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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I am so glad a week end is in sight.:)

I'm so tired today, it has been a busy week and with a full moon out it gets quite harry with some of our patients.:eek:


Well I did get my hair cut and highlighted it felt good to do something for myself.

I went to grocery store afterwards and bought my spaghetti squash and my egg plant so I can do some major cooking tomorrow.

I also bought a lean beef roast to make a low cal. beef stew.

I have found if I have the meals planned and made up it is easier to stick to eating healthy instead of coming home after a hard day(like today) and just settling for something fast and easy.


BTW.....Matt and missou I did get in another 112 stairs today for a total of 224 stairs.



Congrats on the 112 stairs - that's about 90 stairs more than I did today! I'm coming down with a cold so I'm just going to lay around and hopefully, sleep this thing off before it gets really annoying.


EDIT: I didn't read your stair count correctly - WOW!!! That is about ... a LOT more than I did today.... I'm not quick with the math.



I agree with you that if you plan your meals out ahead of time and shop for them it makes healthy meal choices so much easier. You'll have to tell us how your spaghetti squash and eggplant dish turns out.


I'm still learning and I know there are still some changes that I need to make in my diet to optimize my health. I've found that it's one thing to lose weight and yet another to eat healthy to be healthy on the inside. (Yes, I could lose weight by eating Cinnabon and cookies if I only had those, in moderation, only on Tuesdays, with a treadmill workout!!! But....it's another thing entirely to really crave fresh, healthy food choices.)


I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and if I'm not logged on before Sunday (not likely but you never know) for the mother's out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!


Take care,


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Congradulations Vickey and Brenda, using the stairs is such a good habit to have.


I wanted to come on this tread a little while back but I didn't... I still hadn't done my stair routine and I felt ashame. Sooo... I did my stairs and now, I am proud of myself. Thanks guys for kicking my bu... ;)


I sold my first cruise today!!! I am very proud of myself!!! I worked on this sell for more than a week, advising the clients and proposing them different cruises. They are first time cruisers and they were not sure of what they wanted exactly. Now, I have to wait until November to get my commission :eek: :D


Next Monday at 3am, my husband is leaving me :mad:

He is going in St-Marteen for 8 days all by himself :(

I must admit that I was in Barbados for 2 weeks all by myself last August :cool:


Take care of yourselves and hit those stairs!!!

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I just had my last massage until May 20th since DH is leaving for St-Marteen on Monday. I will have to make sure to strech a lot and put on some ice if necessary. Since DH wants me to take it easy after I receive a massage, today will be a lazy one... No exercise for me until tomorrow



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Congradulations Vickey and Brenda, using the stairs is such a good habit to have.


I wanted to come on this tread a little while back but I didn't... I still hadn't done my stair routine and I felt ashame. Sooo... I did my stairs and now, I am proud of myself. Thanks guys for kicking my bu... ;)


I sold my first cruise today!!! I am very proud of myself!!! I worked on this sell for more than a week, advising the clients and proposing them different cruises. They are first time cruisers and they were not sure of what they wanted exactly. Now, I have to wait until November to get my commission



Congrats...on your first cruise sale. I am sure they will be pleased with their cruise and how much of a help you were to make it very special for them. Think of it as money in the bank.


Next Monday at 3am, my husband is leaving me :mad: Bummer.

He is going in St-Marteen for 8 days all by himself :( Double Bummer.

I must admit that I was in Barbados for 2 weeks all by myself last August :cool: Hey you had me feeling sorry for you, but now this is another story.


Take care of yourselves and hit those stairs!!!


To whom it may concern.....



THANKS. You too.

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Here's hoping everyone's Saturday is going as good as mine.:)


We have a beautiful sunny day here in Ohio with just enough breeze to open the windows and let the fresh in in.

I actually slept in this morning which is something I haven't done in forever.

I am getting ready to go up my stairs(yes Matt & missou I will count them) and clean out the computor/office/DH junk room which involves taking everything out of the overstuffed closet and sort through and throw away/or put in garage sale want I decide DH doesn't need any more. :D ****Matt just so you know this is how it is done after you are married.:D


Then I am going into my chef mode and cook my meals for the week and freezer.

Here' is what I have planned:

eggplant parm.

spaghetti sauce to add on my spaghetti squash

Veggie only veggie soup

boil my eggs for the week.

turkey meatloafs(made in muffin tins)

Baked up some potatoes

sugar free indivual jello cups

carrot slaw


That's enough for now I will probably throw together a few more dishes...like I said before it does help me o cook the meals before hand.

I bought the freezer dishes that are divided into 3 sections and they make it easy to freeze and take out when needed or to travel with me in the morning for lunch that day.


I am also going to set up our treadmill and precor bike today in our spare bedroom so I can do my exercises in the evening and week ends...the Y is good for the mroning routines but I want to have the option of doing them in the evenings.

So much ambition and motivation going on in this little mind of mine:cool:


Well now that I have bored everyone this fine-beautiful-sunny-breezy day I had better get my BUTT up and get all this done.:eek:

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Hey you had me feeling sorry for you, but now this is another story.


