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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Wrote a long message on here Wed. night..clicked on submit..then

said "database not working"..Thursday the same. Then had company and been busy. This month seems to have been hectic. Month of May more of the same!


Seems like you two have been busy too..not much talk going on.


Carolyn..Sorry you had a "rotten" weekend. Hope Monday starts

a "good" week for you. Your doing good stay the same/losing with

all the sress your going thru.


Donna..You working on your kitchen? Almost done? Still waiting on things?

Hope you get your weekend. We usually go to Reno in May but

don't think will make it this year, with the painting of rooms (painter hasn't

bought samples by yet thro) company this month and in June then trip to



How did you let friends book the cruise without you on the MSC? That's the one in January? You going to book it but later?


Still have to e-mail you, had to change name for Yahoo.


This is the 1st day of May..can you believe? How much weight have

we lost? I'm tired of playing with same 5 lbs. I did go to the gym Thursday

night. Need to start going every week at least 5 days!

May 2nd tomorrow (today) when you read...told myself I really have to

get strict (hard when have company) but only 2 months and a week till



I think the cream is working, see the Doctor on Tuesday, see what happens..a little nervous.


You two take care..have a good week.

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Morning all,


Belle, We will keep our fingers crossed that the cream is doing its job and will make things much easier! Kitchen is and will take forever but here is a link to the before and after shot if it works: http://community.webshots.com/album/336539946TaXuRM Lots of pics but no time to go through them all. Worked from 6:00 AM until 8:00 yesterday and fell asleep before the news. Have two more cabinets to fill but realized that the stuff that goes in the last two cabinets is blocking access to what I am trying to get at. Guess I'll just deal with it tonight. Email me and we'll see if we can get you on.


Carolyn, We use Priceline all the time and have never been unhappy with the results. Did Libby hit her ice cream and did you stay away from it? As to the yahoo board, Just click on the left side of the screen on the word post. Type your posting then go to the bottom and hit send. It is that simple. I usually highlight everything then right click and copy just in case yahoo goes haywire which occasionally happens. All of us generally say hi every day even if there is nothing new and exciting going on. Llinda sometimes misses due to her schedule but when she gets back on it is generally a very long explanation. If you don't have time to catch up then just drop in and say hi. We each read all the posts at our leisure and respond. IM is a bit different in that it is all real time. I suppose I will eventually get used to that but right now it is mostly Jean and Sissy.


Ok, Not all that great over the weekend but lots of ap's to cover it so now I need to concentrate on losing for this week. Working on the kitchen again tonight should help!


Everyone have a great day!

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As to the MSC cruise in January, it was hard to have everyone else book without us but we are still planning on it. Just not willing to tempt fate by booking something quite that far out. I am hoping that I will feel better about it once we see Mom. Hoping she will be getting out of the nursing home next week so we'll go down and see how she is actually doing. We haven't booked air or hotel yet for the October for the same reason. Final payment isn't due until July so we will have a much better idea of whether we can pull it off or not.


Ok, back to work!

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Morning all,


Carolyn, How is the day going so far?


Belle, Don't forget to report in after the doctor! Have you picked the colors yet for the painters?


I have already been slightly bad and had M&M's with peanuts instead of my banana so far. I am now going to behave for the rest of the day. Making dinner last night was absolutely hysterical. I spent all my time searching for things to the point that it was a miracle that we actually ate dinner!

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Went to the Doctor today..the medicine is working!

Will use it for another five weeks. See the doctor again

in the end of June. Will know then..if small enough to

just have stiches and not need a skin graft.

Hope so. Just have to wait and see. Whats nice can wait for

surgery till after France and two weeks at the river.

(remember go every year with friends) Surgery at end of August.

It is safe to wait that long the doctor says. Medicine doing it's job!



Quess what Donna..not getting rooms painted now, waiting till after

summer. We have so many things going on and having two sets of

company visiting and painter is busy making it later than we wanted.

So we are going to wait, disappointed but that's life sometimes.


I understand about your cruise and your mother. I'm an only child, both

my parents older, now everytime I book something..don't know if

something might happen. We just hope for the best.


Also I love M&M peanuts! Once a bag is open...it's a fight! LOL


Carolyn hope everything going alright with your mother and all the

paperwork. Hope your having a better day than Sunday? Ooops it's

Tuesday..you don't like Tuesdays! Really it Wed. now there.

