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New To Norwegian Please compare celebrity to Ncc

Joe & Kim

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Husband and I went on ONE celebrity cruise and never again. The food is way better on celebrity. But the rudeness of the passangers is what bothered us. Never a nod hello. If you held an elevator for a person they looked right through you like their **** didn't stink. The entertainment, spas are the same on either cruise line. I tried NCL a few years ago and we fell in love with it. We still dress up optional formal nights. I find NCL a much more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. One thing I do miss is having the same waiters every night.

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Husband and I went on ONE celebrity cruise and never again.

It's not fair to judge a cruise line on ONE time. Rude passengers are everywhere and are not indigenous to one cruise line.;)


We've encountered rude pax as well as delightful ones on various lines.:)

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DH & I have taken Celebrity four times and would have continued with them had they stayed in NYC. The pace is indeed a bit slower than NCL. I felt that the staff was more personable than that on NCL ( I've been on NCL 10+ cruises) Trash is trash no matter what ship you're on, can't blame the ship for the poor manners of the passengers. The food on Celebrity was better than NCL IMO. It's all what you and your parents are looking for. Our rooms on Celebrity were larger than NCL and the drawer space on Celebrity was much more than NCL. As far as the pools went, we were on one of the smaller ships and the pool was sized accordingly, never went to the spa so I can't help you there. As far as the gym, I stay away as far as possible:p. Have a wonderful time with your folks no matter what line you choose!

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I've sailed on both more than once and like both of them. To us it just boils down to one thing. Is Celebrity twice as good as NCL since their prices are generally twice as much? Not to us. But we're not picky eaters. The entertainment to us is about the same. We do like both the Freestyle and assigned seating but that depends on the waiter you get. We don't usually look to the cruiselines to make our cruises enjoyable so we don't feel the extra cost is worthwhile.

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Celebrity is my favorite line at this point. I just took my first NCL cruise last month. We really enjoyed it a lot, but the food is better on Celebrity, as well as the selections available. We got great service on NCL, but our other friends on the same cruise did not.


As far as cabins go, it depends on what you are looking at booking. We were in an inside cabin, so unless that's what you're looking at, I can't help you. It was a little cool for the pool for me, but the Spirit has a lovely pool area and plenty of hot tubs. I didn't visit the spa or gym.


I think it depends on the attitude you go into the cruise with. Because I'd done a lot of reading on here, I kind of knew what to expect, but I got even more than I expected, and I mean that in a good way. I would definitely cruise NCL again.

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I have never cruised Celebrity but have heard a lot of great things about them. However, I feel that NCL provides a great experience also. And as another poster said, the cost of Celebrity is WAY more then NCL.


If you love Celebrity and money is not an object in selecting a cruise, then stick with Celebrity. But, if you really want to try a different cruise line, and won't be comparing every little thing to X AND want to save a bundle of money, then give NCl a try. You may be very pleasantly surprised.



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And as another poster said, the cost of Celebrity is WAY more then NCL.



This has not been my experience at all. In fact, our cruises weren't much difference in cost. We've cruise in inside cabins on all five cruises, so I really am comparing apples to apples in that category.

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This has not been my experience at all. In fact, our cruises weren't much difference in cost. We've cruise in inside cabins on all five cruises, so I really am comparing apples to apples in that category.


I guess that I'm just comparing the prices that I can get on NCL, not just the published prices. Because of booking through CAS and past passenger perks, Celebrity prices are almost double of what I can book an NCL cruise for.


Besides the fact that I enjoy cruising NCL, those perks make it really hard for me to go anywhere else.



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I find NCL and Celebrity to be very different, each with their own pros and cons --- but I think it's important to find out what matters to your parents on a cruise. You don't say if your parents have been on a cruise before-- if they have, they may (or may not!) be tied into the traditional way of dining (still on Celebrity), where you sit at the same table at the same time all week and your waiters get to know your preferences. NCL, with its freestyle approach, is nothing like this. Some people love the more casual dress and dining schedule, but frankly some can't stand it. NCL can also be a little chaotic at times, with waits for a table in the main dining room (although this doesn't always happen.) Personally, my family loves the flexibility of freestyle on NCL and Anytime dining on Princess, but not everyone feels that way. Now is the time to talk to your parents and see which they prefer. We have sailed both lines and, with the right itinerary and price, wouldn't hesitate to sail either again.

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We found food on Galaxy to be no better than on NCL's ships, and, because there were NO specialty restaurants, you were limited to five or so entree choices every night. NCL offers about 50 choices on the newer Jewel-class ships, with a smorgasbord of restaurants to choose from.


It probably comes down to a matter of style. Celebrity is more formal and stiff (kind of like how LAURAMC found her fellow passengers;)), NCL more casual and easygoing. If you want the same wait staff, the same table, the same tablemates (like 'em or not), and the same dining time every night, go with Celebrity. If you want flexibility in dining times, making your own choice of dinner venue and dinner companions, and the ability to decide for yourself what to wear to dinner, try NCL.

