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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Hope you have a great time. One gift I always buy myself is a calendar from at least one island I visit. They have great pictures.


What a great idea. I did it in Niagara Falls, but never repeated it. I sure will from now on. Thanks Norwaylin


Today was not the greatest of all in terms of eating and exercising, but I did do half of my workout. Allthough I am not satisfied with myself, I can make it a 2 out of 2... I think...


Hope I feel better tomorrow :(:confused:


Sleep thight and don't let the bed bugs bite you dormir039.gif

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Hello everyone!!! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to start a new week. Here, it is sunny and not to hot outside, great weather for a nice walk. smiley%20sun.jpg


My daughter needs to go to her new place in Ottawa today. I might go with her and take a walk around the town. I hear Ottawa has very nice parks and places to see.


My weight this morning is 162.8 :mad: I will try again to lose the 6 for next week... Wish me luck. I would like to have lost 5 or 6 pounds for my cruise in 20 days, but I don't think it is possible, especially with red week coming in next week.


Hubby is leaving for work in the next hour and I will start my workout right after. I am still sore from last saturday even though I did a lot of stretching yesterday :mad: I will do more today and tonight, hubby will rub my legs again. Hope I feel better tomorrow.


Take cae of yourself and have a great day!!! 11225.gif

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Good morning all. Weigh in for me is 201. lost one of those pounds, but need another 7 to get back to what i was before the cruise. This is my week. really going to cut back on my intake.


I am also going to try to work on that review. The problem is that I have been super busy at work and this weekend was a wedding and a work picnic for a former work company. (2nd annual, basically get together and b.s. about what has been going on in our lives since everyone was fired or quit from the store (Eckerd/Rite Aid)).


And a meet up would be nice. We have been talking about going to Vegas for some time and would like to do that before we start having kids. So Vegas is good, but I know that Niagara is very close to us (4 hour drive). and they have this awesome restaurant on the Canadian side (Skylon Tower's revolving restaurant).

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I finished my workout, all that is left is the treadmill, the Ab King Pro and the stairs. I will do them soon 541.gif I feel good today. This afternoon, I will do my laundry and the cleanup in my house 541.gif


I am now at 3 out of 3 danse004.gif I may not be finished, but my workout did last an hour and I practicly did it non-stop. I am really proud of myself today. What I am doing is good for my body and good for my heart heart002.gif



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I wanted to let everyone know that I submitted my review of the ship and once i get the confirmation that it is posted, I will let you all know and give the link.


I am also in the planning out of the Picture review on the Carnival board. So once I do that, i will let you know as well.

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And a meet up would be nice. We have been talking about going to Vegas for some time and would like to do that before we start having kids. So Vegas is good, but I know that Niagara is very close to us (4 hour drive). and they have this awesome restaurant on the Canadian side (Skylon Tower's revolving restaurant).


I don't know how the American side of the falls is, but the Canadian one is very nice. I once went up the skylon tower to the observation deck and the view is amazing http://www.skylon.com/



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I don't know how the American side of the falls is, but the Canadian one is very nice. I once went up the skylon tower to the observation deck and the view is amazing http://www.skylon.com/




American side is ok. Good for looking at the falls, but the Canadian side is by far the better side. The Skylon tower is awesome. We had a seat at a table by the window and it makes one revolution every hour. We were able to see the falls before the sun set and then got to see them lit up a little.


We loved the dining room there, as the food was great and the dessert even better.

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Just now getting a break....full patient load.

I made it to the Y and did 80 minutes on treadmill but no strength training workout. Did 32 stairs at work......I'm beat.


My weight today was 219.6lbs at least I haven't gained being on the steriods:)


Gotta run I want to get done here and head home it is my youngest sons b-day today and we have a little celebration planned.


See you all later and will post weights for the week tomorrow so everyone have them up:D



Vegas here we all come.:D:) And remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

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I am so happy, I went on the Ab King Pro this afternoon and my belly was ok with it. I almost finished all of the cleaning. All that is left is the kitchen which I will do tonight, the dusting and the vacuming which I will do tomorrow, I don't want to over do it. Now I am getting ready to do my stair routine and later, I will go out for a walk. I am back in control of my body and it feels sooo good ;):)


Vickey, don't you want to visit Niagara Falls and the Skylon Tower? ;)

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Well my weight is 130 not changed from last week. But the good thing is I didn't go up considering we had pizza last night :eek: and some beer.. Well the last of the pizza is gone.. But I do feel thinner and I was able to get in to a pair of white jeans I have. They are still a bit tight, but if a stuck in they look good LOL. :D


Still working to get down a few pounds or inches before my cruise.

