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Jewel to Canada 10/18/08-10/28/08


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Canadian Cruise 10/18/08-10/28/08 on Norwegian Jewel


Got a 9AM flight so we get to sleep in til 6AM, then shower & dress &

drive to the rapid station for the one stop ride to Hopkins Airport

for our flight to Newark. D/L boarding passes so we zip thru luggage

check in with a piece having 4 days worth of closing for each of us

with Tide & dryer sheets for day 4 & 8 to keep us clean for 11 days.

Early arrival at 10:10AM in Newark & Super Shuttle was there in 15

minutes to get us to the terminal by 11AM. There we see 10,000 folks

for 5 ships all stradling to the outside doors. 3 hour wait in

amusement park lines 10 deep to get thru security, then the clerks (6

per ship) to get folks their keys. Then we are on the ship! We went

right to Tzar's for lunch & that was packed already but luckily 2

folks left & we got the table. Then we get a taste of what the next

10 days will be like, and that secret word is PATIENCE.


Menus do show, coffee or iced tea takes 15 minues to show & even

longer for cream or lemons to be added. All served with 2 forks in

one hand. In fact just about everything was served by waiters for the

cruise due to GAS as described in a letter from Food & Beverage

Director Fabian Ferraro. We mistook it here on CC for Norovirus from

the prior cruise. As Fabian told us, only one person brought it &

passed the germs from sneezing, talking, shaking hands, etc. 373 sick

folks & crew. All are working for our cruise not be cancelled double

shifts. We both felt for them. We learn the cruise is basically

Germans & Asians with us Americans on it. All annoucements are in

those languages also with English.


Then up to 11656, mini suite in the middle of Jewel. Beautiful sea

awaits us to leave NYC, saying hi & bye to Lady Liberty. Great dinner

that night beef tenderloin done perfectly, double stuffed potatoes,

veggies that were crisp not soggy & cappucino was splendid for both of

us. Then back up to unpack the 8PM arrrival of luggage, since that

had to be sanitized, as did we to enter & leave dinner, enter & leave

theatre, stores, as well as the ship. Then we hit the bed, just

exhausted from waiting so much, a 1/4 of our day in NYC. Oh, was it a

great bed for a cruiseship. SO I uncover it to investigate that it is

not a Visco mattress like our $3000 bed we got earlier this year. But

a mattress cover with Visco pad atop it. Same mattress size but new

atip steel frame. Big square pillows with down pillows atop it that

were queen size. Duvet has a quilt inside of it & we love the balcony

door open to hear the sea & smell the fresh ocean air. 12 hours of

sleep we got. Just about every night since we were so comfortable.

But a problem with the rocking of 25 foot waves for a week, was the

glass doors from the shower & the toilet room going back & forth

making quite a racket. The balcony door was slamming away, so the

chair went into it with 2 small pillows from the couch. Worked



Day 2 is Boston, which I have relatives there, so no big deal to walk

around in, so we just checked out the ship. More & more workers knew

us by name from Dawn last April and were transferred to replace sick

employees from previous cruise. So a few joined us for the day on the

ship to sit & talk & meet new friends. More slow meals tho the food

was great. Swedish dishes, many German ones with sauerkraut, pork,

and hot potato sald which we enjoyed. The Asian dishes were also very

good. I was told the Exec Chef was from Jamaica and found it hard to

picture him cooking German. Then lunchtime we had a lady join us who

unfortunately got very ill from the hip rocking so she was taken to

the doctor. Plenty of barf bags around, plenty of folks using them.

Amazing that people do not know they will get seasick in the N

Atlantic which is historically a very rocky ride on every cruise we

have had. So we dropped dinner from the smell of sick folks to stay

on our balcony & watch in amazement the wake disappear within 10 feet

from the waves eating it. Relaxing to rock away in the comfy bed

watching TV until it zips out to the NCL logo. That happened the

entire cruise. Football game advertised in the daily was zapped after

the first quarter. But folks just sat & waited. So we went to bed.


Day 3 is M&G day. Down to the bar to meet everyone with about 15

folks showing. The Captain named Constantios, was just a great man to

meet as was Julian, the Hotel Director, Fabian, the Food & Beverage

Director, Rich, the Cruise Director and I hope I didn't forget anyone.

Great to meet folks you type with for months and have made a great

friendship with to cruise again with in the future. We learned that

NCL had passed out letters that if you wanted to cancel the cruise

you could, but after you flew to NYC? Why not the week before tho we

would still cruise. For 50% off with the DMLAT promo on July 3, and I

hope we see more in the future. Got a free Bingo card, so we went.

Pretty boring since it is the last game & you sit thru the first 6.

Second City had a great get together with folks. One gal from

Cleveland made instant friendship with us as did the whole crew of 5.

Funny that I am wearing my tux T-Shirt for Monte carlo night & more

folks think I work onboard. The casino was rocking with free drinks,

champagne tower with ladies pouring a bottle of bubbly into the top

glass to cascade down to all of them, then they are passed out.