See when I write from Calif. (at night) your day is over and you will

read this on Wed. LOL

Well I still hope you had a good Tuesday!


You two be good tomorrow..weigh-in Thursday is around the corner.

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Belle, YIPPEE! That is fabulous news. Painters changed or not, I bet your floating on air right now! Second wonderful news that I had in 24 hours. Friend and co-worker has a close friend with brain and bone C diagnosed in November. Went through chemo and found out yesterday that there is absolulely no sign of it left! So are you going to squeeze Reno in now?


Carolyn, I have been told that I would make one heck of a Jewish Mother for an Irish Catholic so here goes. The retail therapy on the other board is the easy and fun part of what I'm going to say. I know that you haven't been a stay at home forever and nothing I say is going to be new to you but it needs to be said. You need to sit down and make 4 lists. One for the lawyers, one for your sister, one for Alex and Libby and one for your mom. Better buy some carb free treats since this will take you a bit. On each of these lists you need to think out and write down your expectations and a timetable for them. You can send your sister's and the lawyers to them and talk about your lists with your Mom and the kids. With the lawyers, ask if there are any impediments to accomplishing what you set out and start negotiations. With your sister, I would not be willing to negotiate but I would make sure it was fair first. Kids and Mom are not negotiable! Being a stay at home Mom does not make you a doormat! When the lists are done to satisfaction, make a drink and hit the Calgon! No drinks while doing it since you will need to be very clear and concise. Outline format will help focus your thoughts a lot. The whole key is pro-active rather than re-active. When Mike gets back, he will come back to a much calmer household and then you can work on reminding both of you why you got married in the first place. The only thing your guilty of is letting everyone use you and make you feel guilty in the first place and it is time to get end that!


Ok, I am done and you can think about it! Told you I make a great Jewish Mother! Just need to get things to the point where you can actually enjoy life again!


Belle, Ok, so so yesterday but will behave totally today! Fortunately, the M&M peanuts were just a little vending machine bag or I wouldn't be able to say I was so so! Put those in front of me and I will eat the whole bag no matter what size it is.


Joe is supposed to be setting up a weekend in San Fransisco in June then one night in Reno before we fly back. Now I need to figure out exactly what I want to see and do while we are there. I have only been there once and made it all the way to the airport Marriott on a layover to Hawaii. Plane was late so no time to do anything except sleep before we continued on. Better get him moving on it or June will be July before we know it. I'm thinking Mom will be fine by then, still hoping she will get out in the next few days or Medicare will run out and she will be a nervous wreck.


Ok, better start working since that is what I'm being paid for!


Where is your water?


Have a great day!

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Thanks Donna for the pep talk.

Lawyers... think that's somewhat under control. Elderlawyer will just do the Medicaid application when the time comes and I just need to make sure that he has all the necessary paperwork in order (which I'm sure he will do since he "hasn't lost a case yet"). The estate lawyer's associate called me up on Thursday to ask "if there's anything else that his office needs to handle" (guess he was fishing around to ask if I wanted them to take care of closing of house) so then he said "just pay the bill" (well there's no money left there but I'll wait for them to release things. Right now I'm getting all papers to real estate lawyer so contracts can be drafted up and then sent out for execution (for sale of house). They only found one thing wrong on inspection (took place on Monday) and was told about it "officially" from realtor on Tuesday (while I was driving) so it's good. Now I need to figure out what date I want to do closing on. Seems like I need to be there and can't "sign off". So hoping to have everything taken care of w/house by July 1st (give or take a week). The kids, well I need to give Libby a bit more structure and more time w/me (nurture and not smother... but also need to find balance).


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Donna..Yes very happy! Hope it's even better in June..more

of those "little cells" disappearing!


Still don't know about Reno..will be spending money with company

and trip to France. I can't go Reno without Gambling..love the

table games..of course more money then the slots! Plus it's

a time issue. Will see.


Hope you enjoy your trip there. You'll have fun.


Also I'm like you...if the bag of M&M's Peanuts is open..have to eat them.

I'm ok if the bag isn't open! LOL


Carolyn..It sounds like things are starting to come together for you.

Know it's been hard with husband traveling alot. Now if your sister

will get her act together so you won't have so much to do.


