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Review of our 15 days tour in Egypt with GCT


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After reading this review, I cannot believe we were on the same trip. Everything, and I mean everything, was great. We took this trip in May and were on GCT's newest ship (2001) River Anuket. We also had fabulous accomodations at the Cairo Marriott. I don't understand what happened. I've never even seen the name Ms. Liberty mentioned. Our Red group tour director was terrific and everything went according to schedule. Nobody had Mummy Tummy; never even heard the words. This was our 7th trip with GCT and/or their sister OAT and we've been satisfied with all of them.


So sorry to hear about the bad stuff. At least you were happy with most of it.

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Hi there,

I knew we'd hear from some "happy campers" regarding GCT and this is what I need to say to you. We LOVED our trip to Egypt, it was an incredible journey and one destination not to be missed, no matter what tour company you use! With that being said, my husband and I have a COUPLE OF ISSUES with GCT! When booking a tour or a cruise, your tour company gives you the name of the boat and the hotel that you will be staying at in your documents. GCT advertised we would be staying at the Cairo Marriott and sailing on the Ms Stephanie, (one of the newer Nile river boats). 10 months went by and not a word from GCT until two weeks before our tour was scheduled to leave. Then GCT informed us instead of the Cairo Marriott that was mentioned in the brochure and DOCUMENTS, we were now staying at the Le Meridian Pyramids in Giza, a comparable hotel (it was not). 3 days later, GCT called us again to say that Ms Stephanie would be in dry dock and we would NOW be on the Ms Liberty! Imagine how surprised we were when people on our tour saw the Ms Stephanie fully loaded with passengers the week we were on the Nile! The Ms Liberty is a dirty, smelly derilect ready for the grave yard! I call that a "BAIT AND SWITCH!":( I dare say that if they changed your accomodations, your opinion of GCT would not be so flowery either! Also, it is unforgiveable that GCT swept the "mummy tummy" or the Pharaoh's Revenge under the carpet. As I mentioned before, they were giving Antinal out FREE at the front desk on the Ms. Liberty!.......... Hmmmmm, you have to wonder about that! You are very fortunate you were not subject to it as, evidenced by numerous other reviews, many people were very sick.

I have read many reviews BEFORE taking this tour and yes, GCT seemed to have a good reputation in the business.....But again, I don't ever remember reading on other reviews about someone dying on their tours! So yes, we are very DISILLUSIONED with GCT!:( Just be happy that you had a trip of a life time before they go out of business.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi there,

I knew we'd hear from some "happy campers" regarding GCT and this is what I need to say to you. We LOVED our trip to Egypt, it was an incredible journey and one destination not to be missed, no matter what tour company you use! With that being said, my husband and I have a COUPLE OF ISSUES with GCT! When booking a tour or a cruise, your tour company gives you the name of the boat and the hotel that you will be staying at in your documents. GCT advertised we would be staying at the Cairo Marriott and sailing on the Ms Stephanie, (one of the newer Nile river boats). 10 months went by and not a word from GCT until two weeks before our tour was scheduled to leave. Then GCT informed us instead of the Cairo Marriott that was mentioned in the brochure and DOCUMENTS, we were now staying at the Le Meridian Pyramids in Giza, a comparable hotel (it was not). 3 days later, GCT called us again to say that Ms Stephanie would be in dry dock and we would NOW be on the Ms Liberty! Imagine how surprised we were when people on our tour saw the Ms Stephanie fully loaded with passengers the week we were on the Nile! The Ms Liberty is a dirty, smelly derilect ready for the grave yard! I call that a "BAIT AND SWITCH!":( I dare say that if they changed your accomodations, your opinion of GCT would not be so flowery either! Also, it is unforgiveable that GCT swept the "mummy tummy" or the Pharaoh's Revenge under the carpet. As I mentioned before, they were giving Antinal out FREE at the front desk on the Ms. Liberty!.......... Hmmmmm, you have to wonder about that! You are very fortunate you were not subject to it as, evidenced by numerous other reviews, many people were very sick.

I have read many reviews BEFORE taking this tour and yes, GCT seemed to have a good reputation in the business.....But again, I don't ever remember reading on other reviews about someone dying on their tours! So yes, we are very DISILLUSIONED with GCT!:( Just be happy that you had a trip of a life time before they go out of business.


