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Balcony privacy question


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Sexy mature women, with full body tan? Howd I miss that? I haven't seen any pictures on this site reflecting that comment?

I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to bet that Salty's comment was meant for the "I'm almost afraid to ask" thread regarding the freestyle deck. ;)

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I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to bet that Salty's comment was meant for the "I'm almost afraid to ask" thread regarding the freestyle deck. ;)


I believe Salty is referring to this post by Yellowbird23:


Originally Posted by yellowbird23 viewpost.gif

To the OP: My balcony had enough room for me to put out the cushions from my little sofa and I laid my beach towel on them for a butt naked sunning and I'm 62 (I know, gross, but I don't care). Of course I had my bathrobe nearby "just in case". I'm not dead yet and I paid for the darned thing and will use it at my discretion for my purposes. I truly hope you enjoy your romanticism. I did make sure that no one was on the balcony next to me before I did it and I would expect that you and yours would do the same, not for them, but for yourselves!


I say go for it! You only live once! Happy humping...oops!... I mean cruising!


I've 'sort of' enjoyed reading this thread... There has been some great humour, but I have to say that it always saddens me a bit when I see comments that are so incredibly closed minded and judgemental as some of the ones here. The OP was inquiring about PRIVACY - and wound up with a whole lot of people thinking it was okay to comment on their private business!! Yes, the topic was raised, but only in the context of 'Will anyone see us?' not 'Do you think it's morally acceptable?' Good grief. Disgusting? Gross? I hope all of those condemning a couple wanting to have a little naughty fun (and making sure that they will have PRIVACY while doing so) realize that there are people in the world who think some of the things they do are disgusting and gross. Does that make it so? Is it their business to tell you that what you do PRIVATELY is 'wrong' in any way? (and as far as the furniture goes, if you're in any place that you don't own and maintain yourself, EVERY surface has potentially been used for 'fun'... furniture, counters, desks, baths/showers, tables, floors, stairs, railings... even beds!)


To the OP: Enjoy your balcony to the fullest!! Keep in mind that some people do not respect the privacy of others, so listen for neighbors on their balconies in case they're mannerless boors who don't know enough not to stick their heads around the PRIVACY barrier. My only suggestion would be to keep it quiet; nobody can see you unless they make an effort to do so, but voices carry! As far as other 'clubs', I can tell you that when we were on the Star last year, we met a lovely couple that was honeymooning... they didn't give me details, but I did get the distinct impression that somewhere in a secluded corner in the wee hours one morning (like 3-4am) they 'enjoyed' some risky behaviour... I don't know how far it went, and I'm not recommending it, just passing on the info. :)

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Thank God someone invented the internet so this tasteful discussion amongst responsible adults about why we cruise can occur in a free and open forum.....


PS- we were was once in a cabin directly under the extended bridge the crew uses when coming into port. Discretion was definitely the better part of valor.

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I believe Salty is referring to this post by Yellowbird23:




I've 'sort of' enjoyed reading this thread... There has been some great humour, but I have to say that it always saddens me a bit when I see comments that are so incredibly closed minded and judgemental as some of the ones here. The OP was inquiring about PRIVACY - and wound up with a whole lot of people thinking it was okay to comment on their private business!! Yes, the topic was raised, but only in the context of 'Will anyone see us?' not 'Do you think it's morally acceptable?' Good grief. Disgusting? Gross? I hope all of those condemning a couple wanting to have a little naughty fun (and making sure that they will have PRIVACY while doing so) realize that there are people in the world who think some of the things they do are disgusting and gross. Does that make it so? Is it their business to tell you that what you do PRIVATELY is 'wrong' in any way? (and as far as the furniture goes, if you're in any place that you don't own and maintain yourself, EVERY surface has potentially been used for 'fun'... furniture, counters, desks, baths/showers, tables, floors, stairs, railings... even beds!)


To the OP: Enjoy your balcony to the fullest!! Keep in mind that some people do not respect the privacy of others, so listen for neighbors on their balconies in case they're mannerless boors who don't know enough not to stick their heads around the PRIVACY barrier. My only suggestion would be to keep it quiet; nobody can see you unless they make an effort to do so, but voices carry! As far as other 'clubs', I can tell you that when we were on the Star last year, we met a lovely couple that was honeymooning... they didn't give me details, but I did get the distinct impression that somewhere in a secluded corner in the wee hours one morning (like 3-4am) they 'enjoyed' some risky behaviour... I don't know how far it went, and I'm not recommending it, just passing on the info. :)




Very nicely said :)



Some people love using any excuse to shoiw they are better than everyone else.