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I was booked on NCL Sun for Alaska last Labor Day. Celebrity (X) had a sale for the exact same price on the same date, so I canceled NCL and took X since that was our favorite line (also went to Sitka where I'd not been). Celebrity's cabins have lots more storage for inside rooms, both drawers and hanging space. The inside, outside and balcony cabins are all 172 sq ft (except concierge class which is 192) where as NCL's will be mostly 145 for insides and outsides, and the size difference is mainly in the storage area!


Since you have to fly, you might consider the clothing problem and the weight (although both lines do have laundry service but no self serve laundromat). Since you do not have to have formal wear on NCL, you might squeeze your clothing into one 50# suitcase each. But then again, I've learned how to do formal night on Celebrity with not much weight, too. On both lines I'd guess that 99% of the people who go to the main dining room have changed from their daytime clothing. Very few scruffy people in the dining rooms.


Could price influence your decision? Just remember that NCL charges more for bingo, alcohol drinks, and many restaurants are surcharge.


What about itinerary? If you've chosen New Orleans as your departure port, then Celebrity doesn't sail from there.


On X you may request a table just for yourselves, and MAYBE get it, but on NL you know you can get seating just for your family (even if you have to wait a minute).


There will be passengers of all ages on both lines, but perhaps more younger people (younger than your parents) on NCL. But age isn't a real determinate, is it?


NCL has more loud music playing where as you'd only find that at the pool or in a nightclub on Celebrity. I mean that there is loud music playing in theh public areas that are not bars on NCL. Celebrity has classical music in the dining room (live or canned) and live in the Cova Cafe. Sometimes it's a harp, sometimes a string quartet. The closest NCL came to classical was one pianist I happened to catch a minute of last week on Dawn.


There are going to be chair hogs, nice people, rude people, etc. on both lines unless you are very lucky (I was lucky on Dawn. No rude people).


I believe there are more lectures about the culture or nature of where you are going on X, but that may vary by itinerary. There was NONE on Dawn to E. Caribbean or Bermuda. Yes, they give a nice insert in the Freestyle Daily with history and other information about each island.


If your parents are laid back and go with the flow they'll no doubt be happy on NCL. If they really appreciate being called by name, and if they like to get to know their waiter and learn about his country, his family, etc. they might like Celebrity.


Before last week I'd have thought the clear choice for you would be Celebrity. But after a wonderful week on Dawn, I could go either way, now. Food is slightly better on Celebrity, service is more personalized, I think, because they know you since they see you daily, but certainly I, a foodie, really enjoyed NCL's choices, preparation etc. of their food. We chose NCL because DH hates to dress up and is miserable on X. He's a happy camper, and dresses neatly and cleanly in khakis and polo shirt on NCL and feels comfortable even if people around him are dressed up. For him, he IS dressed up. ha


Whichever you choose, enjoy yourselves.

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I guess that I'm just comparing the prices that I can get on NCL, not just the published prices. Because of booking through CAS and past passenger perks, Celebrity prices are almost double of what I can book an NCL cruise for.



I never look at published pricing, since we never pay that.

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Celebrity is my favorite cruise line, and I have cruised Carnival, Princess, NCL, and others. There is a lot of difference in the ship you choose. I've been on one of Celebrity's ships four times and you couldn't pay me to go again. I was bored to tears. However, a couple of the others were wonderful. Bottom line, the passengers on Celebrity tend to be older, the activities more sedate, there's a more formal atmosphere, the food is better, the service is better, and the price is about the same. I am currently booked with NCL for a cruise, because of the ports visited. Truth be told, if Celebrity offered the same ports, at the same time, even if the price were a little more, I'd switch. Just my opinion.

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Both lines will have professionals doing the massages, acupuncture, teeth whitening, weight loss seminars, physical fitness classes, and probably both have up to date equipment for working out. It would depend on the size of the facility, or the size of the ship. I'd suggest reading reviews of the particular ship to find out more.


For instance, I need an abductor/adductor machine for a hip problem and Celebrity Mercury did not have one. They said that was not a part of the body that they addressed!! Weird? There was not one on Dawn, either, but the fitness expert showed me a machine that might help. I liked that attitude of finding a substitute.


