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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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My belly is bothering me again. It always does during my red week. I told the OBGYN about it. I guess there is so kind of connection. I just hope they can find out what is causing it because I would really like it to LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! :mad:


There is some rain so I will go to the bank in my car and I will go on the treadmill and hope the belly pain does not act up...

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Rene: It took awhile of me working my butt off before I noticed the pounds coming off. It was so frustrating to be so good and yet not see results. Hang in there, they will come!


Matt: Sorry about your in-laws flooding. How frustrating. Glad everyone is safe and well.


Dominique: I hope your belly feels better.... and hooray for losing the 6!!


I suppose I shouldn't share that our weather has been sunny, warm, and in the mid 70's and expecting no changes through the next week or two.


I'm officially on vacation!!! :D:D


I'm going camping (well, really RVing) this weekend and then again next weekend. In between, I'm just relaxing, spending time with my daughter who is now on summer break, and trying to get some chores done around the house. I will have no excuses to not spend at least an hour a day on the treadmill. My leg muscle is much better so I'm almost back up to the endurance and intensity level I was at before this silly thing started to bother me.


I hope all is well with my fellow losers.



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Just got home and read all the posts,


Rene....sometimes the scales don't move for me but I can tell I am losing as my pants, undies and bra are all too big, my tops are hanging off my shoulders. So don't get frustrated if the scales don't show the results.

Before long you will not only meet your cruise weight but exceed your goal weight.


Matt....sorry to hear about the in-laws flooding. We have tornado warnings all the time here in Ohio and we are expecting some nast weather tonight. It has been raining on and off today.

Tomorrow we have big plans to clean out the garage and get ready for a garage sale(this is where my cruise mad money is coming from) but it is suppose to rain tomorrow.

I hope it is more of a restful night for you and yours.



Missou....you have got to get feeling better.Is your problem related to your time of month could it be fibroids or endometriosis?

Keep trying those pants will fit.


Well gotta run for now talk to you all later but the doggie has got to potty.

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Hello fellow loser buddies. I need some pumping up. I am now 5-1/2 weeks post surgery. I returned to work part time after 4 weeks. It was really too early but June ends our fiscal year and since I work in Finance I did not see an option. It would have been an uneventful June, however, except right after my surgery they laid off about 50 employees. That impacts my job greatly.


I am now struggling with working, going to PT, doing my home exercises and eating. I am not losing weight even though I am eating very little (my gut still hurts all the time as I am still on pain meds). I spend 2-2-1/2 hours a day doing exercises and I am eating probably under 1200 or 1000 calories a day. My weight loss to date has been good but is stalled right now. I just have no energy, must take a nap when I get home from work.


I know it is still early after major surgery (and I have had 2 major surgeries in the 11 months) but I am frustrated.


Thanks for everyone for listening. If you have any advise I would welcome it.



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It is almost time for me to go eat my dinner. I know, it is 8 pm, but my grand-father was french and the late dinners stuck in our family :D


They say the weather is going to be nice for the coming week. I have to go out for long walks. I lost the motivation to exercise... That is not good :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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rene: It took awhile of me working my butt off before i noticed the pounds coming off. It was so frustrating to be so good and yet not see results. Hang in there, they will come!


Matt: Sorry about your in-laws flooding. How frustrating. Glad everyone is safe and well.


Dominique: I hope your belly feels better.... And hooray for losing the 6!!


I suppose i shouldn't share that our weather has been sunny, warm, and in the mid 70's and expecting no changes through the next week or two.


