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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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POTG... baby, I "got that" (g=gelt? lol -- shows how much I know)

I need to drink water badly.

Will post tomorrow.

Donna, just make sure when the phone is busy for a while it's 'cause she's talking and not 'cause the phone's off the hook. That's what happens w/Mom.


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Hi girls! I'm back!! We had a fantastic time! Just enjoyed being with my friends for 10 days. I already miss them terribly. The cruise was fun, but too short. I did miss certain things that are not on the Sovereign that are on the Voyager class ships. However, the staff were fabulous! Can't say enough good things about all of them. Made everyone feel special.


My WOE is out the door and who knows how much weight I've gained. I'm too scared to get on the scale! LOL I just know that my size 10's are too tight and I've had to dip into my 12's. They are too big, but comfortable. I'm being good now and hopefully will get the weight off again soon.


Glad all of you are doing so well!


Missed you!!! :D

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Welcome back Sheila.

Glad you had a great visit with your friends and enjoyed your Sovereign cruise. I'm sure you'll be back to your WOE since you're home now and back on your regular schedule. As for me, wish I could get back into any WOE... things have really flown out the window. Think the stress of everything is really starting to effect me. Yesterday was Libby's b=day (she turned 10... definitely NOT my baby anymore... though she lets me call her baby when we're alone). She wanted to go to Bugaboo Creek but I just didn't feel like driving there (over 45 mins away) and then turn around. WOuld want to do something "in the area" and make it more of a day. So after much ping-ponging back and forth we went to TGIF late (8:30) so that threw everybody off. Woke up this AM thinking it was Friday... decided Alex would do his soccer camp w/high school prep (instead of 9AM). I have a pull in my neck with is making things difficult for me. Very painful to drive and concentrate, difficult to talk on phone (it's the side of my good ear) and I'm also feeling puky... So I'm waiting to eat until it's "too late" and then starving... feeling like butterflies in stomach like "something's going to happen" but there's nothing out there. OK.. I'm an emotional mess. Guess I better get all my "bad habits" out of way and get back to low carb to clear out my system.

Think I better start getting the lecture to "start drinking that water" (am doing that to Alex to hydrate before his killer practice today).


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Well, as will be seen below, I am up to no good yet again! Joe paid dearly for is I don't want to be 55 tantrum and he is finally off the hook! Just finished all the switching and gave up the Rhapsody in favor of the Connie TA but now he is saying that price is going down on Rhapsody so we should look at it again.


Baby, the Connie September 07 TA has great prices and a great itinerary. I know you said land for awhile but this one would be really hard to pass up as you can tell by the fact that we didn't! Waited a little too long and balconies went up $200/pp but got one of the favored oversized outside cabins which works better for me when the weather is cool and they are saying average temp 65.


Carolyn, You do need to see the doctor and make sure that this is just stress and not something serious!


Sheila, You'll be back in those 10's in a few days and have made some great memories!


Linda, How are you doing? Did they ever straighten out your computer mess?


Weight is stuck again and I really am trying to be good in advance instead of waiting until the last six weeks before we leave so will stick to eating right and see if I can finally get motivated to get on the treadmill on a regular basis.


Have a great afternoon!

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Donna ~ What do you mean by "Connie TA?" I know it is the ship Constallation (sp?), but what does the TA mean if not Travel Agent? Call me clueless! ;)


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry you're an emotional wreck. Is there anyone nearby you can talk to? You need a great big hug right now! {{{HUG}}}


I'm going to do Phase 1 of South Beach starting on Sunday to get rid of all of these sugar cravings I'm having. They are awful! I'll then switch back to WW.



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Sheila, TransAtlantic - leaving from Dover with stops at Le Havre (Paris), Cornwall, Dublin, Cork, St. Johns (Newfoundland) and Halifax before disembarking in Bayonne, NJ. Total of 12 days with one or two pre-cruise in London to be added on. Great pricing and good chance of catching some fall color.

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Sheila, TransAtlantic - leaving from Dover with stops at Le Havre (Paris), Cornwall, Dublin, Cork, St. Johns (Newfoundland) and Halifax before disembarking in Bayonne, NJ. Total of 12 days with one or two pre-cruise in London to be added on. Great pricing and good chance of catching some fall color.

Donna ~ Thanks for the explanation!! The cruise sounds wonderful!! We looked at one like this with RCL. I think it was Jewel of the Seas. Lucky girl!!!


BTW, there is a donnaw on the tummy tuck board I go to. Every time I see the name, I think of you.

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Sheila, You should definitely look at this one then. They scuttled the Jewel itinerary and put it on the Connie instead. Connie was originally scheduled for a 7 day crossing which wasn't the least tempting but this 12 day is great! A lot of the original passengers booked on Jewel switched over as soon as the itinerary came out!