Gambled $.02 machines & made $100 each....... so we were up $1000 by

the time we left. The be felt very good after a money making evening

with no smokers around in the back.


Day 4 was Halifax & what a beauful city she is. A free shuttle takes

us to downtown from the port. Then we walked up to Fairmont Hotel as

we call it. 4 blocks by 6 blocks and it started in the 1800's by the

railroad as one boarding house for workers. As more folks wanted to

stay there on the water, they just kept building. We pent a good 2

hours goingthru the massiv structure. The rooms do not look like the

NYC or SF Fairmonts but still beautful. And the people of this city

are all smiles, all very kind to those visiting. I was looking for

small snow globes for a 9 year old and a dear lady took us to 5 stores

asking the owners if they had them. Guess end of season makes for

nothing of certain types yet great sales for many other folks. Rode

the elevator that goes like an inclinator up a mountain. $2 a person

USD for a O/W ride. Get back to ship, have a great meal of blueberry

soup, singapore noodles, BBQ ribs & rasberry sherbet. Then to a show

with a comedian who was not too funny. He sounded like an

informercial. But people were laughing since they were tanked maybe.

Many left. People are still sick in elevators which clears them right



Day 5 sea day and NCL has BOGO dinners at named specialty restaurants:

Chin Chins, Le Bistro, Tango, Mama's Italian Kitchen from 5:30-6:30PM.

We phone at 4PM 2 days in advance & Le Bistro is booked for the 50%

off. So we did Tangos for 2 days, Chin Chin for 2 days, and then we

saw Kathryn from Dawn one night & she got us in or Le Bistro for Day

7. She even tagged it our anniversary to make it special. More Second

City fun with folks yelling out one liners from movies or TV ads for

their people to work into their dialect. It was so funny when a guy

is a cowboy talking about Viagara & how the 4 hour "hard on" is

dangerous & you should see a doctor. That got the theatre

rocking..... The production shows were great other than Country night

which we skipped. Saw the other 2 on Dawn with Bollywood which Jewel

dropped. The 70's show "Band on the Run" is very good with dancing, singing, and great costumes. The Cirque Bijue (sp) was fabulous as the guys from the ceiling were in my lap & Jerry's. How that Russian gal can make a wish with her legs in a Russian split got me having cramps watching it & feeling it. Met Julian, who tells us they are lucking out with no sick folks other than seasick pills curing them. I tell him it is Holloween on 11 with the masked officers & stewards who are fumigating staterooms. He tells us the entire ship has to be done by midnight. They they spray carpets from 14 down to 2. Then we got to do laundry & the laundryrooms are closed for the entire cruise due to illness. Julian explains that waterborne illness as GAS make it necessary. So he gets us FREE LAUNDRY slips to get our 4 days worth done very 4 days. So they picked them up & 4 hours later we are set. Clothes hung up & undies in a basket wrapped in tissue paper. Now this is service!


Day 6 is Quebec, another beautiful, very clean, very quiet city. FRED,

the city bus that is FREE is only one bus that rides then entire city

in a circle. Drive is a great storyteller & Citadel is a stop. What

a view, what history is there. They even have a black powder house

for the cannons which have not been fired. The man there joked that

Iran may make them use them. Then we caught the return bus for the

other half of the city which ended at the ship since half the bus was

Jewel folks. Great guy! After dinner we walked to the Titanic museum

but $10 PP was too much for what we saw at home at the Science Center exhibit.


Day 7 sea day - Le Bistro at 5:30 and we are ready. We skipped lunch

other than cappucino & a pastrama sandwich. Hillbilly shows tonite,

so we skipped them to play bingo. $75 for a machine that plays 18

cards per game & it tells you when you have one so you stand, we took

turns doing that but didn't win at all - BOO! So now it is Le Bistro

time. What a charming look in the restaurant. Hostess was very

accomdating tleling us we can have a booth or table, we took the

finely dressed table with a majestic plate that we were told the

French name by a female French Matre D with the pink & gold shade,

butterflies, beetles adorning it. AND THE FOOD!!!!! I had French

onion soup which was thick with cheese, very hot in a bowl with thhe

lid removed by the waitress when served. Jerry had cream of mushroom

soup in a bread bowl. Then escargot that was the greatest ever eaten,

so we had 2 apiece and they appreciated our love of it. Beef

tenderloins, double baked potato & asparagus, this dinner which has

twice the size of what we had at Tsar's was just magnificent. Then

our table is surrounded by the waitstaff a the Chef delivers a rose

covered cake with a sugar HAPPY ANNIVERSARY cake. Then the Matre D

joins our hands across the table as they sing "Let me Call You

Seetheart" an the whole restaurant joins in. What a show! Then a

table sends over 2 champagnes & it was the Captain who was leaving

next morning. A Norwegian Captain will take over. He was a dear man

but a tired one. This illness just stripped them all of sleep with

meetings, etc.


