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Destiny 11/22 Missed Port in Ocho Rios???


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Just returned from 5 day sailing on Destiny...The ship is old but ok for the most part. Dining room food was good...buffet was bland and other options were just ok...


About to turn into Ocho and the Captain decided he didn't want to go due to high winds and waves, so we just sailed on to Grand Cayman. The ship offered everyone a $20 credit, big deal. Overall the cruise was pretty good, service was very good. However, the amount of cash I spent on-board not going to Ocho was well worth it for Carnival and the $20 is almost insulting. Since returning home I asked for a credit for a future cruise and was told, no. So, while I probably would have cruised with Carnival again (this was our first) I'll probably look elsewhere.


Having spent thousands on 2 balcony cabins and at least another grand at the bars, spa and casino...They do better, by making a quick decision not to go into port - from a financial standpoint it's better for them - they could have at least opened the bars for a couple of hours...


Anyway I'll look to RCCL and or NCL before rushing on my next Carnival cruise...anyone have any thoughts on a better way to get a credit for next time?

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Just returned from 5 day sailing on Destiny...The ship is old but ok for the most part. Dining room food was good...buffet was bland and other options were just ok...


About to turn into Ocho and the Captain decided he didn't want to go due to high winds and waves, so we just sailed on to Grand Cayman. The ship offered everyone a $20 credit, big deal. Overall the cruise was pretty good, service was very good. However, the amount of cash I spent on-board not going to Ocho was well worth it for Carnival and the $20 is almost insulting. Since returning home I asked for a credit for a future cruise and was told, no. So, while I probably would have cruised with Carnival again (this was our first) I'll probably look elsewhere.


Having spent thousands on 2 balcony cabins and at least another grand at the bars, spa and casino...They do better, by making a quick decision not to go into port - from a financial standpoint it's better for them - they could have at least opened the bars for a couple of hours...


Anyway I'll look to RCCL and or NCL before rushing on my next Carnival cruise...anyone have any thoughts on a better way to get a credit for next time?


the 20.00 was the port fee that you paid...in skipping the port due to high winds and high waves making it unsafe to pull into port, that is all that you were owed.


To expect more is just ridiculous.


And you would get nothing more from any other cruiseline.



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Sorry to hear that you missed your port. Unfortunately, it does happen from time to time that you miss a port to bad weather. Please don't ban yourself from Carnival as this also happens on other lines.


The captain made his decision on the safety of the passengers. I know that is not what you wanted to hear.

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Ocho is not a tender...regular dock...it was strange b/c they came on the loudspeaker and said the ship make rock as we turn into Ocho and the next thing we knew they decided not to make the turn to port...We decided on this cruise based on the itinerary...not to make a sail around Cuba. While I did enjoy the cruise and of course had a great time at Grand Cayman (where we did tender) not making it to Jamaica was a huge dissapointment. I don't know why they didn't wait it out a bit...and just leave a little late...Grand Cayman is not that far from Ocho and all we did was cruise on at a much slower speed so we didn't arrive in GC too early.


I know what the policy states about missed ports/alternative ports however additional compensation would have been nice and a future cruise credit would have almost ensured my next cruise on Carnival...I now have no incentive to come back unless it's the perfect itinerary at the perfect price...the competition is really too stiff for them not to make some sort of concession - considering they probably made hundreds of thousands more by not going to port...

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Please know that when the captain decides that it is too dangerous to dock, he is doing it for your own safety, not to get more money for Carnival. We missed Costa Rico for the same reason. The captain tried several times, getting close enough that the plank was finally raised. As we watched from our balcony, that ship did a shift, and the plank hit that pier with a noise to wake the dead. Those guys who were putting it up, literally ran for their lives to get out of the way. Many of us were screaming, because I was afraid someone was going to get hurt. Thank God, no one did. This is why it is so necessary to make that judgement call. I met the same captain on my last cruise, and he said that people were so mad at him for leaving that day, but that he had no choice but to put the safety of the passengers first. Any line that does not do this, is a line that you should never want to use. I hope you still had fun anyway. :)

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Of course we did have a good time...however our captain did not go to the lengths you spoke of...not attempt to even turn into shore...only sailed parallel to shore and left on to GC...We were eating breakfast in the dining room sitting right by the window and while it wasn't calm and sunny out there it didn't look all that bad and the ship wasn't rocking that bad...didn't really bother me while I was eating breakfast...and I'm not the most "seaworthy" if you know what I mean - when it comes to getting motion sickness...so I think if he would have made the attempt you spoke of, the passengers would have felt better about the decision to skip the port...