"I would never think about going into the dining room on formal night without a tie , I wasn't raised that way"


"I would never wear flip flops , but I guess some peoples parents didn't raise them right"


"I saw someone wear jeans in the dining room, its this me generation that does what they want"



Come off the friggin pulpit and just answer the posters question

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Thank you Canadien Twosome. That was the best response to my original and then follow up question. I did not realize what a chord I had struck with my original post but my DW and I have had a lot of fun with it. But I wasn't trying to be humorous but realistic. We have been married 25 years and love each other very much and this cruise is a celebration of our 25+ years together.


And we still want to join every club possible. (Oh crap I forgot about the flight down)...SWEEEET

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Thank you Canadien Twosome. That was the best response to my original and then follow up question. I did not realize what a chord I had struck with my original post but my DW and I have had a lot of fun with it. But I wasn't trying to be humorous but realistic. We have been married 25 years and love each other very much and this cruise is a celebration of our 25+ years together.


And we still want to join every club possible. (Oh crap I forgot about the flight down)...SWEEEET


You're very welcome! Congratulations on having a great relationship!! :)

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Thank you Canadien Twosome. That was the best response to my original and then follow up question. I did not realize what a chord I had struck with my original post but my DW and I have had a lot of fun with it. But I wasn't trying to be humorous but realistic. We have been married 25 years and love each other very much and this cruise is a celebration of our 25+ years together.


And we still want to join every club possible. (Oh crap I forgot about the flight down)...SWEEEET



Thats why you are still happy and very much in love after 25 years , because you still want to join "every" club. *LOL*


Have a very happy anniversary and a great cruise . And many many more of both. :)

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I believe Salty is referring to this post by Yellowbird23:




I've 'sort of' enjoyed reading this thread... There has been some great humour, but I have to say that it always saddens me a bit when I see comments that are so incredibly closed minded and judgemental as some of the ones here. The OP was inquiring about PRIVACY - and wound up with a whole lot of people thinking it was okay to comment on their private business!! Yes, the topic was raised, but only in the context of 'Will anyone see us?' not 'Do you think it's morally acceptable?' Good grief. Disgusting? Gross? I hope all of those condemning a couple wanting to have a little naughty fun (and making sure that they will have PRIVACY while doing so) realize that there are people in the world who think some of the things they do are disgusting and gross. Does that make it so? Is it their business to tell you that what you do PRIVATELY is 'wrong' in any way? (and as far as the furniture goes, if you're in any place that you don't own and maintain yourself, EVERY surface has potentially been used for 'fun'... furniture, counters, desks, baths/showers, tables, floors, stairs, railings... even beds!)


To the OP: Enjoy your balcony to the fullest!! Keep in mind that some people do not respect the privacy of others, so listen for neighbors on their balconies in case they're mannerless boors who don't know enough not to stick their heads around the PRIVACY barrier. My only suggestion would be to keep it quiet; nobody can see you unless they make an effort to do so, but voices carry! As far as other 'clubs', I can tell you that when we were on the Star last year, we met a lovely couple that was honeymooning... they didn't give me details, but I did get the distinct impression that somewhere in a secluded corner in the wee hours one morning (like 3-4am) they 'enjoyed' some risky behaviour... I don't know how far it went, and I'm not recommending it, just passing on the info. :)


You and I usually see eye to eye on things, but I have to say on this one I do not feel I did or said anything wrong when I said I thought it was gross. I thought I had explained it so that it did not come across as a moral judgement. I could careless what sexual activities people do as long as they are consenting and between adults. But I do think I have the right to think it is gross from a sanitary point of view and not be personally attacked for feeling that way. Not saying you attacked me, but there have been several on here questioning my sexual abilities in the bedroom or stating what a prude I must be, etc, just because I don't feel it is appropriate for people to do things that would leave bodily fluids for the next pax. When I say I was attacked, of course not named by named, but anyone who thought it was gross or disgusting were all lumped into the group that must be boring in bed or must be jealous, etc.


I may have issues about germs, hell half the time I call myself a germaphobe. But again, I do not think that gives anyone the right to attack me just because I feel it is unsanitary.