Day 8 Charlottetown, another adorable city, also very clean, small &

walkable to see it all. Meet great people who are interested in

boarding a ship next year to be dropped off at home & we told them

that NCL could work that out for them. Their TA's were not sure. So

I gave them my TA's contact info for assistance. Some even walked us

back to it but didn't mind no getting on as they wanted to. They

understand security. The last Second City show and to hear them tell

us thank you for sharing a good cruise with them. Cruise Critics got a

mention & that the next cruise has another imposter, as they called

it, getting on. So I guess another cruise group. The show was "The

Professor" Watson show, a guy with hair that looked like he stood in

water when a power line fell on it. Bt he play numerous instruments &

can sing very off key or try to be right. But we left. Our balcony

with a calmer ocean was what we wanted. Many neighbors were out also,

one who left their light on all night. So we learned that is what

curtains seperating balcony from bed is. Missed rocking to sleep tho.

Day 9 Sydney which is the smallest of cities. We walked off the ship

to a race of runners, walkers, wheelchairs and it looked major. $10

PP for a double decker bus that drove the entire city & street after

street. Homes go from $400K to $5 mil for a riverview home with their

own lighthouse. 4 hours of enjoyable people with us to see Sydney.

The speaker knew we wanted snow globes & there is a stoore that makes

them so they waited as folks saw them. $5 for a large one with a

moose in the center with her baby. SOLD! That was wrapped in bubble

wrapped & put in a box for safety. What great people we have met &

enjoyed on this cruise. We would do it again too. Then back to the

ship for dinner, the worst of the nights since many either left or

were too tired to work, so they got time off. But now we wait 45

minutes to place an order. And the meal delivered is not what we

ordered but we ate it since it was last night onboard. Got 3 deserts

and they deliver one with my escargot. Appetizer shows with desert.

Just unbelievable! So back to the room to pack for them to pickup by

midnight. Open the door to a bedsize alligator towel animal with the

undie basket in his paws. Our steward put the clothes into our

suitcase that we added the souveniors to, and everything that we

didn't need in the morning. That went into my Zoo bag that was added

to the suitcase when we ID'd it.


Day 10, how fast the cruise went by, so unfair when you wait forever

for the cruise to arrive. But I am told when we are having non stop

fun & are rested also with good sleep every night, that makes it fly

by. So many folks just hugged instead of the santizing spray to say

goodbye. Super Shuttle was at the entrance for us to ride to Newark

Airport. Then we hear that flights are cancelled or late due to

storms moving in from N ATlantic Canada, just where we were. Our

flight moved gates 4 tiems in 7 hours we waited. Then we are paged &

we are told we have a hotel to stay the night in & show tickets to

enjoy from Hilton Hotels since we are HH Signature Visa customers and

we are to be taken care of. Dinner, breakfast & lunch if we are still

there. Taxis to the hotel & back paid for. As we are leaving for the

flight again, we are glad to be going home with our parrot missing us.

Flight not late, snow greets us with ice, but car handled great for

the 10 minutes ride. Then to unpack with no laundry other than

freshening sheets, towels, etc from 2 weeks with no use.


Day 11 home, not interested in going anywhere. Ellie, our friend who

is also our letter carrier who birdsits for us with her daughter who

gets the snow globes & she gets 5 this trip. Mom's eye when she saw

the beatiful creations we got. Pizza for everyone including the bird.

Back to normalsville.




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Welcome Back Aft-Lover! It sounds like you enjoyed the Jewel very much. Thank you for taking the time to write a review for us. Good to hear Capt. Constantino Fafalios (Sp?) is still with NCL. Did I read it correctly...your stewards packed your suitcases for you?



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The 4 days of laundry that they were delivering, and saw the suitcase on the bed & put it in it on the floor & the huge towel gator with the undie basket in his paws. Nice surprise to help get luggage out for them. But we packed the rest in it.



Welcome Back Aft-Lover! It sounds like you enjoyed the Jewel very much. Thank you for taking the time to write a review for us. Good to hear Capt. Constantino Fafalios (Sp?) is still with NCL. Did I read it correctly...your stewards packed your suitcases for you?



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and Canada's people were so charming. We urge folks to just relax on sea days & enjoy the ports. Hope no Norovirus or GAS the week before so service is at it best. I had to drop a point for all the waiting we did but we did feel for all with 18 hour days. But everyone deserved a refund since no OBC was given for all the inconvenience.






All CC folks got a Bridge Tour the last full day with Alexander, the Consierge taking us. Just amazing all the room they have, the view & auto drive for sea days with plenty of eyes watching the sea.


The dining room got a new Exec Chef from London who was very good with ideas from the freshest danish to a variety of cuisines.


So glad to have learned that sanitation of the ship over 2 days after we exited, and a day off fo the crew to relax before the Caribbean. Told Julian, the Hotel Director that they deserved some sleep & a free bar night when all work was done.

Thanks for the review. We are doing this itinerary next year.
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Thanks for the review. We'll be on the Jewel next year and I've heard nothing but great things about her.


Who arranged the bridge tour for the MG folks? Was that just for folks on the roll call? That would be a real treat indeed.


