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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi all,


Carolyn, call and get your TSH number! Voice of experience here (start the WW Hypo thread every single morning for two years) and labs still aren't doing it right. Called my lab Wednesday and they had the nerve to tell me that normal for TSH is .3 to 5.0 NOT! Normal TSH by current standards is .3 to 3.0. I was going hyper at .016 so doc lowered my med and I am at 1.75 which is too big of a change for me so will see him on Monday to see if we can set up varying dosages daily with 4 days at the lower dose and 3 at the old higher dose. I feel best between .46 and 1 so I am again fighting cold and tired all the day and the diet is shot to h@ll.


Belle, Did you ever get the painting done? Any big weekend plans?


Ok, better get moving since it is a food day yet again at work and need to finish prepping then get out of here!


Have a great weekend!

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I'm a bit confused with your post...

are you hypo or hyper? Thought if you're hypo you're cold, exhausted and have a b@tch of a time maintaining/losing.

MD just said that thryoid level was "normal" for thyroid disease, actually endo that I went to 2 years ago and then followed through till she "released me" to just see GP said something to the effect that I had "precursor" to hashimoto's disease, had a normal thryoid level though but put me on synthroid, then increased it a bit. I was almost going to cancel my MD appoint but I was down to my last 10 pills (was getting to be like junkie... asking Mike to ask his MD friends in CA to fill a prescrip for him when he was out there) 'cause I wasn't sure if MD was going to "give me" scrip w/o first doing test.. but luckily he did. Asked him to double dose (that I would split it) and would be filling it w/o insurance (works out cheaper). You know, I could have "fibbed" the dosage and he'd probably would have written it out as is.

I'll call up office to ask what #s are on Tuesday (the day that he's at hospital). Last night I couldn't "warm myself"... was shivering and had 1 quilt, 1 down comforter covered in flannel duvet and a flannel quilt over me w/Libby try to warm me up too. Had "ski jammies" and sweat shirt on too... forced myself to sleep. Today I've gone out w/sweatshirt and ski bottoms on underneath my pants, and I keep on jacket in house. I can just imagine how I'm going to be when winter "really hits" here.


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Hi all,


Carolyn, I am definitely hypo though the med dosage occasionally throws me into the hyper range. This last dosage down is not going to work since all the old symptoms are back. You know the routine, tired but can't sleep, cold, etc, etc. However, care must be taken because a lot of the symptoms appear in both hypo and hyper. I am hoping that I finally got through to the doc that being in range is not good enough. I function much better when I am below 1 so will battle it out tomorrow with him. If you feel like you do right now then you really need to know the numbers since you are probably still too high for your comfort. This is nothing to fool with. I have not missed a pill in two years. You do know to take alone one hour before eating anything and to watch your soy intake? about.com has a tremendous amount of information. I finally switched over to drugstore.com and don't use the insurance for mine any longer. Cheaper to bypass it and then I can get 3 months at a time. What I have to convince the doc of is that I am capable of taking 4 days and one dosage and 3 at the other. Oh well, stay warm and talk to your doctor. It is important to know what is going on before you plan with the dosage.


Belle, Have fun!


Now, you are both going to lol right about now! Jewish sounds wonderful. I am getting out the holiday decorations so they are up when the girls are here for Thanksgiving and this is totally nuts! I only put up half the decorations and won't put up the tree since we will be going to MI for Christmas but it is still a huge project. Even better, maybe we should just go on the cruise with Carolyn!


Better get moving!


Have a great Sunday!

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Carolyn, TSH should be between .3 and 3.0. Everyone I know seems to feel the best at right about 1.0. T4 should be between 4.6 and 11.2. Not sure what T3 should be.


I am seeing the doc in an hour since my TSH is 1.75 and my T4 is 4.2.


Get your values, they are important!

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really wonder what my numbers would be if I went off the meds... been on them a LONG time

I got the # from the nurse and this is while I'm taking 75mcg

TSH 1.58

T3 95

total T4 8.4 T3uptake 33

T4 Free 1.2

Think I'm going to have Mike and his MD friends advise.


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really wonder what my numbers would be if I went off the meds... been on them a LONG time

I got the # from the nurse and this is while I'm taking 75mcg

TSH 1.58

T3 95

total T4 8.4 T3uptake 33

T4 Free 1.2

Think I'm going to have Mike and his MD friends advise.



