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Chair Saving Poll


How long is a reasonable amount of time to "save" a deck chair?  

448 members have voted

  1. 1. How long is a reasonable amount of time to "save" a deck chair?

    • Up to 15 minutes
    • Up to 30 minutes
    • Up to 1 hour
    • Up to 2 hours
    • Up to 4 hours
    • Over 4 hours

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Ah but there are many many here that would disagree with you. The chaises do not belong to you, they belong to everyone. IMO if you don't want someone to take your chaise, sit in it.

And I care less if there are many that disagree with me. It is my opinion. And when did I say they belonged to me? I also have seen the empty chairs but it is not my place to steal someone elses chaise while they are off doing something while there chaise is unoccupied.

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Ok, then how long does you butt have to be in the chair after the "30 min. limit" before you can get up and take another dip? Is there a limit there, too?


If you are actively USING the chair, even if you're spending time in the pool, or standing 3 chairs down talking to someone....that is NOT chair-hogging!


Chair-hogging is saving chairs for potential later use.


Some of you scare me--will you take my things while I'm legitimately using my chair?


Totally agree with this post!

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With all due respect, I consider leaving for a bite to eat a valid reason to release your chair.


Running back to your cabin to get a book you forgot will take less than 15 minutes. Taking a dip and going back to the chair is also acceptible. So is going to the bar for a drink to bring back to your chair.


But running to the WindJammer, especially if you plan to sit down and eat in the WJ, is reason enough to release your chair. I do...


I agree.

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Ok, this might raise some He-double hockey sticks, but at the country club I used to work at, you are only considered using a chair if you are in it! That means if you get up, your seat becomes available! As a staff member, we used to watch chairs. If someone go up to use the bathroom or swim in the pool, they would ask us to watch their seat. If they went to the lounge, got a drink, went to the cafe, they lost their seat.


So, why is it okay to consider a seat taken if someone leaves to get food or a drink on a cruise ship?

I understand swimming and leaving your stuff on the chair! You are still on the pool deck. I can understanding getting up and going to the bathroom. However, I find it obnoxious that people think they can go get lunch or go hang out somewhere else on the ship for a while and come back and still get their seat. In my opinion, you CHOSE to begin a new activity, and therefore you have lost your seat.


Now, there is a big difference if you forgot your book, and you kindly ask someone nearby to alert other people that you will be back in 10 minutes with your lost item to reclaim your seat.


I'm completely fine with this EXCEPT for grabbing a drink. If paux don't want the salesman constantly asking you, then you need to have some recourse for when thirst comes a'calling.


I see no problem walking up to the bar on the pool deck, ordering a drink and bringing it back to your seat.

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Ah but there are many many here that would disagree with you. The chaises do not belong to you, they belong to everyone. IMO if you don't want someone to take your chaise, sit in it.

Absolutely. I can't believe there are people that think its OK to hog a chair for an hour and not actually use it. If you wanna go for lunch or splash in the pool for an hour find a new chair when you get out/come back. There are plenty of days when I would use a chair for an hour or less. I could be there, use it to catch a few rays and be gone in the time it takes you to eat lunch, go to your cabin for a bit, take a stroll, and then come back. Jeesh.

I voted a half hour, but I think even that is bordering on too long. If everyone just took their crap with them when they are not going to be sitting, there would always be lots of chairs available when you came back. :)

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I think an hour is reasonable. You should be able to go to the Windjammer and eat lunch without having to bring your food out just to keep your seat. After all, you probably had to be out at the crack of dawn to even get a seat!


So should I be able to go to the FlowRider and show off some moves, then reclaim my seat if I do it under an hour?


After all, an hour is an hour. Maybe I can go shopping if I can be back in an hour. Or maybe go play bingo.


The point is, going to get something to eat in the WJ, especially if you're going to eat in the WJ, is different than a pool activity. You are reserving your seat when you do so.


Perhaps we all need to re-evaluate ourselves or redefine the term "chair hogs". It's pretty easy to see the fault in others and completely miss it in ourselves.

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Absolutely. I can't believe there are people that think its OK to hog a chair for an hour and not actually use it. If you wanna go for lunch or splash in the pool for an hour find a new chair when you get out/come back. There are plenty of days when I would use a chair for an hour or less. I could be there, use it to catch a few rays and be gone in the time it takes you to eat lunch, go to your cabin for a bit, take a stroll, and then come back. Jeesh.