Regarding the waiting you encountered - I'm not sure I would agree with a refund or OBC - the staff was doing what they could to keep the guests safe and free from a nasty virus that is really none of their doing. I would expect to encounter delays which might be a bit frustrating. But when you look beyond the immediate issue, I am sure you would agree that staying healthy during your cruise was the absolute best OBC you could receive from NCL!


Two more things: Who was the CD and was there an ongoing trivia challenge?


Thanks again for taking the time to post. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

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RE Quebec City

and I quote your reveiw


Drive is a great storyteller & Citadel is a stop. What

a view, what history is there. They even have a black powder house

for the cannons which have not been fired. The man there joked that

Iran may make them use them. Then we caught the return bus for the

other half of the city which ended at the ship since half the bus was

Jewel folks. Great guy! After dinner we walked to the Titanic museum

but $10 PP was too much for what we saw at home at the Science Center exhibit


The Citadel is in Halifax not Quebec City - and the Titanic display is in the Maritime Museum of Halifax and well worth the $10 pp to get in - we spent over two hours there seeing all the displays from Titanic to the Halifax Explosion




Just to clarify for those thinking about visiting our great country.

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RE Quebec City

and I quote your reveiw


Drive is a great storyteller & Citadel is a stop. What

a view, what history is there. They even have a black powder house

for the cannons which have not been fired. The man there joked that

Iran may make them use them. Then we caught the return bus for the

other half of the city which ended at the ship since half the bus was

Jewel folks. Great guy! After dinner we walked to the Titanic museum

but $10 PP was too much for what we saw at home at the Science Center exhibit


The Citadel is in Halifax not Quebec City - and the Titanic display is in the Maritime Museum of Halifax and well worth the $10 pp to get in - we spent over two hours there seeing all the displays from Titanic to the Halifax Explosion




Just to clarify for those thinking about visiting our great country.



Fred was Also in Halifax, not Quebec.


Seas were only about 10'-12' Going to Boston and then Halifax. Seas were very Calm Going to Quebec Wednesday Afternoon until arrival in Quebec and also very Calm Leaving Quebec to PEI. I Don't know were she seen 25' swells from since our Cabin was only about 50' from hers. Enough Said !!!!!

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RE Quebec City

and I quote your reveiw


Drive is a great storyteller & Citadel is a stop. What

a view, what history is there. They even have a black powder house

for the cannons which have not been fired. The man there joked that

Iran may make them use them. Then we caught the return bus for the

other half of the city which ended at the ship since half the bus was

Jewel folks. Great guy! After dinner we walked to the Titanic museum

but $10 PP was too much for what we saw at home at the Science Center exhibit


The Citadel is in Halifax not Quebec City - and the Titanic display is in the Maritime Museum of Halifax and well worth the $10 pp to get in - we spent over two hours there seeing all the displays from Titanic to the Halifax Explosion


Just to clarify for those thinking about visiting our great country.

I caught that, too. I was pretty sure there wasn't a Fairmont in Halifax, nor an "inclinator" (they're both in Quebec City).


It was so much fun to read about your cruise, Brenda! It almost made me feel like I was there with you. One more year to go for us.

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Canadian Cruise 10/18/08-10/28/08 on Norwegian Jewel


Got a 9AM flight so we get to sleep in til 6AM, then shower & dress &

drive to the rapid station for the one stop ride to Hopkins Airport

for our flight to Newark. D/L boarding passes so we zip thru luggage

check in with a piece having 4 days worth of closing for each of us

with Tide & dryer sheets for day 4 & 8 to keep us clean for 11 days.

Early arrival at 10:10AM in Newark & Super Shuttle was there in 15

minutes to get us to the terminal by 11AM. There we see 10,000 folks

for 5 ships all stradling to the outside doors. 3 hour wait in

amusement park lines 10 deep to get thru security, then the clerks (6

per ship) to get folks their keys. Then we are on the ship! We went

right to Tzar's for lunch & that was packed already but luckily 2

folks left & we got the table. Then we get a taste of what the next

10 days will be like, and that secret word is PATIENCE.


Menus do show, coffee or iced tea takes 15 minues to show & even

longer for cream or lemons to be added. All served with 2 forks in

one hand. In fact just about everything was served by waiters for the

cruise due to GAS as described in a letter from Food & Beverage

Director Fabian Ferraro. We mistook it here on CC for Norovirus from

the prior cruise. As Fabian told us, only one person brought it &

passed the germs from sneezing, talking, shaking hands, etc. 373 sick

folks & crew. All are working for our cruise not be cancelled double

shifts. We both felt for them. We learn the cruise is basically

Germans & Asians with us Americans on it. All annoucements are in

those languages also with English.