Overall, those are pretty good numbers with the medication. Fair warning, don't go off on your own or you will get some very nasty side effects. Doc raised my dosage every other day because I do best at right around .4 TSH. Didn't even give me a battle. Do check out about.com for hypothyroid since it will give you a lot of tips that should help you lose and keep it off. Better get to work! Crazy week and getting crazier since my cell phone is not working at the moment. Better call Joe and get him on that issue.


Have a great day!

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About to walk away from this computer and get some serious cleaning done. Family will be here Tuesday night and need to make room for them this weekend. Since I haven't gotten around to posting any pics yet, here is a link to one of our tablemates websites which have a lot of them. http://www.dcwatch.com/galaxy


Will try to make it back tomorrow after I finish up. Belle, are you back yet?


Have a great weekend!

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I'm been back but busy..sorry I haven't been

talking on here.

Hope you two are feeling better.


Donna have a good time with your family.

Don't worry about your house..it will just

get messed up again! LOL

Looked at the pictures..you look so pretty and

Joe so handsome in his tux. Best looking couple there.

(everyone else looked nice and friendly but you have them beat)

Can't wait to read your review.


Carolyn hope you and family are alright.

Your cruise is getting closer!

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It's been "nutty" here to say the least..

each day I "plan" to get to the gym, but as the morning progresses it usually doesn't happen.

Usually it's just "stuff happening" and I'm the one to "blow it off" (I'm OK with that), but yesterday it just was TOO much for me and last night I started to say to Mike (and the kids) "why is this happening to me?.. how much "more" can be dished out on me before I crack"...

and here's what happened

in addition to trying to be prepared for stuff from Medicaid for Mom (and the potential of having to cough up more $$... this time from my pocket directly) , trying to straighten out her bills from hospital stays and home...

trying to anticipate tax burden from everything for this year and next...

trying to "look forward" to cruise and be prepared instead of last minute packing and mayhem and hopefully have something planned for islands other than "roam around and window shop".. plan something/do productive and enjoyable to "whole" family (not browsing/shopping for Libby and having the 3 of us "dragged around" lol <she's girly, but is OK with looking and not buying everything <I"m lucky about that>)

It's raining cats/dogs.. really heavy, I go into the basement, there's a puddle that's the worst I've seen in the 9 years we've lived here. I have the phone in hand to call Mike to tell him of predicament (he had the walls/floor painted w/water protectant that was to prevent water seapage and payed alot of $$). Well I hang up the phone and I get a call from a man calling from S. Carolina from a radio station on his cell phone asking my name and if I just sent a fax to an individual. Well, no I didn't, then he goes on and gives me my name, address phone # ss# date of birth and account # that was on the fax and that it also was asking for checks to be issued and overnighted. We'll I'm floored, I get his phone # (don't have caller ID) and call Mike. Flag goes off in brain.. potential for Identity theft, what to do, how did he get it, etc. With the estate etc. I'm exposed to losing MEGA $$$ and having my life totally messed up. Call banks, call brockerage firms, credit cards, try to call 3 credit bureaus. Mike gets copies of the faxes. Thank goodness the man was more than a "good samaritan". Had a police officer at my home looking at fax (originally I was going to go to station but they insisted on sending one to house), the house is a total pit.. the office a disasster. We finally realize what happened but still it didn't answer what may still be up in air (and sloppiness of firm sending fax)Mike says I should pull all my holdings from firm... but right now I'm not sure where I'll put it since everyplace I've been dealing with either they want "autonomy" w/potential fees, getting the "your an affluent client" --- kissing up/patronage -- or being blown off as the ditsy stay at home who'll we'll totally "take things off your hands" manage things for you and rack up fees. --- HELP --- CALGON take me AWAY.

and to this that Mike needs to take care of his office (he'll be going to Med advisory board on Monday for 3 days that he has to prep for) and then go pick up car.

OK gotta run over to gym... if I'll ever do anything there this week. And take kids for their flu-mist -- thought they were getting shots but they ran out... and maybe get somethings before black friday. We're not doing anything for T-giving.. don't have family, just the 4 of us. Mike got a turkey from work so I'll "try to cook it".

Donna and Belle, if I don't post... have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving... eat drink be merry ... enjoy being w/friends and loved ones...


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I HATE that damn scale...

didn't go "hog wild" yesterday...

actually didn't do much of anything...

the indulgence I did was 2 small sweet potatoes (baked)

we didn't have ANY desserts... the scale continues to creep upwards.

