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Suzanne, that's a great link. OK, a great one but sure leads to sleep deprevision...I started looking at all the B&B type options and I'm not even looking for a place to stay, since we're not headed for Alaska in the near future! I didn't get to bed till 1:30AM! Guess I'm addicted to let's see: Could my obsession be 1. Alaska; 2. CruiseCritic; or 3: Wishful thinking??:D


Boy SEPyle, you and I would make a gruesome twosome, I'll tell you. Because of my back and being laid up, I started my research again for Alaska, and now I CAN"T STOP! :) I keep saying, "once I get this booked" but then I go on to something else. I think you are suffering withdrawal from having to come back home. Yea, that's it. You need to book another trip to get over it.:rolleyes:


Suzanne-That is a terrific site. I wish some of these people that I have emailed would get back to me. I'm not a phone person and obviously they are not email people. Don't know why they put it on their website then. I made the decision that the first one to get back to me is where I am meant to stay. LOL:D Since I can't seem to make a decision myself. Now if I could only find a quaint little inexpensive place in Soldotna or Kenai for one night. I can't get anyone there to respond to me either and I don't have a real big budget for that stop. Might have to be the Best Western:(.

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I wish some of these people that I have emailed would get back to me. I'm not a phone person and obviously they are not email people. Don't know why they put it on their website then. I made the decision that the first one to get back to me is where I am meant to stay. LOL:D Since I can't seem to make a decision myself.


Half of Homer left town or shut down businesses a couple of weeks ago. After a long summer season of 24/7' date=' the LAST thing they want to do is start dealing with next summer. Give them until Thanksgiving time or call. There are just toooo many places in Homer to choose from.



Now if I could only find a quaint little inexpensive place in Soldotna or Kenai for one night. I can't get anyone there to respond to me either and I don't have a real big budget for that stop. Might have to be the Best Western:(.


Klondike Cabins are rustic little cabins and some of the cheapest in Soldotna ($140.00 per night in June 2008). You have to be REALLY careful booking cabins around Soldotna/Kenai. A lot of them have bunk beds/single beds as they are designed for guys going fishing. So don't assume they have double beds.


The Kenai River Lodge is really nice. Used to be pricey, but DH said the elderly lady who owned it sold it and the prices have come down. LOTS of moose down that road.


Unless they have totally redone it, the Best Western sucks!!!! Used and abused by all the guys going fishing. Stayed one night two years ago. I have stayed in a lot of dumps and this one was 1/3 of the way to the top of the list.

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If you have any extra time, kayaking with St. Augustine's kayaks is a wonderful way to spend the day.

http://www.homerkayaking.com/ You get up close to seals and otters without the seasickness of Kenai Fjords.


You're going to love Homer.


This looks intriguing!!! I have never kayaked before and would LOVE to do it in Alaska, but I am TOO worried about capsizing in that frigid water. Have you kayaked before? Would like to hear a little more.


GREATAM-Thanks for the heads up on the "tourist season". I understand. I just wanted to make sure I got where I wanted to. I'll cool my heels for a while then.:rolleyes: (patience is NOT my strong suit) Also, THANK YOU for the warning on BW. I had read some ok reviews on TA so thought it would be ok. They have a W/D and after being gone for 9 days, thought it would come in handy. I will check out the Klondike Cabins. I have sent the Kenai River an email already. Did hear back from the Kenai River Raven, but they weren't real clear about the price for 3 of us. It looks real nice, so probably too expensive.:rolleyes:

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Hi Choozin'cruzin, your comment about Kayaking made me laugh outloud! I went kayaking in Ketchikan in 2005 and trust me when I say, I was a bit concerned about getting in and out of the kayaking; let alone turning over in the water! I have to say I was very careful and the adventure was really a fantastic experience for me. It was exhilirating to go outside my comfort zone! And being so close to the water was really special; I literally felt one with nature! I know that sounds corny, but it was true!