Then up to 11656, mini suite in the middle of Jewel. Beautiful sea

awaits us to leave NYC, saying hi & bye to Lady Liberty. Great dinner

that night beef tenderloin done perfectly, double stuffed potatoes,

veggies that were crisp not soggy & cappucino was splendid for both of

us. Then back up to unpack the 8PM arrrival of luggage, since that

had to be sanitized, as did we to enter & leave dinner, enter & leave

theatre, stores, as well as the ship. Then we hit the bed, just

exhausted from waiting so much, a 1/4 of our day in NYC. Oh, was it a

great bed for a cruiseship. SO I uncover it to investigate that it is

not a Visco mattress like our $3000 bed we got earlier this year. But

a mattress cover with Visco pad atop it. Same mattress size but new

atip steel frame. Big square pillows with down pillows atop it that

were queen size. Duvet has a quilt inside of it & we love the balcony

door open to hear the sea & smell the fresh ocean air. 12 hours of

sleep we got. Just about every night since we were so comfortable.

But a problem with the rocking of 25 foot waves for a week, was the

glass doors from the shower & the toilet room going back & forth

making quite a racket. The balcony door was slamming away, so the

chair went into it with 2 small pillows from the couch. Worked



Day 2 is Boston, which I have relatives there, so no big deal to walk

around in, so we just checked out the ship. More & more workers knew

us by name from Dawn last April and were transferred to replace sick

employees from previous cruise. So a few joined us for the day on the

ship to sit & talk & meet new friends. More slow meals tho the food

was great. Swedish dishes, many German ones with sauerkraut, pork,

and hot potato sald which we enjoyed. The Asian dishes were also very

good. I was told the Exec Chef was from Jamaica and found it hard to

picture him cooking German. Then lunchtime we had a lady join us who

unfortunately got very ill from the hip rocking so she was taken to

the doctor. Plenty of barf bags around, plenty of folks using them.

Amazing that people do not know they will get seasick in the N

Atlantic which is historically a very rocky ride on every cruise we

have had. So we dropped dinner from the smell of sick folks to stay

on our balcony & watch in amazement the wake disappear within 10 feet

from the waves eating it. Relaxing to rock away in the comfy bed

watching TV until it zips out to the NCL logo. That happened the

entire cruise. Football game advertised in the daily was zapped after

the first quarter. But folks just sat & waited. So we went to bed.


Day 3 is M&G day. Down to the bar to meet everyone with about 15

folks showing. The Captain named Constantios, was just a great man to

meet as was Julian, the Hotel Director, Fabian, the Food & Beverage

Director, Rich, the Cruise Director and I hope I didn't forget anyone.

Great to meet folks you type with for months and have made a great

friendship with to cruise again with in the future. We learned that

NCL had passed out letters that if you wanted to cancel the cruise

you could, but after you flew to NYC? Why not the week before tho we

would still cruise. For 50% off with the DMLAT promo on July 3, and I

hope we see more in the future. Got a free Bingo card, so we went.

Pretty boring since it is the last game & you sit thru the first 6.

Second City had a great get together with folks. One gal from

Cleveland made instant friendship with us as did the whole crew of 5.

Funny that I am wearing my tux T-Shirt for Monte carlo night & more

folks think I work onboard. The casino was rocking with free drinks,

champagne tower with ladies pouring a bottle of bubbly into the top

glass to cascade down to all of them, then they are passed out.

Gambled $.02 machines & made $100 each....... so we were up $1000 by

the time we left. The be felt very good after a money making evening

with no smokers around in the back.


Day 4 was Halifax & what a beauful city she is. A free shuttle takes

us to downtown from the port. Then we walked up to Fairmont Hotel as

we call it. 4 blocks by 6 blocks and it started in the 1800's by the

railroad as one boarding house for workers. As more folks wanted to

stay there on the water, they just kept building. We pent a good 2

hours goingthru the massiv structure. The rooms do not look like the

NYC or SF Fairmonts but still beautful. And the people of this city

are all smiles, all very kind to those visiting. I was looking for

small snow globes for a 9 year old and a dear lady took us to 5 stores

asking the owners if they had them. Guess end of season makes for

nothing of certain types yet great sales for many other folks. Rode

the elevator that goes like an inclinator up a mountain. $2 a person

USD for a O/W ride. Get back to ship, have a great meal of blueberry

soup, singapore noodles, BBQ ribs & rasberry sherbet. Then to a show

with a comedian who was not too funny. He sounded like an

informercial. But people were laughing since they were tanked maybe.

Many left. People are still sick in elevators which clears them right



Day 5 sea day and NCL has BOGO dinners at named specialty restaurants:

Chin Chins, Le Bistro, Tango, Mama's Italian Kitchen from 5:30-6:30PM.

We phone at 4PM 2 days in advance & Le Bistro is booked for the 50%

off. So we did Tangos for 2 days, Chin Chin for 2 days, and then we

saw Kathryn from Dawn one night & she got us in or Le Bistro for Day

7. She even tagged it our anniversary to make it special. More Second

City fun with folks yelling out one liners from movies or TV ads for

their people to work into their dialect. It was so funny when a guy

is a cowboy talking about Viagara & how the 4 hour "hard on" is

dangerous & you should see a doctor. That got the theatre

rocking..... The production shows were great other than Country night

which we skipped. Saw the other 2 on Dawn with Bollywood which Jewel

dropped. The 70's show "Band on the Run" is very good with dancing, singing, and great costumes. The Cirque Bijue (sp) was fabulous as the guys from the ceiling were in my lap & Jerry's. How that Russian gal can make a wish with her legs in a Russian split got me having cramps watching it & feeling it. Met Julian, who tells us they are lucking out with no sick folks other than seasick pills curing them. I tell him it is Holloween on 11 with the masked officers & stewards who are fumigating staterooms. He tells us the entire ship has to be done by midnight. They they spray carpets from 14 down to 2. Then we got to do laundry & the laundryrooms are closed for the entire cruise due to illness. Julian explains that waterborne illness as GAS make it necessary. So he gets us FREE LAUNDRY slips to get our 4 days worth done very 4 days. So they picked them up & 4 hours later we are set. Clothes hung up & undies in a basket wrapped in tissue paper. Now this is service!


