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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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In such a "funk" today. Just found out that all the paperwork has been assembled and now it's in the lawyers' office. Wonder how long it's going to take. I "pray" that there's an August 1st date and I don't have to "give" too much back to Mom. I'm SO stressed out from this it isn't funny.

Survived the weekend. The house is a total pit, can't find anything. Went to visit Mom yesterday and now things are so topsy-turvy. Libby's been misplacing library books, 2 are missing now. We've misplaced her lunch box and rain coat as well, not sure if any of them were in the car Mike drove down to the airport with. Also, my calling card is missing and Mike took all the other ones with him (dang it).

Gotta run to pick up Libby. My head is killing me and I go between being sick to stomach and then ravenous... really need to get back to an eating program. Can just imagine what the scale is doing.

Donna, been thinking about switching to doing an MSC cruise in December instead of Splendour (to save a bit of $$). Not sure if it's worth switching. Been also thinking about just cancelling out totally (to save $$). Would only be out the insurance $$ and $100 in airline (get the rest in scrip). Either that or make final payment and "play" the insurance game.. and possibly cancel on later on. If Mom has a Aug. pick up date I'd just go ahead and plan on spending, but with everything up in air don't think I can go an splurge on $5k for something that isn't going to be "absolutely wonderful" (after 2 holiday cruises on RCCL -- and on a better ship-- know not to expect too much).

Ladies, what do you think.


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Why do I have to log on each time because their site doesn't

work (all the time) and I haven't been on awhile?

Funny sometimes can read the posts then goes blank when

I want to write.


Carolyn hope you are feeling better? That the "funk" is over.

Sorry your having so much trouble with "everything"!


Think you need a cruise..when is the Splendour Cruise?

Is the other one a closer date?


Go on the one YOU want, go on the one that makes less work

and stress for you. Go with your "women's intuition"!


Donna know sometimes a hassle to get in here but don't leave us

alone. We need you. Did all your clothes yet? How do they fit?

Your cruise less than a month now..can you believe it?

Tell Joe..Get your clothes together! lol


Trying to keep on track..the scale keeps saying the same! Least

not a gain but I want a loss. Started back exercising, could of

started last week, nose healing but just wanted to wait a little longer.

Now just have to KEEP doing it..Hawaii Cruise in less than SEVEN months!


Hope to hear from you both soon.

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How are you two doing today? Busy?


I went to the gym again on Wed....two days in a row!

Really trying to lose but my body just wants to stay the same.

think weigh-in today will say that again. Won't give up thro.


Donna you only have THREE weeks to go!


Carolyn are you still cruising? What month?


I have to wait till April!


Take care.

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Hi all,


Belle, tried last night but my internet was down. Joe didn't get it back up until I was already in bed. Glad it is healing and the exercise will do it. All my clothes are decided and fit as long as I stay the same or lose. This week is another stay the same but waay better than a gain! I can get in automatically from work but have to log in every time at home. We will be heading to the airport in exactly three weeks! Thought it would never get here! I suspect Joe won't even look at clothes until after his exam next Thursday and then will rush about trying to get everything done and making me totally crazy! We are already discussing his stack of papers that he thinks he is bringing with to read! Definitely not coming out of my weight allowance!


Carolyn, I know Opera won't be back until January but Lirica may be back earlier. It is definitely a different cruising experience but that might be what you are looking for at this point! You are getting so close to having everything taken care of, no time to go into a funk now! You made it through the August family thing so the cruise is your reward!


Ok, better get back to work! Joe called and said the storms knocked RR out at home again so figured I had better get on here while I could.

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Even thro I'm jealous..I'm so HAPPY for you..THREE weeks to go!

Glad you know everything your taking..now can pack few days before.

Well aren't that what husbands are for..to drive us crazy?

He will do it after his exam..still gives you two weeks if you can

pin him down! LOL


Now what ports are you going to..and weren't you staying extra

after or before your cruise? Did you get your Euro card yet?

