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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I think I should be the naughty one :eek::cool:


That's what I was thinking! :D



I did my morning work out, ate some oatmeal and yogurt, booked an excursion for Cozumel, and now I'm ready to do some serious relaxing.


Have a great Saturday!


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That's what I was thinking! :D




I wonder why....... 4166.gif :p


I did my workout, I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill and I will stop for now.


I will not do the Ab King Pro, my belly was in pain during my workout and I am waiting to do my stairs because of my knee... My workout was a little hard on the knee. I should be able to do it later this afternoon.


Hubby said he will finally give me a massage tonignt... I'll beleive it when it is done ;)


For now, I will go do a nice cucumber, tomato, cheese and lettuce sandwich with a nice big glass of water. Hmmmm... This will be good for the stomach eat100.gif


Have a nice afternoon everyone 11_7_102.gif

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Sorry i have been MIA for the past few days. I have been busy catching up at work and yesterday I was helping with some testing for a project that is sending 3 of our offices guys out to CA for the week. We have to get it done for our demo, so there were a lot working on it.


Boss, aka Father-in-Law, got the office pizza yesterday so that was my lunch. Then I got to leave at 2 to make a delivery, so i got to drive for 2 hours and get paid to drive and get mileage. Working for the Government has its good points i guess.


Now today, we are writing more thank you notes and getting ready for my cousins wedding. I plan to get the review done on Monday for the Review section and post it. But the picture review will be coming. I guess i will have to do it piece by piece.

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It happened!!! I got my massage!!! I feel sooo good!!!


We talk about it and from now on, hubby will do a little work on my neck, my lower back and my knee every evening so I feel good the next morning. In all, this little work will take some 15 minutes only. That way, my exercise routine, my treadmill and my stairs will be done.


Watch out everyone, Smily Monster is back in business!!! shrek-smiley.gif

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Matt: Glad you are around - can't wait for your review(s). No pressure. :rolleyes:


Missou: Ahhhhh... the massage happened. Nice!


The day is not over but I'm doing well enough with my eating and have logged enough treadmill time to say that I'm 4 for 4!!! :D My biggest success story for the day was going to a bakery to order a cake for an occassion next week and not walking out with a little pink box of cookies or cupcakes! You don't know how bad I just wanted a sample of something.

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Tonight we had some corn on the cob with butter and salt... I had some... 3 small ones... They won't be around for long right?


After, my daughter's boyfriend went to get a Ferrero Rocher cake and I didn't take any... I don't like it... Instead, I took some frozen yogourt with fat-free caramel topping. Tonight was not the best night ever for me vio019.gif


I'll do better tomorrow, I promise ang02.gif

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Good morning Winning-Losers! It is a beautiful sunny morning and I was awaken by a lawnmower before 8am :mad::mad:


Yesterday, I forgot to do my stretching after my exercises and this morning, I am a little sore :mad: I will do my exercises but I will not forget to do my stretching after. I want to feel good tomorrow!! I have a new exercise to do in my routine to help strengthen my inner thighs even more. Next summer I'll be ready to do a walking half marathon thumbsup.gif The only thing that could stop me is my belly... I really hope that it will be taken care off before that, but with our health system, you never know :rolleyes:


Keep on smiling, life is beautiful!!! ftes132.gif

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Best of luck on your junk... I mean your good stuff sale


Las Vegas is a very good idea for me too. If we could find a nice hotel that is not so expensive, it would be very nice :D



They run specials all the time so that would be no problem, the only problem in Las Vegas for me are the BUFFETS.:eek:


I hear ya!! I actually did a walk around the bay with my hubby this evening. It was about a 45 min hike with some hills so I figure it was probably better than 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm counting it regardless! :p


Score: 4 for 4



Awesome 4 for 4, told you you could do it. A nice walk around a bay with hubby sounds wonderful:)

So today is 5 for 5 right:D

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It happened!!! I got my massage!!! I feel sooo good!!!



I'm so jealous , but happy for you:)


We talk about it and from now on, hubby will do a little work on my neck, my lower back and my knee every evening so I feel good the next morning. In all, this little work will take some 15 minutes only. That way, my exercise routine, my treadmill and my stairs will be done.


