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my destiny report oct 11-16


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With all the noise about the destiny I thought that I would give you a good overview of our just completed Destiny cruise. This was our third cruise and I have to say with one exception (will talk about this later) it was the best cruise yet. Here we go!!!


checkin-smooth, flawless without problem, dropped off bags at 11:30 and we were eating lunch on the Lido deck by 12:00!!!


cabin- we were on the empress deck , balcony room. it was gorgeous. new everything including flat screen tv.


staff-friendly, courteous, always helpful. take time to talk to them!!they love having a conversation with you. respect goes both ways, they are not your servants, (some people forget this) more about this later!!!


ship condition--about a 9.5 on a 10 point scale. they still were working on somethings, nothing serious, seemed like normal upkeep and maintenance.


all elevators worked!!!



food- standard cruise fair, always fresh , some things prepared better than others, but a good variety. the late night buffet could use some improvement , but i give it a 9


entertainment--there were two different shows. first one was ok, but the second one (something with a paris france them was terrible, great costumes and effects but was really boring to me, personal opinion here)


cruise director- a former comedian who became a cruise director, he was good, i have seen better, but i liked him.


shore excursions and ports= ocho rios, jamaica,, we did the tranopy tour, skylift, bob sled, and zip line. definitely one to go one, we had a ball, the people who ran it were polite, friendly and we just had an excellent time. when we were done we went shopping, that was our only negative, to much being approched to buy drugs, wow!!signs all over warning about the penalties for drug possesion but it seemed like every third person wanted to sell. what a shame. a wonderful people, but they need to clean up this!! as for you Just say No!!! it works mostly, they were not aggresive.


grand cayman-- rainy day, so we toured the town Senor frogs is the booming place. we visited the one in Nassau and this one is just as much fun. my poor wife, she had two yard stick drinks and starting dancing with senor frog. lol, she does not remember much but i have it on tape


debarkation-- once called for our zone we were off the ship and loading bags in our car in about 20 minutes. watch out, dont look suspicious or customs will talk to you. i guess my two year old watch caught his eye because he sure was asking if i was sure i had declared everything.


ok here is the negative and surprise ,i have nothing negative to say about carnival at all. i think they do a wonderful job considering the clientel they now serve. I will probably get blasted for this, but as i always say, it is what it is. so here i go. There was a time in this country when people had a sense of class, remember when you use to fly and people were dressed nicely, not like they were getting on greyhound!! About half of the 2900 people on this ship had manners and class and the other half should not be allowed in public,i have never experienced more rudeness, loudness, classless behavior in public in my life. These people (all races, creeds and religions) acted like they had never been out in the public world before, treated the crew like servants, dressed like they were in some out of zone comedy, their children had the foulest mouths, like mother like children i guess, because they all acted the same. it was like feeding time at the zoo, when you walk around with three ice creme cones, load up your plate with food , take two bites and then go back for more, that is classless behavior. were is the respect a person has for themselves? if you are obese, (not overweight i mean obese) you are so disrespecting yourself with your constant eating, where is your pride? do you think that are on a cruise give you the ability to fool yourself? i am sorry you have a weight problem, but it is disgusting to see you stuff yourself with all the food you load up on, portion control, ever heard of that???so you are on vacation and this is ok??? no, not really. sorry, but i had to get this off my mind, i have never ever seen such behavior and i have b een all over the world. no wonder they think of us as the ugly americans, you have 70 nationalities working on this ship telling the world about you. hope you are proud of yourself.


I close with wishing you all smooth sailing and always to remember, you represent your country on these cruises, make us proud.

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ok here is the negative and surprise ,i have nothing negative to say about carnival at all. i think they do a wonderful job considering the clientel they now serve. I will probably get blasted for this, but as i always say, it is what it is. so here i go. There was a time in this country when people had a sense of class, remember when you use to fly and people were dressed nicely, not like they were getting on greyhound!! About half of the 2900 people on this ship had manners and class and the other half should not be allowed in public,i have never experienced more rudeness, loudness, classless behavior in public in my life. These people (all races, creeds and religions) acted like they had never been out in the public world before, treated the crew like servants, dressed like they were in some out of zone comedy, their children had the foulest mouths, like mother like children i guess, because they all acted the same. it was like feeding time at the zoo, when you walk around with three ice creme cones, load up your plate with food , take two bites and then go back for more, that is classless behavior. were is the respect a person has for themselves? if you are obese, (not overweight i mean obese) you are so disrespecting yourself with your constant eating, where is your pride? do you think that are on a cruise give you the ability to fool yourself? i am sorry you have a weight problem, but it is disgusting to see you stuff yourself with all the food you load up on, portion control, ever heard of that???so you are on vacation and this is ok??? no, not really. sorry, but i had to get this off my mind, i have never ever seen such behavior and i have b een all over the world. no wonder they think of us as the ugly americans, you have 70 nationalities working on this ship telling the world about you. hope you are proud of yourself.