Now about getting out of the kayak.:eek: I've had 2 shoulder surgeries plus another proceedure; so I was concerned. Let's just put it this way. My girlfriend was in the kayak behind me. She said: Price of the excursion: $45 (we had a 2 for one coupon); Price of disposable camara: $15' Price of witnessing Sharon get out of the kayak: PRICLESS! It only took three of us!!! Would I do it again...you bet I would! We were hoping to go this trip but it didn't work out...:(


By the way; I've finally posted my Soldotna pics. I have various pics of the Stillwater Chalets, where we stayed and were very impressed. We were able to take advantage of a special this year which saved us money by staying for two nights. You might want to give them a call and by the way; I'm quite sure they'll return the call!


Happy planning!

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Hi Choozin'cruzin, your comment about Kayaking made me laugh outloud! I went kayaking in Ketchikan in 2005 and trust me when I say, I was a bit concerned about getting in and out of the kayaking; let alone turning over in the water! I have to say I was very careful and the adventure was really a fantastic experience for me. It was exhilirating to go outside my comfort zone! And being so close to the water was really special; I literally felt one with nature! I know that sounds corny, but it was true!


Now about getting out of the kayak.:eek: I've had 2 shoulder surgeries plus another proceedure; so I was concerned. Let's just put it this way. My girlfriend was in the kayak behind me. She said: Price of the excursion: $45 (we had a 2 for one coupon); Price of disposable camara: $15' Price of witnessing Sharon get out of the kayak: PRICLESS! It only took three of us!!! Would I do it again...you bet I would! We were hoping to go this trip but it didn't work out...:(


By the way; I've finally posted my Soldotna pics. I have various pics of the Stillwater Chalets, where we stayed and were very impressed. We were able to take advantage of a special this year which saved us money by staying for two nights. You might want to give them a call and by the way; I'm quite sure they'll return the call!


Happy planning!


:DYou are just too funny!!! Thanks for another good chuckle!:D I was just telling my dh tonight at dinner that I would kind of like to do this. BUT I told him in "his condition" I don't think he could get in or out of the kayak. You see he looks right now like he is about 9 mos pregnant. :D I'm trying to "gently" encourage him to lose some weight before this trip, but I don't know how far I will get. He exercises so his heart and stamina are ok, he just loves to eat. I can't wait to view your Soldotna photos. I saw your post some where else about Stillwater Challets, but their prices were a little more than we can spend. We are spending 2 nights in Homer so only have 1 other night.:( It looks like a really nice place.

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Glad you had a chuckle too choozin'cruzin! To tell the truth; I did too just remembering that day! The rest of the story: When I got out of the kayak, the guide was so proud of me that she was clapping big time; and oh yes. I just looked at the pic on my desk...she had a hearty chuckle too!


Here's an idea...at least for your Homer stay. You might want to call the folks at Northern Lights Discount Book and see if you can find out who will be in it for next year. That's how we stayed at Stillwaters. They had a 2 for 1; so very affordable. This year's book had 1 or 2 options for 2 for 1 in Homer - worth a try!

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I had one more question as I have narrowed it down to the Mermaid and The Bear Paw Inn. Did you each get a $10 voucher or did you just receive 1 - $10 per night? Thanks again.


One question-when you and DS go bear viewing, are you SURE your DH will feel like getting in the car and driving around to see something on his own???


NOT a lot to see in downtown Homer. You really must get in a car and drive.


I know my DH won't go anyplace "exciting or fun" other than fishing unless it is easy to do walking around. I sure can't imagine him going to Islands/ Ocean or Pratt Museum by himself unless he could walk. Maybe your DH is more adventurous.


Closer to the Spit provides opportunities to walk around without driving. Both myself and DH can spend quite a few hours hanging out at the boat harbor, watching them fish at the Fishing Hole, wandering along the boardwalk or just sitting in the Mariner's Park watching the scenery and fishing boats. Those thing are NOT available without a car from downtown Homer or in the hills. Food for thought.

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Thanks for the FFT. Actually I gave my dh 4 choices....Sea Lion on spit, Mermaid in town, the Highliner and Bear Paw in the hills. ALL come highly recommended. He chose Mermaid, BUT then I just got the rate quote from Bear Paw and it is $100/night (cont breakfast) for 2 nights for 3 of us. Mermaid will be $160(voucher), Sea Lion $150/$160(no food) and Highliner $149/$179 (no food). Three have kitchens, and we DO cook on vacations. Cuts down on the cost. Believe it or not he is a VERY independant male.....a salesman who's on the road a lot.....LOVES to drive, though he did like the thought of being in walking distance of a pub. You are right, I cannot see him going to a museum, but the spit isn't that far to drive is it? He's going to have to take us to the plane anyway. Plus that is why we are staying the 2 nights in Homer so he can go back, have lunch, take a nap:rolleyes: if he wants. I know it's hard to tell because we have never been there. $120+ you can do lots of driving.