When we went we just took Euro cash, didn't know how the euro

was going to do. We did charge a few things thro. It all worked


Do like we did..we planned on the trip..went and spent the money and enjoyed. Life's to short. Can save money again when you get home.

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Hi Belle, 3 days in Rome pre-cruise and lots to pack in. We will get the Euro card in the next couple of days since we will use it to pay the hotel and any other incidentals. Nice that there is only a small fee to add more to it. Ports are Malaga (with Seagulls), Funchal, Nassau (with Seagulls) and Key West(during the last weekend of Fantasy Fest). Disembarkation Galveston then straight to IAH to get back. A total of 19 days gone and 13 off of work which means I am scrambling to make things here idiot proof! Plan on enjoying it to the max and have a great group of CC'ers with us. Then we can look forward to Carolyn's and your cruise. We'll see about the January MSC, not decided quite yet but the airlines may be helping to push it with lots of FF miles to use on troubled lines.


Ok, better get back to work! 40 more minutes and have to figure out dinner! First day this week without it pre-planned and prepped.

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Did you do the air on your own or through X? (If not, did you purchase insurance?) 'cause who know's what the pier/port situation will be in Galveston after Rita's hit. That's the reason why (other than saving a bit of $$) we're switching Dec. from Splendour to Lyrica. Going for the quad cabin (cozy) and taking Libby out of school a week early (shouldn't be a biggy) but saving "at least" $1,700 (after figuring in air/transfers/cruise credits etc) is one longer. Have you been to Nassau before? We'll be there the last port before docking and on Dec. 26. Wonder if things will be open since it's Boxing day in British parts of world. Was thinking about "crashing" Atlantis or booking day room at Comfort Suites if it's not too $$ to use Atlantis. We shall see.

Gotta pop in to *********** to make an official ressie for Lyrica.


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Did you do the air on your own or through X? (If not, did you purchase insurance?) 'cause who know's what the pier/port situation will be in Galveston after Rita's hit. That's the reason why (other than saving a bit of $$) we're switching Dec. from Splendour to Lyrica. Going for the quad cabin (cozy) and taking Libby out of school a week early (shouldn't be a biggy) but saving "at least" $1,700 (after figuring in air/transfers/cruise credits etc) is one longer. Have you been to Nassau before? We'll be there the last port before docking and on Dec. 26. Wonder if things will be open since it's Boxing day in British parts of world. Was thinking about "crashing" Atlantis or booking day room at Comfort Suites if it's not too $$ to use Atlantis. We shall see.

Gotta pop in to *********** to make an official ressie for Lyrica.



We booked our own air since we got a way better deal that way and didn't bother with insurance since the flight was less than $95.00 each. Total air on our own came out $350/p less than X. I'm sure we will get a voucher out of Continental so the only difference would be the inconveniece of finding another flight. Friends were schedule for New Orleans next week and were automatically given a voucher by American even though they bought through Priceline and didn't have insurance.


I'm sure you'll have a great time on Lyrica and it will be a great experience for the kids since it will definitely have a more international flavor to it. We have been to and stayed on Nassau at least a dozen times. Favorite thing to do is take the water ferry over to Paradise Island. Stop in the Atlantis Casino then walk to the left when coming out the front doors. There is a beach access about a block up and possibly the and one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Since it almost always ends up our last beach port stop, we need to get that last beach day in before facing winter. I'm not sure that the Comfort Suites can do the day passes any more but you could try for that. Downtown is fun but I think the beach is a better option with the kids.



Belle, big weekend plans?


I need to be really good today since we are using our gift certificates at a very upscale seafood house tonight and I plan on enjoying every bite.


Ok, back to work!

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Donna..It's about TWO weeks..4 days till you leave! YEA!

So nice you have days in Rome., plus the CRUISE!

Then another 2 weeks till you dock in Texas..think everything

will be alright my then.


Carolyn did you book a cruise? What ports?


Did you two doing anything this weekend. Nothing special here.

Last weekend went to the city, this weekend just went out to

dinner one night, BBQ one night. Our weather has been good, in the 80's.

Went to the gym one day.


