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Are 1st timers allowed at the Past Guest Party?


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Hopefully Carnival will start having Platinum parties & us Past Guests won't need to attend the overcrowded Past Guest/Brand New Cruiser, probably one time cruiser party.


We've paid our dues, along with several thousands of $$$$.


Great idea! Cavier and all!


So true, Brenda . . . that would be a nice gesture, indeed. :)


No invitations necessary . . . just flash your PLATINUM CARD. :D


Inevitably, someone would post the question, "Can I go to the PLATINUM Guest Party with 8 cruises, especially since I've got 2 more cruises planned?":rolleyes:


And even eventually, "Can a PLATINUM cruiser I know that doesn't drink or go to parties, give me his PLATINUM card to use for the party?":eek:


The beat goes on . . . . :D

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What are you trying to prove, that you can be the rudest poster. You are the one calling names. I never called any one a thief. You were justifying your and your groups behavior by sneaking some one in. Is this any different then opening the back door to a theatre and sneaking in a person? Go back and read the posts. I have not been rude other than to point out ettiquette which is rude in itself, the only ones that should teach ettiquette is one's parents and teachers. Some did not get the lesson that you do not bring uninvited guests to a party they were not invited. I hope you will understand I never called you a thief, I did use a analogy though. You name called and that is uncalled for.


LOL! I complimented you on the appropriate choice of a board name. I did not call you names. I was not rude. If someone else chose that name for you, I apologize. If not, I still think you did a great job of choosing your name! Very appropriate.


You do seem to be obsessed with this subject. I won't be posting on this thread anymore, so continue your tirade against me, but it will be wasted. I'll be busy plotting new ways to sneak past guests into the next party, and I do not wish to be disturbed. :rolleyes: (ROTFL!!! I can just see you seething at that remark, believing that I meant it word for word! :D)

But I do mean this statement... lighten up!

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Hopefully Carnival will start having Platinum parties & us Past Guests won't need to attend the overcrowded Past Guest/Brand New Cruiser, probably one time cruiser party.


We've paid our dues, along with several thousands of $$$$.


Now that would be nice !

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The beat goes on . . . . :D


LOL! I complimented you on the appropriate choice of a board name. I did not call you names. I was not rude. If someone else chose that name for you, I apologize. If not, I still think you did a great job of choosing your name! Very appropriate.


You do seem to be obsessed with this subject. I won't be posting on this thread anymore, so continue your tirade against me, but it will be wasted. I'll be busy plotting new ways to sneak past guests into the next party, and I do not wish to be disturbed. :rolleyes: (ROTFL!!! I can just see you seething at that remark, believing that I meant it word for word! :D)

But I do mean this statement... lighten up!


What did I tell yah . . . . :D

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Ok, Avril.............Here was my experience with a first timer going to the Past Guest Party............


When I went on my second Carnival cruise, it was my wife's first cruise with them. I got an invitation. She did not. So, I did not plan to attend.


In a conversation with the cruise director, he asked if we would be at the PG party later in the afternoon. I said 'No, my wife isn't a past guest'.


His reply............'NONSENSE! You bring her!'


I did. He made a point to say hello to us as we went in.


A fellow passenger(and CC member) was irate that I had brought her, even though the CD asked me too.............Poor lady, it bothered her the whole week............but WE had a good time............

Wow, I wonder how many past guests were annoyed that my 14 yo dd, who is a past guest had her invitation pull out of the hat for the 2 free dinners at the Sun King!!!! We had agreat time.

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Amazing how many back seat cruisers there are trying to hold on to every last vestige of elitism possible.


It is Carnival's party, not yours.


Even when I attended a Blogger's event some people who had never even read the blog were allowed to attend. Shocking isn't it. Also none of my business. I was not the host, and neither are the back seat cruisers.


Reading another post on another thread.. I found it funny that someone (not you) that posts to a message board thought they were a blogger and attended a blogger event.. I thought those events were for actually bloggers? :p

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Wow, I wonder how many past guests were annoyed that my 14 yo dd, who is a past guest had her invitation pull out of the hat for the 2 free dinners at the Sun King!!!! We had agreat time.



Nobody should have been annoyed. She's a legitimate past guest whose name was drawn - no sneaking or "rule breaking". If anybody did have a problem with that...well, that's their problem. Glad you had a great time!

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Hopefully Carnival will start having Platinum parties & us Past Guests won't need to attend the overcrowded Past Guest/Brand New Cruiser, probably one time cruiser party.


