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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I can't believe it's been two months since your trip to France. Isn't it "fun" to try to contact folks to do work on your home... I really want to put in a new countertop (granite or another "upscale" surface) in kitchen... know that we'll need to put in a new sink at same time, don't "have to" but should since one that's there is kind of groady and will need new range top (have Thermadore with down draft-- would LOVE a gas stovetop but we're an electric house and not sure where to put propane tank in back of house). At the same time would probably get double oven (well that's not absolutely necessary since it's the countertop. Knew we'd need a new countertop when we moved in 9 years ago... made do with the slightly scratched formica.


You'll be driving to the airport wondering if you have everything you need (probably have packed everything but you'll always have doubts until your driving home on your return and probably have somewhat overpacked -- that's what's happened to us most times over the years... though some cruises back have come up short once w/Alex (had to repeat a few things.. luckily he's a clean boy). This time around will try to pare things down since the cabin will probably be tight... not sure how much drawer space we'll have. We'll probably use the suitcases under the bed as drawers.


As for me and eating.. been eating out of frustration and lack of discipline... but I think (better word "hope") I'm going to change that now. I decided not to call the lawyer today and just call the "social work agency" that will be filing the application to see if they're going to need anything. Well, they just told me that they just filed the application since it needed to be filed by Nov. 1st (that means that they figured out an Aug. 1st pickup date ). Now I just hope that they won't be asking for any more $$ for the house. Now I wonder how long it will take to find out "definitely" that she's on. I asked if there will be anything new that I'll need and they said probably not. I'm not totally out of the woods but at least now I know that I probably won't be responsible for anything more that one additional month of the nursing home (the worst case scenario... and I was preparing for that "just in case"). THink that happened since I switched to MSC to save $$ but I'm feeling a bit more comfortable about that... now we can possible do 2 vacations instead (or just save).


Now I just gotta get my old, sore body over to the gym, it's been a full week since I've been there. ONly did 30 mins on elipt. then and then only 2X a week -- need to get back to taking care of myself. Gonna step on the scale and see what the "damage" is ... been indulging in Alex's Oreos (he's addicted to them... and usually I can resist them -- he can easily burn the calories from them). Hope the damage on the scale isn't terribly bad.

Not sure what type of regimen I'm going to do... seems like I can only stay on Atkins for 3 days... but if I have a fair amount of carbs my back and leg start to swell up badly. First things first, I really need to get moving.

Have a great morning you two.


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Well painter hasn't called yet..now he will have to wait.

We're going to Palm Springs next Friday (14th) for a week..We

got a beautiful Villa on a golf course. (no we don't play) LOL

Most condo's on golf courses.

Then we will visit my parents for a few nights after. Wanted

them to go with us but they didn't want too. Not feeling up

to par..not sick but just not feeling like traveling at this time.


Donna great you got so many new clothes for your trip..

that's the way it should be..isn't it?

I bet your hair looks cute. Men just like long hair better.

I've got to get a trim before I go.


Try not to stress out at work to much, don't want to be "wrung out"

before you get there. Glad you have the day off..don't clean to much

the house looks fine..relax...YOUR GOING ON A CRUISE!


Carolyn your cruise will be here before you know it! You saved money and now you can take TWO!

Also see what happens Carolyn you want one thing done and it adds

to another thing. Like your kitchen and like us, we paint then want to

take the carpet up and redo the hardwood floors. See always something to do. LOL

Just hope all the paper work will be done for you soon and you can relax also.


Wish us all a good week of eating right and exercising!

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I should be too.. instead of being on here.

We're leaving here on the 13th now instead of the 14th.

Same day as you Donna but your going to a better/exciting trip

than me but I'm glad I'm going away thro. Love Palm Springs!


Since we have a two bedroom/two bathrooms our friends from Arizona are

joining us for three nights. Be nice to see them.


You two have a good weekend..think a no-gainer weekend.


From Me

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Donna you must be busy with work and getting ready for your

CRUISE! Hope you come on Wed. and say Good-Bye! Bon Voyage!

Enjoy Rome before your cruise and have a great time on your cruise.


Carolyn sure your busy with all the stuff going on in your life too.

Hope you come on Wed. too.


I'm busy getting ready too, gone most of the day tomorrow (Wed,), will

pack in the evening. Try to come on in the Wed. late afternoon/ evening and see what you wrote.


Will be back on the 25th, know Donna your later, Carolyn you hold down

the fort for us.


You both take care...

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Donna you must be busy with work and getting ready for your

CRUISE! Hope you come on Wed. and say Good-Bye! Bon Voyage!

Enjoy Rome before your cruise and have a great time on your cruise.


Carolyn sure your busy with all the stuff going on in your life too.