I'm officially on vacation!!! :d



i'm so jealous....i know i just got back from vegas but i'm ready for another vacation:d

i'm going camping (well, really rving) this weekend and then again next weekend. In between, i'm just relaxing, spending time with my daughter who is now on summer break, and trying to get some chores done around the house. I will have no excuses to not spend at least an hour a day on the treadmill. My leg muscle is much better so i'm almost back up to the endurance and intensity level i was at before this silly thing started to bother me.



so happy to hear your doing so well and will be able to relax and enjoy your vacation.


i hope all is well with my fellow losers.






enjoy yourself

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Hello fellow loser buddies. I need some pumping up. I am now 5-1/2 weeks post surgery. I returned to work part time after 4 weeks. It was really too early but June ends our fiscal year and since I work in Finance I did not see an option. It would have been an uneventful June, however, except right after my surgery they laid off about 50 employees. That impacts my job greatly.


I am now struggling with working, going to PT, doing my home exercises and eating. I am not losing weight even though I am eating very little (my gut still hurts all the time as I am still on pain meds). I spend 2-2-1/2 hours a day doing exercises and I am eating probably under 1200 or 1000 calories a day. My weight loss to date has been good but is stalled right now. I just have no energy, must take a nap when I get home from work.


I know it is still early after major surgery (and I have had 2 major surgeries in the 11 months) but I am frustrated.


Thanks for everyone for listening. If you have any advise I would welcome it.






Marsha......my imput would be .....first off you did return to soon and that seems to have caused stress within your self and stress can prevent you from losing and healing

. Secondly you have to eat in order to lose.

You need protein to heal, and trying some crystalized ginger might help with your tummy problems from the pain meds. I know it helped me. Also drinking tea flavored with ginger helped.

Having 2 major surgeries in such a short time has got to be hard on you.

I hope you can find relief, feel free to vent anytime that helps, we are here to listen and help if we can.



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Today has been a hodge podge of sorts.

It started off good then went sour then back to good.:confused:

We have 2 patients that are in critical care and it saddens me everytime we lose one.

And they usually come in 3's.


I didn't feel like eating much for breakfast so I ate a slice of whole wheat toast and drank a cup of coffee(don't tell my urologist)

Lunch....consisted of chicken nuggets from Burger King because I forgot to bring my lunch that I had packed and left on the kitchen counter:mad:

I also indulged in an ice cream sandwich:eek:

Now I don't know what I'll eat for dinner since it is 8:15pm I had better plan on eating something and it better be healthy.


I did manage to get my water in.

No exercise today except for lots of walking

No stairs either

I did Smile lots today even through the sadness.



I was a bad girl today


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I just finished another 14 onces of water and out of curiousity I weighted myself again... I am now at 162.2!!!!!!! That means a .8 pounds increase on the scale!!!! Is drinking 64 ounces of water such a good thing??? I know that drinking water is good for you, but so much??? I always heard that we should drink at least 32 onces of water a day.


I was just did some reading on that. Still want read some stuff I downloaded. But a good amount of water to drink daily is 4 8ounces of water an day is just fine for the body, BUT if you are exercising or on a diet it fine to drink more. I'm planning on just drinking 4-5 8ounces an day unless I'm working out side or exercising where I'll need more water for that activity.


I think I need to check this thread more, its a fast moving one.. Need to keep up more offend... Between Twitter and Cruise Critic I have more work cut out for me....

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Originally Posted by riddle viewpost.gif

Hello fellow loser buddies. I need some pumping up. I am now 5-1/2 weeks post surgery. I returned to work part time after 4 weeks. It was really too early but June ends our fiscal year and since I work in Finance I did not see an option. It would have been an uneventful June, however, except right after my surgery they laid off about 50 employees. That impacts my job greatly.


I am now struggling with working, going to PT, doing my home exercises and eating. I am not losing weight even though I am eating very little (my gut still hurts all the time as I am still on pain meds). I spend 2-2-1/2 hours a day doing exercises and I am eating probably under 1200 or 1000 calories a day. My weight loss to date has been good but is stalled right now. I just have no energy, must take a nap when I get home from work.


I know it is still early after major surgery (and I have had 2 major surgeries in the 11 months) but I am frustrated.


Thanks for everyone for listening. If you have any advise I would welcome it.




Marsha, you really need to take care of yourself. I once had 2 major surgeries within 2 months. I was so exausted afterwards, I was having suicidal thoughs.