We've paid our dues, along with several thousands of $$$$.



I agree with you on that.. They need to start actually treating their platinum cruisers with real perks and not the ones they currently offer which to me are ridiculous.. and a bit insulting if I were in your cruising shoes.. Seriously 10 cruises.. that's a lot of $$$.. I think you deserve more that VIP check and disembark... :)

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Amazing how many back seat cruisers there are trying to hold on to every last vestige of elitism possible.


This time you are right, it is elitism, as in 2a., below:


e·lit·ism or é·lit·ism (-ltzm, -l-)


1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.


a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.

b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.


Past guests ARE a group, as identifiable as any group you care to cite. The PG's are the ones with the Gold or Platinum S&S cards. The ones with the blue cards are NOT part of the group.

If civilized adults would exercise a minuscule amount of self responsibility, and acknowledge what they absolutely KNOW. That 1st timers are not PG's and are not invited. Then there would be no problem. But since the socially inept, unaware, and irresponsible seem to be the rule today. There is no cure for those that insist on lying to themselves. If their self lies allow them to believe what is obviously wrong is actually right. I, elitist that I am, just have to laugh at their ignorance.



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a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.

b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.


Past guests ARE a group, as identifiable as any group you care to cite. The PG's are the ones with the Gold or Platinum S&S cards. The ones with the blue cards are NOT part of the group.

If civilized adults would exercise a minuscule amount of self responsibility, and acknowledge what they absolutely KNOW. That 1st timers are not PG's and are not invited. Then there would be no problem. But since the socially inept, unaware, and irresponsible seem to be the rule today. There is no cure for those that insist on lying to themselves. If their self lies allow them to believe what is obviously wrong is actually right. I, elitist that I am, just have to laugh at their ignorance.






And we wonder why the kids of today act the way the do.

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I agree with you on that.. They need to start actually treating their platinum cruisers with real perks and not the ones they currently offer which to me are ridiculous.. and a bit insulting if I were in your cruising shoes.. Seriously 10 cruises.. that's a lot of $$$.. I think you deserve more that VIP check and disembark... :)


Well its not always a lot of money...... I hit Platinum in I think 35 total nights doing nothing but dirt cheap 3/4/5 night cruises.... in less than a year! (Yep I set out to do it that way) One Platinum benefit I love is the free laundry service.

Yeah I know, I have ruined it for everyone that took a bunch of 7 night cruises... :-) Actually, I think the benefits offered for 10 cruises on Carnival are better than what is offered on the other lines.

But the question I can't wait to ask is......... am I less entitled to sneak in a lowlife newbie cruiser for the free drinks at the returning guest party then lets say someone that took 70 nights to hit the platinum level that I only took 35 nights to hit??? :-)

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This time you are right, it is elitism, as in 2a., below:


e·lit·ism or é·lit·ism (-ltzm, -l-)


1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.


a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.

b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.


Past guests ARE a group, as identifiable as any group you care to cite. The PG's are the ones with the Gold or Platinum S&S cards. The ones with the blue cards are NOT part of the group.

If civilized adults would exercise a minuscule amount of self responsibility, and acknowledge what they absolutely KNOW. That 1st timers are not PG's and are not invited. Then there would be no problem. But since the socially inept, unaware, and irresponsible seem to be the rule today. There is no cure for those that insist on lying to themselves. If their self lies allow them to believe what is obviously wrong is actually right. I, elitist that I am, just have to laugh at their ignorance.




I cannot believe the number of posters trying to discriminate against the color of one's Sail and Sign card. How sad. I thought the United States had progressed beyond that point.


Civilizations evolve or die. Embrace change or not, you can't stop it.


Unfortunately, or not, the elitists in this instance are trying very hard to fall under b) in your example, when in fact, they have no authority or control and are, if fact, blowing smoke.


Carnival was founded on the principle of being very much NOT an elitist cruise line. You have no right to expect it to be one.

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Well its not always a lot of money...... I hit Platinum in I think 35 total nights doing nothing but dirt cheap 3/4/5 night cruises.... in less than a year! (Yep I set out to do it that way) One Platinum benefit I love is the free laundry service.



Rouge, lets change the subject here for a minute.....I must have a dirty mind:D

I actually just had to click on your avator just now to make sure it wasn't what i thought it was:eek:

I'm happy to know that it is of an ice carving of the Leaning Tower of Pisa........or am i;)



Ya Ya, it's just one of those boring, rainy days LOL!