I can have a great deal on a 4 nights cruise leaving from Miami on June 8th, but DH can't make it. I will have to watch the deal go by :eek::( I could also go by myself... Hmmmmm... Food for thoughts...

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I can have a great deal on a 4 nights cruise leaving from Miami on June 8th, but DH can't make it. I will have to watch the deal go by :eek::( I could also go by myself... Hmmmmm... Food for thoughts...



GO for it.:)

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I just finished the first half of my to-do list.

For dinner I made pepper steak

4 ounces of home made turkey sausage,red/green/yellow peppers and onions cooked with 1 TBS of coconut oil.

You can eat this over rice or in a wrap, I ate it alone.:)


Got the treadmill and pre-core bike out and dusted:D so will start my nightime routine tomorrow. Found my workout ball stuffed in the back of the closet. Guess I wll have to try using it also.


I'll touch base with everyone Monday since my boys have plans for me tomorrow for Mother's Day. Hope everyone has a nice day and I expect to see lots of LOSERS on here Monday.



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Vickey: Your menu for the week is making my mouth water! :D I may "borrow" some of your ideas.


I'm making a brunch tomorrow for my mom and family (who says that all moms take it easy on Mother's day??) Since I wanted to treat her with some of her favorites, there are some things that may not be so healthy but I tried to get some low cal versions of the dishes to balance things out.



On the menu (notice the spinach theme?):

  • Spinach and ham quiche (low fat cheese and egg beaters)
  • Spinach and strawberry salad (low fat raspberry vinegrette dressing)
  • roasted red potatoes
  • Spinach/feta tarts (spinach, garlic, nuts, and feta in a puff pastry.) I may ditch this one since it is too over the top calorie-wise and I'm not sure how to make it figure friendly.
  • Dessert is a baked apple crisp that I can make with splenda. (splenda, cinnamon, old-fashioned oats, yes, some butter, and granny smith apples.)

I was on the treadmill for a long time today just as penance for what I will eat tomorrow. :p I promise that after tomorrow, I will be good.


Take care everyone,


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GO for it.:)


Going on the cruise is a lot of expense for me. If I go alone, I have to pay double the rate on top of the plane... I also have to think about my trip in France. The sale is on Tuesday, I still have time to think about it.

I just looked at the price for the flight and it would be very interesting... I just need a bunk mate now.

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Going on the cruise is a lot of expense for me. If I go alone, I have to pay double the rate on top of the plane... I also have to think about my trip in France. The sale is on Tuesday, I still have time to think about it.

I just looked at the price for the flight and it would be very interesting... I just need a bunk mate now.



I got an idea.


Since you'd have to pay double anyway why not take me:D

I still have a companion fly free ticket left so you buy your plane ticket I get my FREE.:D

If you take me I promise to do all the stairs on the ship and I give great massages.:)

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Vickey: Your menu for the week is making my mouth water! :D I may "borrow" some of your ideas.


I'm making a brunch tomorrow for my mom and family (who says that all moms take it easy on Mother's day??) Since I wanted to treat her with some of her favorites, there are some things that may not be so healthy but I tried to get some low cal versions of the dishes to balance things out.



On the menu (notice the spinach theme?):

  • Spinach and ham quiche (low fat cheese and egg beaters)
  • Spinach and strawberry salad (low fat raspberry vinegrette dressing)
  • roasted red potatoes
  • Spinach/feta tarts (spinach, garlic, nuts, and feta in a puff pastry.) I may ditch this one since it is too over the top calorie-wise and I'm not sure how to make it figure friendly.
  • Dessert is a baked apple crisp that I can make with splenda. (splenda, cinnamon, old-fashioned oats, yes, some butter, and granny smith apples.)

I was on the treadmill for a long time today just as penance for what I will eat tomorrow. :p I promise that after tomorrow, I will be good.


Take care everyone,




I love to cook and especially love trying to make recipes healthy it was just in the past not taking the time to cook and eat healthy. Now I am making the time.

Your meal sounds delicious your mother is very lucky.

And it really doesn't sound that unhealthy go ahead and make the spinach tarts just don't eat alot just enough to satisfy. Either way ENJOY and have a wonderful Mother's Day.

My sons are planning on grilling out my dinner and my oldest wants me to go to the Dayton Flyers game:rolleyes:

I just want to stay home and clean out another closet or room...trying to get everything sorted out and getting rid of alot of junk to sell at my garage sale which will make me ship board money or hopefully new clothes money. Hoping to loose enough to have to buy some.;)



It is 2:42 am here in Ohio and I am the only one awake ...I can't sleep tonight. I hate nioght like this.:mad:

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I got an idea.


Since you'd have to pay double anyway why not take me:D

I still have a companion fly free ticket left so you buy your plane ticket I get my FREE.:D

If you take me I promise to do all the stairs on the ship and I give great massages.:)



I haven't bought anything yet.....

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Happy Mother's day to all the mothers in our group.


I have to say that I have been worn down all weekend so far. But today I wake up and feel fine. Did go play basketball yesterday and had a nice walk.


Going today to brunch with my future mother in law and then later today we are going back to look at a house we looked at on Friday. Might be making an offer on it.