I close with wishing you all smooth sailing and always to remember, you represent your country on these cruises, make us proud.



I was on the Destiny Oct 6-11 and it was the same deal on our trip. Alot of classless people who were loud and thought they were the only ones on the ship. You can't let it get to you, you have to block them out and enjoy the trip!


The one thing that really bothered me is that when we docked at Half Moon Cay. People were taking their chairs and putting them in the water to tan on them. It was so classless and people were just loud! We decided to walk further down along the beach away from everyone and let me tell you, it was the best thing! It was as if we had the beach to ourselves! It was one of one of the most memorable days of my life....still dreaming about it.:D

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I was on the Destiny Oct 6-11 and I too ran into the classless people...I was in absolute shock!!!


To the comment about new everything in your room when you sailed Oct 11-16...that's surprising when just the week before I sailed and we still had a small 19 inch 1990's TV in our room, the room's airconditioning was broken, the room was dirty and gross, the whole ship I thought was gross, we disembarked one and a half hours late and seemed to be late everywhere we went....


I was shocked at how horrible overall the cruise was...I cruised Carnival in January and it was okay, not terrible, but much better than the Destiny!


I'm glad you both had a great time!!! :) We had a good time as well...just didn't enjoy the ship!

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if you are obese, (not overweight i mean obese) you are so disrespecting yourself with your constant eating, where is your pride? do you think that are on a cruise give you the ability to fool yourself? i am sorry you have a weight problem, but it is disgusting to see you stuff yourself with all the food you load up on, portion control, ever heard of that???so you are on vacation and this is ok??? no, not really. sorry, but i had to get this off my mind, i have never ever seen such behavior and i have b een all over the world. no wonder they think of us as the ugly americans, you have 70 nationalities working on this ship telling the world about you. hope you are proud of yourself.



I exercise portion control all the time and I am STILL overweight. Yet, on my cruise, I *lost* weight.


But what's it to you what they eat? They paid for the cruise and all the amenities it offers. People on these boards are constantly bragging about eating 3 lobster tails, ordering 5 appetizers, eating pizza in the middle of the night simply because it's available and there--but that's ok because they might be thinner than the people you saw? I don't eat until I cannot hold another bite. I know when to stop eating. Yet you wouldn't know that from appearances, but you seem to think you can judge anyway.


I didn't hear anything about people being overly intoxicated, or those "fools" in the casino spending untold amounts of money--how dare they?! Or about anyone that would DARE buy art in the art auction, or push and shove other people out of the way to get diamonds at 50% off. Oh, and those people that wait for the watch sales--those greedy horrible people.


I see this as your personal problem and you must not like to "live and let live". Let it go. Don't put your personal crap on other people. We all have our own stuff to deal with--we don't need yours. They can eat however they want. Their eating habits have nothing to do with others' perceptions of us as Americans as a whole, and you're making a statement speaking for "them" as if you know how "they" feel.


Oh, and this will be a big surprise to someone like you who have no tolerance for others whose behaviors are unlike your own perfect ones--but I will be snorkeling, and hiking, and swimming and being ACTIVE on not only this cruise but all my land vacations, too.

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I really don't even know where to start with your posting. First of all, thank you very much for your review. It was great to hear some positives.


I am a person who gets very upset when people treat staff like they are servants. I believe that people should treat people like they would like to be treated. Most people I have met who work on the ship are hard working individuals who are very happy to share information about their families and home countries with you. My oldest is 10, and one of the reasons he loves cruising is the chance that he has to learn about others. On our last cruise in August he had the best time learning about the wait staff at our table. By the end of the cruise he could tell you the ages of their children, what country they were from, and something about that country that the wait staff shared with him. This is an education he could never get at home. I also hope that this teaches him to be more tolerant of others, and to not judge others.