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vdarrell HELLO.....tomorrow is going to be a good day for all of us.:) But probably alot better for you since you aren't sitting on your hinney like me, today but out walking.:o Good luck on your web site.


Thank you the website is coming along.


emmysmommy Kudos: Keep up the good work and I hope you enjoyed your walk. If I remember right, you are also going on the Valor soon??


Yes we are going Sept. 6th.. Can't wait.

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I am now at 3 out of 3 danse004.gif I may not be finished, but my workout did last an hour and I practicly did it non-stop. I am really proud of myself today. What I am doing is good for my body and good for my heart heart002.gif




Hooray!!! Great job!!! :D



The nice one

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I wanted to let everyone know that I submitted my review of the ship and once i get the confirmation that it is posted, I will let you all know and give the link.


I am also in the planning out of the Picture review on the Carnival board. So once I do that, i will let you know as well.


Thanks for doing this Matt.... I'm SOOO looking forward to reading your review(s).


I hope your week slows down and give you some room to breathe. :p


I'm still reading through all the posts but .... Vegas or Niagra... whatever I think that is a great plan! I would seriously love to meet everyone. We could even do a group cruise and pig out at the buffets so that we could get back together again to lose before we cruise again! :eek:



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Just now getting a break....full patient load.

I made it to the Y and did 80 minutes on treadmill but no strength training workout. Did 32 stairs at work......I'm beat.


My weight today was 219.6lbs at least I haven't gained being on the steriods:)


Gotta run I want to get done here and head home it is my youngest sons b-day today and we have a little celebration planned.


See you all later and will post weights for the week tomorrow so everyone have them up:D



Vegas here we all come.:D:) And remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Hi Vickey! Happy b-day to your son. Enjoy your celebration. (I'm with you on the age thing... not sure how I can have a 26 year old too since I'm only 29! :cool:)


My weight today: 117.5 (another loss) yipppppeeee!!! This personal challenge is really keeping me on track and I'm feeling good 7 days into it. Of course my tune could change tomorrow but for today... I'll hang in there.


Take care,



Oh.. and about Vegas... yeah..... my alter persona loves Vegas so definitely things may have to stay in Vegas.

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Just a quick check in,,,,


Matt I am looking forward to your review!!


vdarrell glad you did not gain, I know how those steriods can reep havoc on your body!


missou glad you are feeling better!


To everyone else, HI!!! And keep up the good work. I know everyone is trying thier best to lose those lbs!!


I have a weight of 262 to recod today. I think I might be back on track. I had a few back weeks, I did not actually gt back to the gym until tonight. I did my spinning class and feel great!!!

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I would seriously love to meet everyone. We could even do a group cruise and pig out at the buffets so that we could get back together again to lose before we cruise again! :eek:




A group cruise is a great idea!!!


By the way Vicky, I spoke to hubby about your massage and he has a few website for you where you could find a good massage therapist in your area.





Yesterday, when I got ready to do the stairs, I noticed a little something wrong that I wanted to arrange before. So I went downstairs and I noticed several things that needed to be cleaned up. I started to clean them up with the intention of doing my stairs after. Well, when after came, I totally forgot about the stairs :eek: On top of everything, I didn't go on the treadmill :mad::mad:


Well, today is a new day, I don't fell as enthousiastic as yesterday, but I will do my workout, the treadmill and the Ab King Pro. I have to!!!!!! Actually, I should put a lot more energy into the treadmill then I do. It will help me losse weight more then the workout.