Have a good week.

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Morning all,


Belle, really nice dinner Friday night. Crab cake appetizer, caesar salad and king crab legs. Rest of the weekend went pretty fast. Did by another Christine Alexander shirt on Saturday that I couldn't decide on in August. Paid an outrageous amount of money for it but it was a gift certificate that I wanted to use up. It it black with Swarovski crystal martini glasses on it and is the first casual item that will be pretty much reserved for vacation. Joe's reaction was quite typical but I finally shut him up when I told him I still had the rest of the money to spend from what I saved on the new beaded top! The rest of the weekend was pretty much taken up by work which meant six hours and two trips to the office yesterday. Looks like we won't have any problem docking in Galveston or getting out of Houston so back to looking forward to the 13th. Debated taking the whole day off of work but no more debate after all the work I did this weekend. Flight doesn't leave until 5:40 so I will have all day to pack leisurely and check my lists. We have one family from Lake Charles and fingers crossed that they will still be crusing with us. They were going back yesterday to check on the damage!


I'm sure you'll get more gym time in. Glad the weather has gotten nicer.


Carolyn, is Lyrica booked? How does Alex like the new school? Mike home or travelling again?


Ok, better get moving!


Have a great Monday!

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Sounds like you had a great dinner..if you like FISH!

Which I don't..I know..but I just don't like it.


Good you got new clothes..your going on Celebrity.Right?

The top will go perfect with the "Martini Bar"! LOL


Tell him your spending

the money he's not using because he's not getting his

clothes together!


You won't believe I have a casual top with three

martini glasses on it..good for day time drinks! LOL

Also I want to get a beaded top or something like

that for our cruise, thought I would look when they bring

New Years clothes out. Might get a sale because don't

need it till April.


Good you took the day off for the cruise, can get ready

at your own pace. Sorry about the other party, hope their

house was safe and sound when they checked.


Your going to have so much fun!


Carolyn what are you up to?

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using Libby's computer so I don't know how long, or if I'll be "booted" off.

Yes, booked MSC on Friday w/***********... they gave me the best price ($100 less than the rest of the pack) and we're getting 3rd & 4th

"technically" free. Also booked a guarantee (which would have been impossible to do on RCCL for quad). Ray at *********** said an upgrade would be possible (I'm not expecting anything but am glad that all cabins on MSC are from deck 7 upward so even if we do get the assigned cheapy it won't be that bad. Actually think it might work out of... anyway we don't get seasick (only get sick from poisoning or virus) and know from personal experience that the "shot" works wonders if necessary (that's what cruise insurance is for anyway lol). Realize that the difference of what we saved will make a nice dent (actually pay for) any and all excursions we may choose to do and we even get an extra day to boot. Not too thrilled about going to San Juan but am looking forward to Grenada. An acquaintance of Alex from his old school has been going there for many years (Dad teaches a course every now and then at the Med. School) and will ask them what we should plan on doing for the day (while keeping a budget... think $$ will go far).

Belle, ports are St. Martin (though only from 9-2:30PM), Grenada, San Juan, Antigua, Nassau (from 2-7:30PM -- will probably HAVE TO do late seating), St. Lucia... only place we haven't been is Nassau and it will be Boxing Day. Wish it was Xmas or day or so before 'cause then we might have had a chance of doing Comfort Suites but for than time frame have to book at least 4 nights (same for Atlantis). Know Libby would LOVE to do water slides, she loved them at Typhoon Lagoon at WDW.

Either of you have any suggestions on excursions.

Donna, blouse sound like a perfect fit for an X cruise. Really looking forward to MSC w/Sasso in charge since we really enjoyed cruising w/X when he was "in charge"... thanks for the tip on Nassau.

Last night had a soccer game and since we dragged Libby she wanted to go out to dinner. Went to her favorite place Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse and I resisted the bread and was good... so it's 3rd day low carb.

Today even got to gym, albeit only for 30 mins. (Hadn't gone for 10 days) I've really been slacking off. Had been SO GOOD up till a year ago when I realized that the scale didn't matter whether I went or didn't and then this past winter finding out that I was better off "weight wise" if I didn't go to gym... go figure.