I will tell you that I am offended by your comments about "obese" people. I felt that you were including all "obese" people as having "no class". I guess I am a person who you would consider "obese". I have never once in my adult life been referred to as a person with "no or little class". I am a college graduate with a professional job, married for 18 years and have two children. I am very sorry if maybe there were some people on the ship who offended you, but by what you wrote, it seemed that every "obese" person seemed to be doing this on the ship. I try not to go to the "buffet" unless I have to, and when I do I am usually so busy taking care of my two young boys that I am not really paying attention to what I am even eating. I will also comment that I have seen "skinny" or "average weight" people act like this at a buffet. I never let them bother or offend me, I try not to let what people do affect me that much. What is important to me in these settings is to teach my children that they should only take what they can and will eat, and to not waste food.


Like Debra posted, I am overweight, but still maintain an active lifestyle and when I am on a cruise I participate in many activities.


One reason I seem to enjoy cruising is because for the most part I find people very accepting of others who are not "just like them". I had the opportunity to go with my sister in law on her first ever cruise about a year and a half ago. She is not "obese", but is very conscience about the fact that she is not "as thin" as she was when she was younger. She loved the cruise because she felt that no one was "judging" her.


Since I like to see the best in everyone, I will assume that there were people on the cruise who happen to be "obese" who lacked some class and offended you. I will assume that you didn't mean that every obese person has no class.



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of course i did not mean that obese people were classless. I stated that if you were obese there was no reason to just overeat and overeat. it is just not healthy. there is a differance from being overweight and downright obese, you know this. yes, some drank to much, some gambled to much, but again, it is a vacation. the classless people came in all sizes, all races, all ages. i knew this would offend some, what i am trying to say, we are judged as a country by how we act and i will state again, many people on a cruise should stay home if that is how the are going to represent our country, to give you an example, on our last day of our cruise two young women actually got into a fistfight, hair pulling, outrageous display of pure down slum behavior. My wife was in shock, as were all the people around. You would of thought you were in the jerry springer show. some people tried to calm them down and break it up, all they got for their trouble were a bunch of "f" words thown at them. Oh yea, we sure showed how great a country we are with that. You had to be there to believe it, again there behavior were just like animals.

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I really don't even know where to start with your posting. First of all, thank you very much for your review. It was great to hear some positives.


I am a person who gets very upset when people treat staff like they are servants. I believe that people should treat people like they would like to be treated. Most people I have met who work on the ship are hard working individuals who are very happy to share information about their families and home countries with you. My oldest is 10, and one of the reasons he loves cruising is the chance that he has to learn about others. On our last cruise in August he had the best time learning about the wait staff at our table. By the end of the cruise he could tell you the ages of their children, what country they were from, and something about that country that the wait staff shared with him. This is an education he could never get at home. I also hope that this teaches him to be more tolerant of others, and to not judge others.


I will tell you that I am offended by your comments about "obese" people. I felt that you were including all "obese" people as having "no class". I guess I am a person who you would consider "obese". I have never once in my adult life been referred to as a person with "no or little class". I am a college graduate with a professional job, married for 18 years and have two children. I am very sorry if maybe there were some people on the ship who offended you, but by what you wrote, it seemed that every "obese" person seemed to be doing this on the ship. I try not to go to the "buffet" unless I have to, and when I do I am usually so busy taking care of my two young boys that I am not really paying attention to what I am even eating. I will also comment that I have seen "skinny" or "average weight" people act like this at a buffet. I never let them bother or offend me, I try not to let what people do affect me that much. What is important to me in these settings is to teach my children that they should only take what they can and will eat, and to not waste food.


Like Debra posted, I am overweight, but still maintain an active lifestyle and when I am on a cruise I participate in many activities.


One reason I seem to enjoy cruising is because for the most part I find people very accepting of others who are not "just like them". I had the opportunity to go with my sister in law on her first ever cruise about a year and a half ago. She is not "obese", but is very conscience about the fact that she is not "as thin" as she was when she was younger. She loved the cruise because she felt that no one was "judging" her.


Since I like to see the best in everyone, I will assume that there were people on the cruise who happen to be "obese" who lacked some class and offended you. I will assume that you didn't mean that every obese person has no class.



Very well said Debra & Terry... Bravo!