I voted a half hour, but I think even that is bordering on too long. If everyone just took their crap with them when they are not going to be sitting, there would always be lots of chairs available when you came back. :)


I completely agree! Maybe there should be an ENFORCED rule of not leaving ANYTHING on the seats when you leave (exceptions: bathroom, dip in pool, grabbing a drink from the CLOSEST bar, forgetting something cabin). It would clear up SO much deck space if people would just do this. Then very few people would EVER have a problem finding a chair.

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I'm completely fine with this EXCEPT for grabbing a drink. If paux don't want the salesman constantly asking you, then you need to have some recourse for when thirst comes a'calling.


I see no problem walking up to the bar on the pool deck, ordering a drink and bringing it back to your seat.


I agree with this. I don't have a problem with people grabbing a drink and bringing it back to their chair. I DO have a problem with people who get up, walk to their favorite bar, sit and chat with the bartender for a half hour then try to return to their same chairs.

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And I care less if there are many that disagree with me. It is my opinion. And when did I say they belonged to me? I also have seen the empty chairs but it is not my place to steal someone elses chaise while they are off doing something while there chaise is unoccupied.



I didn't intend to create an argument, just to point out that you said it was rude for someone to take your recliner. That meant, to me that you took ownership of a chaise whether you were actively using it or not.


I don't recall anyone mentioning taking chaises when there were unoccupied available.


FWIW, I think an abandoned chair is fair game after 30 minutes.

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I understand there is a lack of recliners by the pools but that is no reason that you have to take someone elses. This is just plain rude to take someone elses. They are there first and if you really wanted that seat you would have been there earlier.

So if anyone is rude it is the people taking recliners from others.


Be there earlier, huh? So since I'm up at 3 in the morning partying, I guess it's ok for me to drop a towel there and then go to bed, right? After all, I'm there earlier than you!


The point is you just can't drop your stuff off and disappear for two hours and then use an excuse of "I was here first". I'm liable to retort "yeah, but I'm here now!"


Be very careful with this one. ;)

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I really think 30 minutes is plenty.


However, I voted for 1 hour...which is plenty of time to grab a bite to eat, return to the cabin or whatever.


Personally, I have no problem removing items after 30 minutes.....and giving them to the deck attendant.


On Carnival, they have signs posted all over the pool areas that after 40 minutes, items will be removed.....that's reasonable.

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I didn't intend to create an argument, just to point out that you said it was rude for someone to take your recliner. That meant, to me that you took ownership of a chaise whether you were actively using it or not.


I don't recall anyone mentioning taking chaises when there were unoccupied available.


FWIW, I think an abandoned chair is fair game after 30 minutes.


My recliner,? reread the post. This is just plain rude to take someone elses

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Be there earlier, huh? So since I'm up at 3 in the morning partying, I guess it's ok for me to drop a towel there and then go to bed, right? After all, I'm there earlier than you!


The point is you just can't drop your stuff off and disappear for two hours and then use an excuse of "I was here first". I'm liable to retort "yeah, but I'm here now!"


Be very careful with this one. ;)


are you putting timers on all of the abandoned chaises? Do you know that that one is under 30 and this one is over 45 minutes.

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If everyone were to vacate their chairs when going to lunch we would not have ANY problem locating a chair IMHO. If I see that somone's chair has been empty for some time I call an attendant and tell them. I also ask people who sit nearby if they know who this chair is "reserved" for. Many times people do not even know and say it has been "reserved "for a long time. The attendant then removes the items and I sit down.


People have come back (sometimes 1 hr or more later) and got all huffy..I just point them to one of the ships attendants and there they are told that they can not reserve these chairs so long.

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If everyone were to vacate their chairs when going to lunch we would not have ANY problem locating a chair IMHO. If I see that somone's chair has been empty for some time I call an attendant and tell them. I also ask people who sit nearby if they know who this chair is "reserved" for. Many times people do not even know and say it has been "reserved "for a long time. The attendant then removes the items and I sit down.


People have come back (sometimes 1 hr or more later) and got all huffy..I just point them to one of the ships attendants and there they are told that they can not reserve these chairs so long.


This is my plan next week!

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Perhaps we all need to re-evaluate ourselves or redefine the term "chair hogs". It's pretty easy to see the fault in others and completely miss it in ourselves.