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Hi all,


Carolyn, I'm sure you'll have a great cruise! That is quite a bit of money to save and a new experience. I am still hoping for January but we won't make any decisions until we are back from this one.


Belle, Are you behaving? Big weekend plans? Did you ever get the house painting done?


Ok, better get some work done!


Have a great evening!

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You had to ask..I was behaving till this afternoon!

Got to 97 here..it made me eat! LOL Had one of

those "picking" days..hate them! Went to the gym today too!

Got the "munchies" after. Who says exercise doesn't

make you hungry?


Haven't got the two rooms painted yet. Painter

has been busy and we don't know what days to

pick yet. Planning a trip to see my parents and then

7 to 10 days in Palm Springs. Don't know if going in

Oct. or Nov. yet. When we decide then make a date for the painting.


Donna your cruise is getting closer! What ship?

Husband had his test today.

Tell him to get his clothes ready now. Wonder what your going to

have to buy at the last minute? LOL


Carolyn what date are you going in Dec., how long?

Make sure take your vitamins..flu shot. Prepare for a winter

cruise. You don't want to be sick again.

You'll have a GREAT TIME.

Carolyn I've been to everyone of those ports except Antigua.

Some day I'll make it.

On Christmas sailing we took, we were in Jamica on Christmas day.

Most of their decorations were in the Disney theme.

A few stores were open but everything else was closed.

Was so funny, St Lucia had these funky Christmas trees and it was 90 degrees!


I love late sitting! Had to do early seating last time because

had a large group..hated it. Told couple going with us..LATE SITTING

this time!


You two got weekend plans? I'm going to the show and dinner with

the "girls" we're leaving our husbands home. Our Fri. night out!

Sunday husband and I going out to dinner. Hope to go to the gym

at least once, maybe Sat.


Well you two take care.

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We're going Dec. 17th... 10 nighter

and I just (well on Tuesday) got an e-mail for an agency that was offering VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES for 1st and 2nd passengers. An inside was $700 per and outside wasn't much more. We were almost thinking about splitting into 2 cabins but with this agency the difference would have been about $700 and that would take care of alot of excursions. Anyway it's better off being "together" and "cozy".


I'll post more later.

Off to Costco to get gas (cheapest place around) and provisions for freezer.


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Hi all,


Belle, we are on the X Galaxy transatlantic. Looks like we will be getting a $300 cabin credit which I left Joe to handle with the TA. I am way too tempted by the CC pricing right now and instead of the credit I would wind up spending $480 more plus butler's tips. I talked to X and got the promotion code for him to give to the TA. That is a lot of Martini's even at X's prices. Glad you have Palm Beach to look forward but I know you want the painting done too! Leave to Joe, test is today. He said the 28th but actually the 29th so he is on the way there now. We will shop this weekend and I'm sure he will need lots after I go through what he has already. We do prefer Xs traditional seatings to Princess and we always go late! Our table this time will be all CC'ers and should be lots of fun. The only one we sailed with before was Tuggers and she is a blast!


Carolyn, You'll have a great time! Gas hit $2.99 again here today and still on the way up. Will have to stop after work and pay whatever or I'll be walking!


Now we all need to behave! Too much on schedule to mess it up now!



Back to work!

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Happy Sunday all,


Belle, How is the weekend going so far? Any decision on when you will be going to Palm Beach?


Carolyn, Behaving? Mike home this weekend to help? How does Alex like the new school?


Well, Joe's shopping is virtually done and he is still alive! Came a bit close a few times there when he started to get the attitude of an 8 year old male but I just counted to 1000 and smiled! He didn't buy new Khakis so I will go back tomorrow night and pick them up since I will have to hem them. Gives me the perfect excuse to check out the Chico Outlet - Grand Opening! As I predicted, he did manage to get a few more things in over his plan but sulked when I made him buy a dark gray mock turtle. I have given up on informal nights, he gets into the dining room and sees so many without ties that I end up carrying his in my purse all night! We are now down to nylons, gum and camera cards so it must be getting really close! Today is football and I won't have to drag him out kicking and screaming so will work around the house and get my work/cruise clothes out of rotation and in the staging area. Not a good weekend diet wise so need to be really good to hang onto a stay the samer but everything fits and most have a slight amount of room to remind me when to slow down or get to the health club on the ship.