I am not "obese" but I was offended by his lack of regard for people in general, regardless of what personal battles they might have.:mad:


I was excited to read your review, as I am sailing her 1 month from today! :D

... Until I read your disrespectful attacks, that's where I draw the line & have absolutely NO tolerance for IGNORANCE!!!


Besides, no one is perfect sir! Have u looked in your mirror lately? :rolleyes:


Other than that, I can't wait to sail her next moth & see all those lovely, "obese" passengers stuffing their faces... along with 2,900 other travelers too!:D

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of course i did not mean that obese people were classless. I stated that if you were obese there was no reason to just overeat and overeat. it is just not healthy. there is a differance from being overweight and downright obese, you know this. yes, some drank to much, some gambled to much, but again, it is a vacation. the classless people came in all sizes, all races, all ages. i knew this would offend some, what i am trying to say, we are judged as a country by how we act and i will state again, many people on a cruise should stay home if that is how the are going to represent our country, to give you an example, on our last day of our cruise two young women actually got into a fistfight, hair pulling, outrageous display of pure down slum behavior. My wife was in shock, as were all the people around. You would of thought you were in the jerry springer show. some people tried to calm them down and break it up, all they got for their trouble were a bunch of "f" words thown at them. Oh yea, we sure showed how great a country we are with that. You had to be there to believe it, again there behavior were just like animals.


It's the way u said it that offended others.

But I agree with you on the lack of class & behavior that was portrayed onboard is absolutely ridiculous.

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of course i did not mean that obese people were classless. I stated that if you were obese there was no reason to just overeat and overeat. it is just not healthy. there is a differance from being overweight and downright obese, you know this. yes, some drank to much, some gambled to much, but again, it is a vacation. the classless people came in all sizes, all races, all ages. i knew this would offend some, what i am trying to say, we are judged as a country by how we act and i will state again, many people on a cruise should stay home if that is how the are going to represent our country, to give you an example, on our last day of our cruise two young women actually got into a fistfight, hair pulling, outrageous display of pure down slum behavior. My wife was in shock, as were all the people around. You would of thought you were in the jerry springer show. some people tried to calm them down and break it up, all they got for their trouble were a bunch of "f" words thown at them. Oh yea, we sure showed how great a country we are with that. You had to be there to believe it, again there behavior were just like animals.


I probably shouldn't even dignify these statements with a response but I just couldn't let this one go. Do you really think that we obese people don't know that being obese is unhealthy?? Get real! Even so who are you to point it out?? For most obese people the problem is related to an addiction not just a choice to piss you off! This addiction is no different than those you so casually say "yes, some drank too much, some gambled too much, but again, it is a vacation". So it is ok to gamble your money away or drink to excess (because you are on vacation) but not to eat?? But it occurs to me that we all have our issues to deal with and yours is obviously spending way too much time worrying about what other people are doing and the "world" views us. How about you just be you and I will just be me and don't worry about everyone else!

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of course i did not mean that obese people were classless. I stated that if you were obese there was no reason to just overeat and overeat. it is just not healthy. there is a differance from being overweight and downright obese, you know this. yes, some drank to much, some gambled to much, but again, it is a vacation. the classless people came in all sizes, all races, all ages. i knew this would offend some, what i am trying to say, we are judged as a country by how we act and i will state again, many people on a cruise should stay home if that is how the are going to represent our country, to give you an example, on our last day of our cruise two young women actually got into a fistfight, hair pulling, outrageous display of pure down slum behavior. My wife was in shock, as were all the people around. You would of thought you were in the jerry springer show. some people tried to calm them down and break it up, all they got for their trouble were a bunch of "f" words thown at them. Oh yea, we sure showed how great a country we are with that. You had to be there to believe it, again there behavior were just like animals.



I shall believe that you didn't mean it as an attack on "obese" people and leave it there. I prefer to see the good in all people. I am very sorry that you had people with bad behavior on your ship. I hope that doesn't happen to you again.



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Since I like to see the best in everyone, I will assume that there were people on the cruise who happen to be "obese" who lacked some class and offended you. I will assume that you didn't mean that every obese person has no class.



Well said. Maybe it's just me, but I think that it is pretty mean and bold to make statements or judgments about others like that. I try not to judge people by what they look like, I get to know them first. :p Yes, weight is a problem these days, but there are many problems in our society, including intolerance.