Hi: After reading your review and seeing you start off saying what a wonderful experience you had, then watching the thread spiral downhill to GCT bashing I am starting to guess that most of the posters are not seasoned travelers. I mean no offense, but anyone who has read anything on Egypt - including on this website must have seen Mummy Tummy being rehashed a dozen times - ad nauseum. I have in my notes to get Antinel as soon as my feet touch down in Cairo. One post even told us the name of a pharmacy in Cairo and the cost. Anyone who has traveleld also knows that the doctor on board or the front desk usually has medication for seasickness or other ailments common to that area. We are taking our first GCT ancient Egypt and the Nile cruise in mid April. My dearest friend is joining us. This will be her first trip abroad. I am glad she has not attempted to access the CC website. She would be frantic reading the posts that have been written. We have traveleld with all kinds of tour groups and on all types of ships and river boats. No one can predict what is going to happen. How about a 43 year old healthy woman dying of pneumonia on a ship in Iceland on one of the most "exclusive - high end tour companies" (or so they say) around. Seems to me that this doctor in his 70's may have had other medical issues that no one knew about. How about using Propel powder in water to stop dehyration? Turns into Gatorade - If this man was a doctor, he should have known how to deal with dehydration - which is what is making me think there were other medical issues going on. It is sad that poor man died and puts a damper on a vacation - but bashing a tour company for things out of their control is certainly a disservice to the rest of the travelers. It could be the bait and switch, but I have been switched to different hotels in Israel on the day that we arrived - it happens. I am hoping that the posts above are not going to fuel anyone's fire into canceling what seems like an exciting trip and that my dear friend will have a wonderful first experience traveling outside the USA. Funny - we have traveled all over the world and last summer, for the very first time, I got deathly ill in the Carribean - go figure :o !

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We are also booked on GCT's Egypt trip in April and since the booking - many many months ago, GCT has been in contact with us on a regular basis. I have known since booking that the hotel (Marriott is not guaranteed) they say "or comparable." I do hope it is the Marriott.


I was on a cruise ship going through New England and 2 people died on our ship; one a passenger and the other a ships officer. The cruiseline didn't cause the deaths.


70 and no insurance makes me question things. I too feel it is a shame to discredit GCT over these things. I've never been to Egypt before, but I've known about Anital (sp) for quite some time. Like 2Travelers, I plan to buy some immediately.


My husband got sick on a Med cruise. Missed a few excursions. I suspect whatever he got he picked up in Istanbul, but I certainly don't blame the cruise line.


I am a world traveler too and fortunately have never gotten sick. Even boarded an NCL ship where they were handing out letters stating that 30% the passengers debarking developed norovirus and they gave us the option of opting out of the cruise for a complete refund. Not a single person got sick on our cruise.


I think unfortunate things happen and that's tragic, but folks just need to recognize that traveling is never w/o risks and the unexpected. From the time I leave my front door to the time I return I'm prepared for whatever happens and even if I'm not prepared, I consider it an adventure.


I found OP's message full of mixed signals.

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Go back and read my post; #26. No griping there. After 77 cruises and who knows how many land trips, this Egypt trip was by far the best and most exciting/rewarding one ever.


One hint. If you are at the Marriott, don't accept a room in the far building (can't recall the name; 4 story building). Tell them you want a room in the main building which is larger, newer and more convenient.

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One hint. If you are at the Marriott, don't accept a room in the far building (can't recall the name; 4 story building). Tell them you want a room in the main building which is larger, newer and more convenient.


Good tip! Thanks! I really DO hope we get into the Marriott!

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Hi Again: Well, maybe you have guessed it or maybe not - but SevenSeasLover and her DH are traveling with us. We have been "long distance friends" for about three years now, meeting on these boards, and have finally been able to hook to travel together once again. We have been researching for over a year and we pool our resources. My dearest friend Joan is depending on us to get her through this trip with a minimum number of crisis :rolleyes: . As Ginny said - things happen. While we are both hoping for the Marriott - my husband is cynical. He figures we will be downgraded. I expect to call GCT and see what they say. I am more interested in the fact that the couple who posted flew to Abu Simbel and we have received letters stating that now they are using buses. While I would rather fly for 45 minutes, I understand that more people would join if it were a bit cheaper and the buses surely carry many more people. Saying that - I am wondering when they are switching to buses. Seems that this couple went recently - so it is a question that needs to be answered. Meanwhile, we have our Propel and our travel insurance and fully expect to enjoy!

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Heading out with GCT on Saturday the 27th, also doing the extension to Jordan.. We've been notified by GCT that we are now staying at the Hilton and not the Marriott.. We have pre-booked the Abu Simbel trip and have not been notified of a change from air to bus.. so we'll see. I guess the upside of the Hilton is that it's only a block from the museum. There are 118 people booked on the trip, and not one is going on the pre-trip, but about 40 are going to Jordon at the end.. I have to get myself in gear and start to pack, but Xnas keeps getting in the way..