Indeed. I find my answer to the poll question is different if I think about it from the perspective of the person looking for a chair vs when I am the person who got up from the chair with intention to return later.


I think a large chunk of the issue arises when folks save chairs because they're so hard to find, because they're all reserved by folks who save chairs, triggering a vicious spiral of getting up earlier and earlier and saving them longer and longer. If just the most obvious cases (say over 1 hour) could be eliminated it might make a large difference. i.e. I don't need to save a chair because I know I can get one reasonably quickly when I need it.

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If everyone were to vacate their chairs when going to lunch we would not have ANY problem locating a chair IMHO. If I see that somone's chair has been empty for some time I call an attendant and tell them. I also ask people who sit nearby if they know who this chair is "reserved" for. Many times people do not even know and say it has been "reserved "for a long time. The attendant then removes the items and I sit down.


People have come back (sometimes 1 hr or more later) and got all huffy..I just point them to one of the ships attendants and there they are told that they can not reserve these chairs so long.


That is the right way to go about it, by asking the people in the area and talking to the attendants but to just remove there articles not knowing if they are coming back is still my opionion rude.

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are you putting timers on all of the abandoned chaises? Do you know that that one is under 30 and this one is over 45 minutes.

No, no need to do that. If there is nothing but a towel on it you toss the towel and sit down. If there is other junk on it you just ask one of the pool people to move. Easy.:D

If you want a chair, park your butt in it, or make sure someone you know is sitting beside you and can let everyone know you'll be right back. Too many times you see 10 or 12 in a row with nothing but towels on them. Those are fair game.

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No, no need to do that. If there is nothing but a towel on it you toss the towel and sit down. If there is other junk on it you just ask one of the pool people to move. Easy.:D

If you want a chair, park your butt in it, or make sure someone you know is sitting beside you and can let everyone know you'll be right back. Too many times you see 10 or 12 in a row with nothing but towels on them. Those are fair game.


Agreed! And what a waste of water and energy to have to wash all those towels that just get tossed!

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If the cruiselines are monitoring this thread maybe just maybe they might consider nickeling and diming us to pay to "rent" for a chair :o) That certainly would eliminate people "reserving" their chairs! Come on folks..it does not take much to be kind and considerate to your fellow cruisers. You simply should not "reserve" a chair until you actually are going to sit there and/or put your stuff there and swim or go to the bar to get a drink. Just does normal things you do when you hang around the pool or sunbathe.


I do not throw my towel on a chair and then got to breakfast or lunch (dining room or buffet) but will leave my towel there when I go get something and come back with the plate and that takes not much time..

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That is the right way to go about it, by asking the people in the area and talking to the attendants but to just remove there articles not knowing if they are coming back is still my opionion rude.





It is even more rude for people to leave their stuff in the chairs for long periods of time without using them. Period.


The problem is with the people who try to hold onto the chairs for later use, not the people who remove the stuff.


I wouldn't hesitate to remove stuff if it is clearly abandoned for more than an hour. And it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone wants to confront me with it because they would the ones who were in the wrong. I'll just make sure that the RCL staff knew of the problem before I did anything.


I am on vacation, and no chair hog is going to ruin it for me.

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My recliner,? reread the post. This is just plain rude to take someone elses


For someone who could care less about others opinions, you are sounding rather selfless now. Who would have thought you were speaking about everyone else but you.:rolleyes:


People that get up early to score seats that they do not occupy and feel justified doing so are selfish and you shouldn't waste your time defending them.

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For someone who could care less about others opinions, you are sounding rather selfless now. Who would have thought you were speaking about everyone else but you.:rolleyes:


People that get up early to score seats that they do not occupy and feel justified doing so are selfish and you shouldn't waste your time defending them.


I agree.

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For someone who could care less about others opinions, you are sounding rather selfless now. Who would have thought you were speaking about everyone else but you.:rolleyes:


People that get up early to score seats that they do not occupy and feel justified doing so are selfish and you shouldn't waste your time defending them.

I guess that is just my nature. :p

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It's what the guest notices that's important.




You could have great looking dining chairs, but if one leg was out of level, that's what you remember.


Everything in your cabin bathroom could be perfect, but if the mirror wasn't hung level, that's what you'd remember.


Your meal could be the best you've ever had, but if the waiter was slow or forgot to bring you things, you'd remember that.


The pool area could be beautifully designed, but if you want a chair and can't get one, that's what you remember.


just sayin'

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