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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Morning all,


Belle, We are back and I literally crashed after dinner last night. Only have 8 days before we are invaded and can't possibly take any extra time off so need to get moving tonight. Did you manage to get the house clean?


Carolyn, It does sound like you are getting very close to resolving everything so just gut it out. How lone is Mike going to be gone for? Strange, but I have always gotten more done while Joe is gone. Guess it must be that he isn't around to distract me.


Tried to convince Mom to go into the new assisted living apartments but no luck so far. She ignores the walker and only uses the cane when she is really tired or out so she is actually doing quite well. Well enough that it looks like we will book air and hotel for the TA as soon as we have the house to ourselves again. Decided to pass up SFO and take some extra time in Rome instead so it will make planning a bit easier. Better get moving!


Have a great Wednesday!

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Welcome Back Donna.

Glad you made the trip alright and your

mother is feeling better.

Now you get to book your "things". Cruise

here you come! So more time in Rome instead of Calif.

Makes sense can see Calif. later.


Can you believe still cleaning. You start one thing,

then it wants you to do something else. LOL

Taking me awhile because haven't been home much.

Have to finish up tomorrow, they come Sat.


Sounds like you have to get busy too. Bet they

will love your kitchen.


Carolyn..Your always so busy. Your sister such a great

help..NOT! As you say will be there with her hand out!

Keep track of all the money your putting out, so you'll get everything

back from her share! LOL

Carolyn if I were you I would be so jealous of my husband for

all the traveling he does. Do you ever get to go with him? Is it

all business or does he get some time to sightsee?


Well you two have a good week. I probably won't be

on much..one person sleeping in "my" computer room.

Plus will be busy doing things.


Take care..talk when I can

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Just popped in to say Hi

Just found out from "other" elderlawyer (the associate.. how I hate being "passed" to the associate) that Mom "should be eligible" Aug. 1st.. now I've gotta make sure they've got all her paperwork.. the fun's begining.

(and Mom's starting to complain... she wants to "new building" which is only private rooms.. and don't know if she'll be eligible for that when she's on Medicaid... can't afford to have her private pay AND in private room.. it's bad enough $$wise in a shared room

Donna, How's your Mom doing ... and the kitchen?

Belle, hope you're enjoying your company... you're the hostess w/the mostess.

Mike's still away (till Sat. night) and hopefully he'll do a little bit of "work" at Mom's house then and try to get my car "jumped" or at least towed to mechanic.


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Hi all,


Insanity reigning around here! For all the work we have been doing, we are not ready for them to show up tomorrow night! Diet will go to h@ll since I am going to cheat and bring home pizza when they get here and then Saturday is cookout time. We have Friday night on our own since they will be at the inlaws so I plan on behaving and at least going someplace with salad!


Belle, I'm sure your having fun and you should be! Hoping the dollar/euro keeps edging closer to equal before you go so you can enjoy the shopping! Your trip is coming up quick, are you getting more excited?


Carolyn, Don't listen to her! If you move her in there she will just find something else that she wants. She is testing you! Make very sure you aren't going in too deep before you even consider it! My mom is doing great if you don't count the fact that she is worred sick about her boyfriend (who is 8 years younger). She sounded good tonight and great yesterday with a house full of kids. She is now fixated on getting the front of the house painted which tells me she is really just fine! The kitchen is stuck and they get here late tomorrow. I really wanted it done but "best laid plans" we are fighting with the vendor since we have waited for the pantry doors for 2 weeks now and they were his mess up. I absolutely hate buying from Joe's customers! He won't let me talk to them because he figures I will lose it (you think)! Livvie will have a wonderful time emptying the pantry cabinet since that is one of the three without doors.! Glad Mike will be back to give a hand. How is Libby feeling now? School out? Manage any time to hit the gym?


Ok, it is late and I had better get a move on. Good news is that I have the boss in the office on Friday and then it looks like two more days before July 16th. Remember the commercial of the guy calling the office from the beach, that is my boss! He is tentatively gone from June 29th to July 15th. Guess we'll find out eventually! However, his is defintiely gone from June 20th through the 27th so still have something to celebrate!


Have a great evening!

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Hi..Miss you two!


Company running a few errands ..so on computer for

a short visit.

Having a good time with friends, eating to much but have ..

so far..stayed the same..thankgoodness no gain!


You both seem busy too.


Donna your busy with company too. Sorry kitchen not

finished yet. Hope your boss will be gone for his vacation..less stress!