Well tomorrow is weigh-in. Seems like weigh-ins are coming to fast! LOL

Can you believe summer is around the corner too!


You two take care..see you tomorrow..no matter what!

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Morning all,


Down 1 and have no idea how I did it with all the carry out again. Updated pics so you can see the progress: http://community.webshots.com/album/336539946TaXuRM . Tonight is shelf paper and start moving stuff back in since we didn't finish installing the doors until after 8:00 last night.


Carolyn, Any special plans for while Mike is gone?


Belle, I'm sure the news from the doctor will take the sting out of not going to Reno!


Ok, back to work!

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On your weight loss and your kitchen.

Love the lighter cubboards, kitchen looks great! Good Job!

All your work paying off in more ways than one...

got a new kitchen and got exercise that helped you lose weight!



Carolyn how's everything? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel yet?


I lost a lb today too. Something in the water? LOL

Yes happy about nose but still wanted to go to Reno.

Just as well..my nose doesn't look that great..medicine working

so it's a little crusty where the sore is. Think everyone is

looking at it..my sweetfriends say that they can't see it..yea right! Aren't friends so nice?


Well you take care as always..thinking of you.

Have a good weekend.

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Hi Ladies...

Think I'm getting a bit "numb" by my sister and mother... the two of them deserve each other and I can't wait for both to be "where they should be" and leave me ALONE!!!

I finally got a list for what the Home suggests for Mom.. well, it seems like she doesn't have enough shoes (I tried to get her some in Nov. but her feet were too swollen) Now she wants new ones. I don't have the time to buy her any more... will deal with it later.. well she wants them NOW.. and is having my sister (who's always asking for $$) to buy her some and ship them to Mom. Well that's great and all but if they're no good then who's going to return them... (you get the picture) I just don't want to hear it. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to empty out the house, once Mom's out. And the lawyer's saying that Mom's going to need (or me and Diane.. which really means ME) to do private pay at nursing home for a month or TWO.. well we don't know how much more $$ I have to give to mom... (I've done an awful lot and I'm expected to get my "share" payback only after the house is sold). I'm really worried (and elderlawyer says I shouldn't worry) that I'm going to get screwed out of what I've layed out ($120K so far) and I'm getting numb about the whole thing.. I'm just waiting for the estate lawyer's office to be sending me the final bill and expect me to pay it before the house is sold. I've been eating crap and probably the scale is showing it now. I'm feeling like crap from it too... Mike's away till Thursday. Contracts are out to buyers lawyer on Thurs. so hopefully they'll be sending them back early next week and I can go down to sign them and get things rolling. Will probably be putting Mom "in" on Tues. May 16th. (I'm expecting the call then). If I make it till July 1st in one piece I'll be greatful. Right now I just want to cry but not sure if it's going to make me feel better... try to sleep but at 6AM wake up w/insomnia (or earlier) and feeling exhausted in afternoon. Not a good Mom to the kids, my nerves are raw and Mom and Diane are just pushing my buttons.

Mike's out in CA now until late Thurs. night and then he's gone again in a week to CA home over Mem. weekend and then out again to Germany so he probably won't be much help with packing things up at Mom's and now I'm not really sure if it's worthwhile to take any of the furniture back from there.

Donna, hope you're having success in the kitchen and being careful in your food choices.

Belle, Thrilled that the cream is doing what it should be... who cares (ok I know you do) how things look right now if it's postponing surgery. Be careful of the sun and you'll do great.

Take care ladies,

I hope my sanity makes it through till Monday. I'm not going to be that great a "mom" tomorrow... hope I don't disappoint the kids too much.


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Happy Mother's Day all,


Before I forget, new pics http://community.webshots.com/album/336539946TaXuRM


Belle, are you planning a fun day? WTG on the lb.!


Carolyn, Deep breath and try to relax and enjoy the kids! Your closing in on the end and you will get through it and get past it!


Ok, we are out of here today! Picking up friends then going to Ikea and stopping by dsil's so Joe can check her drain problem and go over her financials with her. Have no idea what we will be eating but after working as hard as I have this weekend (yesterday, 17 hours alone) I'm not all too worried about. Down 1 lb. this morning and I could barely move, every muscle in my body hurt after yesterday's manic cleaning and organizing. Back early tonight and will get the ironing done (I can finally get through the guest room to the ironing basket). Good thing is that the only rooms that are still a disaster are the kitchen and 1 guest room. Just might finish by Memorial Day if we keep at it!