Better go and get work for work done or I'll be sorry later!


Have a great Sunday!

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Tried to post last few days...could read posts

but when tried to reply..screen went blank!

Didn't go blank this time so hope I can post.


Well Donna glad your husband got "his" shopping done with your help!

I have to start now and keep nagging my husband he needs new slacks for our cruise in April..will take him that long! LOL

Hope you find something at Chico's, even better.. on sale!

You ONLY have TEN days left! Excited?


My weekend was fine..went to show and dinner with "girlfriends" Fri.

and out to late lunch with husband today inbetween football games!

Those football games..in the genes I guess...trouble is my husband

is from France..they didn't have our football...think when men come to

America it's transplanted in them! LOL


Donna it's Palm Springs, Ca..the desert, two hrs out of Los Angeles.(hollywood)

Sure you have read about it, it's where a lot of "stars" have houses

or go to stay, not that far to travel for them to relax, but average

people go there to. It's really nice there plus you can go to the

very exspensive places like they do or go find the places you can afford.

Like us. Haven't decided when we're going yet, maybe November.

Calling tomorrow about the painting this month. Hope he's not busy.


Carolyn what's new? Family alright?

Glad you got a good deal on your cruise.

You only have two and half months to go.


Well you two take care...

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Good morning all!


Belle, You can tell where my brain was at if I can even get the wrong coast. Hate to say it but I manage to get Palm Springs and Palm Beach switched on a regular basis. Guess the only solution is to go to both and maybe I will remember! Glad you had a fun weekend and keep at him now so you don't have to kill him the week before! Football definitely has its disadvantages but sometimes works in our favor! Bears and Packers playing on the same day and I get six hours when he doesn't even know if I'm alive.


Carolyn, How are you doing?


Work work caught up with me yesterday so definitely did not get what I wanted to accomplished which means the nights this week will be busy! Better run now since I will be going shopping at lunch so need to get in a bit early and get started.


Have a great Monday!

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Hey ladies.

Got a minute (killed whole morning waiting for #*&^ lawyer's office to call (spoke to Sr. on Friday who assured me that the other one (who always is off on Friday and told me she was going to call me LAST Monday) would contact me today -- know that they're both going to be off tomorrow for "holiday" <well technically I should be too> and then it's a short week next week too) He told me that they were checking their "hours" and so far they're way over what they usually use, that this case is more complicated than usual and if they were billing at hourly rate (don't know what his is, but I'm sure it's high) they'd be up to $14.5K now... they're still not finished. Mom prepaid for his services for $7.5K. Think he was fishing around for more $$, I told him "maybe" I'd throw him a bit more "if" he got Mom an August 1st pickup date... but as of now I'm not spending any more... they're impossible to get any calls back and I really don't appreciate the stress of not knowing who exactly will be presenting and (probably) defending the application.

Had hoped to go to gym but now looking at the time, it's too late to go and then be back in time to pick Libby up at school (oh well, didn't really want to go, been feeling really wiped out the last couple of days -- total exhaustion). Then it's over the hill to pick up Alex and then feed everyone and get Libby to soccer practice. Maybe I'll take a walk around the field then to get a bit of exercise.

Mike's been home for 1 1/2 weeks. Nice having him around. Can't wait to have Mom approved for Medicaid (some day) so I can get all the papers put away, seem like they're taking over the house... that and laundry. Need to have the kids go through their closet and drawers to see what fits/doesn't and what they "may" need for Xmas... See what Alex has outgrown and of that what might be "good" for Libby.

As for Alex, he's really enjoying school, I'm glad at that but still in sticker shock. Until I know what's exactly going on w/Mom I don't know if I can relax about it. It's really stressing me out.