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I see what you are saying, that maybe he should have tried. The undertow may have been too much. If I can remember, I think the captain was smart enough to explain not only that he could not dock, he went into details about an undertow, or something like that. He told how it could damage the ship, and put danger to the passengers. For this reason, people understood more. They should just explain why. Perhaps that would have helped.

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I'm not the most experienced cruiser, but I would have to give the captain the benefit of the doubt. His decision impacts the lifes and safety of thousands. If he had gone into port and caused the injury/death of someone because of the weather the boards would be calling him irresponsible. I would thank the man for getting you through a cruise safely. If you choose to stay away from Carnival for only the reason you stated then good luck. I, personally, appreciate a cruise line that would put my safety above a port call.

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About to turn into Ocho and the Captain decided he didn't want to go due to high winds and waves, so we just sailed on to Grand Cayman. the $20 is almost insulting. Since returning home I asked for a credit for a future cruise and was told, no. So, while I probably would have cruised with Carnival again (this was our first) I'll probably look elsewhere.

Anyway I'll look to RCCL and or NCL before rushing on my next Carnival cruise...anyone have any thoughts on a better way to get a credit for next time?


If you will only cruise on cruise lines that will not skip a port, you will probably never cruise again.


I'm an airline pilot, and I will tell you that when we're forced to make a decision about diverting to another destination, cancelling or delaying the flight, etc, it's based on many factors, hard data, and experience. I'm sure that on the cruise lines the same line of thought goes into play. To think that they skipped a port just so that they could generate more revenue (while making thousands of passengers mad) is at best an ignorant comment. Trust me, these are not spur of the moment decisions and probably every "suggestion" that you may have had was already thought about and discarded.


For example, when you say that they should've waited, don't you think that they had a weather report which included forecasted current conditions for the rest of the day? In the Aviation world we have forecasted weather (and I'm sure that they do as well), and we know what the exact conditions are going to be hours later. If these weather conditions are not expected to be within limitations, we can't go, period. Sometimes passengers don't understand why we do or don't do things, but there's always a very good reason why. If I had a quarter for every time I've heard a passenger say "but such and such says the weather is nice at our destination", I would've paid off my next cruise by now!


When you say "they should've done this, they should've done that", Don't you think that the Captain of the ship has a liiiiiitle bit more experience than you do?

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Ocho is not a tender...regular dock...it was strange b/c they came on the loudspeaker and said the ship make rock as we turn into Ocho and the next thing we knew they decided not to make the turn to port...We decided on this cruise based on the itinerary...not to make a sail around Cuba. While I did enjoy the cruise and of course had a great time at Grand Cayman (where we did tender) not making it to Jamaica was a huge dissapointment. I don't know why they didn't wait it out a bit...and just leave a little late...Grand Cayman is not that far from Ocho and all we did was cruise on at a much slower speed so we didn't arrive in GC too early.


I know what the policy states about missed ports/alternative ports however additional compensation would have been nice and a future cruise credit would have almost ensured my next cruise on Carnival...I now have no incentive to come back unless it's the perfect itinerary at the perfect price...the competition is really too stiff for them not to make some sort of concession - considering they probably made hundreds of thousands more by not going to port...


What you received is more than you will receive on another cruise ship. They are under NO obligation to give any compensation - but they do.


If you know what the policy is about missed ports...and you've read it, then why complain now? It's always a disappointment when a port is missed. However, it is the safety of the passengers and crew onboard that takes priority over someone being pouty about missing one.


I assure you, if you were on another cruise line and docking was too hazardous for Ocho Rios, they would have also turned away.


You were fortunate to make Grand Cayman.....many, many times that port is missed because the sea is too rough for tendering.


When you make the decision to go asea, you are completely at the mercy of that sea and can not change anything.


Good luck on your alternate cruises.......