Carolyn hope everything works out for your mother and can

get it all settled by the 1st of August so you can have

less stress to. Glad Mike will be home for awhile for you.


Take care.

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Company left, so now on computer again!


Donna your busy with "daughter and family" think

that was who was visiting you. Right? Hope

you had a good time.


Carolyn are you busy "doing" things for your mother?

Hope it's going alright, no big problems.


Hope you two check in soon.


Take care..by the way...this morning weight wise...Haven't gained

any thing while company was here! Stayed the same! YEA!

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HI all,


Belle, The house is again quiet and clean (Roadrunner was down all day which really helped). More cleaning up after the guys changed the dining room window with time than from the girls. They are home and won't be back until August. May sneak out there in between. Hoping for a no gainer this week but will have to do some work to get it. Most of the temptation is already removed so should be able to start behaving.


Carolyn, Everything going ok? Kids out for the summer? Mike able to help with the house?


Ok, long day so better call it a night!


Have a great evening!

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Only got a minute to post since it's getting very late.

Mike got in LATE on Sat. night from Germany and went to Mom's...

got some accomplished. Did a bit more on Sunday.

Still have alot more.

Hope to post tomorrow.

Take care ladies.


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Glad to see you both.


Seems like we're busy in "all our different ways"!


Go to the Doctor tomorrow and see how everything

is going and see when the surgery will be done.

Then on to the city to see our friends for lunch.


Friends left yesterday, did all the washing of sheets

and towels they used. Then started to get a few things

ready for Nice.

Sunday going away for a few days "womens time off"

from husbands. Going to Lake Tahoe, one lady has a house there.

This is our fourth time in two years, we need a lot of time off! LOL


Donna glad you had a good time and house back together already.


Carolyn good your husband is home and helping you.


You two have a good week.

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Morning all,


Carolyn, you are on the way to getting your life back so just slow and easy! It will finally come together but you need to stay healthy.


Belle, have fun on the girl's break! Time away from them does help!

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I'm practicing. LOL


Went to the Doctor Tuesday,

said it looks better. Still needs

surgery. Sure be a smaller area now.

Still have to go around it to check

for cancer, just wish me luck.


Doctor says go and have fun, medicine

still working on the cells.


Yes Donna nice to get away from "them"

once in awhile! Can't believe I'm going

when have so much to do but I can never

say NO!


Hope your rsted up from your"company".

Isn't your boss on vacation the next few weeks?

Does that make it better at work?


Since your mother better, have you made all your

plans for your cruise?


Carolyn how's things going? Getting the house done?

Mother doing better at the new place? Hope so!


You two take care.."see" you soon, on this board I

mean! Not coming for a visit! LOL

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Morning all,


Belle, Sounds like great news from the doctor. I don't know about you but meds working or not, I would definitely want it cut out! Have fun at the girls get together! Cruise plans are coming together but not quite ready to lock in yet. Believe it or not, experts say best air is six to eight weeks pre-flight so we will hold off a bit longer. Don't think we will make it to the six week point though!


Carolyn, Mike around to help you? How are the kids enjoying their summer? Are you remembering to eat on a regular basis?


Ok, better get some work done. Bill is gone this week but his trip next week is on hold since his daughter (our VP of sales) may have to have back surgery. She is seeing the doctor today so we will see if and when they schedule it. However, I doubt that he will be willing to pay the last minute airfare to Colorado so I'm thinking he will be back for awhile.


Everyone have a great day!

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Donna..I'm having the surgery..the medicine just helped

it become smaller and let me have my vacation.


Stayed the same again this week. Didn't gain with company

but I wanted a loss! Know I'm doing the right thing, will

just keep doing it! Some clothes looser but I wanted to be "less"

for my trip. At beginning thought I would lose 15 to 20 lbs.

Didn't happen, don't know why but That's Life!

Won't stop me from having fun! Last time only gained 2 lbs

but had lost some weight before I left..my body was working then.

Still will walk there again and come back without a gain! That's MY GOAL

this time..no gain because hard for me to lose at this point!


Donner don't think I could wait that long to get tickets. I would

be afraid wouldn't have any seats left or would cost a "mint"!

Wouldn't want to miss my CRUISE! Your braver than me.


Hope Bill's daughter will be alright. Back surgery is hard to

decide to have..some say, they went thru all that and it didn't

help. Tell her to think about it and do research.


Carolyn hope everything is alright and your just to busy

with kids and everything to come on and post.