Have a great Mother's Day!

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Donna..Your working so hard. Kitchen "looking good"!

Hope you had a nice dinner and took time to relax.


We went out to dinner and I ate to much..what else is new? LOL


Carolyn..How are you doing? Know it's Tuesday..are you hiding under the covers? Know you don't like Tuesdays.


You both have a good week. Take care.

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Funny you should mention "Tuesdays"...

it kind of started that way (actually just insomnia and thinking about sister stuff, etc) but right now things are falling into place. Not much planned about what I need to take care of today so it's a catch up day.

Tomorrow I think I need to take care of somethings trying to get accountant to find out what mess "I got myself into"


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Was gone all day today.. Wed..

So how was your day?


Now it's Thursday..When you read this!

So hope this day is good for you..starting

with a good weigh-in..and it just keeps getting

better hour by hour!


Donna has the "kitchen" got closer to being done?


Carolyn has the "paperwork" gotten almost done?

Good news on the house yet?


You two have a good weekend.


Ps I made the gym this evening!

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Belle, Slowly but surely on the kitchen! Hope to have the cabinets completed this weekend then it is on to the floor. Hang up is the revolving cabinet which will require quite a bit of work and the fact that we need to build the broom cabinet since we couldn't find anything that fit the space. All said and done and I am down 1. Would have been more but had some of Joe's pizza last night along with my salad. I really can't wait to start cooking again. I am getting really bored with our carry out choices and too tired to resist when I should! No time for anything except the kitchen lately. Can't even keep track of the boards and haven't posted on the roll call in what seems like forever.


Carolyn, How is it going?


Where is your water?


Have a great day!

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Glad you had a -1 for the week. Where exactly in WI are you. My DS (loosely using the "D" part) is moving to Buffalo Grove in July and "who knows" maybe I'll get out there to look her up (probably not until next summer, unless there's a great "fare" to O'Hare for us since the kids are going to be on 2 different schedules). Who knows, maybe when things finally settle down I'll get to go for a day or so and look you up and possibly Mir too,

Didn't realize that it finally "is" Thursday. Made it through another week. Mike's coming back east tonight... getting into JFK around 5PM. Funny thing, today at check in, he was "overweight" this has NEVER happened to him since he usually does carryon but probably accumulated some extra "papers" since he wasn't over on the way out (5 lbs). He went "through the motions" at the counter reorganizing things. THought they'd "look the other way" since he's platinum and was getting to upgrade.

I've been "good" for 2 days now, though last night was abit of a challenge. It's the 3rd day that does it. Don't know why but lately I've had chronic exhaustion when I've been inside. Think it might be the lighting affecting things. Also w/some phone calls I've gotten extra "stress". Waiting for contracts to be returned so I can sign them and figure out what to do w/furniture and other "stuff" that's left. It's a major chore emptying everything, though I do know that the end is near. I'm feeling guilty that I've been somewhat "neglecting" (ignoring) the kids the last couple of days in the evening. I've been wiped out... and I got Sex in City DVD set from library that I "treated" myself to watch for "fluff"... just to "escape". Then I get a bit depressed since I "ignored" them and I realize that they're getting "grown up" SO FAST (Alex is now 12 1/2... Libby's not quite my 'lil girl anymore.. but she still wants me to cuddle w/her in the AM and lie w/her to sleep in the PM --- and though she'll be 9in august I don't want to "push her away" 'cause of all that we've been through the last year or so. So I'm torn. I just want to have some special "family time" w/the 4 of us. Hopefully I'll get that (threatened Mike about it) in August when we go to Orlando on 8/18. Not too crazy about WDW but doing that for week before the "family obligation". Hopefully I won't have to deal w/Mike's family until 8/26. Don't know if we should have stayed so long but the kids were through w/camp and I needed to lock in air a while back (Feb). Things have changed a bit. Will probably try to go "standby" on return so we get back home in daytime.

Belle, any "good plans " for weekend.