Just had the kidlets try on their summer stuff... Alex's stuff won't make it another month... he's growing too fast (lol). Threatened him DON"T GROW for the NEXT 4 weeks. Libby's stuff is getting a bit short but will be OK. Put most of their stuff in a clothes hamper. Told Mike to figure out what he needs. Now to see what actually fits me... what will be snug or "OK" and how dressed up I want to get. I'm planning on being a bit more casual than past, just 'cause I don't want to overpack (that's a joke).

Hope both of you are having a good day off.

Mike's nagging away, Libby wants to go "shopping" so I'm gonna see what's at the mall for BF... luckily don't need anything so won't do any impulse.


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Hope you both had a good Thanksgiving.


Carolyn sorry the scale went up when you

were trying to be good. Maybe it's salt

and water weight. Check tomorrow.


I stayed the same but now have to be careful of the



Your cruise is getting close..Lucky.

Tell me again what ship and where you are going.

Your leaving on Dec. 17th..right?


Donna guess you still have a house hold of family

there. Sure you had a good time.


Both of you have a good weekend.

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Here's the ports...

2 days at sea, then San Juan 8-5PM (have a rental car lined up if we want to venture out of the old town area, Grenada 9-7PM.. not sure what we'll do, Alex has a friend whose father works at the Med School there and they just went there for Thanksgiving week... I'll try to find out what conditions are there and what they'd suggest, then it's Antigua 8-4PM (couldn't book anything I wanted since they're "full", can't decide if we'll go to Pineapple Beach for day pass or just hit a beach and pay "a la carte" -- we're not big "foo foo" drinkers, would have to pay "adult" price for Alex who barely eats and won't be allowed to drink (though he wouln't anyway), St. Marten Xmas eve 8AM -2:30PM... luckily we tender into the shopping area instead of the pier in nowheresville where you have to take water taxi $$ to get to town or taxi... this way we can pop into shops and then head to a beach (which one don't know). Then day at sea and then last day Dec. 26 (Boxing Day) in Nassau from 2:30PMish until 7 will probably taxi over to Atlantis and browse around, will have kids so will probably just walk through casinos, don't know if they'll let the kids in or not. Any suggestions, I love to hear.

Now we're just waiting to hear from MSC for cabin assignment. I started to put summer stuff into a large clothes hamper (when clean) to keep stuff together... don 't think the kids will fit into their clothes past January... didn't buy them anything this summer since I was "busy" with family stuff probably when things went on "decent sales" mid-July and when I was back home everything was "gone". Will probably have to do "early season" sales and watch for reductions.


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Carolyn you have less than 3 weeks left!

I've been to those Islands except Antigua,

tell me how you liked it.

Sure you will have fun no matter what you do.

Your together, warm weather, cruising!

Just think of those beaches..sun..


One thing please..Don't anyone in your family

get SICK! Cover your faces (mouth and noses) when you fly!

Think you guys get sick from the air in the plane..it's the

winter coughs of people on the plane goes in the air.

Really take care..want you to have a great cruise.


Donna you must really be busy, you haven't been on much.

Hope everything is alright.


Had a nose check, doing alright, got some Retin A to put on scar.

Did some Christmas shopping and ate lunch out.

Tomorrow show and dinner with friends.


Need to get Christmas Decorations out of attic, wrap some presents

and do my cards. Maybe start that Fri. or Sat. Can you

believe Thursday is Dec. 1st?


Will talk later..take care.

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Hi All,


Carolyn, I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time! Antigua is a great beach island. Stay healthy and don't breath on the plane. I keep hearing about a product called Airborne that is supposed to help. Will have to check it out next time.


Belle, Wish it was Dec.1. Then I wouldn't have to deal with month end still and it will be a long night though most of it will (fingers crossed) be from home. Great news with the doctor and now you can relax and have a fun weekend.


The review is published and here is the link:




Better get back to work or I will never get out of here to start working again at home!


Have a great evening!

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Mike's been doing a bit of "extra traveling" lately and about 4 months ago I stocked up on airborne and now he's starting to take it on a semi=regular basis. Think we'll start taking it about 3ish days before leaving. I asked the PA (when kids got flumist) about giving them extra zinc and she said "why"? but I may ask the doctor. Last time it was definitely something Alex ate or 'caught"... and Libby's immune system was just compromised too much... her tummy's still not quite right... have to limit the quantity of most things she eats and usually she needs to eat small and a bit more frequent.

It's late, will hope to post tomorrow.

BTW, finally got to gym 2 days in row.. yeah for me.. who knows maybe I'll get there tomorrow too.