I agree with the compulsive gambling. My eyes get wide when i see people drop hundreds of dollars at a table with a single hand. I'm thinking.... man ain't no way! :D But that's me. Maybe they can afford to, but that's their deal.


We are all in the same world living together on this earth, let's please try to be respectful with each other.


Just my .2


P.S. I LOVED MY DESTINY CRUISE and the diversity on board. It was probably my best cruise to date!

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It's good to hear your cruise was a great one as I will be on the Destiny on Mar 14th, (Lord willing). I think that it may have been very tacky, your comments on what people ate. That was just not needed, but thanks for the review!!!:)

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Originally Posted by ravenhunt60

ok here is the negative and surprise ,i have nothing negative to say about carnival at all. i think they do a wonderful job considering the clientel they now serve. I will probably get blasted for this, but as i always say, it is what it is. so here i go. There was a time in this country when people had a sense of class, remember when you use to fly and people were dressed nicely, not like they were getting on greyhound!! About half of the 2900 people on this ship had manners and class and the other half should not be allowed in public,i have never experienced more rudeness, loudness, classless behavior in public in my life. These people (all races, creeds and religions) acted like they had never been out in the public world before, treated the crew like servants, dressed like they were in some out of zone comedy, their children had the foulest mouths, like mother like children i guess, because they all acted the same. it was like feeding time at the zoo, when you walk around with three ice creme cones, load up your plate with food , take two bites and then go back for more, that is classless behavior. were is the respect a person has for themselves? if you are obese, (not overweight i mean obese) you are so disrespecting yourself with your constant eating, where is your pride? do you think that are on a cruise give you the ability to fool yourself? i am sorry you have a weight problem, but it is disgusting to see you stuff yourself with all the food you load up on, portion control, ever heard of that???so you are on vacation and this is ok??? no, not really. sorry, but i had to get this off my mind, i have never ever seen such behavior and i have b een all over the world. no wonder they think of us as the ugly americans, you have 70 nationalities working on this ship telling the world about you. hope you are proud of yourself.

Wow…I don’t even know where to begin-with your awful grammar or your horrendous attitude. We were on the Destiny 10/6-10/11. I guess we didn’t get out much because I didn’t see any of that behavior. Come to think of it…on the 5 cruises I’ve been on (and not just Carnival), I’ve never seen that kind of behavior. I guess I just don’t care as much what other people do. I’m more worried about having a good time myself. As far as a person’s eating habits…tell me again what business it is of yours? Seriously. You need to find more things to do on the ship because you’re obviously spending WAY too much time in venues where food is served. Try Bingo. Pilates class. Maybe take a nice walk around the sports deck. I’m pretty sure Destiny had miniature golf, even though we didn’t play.

I would also like to believe that you didn't mean that as a blanket statement about all obese people, but I have come to find that most people use the anonymity of the internet to say exactly what they think.

Originally Posted by Lori29

I was on the Destiny Oct 6-11 and it was the same deal on our trip. Alot of classless people who were loud and thought they were the only ones on the ship. You can't let it get to you, you have to block them out and enjoy the trip!


The one thing that really bothered me is that when we docked at Half Moon Cay. People were taking their chairs and putting them in the water to tan on them. It was so classless and people were just loud!

This confuses me. I fail to see how moving a beach chair means you have no class. Maybe if they swung it at you like a baseball bat? That would just be mean. I live in a pretty upscale beach area…and TONS of people do this. One of the resorts our friends stayed at for the wedding has a pool specifically designed for doing this. So I guess that makes me, my family, and all those people who vacation on Hilton Head Island classless? Can someone fill me in on what I’m missing here?

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" if you are obese, (not overweight i mean obese) you are so disrespecting yourself with your constant eating, where is your pride? do you think that are on a cruise give you the ability to fool yourself? i am sorry you have a weight problem, but it is disgusting to see you stuff yourself with all the food you load up on, portion control, ever heard of that???so you are on vacation and this is ok??? no, not really. sorry, but i had to get this off my mind, i have never ever seen such behavior and i have b een all over the world. no wonder they think of us as the ugly americans, you have 70 nationalities working on this ship telling the world about you. hope you are proud of yourself."