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Heading out with GCT on Saturday the 27th, also doing the extension to Jordan.. We've been notified by GCT that we are now staying at the Hilton and not the Marriott.. We have pre-booked the Abu Simbel trip and have not been notified of a change from air to bus.. so we'll see. I guess the upside of the Hilton is that it's only a block from the museum. There are 118 people booked on the trip, and not one is going on the pre-trip, but about 40 are going to Jordon at the end.. I have to get myself in gear and start to pack, but Xnas keeps getting in the way..


Hi Anj: We are going on the post trip to Jordan as well. We leave in mid-April with 7seaslover and my dear friend - although of them are going on to Jordan. While I hate leaving man's best friend (my yorkie, Barkley) for three weeks, my husband says we are not going to pass this way again - so off we go. It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about the trip. Please let us know how it goes when you get back. Once the holidays are over it is all downhill! GCT told us that since we are not flying to Abu Simbel we can book it when we get there. So none of us have pre-booked. You must be getting excited :D -


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Go back and read my post; #26. No griping there. After 77 cruises and who knows how many land trips, this Egypt trip was by far the best and most exciting/rewarding one ever.


One hint. If you are at the Marriott, don't accept a room in the far building (can't recall the name; 4 story building). Tell them you want a room in the main building which is larger, newer and more convenient.


Which Marriott are you refering to? There are 2 in Cairo. One is JW and the other is the Omar where I will be the last two days of this year. I leave in 3 days for Cairo and must admit after 6 months of pre planning I still feel like I am leaping more into the unknown than ever before and I have been many places. It is very exciting!



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Which Marriott are you refering to? There are 2 in Cairo. One is JW and the other is the Omar where I will be the last two days of this year. I leave in 3 days for Cairo and must admit after 6 months of pre planning I still feel like I am leaping more into the unknown than ever before and I have been many places. It is very exciting!




I don't know Omar; it's JW Marriott. I don't blame you for being excited.

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Isn't it time to go yet? All this Egypt chatter makes me want to be there already!


I'm really interested in the Anuket. Unlike 2Travelers, this will be my first experience on a riverboat. I want to see lots of Anuekt pictures!


I will be taking my laptop and will upload a bazillion photos every time we board. I doubt they'll have internet.

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Can someone who's recently returned tell me about TP. Do we need to take our own? I did when we went to China and, boy, was I glad I did! Do I need to do the same for Egypt?


I buy the WC packets from Magellan's - has everything you might need - seat cover, moist towlette, TP - all in a neat little packet.


I have our cool neck bands that you soak for 15 minutes. I have my Tilly and ExOfficio hats - I'm ready to go!

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Can someone who's recently returned tell me about TP. Do we need to take our own? I did when we went to China and, boy, was I glad I did! Do I need to do the same for Egypt?


I buy the WC packets from Magellan's - has everything you might need - seat cover, moist towlette, TP - all in a neat little packet.


I have our cool neck bands that you soak for 15 minutes. I have my Tilly and ExOfficio hats - I'm ready to go!


Yes, take your own TP for sure. For the most part you'll find none in the stalls and a woman in the restroom will try to sell you a square or two for a tip.

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Isn't it time to go yet? All this Egypt chatter makes me want to be there already!


I'm really interested in the Anuket. Unlike 2Travelers, this will be my first experience on a riverboat. I want to see lots of Anuekt pictures!


I will be taking my laptop and will upload a bazillion photos every time we board. I doubt they'll have internet.


Correct. No internet. In one of the ports you'll be across the street from some "shopping" and a run down hotel which will have internet access in the guardhouse at the entrance. One or two dollars for 30 minutes. We bought internet time at the Marriott; expensive but had to take care of some business during those first few days.

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Hi: After reading your review and seeing you start off saying what a wonderful experience you had, then watching the thread spiral downhill to GCT bashing I am starting to guess that most of the posters are not seasoned travelers. I mean no offense, but anyone who has read anything on Egypt - including on this website must have seen Mummy Tummy being rehashed a dozen times - ad nauseum. I have in my notes to get Antinel as soon as my feet touch down in Cairo. One post even told us the name of a pharmacy in Cairo and the cost. Anyone who has traveleld also knows that the doctor on board or the front desk usually has medication for seasickness or other ailments common to that area. We are taking our first GCT ancient Egypt and the Nile cruise in mid April. My dearest friend is joining us. This will be her first trip abroad. I am glad she has not attempted to access the CC website. She would be frantic reading the posts that have been written. We have traveleld with all kinds of tour groups and on all types of ships and river boats. No one can predict what is going to happen. How about a 43 year old healthy woman dying of pneumonia on a ship in Iceland on one of the most "exclusive - high end tour companies" (or so they say) around. Seems to me that this doctor in his 70's may have had other medical issues that no one knew about. How about using Propel powder in water to stop dehyration? Turns into Gatorade - If this man was a doctor, he should have known how to deal with dehydration - which is what is making me think there were other medical issues going on. It is sad that poor man died and puts a damper on a vacation - but bashing a tour company for things out of their control is certainly a disservice to the rest of the travelers. It could be the bait and switch, but I have been switched to different hotels in Israel on the day that we arrived - it happens. I am hoping that the posts above are not going to fuel anyone's fire into canceling what seems like an exciting trip and that my dear friend will have a wonderful first experience traveling outside the USA. Funny - we have traveled all over the world and last summer, for the very first time, I got deathly ill in the Carribean - go figure :o !


