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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Just have a minute, as stated earlier, the scales were not good to me. This morning my weight was 168.2.


I have to have some success soon, this is very discourging. My weight is going the wrong way.


Later, Pam

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Still having the same intestinal problem. Everything I eat goes STRAIGHT through me (quickly). Makes me not want to eat, but dadgummit, I'm hungry! Made a really big mistake this morning and got a Bojangles cajun filet biscuit thinking I wouldn't eat the bread, just the chicken. What part of CAJUN did I think would make my stomach (and other body parts) feel better??? My DIL said I should've added some Taco Bell Hot Sauce to it! :eek:


I don't really think I deserve a WHOLE tick mark for the steps yesterday. However, I did go home and rake up those little "gummy balls" (that's what I call them) for 45 minutes yesterday. Got up 3/4 of a large Hefty Lawn and Leaf bag full. So, between the two, I do deserve a whole check mark, especially considering the way I felt. I just kept thinking that if I didn't get them up soon I'd end up turning my ankle on them and the garbage men came today, so I did it and got it over with.


And, I did the steps thing again today (130 up and 130 down). Another half a tick mark, I guess. Will try to stand up for 15 minutes when I get home for the other half! ;) Seriously, no matter how I feel, it seems I'm able to eat, so I HAVE to exercise.


Keeping in mind that nothing I've eaten has stayed with me, I am very disappointed in my weight loss this week. Marlene, if I'd lost two pounds in a week at this stage, I'd be ecstatic. Here's my report:


SW: 220.5 (05/05/08)

LW: 154.0 (3/18/09)

CW: 153.6 (3/25/09)

Total loss: 66.9 pounds/30.3% of my total weight

Ultimate Goal: 143.0 by Memorial Day (HA!)


Have a great day,


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:(ok, here goes


SW (12/30/08) 171.6 lbs


on 3/4/09 I weighed 165.4


on 3/13/09 I weighted 167.6


on 3/18/09 I weighted 167.8


and this morning I weighed 168.2


So, since 12/30 I have lost only 3.4 lbs. That is very much considering the ups and downs. Yesterday when I got on the scales it was 169.4. Help! Help! Help!



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I weighed in today, and much to my surprise I lost!! Yea for me!!!

SW 169.5

LW 155.0

CW 154.0

GW 140.0

I am so glad I lost, I have been feeling really fat because I have been so full! Thank God for Vegetables!!!!!:D

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Although I will never claim to be a mathmetician, it is not my Math that went bad yesterday; it's my usual wonderful (not) memory!


I actually weighed an even 156 last Wednesday, not 154!!! So, as of yesterday, I actually had lost a little over two pounds.


However, as I feel better (no "runs" to the bathroom since about 7:00 pm yesterday) I'm gaining back up to last week's 156. That's how I realized my mistake. When I weighed 155.something this morning, I thought, "well, still under 156" and then I thought "did I put 154 on yesterday's report?"...and I did!


So, next week's weigh in is going to look like I gained, when actually it shouldn't have looked like I lost yesterday!!! I know, I'm making no sense. I'm going back to work!



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Boy I'm behind here:


Judi - Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the good work and keep posting on our board. Your are an official T.I.T. now!!


Pam - sorry you are struggling with the weigh loss. Have you tried keeping a food journal? Have you completely eliminated all bread, sweets and alcohol? Have you considered some type of appetite suppressant/metabolism booster supplement? I don't know exactly what diet you're on (remember - no soft serve ice cream!) - Have you considered doing the WW point system?


Bonnie - See girl you did lose this week. Next week when you post the "real - corrected" totals.


I need to go back and check previous page, but didn't see Angel Kisses post. Hopefully I just missed it. If not, I know where my next email is going. LOL


Pam - I heard from Tiffany (Tiff) from New Orleans last night. She sent me a link to her pictures that she had put to music. Boy it brought back memories. Do you remember her kids were blowing bubbles at the top of the slide when we were leaving? She says she is going on a cruise again February 14 with a large group of family members. It's was interesting to see their excursions that were totally different from ours - as she had the kids with her.