I used the acupuncturist on both of the aforementioned ships. English was the native language of doctor Allison on Mercury, who trained In China, and her work was very specific and effective. Although I got some deeper perception of acupuncture from Brazilian born and trained Antonio on Dawn, he did not address ALL my pain concerns, and focused on selling me Chinese herbs. NCL will always focus on sales, in any department, I think. ha


When I first set foot on an NCL ship, Majesty, last April, the atmosphere at the pool was one of joyous spontaneity which was kind of nice. They tried to get this old girl in a bunny hop kind of conga line! I was laughing, but declined. I can't imagine a conga line on Celebrity! NCL always has a BBQ outdoors, weather permitting, which is nice, and is a way to meet people. I found it MUCH easier to meet people and make friends on NCL. (of course I made some friends on X but they were people I was thrown together with because of a common excursion, or table mates or cruise critics. On NCL there was no limit to the openness of the passengers for meeting new people. I liked that, too.


Both lines have poolside trivia games, although most of the trivia contests were moved indoors on Dawn since it was chilly some days.


Celebrity and at least Dawn both have salt water pools, if that is important to you. Again, you have to read reviews to get particulars about each line and each ship.


Some ships, modern ones, like Gem and Pearl have outdoor heated pools. Dawn did not. Celebrity did not. But their Millenium class ships (Summit, Constellation, Infinity and Millenium) all have an indoor thalossotherapy pool which is free and adult only. You would have to buy a spa pass on Norwegian in order to get that benefit. I bought one once on Mercury and loved it. Very strong jets for aching muscles in Alaska!


Both lines have a no bathing suit only policy for restaurants, but I did see barefoot people who'd come directly from the pool on NCL.


The two NCL ships I've experienced mostly had the sunbathing area on a deck higher than the pool, reserving the deck and tables for eaters or drinkers, with few loungers, or none (Majesty). Celebrity has the upper deck, too, but there are many loungers instead of tables and chairs, although there are also some tables and chairs. The difference, you see, is that Celebrity has plenty of seating space for their buffet, and the shaded part near the pool on NCL has tables and chairs, but on X has also loungers.


All ships have hot tubs and the temperature in them may vary.


Both ships will have quiet rooms like a library, maybe a chapel (there was one on Dawn), card rooms, meeting rooms, a theater for movies etc. but they may be tucked out of the way and you will not see them unless you go exploring in depth. There's shuffleboard, ping pong etc. Some ships have basketball courts, dart boards etc. Something for everyone. And for those who want no activity, you can always curl up with a book in a comfy nook or half read and half listen to music on a lounger.


Both ships have a promenade deck which is wide and available for walking or lounging, although I saw very few loungers out on Celebrity. Later I spotted a stack of them, so it may just have been because of chilly weather that they were not set up. Who knows. The promenade will not have a roving waiter for bar service ordinarily. Bars will be nearby through the doors to the interior, and if you have a healthy thirst you might ask your server to check on you later.


Both lines have a soda card you can buy (it's a sticker which will attach to your sea pass/room card enabling you to have unlimited soft drinks. I think it is about $6-7 a day. You may also carry on cartons of soft drinks.


One difference we haven't discussed is the policy about bringing liquor or wine on board. Celebrity allows two bottles per stateroom (this was new to me on Mercury since it was not in effect for my earlier X cruises). NCL and Celebrity charge a $15 (or more) corking fee for wine brought on (w/X in excess of your 2 bottles. W/NCL all bottles).


All cruise lines have a policy of not allowing hard alcohol & beer to be brought on, but NCL is the only one I've heard of that consistently enforces it by holding any xrayed luggage that is suspected of containing any. This, to me, totally inconveniences the passenger to have to go to the "naughty" room especially if there is NOT a contraband substance in the suitcases. Some lines sort of turn their heads and do not confiscate consistently. When I say confiscate, it is not taken from you per se. You will get it back on the last night (again, YOU have to go pick it up).


I hope I've been able to describe the two lines to your satisfaction to enable you to decide, or if not decide, to do more research into specific ships you may be looking at.

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I found the food to be significantly better on Celebrity. It was a long time ago (2002) so maybe things have gone downhill. Since then we have done Carnival and NCL. I like Freestyle so much that I am willing to eat lesser quality food. I read the Celebrity is not far behind with a some sort of Freestyle dining. If food is very important to you or your parents you might be disappointed.

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Your comparison posts have been the best I've seen. Very balanced, objective and informative. Kudos to you!


BTW, I've been in a Conga line on Celebrity.:D


Well kiss my grits! I must have been in the wrong place! ha



I was recently on Celebrity (Labor Day). Our waiter sort of apologized for one of the dinner offerings saying it was a cost cutting measure they were testing. I'd tried the same dish (skirt steak) on NCL Majesty in April where it was so tough I couldn't chew it. Kept biting the side of my mouth. I gave up. Celebrity's was much better. Had he not told me about the cost cutting thing I'd never have known. I did not think the food had gone downhill over the years but some think the smaller portions are a problem.


On an X cruise I gain at least 5 lbs. and on NCL only 2, if that tells you anything.


I had NOT heard that X was going to try a form of Freestyle. Where did you learn this? Thanks

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