Your body is in survival mode and does not want to shed any pounds. It needs them to make you function. You need to start eating properly, stop exercising so much and have yourself a blood check. You may have animia, if you do, your energy and your motivation will soon leave you if they haven't already.


After closing the fiscal year and opening the new one, you should take at least a week of vacation.


Start eating, stop exercising and go have a blood check. Take care of yourself



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Good morning everyone


I am still thinking about you Marsha. Maybe you could start taking Tylenols for your pain, especially if your pain meds make it hard for you to eat. You will recuperate so much better once your body is no longer in survival mode.


This morning, I have an appointment in the hospital for an ear problem. It is nothing serious, don't worry about it. My major problem with this is driving into Montreal. I still have a lot of difficulty to rotate my head! I will leave early in the morning with hubby and take a bus to go home. I hate taking the bus. I know it is more ecological, but I still hate it!!! :mad:


Have a nice day everyone and be good to yourself!!!


I will go start drinking.

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Good morning everyone


I am still thinking about you Marsha. Maybe you could start taking Tylenols for your pain, especially if your pain meds make it hard for you to eat.


I was going to offer the same advice. A couple years ago when I had surgery once I switch to OTC pain meds it was much better and I could eat again.


This morning, I have an appointment in the hospital for an ear problem. It is nothing serious, don't worry about it. My major problem with this is driving into Montreal.


I hope you get some relief. Hang in there with the drive.


I still have a lot of difficulty to rotate my head! I will leave early in the morning with hubby and take a bus to go home. I hate taking the bus. I know it is more ecological, but I still hate it!!! :mad:


Have a nice day everyone and be good to yourself!!! You too.


I will go start drinking.



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I guess it is time for me to check into this board.


Good morning. I am bracing for the next round of storms coming in today. I have a rehearsal dinner tonight for my buddies wedding tomorrow. We are golfing in the AM before the wedding, should be a good time.


I have been good. Got my water in each day, smiled alot more than the 20, do my stairs, went to the gym yesterday (30 minutes elliptical and 30 on weights), didn't do my crunches (shame on me), and have been eating well.


Hope to see a loss this week.

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I have had my problem since my accident in 1987. I have difficulty understanding the sound I am earing with my left ear, especially when there is a lot noise around me. No doctors have ever been able to find what the problem is. A few months ago, I was told about one that maybe could help me. This morning, I went for a test. All I can get from all of this is a diagnostic and if I do, the government would give me an amount of money that would be sufficient enough for me to take a cruise. All these exam are free of charge since we have a governmental health plan in Quebec. All this trouble for a cruise is well worth it, don't you think?

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Rene, I'm going to make a suggestion that won't be popular! :eek:


Like me, you have a lot of weight to lose. Like me, you might be metabolically resistant.


For instance, years ago I went on Nutrisystem. You ate all these prepared and portioned foods, plus added skim milk and wheatgerm to balance it. (I think this was before you added your own veggies) I did it perfectly...and didn't lose an ounce. They were certain I was cheating. :rolleyes: I finally started losing weight by...skipping the milk and wheatgerm!!!! Yes, Nutrisystem was too many calories for me! I've followed extremely sensible eating plans on my own and lost nada. I did two weeks of Pritikin...nothing...Scarsdale in its heyday...too much food, no weight loss. Honestly, I usually gain weight through poor eating habits like stress eating. But then my body won't give it up.


Atkins is the only plan that works for me. As an added advantage, you can forget the scale. If the sticks are pink/purple, you're losing. You get that wonderful immediate knowledge and eventually the scale/measurements prove it. Most people get immediate results. I find it sneaks up on me now and then, and I just lose a chunk when I'm not expecting it.