Oh, BTW, the Destiny isn't an "old" ship......it was built in 1996.

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What does that mean?


Another post complaining the the Captain is looking out for your safety. The Captain of any vessel in never going to put his vessel, crew and passangers in harms way if at all possible. Read the cruise documents, the schedule can be changed at any time. No compensation is required, but sometimes a token credit will be given. You got your port taxes back and had another fine day at sea.

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.....stopping at Nassau, Half Moon Cay and Grand Turk. The one port I really wanted to go to was HMC. Unfortunately because of high winds, they canceled the port. First time I ever missed a port and I've traveled during hurricane season on all my cruises.





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I understand what all of you are saying...of course safety is a priority to the crew and to the passengers. 1. Why could they not have sailed around a bit and waited to see if conditions would improve. 2. Why would the Ship/Carnival not offer some sort of additional compensation, the port taxes arent there's anyway, so you're really getting no concession from them and in the end the cruiseline is making out like bandits...Wouldn't it have shown good faith/customer service if they would have at least offered some free drinks? Instead of spending my money in Jamaica I spent it with Carnival...you'd think they'd acknowledge that and try and make the customer feel better about missing a port of call...it's called good business and has nothing to do with the safety of the passengers, of course I'd rather be safe, however if the original itinerary called for a five day cruise to grand cayman for the price I paid...I'd have never booked the cruise to begin with...I enjoy the ship but that's just a part of the experience...the ports are a major reason many of us cruise...

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I understand what all of you are saying...of course safety is a priority to the crew and to the passengers. 1. Why could they not have sailed around a bit and waited to see if conditions would improve. 2. Why would the Ship/Carnival not offer some sort of additional compensation,


1. Re-read post 13. I explained it there. (For example, when you say that they should've waited, don't you think that they had a weather report which included forecasted current conditions for the rest of the day? In the Aviation world we have forecasted weather (and I'm sure that they do as well), and we know what the exact conditions are going to be hours later. If these weather conditions are not expected to be within limitations, we can't go, period. Sometimes passengers don't understand why we do or don't do things, but there's always a very good reason why. )

2. Why would Carnival (or any cruise line, airline, or tour operator) compensate YOU for weather related delays or cancellations that they have ZERO control over?? It doesn't make any sense.....!

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Just returned from 5 day sailing on Destiny...The ship is old but ok for the most part. Dining room food was good...buffet was bland and other options were just ok...


About to turn into Ocho and the Captain decided he didn't want to go due to high winds and waves, so we just sailed on to Grand Cayman. The ship offered everyone a $20 credit, big deal. Overall the cruise was pretty good, service was very good. However, the amount of cash I spent on-board not going to Ocho was well worth it for Carnival and the $20 is almost insulting. Since returning home I asked for a credit for a future cruise and was told, no. So, while I probably would have cruised with Carnival again (this was our first) I'll probably look elsewhere.


Having spent thousands on 2 balcony cabins and at least another grand at the bars, spa and casino...They do better, by making a quick decision not to go into port - from a financial standpoint it's better for them - they could have at least opened the bars for a couple of hours...


Anyway I'll look to RCCL and or NCL before rushing on my next Carnival cruise...anyone have any thoughts on a better way to get a credit for next time?


Everyone can flame me for this one but . . .


Best way to get a credit for next time is to stay home. Sounds to me like your are just another example of all things wrong with the US. Hold out hand and think you are entitled, just because. Go earn it!

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I see what you are saying, that maybe he should have tried. The undertow may have been too much. If I can remember, I think the captain was smart enough to explain not only that he could not dock, he went into details about an undertow, or something like that. He told how it could damage the ship, and put danger to the passengers. For this reason, people understood more. They should just explain why. Perhaps that would have helped.


there was a major front that went through that area last week. the winds were blowing at gale force. there is no way to have safely docked the ship.

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ZQVOL - What a dumb thing to say...I guess the people who've responded are either Carnival employees or work for the govt. or a non-profit...it's plain and simple...bad business!!!


If I fly to Denver and can't land there, the plane is diverted to Dallas and I can't leave that day, the airline will put me up and give me something to eat - and send me to Denver the following day...so I don't really get the airline comparison...yes I'll arrive a day late but at least the airline attempts to compensate/make me comfortable for my loss...