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I cannot believe the number of posters trying to discriminate against the color of one's Sail and Sign card. How sad. I thought the United States had progressed beyond that point.


Civilizations evolve or die. Embrace change or not, you can't stop it.


Unfortunately, or not, the elitists in this instance are trying very hard to fall under b) in your example, when in fact, they have no authority or control and are, if fact, blowing smoke.


Carnival was founded on the principle of being very much NOT an elitist cruise line. You have no right to expect it to be one.


Sorry, I read and speak English, American version. I do not understand nolaAlivese. It is a very weird language, made up of English words with unknown and flexible meanings. A situational language, perhaps?

Whatever, it is incomprehensible.



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Sorry, I read and speak English, American version. I do not understand nolaAlivese. It is a very weird language, made up of English words with unknown and flexible meanings. A situational language, perhaps?

Whatever, it is incomprehensible.




Even in defeat, you are still quite judgmental.

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Rouge, lets change the subject here for a minute.....I must have a dirty mind:D

I actually just had to click on your avator just now to make sure it wasn't what i thought it was:eek:

I'm happy to know that it is of an ice carving of the Leaning Tower of Pisa........or am i;)



Ya Ya, it's just one of those boring, rainy days LOL!


Personally, I like dirty minds, I find them … err, interesting. J

Now about my avatar, I am shocked, absolutely shocked that anyone would think it is ANYTHING but an ice carving of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I know when I saw it, I said to my GF, look honey, they made a giant ice carving of a………. Leaning Tower of Pisa for the midnight buffet. She kinda squirmed and smiled big and then said “Wow, that one is bigger then yours! You know, the plastic one you bought as a souvenir when we were in Italy a few years ago!”

The little sign at the bottom of the carving even said it was the Leaning Tower of Pisa, not sure why they needed a sign, I mean it was clear to the other couples we were in line with that it was an ice carving of a giant……… Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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WOW...Me and my wife with 2boyz are going on our first cruise this DEC 1. after reading all this I'm afraid to ask anything.. :(


Don't let it bother you, Terry . . . and welcome to "elite" cruisers venting over absolutely petty issues. Comes with the territory. :rolleyes:


Don't be afraid to ask anything. There are still some of us who remember their first post. Welcome to Cruise Critic. :)


Ask away but try to stay away from, "Do they allow smoking in the dining room , yet ?". :D

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WOW...Me and my wife with 2boyz are going on our first cruise this DEC 1. after reading all this I'm afraid to ask anything.. :(

Please don't be afraid to ask questions. There are some hot topics on these threads, tipping, jeans and hats in the dining room and such. People really want to help because we love cruising. If you ask a question but only want to hear the answer you want then ask for only those answers. If you want to hear answers that have different view points then ask and listen to the advice. I wish I had known this site before my first cruise. Hope you really enjoy your first cruise it is addicting.

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WOW...Me and my wife with 2boyz are going on our first cruise this DEC 1. after reading all this I'm afraid to ask anything.. :(



Terryfox-Start a new thread with any and all questions you may have. :) Welcome to Cruise critic and congrats on your first cruise!

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WOW...Me and my wife with 2boyz are going on our first cruise this DEC 1. after reading all this I'm afraid to ask anything.. :(


Don't be afraid, ask away. Most of us are OK, some of us are a bit naughty, even the grumpy ones often have good knowledge to share. (Although picking the gold from the manure can be challenging!)

Cruising is a lot of fun. Don’t let the grumpy ones here scare you off. The reality is 97.99683% of the people on the ship have no clue about Cruise Critic and certainly don’t have any of the attitude found here. The vast majority of the people on a cruise are out to have fun, are civil if not down right friendly and the small stuff you see beat to death here is not a part of reality.

There is a lot of very good info to be found here, just soak it up and don’t let the grumpy posters bother you.

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why did you come here and ask a question when you knew the answer? Did you want justification to do what you have already planned? The "past guest" party is for past guest. If you want a hour of drinking for a non-past guest the lido deck has plenty of bars. If you plan on "sneaking" her in any how than why do you think you will feel "guilty"?



:) :)

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I also can't believe that someone would actually let something as trivial as a non-past guest attending the past guest party bother them. I can just see these people sitting at the PG party just seething when a non-past guest walks through the door.



lol! Rather sad if you ask me........the way they rant and accuse people of being thiefs:rolleyes: Wow, over a silly little party, that probably only half of the past guests even attend;)

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