You two have a good weekend and coming week.

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You haven't been on for awhile..Your busy?

Stupid question! LOL

Women are ALWAYS busy! We're the Power

behind everything and everyone! Right?


Well, hope your having fun and not a lot of stress!


I'm going on my women's trip tomorrow back late Tuesday.

Will try not to gain while having fun..first because can't gain

before the trip to France and.."drum roll" had a loss this morning!

Finally..hope it lasts..as you know been good but weight not

coming off. Maybe this is a start! Pray for me..that it's not a

"fluke" and I don't gain with my friends. You can't believe the

food and the drink! ooooh laa laa!


Will check the board tonight and hope to see a message from

you..if not will post on Tuesday night!


Take care and have a good weekend and week!

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Hi Belle,


Hectic as usual! I'm thinkiing we will probably book everything when we make final payment just to have it out of the way. Need to do some research on using Priceline for hotel yet which I hope to start next weekend.


WTG on the scale drop! Have a great time with the girls and don't worry about the weight, just get lots of exercise!


Carolyn, you still out there?


Back to work!

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I'm Back! Had a Good time with my friends but....

think I ate to much (even thro I was pretty good)

It was a good "girls" timeout!


What exercise? We played all kinds of cards games

and drank champange until 3 am each night. (I drank a little)

Does shuffling and dealing that count as exercise? LOL


Donna hope you get good prices on everything and no trouble

getting the dates you want. Your cruise will be here before

you know it.


Look at me..July 8th is almost here! Haven't even started to

get ready yet. Think you have so much time..then it's here!

Will start on Friday, that's my holiday plans.


Donna hope everything is fine with you and you have a great

4th of July.


Carolyn you too..where ever you are!

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I wrote you two then the site didn't work! Hate that!


Quess you two are busy or away for the holiday.


Donna I kept my loss even thro went away. Yea!

Hope I can lose a few more, would be NICE for NICE! LOL


Have a good weekend. Happy 4th of July!

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WTG Belle! Looks like the $ picked up just in time for you to enjoy it! I bet you'll have a great time getting organized this weekend. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and bring back lots of memories!


Crazy as usual here and month end on top of it. I will really enjoy have a couple of days off. Will work on systems tomorrow but not on Sunday and Monday. What I don't get done will just wait till next week!


Carolyn, how are you? Things settle down yet? Mike home or out of town?


Ok, back to work so I can get out of here today!


Have a great weekend!

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Yes the $ has been doing better..hope it keeps it up!


Yes my holiday will be getting ready and packing..haven't done

a thing!


Yesterday went to donner and a show..that was my Holiday outing! LOL

Saw ..War of the Worlds!


Glad you have a few days to relax..enjoy!

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Belle, All packed yet? Your leaving on Friday? I'm sure you'll have a great time!


Carolyn, Same crazy or different crazy? We know you'll get out here when computer is working again. BTW, we did get the Dyson and it works great on the flooring as well as on the carpet. Should also be much better with my allergies which are just wonderful during the summer!


Have a great 4th!


Ok, Helping Joe today so not much accomplished. Off to fold all the laundry next and then tomorrow is back to closet cleaning! Found some big stuff that I forgot to get rid of so time to purge it all.

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If it's Tuesday I must be busy packing!

Well not really...I'm off shopping and my

husband is in the city getting money..euros!

It's great that the dollar has gone up!


Yes we leave Friday morning!


Hope you two had a great 4th. We just finish seeing the

fireworks of our town. Beautiful.


Carolyn hope everthing will finally come together for

you. You need some stressfree time!


Take care..be good..holiday is over.

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Morning all,


Belle, I'm sure you'll be ready to leave in plenty of time. The $ improvement since we both booked has been great and I'm sure you'll enjoy that along with the rest of your vacation. We will miss you but will know your having a great time!


Carolyn, fixed yet? I have all Dell at work and have only had to go through that run around once. Talk about frustration! Don't overdue and overstress. It is all coming together finally and you seem to be making over the bumps ok!


Cleaned all the upstairs closets and dressers this weekend. Worked hard enough and long enough that being off plan had no effect so now it is time to buckle down and get back on plan to finally show a loss!


Everyone have a great Tuesday!

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DH advice regarding Euros... don't get too much.

Use ATM for transactions and charge wherever possible to get best rate.

He's got his "stash" of Euros to get him started whenever he goes but really believes in using the ATMs instead of travelers cheques etc.


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