Again I'm not trying to burn carnival here...I've said three or four times...I enjoyed the cruise...I'm just talking smart business here...


Don't you think if Carnival sent a letter apologizing for missing port and offers all passengers a 20 or 25% discount on their next cruise if they booked the same cabin or higher they'd do good by that?

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ZQVOL - What a dumb thing to say...I guess the people who've responded are either Carnival employees or work for the govt. or a non-profit...it's plain and simple...bad business!!!


If I fly to Denver and can't land there, the plane is diverted to Dallas and I can't leave that day, the airline will put me up and give me something to eat - and send me to Denver the following day...so I don't really get the airline comparison...yes I'll arrive a day late but at least the airline attempts to compensate/make me comfortable for my loss...


Again I'm not trying to burn carnival here...I've said three or four times...I enjoyed the cruise...I'm just talking smart business here...


Don't you think if Carnival sent a letter apologizing for missing port and offers all passengers a 20 or 25% discount on their next cruise if they booked the same cabin or higher they'd do good by that?


A 20% discount for a missed port??? Not to be blunt, but that is a pretty unrealistic expectation. Many won't even get something like that for an issue that wasn't addressed in their passage contract and not just on Carnival either. All the other lines operate in a similar manner.


As far as making you 'comfortable', they refunded your port charges AND took you to another port. Which under the contract you accepted Carnival was not obligated to give you. Realistically, there isn't much more they are required to do for you.


If you feel that strongly about it, try writing Carnival a letter about it and see where it gets you.

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Just returned from 5 day sailing on Destiny...The ship is old but ok for the most part. Dining room food was good...buffet was bland and other options were just ok...


About to turn into Ocho and the Captain decided he didn't want to go due to high winds and waves, so we just sailed on to Grand Cayman. The ship offered everyone a $20 credit, big deal. Overall the cruise was pretty good, service was very good. However, the amount of cash I spent on-board not going to Ocho was well worth it for Carnival and the $20 is almost insulting. Since returning home I asked for a credit for a future cruise and was told, no. So, while I probably would have cruised with Carnival again (this was our first) I'll probably look elsewhere.


Having spent thousands on 2 balcony cabins and at least another grand at the bars, spa and casino...They do better, by making a quick decision not to go into port - from a financial standpoint it's better for them - they could have at least opened the bars for a couple of hours...


Anyway I'll look to RCCL and or NCL before rushing on my next Carnival cruise...anyone have any thoughts on a better way to get a credit for next time?


You didn't miss much. I'd PAY $20 to skip Ocho Rios..

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Again I'm not trying to burn carnival here...I've said three or four times...I enjoyed the cruise...I'm just talking smart business here...


Don't you think if Carnival sent a letter apologizing for missing port and offers all passengers a 20 or 25% discount on their next cruise if they booked the same cabin or higher they'd do good by that?


I was on this cruise (review is in the works). I found a completely different experience.


HOWEVER, we DID get a letter signed by the captain apologizing for missing the port of Ocho Rios.


After being completely bed-ridden the day before with GALE FORCE WINDS hitting the side of the ship and being absolutely and obnoxiously green around the gills, I totally understood his decision not to go to Jamaica. I was hoping to go, but it didn't work out. Oh well.


HOWEVER, you might want to go back and read your contract. Right in the contract it states that going to ports are completely at the discretion of the ship, nothing is guaranteed, etc.


They gave us our port fees back in quite a timely manner. They didn't even HAVE to do that!


They aren't going to give away a 20%-25% discount on your future cruises because you missed a port. And I dare say that neither will any other cruiseline.


Frankly, after the day I had prior to our Jamaica day, I was glad he chose not to if he felt it was dangerous. After the way the ship listed to try and make the turn--unsuccessfully I might add--it was just an unfortunate turn (pun not intended) of events.


If you spent "another grand" in the casinos and in drinking that is YOUR CHOICE. It wasn't Carnival staging this missed port so they could get more of your money. My husband and I went to the casino and spent our newly granted "OBC" from port charges and had a good time. When it was gone it was gone. We never spent that much money during the whole cruise and had a great time.



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