Funny, I was on this same cruise and I saw just as many "beautiful" people pigging out at the buffet sir. You are categorizing every overweight person as being basically a pig. It's mentality like yours that cause people to have eating disorders because they are looked at as lower class slobs. Your bigotry disgusts me. :(

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I also tried not to post a reply to this thread, but I wanted to take the time to tell the orignal poster, to take time and thank God for making you so good. You obviously are one of the many people who think of themselves as being better than people who are overweight to whatever degree. Just as you sat there and said you have never seen such classless people as what you saw on that ship, after reading your post, I would almost want to group you with them. Some of the most caring and nicest people I know have weight issues. I would never sit in judgement as to what they should and not eat. I am a firm believer that God put us all here for a reason. Just because there were people who acted as they obviously did, does not mean you have a right to come here and post what you said and expect it to be OK. I am disgusted with your comments and I wear a size 8. Its ever cruisers right to enjoy their cruise and the food regardless what shape they are in. That was a low blow in the most classless manner.

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I guess I will give one last answer to all of you. I agree that my comments were in bad taste, and I knew that it would offend some people. I just pray for my country, because if we cannot express our opinion, which i felt was in a respectful way, than we are on a downhill slide fast. Do you really believe that we can go on a cruise and leave our manners at home? Are your children such little angels that you let them roam the ship at will, using every 4 letter word possible? I do not care what you eat, it is your body, and I feel for addictions, but,,,,,,,,,,. If you think that dropping money in the casino is the same as slowly killing yourself with food, so be it. As for you who liked the diversity, wow!!! If you were on this cruise and were ok with the behavior, than you are the better person for it. I did try to include the positive, and I met some of the nicest people on board, both guests and cruise workers. I enjoyed my cruise and I wish all of you the best. Other than my comments about overeating I hope you enjoyed the review.


Bless each and everyone of you. Just read past my other comments and enjoy the review.

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Do you really believe that we can go on a cruise and leave our manners at home? If you think that dropping money in the casino is the same as slowly killing yourself with food, so be it. As for you who liked the diversity, wow!!! If you were on this cruise and were ok with the behavior, than you are the better person for it. I did try to include the positive, and I met some of the nicest people on board, both guests and cruise workers. I enjoyed my cruise and I wish all of you the best. Other than my comments about overeating I hope you enjoyed the review.
I see I need to be blunt; You are a slow learner! Know when to let crap go and move on.


Don't try and disguise your hatred with your quasi positive comments. Folks with a life and positive outlook are not that interested in what the other folks are doing on the ship to let it taint their vacation and investment. I'm too busy minding my own BUSINESS and loving my cruise for the hating.


YES, I did like the diversity on the Destiny, too bad you were too busy judging to see those folks are really no different than yourself. But I guess you would need to see them as equal for that.


--Sail on :D

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You know, we have an obesity problem in the US. Seeing people on the cruises I have been on that were obese and overeating made me sad. It didn't piss me off at all, just made me sad. It is very hard to control weight, exercise daily and eat well. It really is. It is a struggle for me every day and a lot of days I fail...but luckily, most days I succeed.


It's just that we know so much about the dangers of being overweight, and people continue to do so. To me it is like a smoking habit. Just as dangerous.


Of course people should enjoy themselves on a cruise but to tell you the truth, I find it very easy to at least maintain my weight if not lose a few. Great quality and healthy food is constantly available. It's harder for me to cook consistent healthy food at home. I don't know, I can just order a fruit platter, veggie platter, fish, etc...


Just how I feel...

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First I have been on 7 cruises since being married on a cruise in 2002...saying that to say...i go for a vacation......I go for fellowship with family and to meet new people.........I find it funny how people pay to go on vacation and let little small thing cloud their fun. RELAX people......IT IS A VACATION......and now to the poster......your attack on obese people was mean......why just single out the obese people...,,,[as if you cared for their health] were their not smokers..[their lungs]...drinkers..[their livers].....easy women..[sTD's]....crying babies..[Noise pollution]...no toilet paper in restrooms.[boo-boo hands]..etc......do you get my point!!!!!!! Picking out obese people shows a bias..... IT IS A VACATION!!!!!!! And you knew that saying that would start something.........you could have as easy said "I saw people of all races and sizes messing over and throwing away a ton of food" and your point would have been made.......

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Let me just give a wee bit of education here. I think a lot of times ignorance is just that--not really knowing or understanding and failing to do so when there are lots of ways to learn about any given subject.