Bonnie - You put your memorial day goal and this did a "HA". That's how I feel too. I don't expect that's going to happen. I am ok with my weight right now although I'd like to get that add'l 10 lbs off. My biggest goal right now is to not gain it back. If I can maintain and slowly lose that extra 10 lbs, I'm ok. That's my thinking today - tomorrow I'll probably get anxious and want it off NOW. LOL Actually I need to want it off "now" to keep me motivated I guess. Still have to start that exercise program......



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Am I the only one having a horrible time with this weight loss thing? I am forever grateful for a one pound loss, but I feel I am having a hard time getting there. I guess I want faster results for all my suffering! My goal seems so far away! I want a donut! I want candy! I want shrimp scampi! I looked for the protein shots, but only found Slim Shots. I bought them, and they are supposed to suppress your appetite, but they don't!!! I still want to eat a Baby Ruth and a Peanut butter Cup! I put on my old size 12 jeans, and they fit, the butt is baggy, my stomach is still a problem and some of my size 12's won't button!!! Do I need to get a tummy tuck? I've lost weight in my FACE! Now I have jowls and will probably need a face lift!!! I'm down 15 pounds, but still feel fat and I'm a mess!! Keep up the encouraging words and diet tips....I need them!!


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That is exactly like I feel. I want-----and the way I feel I eat. I know what I should be doing but, but, but I don't want to. Just keep up the effort and maybe it will pass. At least that is what I am keep telling myself.


My DH is on the computer trying to find another cruise for us to start planning. Maybe that will help. I hope so.



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Just to clarify Judi T.I.T.S. is Twigs in Training. We're all trying to become thing as twigs. LOL


Ladies - please don't give us. Pam - I don't think any of us is doing great after the cruise. You are correct in that you have to have goals such as a "cruise" on the horizon! WTG Weldon - book Pam another cruise!! I think we should probably all go back on a strict diet for 2 weeks and get the sweet cravings out of our system. South Beach did a good job of that for me - IF you stay on Phase 1 and no fudging. If you aren't weighing everyday, you may want to start - I know that's a big no/no with many weight loss plans. BUT some foods do make you gain fluid weight and by weighing each day you can figure out what foods do that to you. I had an aunt who went to an allergy clinic where she stayed for a week. She did total fasting, getting everything out of her system and then would add foods back to see how her body reacted. She found that tomatoes made her weight jump up mega pounds. On a personal note - I weighed this morning (after waking up and feeling fluid build up in my hands) and my weight had jumped almost 3 lbs overnight. I now have to look at what I ate yesterday to determine what did this. Today my diet will consist of Protein shot, diuretic pills, green tea w/fat burner, 8 bottles of water - pure water, and low sodium soup. Hopefully by tomorrow this extra fluid will be gone.


Judi- slim shots are not anything like protein shots. Some of us had been thinking of trying that. Guess I'll stick with the green tea supplements for now.


Judi & Pam: Get all the fattening stuff - all the stuff you are craving - out of your house now!!!


Work time - chat later!!



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Hi Everyone, I have so much reading to catch up on. Marlene did blast me with an email to get back on her. What would we all do without her encouragement.


My scales have not seen much action for a while but I'm not totally discouraged yet. Have you ever noticed when you loose weight all of a sudden EVERYONE you run into notices at about the same time. That's the way it was for me in January, now two months later its finally starting again. This week I had at least 5 or 6 people to stop and ask how much more that I lost .... even MOM. I've really not lost but a few more pounds but I have been working out a little more. Yesterday, was one of those GOOD days. I found a great sale at Belks (prices as good as GW Boutique!) and EVERYTHING I took into the dressing room was fitting. What a great feeling. I started this weight as a size 18W/20 Jeans ...yesterday I bought 3 different brands of jeans and all of them were size 12s. Actually, I bought a 4th pair but taking them back today because they are actually a little loose. My shirts instead of being XXL are now L .... woo hooo. I even got to buy a smaller bra size ... not much smaller but smaller. So ladies, please don't give up and put so much emphasis on those scales. Just because they don't move as fast as you like does not mean you are not getting a better figure.