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Sounds like you had a great time..doing lots of different

of things but relaxing too. Was nice you got to meet

up with "Old Cruisers" friends along the way.


I guess that plane that was in your spot..going to Nice

was waiting for me! I wish! LOL


Hope our trip on the Summit is as good as yours..this is

our first time with Celebrity.


When you read this it will be DEC. 1st..Did you get all of

"end of month" stuff done? I thought you wanted a different job?

Weren't you looking for one before? Your boss and job was to much.


Carolyn..Great job going to the gym..I haven't been to good

at that lately.

I've heard good things about Airbourne, if Mike using it

and it's working..you all better use it to be on the safe side.

One less day for you to wait now.

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December is here..are you ready for it?


I'm not..have so much to do and guess what?

Don't feel like it! Really!

Think I'll make a list of the things I want to do

and forget the rest. If I'm doing it all..well

just do what I want..right?

Sounds good..doesn't it! LOL


Have a good weekend you two!

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I'm here just sidetracked over and over again. Now it is almost time to get ready for bed and we will be out shopping tomorrow morning (pre-game) so I am running out of time to get anything done!


Belle, Thanks! This was our third X cruise and I'm sure you'll love it! I will talk him in to your cruise one of these days. Definitely prefer the round trip from CA but it is a bit long for him. He still has a problem with longer vacations but he'll get over it.


I posted some shots from it and if you get to the webshots page you'll see some new kitchen shots. Finally got my very own little scanner and found some of the old before pictures as comparison. A few moldings left and it will be completely finished! I actually have empty drawers for the first time ever and working really hard to keep them that way!


Yes, I am looking for another job but I have been big time picky about what I will even look at so it has been very slow going. Big meeting Monday on insurance benefits taking a hit so I may get motivated then to pick up speed!


Carolyn, Yours is coming up fast! Are Alex and Libby getting excited? No doubt, MSC will be different but I'm sure you'll have a great time! Did you get a cabin assignment yet? Did you look at their wine package for you and Mike. I'm thinking it is 7 bottles for $99. Reports are that it is quite acceptable wine. Even said that their half and full carafes of house wine are very good!


Ok, still need to do a couple more things before I hit the tub and call it a night. Will be noisy around here tomorrow with the Bears playing the Packers. If Bears win then Joe will call our son in law and if the Packers win, he will be calling Joe. Afraid those two guys may just start calling each other at half time! However, I just might manage to get something done while they are bugging each other!


Have a great weekend!

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Been busy and "things" happening!

Not all good.


My father hasn't been feeling to well, getting medicine..

think he feels better. Lives 8-9 hours away.


My husband's sister is sick..cancer and

not good, visiting her tomorrow, two hours away.


Other people in our group of friends, some illness there too!

Why do things happen in "clusters" or it seems to.


Last couple of days between phone calls got some decorations

done (less this year) and first time I didn't get a real tree.

Got a Fiber Opical tree (if that is how it's spelled) Just didn't feel

like a 9 ft tree and to decorate it. Have to do my cards and

christmas shopping done (have gotten a little done).


Enough of me..how are you too?


Donna hope you find a great job that you really like.

Sorry didn't look at pictures yet, nice the kitchen is done.

Are you still cruising in Jan.?


Carolyn..YOU have less than two weeks for your CRUISE!

Are you already? Main thing are you all in GOOD HEALTH?

Hope so.


You two take care..

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Morning all,


Belle, vote is out on whether we are cruising in January or not! I am keeping my mouth shut but Joe knows that I will be crazy and make him even crazier if I don't escape this cold. Came early and very hard this year with -5 this morning. I will not make it through the entire winter without killing him and he is aware of that!


So sorry to hear all the bad news you have had to deal with it. Hope your dad is feeling better and your sil is comfortable. You'll get done what is important and just don't worry about the rest. My Xmas tree is a 3' fiber optic in the kitchen window. If I put up a regular one I would think about all the work to take down every time I looked at it so didn't even think twice about it! Job appears to be progressing slowly but major changes to our insurance should add additional motivation to look more seriously. Don't have the final yet but whatever it is won't be good! If I luck out, it will be an HSA but that isn't the way it is leaning right now.


Carolyn, getting excited? I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and make lots of new memories with Alex and Libby!


Better get moving and try to find something to keep warm in. It is getting harder and harder to find a fashionable way not to freeze but can't really show up at work in my Chammyz!


Have a great day!

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