Watch out everyone, Smily Monster is back in business!!! shrek-smiley.gif



We will take you in any form you decide to show up.


Sorry i have been MIA for the past few days. I have been busy catching up at work and yesterday I was helping with some testing for a project that is sending 3 of our offices guys out to CA for the week. We have to get it done for our demo, so there were a lot working on it.


Boss, aka Father-in-Law, got the office pizza yesterday so that was my lunch. Then I got to leave at 2 to make a delivery, so i got to drive for 2 hours and get paid to drive and get mileage. Working for the Government has its good points i guess.


Now today, we are writing more thank you notes and getting ready for my cousins wedding. I plan to get the review done on Monday for the Review section and post it. But the picture review will be coming. I guess i will have to do it piece by piece.



Matt...I feel for you


I know how much goes into thanking everyone after the wedding and getting the home front settled.

We are just glad your DW shares you with us.:D

We would love to have Mr and Mrs. Matt join us in Vegas for our greet and meet. So she can meet the other ladies in your life.:)

5 out of 5 Yeah!!!


I wonder how Vickey is doing with her garage sale. Hope she makes tons of cruise money!



We only had it yesterday as it was raining again this morning but we did GREAT it is amazing what junk (I mean quality) items people will buy. I sold alot of my FAT clothes. I made $440 enough to almost pay 1/2 of my portion of the cruise.

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Isn't it great to get rid of your fat clothes 4167.gif


I think our Vickey is going to have a nice time on her cruise, thanks to her junk... I mean her wonderful items she was so sad to see go :D:D:D


We have to think about a good time for everyone to take a vacation to Las Vegas... Then again, our meeting could be held on a week end. It would be easier for hubby.

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We have enough left to try and have one more maybe in two weeks. They take alot of work and worn me out. Grand total the three of us made a total of $980.


My eating wasn't the best as we were so busy that I only had time to have a banana and a hand full of almonds for breakfast just so I could take my meds and had no time to eat lunch so grabbed a cucumber and munched on it so after the sale I was starved and of course everyone wanted PIZZA:eek: nromaly I don't care for pizza but they ordered a Philly Steak one and that is my FAV so I ate some and then had a dish of frozen yogert and not the real healthy kind that I usually eat(I freeze the low fat 80 calorie containers and eat that).


I am going to start back on my Y work out program. But will start off slow and do only 60 minutes on the treadmill and what ever weights I can muster without killing myself.

I might even start doing at least one set of stairs at work:rolleyes: Just for missou and Matt.



emmysmommy and missou.....which one can I be...naughty-----nice??? or maybe I'll be naghnice.( a new webster word).


Our cruise finale pym't is due Wednesday so it is getting to the feel real.


My youngest son's b-day is Monday and it is so sad when they get older....where did my babies go...he will be 26:eek: but of course I don't get older I'm still only 29:D after all I had them when I was a baby myself......REALLY would I lie to you all.


Riddle .....is on her way to cruising right at this moment and I do hope she is has the time of her life.

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Hey missou we are on at the same time:)


If no one else wants to meet up we can always let you know we

DH and I go and you could drive down and meet us as I know it isn't that far from you(right) and we sometimes get great special prices for friends at Excalibur or Luxor.




But of course I might take the discount in trade with a massage from your DH. I don't care for the regular massages but benefited from a myo-facial massage I used to get for my fibromaylgia , but it seems as if not to many physical therapists here locally know how to do them.:mad:


Hope you are feeling better today.

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If something can be arranged and Hubby gives you a massage, I am sure you are gonna come in Quebec sometimes. He does the Myofascial Release technique and the Myoskeletal Alignment technique. Those are 2 specialties in Deep Tissue Massage.


If we are going to be the only ones at the Meet and Greet, maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle like Toronto or Niagara Falls. It would be much easier and less expensive for everyone, especially if we take the car.

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Actually I was thinking in terms of you walking to Las Vegas for the exercise:D

Hey NO STAIRS shouldn't take you that long.:D

We fly because it takes us 3 -4 days driving time. We did love Niagra Falls saw it for the first time 2 years ago and would love to see it again sometime. This is something we will have to definetly think about when you and I get ourselves healthy without any surgeries to think and worry over. it might be 6 months to a year from now but we will meet.:)


Well I got to get my hinny up from this couch and do laundry and some housework:eek:

This does count as exercise don't it.

