did a liitle shopping after I dropped him off. His game is about an hour away, so I'm not going this time. Kaitlyn and I work an employee Christmas party at Barona Casino every year and today is the day.

We face paint!! It's a nice 3 hour job and it's kinda nice to spend it with my 20 year old. We have to be there by 1:00.


I'm doing ok, still hovering right at148. A few onunces up or down but they main number isn't changing so thats good. I didn't walk as much as usual yesterday, but did while shopping last night and a little this morning. I;m am so far pleased with Dec. just hope to atleast hold steady until the cruise. Then I'm worried:(

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When you get on that cruise, it's time to forget about dieting and just enjoy yourself. It's your special week. Then remember, regardless of how much you gain (i'm guessing I'll gain 10 lbs based on past experiences),to come back to chat with us and get back on track with the weight loss.



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Hi Everyone, I had about 3 extra minutes so I thought I would jump on here and post. I've been real discouraged all week as I hadn't lost anymore weight and in fact was up a pound 2 days ago. This morning, when I got on the scale I was actually down a few pounds finally. The only thing I can think that I really did differently other than increased my fiber (which was suppose to help) was I went without my protein shots for 3 days. Started again yesterday and today I'm back down. I'm going tomorrow to restock on the protein!!!!


I think I have finally finished my shopping now I have all the wrapping left to do. My dd is so funny, I asked if she wanted to get her bf a present and she said NO not until after Christmas. The last 3 Christmas's she has purchased a present for a bf and then broke up with each one the week before. Now she is convinced that it will jinx the relationship is she buys him a gift .... I keep encouraging her to go ahead and do so ;).

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Very interesting about the protein! Here's my thoughts - if that's what it takes to "maintain" after I lose all my weight, then I'm going to keep those protein shots on my diet!


I haven't been as faithful on the diet this week due to Christmas events and having the grandkids here. I don't know how you gals with kids at home stay on the diet. I am so tempted when the grandkids are here. Actually I nibble more - "Oh, one of them left french fries here on their plate" "Here's 1/2 of a rice krispie treat." I'm like a scanvenger. LOL I hope by Wednesday I will at least be equal to what I was last Wednesday. I only needed to lose one lb to meet by "by Christmas" goal and I can't even do that it seems. UGH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Very interesting about the protein! Here's my thoughts - if that's what it takes to "maintain" after I lose all my weight, then I'm going to keep those protein shots on my diet!


I haven't been as faithful on the diet this week due to Christmas events and having the grandkids here. I don't know how you gals with kids at home stay on the diet. I am so tempted when the grandkids are here. Actually I nibble more - "Oh, one of them left french fries here on their plate" "Here's 1/2 of a rice krispie treat." I'm like a scanvenger. LOL I hope by Wednesday I will at least be equal to what I was last Wednesday. I only needed to lose one lb to meet by "by Christmas" goal and I can't even do that it seems. UGH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Only 1 more pound to your Christmas goal ... simple enough ... get out the Green Tea!!!! We need to find out if someone can order the Protein Shots by the case and save a few dollars.

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Having kids and kid food in the house is the worst. I do licensed home daycare, I have 4-6 preschoolers here Mon-Fri all day. Talk about the snacks and goodies... Especially at Christmas. That has been my weight problem forever. Snacking all day long:eek:. I have really done good not to do that since I have been dieting and have learned that, that is going to be my lifestyle now. I can't have a little mac & cheese, or rice krispie treat or 4 graham crackers ect... the pasta kills me, and cheese & crackers, a daycare staple.


I just want to get to 145 before I go to my mom & dads on the 23rd. I will have met my revised goal for Christmas. I had originally wanted to be at 140 by New Years, but I'll take 145, thats still 26 lbs! And then like everyone else we are right back on it after the New Year.


You gals are the best. I can always count on encouragement when I'm down! I LOVE THIS GROUP!


Have a great rest of the weekend!

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Well, it WAS 1 lb - not sure now as my weight is yo yoing this week - all my fault. Hopefully with work the next two days I can get back on my eating routine. I don't have anything special planned before the 23rd so I will try very hard to be good for the next 9 days!


Donna - you are doing great in my book. Like I said before, it would be so hard to not touch the kids food/snacks. Eventually I want to get down to the 145 range, but I would be SO excited to get to the 155 for now. LOL



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