DIET TIP: Someone shared this with me this week so thought I would pass it on. If you love ice cream try this alternative. Use 2 whole chocolate graham crackers with frozen low fat cool whip sandwiched between. You will have a total intake of about 150 calories for a nice size treat. This is my new reward for days that I stay on the diet all day and below my daily calorie allowance.


WATER: Just curious, everyone knows you should increase water on your diet. Just how much water is everyone taking in each day? I drink about 96 ounces at work each night and then another 16 ounces when I'm home. The problem I have is getting enough water in on the weekends.


I've started writing down everything I take-in each day. Hopefully, I will be a little more observant to the nibbling I tend to do off and on. I've only lost about 2 lbs since 3/11 but I'm not going to let it stop me now. I'm pumped after shopping yesterday. :D



SW 242.6 (October 13)

CW 196.8 .... 46 lbs total.

GW by 5/20 ...188

GW by 10/31 -165 :D .... All I need to do is loose 1 lb a week!

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Robin - congratulations on the new size! You and I are built so differently to be sisters. I'm built like a triangle with all weight gain at on the bottom. You're built like an upside down triangle - LOL. When I weighed what you do now, I had to wear size 16 pants. I had to get down to below 160 lbs to get to a 12. Actually I was in a 12 for a very short period of time. I almost jumped over it. I bought 12's at the GW Boutique and 2 weeks later they were too big. So those of you who are discouraged about not changing sizes, it will happen suddenly so don't give up!


I'm finally at my 50 lb loss again. Robin we're within 4 lbs of the 100 lb total loss goal we had!!!


Is everyone taking vitamins? I was guilty of not doing so. A few weeks ago a started having tingling and numbness in my arms and legs, particularly 3 fingers and 3 toes. I read on the internet this can be from a Vitamin B, particularly B12, deficiency. When I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago, we discussed it. After examining me, he told me to try A good B Complex vitamin and be sure it had the B12 in it. Said I could probably take it 4 or 5 days per week. Within 7 days my numbness and tingling was gone.



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Two of the graham cracker sheets account for 130 calories ... fortunatly, not so many calories in the whipped cream. I have the low fat whipped topping that has 15 calories / 2 tbsp. I have not been measuring my whipped topping and may have been adding twice that amount. Like I said ... that's my good girl treat. Sometimes I'm a little good and a little bad in which case I only get 1/2 of one.


You are right Marlene about the upside down triangle. Poor Taylor ... I think she has been cursed too.


I'm thinking the Vitamins should help with some of the food cravings too. For those of you who MUST have candy go buy the "fun size" MM candies with peanuts. This is what was recommended to me by weight loss doctor. I guess its the combination of the nuts and the darker chocolate that makes it a little better choice than other candies. Just be sure to limit yourself and don't eat it everyday. Also, if you are having real bad sugar cravings .... are you still drinking diet sodas? If so, try to go one week without the sodas and see if that will make a difference in your overall cravings for sweets.


Judi, if you can't find the protein shots try having a piece of grilled chicken breast or a couple eggs or even an omelet first thing in the morning. After that first hour you can start adding some carbs to your diet. Alot of people will go for the protein bars as a substitute for their meal. Just be sure to read the label as most protein bars will actually contain more carbs than protein. This may be fine for later in the day but for that first meal think ONLY protein and see if this will make a difference. I forgot.... you are on WW plan aren't you? This may be totally different from what they are advising you. I think you have done well so far. Anytime you loose is good. Just think if you loose only 1 lb a week you can be down to your goal in less than 14 sweeks. YOU CAN DO IT!


To see the Protein Shots we have been buying go to walmart online and search for protein shot. These can be a bit expensive if consumed everyday so I save mine for when I'm on the go and don't have time or just don't want eggs or chicken that first meal.

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Great ideas - thanks!