In my personal experience, my thyroid was nearly dead. Those who are ignorant would laugh and say SURRRRE IT WAS. But many--MANY--pre-menopausal women suffer from hormone imbalances because of poor thyroid performance.


I was eating very healthy, walking FIVE MILES a day and losing NO weight for well over 2 years. You want to talk about frustrating?! And I had NO insurance and no money to get the diagnosis I needed because I had all the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism (I actually got a formal diagnosis of Hashimoto's Disease, which means I will forever be on thyroid medicine).


My glucose levels are 92. Completely in the normal range. My cholesterol is in the normal range. My bones are in great shape (bone destiny test). I have no blockages, no heart problems, blood pressure is 128/78.


Other than some scoliosis in my back and plantar fasciitis in my foot, I'm as healthy as any THIN person.


Now that my thyroid is finally inching its way up to a normal range, I have lost 37 lbs this year. Nice and steady like it should be and right on track with what my doctor recommends.


I exercise as my feet allow and can make it from one end of an airport terminal racing for my next plane as well as the next guy.


Doctors have found that genetics play a part, improper function of the hypothalmus, and there is a gland in the brain stem in some people that never regulates fullness.


RARELY is a fat person fat because they WANT to be. They are more disciplined than naturally thin people because they have been on diets all their lives. Talk about willpower and never giving up.


Go to some of the websites of medical journals and find out for yourself. Don't be IGNORANT and judgmental because someone has a freakin' ice cream cone in your presence. Most of these people did NOTHING WRONG to gain weight.


We aren't slovenly. We are active, we eat healthy, and don't spend all our waking hours shoveling food in our faces.


I didn't HAVE to tell you my personal medical business. But I have the papers to prove everything I said. Try believing the best out of people for once. We all are supposed to be tolerant of people's religious beliefs, political beliefs, the way people behave at work, people's different colors, people with special needs, etc. Try including accepting and tolerance of overweight people. It might make you a better person. There's always more to the story than you know.

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I so totally agree with the OP.

Not one person has commented on the "more rudeness, loudness, classless behavior in public in my life" part of the review. I would rather deal with the OP's bad behavior aspect than his grammar. I saw this in full regalia on our Destiny cruise. I happen to believe it happens on the "infamous" shorter than 7 day cruises. There are some colorful adjectives used there and I have to quite agree. When you see this kind of behavior it kind of pisses you off and you just deal with it. It's a cruise and we love it so who cares, but it can be annoying. When it comes to largeness of people, you can't help not noticing. You can notice a lot of things. One thing you can certainly comment upon is when you sit out on the Lido deck after someone has left and see the gross piles of food that are still on the plate after someone has left is disgusting. The lines at the buffet were soooo longer than any other cruise we have ever been on. Then they left piles of uneaten food on the plates. On a daily and hourly basis. It is so politically incorrect to mention this. The OP tried but the PC people got him. We had a great cruise on our 5 night Destiny but there are 2 sides to every cruise. Oh by the way before you try to come back and say there are pigs on any cruise, Guess what. You are right. Try a 4 or 5 nighter. NO PC here. Sorry.

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Its a shame that you had to tolerate rudeness, on all my cruises I have never experienced this. I dont know why this ship seemed to draw such a large crowd of them.


I am not nor have I ever been obese, I have struggled with my weight my entire life and this year have lost 38 lbs, by eating a healthy diet and working my rear off at the gym, but I find your comments regarding obese people disrespectful and tactless, maybe even as you say classless in itself.


Why should anyone care what someone else is eating? Why would you even notice? I dont go on vacation or a cruise to watch what other people eat and obsess over it, its not my business and quite frankly, I am too busy to notice or care. And by the way, I love to eat, eating is something I look forward to when cruising because of the selection and ease of not having to cook it myself, I am known to indulge. I dont go on a cruise to eat healthy, I do the best I can at that at home.


Its not my place or YOURS to judge others eating habits. I suggest taking some time to reflect on your inner self next time you catch yourself noticing and forming an opinion of things that shouldnt concern you.

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I would also agree, that taking more then you can eat is a waste of food, I have heard my entire life from my frugal mom, dont throw that away, save it, there are starving people everywhere, etc, I am known to be thrifty because of her warnings. But face it guys, a cruise in itself is an indulgence even if you eat moderately, especially when you hear the story and plight of the workers on board that serve us.

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