Many people think it's unhealthy...I disagree. I never feel better. I get a little "wabbed" the first week, but my mind gets clearer and it controls my chronic heartburn/reflux. You never get that gaunt-faced look, either. The book outlines the health benefits very clearly. The only time it's unhealthy is if you do it wrong. You have to eat your vegetables and you have to eat your fats. The whole world is suddenly admitting that the biggest threat to our health is processed foods, chemical additives, white flour and sugar. Atkins gets rid of those the first day. (Okay, I still drink coffee and have a little Splenda now and then...nobody is perfect!)


When you start reintroducing carbs (which you can do as soon as three weeks in, the level depends on your metabolic rate) you introduce more veggies, fruits. legumes and whole grains. Eventually you are eating a diet that closely mimics the indigenous diet of those pockets of incredibly healthy centennarians. (Particularly if you include fermented foods like miso or real yogurt, not that gelatin-laced, artificially-sweetened crap they pretend is healthy)


Basically, people are afraid of Atkins because it goes against the acknowledged norms. Those same norms, however, told us for years and years to eat margarine instead of butter and recently said "Whoops! We were wrong. Eat butter instead of margarine." Cornflakes were invented as a health food, but Dr. Atkins points out in his book that a spike in heart disease happened exactly 20 years after the development of two things: our processed grain cornflakes, and our processed sugar coca-cola. (I could be wrong about the 20 years...I don't have the book here at work)


But if you are concerned, Dr. Atkins (can I point out he was a cardiologist who developed the diet to help people with their cholesterol?) wrote that there is nothing wrong with taking a break as long as you go on another weight loss plan. So...you could do three weeks on Atkins, then three weeks on low-fat and keep switching. At least it will shake things up! And if you chose this route, during the Atkin's phase, you will at least know without a shadow of a doubt that you are losing weight. Even if the scale doesn't tell you, the sticks will!

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missou, All these exam are free of charge since we have a governmental health plan in Quebec


Does your government health care cover Alternative medicine? That's what my husband and I do. As you probably know the US is looking in to 1 payer system, but I'm afraid alternative health care will be left out. My husband and I don't trust the standard health care anymore...We have improve our health by doing alternative stuff.


Milaandra, Rene, I'm going to make a suggestion that won't be popular! :eek:


LOL well my husband and I "try" to eat that way all the time.. Plus there are studies out there that say sugar and carbs have link to cancer. A group we belong to called Advance Scientific Health supports eating very little carbs if any. Although, We are not as good as we should be on that.. :rolleyes: We eat all organic.. At least at home. It cuts out all the porcessed food and hormones they give the cows.....


I can see a difference in us from when we didn't get organic to now. I was looking at some pictures of us on a few of your trips. We looked bloated and red faced and we had been on diets before out trips.. We looked a 100% better after eating organic foods... But then again my husband and I don't go with the standard FDA line....

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I had such a wonderful meal for lunch. It consisted of sauted onions and red pepper placed in a pan. Above that mixture was a serving of baby spinach leaf with some baby tomatoes and some grilled chicken. For seasonning, there was some kind of white salad sauce, I think it was cesar salad dressing. To finish up the preparation, the pan was placed in the oven and heated up just a little.


This was such an exquisite salad. It was not to hot, nor to cold, it was just perfect!! :)


A nice serving of berries would have finished up the meal so nicely :o


DH had a chicken breast and after tasting my meal, he regreted his choice. He is not used to chosing a salad when we go to the rotisserie. Next time...

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Does your government health care cover Alternative medicine? That's what my husband and I do. As you probably know the US is looking in to 1 payer system, but I'm afraid alternative health care will be left out. My husband and I don't trust the standard health care anymore...We have improve our health by doing alternative stuff.


Alternative medecine is not covered by the government health plan, nor is dental care for that mather :rolleyes: We have to have our own health plan or pay for it ourself.


I hope you still see a doctor at least one a year. Alternative medecine has its limits. I knew someone who didn't want to see a doctor, she did not trust them and she was only going by alternative medecine. At one point, she had a pain and she tried to get rid of it through alternative medicine. After a few years, when she could not deal with the pain any more, she went to see a doctor, but it was to late. She died of a very treatable cancer that was detected to late.