Day 6 is Quebec, another beautiful, very clean, very quiet city. FRED,

the city bus that is FREE is only one bus that rides then entire city

in a circle. Drive is a great storyteller & Citadel is a stop. What

a view, what history is there. They even have a black powder house

for the cannons which have not been fired. The man there joked that

Iran may make them use them. Then we caught the return bus for the

other half of the city which ended at the ship since half the bus was

Jewel folks. Great guy! After dinner we walked to the Titanic museum

but $10 PP was too much for what we saw at home at the Science Center exhibit.


Day 7 sea day - Le Bistro at 5:30 and we are ready. We skipped lunch

other than cappucino & a pastrama sandwich. Hillbilly shows tonite,

so we skipped them to play bingo. $75 for a machine that plays 18

cards per game & it tells you when you have one so you stand, we took

turns doing that but didn't win at all - BOO! So now it is Le Bistro

time. What a charming look in the restaurant. Hostess was very

accomdating tleling us we can have a booth or table, we took the

finely dressed table with a majestic plate that we were told the

French name by a female French Matre D with the pink & gold shade,

butterflies, beetles adorning it. AND THE FOOD!!!!! I had French

onion soup which was thick with cheese, very hot in a bowl with thhe

lid removed by the waitress when served. Jerry had cream of mushroom

soup in a bread bowl. Then escargot that was the greatest ever eaten,

so we had 2 apiece and they appreciated our love of it. Beef

tenderloins, double baked potato & asparagus, this dinner which has

twice the size of what we had at Tsar's was just magnificent. Then

our table is surrounded by the waitstaff a the Chef delivers a rose

covered cake with a sugar HAPPY ANNIVERSARY cake. Then the Matre D

joins our hands across the table as they sing "Let me Call You

Seetheart" an the whole restaurant joins in. What a show! Then a

table sends over 2 champagnes & it was the Captain who was leaving

next morning. A Norwegian Captain will take over. He was a dear man

but a tired one. This illness just stripped them all of sleep with

meetings, etc.


Day 8 Charlottetown, another adorable city, also very clean, small &

walkable to see it all. Meet great people who are interested in

boarding a ship next year to be dropped off at home & we told them

that NCL could work that out for them. Their TA's were not sure. So

I gave them my TA's contact info for assistance. Some even walked us

back to it but didn't mind no getting on as they wanted to. They

understand security. The last Second City show and to hear them tell

us thank you for sharing a good cruise with them. Cruise Critics got a

mention & that the next cruise has another imposter, as they called

it, getting on. So I guess another cruise group. The show was "The

Professor" Watson show, a guy with hair that looked like he stood in

water when a power line fell on it. Bt he play numerous instruments &

can sing very off key or try to be right. But we left. Our balcony

with a calmer ocean was what we wanted. Many neighbors were out also,

one who left their light on all night. So we learned that is what

curtains seperating balcony from bed is. Missed rocking to sleep tho.

Day 9 Sydney which is the smallest of cities. We walked off the ship

to a race of runners, walkers, wheelchairs and it looked major. $10

PP for a double decker bus that drove the entire city & street after

street. Homes go from $400K to $5 mil for a riverview home with their

own lighthouse. 4 hours of enjoyable people with us to see Sydney.

The speaker knew we wanted snow globes & there is a stoore that makes

them so they waited as folks saw them. $5 for a large one with a

moose in the center with her baby. SOLD! That was wrapped in bubble

wrapped & put in a box for safety. What great people we have met &

enjoyed on this cruise. We would do it again too. Then back to the

ship for dinner, the worst of the nights since many either left or

were too tired to work, so they got time off. But now we wait 45

minutes to place an order. And the meal delivered is not what we

ordered but we ate it since it was last night onboard. Got 3 deserts

and they deliver one with my escargot. Appetizer shows with desert.

Just unbelievable! So back to the room to pack for them to pickup by

midnight. Open the door to a bedsize alligator towel animal with the

undie basket in his paws. Our steward put the clothes into our

suitcase that we added the souveniors to, and everything that we

didn't need in the morning. That went into my Zoo bag that was added

to the suitcase when we ID'd it.