Hope you come on Wed. too.


I'm busy getting ready too, gone most of the day tomorrow (Wed,), will

pack in the evening. Try to come on in the Wed. late afternoon/ evening and see what you wrote.


Will be back on the 25th, know Donna your later, Carolyn you hold down

the fort for us.


You both take care...


Belle, It looks like you'll be out of here even before we are! Less than 25 hours and we will be in the rental on the way to the airport! Got a ride from someone this morning so Joe will swing by in 3 hours and we will go get the rental then no more work until November! I'm sure you'll have a great time in Palm Springs and will still have your cruise to look forward to!


Carolyn, Yours isn't all that far off either so I'm sure your behaving. We get back and then you are the next one up!


Back to work!

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Glad you came in..I'm excited for you..it's almost "here" for

you and your husband. Tomorrow at this time (as I'm Writing)

you'll be in the plane flying to Rome!


Have a WONDERFUL TIME! Can't wait to hear all about it!


Bon Voyage!


Carolyn you have a little over two months till yours.

I have six long months!

Donna you might try to sneak one in between Carolyns and my cruise..right?


Well enjoy this one first to the max!

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Belle, you have a great time too! He got me! I was only going with 3 check ins but now have a fourth full of paperwork. If he tries to bring it back home full of paperwork, it and he will be overboard!


Carolyn, Stay out of trouble!


Off to take a bath and relax. The rest can wait until tomorrow!

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"All by myself"....

OK, the sun's almost out, don't want this thread to get in the "basement"

Belle, not sure if you're in Palm Springs yet and if you might get "net" access.

I've been back "on track" for at least 3 days. Been a bit compulsive using the scale... stares back at me in the bathroom... unf. Libby took it out of box. I go on it, it talks "back" at me (talking scale) but I don't let it RULE me.


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Your not by your self..I'm BACK!

Donna still "at sea"..lucky her!


I had a good time..weather a little unusual.

Started with 98 on Friday..then 90's Sat. then rain..thunder..lighting

and even a earthquake then warm weather again after two days

of this. Normally should of been in the 90's or 80's every day!


The place was beautiful, they called it a Villa..a two bedroom, two

bath condo..big living room, kitchen, dining room and balcony

over looking the pool, mountains and golf course.


Ate at our favorite restaurants everyday, reason I won't get on scale

for a few days.


Had a nice visit with my parents, only thing it's hard to see them getting older. You know this first hand as your dealing with your mother.


I'm glad to see your back on track and even using a scale!

When the scale talks to you..tell it..I'm trying to lose! LOL You have

less than two months for your cruise? Now I have to get back on track,

lose some before the Holidays and my cruise.


Hope your having a good day..will talk later.

WE have to keep each other going. We can do it..right?

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I really need you're "cheerleading" 'cause I'm really hitting a rock wall.

It's really just getting hard to plug through the day.

I think the last 1 1/2 yrs. of stress is really taking it's toll on me.

Also, just found out Mike's going to me heading out to coast on Tuesday return on Thurs (1 bus. day in SF) and then he's heading out to Germany 11/14 for another week. I pray that Alex's ride doesn't need me to do too much.

As it is right now I'm picking him up almost every day this week.

I was "decent" for 2 days, 3rd day doesn't work out.. been having really bad PMS for almost a week. At least it wasn't "false" PMS, but the weight creep is really taking its toll. I'm getting very discouraged, almost not caring much of anything any more. I really think it's a "jinx" having the scale 'cause when I feel that I'm "debloating" it just creaps up about 4-5 lbs (can't understand it some times).

OK, enough of my bitching and moaning.

Glad you had a great respite in Palm Springs, even with the "shaker" (what do you expect in "that area" lol). Glad you got a nice visit w/your parents.

It's late here (10PM) and Libby's still up.

It's too late for her. I need to "decide" whether I want to "face the music" with my doctor's appointment on Thursday or see if I want to change it for another week or 2 out. Unf. I really need a refil of a prescription and I'm not sure if he'll write it up for me. (thyroid). This MD is really "reassuring" w/the weight gain ("not" but says "what do you expect at "our age"... lol... and he's male-- it's the gyn though)


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oh by the comments by MD.. he's trying to tell me not to "obsess" since it's almost as hard for him to deal w/weight (he's not overweight). He's trying to tell me that it's probably an uphill battle w/me with scale.

Think I might get rid of scale. I think it's got too much "stuff" attached to it (being my Dad's and all... also I'm getting obsessive w/weighing and I'm not sure if Libby's starting to get that way too.. and she's too young for that... )

I'm trying to deal w/this as best as I can esp. since I have a past history w/eating disorder... trying to balance everything.