Not much time to do a workout today, but have already gone up and down stairs in my house 4 times (12 stairs, so 48 total). Well, just wanted to pop in so people didn't think I left again. Have a good day and see all tomorrow

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My belly is acting up again today :( Made me remember that I am seeing a specialist on June 3rd and I know he will want be to have a test quickly. Better not book a cruise for now in case the test has to be done on the next week :(:(:(

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My belly is acting up again today :( Made me remember that I am seeing a specialist on June 3rd and I know he will want be to have a test quickly. Better not book a cruise for now in case the test has to be done on the next week :(:(:(




Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope the doctorfinds whats wrong and makes it better.

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My mother's Day was wonderful.:)

I did over eat a little but hoping it won't effect my weigh in tomorrow.:mad:

I have a fridge full of meals so I should have no excuses for not eating healthy and as for the exercising again I should have no excuses I go to the Y in the mornings and now I have my treadmill, pre-core bike and exercise ball and weights set up at home to do in the evenings. And of course my stairs at work.:rolleyes:

I am going to go shopping tomorrow and try to find a kettle bell to work out with it is suppose to help with fibro. and it might help my DH with his back.

Also heading to the International Market to get a few things that you can't get locally it's a place called Jungle Jim's and it is an awesome place to shop.


By for now but will be back tomorrow when all the losers will be on here.:D

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we had a great week!



sw 306

tw 232

cw 220



sw 250

tw 205

cs 185


ive past the leader in weight lost on our work biggest loser competition. but he still has me in percentage. 25% to 24.8%. I worked really hard this past week to catch up. im confident i have this game won. i really think that nikki will come in second. im really proud how hard she is going at this.

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Congradulations Quad and Nikki, your work is inspirering. I really hope you get to be the biggest loosers at work!!! applause05.gif


Happy shopping Vickey and thanks for your good thoughts.


THE SCALE HAS DECIDED TO MOVE THIS MORNING!!!!!!! I didn't really care weither it was going up or down, I just wanted it to move. Well, it went down a little 0.4 lbs. It is not much but it MOVED!!! Finally!! So my weight for today is 162.6 app001.gif


My husband left me at 3:30 last night. He is presently in JFK and waiting for his flight to go to St-Marteen in terminal 5 The plane will leave at 9:59 and should arrive in the sun at 2:11pm. Currently, it is 80F in St-Marteen and 46F here in Montreal :(:(:( Have a safe flight my love.


Take really good care of yourselves everyone

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Good morning all. I am at 198 today, so that is a loss this week (.6). Leaving tomorrow at 630 to go to the airport and then to Atlanta. Should be there around 130pm, so lunch and then to the hotel to find the gym and the pool. Work out, swim, then workout some more and maybe a relaxing game of billards after that.

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we had a great week!



sw 306

tw 232

cw 220



sw 250

tw 205

cs 185


ive past the leader in weight lost on our work biggest loser competition. but he still has me in percentage. 25% to 24.8%. I worked really hard this past week to catch up. im confident i have this game won. i really think that nikki will come in second. im really proud how hard she is going at this.



Congrats to you both.:)

You both are Biggest Loser winners to me.You have came a long way and thanks for sharing your journey with us it encourages tose of us that need it.

Congradulations Quad and Nikki, your work is inspirering. I really hope you get to be the biggest loosers at work!!! applause05.gif


Happy shopping Vickey and thanks for your good thoughts.


THE SCALE HAS DECIDED TO MOVE THIS MORNING!!!!!!! I didn't really care weither it was going up or down, I just wanted it to move. Well, it went down a little 0.4 lbs. It is not much but it MOVED!!! Finally!! So my weight for today is 162.6 app001.gif


My husband left me at 3:30 last night. He is presently in JFK and waiting for his flight to go to St-Marteen in terminal 5 The plane will leave at 9:59 and should arrive in the sun at 2:11pm. Currently, it is 80F in St-Marteen and 46F here in Montreal :(:(:( Have a safe flight my love.


Take really good care of yourselves everyone


I am so glad that **DANG** scale moved. Which you could be in the sun with your DH.

Good morning all. I am at 198 today, so that is a loss this week (.6). Leaving tomorrow at 630 to go to the airport and then to Atlanta. Should be there around 130pm, so lunch and then to the hotel to find the gym and the pool. Work out, swim, then workout some more and maybe a relaxing game of billards after that.


Have a safe trip and don't forget to find some STAIRS.

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I have about 10 minutes before my next patient and thought I'd check in to see how all you LOSERS are doing this beautiful sunny day.


I love today ----I love my scales----and I love all of you for keeping me motivated and giving me the encouragement to stay with this lifestyle.



Drum roll please.........my weight for today was ........222 lbs:):)

I am now wearing a size 18 comfortably instead of a size 20 tight.

My goal is to loose 10 lbs before we leave for Las Vegas on the 28th of this month and hopefully down one more size.:)



Hey stair police Matt & missou I have done my morning steps......56 so far.


Today when I get off work I have plans to go to Jungle Jims International Market...for those that don't know about it , it's a terrific place to get anything.


Well gotta run and get back to work but will post all weight results when everyone has them in.:D

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