Think I'm going to hit the shower and then maybe work on the leaves outside.


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Hey ladies.

Got a minute (killed whole morning waiting for #*&^ lawyer's office to call (spoke to Sr. on Friday who assured me that the other one (who always is off on Friday and told me she was going to call me LAST Monday) would contact me today -- know that they're both going to be off tomorrow for "holiday" <well technically I should be too> and then it's a short week next week too) He told me that they were checking their "hours" and so far they're way over what they usually use, that this case is more complicated than usual and if they were billing at hourly rate (don't know what his is, but I'm sure it's high) they'd be up to $14.5K now... they're still not finished. Mom prepaid for his services for $7.5K. Think he was fishing around for more $$, I told him "maybe" I'd throw him a bit more "if" he got Mom an August 1st pickup date... but as of now I'm not spending any more... they're impossible to get any calls back and I really don't appreciate the stress of not knowing who exactly will be presenting and (probably) defending the application.

Had hoped to go to gym but now looking at the time, it's too late to go and then be back in time to pick Libby up at school (oh well, didn't really want to go, been feeling really wiped out the last couple of days -- total exhaustion). Then it's over the hill to pick up Alex and then feed everyone and get Libby to soccer practice. Maybe I'll take a walk around the field then to get a bit of exercise.

Mike's been home for 1 1/2 weeks. Nice having him around. Can't wait to have Mom approved for Medicaid (some day) so I can get all the papers put away, seem like they're taking over the house... that and laundry. Need to have the kids go through their closet and drawers to see what fits/doesn't and what they "may" need for Xmas... See what Alex has outgrown and of that what might be "good" for Libby.

As for Alex, he's really enjoying school, I'm glad at that but still in sticker shock. Until I know what's exactly going on w/Mom I don't know if I can relax about it. It's really stressing me out.

Think I'm going to hit the shower and then maybe work on the leaves outside.


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How are you doing?


Carolyn..if you knew then what you know now....

YOU would of got different lawyers! Think their

taking longer then need to be because their

getting paid ONE Price, agreed on before.


Donna..Got your "stuff" all laid out? Did you get

something new at the sale when you picked up your

husbands pants? You have a week to go! Enjoy it to the fullest!

We've been home only two months from France

and it seems like forever! LOL But I enjoyed it to

the fullest and still think of the good times.


Still don't know when we're going to Palm Springs or

getting rooms painted. Called painter last night he didn't

call today. Have to see when he can come before making

plans for Palm Springs.


How have you two been doing weight wise? I just keep being the same!

Glad not gaining but when am I going to lose? Went to the gym today,

know I need to go more.


Hope to hear from you two soon. Take care.

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Morning all,


Belle, stay the samer here and I am amazed since I have been eating out of frustration. The rest of this week and the 3 days at work next week are going to be H@ll! Way too many major things have suddenly appeared that must be done before we leave! Hope you get the painter settled so you can plan Palm Springs!


Carolyn, Hang in there! Glad Mike is around to offer support. Fingers crossed that they finally get it all signed and delivered.


In the midst of mayhem, I decided to get my hair cut much shorter than the usual shoulder length. Also decided that I wasn't going to bother with buying a new power converter for Rome (old one was useless). First, Joe freaked when he saw my hair and asked would it grow back by next week! Second, pulled out those old foam curlers from the back of the closet and put them in last night to see if they would work for Rome. They worked all right (Think a dark blonde Bozo the clown) so hair will be clipped back until we get to the ship. Washed it out this morning and did the normal curling iron and it look great but curlers will make it back to the netherlands of the linen closet. First trip to Chicos came up with a new long black skirt and a pair of white dress jeans with a news print design. Second trip (to get the right color pants for Joe) came up with a belt and black travelers top. Wallie world or Walgreens if I get really lazy, will be the last stop before I do the final packing. One week from today and I will be home cleaning house in prep for our 5:40 flight! Thought it would never get here and it is now moving too fast!


Have a great day!

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