My doctor is annoyed by the fact that I have had anemia many times in my life. It could be caused by poor eating habits, I had those and still have to work on myself to make sure I eat properly. It could also be caused by a bleeding in my digestive system or by a gynecal problem.


I do beleive in alternative medecine but I also need a good doctor by my side, especially after all I have gone through.

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Alternative medecine is not covered by the government health plan, nor is dental care for that mather :rolleyes: We have to have our own health plan or pay for it ourself.


I hope you still see a doctor at least one a year. Alternative medecine has its limits. I knew someone who didn't want to see a doctor, she did not trust them and she was only going by alternative medecine. At one point, she had a pain and she tried to get rid of it through alternative medicine. After a few years, when she could not deal with the pain any more, she went to see a doctor, but it was to late. She died of a very treatable cancer that was detected to late.


My doctor is annoyed by the fact that I have had anemia many times in my life. It could be caused by poor eating habits, I had those and still have to work on myself to make sure I eat properly. It could also be caused by a bleeding in my digestive system or by a gynecal problem.


I do believe in alternative medicine but I also need a good doctor by my side, especially after all I have gone through.


Well I think standard medicine also has it limits. We don't see a doctor every year but do have one. We had a Major check a few years back even had to keep our pee for 24 hrs :eek:. So a lab could look at it..


The problem with your friend and many. Is they are not Dr.'s and they try to take care of it them selves with out the help of one. But its not alternative medicine that is the problem. I think there are some things standard and alternative medicine can do. Both should be cover. I don't think people like you friend and even my mother will help. My mother never went to the Dr.s unless she had too. If you are "afraid" to see a Dr. and try to do it them selves. Then that doesn't work.


The thing I have about standard medicine they try to fix the problem with out finding the cause...


Anyways, just was wondering on your health care system. We only pay for insurance for "major" accidents anyways....:rolleyes: Don't know what or how our insurance will work out if you go a 1 payer system.. Only time will tell.


Well hope your weight lose is going well...

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I agree that both alternative and traditionnal mededine have their limits and if used wisely, they can help you acheive a lot. You have to use them wisely.


Our medical system covers most medical procedures, even a visit to the er for a simple headache. But there are things that are not covered such as a basic dental exam. Slowly but surely, we are gaining some rights such as seeing a GP in a private practice where you have to pay. I took advantage of this last August and it totaly changed the way I am seeing our medical health plan. If your government inplants a free health system, I hope you will still have the right to go see a doctor in a private practice.

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Yea I really don't know what the plans are. The way we pay for ours now, is we pay for "major" accidents and I guess it would cover other things over our $9,000 dedable (sp?). All our dental and check ups we handle out of packet. Which reminds me a need to get my teeth cleaned before our cruise... :(


We work for our selves so we don't have a "company" paying for it.

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My husband had a family medical plan with his work that would cover a lot of things that the government does not and it would cost us a lot more than if we had paid for the things we need ourself. You have to choose wisely...

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This is a very nice Sunday. It is sunny outside, my daughters are not going to be home tonight and I am planning a very nice dinner for me and DH. Some onion soup, some beef tenderloin and a nice tomato and avocado salad. For dessert, we will have some fresh stawberries... HMMM!!


I took the Ab King Pro out last week end and didn't use it until today because of my neck. It is perfect to do different kinds of crunchs in different stages of difficulty. I placed it so I could work on it without overdoing it. I did ten repititions of three different kinds of crunchs and I feel it in my abs. I will try to work on it in different kinds of ways. I hope to see some results before the end of the summer. 3 months of intensive work on my abs should be beneficial... At least, I hope so!!


For those who don't know what an Ab King Pro is, here is a picture... It may look easy but if you bring the back pad to its lowest level, your head will be lower than your lower back. I am definitly not there yet. Since it is recomemded to keep your head on the back pad while doing your exercises, the neck muscles are not working too much, this is great for me.



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