Baby, Water?


Carolyn, Call the doctor?


Linda, big weekend plans?


Off to work! Then grocery shopping and last minute cleaning before they all turn up on our doorstep.


Have a great Friday and weekend if I don't make it back!

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Donna ~ It sounded like the same itinerary. We'll have to think about this one in the future. Right now, we've got the Mariner scheduled for next May. We can't financially squeeze anything else in right now because of my tuck. Oh, the guilt! ;) You're going to have an amazing time!

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Donna ~ It sounded like the same itinerary. We'll have to think about this one in the future. Right now, we've got the Mariner scheduled for next May. We can't financially squeeze anything else in right now because of my tuck. Oh, the guilt! ;) You're going to have an amazing time!


Yeah, that would be pushing it too far out! Definitely wouldn't want to go that long without a cruise. Funny thing but Pineview01 who started on this thread has booked it so I will finally get to meet her. We'll work out meeting one of these days!


Ok, he is up to his old tricks and wants to change from Regal on December 7th to Mercury on December 8th and now I'm the one balking. I am thinking about it. Not like me to turn down trading in a 10 day cruise for a 15 but the ship disembarks in Miami on December 23rd. I always took pride in the fact that I would not get caught flying on the busiest day of the year and now I'm actually considering it. Yikes!


Have a great evening!

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Ok, Belle is gone and we are losing track here!


Carolyn, New York? Fun or more work?


Sheila, How are you doing?


Baby, where is your water?


Linda, How is the diet going?


We are still debating switching the December cruise to Mercury and have a little over four weeks to decide. My biggest hangup about it is getting home on the 23rd and having to head straight out to Michigan on the 24th though Joe insists that we can go on the 25th and have Christmas a day late. The other side has theirs at Thanksgiving so the precedent has been set but I'm having a bit of a hard time with breaking tradition. Oh well, we'll figure it out eventually.


The biggest news is that there is a reallly strong chance that HollyB will be joining us on the Connie TA. This would be her first cruise in years and the timing is perfect for them. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Ok, off to brunch (skipping dinner) then to the Parade of Homes to get some new remodelling ideas. Good thing that both cruises are already booked or they might be in trouble with the cost of Joe's new ideas!


Have a great Sunday!

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Hi everyone! Things have been crazy around here! My mom was taken by amburlance to the hospital on Friday AM with a stroke-like spell. She's been having them for a couple of years, but they are getting worse. She was transferred to the biggest hospital in our state later that day. She has a team of doctors trying to figure out what is wrong with her. They do know it is not a stroke so that's good news. They'll do more tests today and then, hopefully she'll be able to go home.


Donna ~ That is good news about your cruise. I would definitely do the 15 day if I could, but I personally would be too stressed to do it at Christmas. I haven't seen Ruby posting on here in a long time. Please tell her I said hello. That would be a lot of fun for you to be able to cruise with her. She seems like a lot of fun.


My WOE has been a little shaky due to spending so much time at the hospital. I'm trying to be good though. ;)


Hi to Baby, Carolyn, and our travelin' queen, Belle!

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Unfortunately I know how hospitals are... hope they figure out what's going on with your Mom and that it's not terribly serious (knowing is better, though until they figure things out it's terribly stressful). Pray that she gets to go home soon and that she'll be staying strong and healthy for a long time.

Do what you can with WOE to support yourself. Drink water and try to stay as calm as you can. Take care of yourself.


Cruising w/HollyB--- sounds like a wonderful time. I remember when she was planning her first Celebrity cruise... she really got into outfits etc.


Drinking your water? Walking and enjoying your summer? (tennis I believe?) I don't think you mentioned whether or not your son had a "date" set for wedding. Miss your posts.


Hope you're enjoying your travels and your summer. Please pop in to let us know you doing well.


Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

As for me, I went to NYC with the kids for M-F last week since I didn't have anything planned for them w/camp and it was getting boring here. Also, we hadn't spent much time with my Aunt (Dad's sister) in a while and thought it would be a good opportunity. Had planned on doing it earlier in summer but the weather was just "too darn hot". Well we had very nice weather and a pleasant time. Had a bit of visit (aunt's 93 w/macular degen) and also took kids to their first b-way show. Went for a short time to Museum of Nat. History and Metropolitan (Libby's kind of impatient so couldn't stay very long). All in all it was nice to get out of my house and "explore the city" a bit.