You know you could have "reduction" surgery and you'd probably meet your goal! Skip all this dieting.......LOL


Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind however I don't think my husband would like it very well. Of course, when he sees how saggy they will be when I am finished loosing he will probably go tell me to do something about it. I have actually gone from a DDD to a DD ... so thats a good thing.


I just read back a few post and saw where you were asking about the total grams of protein a day. I was told around 60gm a day however the amount you have in the morning is not as important as getting in more protein than carbs. Our cousin who just had gastric bypass is also on the protein shots. I'm pretty sure the doctor has her on 60gms a day too.


TIP OF THE DAY: A sports trainor told me to start walking with smart bells and really lift my arms as I walk to work on thos under arm wings.


Judi - I just noticed you were from Alabama. You should hook up with the Caribbean Sea Dawgs and do the Fantasy out of Mobile with us next January.

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I feel pretty good today, not to say that I feel thinner, just better about myself. Had a Carnival Fun Day party yesterday with lots of food, drink and CAKE! Did pretty well...one Pina Colada, one hotdog,One Piece Of CAKE!!!!! Took the rest of the desserts to Monday Coffee with me and let the morning group eat it! None in MY house!! I love eggs, so I think I will boil up a batch and keep them in the fridge. If I have one every morning, is that the same as the protein shots? I'll try anything to keep that Devil "Snacker" out of my life!!!!

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Well, I'm apparently recuperated from the "bug" (or whatever it was) I had last week. I've gone from losing gallons of water at a time to pure cement again!!! And, the better I feel, the more I eat, and the more I weigh. I've very close to that 160 mark again and I just can't let that happen.


Marlene, I want credit for the exercise I've done! Yesterday, I walked the entire neighborhood, which I am told is three miles although I've never measured it. I was two minutes shy of walking for a full hour.


Today, when I came home from work, I went up to the game room and worked out with my Wii Outdoor Adventure game for almost an hour. DH finally got to witness the game. When I finished the first session he watched he asked if I was okay and said that that would've killed him! That made me feel like it really is as good a workout as I think it is. I'll try to do something again tomorrow to get a third tickmark for the week.


Judi, one egg white has 5 grams of protein. The whole egg has 7 grams of protein, but the yellow also has fat. You'd have to eat five egg whites to equal one protein shot. The protein shots from Walmart have 26 grams of protein in them. My weight loss doctor says that you need to eat 30 grams of protein within the first three hours that you get up in order for your body to burn 40% more calories for that day that it would without the protein. So, weekdays anyway, I drink one protein shot and eat one egg white to equal 31 grams of protein.


I'll have to find my diet book again, but I think I was told to eat between 80 and 100 grams of protein a day!!! BUT, your body will only absorb 50 grams of protein in one sitting, so you can't eat all 80-100 grams in one meal.


I have to go back to the clinic and weigh in one week from tomorrow!!! :eek: At this point, I just hope that I haven't gained weight when I go weigh in! I'm also going to ask for the maintenance program and try to wean myself off of them. The suppressants just aren't working anymore or at least not as well as they used do.


Robin, I've had a couple of people ask me how much weight I've lost this week, too! That always feels good, but I still ate a cookie at lunchtime! :(


It's about bedtime for me. Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



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I know it is a little early but here is my weight each morning the last week.


Wednesday 168.2

Thursday 168.2

Friday 167.2

Saturday 168.4

Sunday 168.6

Monday 169.2

Tuesday 168.4


Up and down, Up and down.......about to give up.


Hope that each of you are doing better.



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I forgot to tell you that the pictures were put in the mail today. Let me know when you get them and if you can see them ok.


Hope that you are feeling better and have gotten good news about your eye. Weldon will try and talk with John this weekend. I will be gone on Saturday to northern california to my sisters and and then will pick up my daughter and grand daughter at the airport in Sacramento Saturday night.


They are coming in from Portland Oregon for a week. I will be busy as it has been almost 6 months since I seen my grand daughter after them living with us most of her life. She was 5 yrs old in December.


Still will have trouble losing weight this weekend as my sister is a good cook that like to cook also.



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Don't give up Pam - how much weight would you have gained if you hadn't been weighing daily?