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SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207 ....207 lbs

CW.....180 lbs

Total weight loss......24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs



neck....15.5.....15....15 inches

arms.....14....13....13 inches

chest....42.5....42....41 inches

waist.....41....40....39 inches

hips....47.....45.....45 inches

thighs....27.....25....25 inches

calves.....16.5.....16...15 inches

Total inches lost....10.5 inch




SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6 lbs...219.6

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss.....1 lb gain

Total......16.4 lbs

To Goal....49.6 lbs



Arms.....14 1/4.....14 1/4....13 inches

Bust.......45.....44...44 inches

Waist.....44.....43 1/4....43 inches

Abd....49.....49....48 inches

Hips...51....50...50 inches

Thighs....26 1/2.....26...25 1/2 inches

Calves.....15 1/2....15.....15 inches

Total inches lost......6 3/4 inches



SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1 lbs...117.5 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight lost....3.6 lbs

Total....30.5 lbs

To Goal... 2.5 lbs



Neck.....14....13.5.....14 inches

Arms.....13....12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39 ....38.5...38.5 inches

Waist.....34....35....32.5 inches

Hips.....40 ....40....39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5...20.5 inches

Calves.....15....15...14.5 inches

Total inches lost...5.5 inches



SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196..196.6..196.....194.8... 195 lbs...201 lbs

CW....180 lbs

weight loss... 6 lb gain due to cruise:)

Total....19 lbs

To Goal....21 lbs



Neck....16 1/2.....15 1/2 inches

Arms....15......14 inches

Chest......38.....38 inches

Waist.....36...36 inches

Thighs....22....24 inches


Total inches lost.....


Kudos 2 fly

SW...135.7 lbs

TW....135.7 ...134.5....133.1...132.4 ....132.2...130 lbs

CW....120 lbs

weight loss...... 2.2 lbs

Total....5.7 lbs

To Goal...10 lbs



Waist.....30 inches... 29" Lost 1"!!!! yay!

Stomach....34 inches ... 33" Lost 1"!!!!



SW....205 lbs

TW.....185 lbs....177...175.4 lbs...??


Weekly weight loss...1.6 lbs

To Goal..... lbs



Bust ....45.5 inches

Arms....13.5 inches

Under bust...36 inches

Hips/Belly.....45 inches

Thighs....24 inches

Calves...15.5 inches



SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight loss....1.4 lb gain

Total...2.2 lbs

To Goal....27.8 lbs



Neck......14 ....13.5....14 inches

Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39...38.5...38.5 inches

Waist....34.....35...32.5 inches

Hips.....40....40...39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5....20.5 inches

Calves...15.....15....14.5 inches

Total inches lost.....5.5 inches



SW....276 lbs

TW.....272 lbs.....270.5....268 ... 264 lbs....262 lbs

CW.....165 lbs

Total weight loss...2 lb loss

To Goal.....14 lbs




Arms....17 inches

Bust....45 inches

Under bust....39 inches

Waist...44.5 inches

Hips....58 inches

Thighs....32 inches

Calves....16.5 inches







please feel free to add your weights so we can post them.


Also we will posts any measurements you want to submit either this week or next Monday


Great job everyone for making it through another week with the greatest losers ever.

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Please feel free to correct me if I didn't post weights correctly, I tried to update it accordingly.


Well today has been a very nasty day here in Ohio Thunderstorms all day and night.


Did not have a great day:( again have been sick to tummy so haven't eaten as planned. Did not make it to the Y but did manage to get a few stairs and some walking in.


Congrats to all the did well this week and for those who struggled hang in there we will get there.:)



My DH loves the idea of going to Vegas for any reason and is so excited that we are thinking about making it a reunion trip. As for Niagra Falls he is not so thrilled he loved it when we went but hey it's not VEGAS.



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Loved your review....but would love to have seen pictures:D


You promised a report on your honeymoom is that just for our viewing :D


I am glad you and mrs matt had a nice time. It will be great meeting her in VEGAS



I was thinking does any one have any problem with March 17 2010 week for Vegas it is usually a reasonable time to go and when could just go for the week end Fri-Sat-Sun. Been to Vegas many times so I could check this all out.

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Loved your review....but would love to have seen pictures:D


You promised a report on your honeymoom is that just for our viewing :D


I am glad you and mrs matt had a nice time. It will be great meeting her in VEGAS



I was thinking does any one have any problem with March 17 2010 week for Vegas it is usually a reasonable time to go and when could just go for the week end Fri-Sat-Sun. Been to Vegas many times so I could check this all out.


Vickey: I hear ya about wanting pictures... come on Matt... we want photos!! :D


The dates in March for Vegas look good to me... I'm flexible with my schedule so most times are good. You are right that this would be a very pleasant time in Vegas as far as weather... not 110 like it's been recently.


Now I'm gonna want to check out hotels.... I'll wait for others to weigh in.



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