As for me peri-menapause is "the pits"... mood swings and cravings/stress etc. is diffucult to deal with. At first I'm feeling nervous and not hungry at all, then get ravenous. Depending what I eat it just doesn't seem to "work" for me. The scale's been nutty. Not sure what I'm going to do but I know I should start drinking water. Hope to get the name of a "decent" endocrinologist or possibly an "alternative medicine" doc. since I'd like to find something that would support me in a positive way.


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Carolyn ~ Sounds like you had a good time in NYC. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just talked to my Mom and she's doing better. They were about to take her down for an MRI and then she can probably be released. She's happy about that. Thanks for your support.


Linda ~ How are you doing?

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Hey Ladies~ I am so sorry I've been out of pocket for a long time. I left home on August 18. Am spending the week in Palm Bay at Karen's home. She and my 81 year old Mom live together and when Karen goes away on a trip I fill in. Karen is in Seattle right now, just having returned from her SECOND ALASKA CRUISE. I spoke with her briefly yesterday and she had a wonderful time. She will return home tomorrow and then drive me to Daytona Beach. DH & I are part of Fairfield Timeshare and we have two weeks booked in a two bedroom condo on the beach. Most of the time it will be just DH & I. We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary on August 31. Girls and Connor will be with us for Labor Day weekend, and then Connor & his Mom will return for the following weekend. DH really needs this vacation he's way overstressed and mind is just worn out. His work is just so demanding...this week alone was 90+ hours. Of course he tends to work more when I'm away but those hours are not unusual for him.

We have no big plans while at the condo, taking lots of books to read, hang out by the pool, nap, read, watch TV, listen to music and spend two weeks unwinding.

Needless, to say my woe has gone out the window. Mom is a very picky eater so its just easier to go out for dinner. That plus she really doesn't like my cooking, I don't make things like Karen, so its just easier to eat out. Of course, eating out isn't easier with the woe I'd been doing. I have managed to continue to eat breakfast...a biggie with me, I don't like breakfast but have found eating a cup of blueberries to be really good. And I have been trying to drink at least 64 0z. of water. Note I said trying. Same days are good ....others :rolleyes: .

I may not post again until after I return home which will be Sept. 11, boy what a day to go back to work! We have computer access at the condo but last time I never made it down to the computer room.

Any way ladies, have a safe and happy Labor Day. Shelia I hope the Ernesto steers clear of you. Was hoping that there would be no storms to threaten the US but I guess that was too much to ask for. Still here it is late August and so far so good....I won't jinx us any further.

Take Care!


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Linda ~ Glad to see you back! Sounds like you've been busy. I guess Karen had a good time on her cruise. Tell her I said hello! You'll have a good time at the beach. Two weeks would be glorious! I'm sure little Connor will enjoy it also. I bet he's a doll! I doubt Ernesto will come anywhere near us...thank goodness! You might get some of it though. I hope not!


I'm getting ready for my surgery. Got the house cleaned this past weekend as we'll be gone most of next weekend. I'll have to do more cleaning of course.


How is everyone else doing? :D

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Didn't realize that your surgery was coming up so soon. When is it? It's been quiet here... Alex having soccer try-outs and Libby starting back to school on Thursday. Luckily she has a decent teacher this year,, hope she makes "progress" and is pushed a bit (since Libby tends to "hold back"). Met Alex at school yesterday and bought his books for next year... even though we were able to "make do" with what he had last year and he "found" (abandoned by "spoiled" students) outside of lockers that were emptied a week earlier math and social studies books (which saved $160) we did manage to part with almost $200 -- mainly paperbacks that he can't even re-sell the following year. Hope he gets some decent teachers who challenge him and give him good study skills -- he operated the same last year as he has in past.. made good time of his study halls but when it came to projects had several late nights and he was a bit "sloppy" with things that he though weren't important but the teachers did (so he got A- instead of solid A.. he said "not important" but it will be come 9th grade and it all comes out).


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Linda, Sounds like you have some great time off with dh planned and hope Ernesto doesn't cause to big of a disruption!


Sheila, You must be getting excited about finally getting the surgery done and seeing the results!


Carolyn, Wow, hard to believe summer is over already. Glad you had time for a little break in New York before school started!


Belle, I'm sure your off having a great time!


Baby, Where is your water?


Same old, same old here! Stick to plan one week then totally off the next. Still don't know what cruise we will be taking in December. Have to decide by the middle of September since final payment on Regal (already booked) is 9/23. Mom is the same, can't wait to go home when the rest of us are wrecks at just the thought of her being home alone. Looking forward to the long weekend but it will be filled with other things that managed to get put off this summer. Hope everyone else has great plans!

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Carolyn & Donna ~ I am getting really excited!! My pre-op appt is tomorrow. :D Glad both of you are doing well!