Bonnie - congratulations on the exercise! My DH found a used bike yesterday for $30 at a local bike shop. We'll probably go to Walmart Saturday and pick up one for me. I'm thinking about a 24" rather than 26" but will try them out in the store I guess. We are going camping on Thursday next week and plan to take them. Of course, we plan to take alcohol and "good" food so the diet will probably be out the window. I will try to stick with white wine as that usually doesn't stick to the gut like some others.


Judi - I don't know how much you lost this week, but stay focused!


I went to my grandson's soccer game last night. One of my daughter's friends is a family practice doctor, whose son is on the same team. She told me last night that I looked good - that she hadn't seen me since I lost all my weight. And yes, it's nice when people notice. What's kind of nice is that people in our church keep coming up to my DH and telling him how good I'm looking with my weight loss. He for really serious Sunday and told me, "I had done a great job losing my weight." In the past, I have lost weight before vacation and gained it back when I returned. I'm proud of the fact, that I came back this time and lose what i gained on vacation. That's such a positive thing for me to do - to keep it off. Maybe, just maybe, I'll keep it off this time AND you gals are the reason i did that. Thank You!!!!


I lost a little this week (1.4 lbs). I'm back to a 50 lb weight loss. I'm going to re-adjust my goals, however, as i've gotten really behind and it's very discouraging to not meet weekly goals because I'm behind from the previous week and it keeps compounding!!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/09)

LW: 149 (last Wed)

CW: 147.6

GW: Try to get to the next decade by memorial day

Final GW: 137.6 (60 lbs total) - doctor says 140, but I want to hit one more decade.

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Sorry I am late posting for yesterday's weigh in. Just never got around to logging in yesterday.


I'm at my "stuck" weight (before I got the flu bug, that is) and weighed 156.4 yesterday morning. That's neither good nor bad. It's the same and, quite honestly, if I can stay the same forever, I'll be happy. No more 222.2 pounds for me!


I'd love to sit and chat the afternoon away, but as soon as I brought this website up, someone needed me to do something, so I guess I ought to go do it.


Have a great day, and a great WEEKend.



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Okay, I weighed in yesterday and low and behold, I did not loose an ounce...but I didn't gain either!!!Then I cheated big time, had some ribs, two turnovers, spaghetti and Italian bread!!!! I have company for the next week, including children and I will be cooking their favorite foods the entire time!!!! Plus the grandchildren like cookies,candy etc and I will try not to cheat!! They leave Tuesday and I weigh in again Wed.!!! I am going to try an be good!!

SW 169.5

LW 154.5

CW 154.5

GW 140.0


HELP ME!!! I just am not cut out to diet!!!!!!


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Judi - my suggestion to you is don't cook all of those fattening foods for company. Try to find alternative foods - foods that aren't quiet as fattening. Hopefully they are going to be encouraging you. If you MUST have cookies in the house, get someone else to be the keeper of the cookies and hide them from you! When I first started dieting (this last time......) and got tempted, I would keep telling myself "Nothing Tastes As Good as Thin Feels". I kept telling myself that the final results were going to be so worth it. Little by little I've lost weight. Yes, I need to lose more but I have to be proud of the fact that I've lost 50 lbs, then went on vacation and came back and have lost my "vacation gain". That's two first for me. (1) All the times I've dieted in the past to get ready for a vacation - I've not lost as much or gotten my weight down as low as it is now. Yes, I need to lose another 10 lbs and I will do my best to get that off. (2) This is the first time I've come back from vacation and immediately started dieting to get the "vacation weight gain" back off. Bottom line: I haven't learned how to maintain. I have weekly goals set up for myself. On those weeks that we are going on vacation, have a wedding & reception to attention,etc. my goal is to maintain and I urually add one additional week to lose the 'gain'. That at least gives me a break from the strict dieting. It's something to look forward to. So maybe your goal this next week is just to "maintain". You've lost 15 lbs so far - that's a great start!! Just don't give us - never give up! Together we are going to beat this weight "disease".



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