I would like to clear up a few issues if I may. On December 1, 2008, my husband and I received a letter from GCT. Below is the letter from GCT, written exactly by their company (no changes were made)!


Dear ******,


On behalf of Grand Circle Travel, I would like to take a moment to welcome you home from your trip, Acient Egypt & the Nile, in October. We received many letter from travelers regarding this tour, and I would like to take this opportunity to respond to these concerns.


First, I want to apologize for the failure to provide you with adequate ship. Passegers' surveys and letters have told us the that the m/s Liberty did not meet with typical GCT standards, and I regret how this affected your ability to enjoy the program.


As well, I understand that there were further complications during this program due to how we communicated changes to the program as well as the quality of certain accommodations. I am sorry for any negative impact these additional factors may have had on your experience.


We strive to provide quality service over all, and regret that your experience fell short of your-and our- expections. Having said that, I hope you will accept the attached future travel certificate in amount of $250.00 per person.


Again, we do appreciate all the feedback you sent in to our office and, for those of you who have been awaiting a presponse, we also appreciate your patience. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back for another vacation soon. I know that your future travels with us will be in keeping with the excellence we strive to provide. Until then, we send kind regards,



Mary Halaweh

Quality Management


As the letter above implicated, I guess we were not the ONLY people disillusioned with GCT!


As for not being a season traveler, I can only say the reason I DO NOT post how many cruises we have been on (under my name) it would take up too much of my time, and I really I don't think I could remember them all!


Unfortunately, the doctor who died on our tour was said to have a "Godly like attitude", this was a quote from his wife day after he died. I'm not sure if she was mad that he waited to long to get help or what! But yes, I do agree he should of known better!

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I would still like to know what happened to their regular Egypt/Nile boat the Anuket and how Liberty popped up. They must have leased the Anuket out to someone at the same time, because they certainly didn't have two overlapping tours going at the same time. Or did they? :confused:

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I would still like to know what happened to their regular Egypt/Nile boat the Anuket and how Liberty popped up. They must have leased the Anuket out to someone at the same time, because they certainly didn't have two overlapping tours going at the same time. Or did they? :confused:


Hi there,


If I remember correctly, GCT had two tours a week.... As I mentioned in my first review, we picked October 14th tour date because GCT advertised that we would be staying at Cairo Marriott (or simular) and would be sailing on the M/S Stephanie. GCT never mentioned on their web site, or any correspondence they sent us that we were going to be using the M/S Liberty until 3 days BEFORE we left for Egypt! Even our documents they sent us had us staying at the Marriott and sailing on the Ms. Stephanie.

Imagine booking on the Princess cruise line for their new ship the Ruby Princess, but when you get there you instead have a 20 year old ship!?:eek: Same thing!!!

With that being said, we could never trust or use GCT services again!

Good luck!

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When I wrote our review about GCT back in November, our opening statement was as follows:


My husband and I just got back from the Ancient Egypt and Nile River cruise with GCT. Our purpose is NOT to discourage folks who have already booked this tour or are thinking of booking a trip to Egypt. Our intent is to impart information to help you avoid some pitfalls that can occur regardless of what tour company you choose. This was the trip of a life time for us; we had the time, the money, but of MOST of all we both were physically in shape to experience this trip. Just staying healthy was a major chore for us!


A man (don't recall his name), wrote a review on GCT website and said this, "Unfortunately, we apparently drew the short straws by getting the M/s Liberty and our hotel accommadations". I do agree with his statement. With that being said, I think that GCT got caught trying to cut corners they also realized if they want to stay in business

MOST likely will not be using the Ms Liberty again (not sure about hotel accommadations).

As I said before, knowledge is power and my intend was NOT discourage people from going to Egypt! Egypt is a ENIGMA and should not be missed!!!! If my husband and I are blessed enough to return to Egypt, we will do so in a minute!.....But not with GCT!!!


All the best,


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