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Take a deep breath.

You've been thru a lot with your mother and no help from

your sister. Your husband travels alot for work..your on your

own with the kids.

Take a deep breath.


You can do it! Get on the scale once a week for Thursday weigh-in.

Just take what it says...knowing that us "women" the scale is always going up and down..hormones and all the other stuff we have! LOL

Try to eat heathly..get some exercise and drink that water.


TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME! That's what I'm trying to do. It's been

hard for me to get back on track after eating out for two weeks.

But I'll make it ..YOU TOO! Think Cruise and put the right food in your mouth!


Ok tomorrow's weigh-in will be our starting day..lets try to get thru

the week eating right..ALRIGHT?

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Thanks for the "reality check"

I'm using the library's net right now... checking something on PDR

just got through w/MD... the usual spiel

not sure what to make of it

he wrote me up a prescrip. for Wellbutrin, not sure if I'm going to fill it

(I'm not one to go that route... not sure if I want to take the "chance" of gaining or having difficulty with trying to maintain)

the scale today was not good, but not as bad as it could be

so I'm going to watch what I put into it

Alex "had to " open up that big bag of candy that Mike bought this w/end.

I "had to" have some of it... think I had my fill, it tasted good but I think I'm now going to cut my losses.

Got the prescription for thyroid meds that I was running low on today, just had some blood drawn so we'll see "maybe" what's going on.

Not sure what route I'm going to take.

I'm not going to post my "gain" here (or on the thread, you know I'm not a "joiner" there), but I'm going to use it now as a "bench/base line" and go one way or another with it.

I'm going to get to the gym today, will try to go more frequently. Will try to be "kind" to myself... be "good" to the kids and be "civil" to Mike (lol).


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Sorry your not feeling well.

Getting the right meds..what you need..hope that



As you say..you tasted the candy..over now..

Start fresh today..WE both will. Going out to dinner

tonight but will order the right thing. Promise.

Like you I have to get back to going to the gym.


Have a good weekend.

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Well, I didn't get to the gym. Got "stuck" at the bank (trying to straighten things out) and then headed to supermarket which was nearby. By that time it was time to pick up Libby and then headed out to Costco to get gas, a few items and fill prescription. Had one sample (4 chile lime chicken wings) that turned out to be very low carb (hadn't eaten anything all day so it was time) and then barely had time at home to load up fridge and get Alex to soccer practice. Then finally back home at 6:40PM and grilled up chicken. Fed everyone and now finally taking a break (9PM). So far, so good (as far as eating choices). Even passed up looking at that huge bag of candy... not tempted "yet" (though the way I'm feeling right now don't think I will be ... hope so).

No real plans for weekend yet.. Need to do laundry tomorrow and maybe visit Mom w/in the next week or so. Mike heads out to coast on Monday so need to get stuff for him to pack clean. At least he'll be getting some more ff miles...at least 10K for this trip.


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How are you doing? Feeling?

Your kids enjoy Holloween.

You didn't eat anymore candy?

If you did..Nov. 1st. now. New start.


Little sad day here. Went to a funeral

of a friend (one that we go to the river with)

After church we (husband and I) went back to the house

and got everything set up for lunch for after the burial.

They appreciated that. Had a good visit with everyone

as we remembered our friend.


I'm sure Donna is having a great time. Your cruise is getting

closer. Excited?

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Carolyn..What are you up to? Keeping busy with the kids?


I've been busy doing nothing. I have to get busy doing

something! Like cleaning house..next Wed. have 12 ladies

coming here and a few of the days before I won't be home.

Gee I better get busy tomorrow! LOL


Donna you should be home by now..COME IN and tell us

all about your cruise and trip.

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Carolyn..What are you up to? Keeping busy with the kids?


I've been busy doing nothing. I have to get busy doing

something! Like cleaning house..next Wed. have 12 ladies

coming here and a few of the days before I won't be home.

Gee I better get busy tomorrow! LOL


Donna you should be home by now..COME IN and tell us

all about your cruise and trip.


Yes Belle, We are here and I am losing the fight against a very nasty cold. Started on the ship but didn't get really bad until we got home. Actually stayed home sick yesterday though I did manage to work on the trip pictures. Cut down from 700 to 500+ but need to cut more before I create the slide show. No Key West but the rest was fabulous and I now have an additional 7 lbs. to lose again! Part will be off in a week but will have to work at the rest. Sorry about your friend, it always hurts.


Carolyn, keep getting those FF miles! Yours is up next!


Ok, off to work! Boss is back so really doesn't matter that I am sick. Self Defense move - he will find even more for me to do if I am not there!


Have a great day!