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Thanks for the FFT. Actually I gave my dh 4 choices....Sea Lion on spit' date=' Mermaid in town, the Highliner and Bear Paw in the hills. ALL come highly recommended. He chose Mermaid, BUT then I just got the rate quote from Bear Paw and it is $100/night (cont breakfast) for 2 nights for 3 of us. Mermaid will be $160(voucher), Sea Lion $150/$160(no food) and Highliner $149/$179 (no food). Three have kitchens, and we DO cook on vacations. Cuts down on the cost. Believe it or not he is a VERY independant male.....a salesman who's on the road a lot.....LOVES to drive, though he did like the thought of being in walking distance of a pub. You are right, I cannot see him going to a museum, but the spit isn't that far to drive is it? He's going to have to take us to the plane anyway. Plus that is why we are staying the 2 nights in Homer so he can go back, have lunch, take a nap:rolleyes: if he wants. I know it's hard to tell because we have never been there. $120+ you can do lots of driving.[/quote']


Not far to drive (about 6-7 miles from the East Hills, about 3-4 from downtown-the Spit is almost a mile long). BUT parking can be a problem on the Spit, especially around major holidays/weekends. And you will have to be at the airport for bear viewing most likely by 6:00AM or earlier. So there isn't much to do at 6:00AM except go to Mickey D's. Sourdough Bakery is VERY overpriced and too crowded with tourists from outside Alaska. Happy Face on the Spit is open for breakfast at 5:00AM-VERY good breakfast.


Please don't buy on price alone. IMHO, there is nothing more peaceful that sitting in the park, on our deck at Land's End or even in our RV at the campground on the Spit and listening to the ocean, the boat horns and the birds. You don't get that experience in downtown Homer or up in the Hills.

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Choosin' Cruzin' -- The voucher was $10 per booking per night.

The kayaking was our first experience, too, and we booked the full day trip anyway. We stopped a few times to rest, eat lunch, and climb a hill for a bird's eye view of the bay, but most of the time was on the water. It was a beautiful day -- calm water, great guide and unforgettable views. We had several curious seals following us, but they were so fast I could only get pictures of the otters. Here are some pics:




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Hi Suzanne - Thanks again for the reply. That kayak trip really does look like fun. I have a question for you. I respect Greatam's opinion about being on the spit. I just wondered if you were sorry you stayed where you did. Do you felt like you missed something staying downtown?

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With my "vast" experience of exactly one 4 day trip to Homer :) I have to say that no, I kind of liked being off the spit. The times we were there, it seemed awfully crowded and we couldn't find a place to park after about 7:30 in the morning.

Other than driving out to the spit to pick up kayaking and fishing tours, our car stayed parked at the B&B and we walked everywhere -- down to the shore, up to the Islands and Oceans Center, the Safeway, and to a restaurant (I wish I could remember the name, that opened at 5:30AM for breakfast (biscuits the size of a baseball!).

I think the views coming in to town were the best (see below) so if I didn't stay downtown, I would have liked to stay outside of town on one of the many hills. That said, we had a couple on our kayak trip who stayed at Lands' End and they had sea otters right outside their door, so that would have been cool.

We also stayed one night in Cooper Landing at the Kenai Princess Lodge on the way back to Anchorage and I would have loved to stay longer there. For the last two summers, at least, they had a special on Wednesday nights. I think we paid $129, and it was wonderful. My DH's fishing trip on the Kenai River started at 4:00 AM so it was very convenient.





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[quote name='Suzanne123']The times we were there, it seemed awfully crowded and we couldn't find a place to park after about 7:30 in the morning.

Greatam said that parking was a problem...so if you DID want to go to the spit, this would be a problem. Well anyway, thanks for your take. I'm going to make myself crazy trying to make this decision....well for the first time ever, I am making the dh participate. He usually just sits back and loves anything I plan.:)
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