Day 10, how fast the cruise went by, so unfair when you wait forever

for the cruise to arrive. But I am told when we are having non stop

fun & are rested also with good sleep every night, that makes it fly

by. So many folks just hugged instead of the santizing spray to say

goodbye. Super Shuttle was at the entrance for us to ride to Newark

Airport. Then we hear that flights are cancelled or late due to

storms moving in from N ATlantic Canada, just where we were. Our

flight moved gates 4 tiems in 7 hours we waited. Then we are paged &

we are told we have a hotel to stay the night in & show tickets to

enjoy from Hilton Hotels since we are HH Signature Visa customers and

we are to be taken care of. Dinner, breakfast & lunch if we are still

there. Taxis to the hotel & back paid for. As we are leaving for the

flight again, we are glad to be going home with our parrot missing us.

Flight not late, snow greets us with ice, but car handled great for

the 10 minutes ride. Then to unpack with no laundry other than

freshening sheets, towels, etc from 2 weeks with no use.


Day 11 home, not interested in going anywhere. Ellie, our friend who

is also our letter carrier who birdsits for us with her daughter who

gets the snow globes & she gets 5 this trip. Mom's eye when she saw

the beatiful creations we got. Pizza for everyone including the bird.

Back to normalsville.






We docked in Boston Around Noon and entered Boston Harbor around 1100.

When Tsar's opened for lunch at noon the Jewel was Docked. We ate at Taser's for lunch and dinner and didn't notice any movement since we were docked. ?????

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Hello everyone..I just signed up for this board today and have been reading the NCL section exclusively and and looking at cruising on the NCL Jewel and this was the first review I have read and frankly all I keep thinking while reading it is "huh ????????" I sure hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the reviews here nor of NCL in general and people onboard her! I hope to meet lots of you around here soon! Frank

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Hello everyone..I just signed up for this board today and have been reading the NCL section exclusively and and looking at cruising on the NCL Jewel and this was the first review I have read and frankly all I keep thinking while reading it is "huh ????????" I sure hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the reviews here nor of NCL in general and people onboard her! I hope to meet lots of you around here soon! Frank


May I be the first to welcome you to CruiseCritic.

As you peruse these boards you will find a lot of different opinions. Don't judge this board until you do some more reading.


PS this board is called cruiseCRITIC. So there are some critical reviews.

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Sooner than me to type it all over again with new city names. WISH I KNEW ALL THE FREE WIFI IN CANADA. Every port, folks with laptops typing away with free wifi. I could have done live reports. Dog gone it!


FRED is Halifax, so is everything else. Quebec had the free shuttle, Neither city had a welcome to sign for us to read from the ship when we docked. At least the back of the ship.

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Hello everyone..I just signed up for this board today and have been reading the NCL section exclusively and and looking at cruising on the NCL Jewel and this was the first review I have read and frankly all I keep thinking while reading it is "huh ????????" I sure hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the reviews here nor of NCL in general and people onboard her! I hope to meet lots of you around here soon! Frank

There are a number of other reviews of ships available on the site. Click Here for a link to the reviews page.


Keep in mind that some of the reviews are contemporary while others may be outdated. If you are looking for current information on a specific ship check in the roll call section for folks who are just returning.


And, yes, some reviews are a bit more clear than others.



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Sooner than me to type it all over again with new city names. WISH I KNEW ALL THE FREE WIFI IN CANADA. Every port, folks with laptops typing away with free wifi. I could have done live reports. Dog gone it!


FRED is Halifax, so is everything else. Quebec had the free shuttle, Neither city had a welcome to sign for us to read from the ship when we docked. At least the back of the ship.


The only Port (adjacent to the ship) that had the Free WiFi was at PEI. This service was added recently, and used mainly by the crew to phone home over the internet for only pennies for a miniute.


Boston had a few Hotspots near the Quincy Market area ie. Borders, Starbucks.


Pier 21 in Halifax had no Hots Spots but some of the Restaurants in the Boarwalk area had it for a fee.


Fred in Halifx is a tour loop type of Bus that takes you to some of the sites in the Waterfront/Boardwalk Vicinity which was free..


The Jewel Docked at Pier 103 in Quebec which was about 2 miles to the old Quebec shopping district. The Port of Quebec Provided Public city Buses From the Jewel to a Drop off point (the Spagethi House) in old Quebec. (Lower Shopping District)

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Hello everyone..I just signed up for this board today and have been reading the NCL section exclusively and and looking at cruising on the NCL Jewel and this was the first review I have read and frankly all I keep thinking while reading it is "huh ????????" I sure hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the reviews here nor of NCL in general and people onboard her! I hope to meet lots of you around here soon! Frank


Frank, The Jewel was a great ship and would Sail on her at anytime especially in the Carribean. Daytime entertainment on Sea Days was a little light Due to the Cold Climate (Canada/New England) that we Sailed in. Food was Ok, typical NCL Food. Service and evening entertainment was very Good. Use your Due Diligence when researching any Cruise and go with an open mind. :)

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The only Port (adjacent to the ship) that had the Free WiFi was at PEI. This service was added recently, and used mainly by the crew to phone home over the internet for only pennies for a miniute.


Boston had a few Hotspots near the Quincy Market area ie. Borders, Starbucks.