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Donna, Welcome back. Glad you had a fantastic time "albeit fighting the cold". I'm sure once you're feeling "up to it" the lbs. will come off (hopefully making a dent before Thanksgiving).

As for me, Mike was away for Halloween. I had been "good" with getting back on plan for a few days... (the usual 3) then we took the kids to Lyman Orchards and they had a pumpkin pie eating contest for the kids... well it was a hoot... unf. we took a 1/2 eaten pie back in the car and was "slicing" into it ... was too tempting, and unf. not that good (crust was not baked enough). Then Sunday I had what I shouldn't have and Monday dipped into Libby's candy and got a bit frustration at Costco (trying, and finally getting, my flu shot... long story) then went trick or treating w/Libby. Had a slew of candy that night, feeling sorry for self. Luckily Tuesday got back on track and 2 days "good", Mike got home late yesterday so today will be the "test".. (3rd day usually is). Not sure what we're going to do for weekend. Alex has soccer game on Saturday. Tomorrow's going to be a struggle/juggle with transportation (from early AM to picking up Alex, Libby at Girls Scouts taking Libby to dance party (she really should be going to dance clase in between) and I think Alex will be going to temple. Thinking about visiting Mom on Sunday... she's sort of guilting me... she also is taking "risks" since she's starting to "sell" her scarves... I warn her she might get into trouble (and make a royal mess for me) w/Medicaid.

BTW my computer's been really acting up the last few days. Mike will be calling up Dell Support tonight. Took "guts" out of system and we think the part they sent (refurbished) in July is the problem.

Hope to post later.


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Where you two been?


Busy or computer/site acting up to much?

Know we can't get on here sometimes.


I'm doing so-so diet wise. Exercise is cleaning

house have 12 ladies here Wed,


Sun. and Mon. going to visit friends, back on



WED.Nov. 16th I'M..hope you two too..I'm going to start


Remember started this in a November..Now time to

try again and get down to losing weight..tired of



Are you two ready to do the same?

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Morning all,


Belle, Been crazy! Still sick but starting to feel a bit better! Finished and submitted my review to CC on Sunday but have no idea how long it will take to be posted. If either of you want it in advance email me at dwinkleblack at wi.rr. com. I'm sending it by email to anyone who requests it since some are leaving shortly. Down 4 of the lbs but the rest will be much tougher.


Carolyn, How did your blood test come out? Do you realize that TSH should be between .3 - 3.0. This was a new standard several years ago but many labs/doctors are still following the old standard. I need to get my results tomorrow from my test on Friday. I was down to .014 so meds have been reduced and now we need to see how well it worked. It is amazing how many other things are affected by thyroid so you may not need the Wellbutrin once that is correctly balanced.


Ok, better get some work done. Boss is on his way to AZ which is the good thing but every minute he is gone is already planned so better get started.


Have a great day!

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Got "the call" from MD w/blood test report. Thyroid is OK (well, that's what it came back with while taking the meds... may increase it slightly on my own). All the other panels came back normal, which is good considering I'm usually doing Atkins and then blowing it a few days and then getting back on track. But MD said I'm borderline "anemic" which puzzles me since I've never been told this before and I don't "skimp" on iron rich red meats and eggs. Other factors came back in good range (HDL, LDL and billirubin which in past has been high). He claims that it must be "genetic" which surprises me since my parents had/have collesterol problem (guess Atkins isn't doing me any harm).

He DID ask me about whether I was considering/starting Wellbutrin and I told him that I think I'm going to "try and handle things on my own". I'm constantly freezing and can't shake it. I found out from DS that she tried Wellbutrin (she's compulsive etc. and takes some other meds...) and had some killer headaches. Since I've had my share of headaches recently (and in past too) I'm not going to chance it, also hearing of potential other side effects.

I'm trying to get the "pesky" 10 lbs that crept on when I was in Florida and/or on our return in September off before we go away in December. It will be a challenge since Mike's going to be travelling a bit now (going off to Germany on Monday and then a quickie trip to Cleveland and probably one or two trips to SF.. at least there's the air miles). He was asked to go out to SF the week of Nov. 20th, don't know if it's a "go" or not. If it is it'll mean that he'll be traveling back home on Weds. before T-giving... potential bump time (we could use the air scrip).

Then we'll get back home on Dec. 28th and then Mike's back off to Europe (Zurich) on Jan 8th.

Today was Alex's 13th birthday (I'm now "official" a mother of a teenager lol) and last night I was the "brownie factory" (made 6 batches of Betty Crocker) had a bit of the scraps, but I "planned" for it. I started taking Metabolife (original formula that I had left over for a year or so) and I don't know if it's doing anything, At least I'm not hyper and I can get a decent nights sleep.

Now if I can just drink water I think I'll be ok.


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