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Actually I was thinking in terms of you walking to Las Vegas for the exercise:D Good idea!!!! :p

Hey NO STAIRS shouldn't take you that long.:D

We fly because it takes us 3 -4 days driving time. We did love Niagra Falls saw it for the first time 2 years ago and would love to see it again sometime. This is something we will have to definetly think about when you and I get ourselves healthy without any surgeries to think and worry over. it might be 6 months to a year from now but we will meet.:)


It would be fine with me


Well I got to get my hinny up from this couch and do laundry and some housework

This does count as exercise don't it.


If you end up sweating a lot, it sure does, but you will have some walking to do also :p


I am trying to do my exercises, but my body is not into it... I always stop and go on the computer. I need some help from Sarg guerre114.gif

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Wow I lot has gone on in the lasted few days.. I have been working on redoing my web site for my photo business... But plan on taking a break from that to get some walking in..


I have been eating pretty well, I'm trying to cut back on my portions. Hopefully its working. I will see tomorrow... :rolleyes:


Hope everyone does well tomorrow.

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Missou....me thinks SARGE is putting us second now that he is married:confused:

Shame on him

My exercise today is consisting of jumping up off the couch and putting a load of laundry in and jumping up again and getting them out ,folding and posting my fingers are at least getting a workout:D

I am at least eating healthy snacks while sitting, frozen grapes....love them.

Just don't have the energy to do much of anything else besides DH is off and he and my sons are not letting me over do they worry so much about me. Until we get test results back saying it is definetly isn't cancer again they are on edge. So I amuse them as best as I can even if it means being lazy for a day (at least when they are looking) they have yet to figure out how all the things around the house mysteriously gets done:confused::rolleyes:

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Wow I lot has gone on in the lasted few days.. I have been working on redoing my web site for my photo business... But plan on taking a break from that to get some walking in..


I have been eating pretty well, I'm trying to cut back on my portions. Hopefully its working. I will see tomorrow... :rolleyes:


Hope everyone does well tomorrow.



HELLO.....tomorrow is going to be a good day for all of us.:)

But probably alot better for you since you aren't sitting on your hinney like me, today but out walking.:o

Good luck on your web site.

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Vickey: Wow! That was a very successful garage sale. At least it is a great payoff for the work that is involved.


I wanna go to Vegas for a meet and greet!! That would be so awesome. I understand that it is really far for most people here. I've never been to Niagra.... hmmmmm.....it could be anywhere and I'd love to meet you guys one day. :) I like the idea of Mrs. Matt meeting the other ladies in her hubby's life.


Missou: Good work with all of your effort. Sure hope the belly give you a break. I completely understand when the body does not cooperate. Of course, I also understand when it is the mind that is not really into exercising either. :rolleyes:


Waiting for Matt's review.... patiently.... really!


Marsha: Enjoy your cruise and come back and let us know how fabulous it was.


Kudos: Keep up the good work and I hope you enjoyed your walk. If I remember right, you are also going on the Valor soon??


Take care everyone,




Oh, I suppose I can count today as successful - I did my work outs and my net calories are under 500 but I haven't had dinner yet. If I don't blow it on a Big Mac, large fries, and apple pie I should do fine for the day. (I'm not in danger of driving through a McDonalds so I should be fine.)


So.... I'm 6 for 6! :D

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Missou: I really am envious that you are going to Bermuda. I was there in October 1985 and have been wanting to return to see more of the island. I took a cruise on the SS Bermuda Star. We left out of New York and docked in St. George's for two days and then moved over to Hamilton for a day before returning to New York. When I was in St. George's, we saw the "Beating of the Retreat" in the town square. I made the mistake of not taking my Boarding Pass and had to answer many questions before they would let me back on the ship. I thanked the person (who was very nice) for making me feel safe that they screen anyone getting on the ship. I went to Tobacco Bay (beach) by bus.


Hope you have a great time. One gift I always buy myself is a calendar from at least one island I visit. They have great pictures.

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