Pier 21 in Halifax had no Hots Spots but some of the Restaurants in the Boarwalk area had it for a fee.


Fred in Halifx is a tour loop type of Bus that takes you to some of the sites in the Waterfront/Boardwalk Vicinity which was free..


The Jewel Docked at Pier 103 in Quebec which was about 2 miles to the old Quebec shopping district. The Port of Quebec Provided Public city Buses From the Jewel to a Drop off point (the Spagethi House) in old Quebec. (Lower Shopping District)


On our cruise, 10/08-18 on the Jewel, we docked at the old dock. It was beautiful to see the Hotel Fontanec on the hill and see the fort walls. We met friends in Quebec that were able to drive onto the dock and meet us at the end of the gangway. :eek: And they also jumped into our gangway picture. ;) Many people were able to walk across the street and board the tram, ride to the top and walk back down the old town shopping district. I wonder if NCL knows ahead of time which dock they would be using in Quebec? :)

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On our cruise, 10/08-18 on the Jewel, we docked at the old dock. It was beautiful to see the Hotel Fontanec on the hill and see the fort walls. We met friends in Quebec that were able to drive onto the dock and meet us at the end of the gangway. :eek: And they also jumped into our gangway picture. ;) Many people were able to walk across the street and board the tram, ride to the top and walk back down the old town shopping district. I wonder if NCL knows ahead of time which dock they would be using in Quebec? :)


X Connie was docked at the old dock and what a beatiful site it was passing her in the Morning. The port of Quebec has an online calender schedule of what ships are docked on what dates.


NCL had advanced info on this, and the port providd the logistics :)


If anyone needs a pix of the Hotel Fontanec along with the Millie Below, email me at firelt5@comcast.net.

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On our cruise, 10/08-18 on the Jewel, we docked at the old dock. It was beautiful to see the Hotel Fontanec on the hill and see the fort walls. We met friends in Quebec that were able to drive onto the dock and meet us at the end of the gangway. :eek: And they also jumped into our gangway picture. ;) Many people were able to walk across the street and board the tram, ride to the top and walk back down the old town shopping district. I wonder if NCL knows ahead of time which dock they would be using in Quebec? :)


What were your favorite Canadian Ports ????


Ours was in order






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What were your favorite Canadian Ports ????


Ours was in order







The only one I went to, Quebec. ;) Due to many different health issues, I stayed on the ship in PEI, Halifax and Syndey. Yes, I had the noro virus after Quebec and an infection in my leg before. Needless to say it was an unusual cruise for this couple and we are very thankful for NCL and all their help with the health issues. :)


One of the highlights of the cruise (though it was not funny as someone's life was in danger) was watching the Coast Guard's Medivac helicopter picking up a very seriously ill passenger the night before Halifax. The tail was hanging off aft 13 deck with the tail rotor and we decided to not stay out there any longer. :eek: The crew had to disassemble the basketball court for the helicopter to land. The helicopter was a huge one.


In May of this year, we meet a cruising group close to Quebec and had the best tour of old town, the fort and Hotel Fontanec. This Oct, we met the same couple for a tour of Isle De O'Leans and loved the drive, farms, the art shops and food we ate. We saw the falls, and Maramot (sp) hotel we share a drink. Very good time with friends.

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The only one I went to, Quebec. ;) Due to many different health issues, I stayed on the ship in PEI, Halifax and Syndey. Yes, I had the noro virus after Quebec and an infection in my leg before. Needless to say it was an unusual cruise for this couple and we are very thankful for NCL and all their help with the health issues. :)


One of the highlights of the cruise (though it was not funny as someone's life was in danger) was watching the Coast Guard's Medivac helicopter picking up a very seriously ill passenger the night before Halifax. The tail was hanging off aft 13 deck with the tail rotor and we decided to not stay out there any longer. :eek: The crew had to disassemble the basketball court for the helicopter to land. The helicopter was a huge one.


In May of this year, we meet a cruising group close to Quebec and had the best tour of old town, the fort and Hotel Fontanec. This Oct, we met the same couple for a tour of Isle De O'Leans and loved the drive, farms, the art shops and food we ate. We saw the falls, and Maramot (sp) hotel we share a drink. Very good time with friends.


Wow, I'm Glad your Feeling Better. 2 Passengers were taken off the ship in Quebec by EMS, 1 Passenger in Halifax, 1 Passenger in Boston Also.

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May I be the first to welcome you to CruiseCritic.

As you peruse these boards you will find a lot of different opinions. Don't judge this board until you do some more reading.


PS this board is called cruiseCRITIC. So there are some critical reviews.


Thanks for the welcome and I enjoy critical reviews, uninteligible ones are a different matter!

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There are a number of other reviews of ships available on the site. Click Here for a link to the reviews page.


Keep in mind that some of the reviews are contemporary while others may be outdated. If you are looking for current information on a specific ship check in the roll call section for folks who are just returning.


And, yes, some reviews are a bit more clear than others.




Thanks for the link Charlie....I have found many reviews there that didn't make my head hurt! LOL Frank

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