For me, I've got juggling the kidlets. Alex has placement exams at Hopkins early on Sat. (have to leave house around 8:10) and then a clarinet audition (at 11:30) and then Libby's got soccer at noon and lazer tag party that she's been looking forward to for over a month. in the late afternoon so they should be cared for w/activity (and Libby won't be whining that she's "bored" which is true since we usually carting Alex around w/soccer) then Sunday Alex has last day of Hebrew school for year (YEAH) in the AM (I'll hit the gym then ) and a soccer game in afternoon. Hopefully the contracts will be in lawyers office on Monday and I'll go to Mom's Sunday night and take care of them then. Might even get the "call" from the Home on Monday that it's time for her to go. SO I told her to be on "red alert" but she's not mentally prepared (don't think she'll ever be though).

Just got a look at the time so I better fly.

Need to get to gym. Figure out what to make kids for dinner (can't give them frozen pizza ever night lol) and muddle through stuff here so the house isn't a total "pit".


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Carolyn, I am right on the WI/IL state line so Buffalo Grove is only 30 miles. However, that is also an hour's drive but we get down there pretty often. Mir is in the city and Pam is close by so this could be do-able. Looks like things are clearing up for you so just keep at it!


Back to work!

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You two sound busy!


Donna sounds like your kitchen will be done "sometime"! LOL

No. really it will be so nice when it's done and you'll be so happy!

Congrats on you lb. loss with so much takeout. Good job!


Carolyn glad your husband will be home tonight for awhile.

Maybe can take some of the stress for you..husbands should

be good for something! LOL Sure the kids understand..they

know your going thru things..kids are smart and they know

you love them.

Hope things work out with your mother without much trouble.


You two take care..have a good weekend.

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Guess your both busy today....

Donna with your kitchen...

Carolyn with your hubby (wink).....


I was somewhat busy today doing things

in the house (cleaning ugh) but did go out

to dinner, then I was good..went to the gym tonight.


EIGHT weeks from tonight, I will be flying to France!

How much weight have I lost? Terrible! Have to be

good..real good...in the eight weeks till I leave!


You two have a good Sat. and Sun....

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HI Belle,


Wow, can't believe France is coming up that fast! We are busy going crazy in the kitchen. Looking for new hardware for my revolving cabinet right now since we have spent two days trying to make it work with absolutely no luck! Fun part will be trying to find hardware for a 30 year old cabinet! Sounds like you are doing good. Are you getting excited?


Carolyn, How was the B'day party? Did you manage some family time? Bet you were glad to have Mike back!


Ok, back to work!


Have a great evening!

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I'm in a real "funk" ....

not sure what it is other than overwhelm

the contracts haven't been signed yet... don't know when it will be.

there needs to be some "cement/concrete" work in crawl space under stairs where oil tank is. Just found out specifics on Friday afternoon... don't you love it.

Then just other stuff... like finding out that the appraiser who was doing the estimate for wall unit damage said that "his person" said it was "press board" (when I bought it 15 years ago though it was at least some sort of solid wood w/rosewood veneers.. made in Belgium.. bought at a somewhat "reliable" showroom) and I needed to speak w/him on Monday...

so here I wait. Also don't know when I'm going to "get the call" for Mom and what's going on w/elderlawyer.

I just want the house sold!!! Can't empty anything out until the contracts are signed and I don't want to jinx anything.



PS, Belle, w/Mike it feels as if he isn't even around right now... all I've got is a pile of laundry

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Carolyn----I know you don't know me, but I've been following your life on this thread and others. I just wanted you to know while I have no idea of how it feels to have to handle what you are facing yet, I want you to know I am sending you lots of smiles, hugs, good thoughts, and even several prayers. May all of this soon be settled for you.


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Carolyn..So sorry that "all the stuff" can't get

done once and for all! What a bummer that new things

keep popping up! Tell Mike you need some TLC!

Sending you a hug..sorry I can't help!


Linda that was so nice of you, sending all the good thoughts

and wishes to Carolyn.


Donna,,I hear you about the cabinet, working on it and it

not working. Sorry, know it's frustrating!

My Husband has been working on our toilet for days,

couldn't fix it..had to buy a new one..should of done that

at the begining and not wasted his time but as we know

"that's life"! LOL


Yes getting excited about France, not doing to well on

weight loss..scale won't budge. Not feeling that well, not

bad but not good..make sense? Trying to clean house for

company and don't feel like it! Well really never feel like it

but has to be done this time. LOL


Just think when I leave for France, that's two months less

to go for your cruise!


You all take care..have a good week!

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