I sure do miss Baby & Belle. :(


Baby ~ Where are you?


Carolyn ~ I can relate with school. My son is a senior this year and I'm already pulling my hair out with him.

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Nick's a senior? Where's he looking a schools?

Alex is in the midst of soccer tryouts and today was this first "dry" day they had. He thought it might have gone "ok" and we're hoping they offer him JV. Don't expect varsity (and also don't want him to be V since he's a defender and will be much smaller than the seniors lol) but if they offer him JV it will be an accomplishment. At least it keeps him busy this week.

Good luck w/pre appt. I'm sure you're really getting excited. How long post will you be "laid up".

Donna, Hope you have a good weekend (it's only Wednesday though). Know what you mean about your Mom. I sweat out each day w/phone call w/my mom, but she's permanently "inside". Things go wrong/awry and I'm the one who has to "make it right". DS thinks it's her responsibility to call me with a report when I'm the one who's "hands on".

Oh well, think I better go out and make some dinner for kidlets and get Libby's bag ready for school tomorrow... Can't believe summer's over for us. Guess I should realize that since MIke's off for airport tomorrow night, London Friday AM and then back to Heathrow on Sat. to Munich... Libby's already thinking about "what Dad should get for her". He's got 2 trips to Europe in Sept. (Barcelona a few days later after coming home for about 4 days). Donna, you were there, anything I should ask him to "bring back"?

Baby, Belle, Linda... hope you ladies are well.


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Hi everyone!


We were in Toronto a couple of weekends ago, and were in the North Shore of Boston this past weekend, so it's been rather hectic.


My weight is awful...I am up the awful pound..yesterday I was even 1 pound higher. The entire month of August, my weight has been depressing. Tomorrow is a new month and I MUST get a hold of the situation.


So much catching up!


Sheila...most important...glad that your Mom is O.K. When is your tummy tuck? Good luck! You will be GORGEOUS!


Donna....I am drinking my water NOW! This weekend, visited Chico's. Bought 3 travellers tops. Hope it helps with packing for a long land trip (not til 2008...nothing like planning ahead!!) Thanks for telling me about the TA cruise. One day I will do it. But, this year we have done enough vacations...and we have a family Bat Mitzvah in NYC in the fall...so really it is enough! Our cruise last summer stopped in Le Havre, Cork and Dublin, so if you want any info, just ask. I remember reading Holly B's posts. She must be a fun person. Glad that your Mom is stable.


Carolyn..glad you enjoyed NYC. What play did you see? I haven't been to a Broadway play in so many years. I remember taking my kids to the Natural History Museum when my kids were young. It's fabulous for them (the Met is better for us, though!). We had walked across Central Park to get there...Back to school already..where did the summer go? (Isn't winter always longer??) The wedding will be in June.(that will be here sooner than I think!)


Linda and Belle...hope you are enjoying your vacations.


Hope I caught up! Have a great day, all!

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The kids saw Wicked (they really enjoyed it and got "spoiled" since we "won" ($25 per ticket) front row center seats in the lottery) and I saw Spelling Bee (another lottery theatre right next door so I had something to do for the 2 hrs they were in -- also front seats). We had purchased "obstructed view" seats to Spamalot when we first got into city (got BAD advise from man at boxoffice)... was trying to watch pocketbook so did that was told it would just be "missing" (viewing) about 15 minutes that weren't "that important" but worked out to be more... would do standing room instead or wait.. oh well, live and learn). But this way the kids got to see 2 shows and want to see more but also have experienced the "best seats" as well as probably the worst (at intermission Alex went up to see if he could stand in back of balcony and then wandered down to main level and stood in corner... he's got chotzpah)

Gotta take Alex to soccer tryouts now and then pick up Elizabeth.


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Hi girls! I had my pre-op appt today and it went great!


I took Mom to see her new Neurologist today and we both loved him. He's really sweet. Said that there is a form of Parkison's Disease that has some of Mom's symptons. He is testing her for that and a chemical imbalance. He's going to rule those out and if they are negative, he said the only other thing it could be was stress. She has fibromyalgia real bad and he said that may be her body's way of dealing with it....just by shutting down. We'll see!


Carolyn ~ Nick is only interested in the University of Alabama. We can't afford out of state tuition and the University of Alabama is the only school in the state that has his major. Besides, we're huge Alabama fans and it has been instilled in him since birth. LOL


Baby ~ sounds like you've been having a good time!!!! Glad you're back. I've missed you. How's the wedding plans going?


Donna ~ How are you? Work still hectic?


When is Belle coming back? I really miss her!


Oh, did I mention that I lost 3.5 lbs this weeK? :D

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