Edited by terrymtex01
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Well....perhaps you should not assume that people won't clean up after themselves? If we ~indulge~ on the balcony then we certainly don't leave a mess. We use the balcony to have a glass of wine or a snack. Why would WE want to have bodily fluids out there? I am wondering what exactly you are picturing. Then again, I don't need to know.

Edited by cruise Jack
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If you are concerned about contamination, bring Bleach spray, and whatever you do don't lay on or touch the bed spreads in ANY hotel or cruise ship.


We don't, that's for sure. The first thing we do is have the steward or housekeeping staff remove the darn thing for the duration. Most places do not change bedspreads between guests unless they are quite obviously soiled. Ick!


You and I usually see eye to eye on things, but I have to say on this one I do not feel I did or said anything wrong when I said I thought it was gross. I thought I had explained it so that it did not come across as a moral judgement. I could careless what sexual activities people do as long as they are consenting and between adults. But I do think I have the right to think it is gross from a sanitary point of view and not be personally attacked for feeling that way. Not saying you attacked me, but there have been several on here questioning my sexual abilities in the bedroom or stating what a prude I must be, etc, just because I don't feel it is appropriate for people to do things that would leave bodily fluids for the next pax. When I say I was attacked, of course not named by named, but anyone who thought it was gross or disgusting were all lumped into the group that must be boring in bed or must be jealous, etc.


I may have issues about germs, hell half the time I call myself a germaphobe. But again, I do not think that gives anyone the right to attack me just because I feel it is unsanitary.


Those who responded in such a way should be ashamed, especially because you specifically pointed out what you think is disgusting or gross about it--not the activities themselves, but how such personal behavior might affect the next pax. I agree with you on the sanitary aspects of it. That's why I wanted to mention that many or perhaps most people would lay out a towel or similar not just to protect the next pax, but also to protect themselves from the previous pax who may not have been so thoughtful or concerned.



Edited by beachchick
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terrymtex: I don't feel it is appropriate for people to do things that would leave bodily fluids for the next pax. Well....perhaps you should not assume that people won't clean up after themselves? If we ~indulge~ on the balcony then we certainly don't leave a mess. We use the balcony to have a glass of wine or a snack. Why would WE want to have bodily fluids out there? I am wondering what exactly you are picturing. Then again, I don't need to know.


No.. No matter what I assummed those that indulge would do or not do, I did not deserve to be attacked.

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And another attack.


This is an internet message board. Why are you taking things so personally? I don't know you and I did not attack you. I commented on your replies. When you make a comment on a message board you put yourself out there. Sometimes people don't agree with your comments. Don't take it so seriously.

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This is an internet message board. Why are you taking things so personally? I don't know you and I did not attack you. I commented on your replies. When you make a comment on a message board you put yourself out there. Sometimes people don't agree with your comments. Don't take it so seriously.


As do you.


Attacks blanketed in veiled humor are still attacks, whether direct or indirect. Just because someone disagrees with your thought does not allow you to impune their opinions. And yes you took direct shots at certain peole here.



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As do you.


Attacks blanketed in veiled humor are still attacks' date=' whether direct or indirect. Just because someone disagrees with your thought does not allow you to impune their opinions. And yes you took direct shots at certain peole here.




This is my first time parusing the NCL board but things seem to be a little tense here......PE, haven't I seen you on another board as some kind of "advisor"? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


My "advice" to you would be to chill out! :p Its just people wanting to have sex on their balcony, its not WW III!!!!! :D

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Oh, I am chilled just fine others however do tend to get a little tanse at times. I was just pointing out the inequities of someones defense of their "attacks". I don't take well to someone telling me to basically shutup and accept their point of view.


Yes, I am a guide on another board.



Edited by Planer's Edge
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wow, how did this thread take such a personal note? I don't know any of you here and I was not intending to attack. It was not personal. I responded to the comments and I actually don't remember who said what. I have not veiled any humor, I just replied with my thoughts. Boy....maybe we all need a little anger management.

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My wife and I are planning on a very romantic cruise on the Star in January. We are hoping to take our romance onto the balcony on several occasions. Will we have privacy or should we be more discreet in our romancing?


Have fun and enjoy your trip. I hope you do not have next door balcony neighbors so you can have even more fun! ;) Enjoy yourselves, do what is natural and remember what happens at sea stays at sea.....

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